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<正>综述过去30年来,中国经济的飞速发展使得数以亿计的人们摆脱了贫困,在世界发展史上写下了前所未有的一页,也为全球经济发展创造了巨大的动力。然而,伴随着经济上的成功,中国也付出了巨大的代价,出现了环境恶化、能源安全问题、资源过度消耗等影响社会可持  相似文献   

能源效率、能源多样化和实现可持续发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
讨论了煤炭消费带来的严重污染及其代价,分析了在全球化条件下以 政策与环境政策之间的关联,强调了要综合考虑环境保护,气候变化与能源安全,关联的问题要关联解决,最后提出了3条建议。  相似文献   

云南环境问题与能源配置   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
云南的多种环境问题与能源配置有关,如以燃煤为主的一次能源结构导到煤烟型污染,以烧柴为主的农村能源结构使生态环境恶化难以逆转等,应建立合理能源结构,发展多种农村能源,采用洁净煤技术,努力节能降耗,促进云南的可持续发展。  相似文献   

曹凤中 《环境科技》2002,15(2):11-12
1 前 言  能源是国家经济安全的基本支撑。能源安全不仅包括能源供应的安全 ,如石油、天然气和电力 ,也包括对由于能源生产与使用所造成环境污染的治理。作为世界上最大的发展中国家 ,中国是一个能源生产和消费大国 ,能源生产量仅次于美国和俄罗斯 ,居世界第三位 ;基本能源  相似文献   

防止气候变化的能源效率战略的实施机制和借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过分析1992年《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其1997年《京都议定书》对国家能源利用的基本规范和目标要求,提出提高防止气候变化的基本战略,市场机制是国家实现能源效率战略的基本途径,并总结了发达国家在提高能源效率方面值得我国借鉴的措施和经验。  相似文献   

简要回顾了企业环境管理信息化历史,分析了其现状与发展趋势,提出实施环境管理信息化及EMIS系统建设工程,是企业可持续发展战略的必然选择,并讨论了企业建设EMIS系统应该注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

近几十年以来全球正在经历以全球变暖为突出标志的气候变化。《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》的签订是全球气候变化的里程碑。全球温室气体规制形成及其后续谈判的过程可以看出,全球气候变化问题的日益突出导致了全球温室气体国际规制的逐步趋严。随着温室气体国际规制的趋严,温室气体的排放权不再是一项免费的公共资源。这已经成为具有全球共识的大趋势,也是全球经济发展中的一个重大新变量,将对全球各国自身的温室气体规制和经济发展产生深远的影响。2015年是全球气候变化谈判的关键一年,各方为取得谈判成功正在加大协调和准备的努力。  相似文献   

环境政策是用来规范和约束人类行为对自然生态环境的影响,其完善程度对我国生态文明建设有重要作用。环境正义是社会公正的一部分,并逐渐成为影响各国政府环境政策制定的重要因素。现有环境政策研究在税费、污染物交易市场等经济相关领域成果丰富,而在政策执行和涉及到生态文明建设的环境正义方面有待进一步深入。  相似文献   

环境保护 近年来,中国政府在减少环境危害和促进可持续发展方面做出了巨大的努力。2006年开始的“十一五”规划中强调了加强能源资源节约和环境保护、增强可持续发展能力的重要性。重点发展循环经济的政策及其他宣传环境目标的计划,逐渐作为其职责的主要方面,被各级政府官员所接受。  相似文献   

徐华清 《环境保护》2007,(6A):47-49
气候变化是当今国际社会高度关注的全球性问题,也是能源领域的热点问题之一。全球气候变化主要是由于人类大量燃烧化石燃料所排放的二氧化碳等温室气体引起的。随着科学界对二氧化碳等温室气体排放与气候变化之间相互关系认识的深入,要求国际社会采取对策,努力限制或减少二氧化碳等温室气体排放的呼声也越来越高,气候变化问题已日益成为影响各国制定国家能源战略的重要因素。[编者按]  相似文献   

能源挑战我们知道,为了避免气候变化带来最恶劣的影响,人类必须在2050年以前实现全球二氧化碳排放量减半.然而,应对气候变化的措施必须同时兼顾人口增长、经济发展和能源需求迅猛增长等因素.从2000年到2050年,随着全球人口从70亿增长到90亿,加上非经合组织国家的经济持续高速发展,全球能源需求可能会翻一番.我们面临着前所未有的能源和气候变化挑战.即使全球采取强有力的措施来提高能效,我们预计到2050年以前,全球还是会出现一个巨大的能源缺口,其规模大概相当于2000年全球能源行业的总产量.  相似文献   

Agricultural adaptation to climate change in China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
IntroductionAdaptationreferstoeffortstoreducesystem’svulnerabilitiestoclimate.Amongthemostfrequentlycitedhumansystemslikelytobeaffectedbyclimaticchangeisagriculture.Itisespeciallysensitivetotheconsequencesofglobalwarmingasitreliesheavilyontheweatheran…  相似文献   

At present there is no binding agreement (at a global level) to address the risk of anthropogenic climate change after 2012. Disagreements abound with respect to a post-2012 climate change agreement, on issues such as economic development, policy criteria, environmental effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, equity, dynamic flexibility, complementarity, enforceability and so on. One such disagreement is whether or not nuclear power should play a role in a post-2012 climate change agreement. This qualitative analysis explores the conditions under which nuclear power could contribute to addressing climate change in post-2012 architectures. It reveals that – given the right framework conditions – some architectures, like ‘cap and trade’ regimes or ‘policies and measures’ can improve the competitiveness of nuclear power plants, while others are unlikely to provide incentives for nuclear energy development in the short to medium term, such as adaptation and technology cooperation. Overall, the study concludes that post-2012 climate change policy should aim at providing policy flexibility without compromising technology flexibility. For example, the provision of long-term commitment periods has the potential to enable better investments in existing low-carbon technologies but stifle the policy flexibility that political decision makers are often keen to retain so that they can respond more quickly to new scientific evidence or advances in clean technology development.  相似文献   

Agricultural adaptation of climate change in China.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the study on agriculture adaptation to climate change by adopting the assumed land use change strategy to resist the water shortage and to build the capacity to adapt the expected climate change in the northern China. The cost-benefit analysis result shows that assumed land use change from high water consuming rice cultivation to other crops is very effective. Over 7 billions m3 of water can be saved. Potential conflicts between different social interest groups, different regions, demand and supply, and present and future interests have been analyzed for to form a policy to implement the adaptation strategy. Trade, usually taken as one of adaptation strategies, was suggested as a policy option for to support land use change, which not only meets the consumption demand, but also, in terms of resources, imports water resources.  相似文献   

TheglobalclimatechangeandforestpredictioninChinaJiangYouxuForestryInstitute,ChineseAcademyofForestry,Beijing100091,ChinaThegl...  相似文献   


Robust decision making, a growing approach to infrastructure planning under climate change uncertainty, aims to evaluate infrastructure performance across a wide range of possible conditions and identify the most robust strategies and designs. Robust decision making seeks to find potential weaknesses in systems in order to gird these through a combination of policy, infrastructure, and, in some cases, resilient or recovery strategies. A system can be explored by simulating many combinations of uncertain climatic and economic parameters; statistical clustering can identify parameter thresholds that lead to unacceptable performance. Often, however, uncertain variables are correlated, complicating the robustness analysis and casting doubt upon the thresholds identified. Here, we evaluate the impact of ordinary, hidden correlations in uncertainty parameters that drive simulation in robust decision making. We induced correlations between temperature and key climatic and economic parameters. We tested correlations of 0%, 30%, 60%, and 90% between temperature and the absolute value of precipitation, coefficient of variation, and downward surface solar radiation, and negative correlations between temperature and net variable benefit and the discount rate. We used a calibrated simulation model of a dam system regulating Lake Tana, Ethiopia, to compute the agricultural supply and net present value of the reservoirs. As the correlation strength increased, the results converged in a smaller region. We found that strong correlations depressed robustness scores of lower-performing alternatives and conversely increased results of the higher-performing alternatives. As the correlations increased in favorable alternatives, the failure thresholds became more extreme, speciously suggesting that only intense changes would result in poor performance. This overall analysis highlights the degree to which correlations of an interconnected climatic and economic system can impact outcomes of robust decision making and suggests methods to avoid confounding results.


我国大气污染治理历程回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气污染防治工作是我国生态环境保护的重要组成部分,并随社会经济发展过程中出现的主要大气环境问题的演变而不断深化。几十年来,我国在大气污染控制和空气质量管理方面做了大量的工作并取得了显著成效。本文在系统回顾我国大气污染治理历程基础上,展望提出新时期推进我国大气污染治理创新思路。自20世纪70年代以来,我国大气污染治理随着社会经济发展和生态环境保护事业发展主要经历了消烟除尘构建大气环境容量理论(1972—1990年)、分区管控防治酸雨和二氧化硫污染(1991—2000年)、总量控制二氧化硫排放量见顶下降(2001—2010年)、攻坚克难打赢蓝天保卫战(2011—2020年)四个阶段。当前,在习近平生态文明思想指导下,在绿色发展、低碳发展、高质量发展推动下,在新旧动能转换带来产业结构、能源结构、交通运输结构进一步调整和优化的情况下,更先进的大气污染控制技术为大气污染减排提供了更强大的动力,生态环境治理体系和治理能力现代化建设为空气质量的持续改善提供了坚实保障。本文提出未来我国大气污染治理创新思路:生态优先、绿色发展,进一步调整产业结构,实现高质量发展;清洁高效,低碳少污,进一步调整能源结构,提升清洁能源、新能源和可再生能源供给能力;问题导向、目标引领,弄清大气污染来源成因,为科学治污提供坚实基础;清洁生产,全程控制,显著减少污染物的产生量和排放量;属地责任,联防联控,改善局地质量,降低区域间相互影响;智慧监控,数据归真,强化污染源监管。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的迅速发展,对资源的重视程度开始加大。潮滩是我国相对研究较少的区域,近几年潮滩环境的研究主要集中在潮滩地貌定量化和模型化,新技术在潮滩沉积机制研究中的应用和潮滩环境的物质循环研究。本文在分析成果的基础上提出了我国当前潮滩环境研究应解决的问题和粗略的提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

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