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为了适应大量新技术应用,加强技术监督工作,搞好安全生产,国电集团公司下发系列技术监督规章制度,对各发电企业的技术监督工作进行了准确定位,提出了许多具体要求。根据参与制定国电集团公司系列技术监督规章制度的讨论、研究以及从事多年的综合技术监督管理经验,介绍了国电集团公司所属发电企业搞好技术监督工作要点,对发电企业搞好技术监督工作提供了参考。  相似文献   

在阐述了宁夏地区光伏发电发展的优势及发展现状的基础上,分析了光伏发电开发利用对宁夏生态环境产生的积极和消极的影响,并为降低消极影响提出了相应的对策;为了定量直观的评估光伏发电积极影响和消极影响所产生的环境效益,分别建立了节能减排、防风固沙和土地增值、景观效应、植被恢复费用、噪声污染超标罚款、光污染费用等价值模型及光伏发电总的生态环境效益价值模型;最后以中电投宁夏能源铝中卫香山光伏电站为例进行计算验证,结果表明模型的合理性和准确性,同时光伏电站的节能减排效益显著。相对于传统的火力发电,表现了优越的环境效益。  相似文献   

高温SCR脱硝技术现已成为国内火力发电企业进行NOx减排的主要技术手段.然后,由于国内开展SCR脱硝成套系统及催化剂研发的时间尚短,目前国内企业还处于消化吸收国外引进技术阶段,研发具有自主知识产权且适用我国火力发电企业实际运行工况的SCR脱硝系统及催化剂进展缓慢.从催化剂种类、SCR脱硝反应机理、催化剂结构以及结构与脱硝活性之间的相互关系等多方面详细介绍了当前高温SCR脱硝催化剂的研究进展,为自主研发适用我国火力发电企业实际运行工况的SCR脱硝催化剂提供参考.  相似文献   

简要介绍了联合循环发电技术,并通过与常规火力发电技术的对比,论述了燃气-蒸汽联合循环厂在点地,节约能源,节水和减少污染物排放等方面的环保效益。  相似文献   

ISO14001环境管理体系与火力发电企业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了ISO14000环境管理系列标准的核心-环境管理体系的主要内容,阐述了火力发电企业建立环境管理体系将有利于电力可持续发展,有利于节能降耗,减污增效,有利于提高企业的环境管理水平和整体管理水平,有利于树立企业全新的环境保护形象。  相似文献   

着眼全球经济发展方式和格局变化,结合当前中国宏观经济分析以及加快经济发展方式转变的要求,通过对发电企业所面临的能源形势、肩负的使命和主要层面工作的分析,着重研究了加快企业经济发展方式转变和转型的重要性和举措,从而使发电企业竞争力得以持续地提升,以实现科学发展,和谐进步。  相似文献   

利用第一次全国污染源普查“火力发电行业产排污系数核算”工作中现场监测得到的数据,首次采用偏相关分析的方法,对固态排渣煤粉炉中机组规模、空气过剩系数、煤中挥发分和发电负荷率等因素对NOx产生浓度的影响进行定性分析,结论:NOx产生浓度与前三种因素存在显著的相关。而与发电负荷率的关系受锅炉是否采用低氮燃烧技术的影响。空气过剩系数越大,煤的挥发分越高,NOx产生浓度越低;采用低氮燃烧装置的锅炉中,机组规模越大,产生的NOx越少,且对于同一锅炉来说,NOx产生浓度随着发电负荷率的升高而增大;未采用燃烧控制的锅炉中,机组规模越大,NOx产生浓度越高,且与发电负荷率不相关。根据分析结果,提出了控制燃煤电厂固态排渣煤粉炉NOx排放的优化措施和建议。  相似文献   

以江苏华能淮阴发电有限公司为例,阐述了企业必须将环保纳入日常管理工作,增强全员参与意识,不断吸收新科技、新经验,才能实现企业可持续发展的战略目标,并取得良好的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

我国的能源结构决定了燃煤火力发电在电力供应中的重要地位,其发电产生的SO2是环境污染的主要来源。烟气脱硫技术是控制燃煤工业SO2排放的重要途径,因其脱硫效率高、稳定性较好、成本较低等优点而在工业上得到了广泛的应用。概述了燃煤发电中烟气脱硫技术的最新进展,其中包括烟气脱硫技术的分类,以及几种主要的湿法、干法、半干法烟气脱硫技术的主要特点。对不同的烟气脱硫技术的优缺点也作了简单评述,并对新建电厂脱硫技术的选择进行了讨论。最后结合中国实际,烟气脱硫技术发展和应用中要注意的几个问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

针对城镇常住人口30万人以下的小城市面临的生活垃圾污染问题,对比分析了3种垃圾焚烧发电技术,得出热解气化焚烧发电技术更适合小城市生活垃圾处理,并对小城市生活垃圾焚烧发电市场进行分析,为行业内或有意进入该行业的相关企业提供参考。  相似文献   

Following the recent Basel Convention, increasing emphasis has been placed on technical co-operation to assist developing countries to put in place effective hazardous waste control measures. ISWA, together with other contributing organizations, held in September 1989 a workshop at which case studies of successful hazardous waste management initiatives were analysed. The workshop indicated that a large number of interrelated measures are needed for effective control of hazardous wastes, and that these are best developed gradually in an evolutionary fashion. Measures used by industrialized countries often need to be further adapted for use in other regions. A number of practical first steps were identified that can be used in all countries to initiate effective control. Some general principles to guide the process of adaptation were also formulated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to improve risk management and to investigate build-up of the costs of fire in waste-fuel stores, to make the authorities and the population in general aware of the substantial monetary and non-material benefits connected with preventive measures being taken. To summarize, the results from the case studies show that the fires occurred by self-ignition of organic materials, the storage facilities were badly and/or not properly designed, and the waste fuels were not handled properly. On the basis of two case studies the main finding was that there must be one person only in charge during the fire to lead the action, and the fire brigade must not leave the area too early. Nowadays, the real cost for the fire is not calculated properly, or at all, by the waste-management company. It is concluded that waste-management companies, society, and insurance companies could save money by implementation of precautionary measures. Such relevant measures are reviewed. It is recommended: not to store waste fuels too high, in volumes which are too large or too close to town districts; to promote better cooperation between waste companies and the fire brigades and the local EPA; and to make insurance companies demand implementation of more security measures before signing the insurance contracts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the application and progress of the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle (3R) initiative and its gradual implementation and development in solid waste management in Vietnam through the study of the municipal solid waste management (MSWM) systems of eight major urban cities and provinces. The resulting survey and studies showed that there are big challenges for MSWM in the study areas due to the absence of an appropriate master plan for MSWM; there is a clear need to set up indicators for waste reduction and greenhouse gas emission reduction from waste generators and enterprises involved in MSWM, especially in terms of using 3R activities in the management of industrial waste. The strength and organic combination of institutional frameworks, support measures, and technologies for 3R promotion need to be applied as soon as possible in order to implement MSWM practices using more effective measures; in particular, a reduction in the amount of hazardous substances discarded and improvements in the handling of hazardous waste are required.  相似文献   

化工型科研单位的实验室在科研活动时会产生废水、废气和固废等污染,实验室污染具有种类复杂、量小、危害大、控制难度大等特点。介绍了上海石油化工研究院的环保管理体系、污染的种类、来源和处理措施。指出应通过健全的管理制度、针对性的对策措施和有效的落实执行,来构建环境保护管理体系,确保科研单位实验室废水、废气和固废的达标排放、总量控制和妥善处理。  相似文献   

Urban Air Quality Management Systems are software tools that combine air quality models with various software modules like geographical information systems, databases, expert systems and statistical analysis tools. Such systems try to interpret as accurately as possible the complex interactions between various atmospheric, emission, land use and topographic parameters involved in the air pollution management problem, in order to provide support for environmental strategic planning and decision making. As this process involves a huge set of parameters, some of which may only be roughly estimated, air quality management systems tend to aggregate parameters in order to simplify their analysis and make it more effective and operational. Yet, this aggregation may lead to deviations in the analysis results, as proved in this theoretical article, and thus influence the decision making and strategic planning process. According to the findings of this article, such a policy making process should focus primarily on short term measures when dealing with air pollution episode management.  相似文献   

对废旧物资回收站常见安全事故与治安风险进行了综述,从再生资源行业特殊性角度,分析了安全事故和治安事件多发的原因,并提出相关对策。提升再生资源回收网点的建设水平,不仅要改变其脏乱差的面貌,更要从经营和治安两方面,从本质上提升其安全水平,使其更好地为经济社会发展服务。  相似文献   

The importance of cost planning for solid waste management (SWM) in industrialising regions (IR) is not well recognised. The approaches used to estimate costs of SWM can broadly be classified into three categories - the unit cost method, benchmarking techniques and developing cost models using sub-approaches such as cost and production function analysis. These methods have been developed into computer programmes with varying functionality and utility. IR mostly use the unit cost and benchmarking approach to estimate their SWM costs. The models for cost estimation, on the other hand, are used at times in industrialised countries, but not in IR. Taken together, these approaches could be viewed as precedents that can be modified appropriately to suit waste management systems in IR. The main challenges (or problems) one might face while attempting to do so are a lack of cost data, and a lack of quality for what data do exist. There are practical benefits to planners in IR where solid waste problems are critical and budgets are limited.  相似文献   

“地沟油”的不当处理不仅影响城市水环境,而且威胁着人们的身体健康。餐厨废弃油脂的管理已经成为广受关注的食品安全的重大问题。介绍了餐厨废弃油脂处理管理的重要意义,并对上海的管理实践和经验进行了分析总结,提出了对餐厨废弃油脂回收处理管理和资源化利用的若干建议。  相似文献   

The quantity of vehicles has increased rapidly in recent years in China; however, the recycling of End of Life Vehicles (ELV) faces several problems and barriers including the collection difficulty and the environmental pollution caused by improper dismantling. In this paper, based on analysis of the basic situation regarding management and recycling of ELV in China, the ELV flow was introduced, and the potential ELV quantity was estimated. The current management regulations and policies were summarized, and dismantling and pollution control technologies for ELV recycling were introduced, too. It was suggested that with the rapid growth of ELV quantities, more regulations will be enacted, and the recycling network will be more effective; the dismantling technology and pollution control measures will be upgraded, and the recycling and remanufacturing industries will be more combined. The government should pay more attention to improve the management and supervision of, and encourage the development of, high level enterprises.  相似文献   

进口固体废物原料国内收货人注册登记是确保进口废物原料安全的重要工作。就进口固体废物原料国内收货人书面评审、现场评审以及后续监管中存在的问题进行了剖析和探讨,从严格企业准入门槛、开展废物原料流向管理、加强企业分类管理和后续监管工作等方面提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

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