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某工会大楼爆破拆除地震效应监测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就某工会大楼定向爆破拆除的地震监测结果,对地震波形在时域、频域进行分析,分析结果表明爆破网络的分段微差效果较好,爆破产生的震动在安全范围之内,不会对建(构)筑物产生影响及破坏,用于降震措施的减震沟和土垛的减震作用明显。  相似文献   

6.3 拆除物周围设施、建(构)筑物、道路的防护和交通管制 《规程》规定: (1)拆除物周围设施、建(构)筑物的防护,应遵守下列规定: a.确定保护物的地面质点安全允许震动速度,限制最大一段的爆破药量; b.预估拆除物塌落触地的震动对保护物的影响。必要时可在倒塌范围内铺设煤碴等缓冲层或采取挖防震沟隔离等有效措施;  相似文献   

就某工会大楼定向爆破拆除的地震监测结果,对地震波形在时域、频域进行分析,分析结果表明爆破网络的分段微差效果较好,爆破产生的震动在安全范围之内,不会对建(构)筑物产生影响及破坏,用于降震措施的减震沟和土垛的减震作用明显。  相似文献   

1 编制《拆除爆破安全规程》的必要性 近十年来,我国拆除爆破技术得到突飞猛进的发展和广泛应用。多层楼房的拆上保下、拆下保上、拆左保右、扩前保后,高耸建(构)筑物的定向塌落,环境极其复杂条件下的爆破拆除工程(如北京华侨大厦的爆破拆除)等,均获得了成功。爆破拆除具有施工速度快、经济效益好等优势。因此,近几年,在我国以拆除爆破为主要业务的爆破公司纷纷成立。这些爆破公司,对拆除爆破技术的发展和普及起到了推动作用。但是,也有不少爆破公司,由于缺乏拆除爆破经验和管理不善,导致  相似文献   

建(构)筑物爆破拆除振动的研究以塌落振动为主导方向。利用混凝土块的重复倾倒来模拟建(构)筑物爆破拆除的倾倒过程,并采集由此产生的塌落振动信号。探索减震沟内填充物变化对塌落振动衰减的影响。在倒塌方向开挖减震沟,减震沟内填充物依次为空气、黄沙、水,对采集的数据信号进行分析。对测点2采集的试验数据与无沟相比分析可知,空气、水和黄沙最大峰值振速依次下降了54.51%、28.12%和48.43%。综合分析可知,填充物为空气时减震效果最好。通过HHT法分析可知,测点2在填充物分别是空气、水和黄沙时,与无沟相比能量衰减62.5%、20.8%和37.5%,进一步证明填充物为空气时,减震效果最好。  相似文献   

湘潭锰矿在改建扩建工程中曾采用水压控制爆破方法,先后爆破拆除风峒、扩散塔、竖窑、溶液沉滤池、冲击式除尘器筒体等构(建)筑物,均取得满意效果。1 风峒及扩散塔拆除爆破 因矿井通风系统改造,需要将原井口安装离心式主扇的风峒及扩散塔拆除,以安装轴流式新型节能主扇。风峒长15m,高和宽分别为1.8m和1.5m,用150号混凝土和两层圆钢筋(钢筋直径6mm,网度为10cm×10cm)构筑,厚度0.2m,较坚固。扩散塔长5.7m,高和宽均为2.5m,用钢筋混凝土构筑,厚0.25m,混凝土标号150号,双层布筋(主  相似文献   

为了对冷却塔拆除爆破过程进行安全风险评价,实现对各类影响因素的动态分析,融合信息熵理论、层次分析法和集对分析理论,提出了一种组合权重(CW)与多元联系数(MECN)的拆除爆破安全风险态势评价体系,从现场安全管理、拆除爆破方案设计、爆破施工过程管理和爆区作业环境4个方面,选取17个评价指标,建立了拆除爆破安全风险评价模型。以某电厂冷却塔拆除爆破工程为例,对建立的安全风险评价模型进行了应用。结果表明,该方法实现了冷却塔拆除爆破过程中的静态风险态势和动态风险趋势的综合评价,评价结果为此类拆除爆破施工提供了决策依据,有效弥补了现有评价方法的不足。  相似文献   

夏荣  张向阳 《安防科技》2010,(3):39-40,11
自动喷水灭火系统在建筑火灾扑救中具有十分重要的作用,建(构)筑物消防员作为一门专门职业纳入了职业技能鉴定,但在职业技能培训和鉴定中发现,建(构)筑物消防员往往因对消防设施设备组成及工作原理了解不够,不能保证设备的完好,造成火灾隐患。本文对几种用的自动喷水灭火系统的异同进行了分析归纳,便于学员掌握。  相似文献   

火灾自动报警控制器在建筑火灾预防中具有十分重要的作用,建(构)筑物消防员作为一门专门职业纳入了职业技能鉴定,但在职业技能培训中发现,建(构)筑物消防员往往因为本单位使用的火灾报警控制器与鉴定使用的控制器因属不同厂家生产,操作方式不一致,造成通过率较低。本文对我市几种常用的火灾报警控制器操作的异同进行了分析、归纳,便于学员掌握。  相似文献   

深孔爆破孔底充填缓冲吸能材料减震试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对影响爆破震波各种主要因素的分析,针对深孔爆破采用孔底装填吸能缓冲材料,来削减炸药爆炸在孔底的冲击压力和吸收部分能量,从而达到降低爆破震动对周边建(构)物影响的目的。并进行现场爆破试验,对爆破震动波进行测试,同时对减震爆破装药和非减震的常规爆破装药进行比较,获得的测试数据证明,采用孔底装填吸能缓冲材料其减震率达到3.23%~35.19%。  相似文献   

Risk homeostasis theory postulates that people accept a specific level (target level) of risk in a given activity in return for benefits accruing from that activity. It follows that, if people expect a great deal from the future, the less likely they are to jeopardise it by taking risks in respect of their health and safety. One effective method for reducing target level of risk are incentives, and the available literature contains ample evidence of the effectiveness of incentives programmes in accident prevention. As incentives essentially imply an enhanced quality of life in the future, the question arises as to how expectations of the future may be related to health and safety habits. In order to explore the relationship between perceived value of the future and health and safety habits, an analysis of the psychological literature on individual differences in future time orientation/perspective is presented. Four factors are identified: (1) clear ideation of the future, (2) active planning for the future, (3) time pressure, and (4) optimistic expectations about events outside one's own control. It is hypothesised that factors (1) and (2) are associated with positive health and safety habits, while factors (3) and (4) may characterise individuals with relatively high target levels of physical risk. Research questions and procedures for the study of these relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an heuristic framework for analyzing hazards (potential for loss or harm) and strategies that may be developed to control their realization. Two basic forms of intervention for hazard control (anticipation and reaction) are identified. Three broad anticipative strategies are discussed: (1) elimination of the source of the hazard, (2) containment of the risk of its realization, and (3) mitigation of likely consequences. The communication and judgmental processes involved in decisions about strategies are shown to be embedded in the organizational “political” context, in which a variety of interests backed by varying sources of power and influence are represented. The development, implementation, and monitoring of any strategies that are decided upon are then discussed, including the fact that such actions and events may not produce the intended results. Comments are also made on the need for data provided by monitoring to be evaluated and appropriate adaptations made. Finally, a brief section of the paper discusses reactive strategies.  相似文献   

通过对近年来全国道路交通事故连年上升的趋势分析,从人、车辆、道路环境、交通运输法规四个方面阐述了交通事故多发的主要因素,提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)是非官方国际学术权威团体。目前世界各国制订自己的辐射防护标准都参考ICRP的建议。ICRP自1928年组建以来,关于辐射防护标准的总建议发布了四次。即第1、2号出版物(1958年,1959年),第6、9号出版物(1962年,1965年),第26号出版物(1977年),第60号出版物(1990年)。本文概述了ICRP历次制订辐射防护标准的原则和依据。ICRP的辐射防护指导思想变化代表了不同历史时期放射生物学、辐射剂量学及与辐射防护有关的其他学科的国际水平。ICRP研究辐射防护标准的历史经验可供其他行业劳动保护参考。  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated the importance of distinguishing among foci and bases of commitment. Foci of commitment are the individuals and groups to whom an employee is attached, and bases of commitment are the motives engendering attachment. This study uses distinctions among foci and bases of commitment to develop four profiles of commitment, and examines the extent to which differences in these patterns predict other variables. Cluster analysis of 440 employees suggests the following profiles: (1) The Locally Committed (employees who are attached to their supervisor and work group), (2) the Globally Committed (who are attached to top management and the organization), (3) the Committed (who are attached to both local and global foci), and (4) the Uncommitted (who are attached to neither local nor global foci). The profiles are differentially related to intent to quit, job satisfaction, prosocial organizational behaviors, and certain demographic and contextual variables. Implications of these findings for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

本文主要论述了如下基本概念问题: 1、安全的主要经济功能是保障社会经济的增值和有效地减少事故的经济损失。本文试图构造增值函数I(S)和损失函数L(S)来描述其功能。 2、安全经济学的基本任务是研究安全的经济效益和安全的经济利益规律,使其有效地调整和协调安全与经济的关系,指导安全经济决策。 3、本文试提出发展安全经济学应遵循的三个基本原理。 4、为综合揭示安全经济规律,本文还探讨了安全经济的功能函数F(S)、成本函数C(S)、负担函数B(S)和效益函数E(S)。 5、针对实际应用,本文还提出了一种安全投资的评价方法及其优化理论。  相似文献   

Human reliability quantification (HRQ) methods are becoming increasingly important in risk and accident assessment in systems these terms are usually related to (hi-tech industrial systems, including nuclear and chemical plants). These methods began to intensively develop after numerous accidents caused by human error or inadequate activity of people who controlled and managed complex technological processes. For already existing systems, but also for new ones, it is important to assess the possibility of an accident. Determination of possible preventive activities, which include the influence of human error on the safety of a system, is also required. These are the main goals of the HRQ method. Using Absolute Probability Judgment (APJ) and Success Likelihood Index Methods (SLIM) HRQ techniques in control and management centers in electro-power systems in Belgrade and railway traffic in Nis (both in Serbia and Montenegro) are shown in this paper.  相似文献   

Industrial lift trucks or forklift trucks are a common source of occupational injuries. In 1983, over 13,000 workers' compensation claims for lost-workday injuries involving forklift trucks were filed in 30 states. An estimated 24,000 forklift-related injuries were treated in U.S. emergency rooms in 1983, and an estimated 34,000 in 1985. This paper presents the results of an analysis of forklift injuries reported in two occupational injury databases — the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Supplementary Data System (SDS). Characteristics of these injuries (e.g., type of injury, diagnosis, body part affected) and of the injury victims (e.g., age, sex, occupation) are described, and scenarios of typical forklift injuries in various occupations are presented. Trends in forklift injuries from 1983–1985 are also discussed.  相似文献   

机械装备故障预测系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对机械装备复杂多变的服役状态,分析了机械装备的故障预测系统,了机械装备故障预测系统的研制目的,系统特性,提出了系统的设计原则,建立了系统的总体功能结构及系统的预测模型,并探讨了故障预测系统的评价指标。  相似文献   

Utilizing data from official sources, 1632 hazardous chemical accidents (HCAs) occurring in China (2006–2010) were investigated for statistical characteristics. The following results were obtained: (1) Time volatility: The yearly number of HCAs is shown to be almost constant (with a slightly increasing number of fixed facility HCAs); fixed facility and transportation HCAs do not always follow similar patterns at month and hour-level. (2) Location distribution: There are provincial classifications of HCA materials involved in certain types of industries and the potential for HCAs is highly concentrated in urban areas. (3) Fixed facility type versus transportation type: Explosions represent almost half (48.4%) of fixed facility HCAs followed by releases (41.5%) and fires (10.1%); whereas for transportation HCAs, releases account for 79.6%, then explosions (15.1%) and fires (5.3%). As for domino effects, releases were often the cause of subsequent explosions or fires. (4) Injury versus death: In contrast with other industrial accidents, HCAs result in more severe casualties. For explosion and release HCAs in China, the ratio of death to major injury is quite high, with the exception of fire HCAs. (5) Cause: Concerning immediate causes, human factors account for the majority of HCAs followed by equipment deficiency; environment is also a causative factor. Internal corporate management failures and lack of external government supervision (particularly HCAs occurring in illegal corporations) are both root causes in China. (6)Corporate proneness: Majority of HCAs occur in private corporations; as corporations grow, the occurrence of HCAs are shown to decline steadily then level off, following which they are forecasted to increase again in the “aging stages”, all of which can be explained by Corporate Lifecycles Theory.  相似文献   

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