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The Himalaya-Gangetic Plain region is the iconic example of the debate about the impact on lowlands of upland land-use change. Some of the scientific aspects of this debate are revisited by using new techniques to examine the role of deforestation in erosion and river sediment transport. The approach is whole-of-catchment, combining a history of deforestation with a history of sediment sources from well before deforestation. It is shown that deforestation had some effect on one very large erosional event in 1970, in the Alaknanda subcatchment of the Upper Ganga catchment, but that both deforestation and its effects on erosion and sediment transport are far from uniform in the Himalaya. Large magnitude erosional events occur for purely natural reasons. The impact on the Gangetic Plain of erosion caused by natural events and land cover change remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Sediments in the Port Jackson estuary are polluted by a wide range of toxicants and concentrations are among the highest reported for any major harbor in the world. Sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), developed by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the United States are used to estimate possible adverse biological effects of sedimentary contaminants in Port Jackson to benthic animals. The NOAA guidelines indicate that Pb, Zn, DDD, and DDE are the most likely contaminants to cause adverse biological effects in Port Jackson. On an individual chemical basis, the detrimental effects due to these toxicants may occur over extensive areas of the harbor, i.e., about 40%, 30%, 15% and 50%, respectively. The NOAA SQGs can also be used to estimate the probability of sediment toxicity for contaminant mixtures by determining the number of contaminants exceeding an upper guideline value (effects range medium, or ERM), which predicts probable adverse biological effects. The exceedence approach is used in the current study to estimate the probability of sediment toxicity and to prioritize the harbour in terms of possible adverse effects on sediment-dwelling animals. Approximately 1% of the harbor is mantled with sediment containing more than ten contaminants exceeding their respective ERM concentrations and, based on NOAA data, these sediments have an 80% probability of being toxic. Sediment with six to ten contaminants exceeding their respective ERM guidelines extend over approximately 4% of the harbor and have a 57% probability of toxicity. These areas are located in the landward reaches of embayments in the upper and central harbor in proximity to the most industrialised and urbanized part of the catchment. Sediment in a further 17% of the harbor has between one and five exceedences and has a 32% probability of being toxic. The application of SQGs developed by NOAA has not been tested outside North America, and the validity of using them in Port Jackson has yet to be demonstrated. The screening approach adopted here is to use SQGs to identify contaminants of concern and to determine areas of environmental risk. The practical application and management implications of the results of this investigation are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a process for estimating pollutant loads from water quality data, to improve catchment-scale modelling in the region for resource management purposes. It describes a program to estimate suspended sediment, total and dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus loads to the Tuross estuary from the Tuross River catchment (1810 km(2)) of coastal southeast Australia. Event-based water quality sampling results obtained during storm events in 2005 are presented. Event 1, during July 2005 was the largest storm event in terms of peak flow for 3.5 years. Other events monitored were also in July, November and December 2005. The early July 2005 event had a flow-weighted mean suspended sediment (SS) concentration during the first 4 days of 63 mg L(-1). Of the events monitored, this was unusual as it was preceded by drought and had the largest SS concentrations (peaking at 180 mg L(-1)) during the rising-stage. In contrast, the November event had a much lower flow-weighted SS mean (28 mg L(-1)), even though peak flow magnitudes were similar. The July and November 2005 events had peak flows of 12,360 and 11,330 ML day(-1). Low-cost rising-stage siphon samplers were used to collect samples during the rapidly rising phase of these events. The use of such samplers and consideration of time-lead/lag flow adjustments, quantified using cross-correlation analysis to account for hysteresis effects, were incorporated into the load estimation techniques. The technique is a potentially useful approach for understanding relationships between water quality concentrations and flow for modelling catchment source strengths and transport processes.  相似文献   

Water-borne pathogens such as Cryptosporidium pose a significant human health risk and catchments provide the first critical pollution ‘barrier’ in mitigating risk in drinking water supply. In this paper we apply an adaptive management framework to mitigating Cryptosporidium risk in source water using a case study of the Myponga catchment in South Australia. Firstly, we evaluated the effectiveness of past water quality management programs in relation to the adoption of practices by landholders using a socio-economic survey of land use and management in the catchment. The impact of past management on the mitigation of Cryptosporidium risk in source water was also evaluated based on analysis of water quality monitoring data. Quantitative risk assessment was used in planning the next round of management in the adaptive cycle. Specifically, a pathogen budget model was used to identify the major remaining sources of Cryptosporidium in the catchment and estimate the mitigation impact of 30 alternative catchment management scenarios. Survey results show that earlier programs have resulted in the comprehensive adoption of best management practices by dairy farmers including exclusion of stock from watercourses and effluent management from 2000 to 2007. Whilst median Cryptosporidium concentrations in source water have decreased since 2004 they remain above target levels and put pressure on other barriers to mitigate risk, particularly the treatment plant. Non-dairy calves were identified as the major remaining source of Cryptosporidium in the Myponga catchment. The restriction of watercourse access of non-dairy calves could achieve a further reduction in Cryptosporidium export to the Myponga reservoir of around 90% from current levels. The adaptive management framework applied in this study was useful in guiding learning from past management, and in analysing, planning and refocussing the next round of catchment management strategies to achieve water quality targets.  相似文献   

The Swift Creek catchment, the first catchment to be affected should any impact occur as a result of mining of the Jabiluka uranium ore deposit, is located partly within the World Heritage Kakadu National Park (KNP), and partly within the Jabiluka Mineral Lease (JML) that has been excised from KNP. Preliminary linking of a landform evolution model with a Geographic Information System (GIS) has been completed and tested on a catchment-wide basis for long-term total catchment management. This project represents the first attempt to apply the model on a catchment-wide basis in the region. Linking the model with a GIS enhances the modelling process, as the GIS assists in the derivation, storage, manipulation, processing and visualisation of geo-referenced data on a catchment-wide scale. This preliminary assessment of landform evolution in the Swift Creek catchment demonstrates the complex process associated with the parameterisation of the SIBERIA model, and illustrates the benefits of integrating GIS with landform evolution modelling techniques. Additional research is required to develop a more integrated GIS and landform evolution modelling approach to assessing the possible impacts of mining on catchment sedimentary and hydrological processes.  相似文献   

/ Land-based point and diffuse pollution sources in the catchment area of Lake Sapanca, Turkey, were investigated. The present and future distribution of pollution loads were evaluated in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus, biochemical oxygen demand, and pesticides. A methodology for the estimation of pollution loads was presented; most of which were based on "unit loads." Presently domestic and industrial point sources dominate over diffuse sources including fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural use, nutrient loads from forests and meadows, urban runoff, and leachates from unregulated dumps of solid wastes. For the future, the aim of the control action is to maintain the sustainability of the water quality of the lake, at least at the second class of European Community standards. Within this framework; urgent/short-term and medium/long-term control actions will be exercised. In the urgent/short-term stage, simpler and natural ways of treatment will be employed. In the medium/long-term stage an integrated collection and treatment system will be put on operation. After completion of a proposed collection system and treatment plants to handle point sources, the control of diffuse sources will be more significant. Control of diffuse sources for the abatement of further deterioration of water quality then becomes the key issue to be emphasized in the Lake Sapanca catchment area. Diffuse sources control will be achieved by dividing the catchment area into three major protection zones. Use of pesticides and fertilizers on agricultural land and all other activities within these protection zones will be accomplished according to control plans, which will be supervised by an institution established to be responsible of all the activities within the basin.KEY WORDS: Diffuse sources; Land-based pollution; Nutrients; Pesticides; Point sources; Protection zones  相似文献   

Widespread afforestation has been proposed as one means of addressing the increasing dryland and stream salinity problem in Australia. However, modelling results presented here suggest that large-scale tree planting will substantially reduce river flows and impose costs on downstream water users if planted in areas of high runoff yield. Streamflow reductions in the Macquarie River, NSW, Australia are estimated for a number of tree planting scenarios and global warming forecasts. The modelling framework includes the Sacramento rainfall-runoff model and IQQM, a streamflow routing tool, as well as various global climate model outputs from which daily rainfall and potential evaporation data files have been generated in OzClim, a climate scenario generator. For a 10% increase in tree cover in the headwaters of the Macquarie, we estimate a 17% reduction in inflows to Burrendong Dam. The drying trend for a mid-range scenario of regional rainfall and potential evaporation caused by a global warming of 0.5 degree C may cause an additional 5% reduction in 2030. These flow reductions will decrease the frequency of bird-breeding events in Macquarie Marshes (a RAMSAR protected wetland) and reduce the security of supply to irrigation areas downstream. Inter-decadal climate variability is predicted to have a very significant influence on catchment hydrologic behaviour. A further 20% reduction in flows from the long-term historical mean is possible, should we move into an extended period of below average rainfall years, such as occurred in eastern Australia between 1890 and 1948. Because current consumptive water use is largely adapted to the wetter conditions of post 1949, a return to prolonged dry periods would cause significant environmental stress given the agricultural and domestic water developments that have been instituted.  相似文献   

Effect of weirs on sediment deposition in Louisiana coastal marshes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sediment deposition both inside and outside of fixed-crest weirs was measured for fresh/intermediate, brackish, and saline marsh areas in coastal Louisiana, USA. Sediment traps, collected on a weekly basis, were used to monitor short-term changes in sediment deposition. Feldspar marker horizons were used to measure cumulative marsh accretion during the 16-week monitoring period. Results show that for most sites less sediment is deposited in marsh behind weirs than at the control sites outside the weirs. Patterns at each site are consistent throughout the 16 monitoring periods. At only one site was no significant difference found. Streamside areas both inside and outside the weirs were found to have higher rates of sediment deposition than backmarsh areas. At both marsh locations, sediment deposition rates were higher outside the weirs than inside. More sediment was deposited in saline marshes than in brackish or fresh/intermediate areas. The vertical accretion data shows that marshes in most areas are accreting sufficiently rapidly to keep pace with local rates of sea-level rise, except for two areas, both of which are inside weirs.  相似文献   

/ Environmental settings were defined, through an overlay process, as areas of coincidence between categories of three mapped variablesMland use, surficial geology, and soil drainage characteristics. Expert judgment was used in selecting factors thought to influence sediment and nutrient concentrations in the Albemarle-Pamlico drainage area. This study's findings support the hypothesis that environmental settings defined using these three variables can explain variations in the concentration of certain sediment and nutrient constituents. This finding underscores the importance of developing watershed management plans that account for differences associated with the mosaic of natural and anthropogenic factors that define a basin's environmental setting. At least in the case of sediment and nutrients in the Albemarle-Pamlico region, a watershed management plan that focuses only on anthropogenic factors, such as point-source discharges, and does not account for natural characteristics of a watershed and the influences of these characteristics on water quality, may lead to water-quality goals that are over- or underprotective of key environmental features and to a misallocation of the resources available for environmental protection.KEY WORDS: Environmental setting; Water quality; Watershed management; Nutrients; Sediment  相似文献   

Forest fires are common in Mediterranean environments and may become increasingly more frequent as the climate changes. Destruction of the forest cover and litter layer leads to greater overland flow and increased erosion rates. The greatest risk occurs during the first rainstorms following a major fire, so local authorities must act quickly to put erosion control methods in place in order to avoid excessive post-fire sediment loads in river channels. Deciding on which methods to use requires accurate knowledge of their impact on sediment load and an estimate of their cost efficiency. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of Log Debris Dams (LDDs) and a sedimentation basin for their effectiveness in trapping sediments. Paired sub-catchments were studied to quantify the amount of sediments trapped in stream channels by a series of LDDs and a sedimentation basin. Cost efficiency was evaluated for each of the measures as a function of the cost per unit volume of sediments trapped. In addition, grain size analyses were performed to characterise the nature of the sediments trapped. A third sediment trapping method, Log Erosion Barriers (LEBs) was evaluated more superficially than the first two and conclusions regarding this method are tentative. LDDs trapped a mean volume of 1.57 m3 per unit (median = 1.28 m3); mean LDD height was 105.4 cm (std. dev. = 21.9 cm), and mean height of trapped sediments was only 50.0 cm (std. dev. = 22.9 cm), showing that the traps were only half filled. Sediment height was limited by the presence of gaps between logs or branches that allowed runoff to flow through. Comparison of the textural characteristics of slope and trapped sediments showed distinct sorting: particles greater than 20 mm were not mobilised from the slopes during the study period, sediments in the medium to coarse sand size fractions were trapped preferentially by the LDDs, and sediments in the sedimentation basin were enriched by clay and silt sized (<0.050 mm) particles as coarser sediments were trapped upstream by the LDDs. Cost efficiency of LDDs was estimated at about 143 € m−3 for the LDDs and 217 € m−3 for the sedimentation basin at the time of sampling. The LDDs are therefore a cost effective method of trapping sediments, but they can only be used when pine trees or straight-trunked trees are locally available. In this case, they should be combined with LEBs, which had a cost efficiency estimated at about 250 € m−3. Installation of the LEBs had not been optimised and they have the advantage of trapping sediments on the slopes where they can continue to play an ecological role, so this method can give better results with more care. Sedimentation basins can be emptied if necessary and are useful in areas where pine trees are not available and where the site can be secured.  相似文献   

In this paper we quantify the additional water quality benefits that can be achieved through coordinated cumulative impact management. To do this we simulate coordinated and un-coordinated revegetation investments and compare their impact on achieving regional water quality goals. Our results show that coordination between multiple mining companies achieves additional benefits since prioritization is enabled across a broader range of investment opportunities. Additionally, when coordinated investment is permitted beyond the boundaries of coal mining leases, results show that additional benefits are greatly enhanced since these regions provide more rewarding investment opportunities. Results illustrate (a) how regional coordination may influence reputational benefits of investments, and (b) that coordination is beneficial when investment opportunities are unevenly distributed across the landscape. When additional benefits are achievable, we suggest that mining companies should develop collective investment projects with an understanding of how coordination influences project costs. Similarly, investment projects should be developed with an understanding of investment tradeoffs and how these may adversely impact on regional stakeholders and hence industry reputation. The mining industry has significant potential to contribute to regional wellbeing; however, land management policies must be flexible and promote incentives to enable companies to invest beyond compliance.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus forest; and in the composition of understorey herbs, sedges, and grasslands. Pollen concentration and charcoal and organic content also exhibit post-European changes. Thus, pollen analysis provides a technique for determining changes in sediment budgets and identifying major vegetation changes in floodplains.  相似文献   

/ Various types of recreational traffic impact hiking trails uniquely and cause different levels of trail degradation; however, trail head restrictions are applied similarly across all types of packstock. The purpose of this study was to assess the relative physical impact of hikers, llamas, and horses on recreational trails. Horse, llama, and hiker traffic were applied to 56 separate plots on an existing trail at Lubrecht Experimental Forest in western Montana. The traffic was applied to plots at intensities of 250 and 1000 passes along with a no-traffic control under both prewetted and dry trail conditions. Soil erosion potential was assessed by sediment yield and runoff (using a Meeuwig type rainfall simulator), changes in soil bulk density, and changes in soil surface roughness. Soil moisture, slope, and rainfall intensity were recorded as independent variables in order to evaluate the extent that they were held constant by the experimental design. Horse traffic consistently made more sediment available for erosion from trails than llama, hiker, or no traffic when analyzed across wet and dry trail plots and high and low intensity traffic plots. Although total runoff was not significantly affected by trail user, wet trail traffic caused significantly greater runoff than dry trail traffic. Llama traffic caused a significant increase in sediment yield compared to the control, but caused erosion yields not significantly different than hiker traffic. Trail traffic did not increase soil compaction on wet trails. Traffic applied to dry trail plots generally resulted in a significant decrease in soil bulk density compared to the control. Decreased soil bulk density was negatively correlated with increased sediment yield and appeared to result in increased trail roughness for horse traffic compared to hiker or llama traffic. Differences described here between llama and horse traffic indicate that trail managers may want to consider managing packstock llamas independent of horses.KEY WORDS: Recreational impacts; Sediment yield; Trail degradation  相似文献   

Water quality issues have become increasingly important to Australian catchment stakeholders. As extensive nutrient sampling and modelling expertise are often absent or unattainable, simple unit-area models like Catchment Management Support System (CMSS) remain an attractive option for informing water quality management decisions. The selection of nutrient generation rates for use in CMSS is often an arbitrary assignment based on limited literature sources or expert opinion. Using a Bayesian model to estimate nutrient generation rates for the region of Tasmania, Australia, improved the rigor of CMSS modelling and in the process highlighted that dairy pastures were the most significant contributor of total phosphorus and total nitrogen loads to Tasmanian rivers.  相似文献   

Flood and water shortage are two of the leading environmental problems around the world, and among the causes of the problems is sedimentation. The Yellow River brought disastrous floods in its lower reaches in Chinese history. Today, although floods caused by the river are still a formidable hazard hanging over China, it cannot provide the lower reaches with enough usable water. The ineradicable flood hazard and newly emerged water shortage problems of the river are proved to be closely associated with its immense sediment load. The over loaded flow of the river can quickly fill the reservoirs and unceasingly raise the riverbed, attenuating the capacity of reservoirs to suppress floods and provide more water for dry seasons and of river channels to convey floods. Also, the high sediment content pollutes the water and reduces the volume of usable water. In virtue of the intimate linkage between these problems and the formidable sediment load in the river, the solution to these problems should be based on sedimentation management. After reviewing the defects and merits of management measures implemented and proposed, a management scenario composed of multiple measures are recommended. Beside of persistent soil conservation to reduce the huge sediment load, more reservoirs to check sediment and regulate river flows, approaches to alleviating riverbed accretion, interbasin water transfer to mitigate water deficiency, and so on, an emphasis should be laid on use of muddy flows in order to scatter the sediment in a vast area, which was a natural process but has been interrupted by construction of embankments.  相似文献   

A study on sediment transport and channel change was conducted on Zayante Creek and the lower San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz County, California. A rainstorm with a recurrence interval locally in excess of 150 years occurred during the study year, 1982 WY. Stream surveys indicated that significant aggradation occurred during and after the peak flood. Upper study reaches were substantially recovered after high flows of early April, but the lower study reaches still had significant filling of pools and burial of riffles by sand. Increases in width-depth ratio were minor and localized in upper reaches, but were significant in lower reaches. Large inputs of sand, primarily from landsliding, altered the sediment transport regime. A higher proportion of the bedload is now transported by lower flows than before the January event. Roads and sand quarries contributed significantly to sediment input to the stream. A proposed dam may alter the sediment transport regime of Zayante Creek. Mitigating the effects of this dam on downstream fish habitat may require occasional bankfull discharges.  相似文献   

In Australia, problems of dryland and stream salinity have recently become the focus of a National Action Plan. In many river catchments, preliminary stream salt load and salinity targets have been set to define maximum permissible export levels in 2015. Afforestation has been proposed as a strategy for meeting these targets, although several studies suggest that widespread commercial tree plantations are likely to deliver net dis-benefits. However, the impacts on stream salt loads of more localised tree plantings in high salt yielding areas have not been quantified. In this paper we use a simple empirical model to predict the effects of various strategic and non-strategic tree planting scenarios on flows and salt loads in the mid-Macquarie catchment, New South Wales. A simple salt routing model is then used to estimate the effect of these changes on salt loads at the end-of-valley monitoring site for the Macquarie catchment. Results suggest that widespread land management interventions will be required to meet the preliminary salt load targets for this catchment. On their own, small-scale, strategic tree planting in high salt export areas of the mid-Macquarie area will not have a significant impact on salt loads at the end-of-valley monitoring site. While widespread tree plantings may reduce salt loads in the longer term, they are likely to cause streamflow losses in the shorter term. Thus, stream salinities are expected to rise initially, due to the different response times of groundwater and surface water systems to land use change.  相似文献   

To investigate the contamination levels and sources for heavy metals that have occurred during the development of cities, sediment cores collected from typical urban shallow lakes (Xuanwu Lake and Mochou Lake) in Nanjing, China were analyzed for Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni, and for Pb stable isotopic ratios. No significant differences were found in the concentrations of Cu, Ni and Cd among sediment layers from Xuanwu or in the levels of Cr and Ni among sediment layers from Mochou. However, there were significant differences among the layers in the concentrations of Cr, Zn and Pb in Xuanwu and Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in Mochou. Based on geoaccumulation indexes and enrichment factors, Cd was the primary pollutant at all depths in the sediment cores. The ratios of (206)Pb/(207)Pb and (208)Pb/(206)Pb differ significantly among sediment layers in Xuanwu. No significant differences were found on the ratios of (208)Pb/(206)Pb in Mochou, but the ratios of (206)Pb/(207)Pb differ significantly among some of the sediment layers in Mochou. The range of (208)Pb/(206)Pb and (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios was found to be 2.098-2.106 and 1.170-1.176, respectively, for sediment cores from Mochou Lake and 2.091-2.104 and 1.168-1.183, respectively, for cores from Xuanwu Lake. The differences in heavy metal concentrations and the Pb isotopic ratios with depth for the cores from Xuanwu and Mochou confirmed that the contamination sources changed during the formation of the different sediment layers. Furthermore, the ratios of (206)Pb/(207)Pb demonstrated that gasoline and vehicular Pb were not the primary sources of Pb contamination at different depths in the sediment cores in Xuanwu Lake and Mochou Lake.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine aspects of community values and perspectives on goods and services received from the river along with issues related to sustainable management of the river. The study reveals that the contemporary values placed on rivers by communities are mostly associated with recreational and leisure activities. The distance from the river and age of the participants appeared as the most influential social demographic factors affecting participants' perspectives on river health. The study indicates that people tend to develop a strong bond with the natural resources around them and the amount of time spent at a location is directly related to the strength of this relationship. To assess the general river condition and health, a number of visual indicators (e.g., floating debris) were suggested. If properly standardised and calibrated, such indicators have the potential to develop cost-effective monitoring tools for detecting seasonal and spatial changes in river health.  相似文献   

It is commonly recognized that there are constraints to successful regional-scale assessment and monitoring of cumulative impacts because of challenges in the selection of coherent and measurable indicators of the effects. It has also been sensibly declared that the connections between components in a region are as important as the state of the elements themselves. These have previously been termed “linked” cumulative impacts/effects. These connections can be difficult to discern because of a complicated set of interactions and unexpected linkages. In this paper we diagnose that a significant cause of these constraints is the selection of indicators without due regard for their inter-relationships in the formulation of the indicator set. The paper examines whether the common “forms of capital”, i.e., natural (renewable and non-renewable), manufactured, social, human and financial capitals, framework is a potential organizing structure. We examine a large region in western NSW Australia where the predominant production systems are mining and grazing for production of wool, beef and lamb. Production in both is driven by consumption of a non-renewable resource, i.e., ore for mining and topsoil for grazing, the latter on the basis that loss rate estimates far exceed soil formation rates. We propose that the challenge of identifying connections of components within and between capital stores can be approached by explicitly separating stores of capital and the flows of capital between stores and between elements within stores, so-called capital fluxes. We attempt to acquire data from public sources for both capital stores and fluxes. The question of whether these data are a sufficient base for regional assessment, with particular reference to connections, is discussed. The well-described challenge of a comparative common currency for stores and fluxes is also discussed. We conclude that the data acquisition is relatively successful for stores and fluxes. A number of linked impacts are identified and discussed. The potential use of money as the common currency for stores and fluxes of capital is considered. The basic proposition is that replacement or preservation costs be used for this. We conclude that the study is sufficiently positive to consider further research in fully-coupled models of capital stores and fluxes.  相似文献   

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