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本文回顾了我国大气总量减排工作历程,提出了基于环境质量的大气总量减排管理体系框架,包括以质量改善为核心的总量控制模式及目标指标确定技术方法,差异化、精细化的实施机制和配套管理体系及以环境质量为核心的评估考核体系。  相似文献   

污染物排放总量控制制度在减少污染物排放、减轻环境污染、改善环境质量等方面发挥着重要的作用。本文以排污总量控制为出发点,梳理了污染物排放量初始核定、排污许可证、排污权交易、总量减排核查核算等工作现状,探讨了当前各项总量业务在管理中存在的问题,并提出构建"减排量综合利用体系"的观点,以期提供高效的总量管理方案,为进一步推进总量减排制度的发展和完善提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

本研究对污染物总量控制制度的发展和当前面临的挑战进行了分析,提出"十四五"期间要重点以环境质量改善为核心,以环境管理精细化为主线,以流域控制单元及大气管控单元为基础,融合各项相关环境管理制度,突出差异性,以"巩固、调整、充实、提高"为原则,完善总量控制制度;并就完善污染物总量控制制度的具体路径提出了建议。  相似文献   

总量控制是指以控制特定区域一定时间内排污单位排放污染物的总质量为核心的环境管理方法体系,对于控制污染源发展趋势,改善环境质量,实现经济社会可持续发展具有重要作用.我国的环境管理曾一度以浓度控制为核心.1996年9月,国务院批复《国家环境保护"九五"计划和2010年远景目标》(包括《全国污染物总量控制计划》),这标志着污染物排放总量控制制度正式建立.  相似文献   

国家“十二五”环境保护规划体系与重点任务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境保护规划体系是指包含环境保护规划的分类体系、内容体系、法规体系、方法体系、能力保障体系、实施评估体系等在内的总称.经过20多年的发展,我国环境保护规划体系逐步完善,我国环境保护规划的地位和作用也日益提升,为环境质量改善做出了重要贡献.特别是"十一五"环保规划实施以来,主要污染物排放总量持续下降,局部地区环境质量有了较大改善.做好"十二五"环保规划,必须站在新的历史起点上,不断完善环境保护规划体系,以提高环境民生质量和水平为出发点,加快推进环境保护历史性转变,优化经济社会发展,为生态文明建设做出更大贡献.  相似文献   

严控、严治、严管污染源,全面减少污染增量,深入治理污染存量,是大幅减少排放总量的根本路径。把改善环境质量作为提高经济发展质量和效益的内涵,结合区域产业发展特点,推进绿色产业发展。改革排污总量控制制度体系,建立企业总量与区域总量相结合的控制模式,深入推进治污减排。  相似文献   

《排污许可管理条例》的颁布,标志着以排污许可制为核心的固定污染源监管制度体系建设进入法治化发展的新阶段。当前应以《排污许可管理条例》的实施为契机,在抓好排污许可证数量的基础上狠抓质量提高,坚持走好精细化、科学化和信息化发展道路;在建立基本制度的基础上建成核心制度,推动排污许可制与环评、总量控制、生态环境统计、监督执法等相关生态环境监管制度的系统联动,扩大排污单位、环境要素覆盖面,强化固定污染源"一证式"执法监管和贯穿全周期监管,全面服务生态环境质量改善。  相似文献   

环境质量的改善只有在污染物浓度控制与总量控制的共同管理下才能实现,建立入海污染总量控制体系是近岸海域环境保护的当务之急。本文以近岸海域污染场界系统为工具,将近岸海域污染过程分解为发生场、输移场和效应场三个子系统加以分析,系统分割,子系统间跨边界矛盾和系统要素配置不合理是我国海域污染总量控制的三大问题。提出以包括部门统筹、要素统筹和区域统筹在内的海陆统筹思路克服系统问题,并建立以统筹定标、收集转移和控源减量为核心的海域污染总量控制体系。  相似文献   

我国目前区域复合污染现象突出,现行污染物总量控制状况无法反映环境质量的变化。当前总量控制策略以主要一次污染物减排量作为最终控制目标缺乏有效性,单一指标控制和属地管理模式使得区域总体和长期控制成本高昂。在总结美国非达标区污染治理经验的基础上,认为应建立总量控制与环境质量的响应关系,确立以环境质量改善为目标的污染控制策略,基于共同发展、区域联防联控的原则进行污染的控制与管理。  相似文献   

金浩波 《环境导报》2003,(13):32-32
为有效控制环境污染,改善环境质量,促进社会、经济建设持续健康发展,环境管理必须从以往单一的浓度控制向浓度控制与总量控制并举的管理模式转变。总量控制是将某一控制区域作为一个完整的体系,采取措施将排入这一区域内的污染物排放总量控制在一定数量以内,以满足该区域的环境质量要求。总量控制既是一种环境管理的思想,也是一种环境管理的手段。为了实现这一跨越,要在提高认识的基础上,不断完善相应的法规、政策,采取积极有效的管理办法,以达到根据环境容量对污染物排放实施总量控制的目的。与总量控制相对应的浓度控制是一种传统的污染物…  相似文献   

 The hexagon model of color vision predicts that white flowers which reflect ultraviolet light resemble green foliage to a bee's eye, whereas, according to other models of the bee color vision, UV-reflecting white is discriminable from foliage green. The hexagon model is widely used in ecologically and evolutionary oriented literature, and the predicted similarity between white and green has been recently presented as a well established fact (Waser and Chittka 1998). We show that bees detect UV-reflecting white objects presented on a green background, a finding that is in disagreement with the predictions of the hexagon model. Received: 22 March 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 2 July 1999  相似文献   

本文对保山市城市垃圾物相组成及其发热量等性质进行了研究,对城市垃圾的有效利用和处理提供了技术支持,并提出了适合其特性的处理方式。  相似文献   

Madagascar provides some of the rare examples where two or more primate species of the same genus and with seemingly identical niche requirements occur in sympatry. If congeneric primate species co-occur in other parts of the world, they differ in size in a way that is consistent with Hutchinson’s rule for coexisting species, or they occupy different ecological niches. In some areas of Madagascar, mouse lemurs do not follow these “rules” and thus seem to violate one of the principles of community ecology. In order to understand the mechanisms that allow coexistence of sympatric congeneric species without obvious niche differentiation, we studied food composition of two identical sized omnivorous mouse lemur species, Microcebus griseorufus and M. murinus with the help of stable isotope analyses (δ 15N and δ 13C). The two species are closely related sister species. During the rich season, when food seems abundant, the two species do not differ in their nitrogen isotope composition, indicating that the two species occupy the same trophic level. But they differ in their δ 13C values, indicating that M. griseorufus feeds more on C4 and CAM (Crassulacean-acid-metabolism) plants than M. murinus. During the lean season, M. murinus has lower δ 15N values, indicating that the two species feed at different trophic levels during times of food shortage. Hybrids between the two species showed intermediate food composition. The results reflect subtle differences in foraging or metabolic adaptations that are difficult to quantify by traditional observations but that represent possibilities to allow coexistence of species.  相似文献   

开发利用型保护区是同时满足保护和发展目标的一项创举,在巴西,建立开发利用型保护区最初是作为森林居民进行土地斗争的一部分.虽然这个概念已普及,并且人们也在尝试把它推广到其他热带地区,但却很少有人对开发利用型保护区项目在保护和发展方面取得的成绩进行综合分析.我们对1990年在巴西建立的第一个开发利用型保护区的森林砍伐、人口和社会经济变化进行了详细分析.保护区内的森林覆盖度一直相当稳定.人口数量稍有下降,并且在保护区内发生了一些居住地迁移.现金经济收入的主要来源由原来的橡胶生产转变为多种农作物和家畜综合生产,非农业收入也大幅度增加.我们认为该开发利用型保护区代表了一种不断变化的环境,在其建立之初的10年中,开发利用型保护区对保护和发展起了积极促进作用.  相似文献   

The fungus gardens of fungus-growing ants are a potentially valuable resource for exploitation by natural enemies, but few of these antagonistic interactions have been studied. Here we describe key aspects of the behavioral ecology of Gnamptogenys hartmani (Ponerinae: Ectatommini), a specialized agro-predator of Trachymyrmex and Sericomyrmex fungus-growing ants in Panama. Raiding columns of G. hartmani attack and usurp nests with remarkably little effort: a few intruding workers are sufficient to cause panic among the attine ants and make them abscond from the nest. Both G. hartmani larvae and adults consume the fungus and the host brood, after which the colony migrates to a new fungus-growing ant nest discovered by scouting workers. The morphology of the G. hartmani larval mouthparts is similar to that of Gnamptogenys species with a non-fungal diet. However, we suggest that the presence of long spinules on the larval mandibles in the genus Gnamptogenys, comparable to those found in attine larvae, may have pre-adapted G. hartmani to fungus eating. G. hartmani workers do not actively maintain or modify fungus gardens, which makes them less efficient exploiters than Megalomyrmex, the only other agro-predatory ant species known so far.  相似文献   

This is the first report of gynandromorphy in Isoptera. An Asian dry-wood termite, Neotermes koshunensis (Shiraki) [Kalotermitidae], possessing both male and female phenotypic characteristics, was found on Okinawa Island, Japan. This deformed individual showed morphological and anatomical hermaphroditism in the abdomen. The right side of the seventh sternite was the female form and contained an ovary, while the left side was the male form and contained a testis. Genotypic analysis revealed that this individual was a genotypic bilateral chimera. These results suggested that the termite was a bilateral gynandromorph with a male left side and a female right side. As reported previously in other insects, double fertilization (by two sperms, one with an X and one with a Y chromosome) of a binucleate egg is the most likely mechanism that generated this genotypic bilateral chimera. N. koshunensis has the ability to reproduce through parthenogenesis, in which the secondary polar body is likely to be used for nuclear phase recovery. If the second polar body in this mechanism has high fertility and healthy embryogenic potential, like an egg nucleus, some of gynandromorphs might be produced by a side effect of parthenogenetic ability.  相似文献   

According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Kyoto Protocol under it, industrial countries have to estimate their greenhouse gas emissions annually, and assess the uncertainties in these estimates. In Finland, agricultural methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions represent 7% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, and globally the share is much higher. Agriculture is one of the most uncertain emission categories (representing over 20% of greenhouse gas inventory uncertainty in Finland), due to both high natural variability of the emission sources and poor knowledge of the emission-generating processes. In this paper, we present an uncertainty estimate of agricultural CH4 and N2O emissions from Finland in 2002. Uncertainties were estimated based on measurement data, literature and expert judgement, and total uncertainty in agriculture was calculated using Monte Carlo simulation. According to the calculations, agricultural CH4 and N2O emissions from Finland were 3.7 to 7.8 Tg carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents, 5.4 Tg being the mean value.Estimates of CH4 emissions are more reliable than those of N2O. N2O from agricultural soils was the most uncertain emission category, and the uncertainty was not reduced by using available national measurement data of N2O fluxes. Sensitivity study revealed that the uncertainty in total agricultural inventory could be 7% points lower, if more accurate emission estimation methods were used, including 1) improved data collection in area estimates of organic soils, 2) climate-specific methods for N2O from agricultural soils as already presented in literature, and 3) more detailed CH4 estimation methods for enteric fermentation which can be achieved by investigating national circumstances and digestible systems of animals in more detail.  相似文献   

CO<Subscript>2</Subscript> emission and economic growth of Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research investigates the relationship between CO2 emission and economic growth of Iran over 14 years from 1994 to 2007 using a national panel data set. The statistical and emission intensity methodologies are used for analyzing the data series. The study finds evidence supporting parameters which conclude the stability of significant correlation between CO2 emission and economic development over time during the years under investigation in Iran. This relationship is investigated and discussed for the energy sectors of the country as well. The results confirm that in all sectors except of agricultural, there is a positive strong correlation between CO2 emission and economic growth throughout the study period. In most sectors, CO2 emission intensity (the emission per unit of GDP) doesn’t show increasing trends while the absolute emission is rapidly increasing by the economic growth.  相似文献   

The vespine wasps, Vespa velutina, specialise in hawking honeybee foragers returning to their nests. We studied their behaviour in China using native Apis cerana and introduced A. mellifera colonies. When the wasps are hawking, A. cerana recruits threefold more guard bees to stave off predation than A. mellifera. The former also utilises wing shimmering as a visual pattern disruption mechanism, which is not shown by A. mellifera. A. cerana foragers halve the time of normal flight needed to dart into the nest entrance, while A. mellifera actually slows down in sashaying flight manoeuvres. V. velutina preferentially hawks A. mellifera foragers when both A. mellifera and A. cerana occur in the same apiary. The pace of wasp-hawking was highest in mid-summer but the frequency of hawking wasps was three times higher at A. mellifera colonies than at the A. cerana colonies. The wasps were taking A. mellifera foragers at a frequency eightfold greater than A. cerana foragers. The final hawking success rates of the wasps were about three times higher for A. mellifera foragers than for A. cerana. The relative success of native A. cerana over European A. mellifera in thwarting predation by the wasp V. velutina is interpreted as the result of co-evolution between the Asian wasp and honeybee, respectively.  相似文献   

The sympatric neotropical termites Nasutitermes corniger and Nasutitermes ephratae are clearly distinguishable based on morphology, nest architecture, defensive secretion composition, and molecular markers. However, given the extensive ecological, geographical, and behavioral overlap of these closely related species, the potential for interbreeding may exist. To explore this possibility, heterospecific pairs were formed experimentally to examine courtship and colony-establishment behaviors, and reproductive potential. Courtship and nest construction behavior occurred in heterospecific pairs in a similar manner to that of conspecific pairs. Survival of pairs depended upon the species of the female partner. N. ephratae females paired with N. corniger males produced as many offspring as conspecific pairs. N. corniger females mated to N. ephratae males, however, produced significantly fewer offspring at 60 days post-establishment than the reciprocal cross or conspecific N. ephratae or N. corniger pairs. This was also the only pairing in which any aggression was observed. Heterospecific pairs and groups formed in mate choice mesocosms, suggesting that species recognition between these two termites is not an important aspect of mate choice. Overall, species mismatch tolerance and hybrid offspring viability are high. The present data, together with previous evidence from defensive secretions and isozyme analysis, suggest that hybridization may periodically occur in nature, and that reproductive barriers between these two species may be incomplete. Hybridization could provide a rare but important source of genetic diversity and may ensure mating opportunities for the more abundant sex of alates in each species.  相似文献   

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