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The present paper reports how stand size-structure dynamics due to competition between different-sized trees affect long-term forested water balance in Japanese cool-temperate planted stands (evergreen coniferous Cryptomeria japonica and deciduous coniferous Larix kaempferi stands) using a fully coupled multi-layered meteorological surface physics—terrestrial ecosystems model. The simulation captured the well-known annual variation in leaf area index (LAI) accurately with stand age in monocultured and even-aged stands; the occurrence of maximum LAI during the early growth stage and then a gradual decline followed by a steady state after the maximum LAI. The simulations also detected a high dependency of annual evapotranspiration (AETr) on LAI with stand age that is well known by prior observational researches. In the C. japonica (shade-tolerant late-successional species) stand, the relationship between annual net primary productivity of an individual tree (NPPind) and individual tree mass (w) changed from linear to a convex curve during self-thinning, indicating that the degree of asymmetric tree competition intensified with forest stand development. The higher degree of competitive asymmetry characterized by the convex-shaped NPPind-w relationship produced greater size inequality, i.e., the formation of trees stratified by height. Under such conditions, AETr and annual transpiration (ATr) were mainly regulated by larger trees. On the other hand, the NPPind-w relationships in the L. kaempferi (shade-intolerant early-successional species) stand were linear throughout the simulated period, indicating the lower degree of competitive asymmetry. Under such conditions, the growth of intermediate-sized trees was enhanced and these trees became a dominant source of AETr (and also ATr) during self-thinning. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis of the effects of ecophysiological parameters such as foliage profile (i.e., vertical distribution of leaf area density) of an individual tree (distribution pattern is described by the parameter η), the maximum carboxylation velocity (Vcmax0) and biomass allocation pattern of individual plant growth (μ1) on AETr, ATr and annual runoff (ARoff) showed that the temporal trends of AETr, ATr, ARoff and NPPind-w relationships were completely the same as those in the control simulations. However, the NPPind-w relationship during self-thinning indicated higher degrees of competitive asymmetry when η or Vcmax0 were greater than those in the control simulation and generated greater AETr and ATr and thus smaller ARoff. We found that more asymmetric tree competition brings about greater size inequality between different-sized trees and thus more evapotranspiration and less runoff in a forest stand. Overall, our simulation approach revealed that not only LAI dynamics but also plant competition, and thus size-structure dynamics, in a forest ecosystem are essential to long-term future projections of forested water balance.  相似文献   

We show the implications of the commonly observed age-related decline in aboveground productivity of forests, and hence forest age structure, on the carbon dynamics of European forests in response to historical changes in environmental conditions. Size-dependent carbon allocation in trees to counteract increasing hydraulic resistance with tree height has been hypothesized to be responsible for this decline. Incorporated into a global terrestrial biosphere model (the Lund-Potsdam-Jena model, LPJ), this hypothesis improves the simulated increase in biomass with stand age. Application of the advanced model, including a generic representation of forest management in even-aged stands, for 77 European provinces shows that model-based estimates of biomass development with age compare favorably with inventory-based estimates for different tree species. Model estimates of biomass densities on province and country levels, and trends in growth increment along an annual mean temperature gradient are in broad agreement with inventory data. However, the level of agreement between modeled and inventory-based estimates varies markedly between countries and provinces. The model is able to reproduce the present-day age structure of forests and the ratio of biomass removals to increment on a European scale based on observed changes in climate, atmospheric CO2 concentration, forest area, and wood demand between 1948 and 2000. Vegetation in European forests is modeled to sequester carbon at a rate of 100 Tg C/yr, which corresponds well to forest inventory-based estimates.  相似文献   

This article describes a new forest management module (FMM) that explicitly simulates forest stand growth and management within a process-based global vegetation model (GVM) called ORCHIDEE. The net primary productivity simulated by ORCHIDEE is used as an input to the FMM. The FMM then calculates stand and management characteristics such as stand density, tree size distribution, tree growth, the timing and intensity of thinnings and clear-cuts, wood extraction and litter generated after thinning. Some of these variables are then fed back to ORCHIDEE. These computations are made possible with a distribution-based modelling of individual tree size. The model derives natural mortality from the relative density index (rdi), a competition index based on tree size and stand density. Based on the common forestry management principle of avoiding natural mortality, a set of rules is defined to calculate the recurrent intensity and frequency of forestry operations during the stand lifetime. The new-coupled model is called ORCHIDEE-FM (forest management).The general behaviour of ORCHIDEE-FM is analysed for a broadleaf forest in north-eastern France. Flux simulation throughout a forest rotation compare well with the literature values, both in absolute values and dynamics.Results from ORCHIDEE-FM highlight the impact of forest management on ecosystem C-cycling, both in terms of carbon fluxes and stocks. In particular, the average net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of 225 gC m−2 year−1 is close to the biome average of 311 gC m−2 year−1. The NEP of the “unmanaged” case is 40% lower, leading us to conclude that management explains 40% of the cumulated carbon sink over 150 years. A sensitivity analysis reveals 4 major avenues for improvement: a better determination of initial conditions, an improved allocation scheme to explain age-related decline in productivity, and an increased specificity of both the self-thinning curve and the biomass-diameter allometry.  相似文献   

The 3 forest simulation model is a process model of tree growth, carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a single-species, even-aged forest stand. It is based on the model. Major changes include the computation of sun angle and radiation as a function of latitude and day of the year, the closed-form integration of canopy production as a function of day and hour, the introduction of tree number, height, and diameter as separate state variables, and different growth strategies, mortalities, and resulting self-thinning as function of crowding competition.The tree/soil system is described by a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations for the state variables: tree number, base diameter, tree height, wood biomass, nitrogen in wood, leaf mass, fine root mass, fruit biomass, assimilate, carbon and nitrogen in litter, carbon and nitrogen in soil organic matter, and plant-available nitrogen. The model includes explicit formulations of all relevant ecophysiological processes such as: computation of radiation as a function of seasonal time, daytime and cloudiness, light attenuation in the canopy, and canopy photosynthesis as function of latitude, seasonal time, and daytime, respiration of all parts, assimilate allocation, increment formation, nitrogen fixation, mineralization, humification and leaching, forest management (thinning, felling, litter removal, fertilization etc.), temperature effects on respiration and decomposition, and environmental effects (pollution damage to photosynthesis, leaves, and fine roots). Only ecophysiological parameters which can be either directly measured or estimated with reasonable certainty are used. 3 is a generic process model which requires species- and site-specific parametrization. It can be applied to deciduous and coniferous forests under tropical, as well as temperate or boreal conditions.The paper presents a full documentation of the mathematical model as well as representative simulation results for spruce and acacia.  相似文献   

The treedyn3 forest simulation model is a process model of tree growth, carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a single-species, even-aged forest stand. It is based on the treedyn model. Major changes include the computation of sun angle and radiation as a function of latitude and day of the year, the closed-form integration of canopy production as a function of day and hour, the introduction of tree number, height, and diameter as separate state variables, and different growth strategies, mortalities, and resulting self-thinning as function of crowding competition.The tree/soil system is described by a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations for the state variables: tree number, base diameter, tree height, wood biomass, nitrogen in wood, leaf mass, fine root mass, fruit biomass, assimilate, carbon and nitrogen in litter, carbon and nitrogen in soil organic matter, and plant-available nitrogen. The model includes explicit formulations of all relevant ecophysiological processes such as: computation of radiation as a function of seasonal time, daytime and cloudiness, light attenuation in the canopy, and canopy photosynthesis as function of latitude, seasonal time, and daytime, respiration of all parts, assimilate allocation, increment formation, nitrogen fixation, mineralization, humification and leaching, forest management (thinning, felling, litter removal, fertilization etc.), temperature effects on respiration and decomposition, and environmental effects (pollution damage to photosynthesis, leaves, and fine roots). Only ecophysiological parameters which can be either directly measured or estimated with reasonable certainty are used. treedyn3 is a generic process model which requires species- and site-specific parametrization. It can be applied to deciduous and coniferous forests under tropical, as well as temperate or boreal conditions.The paper presents a full documentation of the mathematical model as well as representative simulation results for spruce and acacia.  相似文献   

A simulation study was carried out to investigate simultaneously the effects of eco-physiological parameters on competitive asymmetry, self-thinning, stand biomass and NPP in a temperate forest using an atmosphere–vegetation dynamics interactive model (MINoSGI). In this study, we selected three eco-physiological relevant parameters as foliage profiles (i.e. vertical distribution of leaf area density) of individual trees (distribution pattern is described by the parameter η), biomass allocation pattern in individual tree growth (χ) and the maximum carboxylation velocity (Vmax). The position of the maximal leaf area density shifts upward in the canopy with increasing η. For scenarios with η < 4 (foliage concentrated in the lowest canopy layer) or η > 12 (foliage concentrated in the uppermost canopy layer), a low degree of competitive asymmetry was produced. These scenarios resulted in the survival of subordinate trees due to a brighter lower canopy environment when η < 4 or the generation of spatially separated foliage profiles between dominant and subordinate trees when η > 12. In contrast, competition between trees was most asymmetric when 4 ≤ η ≤ 12 (vertically widespread foliage profile in the canopy), especially when η = 8. In such cases, vertically widespread foliage of dominant trees lowered the opportunity of light acquisition for subordinate trees and reduced their carbon gain. The resulting reduction in carbon gain of subordinate trees yielded a higher degree of competitive asymmetry and ultimately higher mortality of subordinate trees. It was also shown that 4 ≤ η ≤ 12 generated higher self-thinning speed, smaller accumulated NPP, litter-fall and potential stand biomass as compared with the scenarios with η < 4 or η > 12. In contrast, our simulation revealed small effects of χ or Vmax on the above-mentioned variables as compared with those of η. In particular, it is notable that greater Vmax would not produce greater potential stand biomass and accumulated NPP although it has been thought that physiological parameters relevant to photosynthesis such as Vmax influence dynamic changes in forest stand biomass and NPP (e.g. the greater the Vmax, the greater the NPP). Overall, it is suggested that foliage profiles rather than biomass allocation or maximum carboxylation velocity greatly govern forest dynamics, stand biomass, NPP and litter-fall.  相似文献   

Vegetation growth models often concentrate on the interaction of vegetation with soil moisture but usually omit the influence of groundwater. However the proximity of groundwater can have a profound effect on vegetation growth, because it strongly influences the spatial and temporal distribution of soil moisture and therefore water and oxygen stress of vegetation. In two papers we describe the behavior of a coupled vegetation-groundwater-soil water model including the competition for water and light. In this first paper we describe the vegetation model, compare the model to measured flux data and show the influence of water and light competition in one dimension. In the second paper we focus on the influence of lateral groundwater flow and spatial patterns along a hillslope. The vegetation model is based on a biophysical representation of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. Transpiration and stomatal conductance depend both on atmospheric forcing and soil moisture content. Carbon assimilation depends on environmental conditions, stomatal conductance and biochemical processes. Light competition is driven by tree height and water competition is driven by root water uptake and its water and oxygen stress reaction. The modeled and measured H2O and CO2 fluxes compare well to observations on both a diurnal and a yearly timescale. Using an upscaling procedure long simulation runs were performed. These show the importance of light competition in temperate forests: once a tree is established under slightly unfavorable soil moisture conditions it can not be outcompeted by smaller trees with better soil moisture uptake capabilities, both in dry as in wet conditions. Performing the long simulation runs with a background mortality rate reproduces realistic densities of wet and dry adapted tree species along a wet to dry gradient. These simulations show that the influence of groundwater is apparent for a large range of groundwater depths, by both capillary rise and water logging. They also show that species composition and biomass have a larger influence on the water balance in eco-hydrological systems than soil and groundwater alone.  相似文献   

The Yellow River Delta region in China is a land area of 1,200,000 ha with rich natural resources. Adverse environmental conditions, such as low rainfall and high salinity, promote the dominance of black locust trees for afforestation. With the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, this forest and others throughout the world have become valued for their ability to sequester and store carbon. Forests store carbon in aboveground biomass (i.e. trees), belowground biomass (i.e. roots), soils and standing litter crop (i.e. forest floor and coarse woody debris). There are well-developed methods to sample forest ecosystems, including tree inventories that are used to quantify carbon in aboveground tree biomass. Such inventories are used to estimate the types of roundwood products removed from the forest during harvesting. Based on standard plot inventories and stem analyses, carbon sequestration estimates of trees were 222.41 t ha?1 for the Yellow River Delta region accounted for 67.12% of the whole forest. Similarly, carbon storage by herbaceous matter and soil was 0.50 and 50.34 t ha?1, respectively. The results suggest that carbon sequestration in the forest ecosystem was performed by most of the forest, which plays an increasingly important role in sequestering carbon as the stand grows.  相似文献   

The observed growth of a particular forest stand can be described by many models and explained by some of them. The forest growth models are also successfully applied for extrapolating the growth curve. However, the known models of forest growth are not “one-point” models. They are not designed to predict the future growth of a forest stand from its current state: the model parameters either are not directly measurable or cannot be measured with relevant accuracy. This article is an attempt to use Jørgensen–Svirezhev theory as a new clue to the choice of variables that determines forest growth. The postulates of this theory combined with the pipe theory of tree growth lead to conclusion that biomass of a stand should be proportional to the four-fifths power of its age. Empirical validation, however, disclosed that calendar age is rather approximate measure of ecosystem ontogeny. Delayed development or intensive thinning of a forest stand at the early stages leads to rejuvenation bias. Thus derived 4/5-law model approximates well-known Chapman–Richards model in the neighborhood of the inflection point, and is applicable to middle-aged forest stands.  相似文献   

The succession of a mixed species stand of the Acadian Forest was simulated by adopting an approach taken by Botkin et al. (1972) (JABOWA) and later modified by Shugart and West (1977) (FORET). The model simulates the dynamic aspects of successional behaviour of the stand by projecting the current stage of vegetation composition (size of each individual of each species present on a 1/12 ha plot) with an element of randomness. The growth of each tree is modeled as a function of its size (represented by its diameter at breast height (dbh), height and leaf area index), the climate, the tree's tolerance to shade and the competition for available resources and space. Stand aboveground biomass (metric ton/ha), leaf area index, number of trees/ha and species composition of the stand were simulated under seven different conditions: (a) normal treatment, (b) increasing biomass maximum 30%, (c) decreasing biomass maximum 30%, (d) increasing degree-days 30%, (e) decreasing degree-days 30%, (f) increasing light extinction coefficient 30% and (g) decreasing light extinction coefficient 30%. Under the first set of conditions (normal treatment), the aboveground biomass reached a maximum value during the first hundred years, decreased during the second, and remained stable for the rest of the 500-year simulation period. The leaf area showed a similar pattern. The total number of trees/ha decreased sharply during the first fifty years and reached a stable value by the end of the first hundred years. Successional patterns and species competitive abilities were interpreted from the accumulated biomass of each species over the simulation period under the different treatments.Species composition of the stand under the normal treatment showed dominance of deciduous species at early stages of succession, with conifer species being increased and becoming dominant at the end of the simulation period. When the climate was raised 30% (warmer) over the average, the deciduous species continued their dominance over the course of the simulation period. Other simulated species dynamics also appeared to follow what is known about their successional behaviour in the field.  相似文献   

In Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from biomass combustion are traditionally assumed climate neutral if the bioenergy system is CO2 flux neutral, i.e. the quantity of CO2 released approximately equals the amount of CO2 sequestered in biomass. This convention is a plausible assumption for fast growing biomass species, but is inappropriate for slower growing biomass, like forests. In this case, the climate impact from biomass combustion can be potentially underestimated if CO2 emissions are ignored, or overestimated, if biogenic CO2 is considered equal to anthropogenic CO2. The estimation of the effective climate impact should take into account how the CO2 fluxes are distributed over time: the emission of CO2 from bioenergy approximately occurs at a single point in time, while the absorption by the new trees is spread over several decades. Our research target is to include this dynamic time dimension in unit-based impact analysis, using a boreal forest stand as case study. The boreal forest growth is modelled with an appropriate function, and is investigated under different forestry regimes (affecting the growth rate and the year of harvest). Specific atmospheric decay functions for biomass-derived CO2 are then elaborated for selected combinations of forest management options. The contribution to global warming is finally quantified using the GWPbio index as climate metric. Results estimates the effects of these practices on the characterization factor used for the global warming potential of CO2 from bioenergy, and point out the key role played by the selected time horizon.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》1999,114(2-3):113-135
A spatially explicit forest gap model was developed for the Sierra Nevada, California, and is the first of its kind because it integrates climate, fire and forest pattern. The model simulates a forest stand as a grid of 15×15 m forest plots and simulates the growth of individual trees within each plot. Fuel inputs are generated from each individual tree according to tree size and species. Fuel moisture varies both temporally and spatially with the local site water balance and forest condition, thus linking climate with the fire regime. Fires occur as a function of the simulated fuel loads and fuel moisture, and the burnable area is simulated as a result of the spatially heterogeneous fuel bed conditions. We demonstrate the model’s ability to couple the fire regime to both climate and forest pattern. In addition, we use the model to investigate the importance of climate and forest pattern as controls on the fire regime. Comparison of model results with independent data indicate that the model performs well in several areas. Patterns of fuel accumulation, climatic control of fire frequency and the influence of fuel loads on the spatial extent of fires in the model are particularly well-supported by data. This model can be used to examine the complex interactions among climate, fire and forest pattern across a wide range of environmental conditions and vegetation types. Our results suggest that, in the Sierra Nevada, fuel moisture can exert an important control on fire frequency and this control is especially pronounced at sites where most of the annual precipitation is in the form of snow. Fuel loads, on the other hand, may limit the spatial extent of fire, especially at elevations below 1500 m. Above this elevation, fuel moisture may play an increasingly important role in limiting the area burned.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model Mixfor-3D of soil–vegetation–atmosphere transfer (SVAT) was developed and applied to estimate possible effects of tree clear-cutting on radiation and soil temperature regimes of a forest ecosystem. The Mixfor-3D model consists of several closely coupled 3D sub-models describing: forest stand structure; radiative transfer in a forest canopy; turbulent transfer of sensible heat, H2O and CO2 between ground surface and the atmospheric surface layer; evapotranspiration of ground surface vegetation and soil; heat and moisture transfer in soil. The model operates with the horizontal grid resolution, 2 m × 2 m; vertical resolution, 1 m and primary time step, 1 h.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,181(2-3):173-190
Impacts of elevated temperature and CO2 on tree growth were introduced into a statistical growth and yield model for Finnish conditions based on corresponding predictions obtained from a physiological growth model. This one-way link between models was made by means of species-specific transfer functions describing the increase in stem volume growth of trees as a function of elevated temperature and CO2, stand density and the tree's competition status in a stand of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), silver birch (Betula pendula) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). This method allows the inner dynamics of the statistical model to be followed when the impacts of temperature and CO2 elevation on tree growth are introduced into the calculation of volume growth and further allocated between diameter and height growth. In this way compatibility with previous predictions of tree growth by means of statistical models and related model systems under current climatic conditions could be retained.The performance of the statistical model with species-specific transfer functions was evaluated by comparing its predictions with corresponding predictions given by a physiological model under conditions of elevated temperature and CO2. These calculations revealed that the growth response of individual trees to elevated temperature and CO2 can be introduced into the statistical model from a physiological growth model with an outcome that results in fairly satisfactory growth responses at the stand level as well.  相似文献   

Allometric equations allow aboveground tree biomass and carbon stock to be estimated from tree size. The allometric scaling theory suggests the existence of a universal power-law relationship between tree biomass and tree diameter with a fixed scaling exponent close to 8/3. In addition, generic empirical models, like Chave's or Brown's models, have been proposed for tropical forests in America and Asia. These generic models have been used to estimate forest biomass and carbon worldwide. However, tree allometry depends on environmental and genetic factors that vary from region to region. Consequently, theoretical models that include too few ecological explicative variables or empirical generic models that have been calibrated at particular sites are unlikely to yield accurate tree biomass estimates at other sites. In this study, we based our analysis on a destructive sample of 481 trees in Madagascar spiny dry and moist forests characterized by a high rate of endemism (> 95%). We show that, among the available generic allometric models, Chave's model including diameter, height, and wood specific gravity as explicative variables for a particular forest type (dry, moist, or wet tropical forest) was the only one that gave accurate tree biomass estimates for Madagascar (R2 > 83%, bias < 6%), with estimates comparable to those obtained with regional allometric models. When biomass allometric models are not available for a given forest site, this result shows that a simple height-diameter allometry is needed to accurately estimate biomass and carbon stock from plot inventories.  相似文献   

基于内蒙古赛罕乌拉森林生态系统定位研究站山杨(Populus davidiana Dode)天然次生林幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林及过熟林生物量调查,探讨了不同龄组山杨天然次生林单株木、林分、林下植被和枯落物的生物量及群落碳储量的时空变化规律。结果表明:随林龄的增大,山杨天然次生林木和各器官生物量总体呈增加趋势,树干所占比例增加,中龄林增加尤为明显;林下植被层、枯落物层生物量随林龄增大呈增加趋势。群落总碳储量的空间分布序列是:乔木层〉枯落物层〉林下植被层。幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林和过熟林群落的碳储量分别为27.146 6、53.545 1、60.889 8、77.915 8、79.135 3t.hm-2,乔木层碳储量分别为22.206 5、47.215 7、52.056 3、68.445 3、68.773 1 t.hm-2,枯落物层和林下植被层碳储量平均值分别为5.814 4、2.172 7 t.hm-2。乔木层、枯落物层和林下植被层碳储量占总量的平均率分别为86.05%、10.39%和3.57%。研究认为山杨天然次生林群落碳储量随林龄增加的变化规律明显,碳汇潜力巨大;中龄林为碳储量增长迅速期,且持续较长一段时间,是林分管理的关键阶段;自然稀疏有利于促进林木生长,林分碳储量并未随林分密度下降而减小。  相似文献   

A stochastic model is applied to describe the spatial structure of a forest stand. We aim at quantifying the strength of the competition process between the trees in terms of interaction within and between different size classes of trees using multivariate Gibbs point processes with hierarchical interactions introduced in [Högmander, H., Särkkä, A., 1999. Multitype spatial point patterns with hierarchical interactions. Biometrics 55, 1051–1058]. The new model overcomes the main limitation of the traditional use of the Gibbs models allowing to describe systems with non-symmetric interactions between different objects. When analyzing interactions between neighbouring trees it is natural to assume that the size of a tree determines its hierarchical level: the largest trees are not influenced by any other trees than the trees in the same size class, while trees in the other size classes are influenced by the other trees in the same class as well as by all larger trees. In this paper, we describe a wide range of Gibbs models with both hierarchical and non-hierarchical interactions as well as a simulation algorithm and a parameter estimation procedure for the hierarchical models. We apply the hierarchical interaction model to the analysis of forest data consisting of locations and diameters of tree stems.  相似文献   

The construction of a new forest management module (FMM) within the ORCHIDEE global vegetation model (GVM) allows a realistic simulation of biomass changes during the life cycle of a forest, which makes many biomass datasets suitable as validation data for the coupled ORCHIDEE-FM GVM. This study uses three datasets to validate ORCHIDEE-FM at different temporal and spatial scales: permanent monitoring plots, yield tables, and the French national inventory data. The last dataset has sufficient geospatial coverage to allow a novel type of validation: inventory plots can be used to produce continuous maps that can be compared to continuous simulations for regional trends in standing volumes and volume increments. ORCHIDEE-FM performs better than simple statistical models for stand-level variables, which include tree density, basal area, standing volume, average circumference and height, when management intensity and initial conditions are known: model efficiency is improved by an average of 0.11, and its average bias does not exceed 25%. The performance of the model is less satisfying for tree-level variables, including extreme circumferences, tree circumference distribution and competition indices, or when management and initial conditions are unknown. At the regional level, when climate forcing is accurate for precipitation, ORCHIDEE-FM is able to reproduce most productivity patterns in France, such as the local lows of needleleaves in the Parisian basin and of broadleaves in south-central France. The simulation of water stress effects on biomass in the Mediterranean region, however, remains problematic, as does the simulation of the wood increment for coniferous trees. These pitfalls pertain to the general ORCHIDEE model rather than to the FMM. Overall, with an average bias seldom exceeding 40%, the performance of ORCHIDEE-FM is deemed reliable to use it as a new modelling tool in the study of the effects of interactions between forest management and climate on biomass stocks of forests across a range of scales from plot to country.  相似文献   

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