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综合水质标识指数法在浑河水质评价中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
胡成  苏丹 《生态环境》2011,20(1):186-192
综合评价水环境质量,全面把握流域水环境污染特征是水环境污染防治中的重要基础性工作。水质标识指数可以完整标识水质评价指标的类别、水质数据、功能区目标值等重要信息,在单因子水质标识指数法基础上建立的综合水质标识指数法能完整表达河流总体的综合水质信息,既不会因个别水质指标较差就否定综合水质,又能对综合水质做出合理的评价;既可以在Ⅰ到Ⅴ类中比较水质的优劣,亦可以对劣Ⅴ类进行评价。为系统全面地研究浑河流域各不同河段水环境特征,将浑河流域划分为3个控制单元,根据2001—2010年间水质监测数据,采用综合水质标识指数法,识别出各控制单元主要污染因子,并阐明了浑河流域水环境质量时空变化规律,本研究即体现了全流域统筹考虑的系统思想,又体现了分区研究的针对性特点,并首次将综合水质标识指数法应用于浑河流域水质综合评价,其研究结论对水质监测数据的评价有一定的借鉴作用,亦对流域水污染防治对策的提出有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

QUAL2E模型在大沽河干流青岛段水质模拟中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用QUAL2E模型对大沽河干流青岛段的水质进行了模拟和预测。针对大沽河的具体情况,选用BOD5、COD和氮作为模拟预测指标,用实验模拟方法、模型率定法并参考相关文献确定了BOD耗氧系数k1、BOD复氧系数k2、BOD沉降系数k3、COD耗氧系数和弥散系数等水质参数,并对模拟结果进行了验证,表明预测值和实测值的相关性较好;对BOD5、k1、k2和Q(流量)进行了灵敏度分析,结果表明对大沽河DO浓度影响敏感的参数依次是:Q、k2、BOD、k1,即流量Q是模型最敏感的参数,说明河流的水力学参数对DO影响较大。  相似文献   

The effect of catchment land use on water quality and macroinvertebrate communities was examined by using data gathered during a 2004 reconnaissance of nine sites in the Otara Creek, New Zealand. Data collected included macroinvertebrate, water chemistry and sediments characteristics. Macroinvertebrate data were used in metric and index calculations. A total of 61 macroinvertebrate taxa, with 3032 total individuals, were identified from the macroinvertebrates samples collected from nine sites in Otara Creek. The greatest number of macroinvertebrate taxa was recorded within bush sites (mean>25), while the urban sites had the least number of taxa (mean=10). Pasture sites were intermediate with the mean>17. Taxa number differed significantly across land use. Mean macroinvertebrates abundance varied across the sites and land uses. The highest macroinvertebrates mean abundance was recorded in urban and pasture sites, while bush sites had significantly lower mean abundance. Physico-chemical parameters decreased from bush toward urban streams. Biotic indices were sensitive to changes in macroinvertebrates community structure across land uses with mean scores decreasing from bush to urban and pasture streams. Ordination of biological data showed a clear separation of bush from urban and pastures streams. Analysis of similarities revealed significant differences in macroinvertebrates between both stream groups and land-use groups. The observed macroinvertebrate assemblage pattern was best correlated with a single variable, conductivity, temperature, turbidity, nitrate and dissolved oxygen. The combination of these environmental variables best explained the changes in the macroinvertebrate assemblages between sites. This study demonstrates that catchment land use may significantly affect the water quality and macroinvertebrate communities in an ecosystem.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the production of nanoscale ions via the liquid phase reduction method and the effectiveness of the removal of nitrate nitrogen (NO3?–N) as well as measure the products and kinetics of the reactions. The nanoparticles obtained were approximately 50 nm in diameter and the main component was iron (Fe). This custom-made nanoscale Fe was highly positively charged, and reacted rapidly with NO3?–N in oxygen-free and neutral conditions at room temperature. A 90% removal rate was achieved when the reaction occurred for 30 min in simulation sample water with vigorous shaking at 250 r/min at NO3?–N concentrations of 30, 50, 80 or120 mg N/L. The nanometer Fe dosage was maintained throughout the experiment at 4 g/L. A first-order kinetics equation was applied to the obtained experimental data which followed a pseudo first-order reaction. Data demonstrated that the removal of nitrate nitrogen from polluted groundwater using a nanoscale Fe iron was effective and rapid.  相似文献   

本文以无锡县河网水质数学模型的参数估算为例,根据河流的性质、水流特征、污染源的类型,选择5条河流进行现场观测,综合考虑不同河流的分析结果,研究了适用于平原河网水质数学模型的参数估算的方法。  相似文献   

In this study, emphasis has focused on assessing the potential hydro-environmental impacts of a barrage across the Severn Estuary, with a numerical model being developed and applied to the estuary to assess the impacts of proposed Severn Barrage on the hydrodynamic, sediment transport and faecal indicator organism distribution within the estuary. The results show that the Severn Barrage has the potential to reduce the tidal currents in a highly dynamic estuary. This leads to the reduction of suspended sediment concentrations, which in turn affects the bacterial transport processes which is highly related to the sediment transport processes.  相似文献   

在对广东省主要跨市河流进行详细调查的基础上,分析现有跨市河流边界水质控制断面的存在问题;综合考虑跨市河段的地理位置、水体现状功能及水环境敏感性等因素,并兼顾上、下游地区社会经济发展现状及趋势,建议在新丰江、增江、韩江、灞江、绥江、西南涌、西江干流、榕江、枫江等河道新设边界水质控制断面13个,在全省共布设38个断面,构成广东省跨市河流边界水质达标管理的监测体系。文章还建议,要尽快制定广东省跨市河流边界水质保护条例,为加强广东跨市河流边界水质的达标管理,解决上下游地区之问的污染纠纷提供法律依据。  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that the expansion of improved drinking water supplies in rural India reduced household expenditure on water quality, offsetting some of the quality benefits from source protection. I estimate demand for in-home treatment using geological characteristics to predict a household's drinking water source. The probability of treatment and in particular boiling reduces by 18–27 percentage points in response to source protection, offsetting 4% of the water quality gains and saving households 0.5–1% in monthly expenditure. Behavioral choices partly counteract the water quality gains from source protection.  相似文献   

Water quality modelling in the meso-scale Rhin catchment in the German federal state Brandenburg was done (1) to answer some specific questions concerning identification of point and diffuse sources of nutrient pollution in the catchment, (2) to assess the influences of possible climate and land use changes on water quantity and quality and (3) to evaluate potential measures to be done in order to achieve a “good ecological status” of the river and its lakes as required by the Water Framework Directive (WFD).The Rhin catchment is a typical highly regulated lowland river basin in Northern Germany. The regulations complicate water quantity and quality modelling in the catchment. The research was done by using the eco-hydrological model SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model), which simulates water and nutrient fluxes in soil and vegetation, as well as transport of water and nutrients to and within the river network. The modelling period was from 1981 until 2005. After calibrating the hydrological processes at different gauges within the basin with satisfactory results, water quality (nitrogen and phosphorus) modelling was done taking into account the emissions of different point sources (sewage treatment plants, etc.) and identifying the amount of diffuse pollution caused mainly by agriculture.For suggesting some feasible measures to improve water quality and to reduce diffuse pollution considering possible climate and land use changes, different reasonable scenarios were applied in consultation with the Environmental Agency of Brandenburg (LUA). The study revealed that the amount of water discharge has significant influence on the concentration of nutrients in the river network, and that nitrogen pollution, caused mainly by diffuse sources, could be notably reduced by application of agricultural measures, whereas the pollution by phosphorus could be diminished most effectively by the reduction of point source emissions.  相似文献   

Although fish are usually thought of as victims of water quality degradation, it has been proposed that some planktivorous species may improve water quality through consumption of algae and sequestering of nutrients via growth. Within most numerical water quality models, the highest trophic level modeled explicitly is zooplankton, prohibiting an investigation of the effect a fish species may be having on its environment. Conversely, numerical models of fish consumption do not typically include feedback mechanisms to capture the effects of fish on primary production and nutrient recycling. In the present study, a fish bioenergetics model is incorporated into CE-QUAL-ICM, a spatially explicit eutrophication model. In addition to fish consumption of algae, zooplankton, and detritus, fish biomass accumulation and nutrient recycling to the water column are explicitly accounted for. These developments advance prior modeling efforts of the impact of fish on water quality, many of which are based on integrated estimates over an entire system and which omit the feedback the fish have through nutrient recycling and excretion. To validate the developments, a pilot application was undertaken for Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) in Chesapeake Bay. The model indicates menhaden may reduce the algal biomass while simultaneously increasing primary productivity.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌梁素海水质时空分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李兴  杨乔媚  勾芒芒 《生态环境》2011,(8):1301-1306
将地质统计学理论与地理信息系统相结合对乌梁素海富营养化指标、有机污染指标和盐化污染指标进行了kriging空间插值,结果表明:从时间角度分析,冬季总氮浓度、总磷浓度、化学需氧量质量浓度明显高于其他季节;叶绿素a质量浓度浓度冬季最低;时空电导率平均值在4.0 ms.cm-1左右波动。从空间角度分析,总氮浓度、总磷浓度、叶绿素a质量浓度呈现出由北向南递减的趋势;夏秋季化学需氧量空间分布与春冬季节相反;冬季电导率空间分布与其他季节明显不同。从浓度大小分析,乌梁素海复合污染已十分严重。  相似文献   

太湖地区湖、河和井水中氮污染状况的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
连续监测了 2 0 0 0年 9月至 2 0 0 1年 9月太湖、大运河和井水中的N污染状况。结果表明 ,太湖水体中无机氮年均浓度达 1.14mg·L-1,已超过水体富营养化的浓度下限 ;大运河和井水分别达 7.16mg·L-1和 15 .84mg·L-1;井水中NO-3 -N浓度高达 15 .4 7mg·L-1,超过WHO所规定的生活饮用水NO-3 -N浓度上限的 5 0 %。试验结果还表明 ,河水中氮污染源以NH 4 -N为主 ,浓度高达 5 .6 3mg·L-1,占无机氮(NO-2 -N含量很低 ,忽略不计 )的 79% ;而井水中无机氮以NO-3 -N为主 ,占 98%。湖、河及井水中不同深度水样的分析结果表明 ,NO-3 -N和NH 4 -N浓度差异不显著 ,但其随时间变化差异明显。  相似文献   

将地质统计学理论与地理信息系统相结合对乌梁素海富营养化指标、有机污染指标和盐化污染指标进行了kriging空间插值,结果表明:从时间角度分析,冬季总氮浓度、总磷浓度、化学需氧量质量浓度明显高于其他季节;叶绿素a质量浓度浓度冬季最低;时空电导率平均值在4.0 ms.cm-1左右波动。从空间角度分析,总氮浓度、总磷浓度、叶绿素a质量浓度呈现出由北向南递减的趋势;夏秋季化学需氧量空间分布与春冬季节相反;冬季电导率空间分布与其他季节明显不同。从浓度大小分析,乌梁素海复合污染已十分严重。  相似文献   

滇池流域土地利用景观空间格局对水质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹晓峰  孙金华  黄艺 《生态环境》2012,21(2):364-369
选用综合水质评价方法,对滇池流域进行水质评价。选取斑块数量(NP)、斑块密度(PD)、最大斑块指数(LPI)、最大形状指数(LSI),作为表征景观空间格局的参数,来分析流域优势斑块对水质的影响。对水质评价结果与景观指数进行相关性分析得出:居民点及工矿用地斑块数量越多、形状越不规则,有利于延缓水质状况的恶化;耕地斑块越大,越集中,本身产生的面源污染浓度就越高,而流经耕地的径流中的污染物浓度则会因大斑块的吸附过滤作用而降低;林地斑块密度越大,对污染物的截留纳污作用就越大,而斑块越大,可能产生局限性,导致未流经林地的污染物直接进入河流而影响水质。  相似文献   

Groundwater samples from boreholes and open-hand-dug wells of six communities in the Isoko North Local Government Area of Nigeria were analyzed in respect to physicochemical factors, biological factors, and the metals Na, K, Mg, Ca, Ba, Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, and Fe for eight consecutive months to give mean values for the wet (July to October 2010) and the dry seasons (November 2010 to February 2011) for each location. The physicochemical parameters complied with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, except for the pH being lower and the concentrations of Pb, Cd, and Ba, being higher than the permissible limits of WHO. Total coliform counts indicated bacterial contaminations, especially in one location. The presence of Pb in the drinking water of all communities seemed to be associated with oil exploration and processing activities.  相似文献   

采用FeSO4对焦化废水原水进行pH调节,发现焦化废水原水中存在酸碱缓冲体系,具有很强的酸碱缓冲能力.焦化废水原水pH值约为9.6时,HCO3-、CN-、HS-、S2-、NH3、C6H5O-和胺类等以共轭碱的形式存在,对应的缓冲容量较高;随着pH的降低,共轭碱所占比例逐渐减少,对应的弱酸分布分数逐渐增多,缓冲容量逐渐减小;当pH调节至中性时,pH与pKa值接近,共轭碱与弱酸的分布分数近似相等,废水的缓冲容量有升高的趋势.在调节pH的过程中,由于FeSO4的水解、沉淀与络合作用,在投加量为2.0 g.L-1,反应时间15 min时,焦化废水中的氰化物、硫化物、油分及COD的去除量分别为1.5 mg CN-.g-1、27.3 mg S2-.g-1、15 mg总油.g-1及504 mg COD.g-1,pH影响各种污染物的形态分布而实现水质结构的调控.  相似文献   

The quality of the waters collected from R. Arno was examined in the period September 1988 to December 1989. A first campaign in September/October 1988, during a period of low water, gives a general picture of pollution conditions along the river from the source to the mouth. the river appears to be heavily polluted immediately downstream of Florence and in the area of the textile industry.

In the second campaign, through the whole year 1989, particular attention has been given to the Florence area; the most significant results, compared with those from a previous investigation carried out in 1971, show only a small reduction of the pollution load, due to the shortage and inadequacy of wastewater depuration. Some considerations are reported on pollution drop with full spate.  相似文献   

The quality of the waters collected from R. Arno was examined in the period September 1988 to December 1989. A first campaign in September/October 1988, during a period of low water, gives a general picture of pollution conditions along the river from the source to the mouth. the river appears to be heavily polluted immediately downstream of Florence and in the area of the textile industry.

In the second campaign, through the whole year 1989, particular attention has been given to the Florence area; the most significant results, compared with those from a previous investigation carried out in 1971, show only a small reduction of the pollution load, due to the shortage and inadequacy of wastewater depuration. Some considerations are reported on pollution drop with full spate.  相似文献   

天津城区道路雨水径流水质监测及污染特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市市区道路由于交通活动产生大量的重金属、无机阴离子、营养盐、有机污染物等,对受纳水体的水质造成很大破坏,并影响了水体的生态环境.通过对天津城区不同功能区(商业区、文教区和居住区)的道路降雨径流的30个水质指标进行监测分析,评估天津市区道路雨水径流的污染程度,进而分析天津市区降雨污染的基本特征.结果表明,不同功能区理化指标平均浓度的大小顺序为:商业区>居住区>文教区,天津市区道路雨水pH接近中性;金属离子中铅在3个功能区中均超标,在商业区、文教区和居住区中分别超标1.16、1.05和1.28倍,且天津市区重金属污染浓度与南京和澳门相近;无机阴离子并未超出地表水质量标准V类标准或集中式生活饮用水地表水源地补充项目标准限值.TN、TP、COD和BOD_5最大值分别严重超出国家地表水环境质量V类标准的2.5、2.0、10和50倍.挥发酚在3个功能区中均未超标,而阴离子表面活性剂在商业区、文教区和居住区分别超过地表水质量标准V类标准的37、17和6.3倍.  相似文献   

漓江桂林市区段夏季浮游植物群落特征与水质评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浮游植物是水生态系统的重要组成部分,其群落结构变化与水体环境条件密切相关,能直接影响水生态系统的功能,是水环境质量优劣的重要指示因子之一。为揭示漓江流域浮游植物群落结构特征及其与水质的相互关系,2012年8月对漓江桂林市区段干流(桂林赵家桥村至桂林王家村)的理化指标及浮游植物的群落组成分布进行了分析研究,并结合水体理化指标和生物指数对漓江水质进行了评价。结果表明,漓江水体高锰酸盐指数、总氮、总磷、氨氮的变化范围依次为1.80-6.20、1.12-2.68、0.022-0.282、0.34-1.73 mg·L-1,其含量在上游变化平稳,到三条支流汇入处大幅增高,最高值均出现在南溪河入口处。共调查到浮游植物7门60属128种,其中硅藻50种(占种类组成的39.06%),绿藻52种(占40.63%),蓝藻16种(占12.50%),裸藻7种(占5.47%),黄藻、金藻和甲藻各1种(分别占0.78%)。优势种依次为冠盘藻(S. tephanodiscus)、蛋白核小球藻(C. pyrenoidosa)、喙头舟形藻(N.rhynchocephala)、短小舟形藻(N.exigua)、广缘小环藻(C.Bodanica)、四尾栅藻(S.quadricanda)和肘状针杆藻(S. ulna)。浮游植物密度为10.3×10^4-1047.0×10^4ind.·L^-1,平均密度为474.7×10^4 ind.·L^-1,其中密度最小的是赵家桥村,密度最大的是南溪河入口;种类上绿藻门占据多数,密度和优势种分布上以硅藻居多,总体上属于硅藻-绿藻型水体。浮游植物多样性指数Shannon-Wiener指数(H)在1.60-4.27之间,Simpson指数(D)在2.24-12.74之间,水质总体上为清洁-轻度污染。Margalef指数(d)在1.85-4.23之间,Pielou指数(J)在0.40-0.83之间,指数值总体较高,漓江水体中浮游植物群落结构比较稳定,受外界环境的影响较小。漓江干流水质总体上属于Ⅱ-Ⅲ类水体,在支流汇入处理化指标浓度增加,浮游植物多样性指  相似文献   

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