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太湖地区侧渗水稻土连续施磷处理下稻田磷的径流损失   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

李斌  贾飞  张银龙  孙琴  许笛  丁士明 《生态环境》2011,20(3):485-489
沉积物具有高度的空间异质性,尤其在沉积物-水界面附近的微环境中,溶质在微小尺度上可能存在强烈的浓度梯度分布,需要借助高分辨的获取技术才能表征。本研究发展了一种沉积物微界面溶解态反应性磷(Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus,DRP)和溶解态铁(Ⅱ)的同步分析方法。利用分辨率为4 mm、平衡时间仅为2 d的微型间隙水平衡装置(Peeper装置)获取微量间隙水(~100μL·样品-1),采用384微孔板微量比色法分别测定同一间隙水样品中的DRP和溶解态铁(Ⅱ)的质量浓度,单一指标所消耗的间隙水体积由5 mL减少到仅~40μL,检出限分别为0.009和0.017 mg·L-1,精密度为1%~7%,均与常规方法相近。将该分析方法应用到太湖两个湖区的沉积物中,同步获得的微界面溶解态磷和铁(Ⅱ)的分布较好地反映了两者的关系。  相似文献   

邵兴华  张建忠  王艾平 《生态环境》2010,19(10):2355-2359
采用室内培养法研究了淹水对2种酸性红壤(旱地红壤、水稻土)磷吸附解吸特性及草酸可提取态P的影响。淹水培养实验中,2种土壤分别淹水0(对照),1、2、3、4、8周,淹水培养结束后进行P吸附解吸实验,解吸实验结束后测定土样中草酸可提取态P。结果表明:与氧化状态相比,淹水后旱地红壤P吸附量减少,水稻土淹水1、2、3周P吸附量高于氧化状态,继续淹水4和8周后P吸附量减少。淹水前后旱地红壤P吸附量均大于水稻土。用简单Langmuir方程拟合P等温吸附曲线,除淹水4周外,P最大缓冲容量(MBC)随淹水时间延长而降低。结合能常数(K)淹水前后的变化规律性差。2种土壤P解吸量随加入P量增加而增加。氧化、还原状态下,2种土壤酸性草酸铵可提取P均远远大于CaCl2解吸P,虽然水稻土吸附P量低于旱地红壤,但P解吸量无论是CaCl2解吸P还是酸性草酸铵可提取P均大于旱地红壤,主要原因在于水稻土全P及速效P含量大于旱地红壤。淹水后草酸可提取态P增加,吸附P的释放和被新近形成的铁氧化物再吸附是淹水后草酸可提取态P增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

To assess P losses to surface water by runoff during the rice season and by drainage flow during the winter wheat season, serial field trials were conducted in different types of paddy soils in the Tai Lake Region (TLR) during 2000 and 2001. Four P application rates were set as 0 (CK), 30, 150, and 300 kg P/hm2 for flooded rice trials and 0 (CK), 20, 80, 160 kg P/hm2 for winter wheat trials respectively. Field experiments were done in two locations with a plot size of 30 m2 and four replications in a randomized complete block design. A simplified lysimeter was installed for each plot to collect all the runoff or drainage flow from each event. Total P (TP) losses to surface water during rice season by runoff flow from four treatments were 150 (CK), 220 (T30), 395 (T150), 670 (T300) g P/hm2 in year 2000, and 298, 440, 1828, 3744 g P/hm2 in year 2001 respectively in Wuxi station, here the soil is permeable paddy soil derived from loam clay deposit. While the losses were 102, 140, 210, 270 in year 2000, and 128, 165, 359, 589 g P/hm2 in year 2001 respectively in Changshu station, here the soil is waterlogged paddy soil derived from silt loam deposit. During the winter wheat season, total P lost from the fields by drainage flow in the four treatments were 253 (CK), 382 (T20), 580 (T89), 818 (T160) g P/hm2 in year 2000–2001, and 573.3, 709.4, 1123.2, 1552.4 g P/hm2 in year 2001–2002 at the Wuxi station. While these were 395.6, 539.1, 1356.8, 1972.1 g P/hm2 in year 2000–2001, and 811.5, 1184.6, 3001.2, 5333.1 g P/hm2 in year 2001–2002 at the Changshu station. Results revealed that P fertilizer application rates significantly affected the TP concentrations and TP loads in runoff during the rice season, and by drainage flow during the winter wheat season. Both TP loads were significantly increased as the P application rate increases. The data indicate that TP losses to surface water were much higher during the winter wheat season than during the rice season in two tested sites. The data also reveal that the annual precipitation and evaporation rate affected the soil P losses to surface water significantly. Year 2000 was relatively dried with higher evaporation thus P losses to water by both runoff and drainage flow were less than in year 2001 which was a relatively wet year with lower evaporation. Results indicate that texture, structure of the soil profile, and field construction (with or without ridge and deep drains) affected soil P losses to surface water dramatically. Annual possible TP lost to water at the application rate of 50 kg P/hm2 year tested in TLR were estimated from 97 to 185 tones P from permeable paddy soils and 109–218 tones P from waterlogged paddy soils. There was no significant difference of TP lost between the CK and the T50 treatments in both stations, which indicate that there is no more TP lost in field of normal P fertilizer application rate than in control field of no P fertilized. Much higher TP lost in runoff or drainage flow from those other P application rates treatments than from the T50 treatment, which suggest that P losses to surface water would be greatly increasing in the time when higher available P accumulation in plough layer soil in this region.  相似文献   

采用过量施用化肥获得高产已成为近年来太湖地区的普遍现象,而由此引发的农业面源污染对水体生态环境恶化的贡献值也越来越大。通过对苕溪流域地区的田间试验,研究了8种不同减量施肥处理条件下,稻田田面水中氮素的动态变化特征和径流损失量,研究结果表明,(1)各处理铵氮浓度在施肥后迅速上升,1~3d达到最大值,而总氮在施肥后第1天便达到峰值,之后随时间变化逐渐下降,铵氮、总氮浓度在一周之后均降至较低水平。(2)田面水中铵氮/总氮比在施肥后3~7d达到峰值,之后逐渐下降。(3)田间任何1次的径流排水均会造成田面水氮素的流失,径流排水发生的时间与施肥时间间隔越小氮素的流失负荷就越大。(4)各减量化施肥处理年度累计流失负荷较常规施肥处理下降6%~53%,当季稻田氮素流失率在1.4%~2.6%之间。为减少农田氮肥使用量,降低氮素流失量,减缓农业面源污染提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The agricultural non-point source pollution by nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loss from typical paddy soil (whitish soil, Bai Tu in Chinese) in the Taihu Lake region was investigated through a case study. Results shown that the net load of nutrients from white soil is 34.1 kg ha–1 for total nitrogen (TN), distributed as 19.4 kg ha–1, in the rice season and 14.7 kg ha–1in the wheat season, and for total phosphorus (TP) 1.75 kg ha–1, distributed as 1.16 kg ha–1 in the rice season and 0.58 kg ha–1 in the wheat season. The major chemical species of N loss is different in the two seasons. NH4-N is main the form in the rice season (53% of TN). NO3-N is the main form in wheat season (46% of TN). Particle-P is the main form in both seasons, (about 56% of TP). The nutrient loss varied with time of the year. The main loss of nutrients happened in the 10 days after planting, 64% of TN and 42% of TP loss, respectively. Rainfall and fertilizer application are the key factors which influence nitrogen and phosphorus loss from arable land, especially rainfall events shortly after fertilizer application. So it is very important to improve the field management of the nutrients and water during the early days of planting.  相似文献   

官厅流域农田地表径流磷流失初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
农田径流和侵蚀泥沙是磷进入官厅水库的主要非点污染源。针对该流域夏季农田暴雨径流发生的典型情景进行模拟降雨径流试验,对该流域农田地表径流泥沙和磷流失进行了初步的研究,结果表明,本降雨过程径流累积泥沙产量为30.5l~2493.34g/m^2,受雨强、坡度和作物覆盖的影响明显;径流溶解态磷(DP)中绝大部分是生物可利用性磷(DRP),径流平均DP、DRP浓度都远大于水体允许临界值0.02mg/L,对官厅水体存在直接污染危害。径流累积全磷(TP)流失达O.0439~2.0798g/m^2;估算的流域农田径流全磷(TP)流失水平达2.67kg/(hm^2.a)以上,其颗粒态占969,0以上,可能成为官厅水库浮游生物长期丰富的潜在可利用磷源。降低农田土壤速效磷水平、减少水土侵蚀,是控制库区水华季节性发生和复原库区水体富营养化状态的关键。  相似文献   

Field experiments were done in two sites, Yixing and Changshu, Jiangsu province, China, to study P movement and leaching in flooded paddy soils. P movement in soil was investigated by using the KH2 32PO4 tracker method, and the amount of P leached from the soil layer in different depths was estimated by measuring P concentrations in the soil solution and saturated hydraulic conductivities in field. Determination was done about one month after P application. There was 46% and 42% of total 32P retained in the 0–5cm layer of soil in the Yixing site and in the Changshu site respectively. The 32P retained in the 25–30 cm layer was only about 1–2% of the total 32P added. Furthermore, 8.01% of 32P in the soil of Yixing site and 16.8% of 32P in the soil of Changshu site was lost from the layer 0–30cm soil. The seasonal amounts of P leached from the top soil layer and from bottom layer are about 4.5–5.8% and 1.6–2.1% of the total P application, respectively. Changes of total P concentrations in soil solutions during rice growth showed that the fertilizer P applied before flooding of the paddy fields suffered a flash leaching loss and a slow leaching loss. We concluded that the fertilizer P could quickly move in the flooded paddy rice field and parts of it can enter into surface water and ground water. Unless the P application is well managed the risk of P loss and consequently environmental pollution exist.  相似文献   

The contribution of phosphorus and nitrogen from non-point source pollution (NPS) in the Taihu Lake region was investigated through case study and surveying in the town of Xueyan, From experimental results coupled with survey and statistics in the studied area, the distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus input to the water body is achieved from four main sources: agricultural land, village, the town center and the poultry factory. The results showed that about 38% of total phosphorus (TP) and 48% of total nitrogen (TN) discharged is from agricultural land, 33% of TP and 40% TN from village residents, 25% of TP and 10% of TN from the town center and 4% of TP and 2% of TN from the poultry factory.The Agricultural Non-point Pollution Potential Index (APPI) system for identifying and ranking critical areas of NPS was established with a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based technology. Quantification of the key factors in non-point sources pollution was carried out utilizing the following: Sediment Production Index (SPI), Runoff Index (RI), People and Animal Loading Index (PALI) and Chemical Use Index (CUI). These are the core parts of the model, and the weighting factor of each index was evaluated according the results of quantification. The model was successfully applied for evaluating APPI in Xueyan. Results from the model showed that the critical area identified for NPS control in Xueyan. The model has several advantages including: requiring fewer parameters, easy acquirement of these parameters, friendly interface, and convenience of operation. In addition it is especially useful for identifying critical areas of NPS when the basic data are not fully accessible, which is the present situation in China.  相似文献   

对环太湖丘陵地区农田氮素随地表径流的输出特征进行了研究,结果表明,地表径流中TN浓度随径流量而变化,浓度峰值出现时间滞后于径流量峰值;径流发生前期,NH3 N和NO-3 N浓度水平相当,后期NO-3 N浓度缓慢抬升,而NH3 N含量缓慢下降;NO-2 N浓度相对较低,随时间快速下降;对于TN和NO-3 N而言,溶解态含量高于悬浮态,而溶解态和悬浮态NH3 N的浓度相当;无机氮平均浓度高于有机氮,有机氮尤其是悬浮态有机氮浓度表现出随径流量而变化的特点。  相似文献   

利用方式对紫色水稻土有机碳与颗粒态有机碳的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
土壤是陆地生态系统中重要的动态碳库,其微小的变化可能带来对全球大气CO2浓度的较大变化。颗粒态有机碳在土壤中周转速度较快,比土壤总有机碳更易受土地利用方式的影响,对于评价土地利用变化对土壤碳固定过程影响具有重要意义。采集不同的耕作、轮作和施肥处理的14年28茬的紫色土长期试验土壤,分析有机碳与颗粒态有机碳含量在土壤及不同深度分布特点,结果表明:长期垄作免耕并实行水稻(Oryza sativa)油菜(Brassica)轮作的利用方式下,0~10cm土层土壤有机碳与颗粒态有机碳含量明显高于其他利用方式下,而稻油水旱轮作平作利用方式下最低。整个耕层0~30cm深度的土壤有机碳含量介于8.92~29.98g·kg-1之间,颗粒态有机碳含量变幅为0.54~3.43g·kg-1之间,且存在随深度递增而降低的趋势。土壤有机碳与颗粒态有机碳都可用作评价利用方式影响紫色水稻土土壤质量变化与固碳能力的有效指标,但颗粒有机碳对于管理措施的响应更为敏感。从总有机碳与颗粒有机碳的关系来看,不同管理下有机碳的增加与土壤物理保护能力的提高有关。垄作免耕(稻油)的利用方式最有利于有机碳的保护和稳定。  相似文献   

氮肥运筹和少免耕对麦田氮素径流流失的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭智  周炜  陈留根  郑建初 《生态环境》2011,(8):1253-1258
采用田间小区定位试验研究了自然降雨条件下氮肥运筹和少免耕措施对稻麦两熟农田麦季氮素径流流失特征的影响。结果表明:自然降雨后麦田耕层土壤平均水分质量分数26.34%为径流事件发生的临界土壤水分质量分数。常规施肥(T0)条件下,麦季径流水量达2185.05 m3·hm-2,径流侵蚀泥沙量达716.08 kg.hm-2,少免耕(T2)处理增加麦田径流水量达29.67%,减少径流侵蚀泥沙量达13.96%,而肥料运筹(T1)与T0处理差异不显著;就整个麦季而言,T0处理条件下,径流水全氮(TN)平均质量浓度和径流侵蚀泥沙TN平均质量分数分别为10.51 mg·L-1和1.19 g·kg-1,T1处理显著降低径流水TN质量浓度和侵蚀泥沙TN质量分数分别达11.63%和5.93%,T2处理显著降低径流侵蚀泥沙TN质量分数达7.95%;麦季氮素径流流失主要集中在小麦生育前期,包括径流水氮素流失量和径流侵蚀过程中由泥沙流失的氮素量。T0处理条件下,氮素流失总量达31.76 kg·hm-2,其中,径流水氮素流失量占麦季氮素总流失量95%以上,T1处理减少麦季氮素总流失量达9.25%,而T2处理则增加麦季氮素总流失量达16.75%。  相似文献   

采用田间小区定位试验研究了自然降雨条件下氮肥运筹和少免耕措施对稻麦两熟农田麦季氮素径流流失特征的影响。结果表明:自然降雨后麦田耕层土壤平均水分质量分数26.34%为径流事件发生的临界土壤水分质量分数。常规施肥(T0)条件下,麦季径流水量达2185.05 m3·hm-2,径流侵蚀泥沙量达716.08 kg.hm-2,少免耕(T2)处理增加麦田径流水量达29.67%,减少径流侵蚀泥沙量达13.96%,而肥料运筹(T1)与T0处理差异不显著;就整个麦季而言,T0处理条件下,径流水全氮(TN)平均质量浓度和径流侵蚀泥沙TN平均质量分数分别为10.51 mg·L-1和1.19 g·kg-1,T1处理显著降低径流水TN质量浓度和侵蚀泥沙TN质量分数分别达11.63%和5.93%,T2处理显著降低径流侵蚀泥沙TN质量分数达7.95%;麦季氮素径流流失主要集中在小麦生育前期,包括径流水氮素流失量和径流侵蚀过程中由泥沙流失的氮素量。T0处理条件下,氮素流失总量达31.76 kg·hm-2,其中,径流水氮素流失量占麦季氮素总流失量95%以上,T1处理减少麦季氮素总流失量达9.25%,而T2处理则增加麦季氮素总流失量达16.75%...  相似文献   

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