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Why the Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources Has Not Worked   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract:  Genetic diversity is indispensable for long-term forest sustainability and is therefore mentioned in numerous binding and nonbinding political covenants calling for action. Nevertheless, there are significant obstacles to the conservation of forest genetic resources. We discuss hindrances to genetic conservation, mainly in Europe. We identified impediments by reviewing the literature and on the basis of the experiences of the authors in this field and their participation in related political processes. The impediments include (1) difficulties in assessing and monitoring genetic erosion and human impacts (e.g., by the lack of markers showing adaptive variation and the lack of record keeping on the use and transfer of forest-tree germplasm), (2) complexities of European national structures that make the development of a common strategy toward forest genetic conservation problematic, (3) lack of effective forest governance in many parts of the world, (4) the general unattractiveness of genes as flagships in raising public awareness, (5) lack of integration of genetic aspects into biodiversity conservation, and (6) the fact that scientists and politicians are often at cross-purposes. To overcome these impediments, forest geneticists and their peers in species conservation have to participate more actively in decision making. In doing so, they must be prepared to face challenges on 2 fronts: participating in political processes and the provision of significant research findings to ensure that decisions with respect to forest genetic diversity are politically implementable and effectively address targets.  相似文献   

辽宁东部山区几种主要森林植被类型土壤渗透性能研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沿辽河水系设置临时标准地 ,对辽宁东部山区具有代表性的油松林、落叶松林、红松林、柞木林、杂木林及灌丛 6种植被类型的土壤水分的入渗性能进行了研究。结果表明 ,辽东山区 6种植被类型下土壤都表现出较强的渗透性能。A层的初始入渗率 (f0 /mm·min- 1) 1 2 .8~ 6 1 .1 ,平均值为 38.7,B层 1 6 .8~4 1 .7,平均值为 2 7.0 ,C层 2 9.2~ 38.2 ,平均值为 2 4 .4 ;A层的稳定入渗率 (fc/mm·min- 1) 2 .6~ 4 .2 ,平均值为 3.5 ,B层 2 .2~ 4 .1 ,平均值为 2 .9,C层 1 .1~ 3.3,平均值为 2 .2 ;A层的饱和导水率 (k10 /mm·min- 1)1 .5 3~ 2 .2 3,平均值为 1 .86 ,B层 0 .77~ 2 .0 5 ,平均值为 1 .2 7,C层 0 .5 0~ 1 .2 8,平均值为 0 .79。不同植被类型下不同土壤发生层次的入渗能力差异显著 :一般地 ,阔叶林下土壤的入渗性能明显好于针叶林 ,榛丛下土壤也表现出很好的渗透性能 ;不同土层入渗性能大小为A层 >B层 >C层。林龄差异在 2个龄级以上时 ,林龄越大 ,土壤初渗性能越好。用Horton方程拟合土壤饱和渗透过程 ,模拟结果与实测结果相近。  相似文献   

Abstract: Epiphytes are diverse and important elements of tropical forests, but as canopy‐dwelling organisms, they are highly vulnerable to deforestation. To assess the effect of deforestation on epiphyte diversity and the potential for epiphyte conservation in anthropogenically transformed habitats, we surveyed the epiphytic vegetation of an Ecuadorian cloud forest reserve and its surroundings. Our study was located on the western slopes of the Andes, a global center of biodiversity. We sampled vascular epiphytes of 110 study plots in a continuous primary forest; 14 primary forest fragments; isolated remnant trees in young, middle‐aged, and old pastures; and young and old secondary forests. It is the first study to include all relevant types of habitat transformation at a single study site and to compare epiphyte diversity at different temporal stages of fragmentation. Epiphyte diversity was highest in continuous primary forest, followed by forest fragments and isolated remnant trees, and lowest in young secondary forests. Spatial parameters of habitat transformation, such as fragment area, distance to the continuous primary forest, or distance to the forest edge from inside the forest, had no significant effect on epiphyte diversity. Hence, the influence of dispersal limitations appeared to be negligible or appeared to operate only over very short distances, whereas microclimatic edge effects acted only in the case of completely isolated trees, but not in larger forest fragments. Epiphyte diversity increased considerably with age of secondary forests, but species assemblages on isolated remnant trees were impoverished distinctly with time since isolation. Thus, isolated trees may serve for recolonization of secondary forests, but only for a relatively short time. We therefore suggest that the conservation of even small patches of primary forest within agricultural landscape matrices is essential for the long‐term maintenance of the high epiphyte diversity in tropical cloud forests.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Few researchers have investigated the synergistic effects of tropical forest fragmentation and disturbance on species persistence and abundance. We examined effects of both forest-patch metrics and forest disturbance in determining richness and abundance of midsized to large-bodied mammal species in a highly fragmented Amazonian forest landscape. Twenty-one forest fragments, ranging from 2 to 14,480 ha, and two continuous forest sites were sampled based on sightings, tracks, line-transect censuses, armadillo burrow censuses, and camera trapping. Patch occupancy of 37 species recorded ranged from 4% to all forest sites surveyed. Forest fragment size was the strongest predictor of species persistence, explaining 90% of the variation in species richness. Information-theoretic analysis confirmed that fragment area was the most important explanatory variable for the overall species richness and abundance of mammal species, followed by surface fires, which affected the abundance of seven species. Large mammal species were typically absent from fragments <100 ha, whereas some ubiquitous species were favored by fragmentation, exhibiting hyperabundance in small patches. Our findings highlight the importance of large (>10,000 ha), relatively undisturbed forest patches to maximize persistence and maintain baseline abundances of Neotropical forest mammal species.  相似文献   

由于城市森林及其生态系统是一项重要的绿化基础设施,是城市中人与自然关系的纽带与桥梁,因此,大力加强城市森林生态系统建设是历史发展的必然.以此为依据,阐述了城市森林及其生态系统的概念、研究方法与内容、发展概况,提出了城市森林生态系统建设的5项原则,最后,探讨了城市森林生态系统建设的未来两大发展趋势.  相似文献   

南京市典型森林群落枯枝落叶层的生态功能研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对南京市5种典型森林群落枯枝落叶层现存量、营养元素氮磷贮存量、持水量以及吸纳重金属等生态功能的研究结果表明,5种典型森林群落枯枝落叶层现存量、对氮的贮存能力以及最大拦蓄量均以麻栎-栓皮栎群落最大;对磷和5种重金属的贮存量以银杏群落最大,麻栎-栓皮栎群落次之;枫香-桂花和三角枫群落的各项生态功能相对较弱。建议在南京市的城市森林规划和建设中,应保护好现存的地带性植物群落———以麻栎-栓皮栎为优势种的落叶阔叶林群落或营建类地带性植物群落,维护林地枯枝落叶层的完整性,将有助于改善城市生态环境。  相似文献   

川西高山森林生态系统林下生物量及其随林窗的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为森林生态系统的重要组成部分,林下植被及其残体的分布受到林冠层的影响,但迄今有关林窗对林下植被和残体生物量的影响尚无研究报道.于2013 年8 月2 日至20 日,以海拔3 600 m 的川西岷江冷杉原始林林下植被为研究对象,根据区域内的坡向和林分组成等因素设置3 个100 m×100 m 的典型样地,调查其生物量及其随林窗的变化特征.在每个样地内选择3 个大林窗,在林窗、林缘和林下分别设置3 个20 m×20 m 的样方,调查粗木质残体长度或高度、大小头直径、枯立木记录胸径、腐烂等级等;在林窗、林缘和林下分别设置3 个5 m×5 m 的样方,采用“收获法”收集样方内直径在2.5-10 cm之间的细木质残体和灌木生物量;在林窗、林缘和林下分别设置3 个1 m×1 m 的样方来调查凋落物储量和草本生物量;在1m×1 m 的样方内随机选择1 个20 cm×20 cm 的小样方来调查地被植物生物量.结果表明,(1)川西高山森林生态系统总生物量为72.75 t·hm^-2,其中林下生物量为67.92 t·hm^-2,占生态系统生物量的95.17%.活体植被以灌木为主,其生物量为9.81t·hm^-2;残体部分以粗木质残体为主,其储量为53.00 t·hm^-2;(2)林窗对灌木、草本、地被植物的影响各不相同,且不同物种的灌木生物量表现出不同的分布规律;草本生物量表现出明显的“边缘效应”,在林缘显著高于林下;林窗和林缘的地被植物生物量相对较低;(3)粗木质残体储量从林下到林窗呈现减小的趋势,但总体储量仍然较大,林窗和林缘的细木质残体储量高于林下.这些结果为认识高山森林生态系统林下生物量及其格局,以及林窗在森林生态系统的重要作用提供了基础理论依据.  相似文献   

随着森林生态系统的正向演替,植物物种多样性、群落结构、生产力以及土壤条件均会发生显著的变化,这些变化对菌根类型和多样性会产生不同程度的影响。为了探讨群落结构和功能的变化对菌根资源可能产生的影响,选择季风常绿阔叶林及其演替系列上的代表性森林生态系统为对象,对菌根化根系、菌根类型和菌根真菌孢子密度进行调查,并结合已有的群落信息和土壤养分状况,分析在森林演替过程中菌根资源的变化情况和可能的影响因素。结果表明:季风常绿阔叶林各演替阶段的森林生态系统中菌根化比例接近70%,但不同演替阶段森林的优势菌根类型存在明显的差异。处于演替初期的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林以丛枝菌根为主,占菌根总数的78%;演替中期的针阔叶混交林中的外生菌根占有绝对优势,占75%,是丛枝菌根的3倍;演替顶级的季风常绿阔叶林中的外生菌根和丛枝菌根的比例相当。马尾松林的菌根真菌孢子密度最高,每20 g风干土壤中的孢子数量高达2 925个,是针阔叶混交林的2.5倍,季风常绿阔叶林的2倍。演替系列上的森林生态系统的菌根类型的差异与植物物种多样性和群落结构,尤其是林下的灌木、草本层密度存在一定的相关性,同时也受土壤养分状况的影响。马尾松林具有较丰富的草本植物和较高的草本层密度,并且该森林的土壤相对贫瘠,这些条件都有利于丛枝菌根真菌侵染草本植物的根系形成丛枝菌根并产生大量孢子。针阔叶混交林中外生菌根的优势主要受该森林中外生菌根植物在群落组成上的绝对优势影响。季风常绿阔叶林的物种丰富,群落结构复杂,因此该森林呈现了两种类型菌根优势相当的现象。该文的结果表明,随着季风常绿阔叶林演替的进行,菌根资源在类型上会出现较大的分异,而这种变化受植物物种数量、群落结构的影响,与土壤养分状况存在一定的关系,并且不同演替阶段森林生态系统影响菌根组成的因素存在差异。  相似文献   

Body Size Variation of Mammals in a Fragmented, Temperate Rainforest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  Body size is perhaps the most important trait of an organism, affecting all of its physiological and ecological processes and, therefore, fundamentally influencing its ability to survive and reproduce in different environments, including those that have been modified by human activities. We tested the hypothesis that anthropogenic transformation of old-growth forest landscapes can result in significant intraspecific changes in body size of resident biotas. We collected data on five species of nonvolant mammals (common deer mouse [Peromyscus maniculatus ], northwestern deer mouse [P. keeni] , southern red-backed vole [Clethrionomys gapperi ], montane shrew [Sorex monticolus] , and Trowbridge's shrew [S. trowbridgii] ) to test whether body size (mass and length) of these species varied across types of land cover (macrohabitats) and along elevational gradients of the fragmented, temperate rainforest of Olympic National Forest (Washington, U.S.A.). We measured 2168 and 1134 individuals for body mass and body length, respectively. Three species ( P. keeni , S. monticolus , and S. trowbridgii ) exhibited significantly different body size among macrohabitats: individuals from fragments were smaller than those in old-growth corridors and those in more extensive stands of old-growth forest. Body size of P. keeni was significantly correlated with elevation along corridors, peaking near the medial reaches of the corridors. The effects of anthropogenic transformations of this landscape of old-growth, temperate rainforest, although not universal among the five species, were significant and rapid—developing in just a few decades following tree harvests. Thus, anthropogenic fragmentation may influence not only the diversity, species composition, and densities of local biotas, but also one of the most fundamental and defining characteristics of native species—their body size.  相似文献   

雾灵山典型林分枯落物和土壤水文效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过标准地调查、枯落物持水能力测定、土壤物理性质及持水能力测定和入渗实验对雾灵山5种林分类型枯落物和土壤水文效应做了初步研究,结果表明:1)华北落叶松林(Larix principic-rupprechtii)枯落物储量最大,为45.73 t·hm~(-2);核桃楸林(Juglans mandshurica)最大持水量最高,为118.73 t·hm~(-2),相当于11.87 mm的水深;华北落叶松林有效持水量最大,为112.68t·hm~(-2),相当于11.27 mm的水深.2)5种不同林分类型土壤层持水能力相差很大,山杨林(Populus davidiana)的有效持水量最大,为122.80t·hm~(-2),相当于12.28 mm的水深,利用幂函数对土壤入渗速率与入渗时间进行拟合,结果显示相关系数都在0.94以上.  相似文献   

Spatially explicit models of land abandonment in the Amazon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Given growing concerns about biodiversity loss and carbon emissions stemming from tropical deforestation, it is important to identify the factors associated with land abandonment as they might indicate areas that were deforested but are unsuitable for long-term cultivation. This article utilizes a high-resolution, Landsat-based data-set called TerraClass to relate land abandonment to precipitation, slope, farmgate price of beef, market access, soil quality, and land tenure characteristics in the Brazilian Amazon. The spatially explicit statistical models reveal that rates of land abandonment increase with higher rainfall and slope values, even when controlling for distance to roads, farmgate prices, type of settlement, and soil quality. Moreover, land adjacent to a major road is more likely to be consistently cultivated, but land near large rivers and far from highways is more likely to be abandoned. Land ownership type also influences the likelihood of land abandonment as settlements based on communal property rights have higher rates of land abandonment than settlements with private lots. These results suggest that policies aimed at occupying tropical forests such as the Amazon must consider these biophysical and socioeconomic factors in order to foster human development aligned with sustainability principles.  相似文献   

杉木林取代阔叶林后土壤生物学活性变化的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
通过对福建省南平市溪后安曹下取代阔叶林的70a生杉木车产林(山坡)、32a生杉木“青年林”(山坡)及前茬阔叶林(山脊)土壤生物学活性连续2a的比较研究结果表明,与山脊上前茬的阔叶林相比,70a生杉木丰产林土壤微生物总数、生理类群的数量减少、活性下降;土壤酶活性减弱;呼吸作用强度(内源)及添加基质的外源呼吸作用强度降低,土壤中有机质分解和腐殖质再合成程度降低.32a生杉木“青年林”土壤生物学活性下降则更为明显,说明从杉木取代阔叶林(头耕土)起,土壤生化活性及土壤肥力就存在明显下降现象,轮伐期缩短或林地连栽杉木代数增加,而不采取恢复地力措施,杉木林地地力衰退将更为明显.  相似文献   

天然林林龄的模拟估算及案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林龄是森林生态系统的一个重要特征,具有生态学意义.但是目前生态学调查中对天然林林龄的估算方法有一定缺陷.在特定的环境条件下,森林有着相应的演替过程.已有林窗研究表明.长白山森林是按照一定次序演替,森林的径级结构也是有规律可循的.由于总是缺乏足够的长期系统观测数据,因此作者采用数值模拟作为替代方法.应用校正过的林窗模型模拟0~600 a的森林演替序列,比较对长白山原始天然林的采样的结果,发现目前的林龄最接近400 a.这个估测结果可以从本地区历史资料记载得到印证.  相似文献   

为全面了解森林内部属性与森林改善空气环境功能之间的内在关系与规律,以及不同森林在改善空气环境质量方面的能力强弱,以中国林业科学研究院热带林业试验中心为研究对象,于2014年7─8月按照2 km×2 km网格间距进行系统抽样,设置51个样地对森林空气温度、湿度、负氧离子含量等空气环境状况指标及林分特征因子进行了监测,并对林分类型、发展阶段、郁闭度等林分因子与森林空气温度、湿度、负氧离子含量之间的关系进行了分析。采用温湿指数、安培空气质量评价系数、森林空气负氧离子评价模型对不同类型森林的空气环境质量进行了评价。结果表明:1)森林改善空气环境质量功能主要与其林分类型、发展阶段、林分郁闭度有关;2)在调节空气温湿度,改善空气环境舒适度方面,针叶混交林最强,然后依次为针阔混交林、阔叶混交林、针叶纯林、阔叶纯林、灌木林,以未成林最弱。在吸附污染物、净化空气方面,针阔混交林最强,然后依次为阔叶混交林、阔叶纯林、针叶混交林、针叶纯林、灌木林,以未成林最弱;3)不同发展阶段的林分在改善空气环境舒适度方面的差异不明显,但随着林分发展阶段的深入,森林的结构越来越复杂,森林净化空气的能力也逐渐增强;4)森林在调节空气温湿度,改善空气环境舒适度等方面的功能随郁闭度的增加而增强,当郁闭度大于0.4时,森林改善空气环境舒适度的功能显著增强。郁闭度在0.4~0.7之间的林分净化空气的功能较强,尤以郁闭度为0.5时最强,当林分郁闭度低于0.4或高于0.7以后,林分净化空气的功能均有所降低;5)总体来说混交林改善空气环境质量的功能要显著强于纯林。研究结果对于经营单位如何通过林分状态的调控来增强森林的空气环境改善功能具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

亚热带森林凋落物层土壤酶活性的季节动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凋落物分解是森林生态系统养分循环中至关重要的过程。凋落物的分解与凋落物中的分解酶的活性直接相关。本研究调查了亚热带常绿阔叶林与针叶林中与土壤碳氮元素循环有关的β-糖苷酶(β-glucosidase)、内切纤维素酶(endocellulase)和几丁质酶(chitobiase)活性的季节变化规律。结果表明:在两个群落中,3种土壤酶活性与温度之间都有一定相关性,最高值均出现在温度较高的七月份;阔叶林中三种酶的活性在各个季节中大小顺序都为未分解凋落物层(L)>半分解层(F)>腐殖质层(H),而针叶林中则是半分解层(F)>未分解凋落物层(L)>腐殖质层(H);在每个取样时间点β-糖苷酶和几丁质酶的活性最高值都在阔叶林L层,显著高于针叶林L层,而内切纤维素酶的活性最高值是在针叶林H层。两林型下酶活性动态的差异,可能是导致两林型下凋落物层残存量差别的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

针对武汉市城市森林的抽样调查分析表明,城市树木树种构成集聚性明显而多样性相对较差、长势一般;城市扰动因素明显影响了树木的自然生长过程。在所调查的93种植物中,其总体多样性指数为0.727 8;行道绿地为0.187;公园绿地为4.296。结果表明武汉市城市森林的基本格局、树种结构,以及树种分布上均有待于改善。  相似文献   

森林凋落物是森林生态系统的重要组成成分,其养分归还量在一定程度上决定着土壤养分有效性的高低。在土层浅薄且土被很不连续的我国喀斯特区域进行凋落物生物量及养分归还研究对我们更深刻地了解该区养分循环具有至关重要的意义。本文比较分析了桂西北喀斯特区3种原生林与3种次生林的全年凋落物量、组成、月凋落物量动态及养分归还量与动态。结果表明,圆果化香(Platycarya longipes Wu)、大叶蚊母树(Distylium Sieb.et Zucc.)与青檀(Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim.)3种原生林的年凋落物总量分别为2342.16,4057.99和1834.36kg·hm-2,而圆叶乌桕(Sapium rotundifolium Hemsl.)、八角枫(Alangium chinense(Lour.) Harms)和黄荆(Vitex negundo L.)3种次生林的年凋落物总量分别为3192.82,3284.26,2469.90kg·hm-2,除大叶蚊母树外,次生林年凋落物总量大于原生林。凋落物的组成中,叶凋落生物量均占总凋落物量的80%左右,甚至更高,而圆叶乌桕、八角枫和黄荆3种次生林群落的叶凋落物量占总凋落物量的百分比大于圆果化香、大叶蚊母树以及青檀3种原生林。凋落物的养分归还量的月动态与凋落物量的月动态一致,原生林呈"U"形曲线,而次生林则呈"W"形曲线。原生林和次生林凋落物的年养分归还量均为C﹥N﹥K﹥P,且次生林的C、N、P养分的归还量大于原生林。  相似文献   

北京西山地区不同林分健康状况比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以不同树种林分健康状况比较研究为切入点,以北京西山地区同一时期的油松×侧柏混交林、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林、侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)林和栓皮栎(Quercus variabis)林为研究对象。通过构建林分健康评价指标体系,计算林分综合健康指数,分别对不同林分的健康状况进行了分析和比较,探讨不同林分开展森林健康经营的关键环节,同时也从森林健康的角度说明造林树种选择的重要性。研究结果表明:各林分综合健康指数都为正值但数值都不高,这表明目前各林分都处于健康状态,但对外界扰动反应较为敏感,按健康状况排序:油松×侧柏林0.234〉栓皮栎林0.186〉油松林0.145〉侧柏林0.128;从单个指标看,各林分中都有负值指标出现,由此揭示,对负值指标的调整和增加正向指标的指标值是森林健康经营的关键。  相似文献   

森林更新是维持和扩大森林资源的主要途径,也是森林结构调整、森林可持续经营和构建多功能高效的森林生态系统的过程。在安徽南部的岭南林场,选择了马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb)人工林(MP)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林(CF)、阔叶混交天然次生林(MB)和针阔混交人工次生林(MN)等4种具有典型代表性的森林群落类型,研究了不同更新方式形成的森林群落的碳储量结构特征。结果表明:(1)针阔混交次生林树干生物量密度最大,为(67.32±56.57)mg.hm-2,杉木人工林生物量密度最小,为(43.79±9.13)mg.hm-2,而马尾松树干生物量所占比例最大,为(64.04±1.49)%。阔叶混交次生林碳储量最高,为(126.47±90.75)mg.hm-2;(2)4种群落类型中,阔叶混交林与马尾松群落碳密度最大,分别为95.67和98.21mg.hm-2,杉木群落碳密度最小,为55.41 mg.hm-2。阔叶混交林中的灌木层生物量碳密度最大,为(17.438±24.627)mg hm-2,马尾松林的草本层和枯落层生物量碳密度最高,分别为(1.326±0.431)、(5.517±2.846)mg.hm-2;(3)阔叶混交林群落的地下碳储量最高,为(10.5±9.8)mg.hm-2,群落地下碳储量从大到小的顺序是阔叶混交林〉针阔混交林〉杉木林〉马尾松林。相应的群落地上碳储量从大到小的顺序是阔叶混交林〉针阔混交林〉马尾松林〉杉木林。杉木林根茎比(R/S)最大,为0.21±0.01,杉木林群落中的灌木层根茎比(R/S)最大,为1.61±0.11;(4)在阔叶混交林中,株数密度与乔木层、草本层的碳比例正相关。在杉木林群落中,平均胸径、株数密度与乔木层碳所占比例成负相关。除杉木林群落外,灌木层碳含量之比与胸径及密度等调查因子都呈负相关。  相似文献   

长苞铁杉林林隙自然干扰规律   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从林隙的大小结构、形成方式及形成木的数量特征等几个方面 ,对长苞铁杉纯林及混交林林隙干扰状况进行了对比研究 .结果表明 :纯林冠空隙 (CG)平均面积为 16 .4 6m2 ,扩展空隙 (EG)平均面积为 96 .98m2 ,混交林CG、EG平均面积分别为 6 9.75m2 和 2 32 .93m2 ;在长苞铁杉纯林中 ,林隙主要以枯立木形成为主 ,占总形成木的一半以上 ,且以单株形成木和多株形成木综合形成 ,形成木径级主要集中在 2 0~ 4 0cm之间 ;混交林林隙以干基折断为主 ,且多由双形成木形成 ,由双形成木形成的林隙占林隙总数的 4 4 % ,形成木以 30~ 4 0cm径级的占最大比例 ,占形成木总数的 4 3.2 4 % ;纯林及混交林形成木高度都主要集中在 2 0~ 30m之间 ;形成木物种组成的比例大小基本上与其主林层树种所占的比例相对应 ;纯林林隙大多处于林隙发育的前、中期而混交林林隙则多集中在林隙发育的中后期 .图 3表 5参 19  相似文献   

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