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Despite increasing attention to management of headwater streams as sources of water, sediment, and wood to downstream rivers, the extent of headwater channels and perennial flow remain poorly known and inaccurately depicted on topographic maps and in digital hydrographic data. This study reports field mapping of channel head and perennial flow initiation locations in forested landscapes underlain by sandstone and basalt lithologies in Washington State, USA. Contributing source areas were delineated for each feature using a digital elevation model (DEM) as well as a Global Positioning System device in the field. Systematic source area–slope relationships described in other landscapes were not evident for channel heads in either lithology. In addition, substantial variability in DEM-derived source area sizes relative to field-delineated source areas indicates that in this area, identification of an area–slope relationship, should one even exist, would be difficult. However, channel heads and stream heads, here defined as the start of perennial flow, appear to be co-located within both of the lithologies, which together with lateral expansion and contraction of surface water around channel heads on a seasonal cycle in the basalt lithology, suggest a controlling influence of bedrock springs for that location. While management strategies for determining locations of channel heads and perennial flow initiation in comparable areas could assign standard source area sizes based on limited field data collection within that landscape, field-mapped source areas that support perennial flow are much smaller than recognized by current Washington State regulations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Determination of the boundary conditions for modeling ground water flow is a critical point especially in regional models. Normally the regional models require model areas that are greater than the given area of interest. This work focuses on the prediction of hydraulic heads in regional models using flux boundary conditions. The model uses flux boundary conditions that were estimated using a radial flow analog and Darcy's law. The regional model that is presented uses no parameter identification (inverse estimation) procedures. In the present work, the Houston area was used. The simulation of the hydrological conditions of the Chicot and Evangeline Aquifers that underlie the Houston area were made using the available information about the geological profile in the Houston region and the current information about the existing production wells. The regional model works as a forward problem. The system parameters such as hydraulic conductivity, specific storage, and hydrological stresses were specified, and the model predicts the hydraulic head. Actual data from piezometers operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in many places throughout Houston were used as initial conditions. Some piezometric head data were generated using the regional variable theory called kriging to supply head estimates in areas where data were unavailable. The Modular Three Dimensional Finite Difference Groundwater Flow Model developed by the USGS was used to predict the hydraulic heads. The predicted ground water heads are compared to the actual data. The results show that the model performs well for locations where data were available.  相似文献   

Most groundwater modelers avoid using static heads measured from active production wells because they can introduce a bias into model calibration. However, in the deep confined Cambrian-Ordovician Sandstone Aquifer System in the Central Midcontinent of North America, dedicated observation wells are sparse and remote from areas of most concentrated pumping. As a result, in areas where drawdown is the greatest and modeling is most needed, only static heads from production wells are available for calibration. This paper evaluates two leading sources of discrepancies in using production well data, spatial and temporal structural error (S.E.). A simple Theis solution is used to evaluate the potential magnitude of spatial S.E. when calibrating a regional MODFLOW model with coarse cell resolution. Despite theoretical analyses indicating that spatial S.E. could be significant, statistical analysis of the model results suggests that temporal S.E. is dominant. Long (ranging over decades) or frequent (monthly) head datasets are key in understanding temporal S.E., to better capture water-level variability. In this study, the range in static head observations impacted estimates of the remaining time a well could extract water from the aquifer by 0.1 to 16.0 years. This uncertainty in future water supply is highly relevant to stakeholders and must be assessed in hydrographs depicting risk.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this work is to examine the differences in power absorption in the brain of adults and children exposed to the radiation of mobile phone terminals at 1710 MHz. To this end, simulations using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method have been carried out to study the interaction between heterogeneous anatomically correct models of the human head and a linear or helical monopole mounted on the top of a metal box representing a realistic mobile communication terminal. The study includes computations of specific absorption rates (SARs) inside the human head and the total power absorbed by the head. Emphasis is placed on the comparative assessment of power absorption characteristics in heads of adults and children as well as on the effect of various parameters such as the age-related changes in dielectric properties and the usage distance between the user's head and the mobile terminal.  相似文献   

国土空间开发适宜性评价对合理开发国土空间、优化国土空间利用格局具有重要的科学指导价值。遵循陆海统筹原则,采用短板原理、线性加权求和法、空间叠加分析法,从自然环境适宜性、资源环境承载力两个方面构建适宜性评价指标体系,通过对经济社会统计数据、空间数据的处理叠加,对江苏省沿海城市南通、盐城、连云港国土空间开发适宜性进行评价与分析。研究结果表明,国土空间开发适宜性空间分异明显,江苏沿海地区不适宜、基本不适宜、基本适宜、适宜区域面积分别为14 710.37 km2、3376.18 km2、6776.30 km2、5695.64km2,分别占陆域国土总面积的46.76%、10.73%、21.54%、18.10%,各地级市外围区域保护与发展之间的矛盾较为突出。  相似文献   

研制开发出的新型横向流除油器具有独特性能,除油器的聚结区由相互正交的梯形板组所组成,水流在其中沿正弦波路流动;分离区由一系列单元六面体所组成的三维板构成,水流在其中沿水平方向流动,并且流速不断变化。水流在设备内沿水平方向流动,油垂直向上移动,泥垂直向下滑动,处理后水质不会产生二次污染等问题。用该设备处理大庆油田含油污水效果良好,完全可以代替现有工艺中的自然沉降罐和混凝沉降罐。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Overpumped artesian wells are defined and explained. Unified well equations which can be used for artesian, gravity and overpumped artesian wells are derived under both the steady and transient conditions of flow. The location of the boundary between artesian and gravity steady and transient flow systems in artesian aquifers, due to multiple wells among which overpumped artesian wells may exist, is explained.  相似文献   

Studies into the relationships between environmental factors and violence or conflicts constitute a very debated research field called environmental security. Several authors think that environmental scarcity, which is scarcity of renewable resources, can contribute to generate violence or social unrest, particularly within states scarcely endowed with technical know-how and social structures, such as developing countries. In this work, we referred to the theoretical model developed by the Environmental Change and Acute Conflict Project. Our goal was to use easily available spatial databases to map the various sources of environmental scarcity through geographic information systems, in order to locate the areas apparently most at risk of suffering negative social effects and their consequences in terms of internal security. The analysis was carried out at a subnational level and applied to the case of Kenya. A first phase of the work included a careful selection of databases relative to renewable resources. Spatial operations among these data allowed us to obtain new information on the availability of renewable resources (cropland, forests, water), on the present and foreseen demographic pressure, as well as on the social and technical ingenuity. The results made it possible to identify areas suffering from scarcity of one or more renewable resources, indicating different levels of gravity. Accounts from Kenya seem to confirm our results, reporting clashes between tribal groups over the access to scarce resources in areas that our work showed to be at high risk.  相似文献   

Nowadays microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are a rapidly evolving field and studied extensively because of their simultaneous dual functions of decomposing organic waste matter and eco-power generation. Now, facing their low power density, multiple effects including various gravity conditions ranging from 0 G to 2 G and three kinds of geometric flow channel (serpentine channel, serpentine tapered channel and bio-mixer channel) in MFCs were studied because of their ability to significantly impact the performance of MFCs.Numerical simulation technology, with its significant lessening of time needed and saving experimental costs required was used in this study. Results show that a better power performance was found at a condition of 0.125 G and Reynolds number Re = 41.3 regardless of flow channel in MFCs. In addition, the bio-mixer channel of the flow channels in MFCs will have a better performance than the other two channels because of its lower pressure drop and higher power generation. These findings will provide useful information on enhancing the performance of MFCs, especially with the application of low gravity conditions in the future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A one-dimensional, gradually varying, non-uniform, flow equation is developed to describe the movement of a variable density gravity current through a reservoir. A linearly decreasing underflow density function is used to investigate the effect of in-reservoir density reduction on typical gravity current flow profiles. Only two types of flow profiles are found to exist for varying density underflows: Type I profiles where the underflow asymptotically approaches a horizontal surface, and Type III profiles where the underflow vertically approaches critical depth. Type I profiles pass through a transitional depth as the underflow density approaches that of the upper layer. Results indicate that a reservoir can be segmented into four distinct spatial regions with well defined flow profile characteristics. The location of these regions allows the sketching of interfacial flow profiles along with identifying the location of transitional depth conditions. Transitional depth conditions are utilized as the logical starting point for Type I flow profile numerical computation. (KEY WORDS: density; fluid flow; reservoirs; hydraulics.)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Long term well hydrographs and estimated ground water levels derived from hydroclimatic and biological data were used to evaluate trends within the Upper Carbonate Aquifer (UCA) near Winnipeg, Canada, during the 20th Century. Ground water records from instruments have been kept since the early 1960s and are derived from piezometers in the overlying sediments and in open boreholes in the UCA. Some boreholes extend into an underlying Paleozoic carbonate sequence. Shallow well hydrographs show no obvious long term trends but do exhibit variations on the order of three to four years that are correlated with changes in annual temperature and precipitation at lags up to 24 months. Trends observed in deeper wells appear to be largely related to ground water usage patterns and show little correlation with climate over the past 35 years. Stepwise multiple regression modeled average annual hydraulic head in the shallow wells as a function of regional temperature, precipitation, and tree ring variables. Estimated hydraulic heads had a slightly greater range prior to the 1960s, most prominently during an interval of lowered ground water levels between 1930 and 1942. Regression results demonstrate that moisture sensitive tree ring data are viable predictors of past ground water levels and may be useful for studies of aquifers in regions that lack long, high quality precipitation records.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During the last 27 years of independence, a large number of inter-state water disputes cropped up over the use of rivers. Surprisingly enough, more disputes developed in this short period than in the earlier 200 years of the development of irrigation and so far none of the disputes has been permanently solved. The major rivers of India are all inter-state rivers and this is one of the more important reasons why some of them are not yet fully developed for irrigation or power production. The Union Government has set up, so far, only three tribunals to adjudicate inter-state disputes. But the problems do not end simply by setting up the tribunals. In practice, it has also proved a dilatory process. None of the tribunals has been successful in settling any dispute in the long years of their existence. There is no codified law prescribing rights and the notion of “equity” has come to prevail restraining the upper states from drawing such quantities of water as would injure the interests of the lower states. Though the general principle of equitable apportionment had been advocated many times, in practice each contending state had given this principle an interpretation that suited it. The basic principle would be to harness the rivers not for the benefit of a particular state but for the maximization of agricultural, industrial, and navigational potential in the areas served by the rivers.  相似文献   

Land subsidence caused by extensive groundwater pumping has become a factor which cannot be ignored in the sustainable exploitation of groundwater resources. The Hangzhou–Jiaxing–Huzhou Plain is one of the locations with China’s most severe land subsidence problems; the region has experienced dramatic land subsidence since the 1960s. Historical records of groundwater extraction, hydraulic head, and land subsidence show the latter to be the result of continual and excessive extraction of groundwater from deep confined aquifers. This study reconstructs land subsidence using an integrated regional groundwater flow and land subsidence model. The model is calibrated using land subsidence and groundwater level measurements from 1996 to 2007. Simulation results reproduce the cones of depression for groundwater heads and nadirs of land subsidence reasonably well. The calibrated model is used to evaluate the efficacy of land subsidence prevention plans from 2008 to 2010, and to predict future land subsidence over the next decade considering several groundwater exploitation scenarios. The results show the main cause of land subsidence to be inelastic compaction of the aquifer system resulting from continuously declining water levels. The model reveals that while the area of land subsidence will continue to extend, the rate of this extension may be significantly decreased by reduction of groundwater extraction. If the current land subsidence prevention and reclamation plans are continued and surface water diversion projects implemented, though land subsidence cannot be halted, the rate at which it is occurring can be effectively reduced.  相似文献   

Abstract: The volume and sustainability of streamflow from headwaters to downstream reaches commonly depend on contributions from ground water. Streams that begin in extensive aquifers generally have a stable point of origin and substantial discharge in their headwaters. In contrast, streams that begin as discharge from rocks or sediments having low permeability have a point of origin that moves up and down the channel seasonally, have small incipient discharge, and commonly go dry. Nearly all streams need to have some contribution from ground water in order to provide reliable habitat for aquatic organisms. Natural processes and human activities can have a substantial effect on the flow of streams between their headwaters and downstream reaches. Streams lose water to ground water when and where their head is higher than the contiguous water table. Although very common in arid regions, loss of stream water to ground water also is relatively common in humid regions. Evaporation, as well as transpiration from riparian vegetation, causing ground‐water levels to decline also can cause loss of stream water. Human withdrawal of ground water commonly causes streamflow to decline, and in some regions has caused streams to cease flowing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Overlapping and adjacent ground water investigations are common in areas where aquifers are threatened by industrial development. In the Indianapolis area in Marion County, Indiana, a patchwork of ground water flow models have been used during the past 20 years to evaluate ground water resources and to determine the effects of local contamination. In every case these ground water models were constructed from scratch. Site specific finite difference grids or finite element meshes inhibit the direct reuse of input data when the area of interest shifts. Because the aquifer is not discretized into a grid or mesh with analytic element models, there are unique opportunities for direct reuse of model input data. In two applications of this principle we illustrate how the newly emerging analytic element method allows a fairly straightforward reuse of model input data from previous models in the same general area. In analytic element models of Central Indiana, streams and their tributaries are represented in different resolutions. Input data items of several modeling studies are stored and cataloged on disk in such a manner that they can be selectively retrieved by a data management program PREPRO. In this manner, a new ground water model can be set up quickly with input data which have been previously defined and tested during model calibration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Net precipitation under old growth Douglas fir forest in the Bull Run Municipal Watershed (Portland, Oregon) totaled 1739 mm during a 4Cbweek period, 387 mm more than in adjacent clearcut areas. Expressing data on a full water year basis and adjusting gross precipitation for losses due to rainfall interception suggest fog drip could have added 882 mm (35 in) of water to total precipitation during a year when precipitation measured 2160 mm in a rain gage in a nearby clearing. Standard rain gages installed in open areas where fog is common may be collecting up to 30 percent less precipitation than would be collected in the forest. Long term forest management (Le., timber harvest) in the watershed could reduce annual water yield and, more importantly, summer stream flow by reducing fog drip.  相似文献   

A graphical inverse method for determining the regional transmissivity distribution was applied to three field problems. The study areas were the Hanford Site, Washington; the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado; and the Nevada Test Site, Nevada. This method can aid in flow system conceptualization by revealing the location of bedrock controls for groundwater flow. It is a valuable tool for aiding the hydrogeologist in asking questions about the nature of trends in the pattern of transmissivity values. Quantitative estimates of regional transmissivities can be used as starting points for further parameter refinement. Sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulation shows that quantitative estimates of transmissivity can be obtained when measurement error in the hydraulic head does not cause a large error in the hydraulic gradient.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Patterns of dry season surface flow in forested headwater channels of southwest Washington were observed during August to September 2001 and July to October 2002. In 2001, 17 channels were sampled once, and the uppermost points of continuous flow (CF) and surface water (SW) were located. In 2002, sampling was replicated three to five times at each of 21 channels. Annual and seasonal data suggested that the location of SW varied less than CF. In most channels, SW remained at or near the channel head year around. The pattern of surface flow between CF and the channel head was used to test alternative hypotheses describing dry season recession patterns: (A) surface flow consistently retreats in a downstream direction, and (B) flow comes from fixed sources along the channel, thus surface flow retreats up‐channel towards these sources. The dominant surface flow spatial pattern in streams less than 30 percent slope was increased intermittency without a clear pattern of retreat, and thus inconsistent with either hypothesis. High gradient channels (< 30 percent slope) exhibited a combination of increased intermittency, and extensive upward retreats of surface water consistent with Hypothesis B. Differences between 2001 and 2002 suggest late summer flows in small headwater basins were controlled by spring precipitation, rather than the typically greater winter precipitation.  相似文献   

After the end of pumping the water level in the observation well starts to recover and the reduced drawdown during the recovery period is named as the residual drawdown. Traditional approaches in analyzing the data of residual drawdown for estimating the aquifer hydraulic parameters are mostly based on the application of superposition principle and Theis equation. In addition, the effect of wellbore storage is commonly ignored in the evaluation even if the test well has a finite diameter. In this article, we develop a mathematical model for describing the residual drawdown with considering the wellbore storage effect and the existing drawdown distribution produced by the pumping part of the test. The Laplace‐domain solution of the model is derived using the Laplace transform technique and the time‐domain result is inverted based on the Stehfest algorithm. This new solution shows that the residual drawdown associated with the boundary and initial conditions are related to the well drawdown and the aquifer drawdown, respectively. The well residual drawdown will be overestimated by the Theis residual drawdown solution in the early recovery part if neglecting the wellbore storage. On the other hand, the Theis residual drawdown solution can be used to approximate the present residual drawdown solution in the late recovery part of the test.  相似文献   

The CO2 storage capacity of geological reservoirs is of great interest for the selection of potential storage sites in carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. A detailed analysis essentially requires a thorough understanding of the interaction of forces acting within the system. By defining characteristic quantities for length, time, pressure and velocity, the governing multiphase flow equations can be non-dimensionalised. This allows for the definition of physically sound dimensionless numbers, resembling the ratios of acting forces like viscous, capillary and gravitational forces. An analysis of the relation of forces in reservoirs with different parameter setups allows their intercomparison with respect to their CO2 storage capacity potential. To back up the analysis, a comprehensive reservoir parameter database with more than 1200 reservoirs is analysed and statistical characteristics are derived. Effects of reservoir parameters like depth, temperature, absolute and relative permeability, as well as capillary pressure are investigated. It is shown that dimensionless numbers can be used to qualitatively order reservoirs with respect to the forces acting in the reservoir. Moreover, it is shown that the relative permeability relations together with the residual saturations have a great influence on the balance of forces.  相似文献   

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