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Abstract: A decision support system for sustainable water resources management in a water conflict resolution framework is developed to identify and evaluate a range of acceptable alternatives for the Geum River Basin in Korea and to facilitate strategies that will result in sustainable water resource management. Working with stakeholders in a “shared vision modeling” framework, sustainable management strategies are created to illustrate system tradeoffs as well as long‐term system planning. A multi‐criterion decision‐making (MCDM) approach using subjective scales is utilized to evaluate the complex water resource allocation and management tradeoffs between stakeholders and system objectives. The procedures used in this study include the development of a “shared vision model,” a simulated decision‐making support system (as a tool for sustainable water management strategies associated with water conflicts, management options, and planning criteria), and the application of MCDM techniques for evaluating alternatives provided by the model. The research results demonstrate the utility of the sustainable water resource management model in aid of MCDM techniques in facilitating flexibility during initial stages of alternative identification and evaluation in a basin suffering from severe water conflicts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In water planning activities, major emphasis has been placed on the development of procedures for devising “optimum plans.” These plans are defined as those which meet prespecified demands for water at “minimum cost.” However, all plans are developed subject to postulated conditions regarding the state of the physical system and of nature. Because planning takes place in a dynamic and uncertain environment in which postulated conditions are known to change, it is imperative that the planner be apprised in the planning phase of the effect of changes which can occur. Using “this information, a planner can temper his judgment with a knowledge of the effect of the uncertainty resulting from changes in the system state variables. This paper presents results of the use of a computer simulation and optimization model to quantify possible variations in system response which could occur as a result of uncertainty in the postulated physical and economic conditions under which the proposed water development system was to perform. The possible effects of these variable responses on planning decision-making is discussed.  相似文献   

A study was made to analyze and modify procedures used for stream assimilation capacity and point source wasteload allocation calculations. This paper describes the sources and types of information collected and the analysis of alternative computation methods developed during the study. The calculation of stream assimilation capacity or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), will depend upon assumed stream flows, quality standards, reaction rates, and modeling procedures. The “critical conditions” selected for TMDL calculations usually are low flows and warm temperatures. The complexity of water quality models used for TMDL and allocation calculations can range from simple, complete mixing to calibrated and verified mathematical models. A list of 20 wasteload allocation (WLA) methods was developed. Five of these WLA's were applied to an example stream to permit comparisons based on cost, equity, efficient use of stream assimilation capacity, and sensitivity to fundamental stream quality data. Based on insensitivity to data errors and current use by several states, the WLA method of “equal percent treatment” was preferable in the example stream.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The solution of a water resource allocation problem by an alternative social arrangement is presented. Classical Austrian economic theory and the “new resources economics” provide both theoretical and practical evidence to support the development of well-defined, private property rights to the water resource in question. A conflict analysis demonstrates that management of the Manayunk Canal by a firm would reconcile existing confrontations through compromise use of the water resource. Benefit and cost calculations show that a compromise among industrial and recreational interests, currently competing in the political arena, would increase social benefits.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Institutional innovation is central to many water resource problems. (In this context “institutions” refers to the laws and regulations governing water allocation and use.) Yet, typically, economic analyses treat institutions as exogenous and fixed. Unfortunately, this conventional assumption does not allow economists to address many modern problems. This paper develops an economic framework in which institutions are treated as endogenous. The model accounts for (1) factors that stimulate calls for formal institutional change, (2) the role of interest groups in policymaking, and (3) actual institutional change as it impacts choice domains and thus economic performance. The model is compared to a specific case of change in Colorado's water institutions, namely, instream water rights legislation in the 1970's. The empirical evidence is generally consistent with model hypotheses. The model promises to be useful to scholars and policymakers interested in institutional innovation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The application of a water balance model in finding “solutions” to the supply/demand problem was demonstrated using the South Platte River basin as a case study. Solutions were ascertained by hand, using both “average” and “stress” supply/demand conditions, and were developed for 1980, 2000, and 2020; nonquantifiable boundary conditions were incorporated by judgement. The solution obtained for a particular set of conditions is not unique and has strong normative characteristics; thus it must be judged by various interest groups having different ethical positions. The water balance model has a tabular display format and so the “model” is merely a simple table, i.e., a “water balance table.” In this work the water balance table was displayed on an eight-foot by eight-foot color-coded magnetic board. The board provides a means to both find and display the needed supply/demand “solution.” The tabular display facilitates understanding of the systemwide solution and the formulation of value judgments. Based upon these value judgments and an initial “straw man” solution, successive negotiated solutions can be found which can minimize “conflict.”  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Construction of a “peaking storage tank” may reduce the operational cost of municipal water in the availability of a time-of-use energy rate. A peaking storage tank is used for storing water that is pumped from wells or other sources of supply during off-peak periods when energy costs are less for use during periods of on-peak water demand. The optimal size of a peaking storage tank is that which results in the minimum total cost, which includes both the storage construction cost and the cost of operation of the pumps. The operational cost for a given time-of-use rate is determined by help of a pipe network simulation model solved by the Newton-Raphson technique and a dynamic programming optimization model. A more simplified method is also introduced. Analyses show that low off-peak energy costs make the construction of peaking storage tanks economically attractive and reduce on-peak energy use, which results in electrical load leveling.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper addresses problems in the design of a water use data base and valuation of water use data. An examination of the economic efficiency and distributional aspects of selected water management problems indicates that there are benefits to be obtained from water use information and, thus, there is a potential value to water use data. Water use information is viewed as being produced by combining water use data with other data in a modeling context suggested by theory relevant to the problem at hand, and a well designed water use data base will facilitate this synthesis. Data “needs” in the production of water use information via economic modeling are described to illustrate the relationship between theory and data. Some of the desirable characteristics of a water use data base and inadequacies of the existing water use data “base” are described. The fugitive nature of the water use data resource and a lack of understanding of both the information “production function” and the role of water use information in decisionmaking complicates the water use data valuation problem.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The control of nutrient loading into a water body is approached from a multiobjective viewpoint. The example of phosphorus (P) loading into Lake Balaton, Hungary, is used as a case study. The element P is chosen because it appears to be the limiting factor of eutrophication in the lake considered, as in many other lakes. About one-half of P loading originates from nonpoint sources; furthermore, the mechanism is poorly known and only few observation data are available. The objective of eutrophication control is to minimize P loading, while the objective of watershed management is to maximize agricultural revenue. These two objectives often appear to be in conflict. A discrete set of alternative control methods is defined, consisting in controlling a mix of the following elements: point sources, runoff, fertilizer type and application, cropping management, erosion, and sedimentation. The system dynamics is provided by a previously developed stochastic model, whose output is an empirical prohability density function (pdf) of P-loading reflecting the control policy. A compromise solution of “satisfactum” can then be chosen as a mix of the best ranked policies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nebraska has abundant supplies of high quality surface and ground water. The U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1982, declaring ground water to be an article of commerce, is widely perceived as giving neighboring states easier access to Nebraska water. Some neighboring states, particularly Colorado and Wyoming, are in water short situations. Additionally, current legal restrictions on certain types of transfers within the State could be inhibiting the “highest and best use” of Nebraska's water. Thus, in 1987 the Nebraska Legislature called for the development of a new water policy for Nebraska that would promote the economically efficient use of water, yet protect the environment as well as the rights of individuals (for example, third parties) and the public. Through an interagency study employing an extensive public involvement process, a policy to be recommended to the Legislature in 1989 emerged. The policy revises the basic definition of water rights and transfers and eliminates most of the inconsistencies in the water allocation system by treating most types of water resources, most types of water users, and most locations of use similarly in the permitting process. (The principal exception is the individual irrigator using ground water on the overlying land where overlying land is one government surveyed section; such use is not defined to be a transfer nor is a permit required.) An impact assessment would be required of most new water uses except on site uses of ground water. Compensation measures could be specified as a condition of the permit where appropriate. The permit would be issued only if the benefits of the proposed transfer clearly outweigh adverse effects that could not be avoided or effectively compensated. The policy allows for the sale or lease of “salvaged” water. It calls for the State to facilitate transfers by acting as a clearinghouse for potential buyers and sellers, and it allows the State to sponsor water projects. An annual fee to be paid by many water users, in order to provide a fund for compensation and for state sponsored water projects, was proposed. However, it met with extensive opposition. Thus, the policy recommends only that the Legislature examine potential funding programs and equitable user fees.  相似文献   

Water affordability is determined by the percentage of income households that must allocate to municipal water services, while factoring in essential or basic needs water use. With the rise in water prices reported in most areas of the country along with somewhat stagnant income growth—a combination that suggests ceteris paribus—more of a household's disposable income is being spent on water services. This paper adds to the discussion in three ways. First, given the lack of a consistent definition for “affordability” and the subjective connotation associated with such a term, we develop and compare five different water expenditure ratios, including two different measures of water for essential needs, as well as measures for indoor, efficient, and actual water use. Second, because of the granularity of our data, we illustrate how such “affordability” measures can vary significantly within a water district and thus highlight how using district- or county-level income measures can mask the degree to which affordability is an issue for households living in low-income block groups. Our results indicate that the choice of income measure and type of water service use can influence affordability measures substantially.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The problem of water resources management can be viewed as one requiring the existence and application of some type of “collective decision” mechanism. Currently, the general water resource decision problem is solved using an “individual decision” format without explicit consideration of the dominant social decision system. This paper demonstrates the need for blending technical planning activities with organized societal processes and then proposes a specific public decision framework to satisfy this requirement. The key element in this planning framework is a generalized “bargaining arena” which serves to link technical activities with the social system. Using this bargaining device we can (1) specify policy at a local level, (2) incorporate “social decision” rules into the planning process, and (3) provide local access to the decision process. A simple case of regional water quality management is used to describe the application of this planning procedure and to offer encouragement for successful use in more complex real-world cases.  相似文献   

Abstract: Landscape water conservation is an important issue for municipalities throughout the Western United States, and especially in Utah as rapid growth strains existing water supplies. We conducted interdisciplinary research in Layton, Utah, that aimed at understanding patterns of landscape water use among households and businesses. The research project involved three basic tasks. First, a landscape “water budget” was developed by producing a calibrated and classified mosaic of landscape type and area from airborne multispectral digital imagery, integrating this information with Layton City parcel boundary data to determine landscape vegetated areas per lot, and estimating irrigation needs derived from reference evapotranspiration (ETo) obtained using weather data for the Salt Lake City metropolitan region. Second, utilizing Layton water billing data, water use for each household and business was identified and categorized as “conserving,”“acceptable” or “wasteful” by determining how much the water applied varied from actual landscape plant need. Third, surveys were administered to a random stratified sample of households and businesses in the study area to investigate various factors that were hypothesized to be predictive of wasteful watering practices. This paper primarily focuses on analysis of the household and business survey data, which explores factors affecting urban landscape water use from a human behavioral perspective. We found that the most significant factors predicting actual water use were the type of irrigation system and whether the location was a household or business. Attitudinal and motivational characteristics were not consistently associated with water use. We found that wasteful watering is the result of many factors embedded in the complex context of urban landscapes. This implies that water conservation programs should identify potential wasteful users through analyses of water billing data and direct water conservation measures at these users by focusing on site‐specific evaluations and recommendations. Water audits or water checks are one such tool that some communities have employed to help people understand and assess the quantity of water needed by and applied to their landscapes. This approach provides an opportunity to evaluate situational constraints at particular locations and design appropriate strategies for reducing water waste.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A travel cost model is developed to estimate the potential reductions in recreational benefits from sedimentation in Reelfoot Lake in northwestern Tennessee. In addition to the consumer surplus estimates generated by the model, three other aspects of the study were significant. First, the study applied a relatively untested methodology for deriving the opportunity cost of travel time. The study resulted in a value that is less than one-half of the Water Resource Council's “one-third of the wage rate” rule-of-thumb. Second, water quality perceptions were unsuccessfully incorporated into the model as a demand shifter. This raised questions as to the appropriate manner in which perceptions could be included in a travel cost model. Finally, a simple methodology was outlined by which estimates of the recreational value of Reelfoot Lake could be used to suggest how much cost could be justified for soil erosion control on agricultural land surrounding the lake.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The critical role of political processes in water resource projects has recently been placed in a new perspective [Hall, 1970]. The “political hassle” period of institutional interaction which serves to resolve political conflicts over such aspects as organizational growth and survival, responsibility for economic liabilities, and responsibility for economic benefits, requires systematic analysis in order to improve our capability to implement water projects. Failure to properly assess the political aspects of a proposed water project may result in extensive delays with significant economic losses. The complexities associated with water use and re-use have created the need for new institutional arrangements which can more effectively function to implement policies and programs. One tool which has recently become available for the research investigator concerned with institutional interactions and political processes associated with water resource projects is the technique of computer simulation of such institutional interaction. In theory, this new approach will enable the investigator to assess the political feasibility or political acceptability of a proposed water project given existing institutional structures. Furthermore, the investigator has the opportunity to experiment with new and innovative institutional arrangements which may in turn enhance the political acceptability of a proposed project. The specific material presented within this paper reports upon the validation of an existing computer simulation model designed to replicate political interactions in resource allocation problems-including water resource problems. This validation effort is done by taking an actual water problem and comparing what the political simulation models predicts in terms of political outcomes with what actually takes place. The case study in question is the formulation and legislative development of the Michigan Bond Issue for Water Pollution Control.  相似文献   

The challenges posed by the limited availability of resources means that retail operations and methods must be revised and redesigned. Against the current backdrop of changes, companies are seeking to innovate the way in which they market their wares. Within this context, this article discusses the “green marketing mix” from the perspective of Brazilian retail enterprises. In addition, the study described in this article sought to identify and highlight the elements that should be considered when defining strategically each variable within the green retail marketing mix. As part of this work, a case study was carried out on two Brazilian retail companies. The case analysis revealed that despite defining themselves as “green,” when their retail marketing mix was analyzed, the companies presented differing degrees of sustainability. Furthermore, expanding the theoretical framework for the green retail marketing mix is a crucial issue in the services sector, and it has significant, practical repercussions.  相似文献   

A system study was conducted on the use of a large number of small reservoirs dispersed throughout an urban community as a means of storm water pollution control. The study was based on an area within the “new city” of Columbia, Maryland. Water collected and stored in the reservoirs is treated for release or use in meeting sub-potable and potable water demands in the community. Design and performance criteria were developed for such a system. A simulation model and a computerized evaluation technique were used to select the optimal locations and system configurations. The results of this study indicated that such a system would be less expensive than a conventional engineering approach to storm water pollution control. Further, the benefits derived from use of the storm water as a water supply can offset a portion of the cost of pollution control. Several secondary benefits also result from this concept including erosion and sediment control, storm flow dampening, and recreational facilities. A program is now underway to demonstrate this concept in Columbia, Maryland.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A methodology for ground water remediation design has been developed that interfaces ground water simulation models with an enhanced annealing optimizer. The ground water flow and transport simulators provide the ability to consider site‐specific contamination and geohydrologic conditions directly in the assessment of alternative remediation system designs. The optimizer facilitates analysis of tradeoffs between technical, environmental, regulatory, and financial risks for alternative design and operation scenarios. A ground water management model using an optimization method referred to as “enhanced annealing” (simulated annealing enhanced to include “directional search” and “memory” mechanisms) has been developed and successfully applied to an actual restoration problem. The demonstration site is the contaminated unconfined aquifer referred to as N‐Springs located at Han‐ford, Washington. Results of the demonstration show the potential for improving groundwater restoration system performance while reducing overall system cost.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of energy development on the water resources of the Colorado River and Great Basin regions is expected to be substantial. Complex physical, economic and institutional interactions may be expected. Most research on these impacts appears single purpose, fragmented, uncoordinated, and often inaccessible to potential users - particularly those with responsibility for energy/water policy and program decisions. A comprehensive, integrative framework for assessing alternative water allocation decisions is outlined, taking a heuristic decision making model for evaluating impacts on maximization of gross (or net) regional product, and regional social welfare, and for assessing the region's contribution to national objectives. The suggested model provides a structure for application and integration of data of various kinds to a range of situations arising from possible impacts from energy proposals. The focus is on water and energy relationships but the model may provide a framework for comprehensive analysis of a variety of environmental actions and resulting system perturbations and effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT .The problem analyzed in this paper is how to allocate optimally the available surface water in a river system among those who compete for its use, while acknowledging explicitly that for coastal states the ecology of bays and estuaries must be numbered among the competitors. The objective is to maximize the benefit resulting from water use while satisfying a set of constraints on flow. Benefit is assumed to be a function of the amount of water used and the time period in which the water is used. A mathematical model of this problem is shown to fit the format of the minimum cost circulation network flow problem. The Out-of-Kilter algorithm of D. R. Fulkerson is proposed as a solution technique. Sensitivity analysis on the input data is described as a means of determining the minimum economic benefit required to justify the allocation of a given volume of water needed to sustain the ecology of an estuary.  相似文献   

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