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Socioecological models provide a framework for predicting how animals respond competitively to the abundance and distribution of food resources. Testing predictions of socioecological models requires analysis of relationships among food resource characteristics, competitive behaviors, and measures of rank-related skew in energy balance or reproductive success. A positive relationship between dominance rank and energy balance has been observed among female mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. This study examines the proximate mechanisms underlying feeding competition among those females. To assess the contestability of food resources, we measured the time a female spent feeding at a food site (food site residence time). We also examined the relationship between dominance rank and the access to resources, as well as the rate, context, and direction of aggression, and the number of neighbors in close proximity. As predicted, females had longer food site residence times and higher aggression rates with fruit and decaying wood than with herbaceous vegetation, suggesting that those resources may be contestable. Aggression was predominantly directed down the dominance hierarchy, although against expectation, rank was not significantly correlated with aggression rates or the time spent feeding on contestable foods. Higher-ranking females had significantly fewer neighbors, suggesting that lower-ranking females avoid higher-ranking ones. This study provides additional support for the claim that there is variability in how primates respond to the quality and distribution of food resources and that avoidance as a strategy to cope with feeding competition may result in similar skew in energy balance as rank-related aggression.  相似文献   

Socioecological models predict that contest competition for clumped foods can lead to higher energy intake and lower energy expenditure for higher-ranking individuals. Here, we examine the relationships between dominance rank and energy intake and expenditure of female mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda (Gorilla beringei beringei). Bwindi gorillas have weak dominance relationships, feed on nonreproductive plant parts throughout the year, and consume fruit when it is seasonally available. We used behavioral observations on one group of gorillas and nutritional analysis of their major food items to calculate energy intake rates and estimated energy expenditure. Using linear mixed models, we found a significant positive relationship between dominance rank and energy intake rates, due to higher-ranking females having faster ingestion rates, rather than consuming foods with higher energy concentrations. Lower-ranking females did not spend significantly more time feeding to compensate for their lower energy intake rates. Lower-ranking females spent significantly more time traveling than higher-ranking females, leading to a negative relationship between dominance rank and energy expenditure. The combined results revealed a significant positive relationship between dominance rank and energy balance. Higher-ranking females did not spend longer feeding on fruit than lower-ranking ones, and the relationship between dominance rank and energy intake rates was not stronger when fruit was available. According to socioecological models, these results suggest that contest competition may be occurring with both fruit and nonreproductive plant parts, which would be consistent with growing evidence that nonreproductive plant parts can be contestable.  相似文献   

Van Schaik’s socioecological model predicts interrelations among food distribution, competitive regimes, and female social relationships. To test the internal consistency of the model, feeding competition was examined in three differently sized groups of a forest-dwelling population of Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus). The nutritional condition of females was used as a direct indicator of feeding competition and related to the seasonal variation in resource distribution and abundance. Female dominance hierarchies were characterized by displacements. Dominance hierarchies were significantly linear and relatively stable, but less so with increasing group size. Physical condition correlated with dominance rank and high-ranking females were in the best condition, indicating within-group contest competition. The strength of this relationship became less pronounced with increasing group size. The females of the medium-sized group were in the best physical condition indicating between-group contest plus within-group scramble competition. Closer examination revealed variable costs and benefits of group foraging with a predominance of within-group scramble competition when food was more abundant. The results support some basic predictions of the model. Limiting food abundance was bound to ubiquitous within-group scramble competition. The use of clumped resources translated into differences in net energy gain based on dominance. In contrast to the predictions, group-size-related costs and benefits were related to food abundance instead of food distribution. As predicted, within-group contest competition was linked to a linear dominance hierarchy. The absence of nepotism and coalitions in Hanuman langurs may be attributed to dominance hierarchies that are unstable through time, probably minimizing fitness gain via kin support. Received: 25 May 1999 / Received in revised form: 18 February 2000 / Accepted: 25 February 2000  相似文献   

Sooty mangabeys are terrestrial monkeys exhibiting female philopatry and male dispersal. Studies in captivity as well as in the wild have found that adult females form linear dominance hierarchies. However, while captive studies found no evidence for a matrilineal social system, a previous study in Taï National Park, Ivory Coast, suggested that relatedness could influence both dominance rank and affiliation pattern among adult females. Here I test whether the dominance rank, coalitionary behavior, and affiliative behavior of juveniles in a group of free-ranging mangabeys in the Taï National Park are in accordance with a matrilineal, individual, or age-related dominance system. I found that juvenile females' dominance ranks remained stable over time and were highly correlated with the dominance ranks of their mothers, whereas juvenile males' dominance ranks were initially correlated with the ranks of their mothers, but showed greater instability with increasing age. Moreover, coalitions occurred mainly between juveniles and animals that were close in rank, including their mothers and siblings. Finally, juvenile females associated and groomed preferentially with close-ranking juvenile and adult females. Juvenile males showed similar preferences in affiliation with adult females, but when associating with juvenile males, they preferred peers. The observed social behavior of free-ranging juvenile sooty mangabeys resembled the social behavior described for juveniles of many matrilineal primate species.  相似文献   

Socioecological models relate differences in feeding strategies to variation in the nature of female social relationships. Among the African forest guenons, females consume large quantities of fruit and other plant reproductive parts, resources which are thought to promote contest competition, yet these monkeys have been characterized as having agonistically undifferentiated relationships in which rank, if discernible at all, does not correlate with fitness benefits. To determine whether female relationships become more hierarchical under relevant ecological conditions, we monitored the adult females of two blue monkey groups (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) over a complete annual cycle in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Females competed aggressively for plant reproductive parts more often than any other resource type, and in both groups we detected linear dominance hierarchies. Nonetheless, agonism rates remained low throughout our study, and did not vary with changes in ecological conditions. Rather, when plant reproductive parts were scarce, subordinate females spent more time feeding and less time resting in an apparent attempt to compensate for a reduced efficiency of food intake. The effects of rank and food abundance were not reflected, however, in the distribution of grooming. The use of alternative feeding strategies appeared to blunt competition – females of all ranks were unlikely to be near others while feeding and spent more time consuming alternative resources when plant reproductive parts were scarce. The diverse diet of this species may allow females to avoid conflict so that dominance has only subtle effects that are difficult to detect. While socioecological models often simplify the connection between resources and female interactions, our results emphasize that the behavior of animals consuming particular resources, and not the resources themselves, are critical predictors of social patterns.  相似文献   

Female rhesus macaques exhibit matrilineal dominance structures, and high dominance rank confers fitness benefits across a lifetime and across generations. Rank effects are “inherited” through social processes that are well understood; however, biological mechanisms that might impact these processes are not well known. Recently, it has been shown that prenatal androgens appear to be implicated in supporting dominance rank hierarchies in some mammals. In humans, interindividual differences in the second (index) to fourth (ring) digit ratio (2D:4D) have been linked indirectly to variation in prenatal androgens, with low 2D:4D in both sexes associated with higher inferred prenatal androgen effects. 2D:4D has also been related to dominant social behavior and has been shown to co-vary with social systems across nonhuman primate species. Here, we investigate how 2D:4D co-varies with socially inherited dominance rank in female rhesus macaques. Low 2D:4D was associated with higher-ranking females, while higher 2D:4D was associated with lower-ranking females. Similar relationships were also shown between ranked families within matrilines. This is the first study to show such a relationship between 2D:4D and dominance rank in a nonhuman primate and suggests that prenatal androgen effects could be involved in the maintenance of dominance rank in female cercopithecine primates.  相似文献   

Intensive study of arboreal forest-dwelling primates and their predators in Africa is increasingly revealing that crowned eagles (Stephanoaetus coronatus) are major predators of primates. Gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) are overrepresented in the diets of crowned eagles in Kibale National Park, Uganda, and adult male mangabeys are represented more than females. We focused on the behavior of adult male gray-cheeked mangabeys living in social groups in Kibale National Park (1) to clarify the interactions between mangabeys and eagles that might put adult males at greater risk and (2) to better understand individual variation in behavioral responses to predators. Adult male mangabeys in five groups responded to observer-confirmed presence of crowned eagles 88 times over a 13-month period. While all males gave alarm calls, only the highest-ranking male in each of four groups chased eagles. These males had elevated levels of fecal cortisol metabolites in the days immediately after they engaged in active defense, suggesting that they perceived such behavior as risky. In the one group where male ranks were unstable and there were no infants, no male was observed to chase eagles. We suggest that males pursue the dangerous tactic of chasing eagles only when they are likely to have offspring in the group. Males in larger groups also spent less time alarm calling to crowned eagles (from first to last call in a group), and our observations confirmed that the duration of their alarm calls was related to eagle presence. Thus, eagles spent less time around larger mangabey groups. Alarm calling by adult male mangabeys may signal to this ambush predator that it has been detected and should move on.  相似文献   

Males in sexually dimorphic species like baboons appear to have surprisingly little influence on the reproduction and dominance ranks of their female kin, even though they could potentially increase their fitness by helping their relatives improve their ranks. Male baboons are able to dominate females several years before they emigrate, but their presence has no effect on relatives’ dominance ranks, at least when female kin are present. As a result, females usually acquire ranks within their matriline, above their older sisters. We describe the process of rank acquisition among orphaned and non-orphaned juvenile and adolescent females in a group of free-ranging baboons. Orphaned females were significantly more likely than non-orphaned females to acquire unexpected ranks. Orphaned females with older sisters often acquired ranks within the matriline, but below their older sisters’. Orphaned females with older brothers were likely to rise in rank above their matriline. Females’ interventions on behalf of younger sisters always supported the existing female dominance hierarchy, while males’ interventions tended to act against it. Similarly, in playback experiments, females appeared to be willing to support their younger sister only in disputes with lower-ranking females. In contrast, males appeared to be willing to support their sister even in disputes with higher-ranking females. Fraternal support enables females to improve their dominance ranks, but only if their mothers have died. It remains a puzzle why males have so little influence on their female relatives’ ranks when female kin are present, and so much when they are absent.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that females in species with matrilineal dominance hierarchies should use nepotistic support systems to maintain their family’s rank. Female Old World monkeys, however, form alliances against other females at surprisingly low rates. Nonetheless, in many species, females utter threat vocalizations when observing others’ disputes, suggesting that these vocalizations may function as ‘vocal alliances’. We describe a playback experiment testing the efficacy of vocal alliances in free-ranging female baboons. Subjects were played the same female’s threat-grunts under three separate conditions: after being threatened by the signaller’s close relative to mimic kin support, after being threatened by a female maternally unrelated to the signaller to mimic non-kin support, and after a friendly interaction with the signaller’s close relative as a control. Subjects responded more strongly to the playback and avoided the signaller and her matrilineal relatives for a longer period of time in kin support trials than in either non-kin support or no aggression trials. In contrast, there was no difference in subjects’ behaviour between non-kin support and no aggression trials. These results corroborate observational data showing that vocal support occurs at a higher rate than physical support in female baboons, and that kin are more likely to provide vocal support than non-kin. We conclude that vocal support plays a similar role as physical support in the alliances of female baboons.  相似文献   

The evolution of female social relationships in nonhuman primates   总被引:38,自引:14,他引:38  
Considerable interspecific variation in female social relationships occurs in gregarious primates, particularly with regard to agonism and cooperation between females and to the quality of female relationships with males. This variation exists alongside variation in female philopatry and dispersal. Socioecological theories have tried to explain variation in female-female social relationships from an evolutionary perspective focused on ecological factors, notably predation and food distribution. According to the current “ecological model”, predation risk forces females of most diurnal primate species to live in groups; the strength of the contest component of competition for resources within and between groups then largely determines social relationships between females. Social relationships among gregarious females are here characterized as Dispersal-Egalitarian, Resident-Nepotistic, Resident-Nepotistic-Tolerant, or Resident-Egalitarian. This ecological model has successfully explained differences in the occurrence of formal submission signals, decided dominance relationships, coalitions and female philopatry. Group size and female rank generally affect female reproduction success as the model predicts, and studies of closely related species in different ecological circumstances underscore the importance of the model. Some cases, however, can only be explained when we extend the model to incorporate the effects of infanticide risk and habitat saturation. We review evidence in support of the ecological model and test the power of alternative models that invoke between-group competition, forced female philopatry, demographic female recruitment, male interventions into female aggression, and male harassment. Not one of these models can replace the ecological model, which already encompasses the between-group competition. Currently the best model, which explains several phenomena that the ecological model does not, is a “socioecological model” based on the combined importance of ecological factors, habitat saturation and infanticide avoidance. We note some points of similarity and divergence with other mammalian taxa; these remain to be explored in detail. Received: 30 September 1996 / Accepted after revision: 20 July 1997  相似文献   

Food distribution is hypothesized to be important in determining the nature of female relationships within social groups of primates. When food limits female reproductive success, spatially clumped foods are expected to produce strong, linear dominance hierarchies within groups, whereas more spatially dispersed foods are expected to produce weaker or non-existent dominance hierarchies. The association between food distribution and competitive relationships presumably occurs because clumped foods are usurpable but dispersed foods are not. We examined the spatial distribution of food patches (trees) and patch size relative to feeding behavior and agonistic interactions in vervets and patas monkeys, two closely related and sympatric species that nonetheless differ in the strength of the female dominance hierarchy. Food patches of both patas monkeys and vervets were small in size and randomly distributed in Acacia drepanolobium habitat. In contrast, in A. xanthophloea woodland, the habitat type that was exclusively used by vervets, food patches were larger and more spatially clumped. These similarities and differences between and within species were correlated with similarities and differences in the strength and linearity of their dominance hierarchies. Patas monkeys and vervets in A. drepanolobium habitat had dominance hierarchies that were weakly defined because there were relatively few agonistic interactions between females. By contrast, in A. xanthophloea habitat, vervets had a stronger, linear dominance hierarchy characterized by a higher rate of agonistic interactions over food. The covariation of agonistic interactions with patch size is discussed in relation to depletion time, another characteristic that may covary with food distribution, and resource renewal rate, an important determinant of agonistic interactions in insectivorous birds, fishes, insects, and mammals. Received: 18 February 2000 / Revised: 5 September 2000 / Accepted: 26 September 2000  相似文献   

Among spotted hyenas, Crocuta crocuta, neonatal aggression in twins is a well-known phenomenon and serves to establish intra-litter dominance soon after birth. As the stronger more aggressive cub presumably attains dominance over its twin, intra-litter dominance presents mothers with an ideal opportunity to assess individual cub fitness and, thereafter, to selectively favor one cub over the other. This study quantified maternal response to sibling conflict in 26 sets of twins born to 16 wild-living females to determine whether mothers of different social ranks exhibited favoritism towards sons or daughters, or in the case of same-sex twins, the dominant or subordinate cub. Maternal response to sibling conflict did not vary with litter sex composition, suggesting that mothers do not favor offspring of one sex over the other. All mothers intervened when their cubs fought and sometimes punished their cubs. Higher-ranking mothers more often punished both cubs, while lower-ranking mothers were more selective and punished the dominant cub. Where sibling aggression was most extreme, rather than favor the dominant sibling, mothers of all ranks made concessions to the subordinate cub that included procuring private nursing bouts for the subordinate and temporarily housing twins in separate dens, presumably to decrease sibling conflict. These findings represent a complex example of parent–offspring conflict and support both the insurance cub hypothesis and resource tracking hypothesis that mothers endeavor to keep all offspring alive for as long as possible in the event that the dominant sibling dies or that resources provide for the rearing of twins. This contribution is part of the special issue “Sibling competition and cooperation in mammals” (guest editors: Robyn Hudson and Fritz Trillmich).  相似文献   

Summary A group of toque macaques took-over the home range of one of its subordinate neighboring groups and fused with it to form a larger cohesive group. In the 7 years before the take-over, the dominant group had consistently won all contests at common feeding sites, yet the fitnesses of the females of these two groups did not differ significantly (Fig. 2A). After the take-over the females of the subjugated group occupied the lowest ranks in the combined dominance hierarchy of the merged groups (Fig. 1) and thereby lost the advantages of an own home range, such as priority of access to food. Consequently, in the merged group, survivorship and reproductive success among the subjugated females were significantly less than among the females of the dominant subgroup (Table 2, 4). The dominant matrilines grew numerically and replaced all of the subjugated females, and all but one of their offspring, within 8 years after the take-over (Fig. 2B). These data support the hypothesis that cooperation among female kin in defending resources against strange females is important in the evolution of female-bonded groups. Before the merger all 5 natal males of the subordinate group had transferred to the dominant group, where they occupied high and mid-level dominance ranks (Fig. 1). These males survived at a significantly greater rate than their subordinate female kin. Thus, the cost of group transfer seems to be greater for females than for males, and this may be one reason that females generally do not emigrate or that groups do not fuse. The data suggested three hypotheses. First, since large body size and other adaptations for fighting, giving males an advantage in male-male competition for mates, are also of advantage in resource competition with males and females, such male characters may also be favored by non-sexual selection, especially where male reproductive strategy involves group transfer. Second, female bonded groups evolved as female defensive coalitions against not only female but also male resource competitors, there having been a mutual influence in the coevolution of large-sized males and female gregariousness. Third, female defensive coalitions against large-sized aggressive males are also advantageous out-side the context of food competition, or, independent of foraging strategy.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, the adults are faced with a dilemma during chick rearing. Males must decide how to distribute food between their females and food allocation patterns are often highly unequal. In turn, the females that receive less food from males have to decide how much time to invest in additional hunting. If they spend more time hunting, then they leave their young exposed to weather and predators. However, if they stay at the nest, they increase the risk of their chicks starving. One way that birds may compensate for reduced provisioning is by increasing the size of prey caught. We tested this hypothesis by comparing prey deliveries to nests of hen harriers, Circus cyaneus, with females of different breeding status. As expected, male harriers delivered less food items to the nests of polygynous females, and especially their secondary, or β females. However, both sexes were able to compensate by delivering larger items and there was no difference in the overall mass of food delivered to nests. Moreover, females spent a similar amount of time at the nest, irrespective of status, and there were no overall differences in breeding success. Our results show that polygynous female harriers can compensate for the costs of polygyny, but we suggest that their ability to do so will vary according to the abundance of both large prey and predators.  相似文献   

Summary The energetic cost of guarding estrous females has been assumed to be a potentially major factor in limiting the duration of male consortships in a number of polygamous species. This issue has been examined in the present study by assessing changes in the usual activity budgets of 13 male and 20 female yellow baboons which occurred during their consortships.The percent of time adult males spent feeding was strongly related to their agonistic rank: Higher-ranking males fed proportionately more than lower-ranking males while not in consort, and they showed a relatively greater decrease in feeding time during consortships.The proportion of time females spent feeding was related to their agonistic rank and (to a lesser degree) to their parity. Higher-ranking females fed more than lower-ranking females outside of consortships, and showed a relatively greater decrease in time spent feeding while in consort. Nulliparous females tended to feed more than parous females while not in consort; during consortships, the feeding time of nulliparous females decreased, while that of parous females increased slightly.The activity of male and female consort partners was most coordinated during the fertile cycle stage of the female partner, and least coordinated once the female had passed the fertile stage.Although reductions in feeding time during consortships were generally much more pronounced in males than in females, neither males nor females appeared to attain the undisturbed optimal feeding level for their sex while in consort.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, socioecological models have been developed to explain the relationships between the ecological conditions, social systems, and reproductive success of primates. Feeding competition, predation pressures, and risk of infanticide are predicted to influence how female reproductive success (FRS) depends upon their dominance rank, group size, and mate choices. This paper examines how those factors affected the reproductive success of female mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) of the Virunga Volcanoes, Rwanda from 1967–2004. Reproductive success was measured through analyses of interbirth intervals, infant survival, and surviving infant birth rates using data from 214 infants born to 67 females. Mountain gorillas were predicted to have “within-group scramble” feeding competition, but we found no evidence of lower FRS in larger groups, even as those groups became two to five times larger than the population average. The gorillas are considered to have negligible “within-group contest” competition, yet higher ranked mothers had shorter interbirth intervals. Infant survival was higher in multimale groups, which was expected because infanticide occurs when the male dies in a one-male group. The combination of those results led to higher surviving birth rates for higher ranking females in multimale groups. Overall, however, the socioecological factors accounted for a relatively small portion of the variance in FRS, as expected for a species that feeds on abundant, evenly distributed foliage.  相似文献   

Summary Dominance relations among free-living female gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada) are shown to depend on the individual's aggressiveness, modified by coalitionary support from female relatives. Relatives rank adjacent to each other more of often than expected by chance.Females are more willing both to give coalitionary support and to do so on an asymmetric basis to females with whom they interact socially (usually relatives) than to those with whom they rarely interact.The number of offspring that a female has is shown to be a function of her dominance rank. This phenomenon is probably due to the fact that females harass individuals subordinate to them when the latter are in oestrus. It is suggested that the stress caused by this harassment appears to disrupt the female's reproductive physiology, thereby inducing a high rate of anovulatory cycles and amenorrhea. In consequence, subordinate females take longer to conceive than do dominants.Simulation is used to show that females who form coalitions gain a life-time reproductive advantage over those who do not because coalitions with younger females help to prevent the decline in rank that would otherwise occur in old age.It is argued that females prefer to form coalitions with caughters rather than unrelated females because the mother-daughter relationship is the only bond of sufficient strength to provide the basis for an investment which is asymmetric in the short-term and reciprocal only over the length of a life-time. Any benefits that accrue from kin selection are considered to be secondary.  相似文献   

Females in some mountain gorilla groups can be ranked on the basis of decided, non-aggressive approach-retreat interactions. However, data on four gorilla groups show that females do not form clear agonistic dominance hierarchies. Most aggressive interactions between females were undecided, and most dyads had undecided dominance relationships (Fig. 2). Females ignored aggression or responded to it aggressively more often than they responded submissively (Fig. 3). Moreover, directional inconsistency in aggression (including escalated contests) was high, and in some groups females showed significant bidirectionality in initiation of aggression (i.e., the more often they received aggression from partners, the more often they directed aggression at those partners; Fig. 4). Assigning ranks on the basis of aggressive interactions has limited power to explain variation in rates of initiating aggression and in responses and outcomes to aggression. Aggression was most common during feeding, but usually did not interrupt feeding bouts. It was proportionately more common in contexts that seem to involve competition for access to males (Figs 5, 6). This is consistent with the argument that females depend crucially on male services. As predicted by current models of female primate social relationships, agonistic relationships between gorilla females are unlike those typical in cercopithecine primates. They resemble those of some other primates and some equids in which contest competition for food is relatively unimportant and ecological costs of female transfer are low.  相似文献   

Populations of reintroduced California condors (Gymnogyps californianus) develop complex social structures and dynamics to maintain stable group cohesion, and birds that do not successfully integrate into group hierarchies have highly impaired survivability. Consequently, improved understanding of condor socioecology is needed to inform conservation management strategies. We report on the dominance structure of free-ranging condors and identify the causes and consequences of rank in condor populations by matching social status with the behavioral and physical correlates of individual birds. We characterized the hierarchical social structure of wild condor populations as mildly linear, despotic, and dynamic. Condor social groups were not egalitarian and dominance hierarchies regulated competitive access to food resources. Absence of kin-based social groups also indicated that condor social structure is individualistic. Agonistic interactions among condors were strongly unidirectional, but the overall linearity and steepness of their hierarchies was low. Although one aggressive male maintained the highest dominance rank across the 3-year observation period, there was considerable fluidity in social status among condors within middle and lower rank orders. Older condors were more dominant than younger birds and younger males supplanted older females over time to achieve higher status. Dominance rank did not predict the amount of time that a bird spent feeding at a carcass or the frequency that a bird was interrupted while feeding. Thus, younger, less dominant birds are able to obtain sufficient nutrition in wild social populations.  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated that the highest densities of fruit pulp are located in the uppermost zones of tree crowns. Since heterogeneous distributions of depletable food is theorized to foster contest competition, we tested three hypotheses involving rank differences among species of arboreal frugivores: (1) In the absence of competitors, species tend to feed in higher strata of tree crowns; (2) interspecific contest competition occurs through monopolization and usurpation of feeding sites in these higher strata; and (3) subordinate species decrease their feeding height and ingestion rate when dominants enter the food patch. To test these hypotheses, we observed chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), red-tailed monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius), blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis), and gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We found that: (1) all four primates fed preferentially in upper tree crowns when alone, (2) dominant species monopolized and aggressively usurped the upper crown when co-feeding with subordinates and the latter retreated below the middle of tree crowns, (3) in the presence of dominant species, subordinate species showed lower standardized feeding height and modified their food intake rates, while dominants were not affected by the subordinate species, (4) subordinates moved down at the arrival of and up at the departure of dominants, and (5) the presence of folivores in the tree did not affect the feeding height of a frugivore, even through folivores were socially dominant. Contrary to expectations, we found that red-tailed monkeys decreased their movements between successive fruits that they ate in the presence of blue monkeys compared to when they were feeding alone, perhaps to avoid disturbing dominants and attracting aggression or because they ingested more semi-ripe and green unripe fruits, i.e., more food of lower quality.  相似文献   

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