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随着经济发展和城市化进程的不断加快,城市火灾事故不断增多,造成的人员伤亡和财产损失也越来越严重。本文通过构建城市火灾风险评价指标体系,利用GIS中的空间分析功能对各指标体系按其权重进行叠加,得出城市的现状火灾风险等级区划图。根据风险评价现状确定防灾减灾规划的目标,采取相应的防灾减灾措施,并对规划后的火灾风险状况进行了预测,得出规划后的火灾风险等级,从而为消防和规划部门减少和预防城市火灾提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

城市抗震防灾规划管理辅助决策信息系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科学地进行城市抗震防灾规划是非常必要的。根据我国城市抗震防灾的特点,编制了城市抗震防灾规划管理辅助决策信息系统,提出了系统的设计思想、体系结构和功能结构。系统采用面向对象语言Visual C++6.0在ArcGIS提供的COM组件集ArcObjects上进行二次开发,应用了多种信息技术(GIS和数据库)和辅助决策理论进行空间信息的获取、分析和计算,并编制了与查询、空间分析、决策分析和规划管理相应的功能模块。  相似文献   

Guha-Sapir D  Lechat MF 《Disasters》1986,10(3):232-237
The paper addresses the issue of information in disasters relief. It begins by establishing the need for planning and systematic organization in disaster action, in order to produce a long term effect on the vulnerability levels of communities. Information is introduced as a key element in any phase of disaster management. The different informational needs are described by phases; information types and possible sources are briefly described. The organizational network of information collection is presented and the immediate need for research in this field is emphasized.  相似文献   

Mishra V  Fuloria S  Bisht SS 《Disasters》2012,36(3):382-397
The focus of most disaster management programmes is to deploy resources-physical and human-from outside the disaster zone. This activity can produce a delay in disaster mitigation and recovery efforts, and a consequent loss of human lives and economic resources. It may be possible to expedite recovery and prevent loss of life by mapping out disaster proneness and the availability of resources in advance. This study proposes the development of two indices to do so. The Indian census data of 2001 is used to develop a methodology for creating one index on disaster proneness and one on resourcefulness for administrative units (tehsils). Findings reveal that tehsil residents face an elevated risk of disaster and that they are also grossly under-prepared for such events. The proposed indices can be used to map regional service provision facilities and to assist authorities in evaluating immediate, intermediate, and long-term disaster recovery needs and resource requirements.  相似文献   

区域灾情评价模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自然灾害发生的次数和灾害种类与灾情强度密切相关,因此有必要对灾情强度进行合理的评价。首先用灾次指数Di和灾种指数Di′来量化单灾种的多发性和多灾种的群发性,提出了计算Di和Di′的方法,然后在此基础上建立了量化灾情强度指数Q的模型,该模型适用于单区域和多区域中多种灾害发生的情况。对北京市怀柔、平谷和海淀3个区进行了模型的实例应用,考虑洪灾、冰雹灾和旱灾3种灾害情况,结果表明,怀柔区的灾情强度指数高于平谷和海淀区,3种灾种中冰雹灾的灾情强度指数高达42.76%。  相似文献   

Climate change and disaster management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Climate change, although a natural phenomenon, is accelerated by human activities. Disaster policy response to climate change is dependent on a number of factors, such as readiness to accept the reality of climate change, institutions and capacity, as well as willingness to embed climate change risk assessment and management in development strategies. These conditions do not yet exist universally. A focus that neglects to enhance capacity-building and resilience as a prerequisite for managing climate change risks will, in all likelihood, do little to reduce vulnerability to those risks. Reducing vulnerability is a key aspect of reducing climate change risk. To do so requires a new approach to climate change risk and a change in institutional structures and relationships. A focus on development that neglects to enhance governance and resilience as a prerequisite for managing climate change risks will, in all likelihood, do little to reduce vulnerability to those risks.  相似文献   

城市抗震防灾规划中次生火灾风险快速评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震次生火灾风险评估是城市抗震防灾规划的重要内容之一。由于引起地震次生火灾的因素较多,因此,需要综合多因素进行地震次生火灾风险评估。从致灾因子危险性、承灾体易损性、环境因素三个方面研究地震次生火灾风险的评估方法,引入分类地块的概念,建立了致灾因子危险性评估的模型,以火灾荷载和人口密度作为财产损失和人员伤亡的衡量指标,评估承灾体易损性,并借助GIS的分析手段,发展了一套在抗震防灾规划中快速评估地震次生火灾风险的方法。案例研究的结果表明,该方法的评估结果能更全面地反映城市地震次生火灾风险的分布特征。  相似文献   

Savage PE 《Disasters》1979,3(1):75-77
1 An ideal integrated national disaster plan would include the following points: 2 First aid training for the general population. 3 Advanced training in critical care for ambulance men. 4 Principles of triage for all emergency services. 5 Application of triage by trained ambulance men. 6 Spreading the casualty load (where possible) to a number of receiving hospitals. 7 The setting up of local disaster co-ordinating committees. 8 The more widespread dissemination of disaster information and reports.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(1):42-52
This paper examines whether the hypothesis presented in Ocho Rios in 1984 is still valid and relevant. The first part of the paper revisits the central tenets of the 1984 paper. The second part of the paper gives a broad overview of how community-based approaches have been taken up and evolved over the last quarter-century. The third part of the paper examines, with the benefit of hindsight, to what extent the approaches advocated in Ocho Rios are still valid. Finally, the paper examines the role of community-based and local-level approaches looking into the future. The paper is written as a personal reflection, without any pretence to academic rigour and also without systematically surveying the thousands of ongoing community-based or local-level initiatives in disaster risk management, referred to in this paper as community-based disaster risk management and local-level disaster risk management, respectively.  相似文献   

地质灾害风险评价方法及展望   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
地质灾害评价方法很多,20世纪70年代以前以定性评价为主,70年代以后发展为半定量、定量评价。文章概述了地质灾害的风险评价方法、评价体系、评价过程。地质灾害风险评价具有良好的应用前景,并逐渐向着评价定量化、综合化,管理空间化的方向发展。风险评价是风险管理和减灾管理的基础,其成果可以为国土资源规划,重要工程选址,地质灾害治理、监测、预报以及制定救灾应急措施和保护环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   

It is generally recognised by the disaster risk management and development communities that disasters have a negative impact on development, and indeed can set back development by years. This realisation led to a new paradigm for the management of hazards and their impacts, namely an integrated approach which emphasises disaster risk reduction being incorporated into national development planning. Awareness, however, does not necessarily translate into implementation. ‘Reduce the underlying risk factors’, Priority for Action 4 of The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015, reported the lowest average score for progress of the five priority areas. Challenges to progress, as reported by Governments included inappropriate development practices, high levels of poverty and other factors which increase vulnerability. Various authors have recognised the difficulty of consistently and successfully integrating disaster risk reduction into development planning. This integration is particularly challenging for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) which face high exposure to hazards, vulnerable populations and limited resources, often both human and financial. The efforts of Jamaica, a Caribbean SIDS, at integrating disaster risk reduction into national development, and some factors which proved to be important in making progress are presented here. This retrospective paper is written from the perspective of a participant observer and traces developments in disaster risk management over three decades, 1980–2010. Integration and inclusiveness, use of quantitative methods and application of risk assessments are identified as being important in gaining acceptance for disaster risk reduction.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(4):267-280
The present perspective summarizes and projects the results of a two-day workshop held in 2013 with the presence of 21 known disaster risk specialists from academia and practice. Faced with the disconnect between ever-increasing and even-accelerating disaster losses and the declared progress in disaster risk management (DRM) practice over the last eight years, the document attempts to explain the current situation and project future needs in order to increase the saliency and effect of DRM. A review of current conceptual problems and their impact on knowledge and action, of the current role of DRM in society, of governance aspects and of the notion of transformative development and its relationship to DRM is provided. The critique of current practice and understanding of disaster risk then leads to an attempt to identify key needs for the future and changes that must be introduced in order for DRM to become more mainstream and effective. Among the more central concerns, the document points to the way in which disasters are still many times seen as exogenous happenings as opposed to social constructions, product of skewed development practices. This then is reflected in much governance practice and action that are flawed. The difficulty in moving from a reactive and corrective DRM practice to a more prospective, risk avoidance practice is also highlighted.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(3):213-225
In this paper a large-scale community-based disaster risk-assessment project, undertaken in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality in the North-West Province of South Africa, is evaluated. In contrast to other disaster risk management consultancy projects in South Africa, this project included a significant skills transfer component to the at-risk communities and local government officials. In this evaluation, the authors draw on their own experiences in implementing this and similar projects, a review of the project management documents is undertaken, and a focus group interview with facilitators involved in the project is used as a primary source. The discussion is further contextualised in terms of community-based disaster risk assessment theory and the existing literature on disaster risk assessment in South Africa. Logistical and data quality issues as well as staff turnover were found to be concerns during the project. From the findings, it is argued that the common practice of outsourcing disaster risk-management projects is not conducive to effective disaster risk management. Local government entities should take responsibility for disaster risk assessment as a continual activity. This is in contrast to the view currently manifesting in South Africa as a set of bureaucratic actions undertaken by consultants to achieve ‘legislative compliance’ for municipalities.  相似文献   

城市防震减灾规划研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概括总结了过去20多年里国内外在防震减灾领域所做的研究和取得的成果,对地震危险性和建筑结构易损性分析、房屋建筑震害预测以及计算机地理信息系统在城市防震减灾规划中的应用等进行了评述,在此基础上,提出了一些迫切需要解决的问题,并给出了相关的建议和对策,供进一步研究参考.  相似文献   

灾害损失评估的灰色模糊综合方法   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
探索了进行灾害损失评估的新途径,并基于模糊数学和灰色系统理论提出了一种新的灾害损失评估方法,该方法具有客观性和较高的精度.  相似文献   

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