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Despite high potential for dispersal, the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus was found to have significant genetic subdivision among locations. Ten geographic locations along the coast of California and Baja California were sampled between 1994 and 1995. Samples from some locations included both adult and recruit urchins. Allozyme analyses revealed a genetic mosaic, where differentiation over short geographic distances could exceed differentiation over much larger distances. Significant allozyme differentiation was found among subpopulations of adults (standardized variance, F ST =0.033), among subpopulations of recruits (F ST =0.037), and between adults and recruits from the same location. DNA-sequence data for the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene also showed significant heterogeneity among locations, with a mild break in haplotype frequencies observed 300 km south of Point Conception. California. Repeated sampling over time is necessary to determine whether these patterns of differentiation are stable and to begin to understand what forces produce them.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the sublethal effects of the largest aqueous waste associated with offshore oil development, produced water (PW), on sea urchin embryo development. PW inhibited normal gastrulation in purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) embryos exposed at the hatching stage. The exposed embryos did not form complete archenterons, and secondary mesenchyme cells exhibited an unusual behavior with respect to the wall of the blastocoelic cavity. In addition, an abundance of extracellular matrix was observed in the blastocoelic cavities in the embryos exposed to higher concentrations of PW. An inhibition of the development of embryos through the pluteus stage was observed as a result of PW exposure. This was manifested by inhibition of normal spicule formation with concomitant abnormal pluteus morphology. To determine if a biochemical stress response occurs as a result of PW exposure, embryos at the early gastrula stage were exposed to PW for 2 h, followed by an additional 1 h in 3H-leucine and PW. These embryos expressed a 253 kDa protein as observed by one-dimensional SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. This protein could occasionally be observed in gels stained for protein, and was glycosylated as demonstrated by staining with periodic acid Schiff (PAS). The 70 to 73 kDa heat-shock proteins previously described in sea urchin embryos (and other organisms) as a result of stress were not synthesized as a result of PW exposure. Heat shock did not induce synthesis of the 253 kDa glycoprotein. Combined PW and heat-shock exposure elicited both the heat-shock response (73 kDa protein) as well as expression of the 253 kDa glycoprotein. These data demonstrate the use of expression of endogenous macromolecular markers to distinguish exposures of embryos to different perturbations. Arsenic (as sodium arsenite), a metal constituent of PW, also induced the 253 kDa glycoprotein in early gastrula-stage embryos. We suggest that this glycoprotein may be a marker for PW (and a metal constituent) exposure in sea urchin embryos, and may be related to morphological abnormalities.  相似文献   

UVR-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) were detected in tissues of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and in ten species of Rhodophyte macroalgae (eight previously untested) collected from intertidal microhabitats in November and January 2006?C2007 in Central California (35°09??N, 120°45??W). In sea urchins, MAA concentrations were higher in ovaries than testes, while epidermal concentrations were similar between sexes. Ovaries and epidermal tissues had similar MAA signatures and broadband UVA/UVB absorbance, while testes had a narrower absorption ranges shifted toward higher energy wavelengths. Sea urchins occupying pits in the substrate exhibited lower MAA concentrations than those outside pits, suggesting adult microhabitat may impact UV protection. Light levels did not influence gonadal MAA concentrations, but correlated with elevated epidermal MAA concentrations for males in the sunniest microhabitat. This study suggests sex and habitat strongly influence MAA concentrations among individual S. purpuratus and that allocation of MAA sunscreens to tissues in response to UVR is sex-dependent.  相似文献   

Defensive aggregation by Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis has been invoked as the fulcrum for the transformation of macroalgal beds into coralline barrens in the northwest Atlantic. We critically examined some of the mechanisms contributing to aggregation behavior by experimentally manipulating sea urchins, purported predators and food during autumn 1983 and spring 1984 both in the laboratory and field. We utilized several approaches to examine a range of sea urchin responses to the presence of food, tethered predators, caged predators, crushed con-specifics in the field and predators in laboratory tanks. Some of the field cages had the property of allowing free passage to sea urchins while retaining lobsters; this allowed distinctions to be made between artifacts caused by cage walls or topographic barriers and unrestricted behavioral responses of sea urchins. The results falsified the hypothesis that aggregations of S. droebachiensis are elicited by predators. Except in the presence of algae, sea urchins always avoided decapod predators (but not sea stars) and fled from the vicinity of injured conspecifics. However, avoidance behavior was subordinate to feeding responses, demonstrated by mass migrations of sea urchins into cages (with lobsters) to feed on algae. We reaffirmed by observation and manipulation previous studies which showed that sea urchins aggregate only in the presence of food. Two types of sea urchin groupings were delineated: (1) surficial two dimensional associations, often caused by topographic or other features which inhibited dispersal and (2) cohesive three-dimensional aggregations induced by food.  相似文献   

M. C. Kenner 《Marine Biology》1992,112(1):107-118
The population dynamics of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus inhabiting dense mats of geniculate coralline algae in a shallow central California Macrocystis pyrifera forest was examined. Sea otters had occupied the area for over two decades. Sea urchin density and size distribution were sampled during 1984–1986 to determine recruitment and mortality patterns. Growth rates were obtained from tetracycline-labeled individuals and changes in sizefrequency modes. Periodic collections were made to examine gut contents and the relationship of diet to food availability. The interaction of recruitment and mortality resulted in a dynamic population structure. Mean densities ranged from 6.5 to 12.7 urchins 0.25 m-2. The population consisted primarily of urchins up to 40 mm in test diameter in a size distribution which changed from unimodal to bimodal and back over the 2 yr study. Mortality was temporally variable and related to test diameter. Growth rates were somewhat lower than most previous reports for the species and suggested that most of the population was made up of 1 and 2 yr-old individuals. Diet consisted largely of geniculate coralline algae, with fleshy brown algae becoming important when available as drift. This study showed high densities of small urchins can exist in a California kelp forest inhabited by sea otters, but regular recruitment may be necessary to maintain such populations.  相似文献   

Green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (O.F. Müller), populations are being depleted rapidly in the Gulf of Maine and there is justified concern that the potential of this free-spawner to produce larvae may be severely inhibited. We evaluated the opposing effects of different population densities on gonad development and fertilization success, using population surveys and fertilization experiments. We determined gonad indices (gonad mass/body mass) over a range of population densities (0.1 to 250 ind. m−2) at seven sites in coastal Maine, USA, sampled at two depths (5 and 15 m). At shallow sites, we found that gonad indices declined by 50% over the 1500-fold range in adult population density. At 15 m deep locations, gonad mass was consistently low and did not vary significantly with density. Patterns of macroalgal abundance suggest urchins at high density and in deeper water were food limited. Because macroalgal cover co-varies inversely with sea urchin density, we designed field experiments to determine the interaction between sea urchin density and kelp canopy on fertilization success. On square arrays we manipulated the spacing of simulated urchins, but held their numbers constant (five sperm-filled syringes interspersed with four Nitex mesh egg containers permeable to sperm). These experiments, simulating the observed range of natural density, suggested that (1) fertilization rates decreased many times faster than individual gamete production increased over the same range in density, and (2) kelp increased fertilization success at high density when eggs were within 25 cm of a sperm source, but not when spaced 1 m apart. Additional laboratory fertilization experiments at ambient temperatures (3 to 5 °C) indicated that diluted sperm were viable for <1 h, but egg viability was virtually unchanged for >8 h. In short, to the individual the reproductive benefits of aggregating appear to outweigh the costs; and while sperm may be limiting at low population density, eggs may remain viable long enough to be fertilized by sperm from more distant males. Received: 10 February 1998 / Accepted: 22 January 1999  相似文献   

Two low-molecular-weight zinc-binding proteins were purified from eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) by gel-permeation and anion-exchange chromatography followed by high performance liquid chromatography. The characteristics of these proteins are distinct from those of metallothionein. Amino acid compositions show a low or intermediate content of cysteine and high amounts of acidic amino acids, glycine and histidine; they also contain methionine and aromatic residues. On the basis of these characteristics, the S. intermedius zinc-binding proteins appear similar to other metalloproteins isolated from both vertebrates and invertebrates. No typical metallothionein was detected in the extracts from S. intermedius eggs.  相似文献   

Y. Nagai  K. Kaneko 《Marine Biology》1975,29(2):105-108
The omnivorous sea urchin Strongylocentrotus pulcherrimus inhabits the coast of Japan. It also ingests foreign foods, which are not normally present in the natural habitat. In cultures, foreign foods, such as white fish meal, shellfish meal, milk casein, gelatin, soybean meal, yellow corn, alfalfa and yeast were provided in the form of a moist and soft material and their ingestion and digestibility were examined. The foreign foods were prepared by mixing with agar-agar. Digestibility of the diet, and that of nitrogen contained in the diet, was estimated as 54.7 and 64.7% dry weight. Sea urchins cultivated over a period of 5 months on such a foreign diet exhibited 24% increase in wet weight during this period. Occasionally, the ingestion of artificial food suddenly decreased, but was soon resumed upon supplying a hot-water extract of brown algae.  相似文献   

In aquaculture centers of the northern region of Japan, "Nami-ita" (waved polycarbonate plates), on which the green alga Ulvella lens Crouan frat. (Chaetophoraceae: Chaetophorales) was cultured, are used to promote larval settlement and metamorphosis of the sea urchin species Strongylocentrotus intermedius (A. Agassiz) and S. nudus (A. Agassiz). We investigated chemical inducer(s) for larval settlement and metamorphosis of these sea urchins with extracts of U. lens. Bioassay-guided separation of the methanol extract using a combination of column and thin-layer chromatography led to the isolation of several active compounds, the chemical structures of which were determined by spectral and chemical methods. These active compounds were identified as glycoglycerolipids, all comprising several molecular species: sulfoquinovosyl monoacylglycerols (SQMGs), sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerols (SQDGs), monogalactosyl monoacylglycerols (MGMGs), monogalactosyl diacylglycerols (MGDGs), digalactosyl monoacylglycerols (DGMGs) and digalactosyl diacylglycerols (DGDGs). Among these glycolipids, SQMGs, MGMGs, MGDGs and DGMGs induced larval metamorphosis of the sea urchin S. intermedius. SQMGs and MGDGs induced larval metamorphosis at a concentration of 5 µg ml-1, whereas SQDGs and DGDGs only induced larval settlement. These glycoglycerolipids are new congeners of chemical inducers to settlement and metamorphosis of planktonic larvae of sea urchins. The findings would provide a better understanding of larval settlement and metamorphosis in sea urchins.  相似文献   

The phaeophyte alga Desmarestia munda (Order Desmarestiales) concentrates sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in cell vacuoles. The primary function of the accumulated acid in the alga's life history is unknown. To investigate if sulfuric acid works as a chemical defense, grazing by the sea urchin herbivore Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis on D. munda was compared to grazing on four common non-acidic phaeophyte algae (Alaria marginata, Laminaria saccharina, Costaria costata, and Nereocystis luetkeana) in multiple-choice feeding preference experiments. Both fed and starved urchins discriminated among algae; N. luetkeana and L. saccharina were consumed preferentially to D. munda and A. marginata. Fed urchins consumed a smaller quantity of A. marginata and D. munda than the starved urchins (15-28% less). The lack of preference for D. munda was not correlated with the presence of polyphenolic compounds or with nitrogen concentration. A. marginata had a high polyphenolic concentration (0.8% DM, dry mass) compared to that of the other four algae (0.08-0.24% DM). The nutritional content (C:N ratio and percent nitrogen) of the five algae ranged from 10.8 to 16.2 and from 2.08 to 3.55, respectively, but was not correlated with food choice by the urchins. Sulfuric acid made up nearly 16% DM of D. munda tissue and the pH of homogenized tissues averaged 1.99 pH units. Sulfuric acid, added to prepared food to provide a range of pH values from 1.9 to 6.2 pH units, deterred feeding by urchins at pH values Г.5 pH units. This result provides direct evidence that sulfuric acid at concentrations found in algal tissues deters grazing by S. droebachiensis. Therefore, acid accumulation in D. munda provides an important ecological defense against grazing by this herbivore.  相似文献   

Gut analyses of the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (O. F. Müller) demonstrated that perennial phaeophytes, mostly fucoids and Alaria esculenta, were predominant in the diet. Ephemeral species, coralline algae and animals, were consumed in smaller amounts when available. Grazing by the urchins is evidently responsible for the dearth of non-coralline sublittoral algae in Newfoundland waters. Lobsters, rock crabs, purple sea stars, other urchins, and a variety of fishes and birds feed on S. droebachiensis, but predation is apparently not effective in limiting the abundance of the urchin.Studies in Biology from the Memorial University of Newfoundland No. 234.Contribution from the Marine Sciences Research Laboratory No. 66.  相似文献   

The gonads of sea urchins undergo large changes in mass during their gametogenic cycle. In addition, they have relatively low aerobic capacities and are poorly perfused by the circulatory system and thus are continually hypoxic or anoxic. The present study of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis investigates seasonal changes in the relationships among mass of the ovaries, pH and PO2 of the perivisceral coelomic fluid which bathes the ovaries, and partitioning of ovary energy metabolism into its anaerobic and aerobic components. S. droebachiensis were collected at Blue Hill Falls, Maine, USA, from August 1982 to March 1984. We found that from 76 to 92% of the heat dissipated by isolated ovaries of the sea urchin S. droebachiensis derives from anaerobic energy metabolism at partial pressures of oxygen prevailing in vivo. Ovaries from S. droebachiensis have the capacity to produce large amounts of lactate under imposed anoxia, but lactate accounts for only 37% of the total anoxic heat dissipation, which suggests that other end products of anaerobiosis are present. Seasonal changes in pH and PO2 of the perivisceral coelomic fluid can be explained by a complex relationship among changes in temperature, reproductive condition, and anaerobic and aerobic metabolism in the ovaries, gut and body wall. Seasonal changes in the buffering capacity of the perivisceral coelomic fluid must be determined before the effects of respiratory and metabolic acid production on the acid-base status of the coelomic fluid can be fully understood.  相似文献   

We maintained 30 to 35 mm sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) on 17 different macroalgal diets in the field over a 130-d period and correlated the resulting changes in somatic and gonadal tissues with measures of food preferences. The varions algae fell into there distinct categories according to their ability to support growth. The most striking effect of diet was on gonadal mass, there being a 14-fold increase for the best algal diet, compared to initial gonadal mass, and nearly a threefold decrease for the worst diet. The relation of food preference to somatic growth was nonlinear. A sharp increase in the growth of test diameter, total mass and test mass occurred between the nonpreferred and intermediately preferred algae, but growth rates were similar for intermediate and preferred algae. Gonadal growth tended to increase exponentially with an important measure of food preference, feeding rate (g ingested d–1). These observations suggested that urchins only channel food resources into somatic growth up to a given point, additional reserves being used for producing gametes. The positive relationship of food preference to growth, and especially the strong correlation with gonadal production, indicates that the highly selective feeding of the urchin contributes to ils fitness.  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of ultraviolet radiation-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) by Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Müller) was determined in specimens maintained on MAA-rich and MAA-deficient diets. Individuals were fed either the red alga Mastocarpus stellatus (Stackhouse), which has a high concentration of the MAA shinorine (6.98 nmolmg–1 dry wt), and trace amounts of the MAAs porphyra-334, asterina-330 and palythine, or the brown alga Laminaria saccharina (Lamouroux), which contains no detectable MAAs. Reproductively spent urchins were fed ad libitum during a 9 mo period in 1992 to 1993 until they were once again gravid. To monitor accumulation, samples of urchin tissues and ingested food were taken throughout the 9 mo period from males and females maintained on each diet, and the concentrations of MAAs determined using high performance liquid chromatography. Urchins maintained on a diet of M. stellatus showed an ovarian shinorine concentration (8.33 nmol mg–1 dry wt) 25 times higher than those fed L. saccharina. There was no change in MAA content of testes or somatic tissues in either feeding group. More than 99% of the MAAs present in an experimental meal of M. stellatus were removed during passage through the gut. Previous studies have inferred dietary accumulation of MAAs by comparing MAAs present in animal tissues with the consumer's potential diet in the field. This is the first study to have monitored MAA accumulation in animal tissues in conjunction with a controlled diet having a known MAA composition. Concentrating MAAs in the ovaries may provide eggs released into the water column with protection from damaging solar ultraviolet radiation.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine how ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in the environmentally relevant range affects development of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Müller) and whether mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), present in the early life stages, reduce UV-induced damage. Eggs, embryos, and larvae contained five MAAs having absorption maxima ranging from 320 to 334 nm. Eggs contained principally shinorine and porphyra-334, which absorb maximally at 334 nm and half-maximally at 312 and 348 nm, spanning much of the environmental range of biologically effective UVR. Concentrations of MAAs remained constant in unirradiated embryos through the gastrula stage, but decreased significantly in two-armed pluteus larvae. Daily exposure to combined photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm) and UVR did not affect the concentration of MAAs in these embryos up to the two-armed pluteus stage. Prism larvae of sea urchins and the sand dollar Echinarachnius parma (Lamarck) did not accumulate shinorine from the surrounding seawater. Daily exposure of embryos to UVA (320–400 nm) and UVB (295–320 nm) radiation in the presence of PAR induced delays and abnormalities during development, and removing UVB eliminated this effect. Abnormalities in embryos included thickening of the blastoderm wall, filling of the blastocoel by abnormal cells, exogastrulation, and formation of abnormal spicules. The percentage of embryos that developed normally was lower in batches of embryos exposed to PAR + UVA + UVB, except in embryos from urchins maintained on MAA-rich diets. In all cases, the percentage of PAR + UVA + UVB-exposed embryos that developed normally was positively related to the concentration of MAAs in eggs from which the embryos developed. Thus, the MAAs found in S. droebachiensis embryos protect them against UVB-induced abnormalities during their development to at least the four-armed pluteus larval stage. Received: 8 May 2000 / Accepted: 29 September 2000  相似文献   

Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are acidifying the world’s oceans. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that ocean acidification can impact survival, growth, development and physiology of marine invertebrates. Here, we tested the impact of long-term (up to 16 months) and trans-life-cycle (adult, embryo/larvae and juvenile) exposure to elevated pCO2 (1,200 μatm, compared to control 400 μatm) on the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Female fecundity was decreased 4.5-fold when acclimated to elevated pCO2 for 4 months during reproductive conditioning, while no difference was observed in females acclimated for 16 months. Moreover, adult pre-exposure for 4 months to elevated pCO2 had a direct negative impact on subsequent larval settlement success. Five to nine times fewer offspring reached the juvenile stage in cultures using gametes collected from adults previously acclimated to high pCO2 for 4 months. However, no difference in larval survival was observed when adults were pre-exposed for 16 months to elevated pCO2. pCO2 had no direct negative impact on juvenile survival except when both larvae and juveniles were raised in elevated pCO2. These negative effects on settlement success and juvenile survival can be attributed to carry-over effects from adults to larvae and from larvae to juveniles. Our results support the contention that adult sea urchins can acclimate to moderately elevated pCO2 in a matter of a few months and that carry-over effects can exacerbate the negative impact of ocean acidification on larvae and juveniles.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence in the literature indicate that environmental stress such as starvation may initiate reallocation of sea urchin endoskeletal tissue. For example, Aristotle's lantern enlarges under conditions of starvation, and sea urchins tagged with tetracycline and then fed develop a distinct growth line, while starved individuals develop a diffuse pattern. We designed anin vivo system to examine stress-related changes in calcification in the purple sea urchinStrongylocentrotus purpuratus. SmallS. purpuratus (ca. 2 cm test diam) were collected from the Mission Bay jetty or Imperial Beach (San Diego, California, USA) in 1987.45Ca was incorporated from seawater into all body fractions including the organic tissue/coelomic fluid. In an initial experiment, sea urchins were fed or starved for 4 wk and then post-incubated in isotope. Overall, starved individuals deposited new calcite more slowly than did fed individuals; however, allocation was very different and calcification of teeth of starved sea urchins was nearly as great as in fed individuals. In a second experiment,S. purpuratus were first pre-labeled with isotope and then treated by feeding or starving. More of the labeled calcium was mobilized from the soft tissues and coelomic fluid into calcite in fed than in starved individuals. Growth of the teeth in starved sea urchins was significantly greater than in those fed. We conclude that starvation changes the metabolism of calcium in order to preferentially build teeth. However, we also found no evidence that calcium was resorbed from old skeletal calcite in order to build new skeleton.  相似文献   

To determine the effects food ration and feeding regime on growth and reproduction of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Müller), sea urchins in laboratory aquaria were fed kelp (Laminaria longicruris) supplied at either a high (H, ad libidum daily) or a low (L, ad libidum 1 d wk−1) ration in two successive 12-wk intervals during the reproductive period. After 24 wk, urchins fed the high ration continuously (HH) or for the last 12 wk only (LH) had a significantly greater mean gonad index [(gonad weight/total body weight) × 100] and body weight than urchins fed the low ration continuously (LL) or for the last 12 wk only (HL). Urchins in the HL treatment had a significantly greater gonad index than those in the LL treatment; there was no significant difference in gonad index between the LH and HH treatments. Females had a greater gonad index than males in the low ration (LL and HL) treatments at the end of the experiment; there was no significant difference between sexes in the high ration (LH, HH) treatments. Gametogenesis proceeded to maturation in all treatments and some individuals spawned at the end of the experiment. Females in the high ration (HH and LH) treatments had a greater proportion of nutritive phagocytes in their ovaries than females in the low ration treatments, but there was no effect of feeding treatment on oocyte or ovum size. Feeding treatment had no effect on the relative abundance of nutritive phagocytes in the testes, although the proportion of spermatocytes was higher (and that of spermatozoa lower) in the high ration than in the low ration treatments. Urchins in the high ration treatments had a lower mean jaw height index [(jaw height/test diameter) × 100] and greater mean test diameter than those in the low ration treatments at the end of the experiment, although these differences were not statistically significant. Feeding rate on kelp at the end of the experiment was significantly greater for urchins in the low ration than in the high ration treatments. Our experimental results show that even relatively low rations of kelp support somatic and gonadal growth in S. droebachiensis. Increasing the supply of kelp, particularly during the period of active gametogenesis, results in maximal rates of growth and reproduction. These results suggest that populations of S. droebachiensis in barrens may derive a substantial proportion of their nutrition from drift kelp, which may contribute to their persistence in these habitats. They also explain the large body size, high reproductive effort and fecundity of urchins grazing on kelp beds. These findings have important implications for understanding the dynamics of natural populations of S. droebachiensis and for development of effective aquacultural practices. Received: 17 February 1997 / Accepted: 5 March 1997  相似文献   

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