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In 1980 the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) was passed to instigate the cleanup of uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. CERCLA necessitated the development of a set of criteria for estimating the severity of the contamination at these sites, the potential impact on human health and the environment, and establishing appropriate cleanup levels for the contaminated media. The risk assessment (RA) format was developed to meet these challenges. Though RAs vary dramatically in their scope, emphasis, and regulatory application, there are two primary objectives common to all RAs: (1) to evaluate potential risks to human health and the environment posed by the release of hazardous substances and (2) to evaluate and establish safe cleanup levels based primarily on the number and type of potential receptors, the toxicity and mobility of the contaminants, and the types of exposure pathways present. Achieving these objectives may be a relatively simple task or an extremely complex and difficult one depending on the type of material released and our understanding of its behavior in the environment, the site conditions, and the governing regulations. This article presents an approach for establishing acceptable cleanup levels for subsurface soils and illustrates the application of this approach to three different regulated sites.  相似文献   

In recent years, many states have sought to set soil standards for hazardous waste sites. For example, Michigan and Oregon have had soil standards for several years, and within the last three years Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Texas have derived soil standards; while Illinois and several other states are in the process of developing soil standards. In general, soil cleanup standards are set to protect against leaching to groundwater and direct contact with soil. This article reviews several agencies' protocols and presents a sensitivity analysis of parameters used to establish these soil cleanup standards. Major issues examined in this article include land use (residential versus commercial/industrial) and exposure parameters used for deriving soil cleanup standards for direct contact. Soil cleanup standards are developed considering exposure routes such as ingestion, dermal contact, inhalation of vapors, and fugitive dust. Other factors such as chemical/physical properties are also considered. For example, many states use Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) or EPA Method 1312 Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) to derive soil standards protective of leaching to groundwater. The results indicate that factors such as leaching and certain exposure assumptions play a key role in determining soil cleanup standards. Exposure pathways were examined by performing a sensitivity analysis using a generic equation to consider exposure from ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation of soil in deriving soil cleanup standards. The sensitivity analysis indicates that selection of exposure parameters such as toxicity values and soil-to-skin adherence factors contribute more substantially than others. These two factors are also among those values with the greatest uncertainty. Selection of exposure pathways is also important for the derivation of soil cleanup standards. For example, inhalation is the most significant exposure pathway for volatile organic compounds such as toluene, yet many states do not evaluate this exposure route. These findings are based on the mathematical models used by the agencies, and no judgments are made on the validity of the models. The results of this analysis can help focus attention on the most sensitive parameters as federal government reforms environment policies (i.e., CERCLA and RCRA) and the development of national soil cleanup standards is debated.  相似文献   

During removal of an industrial landfill in Folsom, California, fill material was excavated and processed through a mechanical screening plant to segregate soil from construction and demolition debris. The segregated soil was stockpiled and analyzed for a wide range of chemical groups to determine if the soil could be backfilled on‐site. The analytical results indicated many of the stockpiles had concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that exceeded US EPA Regional Screening Levels, and a large quantity of soil was initially classified as requiring off‐site disposal at considerable cost. Because PAHs are ubiquitous in urban settings and the landfill did not contain a significant source of PAHs, development of a site‐specific PAH cleanup goal was proposed to regulators. Cal/EPA guidance for using on‐site data to develop a background threshold for metals was applied to the development of the PAH cleanup goal. The Cal/EPA approach involves demonstrating whether the data belong to a single population or multiple populations based on data distribution tests and probability plots. This article explains the statistical and graphical methods that were used to demonstrate that the Cal/EPA approach was valid for PAHs and that the calculated cleanup level was consistent with published anthropogenic background levels of PAHs in California and across the United States. The site‐specific PAH cleanup goal enabled most of the soil to be backfilled on‐site, saving about $227,000 in transportation and disposal costs, and regulators subsequently approved unrestricted future use of the property. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of a dynamic methodology leading to the estimation of the level of mercury concentration in soil and soil cleanup volumes associated with a large number of gate stations suspected of having mercury in their soil. The methodology uses a unique screening approach that has been developed for relating measurements of volatile mercury near the surface to mercury concentration in the upper soil subsurface (about twelve inches deep). The screening approach was used in an effort to reduce the number of sites that are subject to extensive multimedia environmental sampling and analysis. The approach helps to focus on a small number of sites that are suspected of having the highest mercury concentration in soil, perform multimedia environmental sampling at these sites, use the field data to perform risk assessment, and determine the cleanup action levels and the volume of hot spots soil to be cleaned at these sites. The information obtained for the most contaminated sites is used to determine, if required, the level of cleanup for less contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Many states are promoting the cleanup and reuse of industrial sites. The reasons stem from the need to implement cost-effective risk reduction programs that show reasonable progress in the cleanup of contaminated sites and from the need to make effective use of industrial sites instead of abandoning them and making use of greenfield sites for new industrial facilities. The industrial land-use cleanup criteria developed by states are primarily risk-based. Several EPA regional offices also have developed similar risk-based cleanup criteria. This article addresses methodologies employed for assessing and evaluating the level of cleanup at several industrial sites in Texas, Michigan, and Ohio. This includes defining the regulatory framework, estimating the level and extent of contamination of soil and groundwater, assessing migration pathways, performing health risk assessments, and estimating cleanup requirements and associated costs. The implications associated with the various types of risk reduction options available for these states also are addressed.  相似文献   

In July, 1999, EPA announced its Superfund Redevelopment Initiative, the Agency's effort to help communities bring Superfund sites back into productive use in a manner that is protective of human health and the environment. As part of the Superfund Redevelopment Initiative, the Agency is developing reuse design guides that provide technical information related to the design of remedies that safely support reuse. The design guides focus on the reuse of containment sites, and address such topics as settlement, gas control, irrigation, drainage, and operation and maintenance. Case studies of redeveloped sites are also presented in the guides. EPA is currently developing design guides that address the reuse of Superfund sites for commercial purposes, wildlife areas, parking lots, recreational sports fields, and golf courses. This article provides information on the first guide in the series‐the reuse of Superfund sites for recreational purposes.  相似文献   

Potential health risks and cleanup costs are primary factors for measuring the effectiveness of a remediation project concerning a site contaminated with residual radioactive materials. Demanding cleanup of a contaminated site to its original condition, while eliminating any health risks after cleanup, can require prohibitive costs. However, by setting practical remediation objectives and by performing realistic but conservative risk assessments, health risks can be acceptable and cleanup costs can be reasonable. This article uses the South-Middle and Southeast Vaults Decontamination and Demolition Project at Argonne National Laboratory to demonstrate how negligible health risks can result after cleanup with minimal cleanup costs. Substantial cost savings of approximately $2 million was realized by implementing in-place decontamination and demolition (D&D) on the basis of acceptable risk, instead of requiring cleanup of the site to its original condition. By using the RESRAD computer program as a modeling tool, we show the maximum projected radiation dose (0.1 mrem per year) and the potential lifetime cancer risk (on the order of 106) to an individual from exposure to the residual radioactivities are negligibly small. In addition to aiding in the selection of a preferred remediation alternative, results of the RESRAD modeling were also used to guide the implementation of the selected alternative to reduce exposures from the dominant pathway and to ensure that exposures from all pathways would be as low as reasonably achievable.  相似文献   

In 1995 the University of Tennessee's Waste Management Research and Education Institute and Canon Inc. began an analysis of the extent to which remediation firms and research centers have implemented bioremediation strategies, particularly for the cleanup of trichloroethylene (TCE) in soil and groundwater. The research involved the mailing of surveys to a select, representative group of environmental professionals involved in TCE cleanup activities. The survey was divided into two parts. Part I gathered cost information for TCE cleanup, using both bioremediation and “conventional” cleanup technologies. Part II asked the survey recipients to relate their opinions on the use of nonindigenous microorganisms for bioremediation, especially their assessment of the effectiveness, reliability, safety, and predictability of this approach. The results of this survey are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Small-and large-scale farm operators and applicators urgently need user-friendly and cost-effective on-site methods to treat dilute-formulated herbicide-laden wastewater (i.e., rinsate). In this study, we investigated solvent-regenerable synthetic adsorbents, Ambersorb® 563 adsorbent, Ambersorb 572 adsorbent, and Ambersorb 575 adsorbent, as alternatives to activated carbon (Filtrasorb ® 400) for cleanup of water containing Dual 8E (a.i., metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)acetamide]) or Banvel 4L (a.i., dicamba [3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid]). Batch-type adsorption experiments were conducted to compare adsorptive capacities of the various adsorbents. Adsorption maxima, obtained from adsorption isotherms, indicated that of the Ambersorb adsorbents tested, Ambersorb 572 adsorbent generally exhibited the highest adsorptive capacities for the herbicides tested and was comparable to Filtrasorb 400. Solvent (methanol) regenerability studies demonstrated that herbicide was readily recovered from Ambersorb 572 adsorbent and Filtrasorb 400. In general, metolachlor was more readily recoverable than dicamba. In fixed-bed column studies, Ambersorb 572 adsorbent exhibited twice the adsorptive capacity of Filtrasorb 400. Fixed-bed columns were more effective in removing metolachlor from herbicide containing water regardless of the adsorbent used. Multicycling of Ambersorb 572 adsorbent resulted in 30% loss of adsorptive capacity for dicamba as Banvel 4L and no loss of adsorptive capacity for metolachlor as Dual 8E. Working capacity was reached after three adsorption-regeneration cycles. Fixed-bed columns packed with solvent-regenerable adsorbents may prove useful as part of an on-site wastewater disposal system.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy is conducting a project to accelerate remediation through the use of monitored natural attenuation and enhanced attenuation for chlorinated ethenes in soils and groundwater. Better monitoring practices, improved scientific understanding, and an advanced regulatory framework are being sought through a team effort that engages technology developers from academia, private industry, and government laboratories; site cleanup managers; stakeholders; and federal and state regulators. The team works collaboratively toward the common goals of reducing risk, accelerating cleanup, reducing cost, and minimizing environmental disruption. Cutting‐edge scientific advances are being combined with experience and sound environmental engineering in a broadly integrated and comprehensive approach that exemplifies socalled “third‐generation R&D.” The project is potentially a model for other cleanup activities. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Impact of land use on soluble organic nitrogen in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although it has been hypothesized that soluble organic nitrogen (SON) plays a central role in regulating productivity in some terrestrial ecosystems, the factors controlling the size of the SON pool in soil remain poorly understood. Therefore our principal aim in this work was to assess the impact of seven different land use systems (rough and managed grassland, deciduous and coniferous woodland, heathland, wetland and tilled land) on the size of the SON and inorganic N (NO? 3, NH+ 4) pools in the surface soil layer (0–15 cm). After extraction with deionised water, we found that in most cases the size of the water extractable organic N (WEON) pool was similar in size to the inorganic N pool. In contrast, the KCl extractable organic N (KClEON) pool constituted the dominant form of soluble N in soils under all land uses, perhaps indicating that significant amounts were held on the soil exchange phase. In contrast to inorganic N, which varied significantly with land use, the size of the KClEON and WEON pool was similar for all land uses with the exception of KClEON in tilled land, where significantly lower amounts were observed. We conclude that SON constitutes an important soil N pool in a broad range of land uses, and that its role in microbial N assimilation, plant nutrition and ecosystem responses to atmospheric N deposition warrants further attention.  相似文献   

环境影响报告书的数据计算及分析一般采用人工处理的方法,工作量大且易出错。通过环境影响评价报告书数据计算及分析自动化系统的建立,实现了数据处理计算及分析自动化及系统化,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

The formulations and evaluation of ROADWAY-2, a near-highway pollutant dispersion model, are described. This model incorporates vehicle wake parameterizations derived from canopy flow theory and wind tunnel measurements. The atmospheric velocity and turbulence fields are adjusted to account for velocity-deficit and turbulence production in vehicle wakes. A turbulent kinetic energy closure model of the atmospheric boundary layer is used to derive the mean velocity, temperature, and turbulence profiles from input meteorological data. ROADWAY-2 has been evaluated using SF6 tracer data from General Motors Sulfate Dispersion Experiment. The model evaluationresults are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Efficient, economical treatment of mercury-contaminated soils and industrial wastes requires a treatment process that reduces mercury content to near background levels (<1 ppm) and recovers the removed mercury in pure recyclable form without producing liquid, solid, or gaseous secondary wastes. This article reviews the results achieved using a medium-temperature thermal desorption process developed and commercialized by Mercury Recovery Services, Inc. (MRS) that has successfully achieved these goals.  相似文献   

Originated from a recognized need for significantly more effective technologies for soil cleanup, the LasagnaTM project provides an interesting case study in which industry, government, and academia successfully collaborated to rapidly advance the technology from the laboratory to the field. Called LasagnaTM because of its layered configurations, the technology combines electrically induced contaminant transport in soils, treatment in place, and geotechnical methods to achieve completely in situ clean-up of contaminated soils. Experiences with respect to the partnership, the development of technology and its current commercialization status are described.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of arsenic can pose a major threat to both human health and the environment. The phytoremediation of heavy metals from soil is emerging as a cost‐effective technology for the remediation of contaminated soils. The present greenhouse study was undertaken to identify plants capable of tolerating and accumulating high concentrations of arsenic. Asparagus fern and rye grass were found to tolerate and accumulate more than 1,100 ppm of arsenic in plant tissue. Arsenic uptake as affected by different levels of the chelating agent trans‐1, 2‐ cyclohexylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid (CDTA) and soil pH were also studied. The application of 5 mmol kg?1 of CDTA to arsenic‐contaminated medium loam field soil enhanced the accumulation of arsenic by the test plants. Under these conditions, plants accumulated up to 1,400 ppm of arsenic as compared to 950 ppm by the plants grown in soil containing 1,200 ppm of arsenic but without any amendment of the chelating agent. Plants grown in field soil of pH 5 containing 300 ppm of arsenic absorbed higher concentrations of arsenic than at other tested pH levels. Corresponding reductions in arsenic content of soil after plant harvests were observed. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

An analysis of the cost effectiveness of passive soil vapor extraction (PSVE) is presented. PSVE, or “barometric pumping,” is an approach to the remediation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that seeks to harness and enhance the naturally occurring processes of wind and atmospheric pressure changes to facilitate the release of gas-phase contaminants from the subsurface. The technology background and current status are discussed, niches for the potential applicability of PSVE are identified, and a cost comparison with the conventional treatment method of active soil vapor extraction (ASVE) is examined.  相似文献   

Soil and groundwater contamination by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has been a significant concern to human health and environmental quality. Remediation of contaminated sites is crucial to prevent plume expansion but can prove challenging due to the persistent nature of PFAS combined with their high aqueous mobility. In this case study, we investigated the potential of colloidal activated carbon (CAC) for soil stabilization at the pilot scale, aiming to entrap PFAS and prevent their leaching from soil into groundwater. Monitoring of the site revealed the presence of two potential sources of PFAS contamination at concentrations up to 23 μg L−1 for ∑11PFAS in groundwater. After CAC application, initial results indicated a 76% reduction of ∑11PFAS and high removal rates for long-chain PFAS, such as perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid. A spike in concentrations was noticed 6 months after injection of CAC, showing a rebound of the plume and a reduction of treatment effectiveness. Based on long-term monitoring data, the treatment effectiveness for ∑11PFAS dropped to 52%. The rebound of concentrations was attributed to the plume bypass of the barrier due to the presence of high conductivity zones, which likely occurred because of seasonal changes in groundwater flow directions or the CAC application at the site. This demonstrates the need for a detailed and accurate hydrogeological understanding of contaminated sites before designing and applying stabilization techniques, especially at sites with high geologic and hydrologic complexity. The results herein can serve as a guideline for treating similar sites and help avoid potential pitfalls of remedial efforts.  相似文献   

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