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农业是经济社会发展和人民生活的物质基础,农业的可待续发展是我国可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。对如何实现农业的可持续发展,许多专家学者从不同角度进行了阐述。笔者拟就我国农业发展及其生态环境保护的方向来探究我国实现农业可持续发展的出路。一、转变粗放的资源消耗型农业增长方式农业的可持续发展,是既要满足当代人对农产品(或生物资源)的需求,又不危及和影响后代的满足其需要的发展。因为生态环境是农业发展的基础和保障,所以这里农业发展的基本条件——生态环境的保护十分重要。换句话说,农业的可持续发展,必须是农业的…  相似文献   

农业可持续发展在很大程度上依赖于农业自然资源的可持续利用。利用系统分析法讨论了怀化实施农业可持续发展战略面临的一系列问题,包括观念落后、自然资源利用率低、浪费严重、农业生态环境恶化和自然灾害频繁等,提出了可行的对策,指出农业可持续发展应从自然、经济和社会再生产过程中消除影响农业可持续发展的不利因素,积极发展中国的生态农业。  相似文献   

可持续发展与环境保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人类的发展史上,从忽略环境保护受到自然界的无情惩罚,到开始探索新的发展途径,确认走可持续发展道路是唯一正确选择,这不能不是一个根本性的变革。这场变革经历了漫长而痛苦的历史过程,然而,真正将可持续发展战略付诸实施,还需要付出更大的努力,其道路更为长远。一、可持续发展的深刻内涵理解可持续发展的深刻内涵,是实施可持续发展的重要前提和思想基础。可持续发展的目的是发展,其关键是保证发展的可持续性。因此,在贯彻实施可持续发展战略的过程中,必须正确认识和处理好以下几个问题:1、认清持续增长不等于持续发展。我…  相似文献   

环境可持续发展理论体系框架的构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵文玉 《四川环境》2004,23(1):100-104
环境问题包括生态环境与社会、经济与生态环境关系两方面的问题,本文从社:会、经济、文化以及环境科技发展等不同角度论述了环境可持续发展理论体系框架的构建,认为环境可持续发展必须是在体现公平性、可持续性、协调性的基础上,建立以生态思维为基础的社会环境伦理观、发展环境科学技术、实现经济的有机增长,不断完善环境政策与环境法制体系,  相似文献   

通过镇江市在开展生态循环农业实践中形成的以沼气为纽带的资源利用、立体种养结合、节约型绿色农产品生产、秸秆综合利用、生态观光农业及种养加结合、农工贸一体化等6种发展模式,分析了发展生态循环农业中存在的主要问题,提出了发展生态循环农业的对策和建议,为各地发展生态循环农业提供参考。  相似文献   

文章从可持续发展的思想出发,通过分析河西农业资源利用以及农业发展现状,着重指出了影响农业可持续发展的主要限制因素,并针对农业资源开发利用过程中出现的主要问题,提出了农业资源可持续利用的具体措施。  相似文献   

农业清洁生产是保护环境、遏制生态环境恶化,节能增效,促进农业可持续性发展,实现绿色农业的必然选择。本文分析了衡水农业污染现状,并提出了实施农业清洁生产的典型技术与对策。  相似文献   

约翰·艾克  王璐 《绿叶》2015,(Z1):65-74
美国农业当前面临的危机是公司控制的危机,这种危机给生态、社会及公众健康都带来了很多负面影响,尤其是它导致了消费者的信任危机,而消费者的信任危机引发了美国农业的有机食品革命。然而,有机食品也日益为公司所控制,于是有机食品革命逐渐演化为扎根于地方和社区的食品体系,这种可持续性的食品生产体系很可能取代当今产业化的、由公司控制的全球食品体系,从而为美国农业的可持续发展带来机遇。实现农业的可持续发展,需要我们更加注重伦理原则和社会价值,而不只是注重经济价值。  相似文献   

绿色学校作为一种全校性、综合性、广泛性的环境教育方法,首先在欧洲国家发起,并传播到亚洲一些国家和地区。1992年后,环境教育融入了可持续发展的理念,从而与发展教育、和平教育、国际教育等相结合,发展成为“为了可持续性的教育”(可持续发展教育)。绿色学校的内涵也发生了相应的变化,转变成为实践可持续发展教育的场所。在世界的许多地方,尽管对绿色学校的具体目标、实施内容、具体措施、评价方式等方面的认识还不尽相同,但是却有一个共通的地方——那就是与各个学校的教育实践相结合,体现本地、本国可持续发展的要求。在中国…  相似文献   

基于山东省320个家庭农场的调研数据,采用AHP-熵权法,从土地经营权特征、人力资本投资水平、收益水平、发展的可持续性、农业技术应用水平、农业社会化服务水平6个维度对家庭农场高质量发展水平进行了综合评价。结果表明:(1)就综合水平而言,山东省家庭农场高质量发展水平不高,优质家庭农场占比偏低,粮食生产型家庭农场高质量发展水平较低;(2)从分维度看,家庭农场的农业技术应用水平和农业社会化服务水平较高,土地经营权特征和发展可持续性情况处于中等水平,农场主的人力资本投资水平和家庭农场的收益水平较低,农业技术应用水平和发展可持续性家庭农场间差距较大。因此,家庭农场特别是粮食生产型家庭农场的高质量发展水平有待进一步提升,而促进家庭农场高质量发展政策的着力点主要在于提升家庭农场主的人力资本投资水平和家庭农场收入,培育更优质的家庭农场。  相似文献   

本文基于联合国可持续发展行动网络牵头发布的可持续发展目标指数和指示板报告,对中国实现2030年可持续发展目标状况进行了分析,认为尽管中国的SDG指数在全球整体排名中呈逐步上升趋势,但生态环境相关指标总体依然面临严峻挑战:中国与生态环境相关的目标评级偏低;SDG指数和指示板报告采用的评价指标与中国生态环境保护重点工作关联性不强;中国的统计数据难以满足测量2030年议程的数据需求等。为实现联合国倡议的2030年可持续发展目标,中国应打好污染防治攻坚战,提高环境治理水平,加快建立中国本土化评估指标体系,形成SDGs指标年度报告制,建立SDGs实施机制,建立与2030年议程相适应的统计支撑体系。  相似文献   

/ It is legitimate to ask whether and in what form tourism might contribute to sustainable development. This is not the same as sustainable tourism which, as a single-sector approach to development, may overlook important linkages with other sectors. If tourism is to contribute to sustainable development, then it must be economically viable, ecologically sensitive and culturally appropriate. Ecotourism is often advocated as being a sustainable form of tourism but imprecision in terminology clouds basic issues and there are strong economic, ecological, and cultural reasons for believing that, even in its purest forms, ecotourism is likely to present substantial challenges to destination areas, particularly if it competes for scarce resources and displaces existing uses and users. Sustainable tourism and ecotourism are not synonyms, many forms of ecotourism may not be sustainable, and if ecotourism is to contribute to sustainable development, then careful planning and management will be required.KEY WORDS: Ecotourism; Sustainable development; Development; Tourism  相似文献   

环境影响评价作为协调经济发展与环境保护关系的重要手段,将在西部大开发中发挥重要作用。本文从可持续发展的高度,提出进一步完善环境影响评价的具体对策,以确保实现西部大开发的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article develops a practical proposal for progress on sustainable development law. It examines the prospects for an international sustainable development law to provide a framework for more effective, coherent governance. Sustainable development law is briefly defined and an analytical framework is provided. Different degrees of integration between economic, social and environmental law are described. Certain principles of international law related to sustainable development are also highlighted. It is argued that these principles may serve to guide law‐makers and jurists where social, economic and environmental law and policy conflict or overlap. Continuing, underlying questions of sustainable development governance are addressed and its global frameworks analysed. The article also focuses on the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in Johannesburg in August‐September 2002, and its specific mandate for the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) to take related legal developments into account. The article advances a proposal: that governments, economic, social and environmental intergovernmental organizations and other actors establish a ‘network of inquiry’ with members from relevant groups, including legal and academic organizations, and other expert groups, in order to follow, research, analyse and debate legal developments in a balanced way.  相似文献   

The Paris Agreement?s nationally determined contributions (NDCs) provide an excellent point of entry to simultaneously address climate change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study sets out to explore the connections between climate action plans (NDCs) and each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this study, we used four levels of visibility, that is, present, generic, implied and absent to provide a broad perspective of the extent to which South Africa?s NDC is aligned with the targets of the SDGs. Our results revealed that South Africa?s NDC has 12% present level of visibility to the SDG targets, with SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG 13 Climate Action showing the highest representation of present level of visibility. By contrast, the absent level of visibility NDC showed 53% in the SDG targets, with SDG 5 Gender Equity, SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and SDG 3 Good Health and Well‐Being, showing the highest representation of absent level of visibility. These results indicate that there is scope to improve the alignment of South Africa?s NDCs with the SDG targets. To this end, we have identified areas that may benefit with further elaboration in the country?s second NDC.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Natural resources forum》2000,24(4):337-346
Book reviewed in this article:
International Project Analysis and Financing G. Pollio
Sustainable Tourism: a Marketing Perspective Victor T.C. Middleton with Rebecca Hawkins
Sustainable Development in Mineral Economies Richard M. Auty, Raymond F. Mikesell
Eco-Pioneers: Practical Visionaries Solving Today's Environmental Problems S. Lerner
Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution P. Hawken, A. Lovins, L.H. Lovins  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Development Sustainable Cities. G. Haughton &; C. Hunter, 1994, Jessica Kingsley/Regional Studies Association, London

Sustainable Cities in Europe. P. Nijkamp &; A. Perrels, 1994, Earthscan, London ISBN 185383, £12.95

Toward Sustainable Development Concepts, Methods and Policy. J. C. J. M. van den Bergh &; J. van der Straaten, 1994, Island Press, Washington, DC, ISBN 1 55963 3492, £30.00

Just Environments: intergenerational, international and interspecies issues. David E. Cooper &; Joy A. Palmer (Eds), 1995, London, Routledge, ISBN 0 415–10336–3, pp. 199, index, £11.99

First Steps: Local Agenda 21 in practice. Stella Whittaker (Ed.), 1995, London, HMSO, 251 pp. ISBN 0 11 701871 6, £29.95

Beyond the Car: essays on the auto culture. Sue Zielinski &; Gordon Laird (Eds), 1995, Toronto, Steel Rail Publishing/Transportation Options, 191 pp. ISBN 0 88791 042 4, pbk, C$ 19.95, US$15.95  相似文献   

从斯德哥尔摩到约翰内斯堡的发展道路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章详细论述了从斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议到约翰内斯堡可持续发展会议召开的三十年间,人类经历了从工业文明走向绿色文明三个历史过程的发展之路。  相似文献   

The UK reviewed its National Sustainable Development Strategy during 2003 and 2004, and produced a new strategy — the third for the UK — in March 2005. Having established that the main weakness of the previous strategy was in its delivery, the review and the resulting new strategy set out to put a much stronger emphasis on delivery mechanisms. In support of this, the process included more participative ways for those involved in delivering to contribute their views and ideas, including web‐based dialogue, participative events and seminars, and community level discussions. The key points for the success of the project were the involvement of stakeholders; project management of the process; a marketing and communications strategy; cross‐departmental governance; and involvement of an external challenge function (fulfilled in the UK by the Sustainable Development Commission).  相似文献   

镇江旅游资源特色及其开发刍议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
镇江旅游资源具有“江山风光”、“城市山林”、“佛道文化”、“名人故迹”等特色。分析了镇江旅游开发具有的优势条件,包括水陆交通枢纽、名优特产丰富、局部区位优势等方面,在此基础上提出若干政策建议,包括开辟长江水上游和沿江风光带、发展宗教朝觐游、建设古代科技博物馆、开拓宁镇扬度假市场、精心组织旅游线路等,以促进镇江旅游业的进一步开发,提高它在苏南旅游区中的地位。  相似文献   

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