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Aspergillus foetidus has the ability to take up chromium during the stationary phase of growth and under growth-nonsupportive conditions. We observed a 97% decrease in hexavalent chromium (initial concentration 5 µg/g) at the end of 92 h of growth, which may be due to its reduction to Cr (III) and/or complexation with organic compounds released due to the metabolic activity of the fungus. Replacement culture studies under growth-nonsupportive conditions revealed that the maximum uptake of Cr (VI) at pH 7.0 is 2 mg/g of dry biomass. At low or high pH values, Cr (VI) uptake is significantly reduced. In addition, the initial rate of total chromium uptake is also enhanced by higher biomass concentrations and the presence of glucose. The results obtained through this investigation indicate the possibility of treating waste effluents containing hexavalent chromium using Aspergillus foetidus.  相似文献   

129I is one of the more hazardous nuclides occurring in radioactive waste. In the form of I, its most likely speciation, it is poorly sorbed on most geologic media. Several workers have suggested the use of silver to precipitate I as the insoluble AgI, in a cemented waste form, or as a “getter”. The efficacy of this procedure is examined by experiment, in conjunction with thermodynamic predictions.The addition of AgNO3 to Portland cement leads to coprecipitation with C-S-H, with low Ag solubilities ( 10 μmg/L); 2–;3 orders of magnitude lower than predicted (from Ag2O). AgI is stable in these matrices, with low aqueous I concentrations (<2 mg/L). In 85% BFS-15% OPC pastes, AgI is unstable due to redox and complexation reactions, with much I passing into solution; concentrations up to 900 mg/L were observed. It is shown that repository conditions, on closure, are also likely to induce solubilisation of I from AgI. It is concluded that the use of Ag is unlikely to significantly improve the immobilisation properties of the near field for radioiodine.  相似文献   

In this research, a two-step process consisting of vacuum pyrolysis and vacuum centrifugal separation was employed to treat waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs). Firstly, WPCBs were pyrolysed under vacuum condition at 600 °C for 30 min in a lab-scale reactor. Then, the obtained pyrolysis residue was heated under vacuum until the solder was melted, and then the molten solder was separated from the pyrolysis residue by the centrifugal force. The results of vacuum pyrolysis showed that the type-A of WPCBs (the base plates of which was made from cellulose paper reinforced phenolic resin) pyrolysed to form an average of 67.97 wt.% residue, 27.73 wt.% oil, and 4.30 wt.% gas; and pyrolysis of the type-B of WPCBs (the base plates of which was made from glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin) led to an average mass balance of 72.20 wt.% residue, 21.45 wt.% oil, and 6.35 wt.% gas. The results of vacuum centrifugal separation showed that the separation of solder was complete when the pyrolysis residue was heated at 400 °C, and the rotating drum was rotated at 1200 rpm for 10 min. The pyrolysis oil and gas can be used as fuel or chemical feedstock after treatment. The pyrolysis residue after solder separation contained various metals, glass fibers and other inorganic materials, which could be recycled for further processing. The recovered solder can be reused directly and it can also be a good resource of lead and tin for refining.  相似文献   

Incorporation of organic waste amendments to a horticultural soil, prior to expected risk periods, could immobilise mineral N, ultimately reducing nitrogen (N) losses as nitrous oxide (N2O) and leaching. Two organic waste amendments were selected, a fresh green waste (FGW) and green waste compost (GWC) as they had suitable biochemical attributes to initiate N immobilisation into the microbial biomass and organic N forms. These characteristics include a high C:N ratio (FGW 44:1, GWC 35:1), low total N (<1%), and high lignin content (>14%). Both products were applied at 3 t C/ha to a high N (plus N fertiliser) or low N (no fertiliser addition) Vertisol soil in PVC columns. Cumulative N2O production over the 28 day incubation from the control soil was 1.5 mg/N2O/m2, and 11 mg/N2O/m2 from the control + N. The N2O emission decreased with GWC addition (< 0.05) for the high N soil, reducing cumulative N2O emissions by 38% by the conclusion of the incubation. Analysis of mineral N concentrations at 7, 14 and 28 days identified that both FGW and GWC induced microbial immobilisation of N in the first 7 days of incubation regardless of whether the soil environment was initially high or low in N; with the FGW immobilising up to 30% of available N. It is likely that the reduced mineral N due to N immobilisation led to a reduced substrate for N2O production during the first week of the trial, when soil N2O emissions peaked. An additional finding was that FGW + N did not decrease cumulative N2O emissions compared to the control + N, potentially due to the fact that it stimulated microbial respiration resulting in anaerobic micro sites in the soil and ultimately N2O production via denitrification. Therefore, both materials could be used as post harvest amendments in horticulture to minimise N loss through nitrate-N leaching in the risk periods between crop rotations. The mature GWC has potential to reduce N2O, an important greenhouse gas.  相似文献   

In the production of leather the main waste that remains after splitting of limed hides before tanning is the lowest layer of the skin together with the underlying fatty tissue (subcutis). It is characterized by a very high water content (up to 870 g kg−1) and a balanced content of protein (40–60 g kg−1 of the dry mass), fat (10–20 g kg−1) of the dry mass) and carbohydrates. The object of this work was to elaborate a method to process this waste into useful products. The treatment proposed involves washing to remove the inorganic salts, separation of fat and extraction of collagen in hot water solution and additional extraction of protein from the insoluble residue after hydrolysis with alkaline proteinase. This results in the isolation of three fractions: fat—cattle tallow (4–12% of the total mass of the initial material), collagen hydrolysate—glue (5–10%) and protein concentrate for fodder (1–3% yield). Up to 95% of the protein in the initial material was extracted. Further purification of the collagen hydrolysate fraction into edible gelatin was achieved. The proposed method is applicable to every leather factory.  相似文献   

Traunsee is a deep oligotrophic lake in Austria characterised by an artificial enrichment of chloride in the hypolimnion (up to 170 mg L-1) caused by waste disposal of soda and salt industries. Protists were collected monthly over one year, observed alive and after Quantitative Protargol Staining (ciliates) or via epifluorescence microscopy (heterotrophic flagellates). Three sites within the lake (0–40 m depths) were compared to deeper water layers from 60–160 m depths where chloride concentrations and conductivity were increased. In addition, we observed the protozooplankton of two neighbouring lakes, i.e. reference systems, during one sampling occasion. In Traunsee the abundance of ciliates was low (200–36 600 cells L-1) in contrast to high species diversity (at least 60 different species; HS = 2.6) throughout the year. The main pelagic species in terms of abundance were small oligotrichs and prostomatids like Rimostrombidium brachykinetum/hyalinum, Balanion planctonicum and Urotricha spp. throughout the investigation period. Among free-living heterotrophic flagellates, which occurred at densities of 40–2800 cells mL-1, small morphotypes dominated in the pelagial. No differences at the community level between the three lakes could be observed and pelagic ciliates and flagellates seemed not to be affected by increased chloride concentrations or by enhanced conductivity.  相似文献   

Airborne particulate matter (PM) concentrations were measured in Iksan, a suburban area in South Korea during April, 2003. PM2.5 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm) and PM10 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm) samples were collected, and the chemical characteristics of particles were examined for diurnal patterns, yellow dust/rainfall influences, and scavenging effects. Average concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 mass measured were 37.3 ± 16.2 μg m−3 and 60.8 ± 29.5 μg m−3, respectively. The sum of ionic chemical species concentrations for PM2.5 and PM10 was 16.9 ± 7.3 and 23.1 ± 10.1 μg/m3, respectively. A significant reduction in PM mass concentrations during rainfall days was observed for coarse mode (PM2.5 − 10) particles, but less reduction was found for fine (PM2.5) mass concentration. SO4 2−, NH4 +, and K+ predominated in fine particulate mode, NO3 and Cl predominated in fine particle mode and coarse particle mode, but Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ mostly existed in coarse mode. The high concentration of ammonium due to local emissions and long-range transport neutralized sulfate and nitrate to ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, which were major forms of airborne PM in Iksan. Average mass concentrations of PM10 in daytime and at night were 57.6 and 70.0 μg m−3, and those of PM2.5 were 35.4 and 42.5 μg m−3, respectively. NO3 and Cl in both PM2.5 and PM10 were about double at night than in the daytime, while the rest of the chemical species were equal or a little higher at night than in the daytime. The results suggest the formation of ammonium nitrate and chloride when high ammonia concentration and low air temperature are allowed. Backward air trajectory analyses showed that air masses arriving at the site during yellow dust period were transported from arid Chinese regions, which resulted in high concentrations of airborne PM mass concentrations. In the meantime, air mass trajectories during a rainfall period were mostly from the Pacific Ocean or the East China Sea, along with a relatively low PM concentration.  相似文献   

New waste management programs are currently aimed at developing alternative treatment technologies such as mechanical–biological treatment (MBT) and composting plants. However, there is still a high uncertainty concerning the chemical and microbiological risks for human health, not only for workers of these facilities, but also for the population living in the neighborhood. A new MBT plant is planned to be constructed adjacently to a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). In order to evaluate its potential impact and to differentiate the impacts of MSWI from those of the MBT when the latter is operative, a pre-operational survey was initiated by determining the concentrations of 20 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and bioaerosols (total bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, fungi and Aspergillus fumigatus) in airborne samples around the MSWI. The results indicated that the current concentrations of bioaerosols (ranges: 382–3882, 18–790, 44–926, and <1–7 CFU/m3 for fungi at 25 °C, fungi at 37 °C, total bacteria, and Gram-negative bacteria, respectively) and VOCs (ranging from 0.9 to 121.2 μg/m3) are very low in comparison to reported levels in indoor and outdoor air in composting and MBT plants, as well in urban and industrial zones. With the exception of total bacteria, no correlations were observed between the environmental concentrations of biological agents and the direction/distance from the facility. However, total bacteria presented significantly higher levels downwind. Moreover, a non-significant increase of VOCs was detected in sites closer to the incinerator, which means that the MSWI could have a very minor impact on the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

In order to understand the fate of anthropogenic lead (Pb)pollution in boreal forest soils, and to predict future trends, it is important to know where in the soil the pollution Pb is accumulated and how large the pollution and natural Pb inventories are in different soil horizons. We combined stable Pb isotope (206Pb/207Pb ratios) and concentration analyses to study Pb in podzol profiles and mor samples from old-growth forest stands at seven sites distributed from southern to northern Sweden. Additional samples were taken from managed forests, and from an agricultural field, to give some idea of the effects of land-use. Pb concentrations are typically 60–100 g g-1 dry mass in the mor layer in southern Sweden and about 30 g g-1 in northern Sweden. Pb isotope analyses show that virtually all of this Pb is pollution Pb. The isotope composition also shows that pollution Pb has penetrated downwards between 20–60 cm in the forest soils. The total pollution Pb inventories vary between 0.7–3.0 g m-2 ground surface, with larger inventories in southern compared to northern Sweden. Although the highest Pb concentrations occur in the mor layer, the largest inventories of pollution Pb are found in the Bs-horizon. The limited investigation of Pb distribution and inventories in soils from managed forests did not point to any major difference compared to the old-growth forests. The agricultural field revealed, however, a completely deviating Pb profile with all pollution Pb evenly distributed in the 20 cm thick top-soil.  相似文献   

Critical N loads for ombrotrophic bogs, which often contain rare and N-sensitive plants (especially those in lower plant groups: lichens, mosses and liverworts), are based on very few experimental data from measured, low background N deposition areas. Additionally the relative effects of reduced versus oxidised N are largely unknown. This paper describes an automated field exposure system (30 km S. of Edinburgh, Scotland) for treating ombrotrophic bog vegetation with fine droplets of oxidised N (NaNO3) and reduced N (NH4Cl). Whim Moss exists in an area of low ambient N deposition (ca. 8 kg N ha–1 y–1), the sources and quantification of which are described. The wet N treatment system is run continuously, and is controlled/activated by wind speed and rainfall to provide a unique simulation of real world treatment patterns (no rain=no treatment). Simulated precipitation is supplied at ionic concentrations below4mMin rainwater collected on site. Treatments provide a replicated dose response to 16, 32 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 adjusted for ambient deposition (8 kg N ha–1 y–1). The 16 and 64 kg N ha–1 y–1 are duplicated with a P+K supplement. Baseline soil chemistry and foliar nutrient status was established for all 44 plots for Calluna vulgaris, Sphagnum capillifolium, Hypnum jutlandicum and Cladonia portentosa.  相似文献   

Atmospherically deposited lead in the upper layer of the heavily eroded peatlands of the Peak District, southern Pennines, UK, reaches concentrations in excess of 1,000 mg kg−1. Erosion of the upper peat layer in this region is releasing lead, associated with eroded peat particles, into the fluvial system. Understanding the process mechanisms that control dissolved lead concentrations in contaminated peatland streams is vital for understanding lead cycling and transport in peatland streams. Many headwater streams of the southern Pennines recharge drinking water reservoirs. Measurements in the Upper North Grain (UNG) study catchment show that mean sediment-associated and dissolved lead concentrations are 102 ± 39.4 mg kg−1 and 5.73 ± 2.16 μg l−1, respectively. Experimental evidence demonstrates that lead can desorb from suspended sediments, composed of contaminated peat, into stream waters. In-stream processing could therefore account for the elevated dissolved lead concentrations in the fluvial system of UNG.  相似文献   

In this study biogas and high quality digestate were recovered from winery waste (wine lees) through anaerobic co-digestion with waste activated sludge both in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. The two conditions studied showed similar yields (0.40 m3/kgCODfed) but different biological process stability: in fact the mesophilic process was clearly more stable than the thermophilic one in terms of bioprocess parameters.The resulting digestates showed good characteristics for both the tested conditions: heavy metals, dioxins (PCDD/F), and dioxin like bi-phenyls (PCBs) were concentred in the effluent if compared with the influent because of the important reduction of the solid dry matter, but remained at levels acceptable for agricultural reuse. Pathogens in digestate decreased. Best reductions were observed in thermophilic condition, while at 37 °C the concentration of Escherichia coli was at concentrations level as high as 1000 UFC/g. Dewatering properties of digestates were evaluated by means of the capillary suction time (CST) and specific resistance to filtration (SRF) tests and it was found that a good dewatering level was achievable only when high doses of polymer (more than 25 g per kg dry solids) were added to sludge.  相似文献   

The influence of particle size and organic matter content of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) in the overall kinetics of dry (30% total solids) thermophilic (55 °C) anaerobic digestion have been studied in a semi-continuous stirred tank reactor (SSTR). Two types of wastes were used: synthetic OFMSW (average particle size of 1 mm; 0.71 g Volatile Solids/g waste), and OFMSW coming from a composting full scale plant (average particle size of 30 mm; 0.16 g Volatile Solids/g waste).A modification of a widely-validated product-generation kinetic model has been proposed. Results obtained from the modified-model parameterization at steady-state (that include new kinetic parameters as K, YpMAX and θMIN) indicate that the features of the feedstock strongly influence the kinetics of the process. The overall specific growth rate of microorganisms (μmax) with synthetic OFMSW is 43% higher compared to OFMSW coming from a composting full scale plant: 0.238 d−1 (K = 1.391 d−1; YpMAX = 1.167 L CH4/gDOCc; θMIN = 7.924 days) vs. 0.135 d−1 (K = 1.282 d−1; YpMAX = 1.150 L CH4/gDOCc; θMIN = 9.997 days) respectively.Finally, it could be emphasized that the validation of proposed modified-model has been performed successfully by means of the simulation of non-steady state data for the different SRTs tested with each waste.  相似文献   

The fluorescent lamp recycling sector is growing considerably in Europe due to increasingly strict regulations aimed at inciting the consumption of low energy light bulbs and their end-of-life management. Chemical risks were assessed in fluorescent lamp recycling facilities by field measurement surveys in France, highlighting that occupational exposure and pollutant levels in the working environment were correlated with the main recycling steps and processes.The mean levels of worker exposure are 4.4 mg/m3, 15.4 μg/m3, 14.0 μg/m3, 247.6 μg/m3, respectively, for total inhalable dust, mercury, lead and yttrium. The mean levels of airborne pollutants are 3.1 mg/m3, 9.0 μg/m3, 9.0 μg/m3, 219.2 μg/m3, respectively, for total inhalable dust, mercury, lead and yttrium. The ranges are very wide. Surface samples from employees’ skin and granulometric analysis were also carried out. The overview shows that all the stages and processes involved in lamp recycling are concerned by the risk of hazardous substances penetrating into the bodies of employees, although exposure of the latter varies depending on the processes and tasks they perform. The conclusion of this study strongly recommends the development of a new generation of processes in parallel with more information sharing and regulatory measures.  相似文献   

Soil- and stream-water data from the Plynlimon research area, mid-Wales, have been used to develop a conceptual model of spatial variations in nitrogen (N) leaching within moorland catchments. Extensive peats, in both hilltop and valley locations, are considered near-complete sinks for inorganic N, but leach the most dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). Peaty mineral soils on hillslopes also retain inorganic N within upper organic horizons, but a proportion percolates into mineral horizons as nitrate (NO 3 ), either through incomplete immobilisation in the organic layer, or in water bypassing the organic soil matrix via macropores. This NO 3 reaches the stream where mineral soilwaters discharge (via matrix throughflow or pipeflow) directly to the drainage network, or via small N-enriched flush wetlands. NO 3 in hillslope waters discharging into larger valley wetlands will be removed before reaching the stream. A concept of catchment nitrate leaching zones is proposed, whereby most stream NO 3 derives from localised areas of mineral soil hillslope draining directly to the stream; the extent of these zones within a catchment may thus determine its overall susceptibility to elevated surface water NO 3 concentrations.  相似文献   

Cathode ray tube (CRT) funnel glass remains an urgent environmental problem and is composed mainly of lead oxide and silicon oxide. In this research, the residue could be obtained from 2 h to 500 rpm activated CRT funnel glass after extracting lead via acid leaching under the conditions of HNO3 concentration 1.0 mol/L, leaching temperature 95 °C and leaching time 1 h. In order to reutilize the residue, its physico-chemical properties were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results indicated that the residue was an amorphous superfine powder with approximately 93 wt% silica oxide and specific surface area of more than 170 m2/g. It can be reutilized as white carbon black.  相似文献   

Providing an accurate estimate of the dry component of N deposition to low N background, semi-natural habitats, such as bogs and upland moors dominated by Calluna vulgaris is difficult, but essential to relate nitrogen deposition to effects in these communities. To quantify the effects of NH3 inputs to moorland vegetation growing on a bog at a field scale, a field release NH3 fumigation system was established at Whim Moss (Scottish Borders) in 2002. Gaseous NH3 from a line source was released along of a 60 m transect, when meteorological conditions (wind speed >2.5 m s–1 and wind direction in the sector 180–215°) were met, thereby providing a profile of decreasing NH3 concentration with distance from the source. In a complementary study, using a NH3 flux chamber system, the relationships between NH3 concentrations and cuticular resistances were quantified for a range of NH3 concentrations and micrometeorological conditions for moorland vegetation. Cuticular resistances increased with NH3 concentration from 11 s m–1 at 3.0 g m–3 to 30 s m–1 at 30 g m–3. The NH3 concentration data and the concentration-dependent canopy resistance are used to calculate NH3 deposition taking into account leaf surface wetness. The implications of using an NH3 concentration-dependent cuticular resistance and the importance for refining critical loads are discussed.  相似文献   

Airborne contaminants in Finnish waste treatment plants were studied at two plants using mainly manual sorting and one incineration plant. Air samples were analysed for mesophilic and thermotolerant bacteria, mesophilic fungi, endotoxin, dust and heavy metals (lead, cadmium). The concentrations of mesophilic bacteria in the working air of the waste treatment plants were under 2 × 104 colony forming units (cfu) m−3 and the concentrations of mesophilic fungi were under 7 × 104 cfu m−3. There was no seasonal variation in the concentrations of bacteria, but the concentrations of fungi were highest in autumn at the waste incineration plant. The concentrations of microbes recorded with two sampling methods, the Andersen and Nuclepore filter methods, differed but were usually of the same order of magnitude. The identified bacteria did not include any potent pathogens. In manual sorting the level of organic dust reached 38 mg m−3, whereas the 8-h hygiene limit value for organic dust is 5mg m−3 and the 15-min hygiene limit value is 10 mg m−3. The endotoxin levels were all below 30 ng m−3 and the concentrations of heavy metals were low.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of inorganic alumino-silicate sorbents (alumina and kaolinite) to adsorb airborne lead and cadmium from the effluent stream of a simulated waste incinerator was studied. A 20 kW (68,000 BTU/h) flow reactor was used to achieve the temperature and residence times typical of a waste incinerator. Solutions containing lead or cadmium were introduced yielding airborne metals concentrations between 15 and 150 ppm. Gas samples were drawn into a particle impactor that collected the airborne particles and condensed phase metal aerosols, separating them into ten size ranges from 0.2 μm to greater than 10 μm. Metals to sorbent mass ratios between 0.03 and 1.56 were investigated. Scavenging efficiency increased as the ratio of sorbent to injected metal mass was increased. The scavenging efficiencies were as high as 76% for lead scavenged by kaolinite to as low as 14% for cadmium scavenged by alumina.  相似文献   

Catalytic coprocessing of model and waste plastics with light Arabian crude oil residue was investigated using NiMo/Al2O3, ZSM-5, FCC, and hydrocracking catalysts. Reaction systems that were studied included low density polyethylene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE), polystyrene (PS), and polypropylene (PP). A series of single (plastic/catalyst) and binary (plastic/resid/catalyst) reactions were carried out in a 25-cm3 micro autoclave reactor under different conditions of weight and type of catalyst, duration, pressure, and temperature. The optimum conditions selected for our work were: 1% catalyst by weight of total feedstock weight, 60min reaction time, 8.3Mpa of H2, and 430°C. The product distribution for the binary system using plastic and petroleum residue provided some encouraging results. High yields of liquid fuels in the boiling range of 100°–480°C and gases were obtained along with a small amount of heavy oils and insoluble material such as gums and coke. In general, this study helps to demonstrate the technical feasibility of upgrading both waste plastics and petroleum resid, as well as an alternative approach to feedstock recycling.  相似文献   

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