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Groundwater is the major drinking water source both in urban and rural area. Mostly in urban and peri-urban areas of developing countries, groundwater is more susceptible to contamination due to urbanization. Therefore, the awareness of usage of groundwater has to be analysed to frame the policy measures and to suggest proper intervention programs. The community residing around Perungudi dumpsite, Tamil Nadu, India, has been chosen to assess the awareness on usage of groundwater using regression model. The groundwater flow and quality analysis assessed technically is in line with people’s perception on groundwater quality. The model results clearly indicate that the socio-economic status (β = 0.167) and distance (β = 0.305) play a major role in groundwater usage. Though 31.2 % of respondents reported that the water quality is bad within 1 km in the contaminated area, 45 % of low socio-economic categories depend on well water. This shows the unawareness of health issues due to the usage of contaminated water. Proper policies have to be framed, especially for the contaminated site to get rid of adverse health impacts due to long-term exposure of contaminated water.  相似文献   

A holistic appraisal of the quality of groundwater from the Tuticorin District has been conducted using multivariate statistical and spatial analyses. The objectives of the study were to delineate the spatial and temporal variabilities in groundwater quality and to understand its suitability for human uses. A total of 100 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for major cations and anions during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon. Water quality index rating was calculated to quantify overall water quality for human consumption. The PRM samples exhibit poor quality in greater percentage when compared with POM due to the dilution after rainfall. Correlation, factor analysis, and plot of the factor scores reflect the seawater intrusion and weathering process. The mineral stability diagrams indicated that the groundwater is in equilibrium with kaolinite and Ca-montmorillonite, whereas Gibbs plot showed that the chemical composition of groundwater in both districts is controlled by the natural weathering processes irrespective of seasons. The major water type identified in this study is the Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3 ? type, which degrades into predominantly Na+–Cl?–SO4 2? more saline groundwater toward the coast.  相似文献   

To provide baseline data on background radiation levels for the future assessment of the impact of nuclear and thermal power stations, a systematic study was carried out in the Mallipattinam ecosystem of Tamil Nadu, India. Mallipattinam is located between the Kudankulam and Kalpakkam nuclear power plants and near to Tuticorin thermal power plant. Water, sediments, seaweeds, crustaceans, molluscs, and fish were collected to measure the concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb. The concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb in most samples are comparable to values reported worldwide. In fish, the concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb are in the range 16-190 Bq kg−1 and 8-153 Bq kg−1, respectively. The concentration factors of 210Po and 210Pb for the biotic components ranges from 103 to 106.  相似文献   

The groundwater occurs in hard rock aquifers, which is more predominant in India. It is more common in the southern peninsula especially Tamil Nadu. Madurai district is located in the central part of Tamil Nadu, underlain predominantly by crystalline formations and alluvium along the river course. The study area being a hard rock terrain, the groundwater is stored in cracks, fissures, joints, etc., and hence the quantity is lesser. The frequent failure of monsoon also aggravates the scarcity of this commodity. In this scenario, the quality and hydrogeochemistry of the available quantum of water plays a significant role for the determination of its utility and in tracing out the hydrogeochemical evaluation. Fifty-four groundwater samples were collected representing the entire study area. The samples collected were representative covering all the major litho units of the study area (charnockite -21, fissile hornblende biotite gneiss-21, granite-4, quartzite-3, and 5 samples from flood plain alluvium). The samples collected were analyzed for major ions and were classified for different purposes like drinking, domestic, and agriculture, with respect to lithology. The comparison of the groundwater samples with the drinking water standards shows that few samples fall above the drinking water limit irrespective of lithology. The samples were classified with sodium absorption ratio, electrical conductivity, residual sodium carbonate, sodium percentage (Na %), Kellys ratio, and magnesium hazard, and permeability index for irrigation purpose found that most of the samples were suitable for irrigation purpose irrespective of lithology. Total hardness and corrosivity index were studied for the domestic purpose and found that the samples of the granitic terrain are safe. Apart from this, index of base exchange, Schoellers water type, Stuyfzands classification were attempted along with Gibbs plot to determine the major geochemical activity of the region. The study reveals that the samples collected from granitic and quartzitic terrains are comparatively better for the domestic and drinking purpose due to the presence of resistant minerals to weathering.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - This study describes the results of groundwater table variation in Thanjavur District before and after the monsoon seasons. Groundwater-level data...  相似文献   

In modern living, rapid development has created an increase in demand for groundwater. An endeavor has been made to understand the hydrogeochemical parameters to determine the utility of groundwater. This situation is severe in coastal hard rock aquifers due to the influence of salinity ingression and other anthropogenic influence. A total of 135 groundwater samples were collected from the coastal aquifer of the Tuticorin district and analyzed for major cations and anions during premonsoon (PRM) and postmonsoon (POM). The ions analyzed were used to determine the drinking, agricultural and domestic utility of groundwater. The electrical conductivity (EC) contour shows that the groundwater quality is poor along the coast. The parameters were compared with WHO (Guidelines for drinking water quality recommendations, WHO, Geneva, 2004) standard for drinking purpose. A groundwater classification method has been developed for groundwater in the area using a dynamic water quality index (WQI). On the basis of the WQI so computed, groundwater in the area has been spatially classified into “excellent,” “good,” “poor” and “very poor” to “Unsuitable” water types variation lithologywise. Corrosivity ratio and hardness were noted to be higher and found to be unsuitable in majority of the regions for domestic purpose. Higher fluoride concentration was noted in the central part of the study area represented by complex geology comprising of the hornblende biotite gneiss and charnockite. Sodium percentage (Na%), sodium absorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, Wilcox (Classification and use of irrigation waters, US Department of Agriculture, Washington, 1955), permeability index, residual sodium bicarbonate, magnesium hazard, Kelly’s ratio and potential salinity also indicate that most of the groundwater samples are not suitable for irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

Groundwater is an important resource in all major urban centres. Continuous extraction leads to degradation and depletion in the water quality which can be protected by selecting proper groundwater recharging techniques. The present study aims to determine the groundwater potential by integrating the remote sensing and geographic information system which helps to identify the locations which are in critical stage and immediate steps can be taken to recharge the groundwater. Thirukalukundram block of Kanchipuram district in Tami Nadu, India, has been chosen as study area. To demarcate the groundwater potential zone, surface attributes such as geomorphology, land use/land cover, contour map, drainage density and sub-surface attributes such as lineaments and soil maps are created using satellite imageries, toposheet, soil and geomorphology data of the study area. The thematic maps prepared using geographic information system and weights have been assigned to the attributes by considering the influence on the storage capacity of groundwater. Four categories of groundwater potential zones such as below low, low, moderate and high have been classified. From the analysis, 5% along the coastal plain area covers high groundwater potential zone, 20% of the area towards north-west and south-west hold moderate groundwater potential. 60% of the total area hold low groundwater potential zone which are located towards south-west direction. 15% of the study area contains below low groundwater potential zone in parts of south-west direction. This study helps to identify the suitable locations for extraction and recharge of groundwater.  相似文献   

Whereas past research has treated co-management of common pool resources as if villagers and project implementing authorities were the only relevant actors, numerous external factors beyond the control of these two partners create barriers to successful co-management. This paper draws on discussions with Forest Department officials to examine the influence of these forces on the outcomes of Joint Forest Management (JFM) in Tamil Nadu, India. An empirical inquiry into the operational aspects of JFM indicates the important roles of political parties, powerful people, and other state institutions and functionaries as well as the flow of foreign funding. Further, the strong demand by local people for socio-economic development interventions as opposed to improvement of degraded forests belittles the role of the Forest Department relative to other departments. Numerous other conditioning factors and relationships are explored. The authors call for reforms in public governance to allow better participation of all the actors involved for this participatory management approach to succeed and sustain.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - The variation in the atmospheric conditions of urban areas to the fringe areas is termed as urban heat island and is attributed predominantly to the...  相似文献   

In the course of floristic studies in suburban forests near the city of Ivanovo, 206 species of vascular plants have been recorded, including 39 invasive species (18.9%). Information on specific features of distribution and activity of introduced species growing feral and accidental weeds in different forest types is presented. The most aggressive species are distinguished. Factors responsible for the invasion of alien species to forest cenoses and main tendencies in their dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

This study employed the Geographical Information System (GIS) technology to investigate nitrate contamination of groundwater by agrochemical fertilizers in the Kakamigahara Heights, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. Thematic information and chemical data of groundwater from the Heights were analyzed in a GIS environment to study the extent and variation of nitrate contamination and to establish spatial relationships with responsible land use types. The high and correlated concentrations of Ca(2+), Mg(2+), SO(4)(2-), and NO(3)(-) reflected the polluted nature of the unconfined highly permeable Kakamigahara aquifer. Ninety percent of the water samples showed nitrate concentrations above the human affected value (3 mg/l NO(3)(-)), while more than 30% have exceeded the maximum acceptable level (44 mg/l NO(3)(-)) according to Japan regulations. The spatial analyses indicated that groundwater contamination by nitrate is closely associated with one specific land use class, the "vegetable fields". The nitrate concentration of groundwater under vegetable fields was significantly higher than that under urban land or paddy fields. Most of the unacceptable nitrate levels were encountered in boreholes assigned to "vegetable fields" but a few were also found in boreholes allotted to "urban" class. Therefore, the vegetable fields were considered the principal source of nitrate contamination of groundwater in the Kakamigahara. However, contamination from urban sources is also possible.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Purulia is a hard rock terrain where water scarcity as well as water quality degradation has been a major threat for the past few decades. The prolong...  相似文献   

The study focuses on assessing the sustainable livelihoods of farmers in Indian Punjab focusing on the key aspects of cropping pattern, cost of cultivation, agricultural productivity and profitability amongst different classes of farmers at different levels of groundwater depletion. It further gives a comparative analysis of the proportionate gains the farmers avail from the government subsidies of electricity and procurement price and relates it to their coping mechanisms to sustain agriculture in future. The findings indicate to the fact that technology to extract groundwater, being capital intensive, gives greater accessibility to groundwater to large farmers who gain enormously from growing the remunerative but water-intensive rice crop. Electricity subsidy being not targeted is also misappropriated by the resource rich, water extraction machine owners. To cope with this resource depletion, the large farmers dig and deepen more tube-wells and the small and marginal farmers with little savings who are unable to invest in costly water extraction machines, buy water, shift to less profitable maize crop, lease out or sell their land.  相似文献   

This paper describes the informal groundwater market existing in the urban–peri-urban interface of Chennai. The private water tanker suppliers and packaged water industries utilize the land and water resources of the peri-urban villages. Thus, the groundwater sources in peri-urban areas play a significant role in meeting the growing urban demand. The villages that are experiencing the groundwater market are highly influenced by the urbanization and its related activities, due to their proximity to the city. The transfer of groundwater from the peri-urban villages not only deprives the peri-urban areas of their water rights but also leads to environmental damage. Agriculture declined in the water marketed villages in the range of 20–95 per cent during 1990–2007. The pre-monsoon and post-monsoon groundwater level fluctuation varied from 2–6 m to 0–5 m, respectively, during 1971–2007. The declining trend of the groundwater table and agriculture is highly significant in the water marketing villages. Moreover, the present groundwater quality is also in a susceptible state due to over extraction. Hence, strengthening the legal and institutional framework to ensure an equitable access to water for both urban and peri-urban areas is urgently required. This paper also describes the characteristics of the groundwater transfer, quantification of the marketed water, the role of the existing regulatory framework, and the institutional mechanisms. Many stakeholder’s meeting and focus group discussions have been conducted in the villages under study for understanding the socio-economic implications of the water market. The study ultimately emphasized a sustainable groundwater extraction/market which will safeguard the interests of the peri-urban and urban communities.  相似文献   

Total organic halogen (TOX) was evaluated as a means to detect contamination of groundwater by halogenated organics. Groundwater samples from monitoring wells at 10 Canadian landfill sites were analyzed for carbon adsorbable TOX, total organic carbon and volatile organics. Low concentrations of TOX (range, ND-44; median 8 μg Cl L?1) were found at nine sites, and elevated TOX levels (?2072 μg Cl L?1) at the tenth site. This latter site was studied in greater detail, and TOX and GC-MS analyses were carried out for volatile, base neutral, and acid extractable fractions of the water in six monitoring wells at this site. The TOX and GC-MS techniques were found to provide complementary information. GC-MS analysis detected high concentrations of 1,2-dichloroethylene, trichloroethylene, toluene, and ethylbenzene in some of the wells. TOX measurements, however, indicated the presence of halogenated contaminants in the base-neutral and acid extractable fractions, which had not been detected by GC-MS.  相似文献   

Chennai city, the capital of Tamil Nadu state in South India, has been experiencing rapid expansion since the last two decades, resulting in major changes in land use and degradation of wetlands. Small lakes in the peri-urban areas face severe strain on their environment due to transition of rural to urban conditions, leaving at stake their aquatic health and intended uses. This paper studies the role of urbanization and land use changes in the water quality of peri-urban (Rajakilpakkam) and rural (Vengaivasal) lakes. Water samples were collected and analysed for temperature, total dissolved solids, major ions, nutrients and biological oxygen demand as per standard methods. The temperature, pH and biological oxygen demand did not differ between lakes, while total dissolved solids (p = 0.008), alkalinity (p = 0.000), total hardness (p = 0.001) and phosphate (p = 0.000) were significantly higher in Rajakilpakkam. Seasonal and spatial variations in water quality between the lakes showed the direct impact of rapid and uncontrolled growth of built-up areas in the catchment area, in enhancing waste water inflows with inorganic salts and nutrients in Rajakilpakkam lake compared with Vengaivasal lake. Urbanization of the catchment and encroachments in Rajakilpakkam lake tends to reduce the social interdependence of lake and community and promote disuse, leading to decline in water quality. The impending environmental costs caused by urbanization to these lakes will only be tackled, if the main issues of domestic and industrial discharges and encroachments are addressed properly.  相似文献   

An estimation of the indoor background radiation dose distribution was carried out in dwellings of eleven villages located within and around the uranium mineralization area of Kylleng-Pyndensohiong, Mawthabah in West Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya, India. The ambient indoor gamma radiation level was monitored using Thermo Luminescence Dosimeters (TLDs) while the indoor radon and thoron concentration was measured using twin-cup dosimeters employing Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (SSNTDs). Results obtained from the study reveals that the local inhabitants of villages located close to the mining site receive higher doses than those inhabitants of villages located at a much farther distance from the mining site. The average total annual effective dose was found to be varying from 1.2 mSv y−1 in the village of Langpa to 3.4 mSv y−1 in the village of Nongbah Jynrin. The data obtained will serve as a reference in documenting changes to environmental radioactivity if mining is to be carried out in the future.  相似文献   

This paper reports a regional contamination of the environment in central-east India that does not share geology or boundary with the Bengal Delta Plain. About 30,000 people residing in 30 villages and towns are directly exposed to arsenic and more than 200,000 people are "at risk." Complete geographical extent of this contamination is being established, and this newly reported contaminated area could be quite large. This paper further reports that the mechanisms involved in arsenic mobilisation are complex and the two theories of arsenic mobilisation, i.e., pyrite oxidation and oxyhydroxides reduction, do not fully explain the high levels of arsenic contamination. This paper also proposes the "oxidation-reduction theory" for arsenic mobilisation where the arsenic originates from the arsenopyrite oxidation and the arsenic thus mobilised forms the minerals and gets reduced underground in favourable Eh conditions. The stoppage of water withdrawal from the contaminated sources did not result in lowering of arsenic levels as expected according to the heavy groundwater extraction theory (pyrite oxidation theory). Cases of arsenicosis in the region are on the rise and the switchover to less contaminated water has not reversed the arsenicosis progression in the affected persons even after 2 years. Surface water of the rivers is also being contaminated because of the probable dislocation of contaminated groundwater due to the heavy rains in monsoon season, which indicates that the river water could be a major carrier of arsenic in dissolved or adsorbed forms that may be a cause of contamination of the delta plains.  相似文献   

Vulnerability of water resources to degradation is one of the critical issues facing developing countries. Changes in population and land use associated with urbanization may alter social interdependence of water bodies in the vicinity of urban and periurban areas thereby affecting their sustainability. Preservation and proper management of lakes are urgently needed to ensure that these freshwater ecosystems continue to deliver their services to the people in the changing scenarios resulting from urbanization. In this paper, we make use of indicators, a powerful tool in decision making, and propose Water Bodies Protection Index (WBPI), which can serve as monitoring cum ranking tool to prioritize conservation efforts for periurban water bodies. Water quality, biological diversity, encroachment of the lakes, role played by the local community in lake management and preservation, and implementation of existing Acts for protection of water resources by government agencies are the five factors chosen for formulating this index. The data and information for this were obtained through socio-ecological study of six water bodies situated in the urban to rural gradient at the southern fringe of Chennai city in south India. Weightages were assigned to the above factors based on a Delphi study. A simple aggregation of weighted factors yields the index that classifies the protection status from poor (<2.5) to sustainable (>9). Application of the WBPI to the study lakes and comparing it with an urbanization index from the literature for the locations of the study lakes provided satisfactory classification and correlation, respectively. The WBPI is expected to help assess many such water bodies elsewhere to set targets for their revival and preservation.  相似文献   

The contamination of groundwater in Bangladesh by arsenic is a widespread and serious environmental problem, affecting mainly the rural population who rely extensively on groundwater for drinking and cooking. The study conducted survey work in a few affected villages of the Northwest region in Bangladesh. The household survey gathered information on the respondents (affected by arsenic) water usage and sources, knowledge of the arsenic problem, changes in the source of water for drinking and cooking, arsenic mitigation technologies and socio-economic information on the households. The survey work shows that percentage of male patient is higher than female patient among the same level of household income in each study villages. Prevalence of arsenicosis is more among poorer sections and it is directly related to the poverty situation of the community. People know more about the health problems caused by arsenicosis but lack knowledge about mitigation aspects. In one of the study areas, every year an extra 4% tubewell is getting contaminated by arsenic. Arsenic contamination in groundwater also affects the environment and the ecology negatively. The NGOs have been found contributing to a knowledge creation process in the village community as the villagers are showing marked behavioral changes in water-use practice.
Nurun NaharEmail:

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