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The Henry's law constant (H) is an important parameter in predicting the transport, behavior and fate of organic compounds in environment. H is also required to model the air-water exchange of chemicals. Henry's law constant of formaldehyde (HCHO) was determined at six temperatures (50, 40, 30, 20, 10, and 5 degrees C) using a bubble-column technique. The apparent Henrys law constant (H*) values were strongly correlated to inverse of temperature (1/T, K) and the following relationship was obtained: In H* = (-1,641.3/T)-3.089. Seven concurrent ambient air and aqueous samples were also collected between October 11-17, 2005 at a sampling site located on the shoreline of Tahtali dam Lake in Izmir, Turkey to determine the magnitude and direction (deposition or gas-out) of HCHO flux. In all cases, the modeled gas-phase flux was positive (average +/- SD, 3,181 +/- 408 microg m(-2) day(-1)) indicating that atmospheric HCHO deposited to the Tahtali Lake.  相似文献   

Historically, the biofouling of ships’ hulls has always been considered amongst the oldest mechanisms causing the introduction of marine invasive species. However, in the last few decades, studies have been oriented mainly towards the introduction of non-indigenous species via ballast water, at the expense of biofouling. In this study, an alternative approach that deals with this latter parameter as the main factor of the introduction of marine organisms is proposed. The biofouling surface area of all vessels which have made call at Arzew port in Algeria is calculated over a period of one year (2014). This parameter indicates the importance of the pressure of propagule that corresponds to the successful introduction effort of a species, since it is this submerged surface of the ship that hosts organisms and spreads them all over the world. We associate to each calculated biofouling surface a bioregion of origin, as well as other parameters such as the number of vessels, their maritime routes and the environmental similarity of Arzew port’s seawater and the other different bioregions. We highlight according to the bioregion, the surfaces that constitute a critical risk of the species introduction and those that constitute a minor risk The study showed that over a period of 1 year, 1313 ships from 28 different bioregions that have made call at Arzew port have accumulated a total wet surface corresponding to about nine million square meters. It is worth to mention that this field of research requires special attention from academics as it may lead to more effective methods to prevent future exotic species introductions.  相似文献   

Rapid industrialization and urbanization in Turkey, especially over the last twenty five years, has provided better living standards to its residents, but it also caused a decrease in environmental quality. In late 1970's, air quality monitoring activities were started in some major cities by individual researchers in Turkey. It was just around the 1990's that a countrywide program on continuous air pollution monitoring in major province centers and selected large towns was launched. The impact of air pollution on people depend on various factors, such as existence and magnitude of coal powered energy generation plants, type of urban heating and their efficiency, and the numbers and specifications of vehicles. In this study, current Turkish urban air quality over the turn of the Millennium (1992–2001) is studied in the light of the country's worst cities in terms of outdoor air quality, the number of upper respiratory diseases, sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia cases in these provinces reported by the state medical treatment facilities in 2001. The population that is under outdoor urban air pollution hazard was computed. A comparative analysis between the provinces that use natural gas and others that use fossil fuels was also completed in order to project monetary gains if the studied provinces will transform their indoor heating and industrial operations to be run by natural gas or other cleaner energy sources. If natural gas use in air polluted urban centers could be realized in the near future, approximately 212 to 350 million US dollars per annum could to be saved just by reducing health related problems caused by outdoor air pollution.  相似文献   

We compared three formalisms derived from (1) medical sciences, (2) environmental, and (3) agronomic models to simulate the effects of pH and temperature on the nitrification rate in arable soils. We evaluated these formalisms by implementing them in a simple growth model by comparing modelled and measured nitrate contents of soil samples with different initial soil pH after incubation at two temperatures. We found that the formalisms derived from medical sciences were more accurate and easily adapted to the data, suggesting that such formalisms may be profitably used in agronomic or environmental models.  相似文献   

The quality of public service transportation highly depends on the country's context, including investment, infrastructure development, and technology-based innovation in the transport sector. The core innovation of the present study is the asymmetric impacts of the airline, railway, waterway, and road on environmental pollution in China. This research analyzed and highlighted the most susceptible transportation system in China, using the newly developed Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model from 1985 to 2018. The results of the NARDL are positive shock and negative shock between CO2 emission and four mode-specific transportation development that led to an increase in environmental cost in the short run. The study findings divulged that airline, road, and waterway operational mileage per capita of both positive and negative transportation shocks had worsened the environmental pollution in China. On the other hand, the railway is successfully improving environmental quality in China. In order to enforce policies, local authorities should be supportive of urban public services (e.g., buses and metro) and improve public transportation services. Simultaneously, policymakers may also introduce new creative ideas for a sharing economy, such as shared bicycles and automobiles to reduce the use of private vehicles. These insights of the study could assist policymakers to improve policies for the four specific modes of transportation to better adapt to climate change and associated environmental stressors in China.  相似文献   

Waste incineration power plants have become the best option in face of the increasing amount of garbage in China's cities. However, constructing waste incineration power plants will cause “not in my backyard” (NIMBY) effect in the public. To identify variables causing this effect and measure the effect quantitatively, we designed and carried out a random survey in four metropolises in China. Of the 3133 questionnaires distributed, 3066 are thought to be effective. Males, persons with higher educational levels, or with higher income, or having underaged children in their families, or thinking their neighborhoods are upscale ones are willing to pay more to avoid the construction of waste incineration power plants in their surroundings than others. In addition, provided that the respondents deem that the construction of waste incineration power plants would have an impact on their lives, they are willing to pay more no matter they own their departments or not. Finally, the estimated willingness to pay (WTP) to avoid the waste incineration power plants is 105 yuan to 133 yuan per month. Hence, the government should treat the NIMBY syndrome well in the construction of waste incineration power plants, with WTP being one perspective to persuade the public.  相似文献   

On-site sanitation is increasingly adopted in urban cities in India. The adoption of On-site sanitation system puts the groundwater resources in the vicinity of the system at a greater risk. Microbial contaminants as well as chemical contaminants like Chloride and Nitrate are generated from human waste. These contaminants travel through the medium and ultimately get in contact with the groundwater. Hence, the groundwater sources are vulnerable to nitrate contamination near the On-site sanitation systems. The present study indicates significant Nitrate and Chloride contamination in samples collected close to On-site sanitation systems. The recommended limit set by the Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) limit of 45 mg/l for Nitrate concentration is also exceeded in few samples. The study indicates that Bacterial as well as Nitrate contamination is more in Monsoon as compared to Summer.  相似文献   

Over the last years, the capabilities of chemical transport models have been greatly improved and the need for more accurate emission data has increased as well. In the past, a number of emission models have been developed and present different functionalities and applications. The majority of these though cover very specific needs. This paper describes the development of a new emission model namely computer model for the construction of model-ready emission inventories (MOSESS) which is used to compile high-resolution emission inventories or improve existing ones, utilizing complex GIS techniques. The model aims in helping chemical modelers to obtain a better overview of their modeling application by having a comprehensive understanding of the emission input. MOSESS incorporates more than 70 different emission calculation methodologies, and it is capable of handling external emission databases (such as EMEP and EPER) from which emissions can be extracted. The temporal variation (annual/daily and diurnal processing), chemical speciation of NMVOCs and particles, vertical distribution and point source treatment, as well as the spatial disaggregation of emissions (utilizing numerous spatial proxies including high-resolution landuses) can help create model-ready emission inventories which can be used for contemporary modeling applications.  相似文献   

The vertical dispersion parameter of Pasquill–Gifford needs some modification in the close vicinity of urban roadways by considering the influence of traffic-induced turbulence. Wind tunnel simulation experiments have been carried out with controlled traffic parameters to evaluate traffic-induced effect on vertical dispersion parameter (σz) in the near field of roadways. The aerodynamic similarities in atmospheric flow, vehicles size and speeds have been considered with appropriate similarity criteria. The tracer gas experiments have been performed to evaluate σz in the near field of the roadways for variable traffic volumes and two approaching wind directions (i.e. 90 and 60). The results showed that the value of σz increased monotonically with increase in traffic volumes and becomes nearly constant at a particular downwind distance. It has also been found that the σz was considerably affected by approaching wind directions. Further, the comparison of experimental σz values for both approaching wind directions with those of Chock (1978) and Rao and Keenan (1980), showed an agreement within ±15%.  相似文献   

Wind energy is growing worldwide as a source of power generation. Bat assemblages may be negatively affected by wind farms due to the fatality of a significant number of individuals after colliding with the moving turbines or experiencing barotrauma. The implementation of wind farms should follow standard procedures to prevent such negative impacts: avoid, reduce and offset, in what is known as the mitigation hierarchy. According to this approach avoiding impacts is the priority, followed by the minimisation of the identified impacts, and finally, when residual negative impacts still remain, those must be offset or at least compensated. This paper presents a review on conservation measures for bats and presents some guidelines within the compensation scenario, focusing on negative impacts that remain after avoidance and minimisation measures. The conservation strategies presented aim at the improvement of the ecological conditions for the bat assemblage as a whole. While developed under the European context, the proposed measures are potentially applicable elsewhere, taking into consideration the specificity of each region in terms of bat assemblages present, landscape features and policy context regarding nature and biodiversity conservation and management. An analysis of potential opportunities and constraints arising from the implementation of offset/compensation programmes and gaps in the current knowledge is also considered.  相似文献   

Trends in atmospheric acid deposition and in soil solution acidity from 1995 or later until 2007 were investigated at several forest sites throughout Switzerland to assess the effects of air pollution abatements on deposition and the response of the soil solution chemistry. Deposition of the major elements was estimated from throughfall and bulk deposition measurements at nine sites of the Swiss Long-Term Forest Ecosystem Research network (LWF) since 1995 or later. Soil solution was measured at seven plots at four soil depths since 1998 or later. Trends in the molar ratio of base cations to aluminum (BC/Al) in soil solutions and in concentrations and fluxes of inorganic N (NO(3)-N + NH(4)-N), sulfate (SO(4)-S), and base cations (BC) were used to detect changes in soil solution chemistry. Acid deposition significantly decreased at three out of the nine study sites due to a decrease in total N deposition. Total SO(4)-S deposition decreased at the nine sites, but due to the relatively low amount of SO(4)-S load compared to N deposition, it did not contribute to decrease acid deposition significantly. No trend in total BC deposition was detected. In the soil solution, no trend in concentrations and fluxes of BC, SO(4)-S, and inorganic N were found at most soil depths at five out of the seven sites. This suggests that the soil solution reacted very little to the changes in atmospheric deposition. A stronger reduction in base cations compared to aluminum was detected at two sites, which might indicate that acidification of the soil solution was proceeding faster at these sites.  相似文献   

The temporal turbidity and surface temperature changes and effects of the 17 August 1999 earthquake in the İzmit Gulf, Turkey have been investigated using Landsat TM/ETM data. The gulf is in the Mediterranean–Black Sea transition climatic zone and is partially surrounded by green vegetation cover and degraded and densely urbanized-industrialized areas. Landsat TM/ETM data acquired in 1990–1999 confirms increase in turbidity. Turbidity is always low in the southern part and high in the northern part of the gulf, because the more urbanized and industrialized areas are located in the northern part. The Landsat-7 ETM data acquired in the same year (1999) shows seasonal changes in turbidity. Moreover, the two high turbidity and surface temperature anomalies, one of which is parallel to the 17 August 1999 earthquake surface rupture (east–west) and the other which is in the northwest–southeast direction were mapped from Landsat-5 TM data acquired the day (18.08.1999) following the earthquake in the east end of the gulf. On the basis of turbidity implying the sea bottom movement, it is possible to state that a second rupture in the northwest and southeast direction could have occurred at the sea bottom during the earthquake. The distribution of the seismicity centers and the orientation of the lineaments in the area support this finding.  相似文献   

Sustainable urban development requires the integration of environmental interests in urban planning. Although various methods of environmental assessment have been developed, plan outcomes are often disappointing due to the complex nature of decision-making in urban planning, which takes place in multiple arenas within multiple policy networks involving diverse stakeholders. We argue that the concept of ‘decision windows’ can structure this seemingly chaotic chain of interrelated decisions. First, explicitly considering the dynamics of the decision-making process, we further conceptualized decision windows as moments in an intricate web of substantively connected deliberative processes where issues are reframed within a decision-making arena, and interests may be linked within and across arenas. Adopting this perspective in two case studies, we then explored how decision windows arise, which factors determine their effectiveness and how their occurrence can be influenced so as to arrive at more sustainable solutions. We conclude that the integration of environmental interests in urban planning is highly dependent on the ability of the professionals involved to recognize and manipulate decision windows. Finally, we explore how decision windows may be opened.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed an international increase of capital and human flows, this being accelerated by globalization. Several studies show that this phenomenon positively influences growth whilst being detrimental for the environment. This article aims to shed a light on the relationship between environment, growth and international capitalism and human flows. By making use of yearly data in a panel constructed around 36 OECD countries over the timespan 2000–2017, we run Pooled Ordinary Least Squares, Fixed Effects and Random Effects regressions with Driscoll-Kraay standard error correction, as well as the Generalized Method of Moments and the Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares, to obtain both short and long-run relationship. The main results provide evidence supporting the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis in the short-run, while offering some variation in the long-run. The FDI bolster the economic growth by means of no green technologies. The international touristic demand just impacts on the growth, while the migration flows improve the environmental performance both in the short and long-run, implying that international human flows generate positive spill-over in terms of environmental behaviours and growth.  相似文献   

The Yamaska River drainage basin in Quebec, Canada, is intensively farmed and heavily polluted with poorly treated domestic and industrial wastes. We investigated the responses of the resident and colonizing components of the benthic macroinvertebrate community to municipal/industrial versus agricultural pollution in the basin, and evaluated the performances of seven diversity and biotic indices for assessing water quality. Samples of riffle-dwelling, infaunal and colonizing invertebrates were collected from 13 stations representing a wide range of types and degrees of pollution using Surber, scoop and artificial substrate samplers. The data were summarized using the indices S (number of taxa), N (number of individuals), H (Shannon-Wiener's diversity index), D (Simpson's diversity index), BBI (Belgian Biotic Index), TBI (a modification of Hilsenhoff's Biotic Index), % CHIR (percentage of arthropods consisting of Chironomidae) and %OLIGO (percentage of total organisms consisting of Oligochaeta). Different components of the community generated somewhat different assessments and were, therefore, complementary. Community composition, expressed as the percentage of individuals contributed by major taxonomic groups, reflected the kinds of stresses at a station more consistently than did any of the indices. S and TBI came closest to ranking control, agricultural and municipal/industrial sites in accordance with our a priori classification, both between months and among sampling methods. %OLIGO usually separated municipal/industrial sites from control sites. Other indices were found to be less sensitive, accurate or temporally stable, or were otherwise inappropriate for use with certain sampling methods or for certain types of pollution. With most of our samples, all of the summary indices suggested that the impact of agricultural practices on stream ecosystems may be as severe as the impacts of municipal and industrial wastes.  相似文献   

This paper aims at proposing a possible alternative point of view to investigate the vulnerability of urban systems. The basic ideal refers to the possibility of thinking about vulnerability as deriving by the interactions of several risks that can affect the urban system and by the interactions among them. In this sense, it is possible to refer to an “integrated territorial risk”. Considering the city as a complex and dynamic system that while evolving produce entropy is the main theoretical reference supporting this study. The loss of energy during the evolution of the system corresponds to some conditions of inefficiency that involve the whole system and, as such, this lost energy can be assumed as a “systemic entropy”. Is it possible to measure the levels of this vulnerability of the urban system when it stays in ordinary conditions, namely not during stress states that modify the state of equilibrium of the system itself? It is possible to assess the production of this “internal entropy”? In order to answer to these questions in mind, this study aims at analyzing dyscrasias that can occur within the main components of the urban system in order to individuate possible strategies able both to mitigate the fragility of the urban system and to improve its resilience.  相似文献   

A model of pesticide transport through the soil profile based on clearance and fugacity paradigms is presented, and an example of its application in a GIS environment is shown. A validation of the model at the field plot scale is presented using data obtained at a crop in a semiarid irrigated agricultural basin which was treated with Lindane. The adequacy at the regional scale is tested by inspection of the model predictions and the measured concentrations of the pesticide obtained from a regional phreatimetric net. The clearance concept is used to obtain estimates of the volumes of some environmental phases. These are further used to solve the equations of thermodynamic equilibrium at equal fugacity and obtain concentration estimates. The model closely reproduces the observed percolation trends, and is consistent with the regional pattern of Lindane distribution in groundwater. An application of the model as unitary module for the simulation of non‐point pesticide sources in a raster GIS frame is shown. Its performance (run time, data needed, etc.) is comparable to that of other existing algorithms, and presents some advantages to planners and evaluators of environmental quality in that it incorporates an explicit 2‐D approach and allows the identification of polluted areas downslope with respect to those directly treated with the pesticides. Further, it can be implemented in a variety of GIS and spatial data processors.  相似文献   

Current studies provide little knowledge for a holistic assessment of green building (GB) studies and practices. This study addresses the gap by developing a systematic and multidisciplinary framework called “START” that integrates five interactive dimensions of GB, including S-stakeholders, To-total building life cycle concerns, A-actions of government, R-relevant contexts, and Ta-targets to facilitate scholars and policymakers' analysis of GB development and progress. A comparative review of Singapore's and China's GB journey has been conducted to illustrate the application of the framework. Results indicate that both countries face common challenges of achieving economic sustainability of GB due to market failure and lack of non-technical support. However, Singapore has made better progress in environmental and social sustainability than China. Singapore's GB program inclusively covers the whole building life phases whereas China mainly emphasizes on planning/design phase. Collectively, effective governance, strict law enforcement, engaged stakeholders, matured economy and emerging technologies facilitate the GB implementing in Singapore. Additional efforts are required for China to cope with its complexity and heterogeneity regarding climate zones, hierarchy of authority, and disparity of economy and resources allocation in various regions. The framework helps facilitate policymakers to comprehensively assess GB progress and highlights the importance of incorporating non-technical drivers, such as social, psychological, political factors, into multi-disciplinary research of GB programs.  相似文献   

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