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IntroductionSpeeding is a major cause of unintentional roadway death in the United States. Existing data show that U.S. drivers tend to speed less as they age, but reasons for this change remain largely unknown. Limited research has examined why U.S. drivers decide to speed or why U.S. drivers decide not to speed, and none to date has determined why speeding behaviors change over the life course. Research into these issues can provide insight that may be harnessed for more effective anti-speeding interventions that catalyze decisions not to speed. Methods: The current study asked a national sample of U.S. drivers (N = 309) about their driving behaviors and how they have changed over time using an open-ended prompt in an online survey. The authors qualitatively coded responses using a narrative analysis lens to identify common themes. Results: Results show U.S. drivers often make deliberate choices to speed and some do not consider speeding to be dangerous after achieving perceived mastery of driving skills. Participants tended to report speeding less over time, citing increased concern for family and other roadway users, which may help explain national speeding data trends. Several other themes emerged identifying individual cognitive factors, environmental contexts, and key persons impacting speeding decisions. Practical Applications: Findings show that the most effective means of encouraging U.S. drivers to decide not to speed may be multi-pronged intervention approaches highlighting how speeding reduces roadway driver control, connecting speeding with safety, and encompassing road design and law enforcement strategies.  相似文献   

Objective: Although a considerable amount of prior research has investigated the impacts of speed limits on traffic safety and operations, much of this research, and nearly all of the research related to differential speed limits, has been specific to limited access freeways. The unique safety and operational issues on highways without access control create difficulty relating the conclusions from prior freeway-related speed limit research to 2-lane highways, particularly research on differential limits due to passing limitations and subsequent queuing. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess differences in driver speed selection with respect to the posted speed limit on rural 2-lane highways, with a particular emphasis on the differences between uniform and differential speed limits.

Methods: Data were collected from nearly 59,000 vehicles across 320 sites in Montana and 4 neighboring states. Differences in mean speeds, 85th percentile speeds, and the standard deviation in speeds for free-flowing vehicles were examined across these sites using ordinary least squares regression models.

Results: Ultimately, the results of the analysis show that the mean speed, 85th percentile speed, and variability in travel speeds for free-flowing vehicles on 2-lane highways are generally lower at locations with uniform 65 mph speed limits, compared to locations with differential limits of 70 mph for cars and 60 mph for trucks.

Conclusions: In addition to posted speed limits, several site characteristics were shown to influence speed selection including shoulder widths, frequency of horizontal curves, percentage of the segment that included no passing zones, and hourly volumes. Differences in vehicle speed characteristics were also observed between states, indicating that speed selection may also be influenced by local factors, such as driver population or enforcement.  相似文献   



A state by year panel is analyzed to simultaneously explore the statistical correlation between state level traffic fatality rates and state level behavioral regulations regarding teen licensing, seat belt use, and driving under the influence (DUI) in a model that also controls for other correlates.


By including measures of all three of these policies, the estimated policy effects should not be overstated due to underspecification bias. The panel includes the 48 contiguous U.S. states for the time period from 1999 through 2003. State fatality rates are measured as fatalities per million miles traveled. Measures of state policies regarding traffic safety related behavior are based on information gathered by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Estimates are calculated via a time fixed effects model that uses the double-log form to allow for interaction effects between the independent variables.


Least squares estimates indicate that, on average, more restrictive graduated teen licensing and DUI policies significantly reduce traffic fatality rates, while stricter seat belt enforcement policies have a statistically insignificant negative impact on fatality rates.  相似文献   

Objective: Statistics indicate that employees commuting or traveling as part of their work are overrepresented in workplace injury and death. Despite this, many organizations are unaware of the factors within their organizations that are likely to influence potential reductions in work-related road traffic injury.

Methods: This article presents a multilevel conceptual framework that identifies health investment as the central feature in reducing work-related road traffic injury. Within this framework, we explore factors operating at the individual driver, workgroup supervisor, and organizational senior management levels that create a mutually reinforcing system of safety.

Results: The health investment framework identifies key factors at the senior manager, supervisor, and driver levels to cultivating a safe working environment. These factors are high-performance workplace systems, leader–member exchange and autonomy, trust and empowerment, respectively. The framework demonstrates the important interactions between these factors and how they create a self-sustaining organizational safety system.

Conclusions: The framework aims to provide insight into the future development of interventions that are strategically aligned with the organization and target elements that facilitate and enhance driver safety and ultimately reduce work-related road traffic injury and death.  相似文献   

为研究交叉口进口道车辆限速值对交叉口的安全和运行产生的影响,通过微观仿真平台,分析车辆在交叉口限速分别为30,38和46 km/h时的车均延误、车均行程时间,并将车辆行驶轨迹输入安全辅助评价(SSAM)软件中展开分析。结果表明,车辆限速值的提高对车均延误的影响不大,但会减小车辆在进口道的车均行程时间。另外,限速值从30 km/h提高到46 km/h,引起的碰撞时间(TTC)、后侵占时间(PET)数值变化不显著,但使总冲突数从42个增加到59个。  相似文献   



In 2006 Texas raised the daytime speed limit for passenger vehicles on segments of I-10 and I-20 from 75 to 80 mph. Methods: Traffic speeds were measured before and 3, 12, and 16 months after the limit was changed. Results: During the 16-month period following the speed limit increase, mean speeds of passenger vehicles on I-20 increased by 9 mph relative to the comparison road, where no speed limit change occurred and traffic speeds declined. On I-10 mean speeds increased by 4 mph relative to the comparison road. Limiting the analysis to the month before the speed limit change and 1 year later, the proportion of drivers exceeding 80 mph was 18 times higher on I-20 and 2 times higher on I-10. Discussion: The smaller speed increases on I-10 may be related to its proximity to the U.S. border with Mexico. Highly visible border patrol activity coincided with posting of the higher speed limit. Long-term monitoring in other states suggests that traffic speeds in Texas are likely to continue to increase. Impact on Industry: The present study adds to the wealth of evidence that increased speed limits lead to increased travel speeds. The primary countermeasures to reduce the risk of speed-related crashes include highly visible police traffic enforcement and the use of speed cameras accompanied by publicity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most seat belt use laws originally passed in the United States contained language restricting enforcement to drivers already stopped for some other reason. States that have since removed this secondary enforcement restriction have reported increased seat belt use. The purpose of the present study was to estimate the effect of these law changes on driver fatality rates. METHOD: Trends in passenger vehicle driver death rates per billion miles traveled were compared for 10 states that changed from secondary to primary seat belt enforcement and 14 states that remained with secondary enforcement. RESULTS: After accounting for possible economic effects and other general time trends, the change from secondary to primary enforcement was found to reduce annual passenger vehicle driver death rates by an estimated 7% (95% confidence limits 3.0-10.9). CONCLUSION: The majority of U.S. states still have secondary enforcement laws. If these remaining secondary laws were amended, an estimated 696 deaths per year could be prevented.  相似文献   


Objective: Alcohol-impaired driving presents a continued risk for traffic safety and results in a significant proportion of fatalities on the roadway. We examined how alcohol at a 0.05% blood alcohol concentration (BAC) compares to 0.10% BAC (above the current U.S. legal limit) in terms of impact on driving performance.

Methods: Utilizing a within-subjects design, we recruited 108 healthy experienced drivers who were moderate to heavy drinkers. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover design, we administered placebo and alcohol at the 0.05% and 0.10% BAC levels in a standardized simulated driving protocol. Drives occurred on the descending limb of the blood alcohol curve. This analysis focuses on the urban portion of the drive

Results: The study observed clear differences in performance for lateral and longitudinal driving performance and glance behavior. Variability in lane keeping and average speed increased with BAC level, with degraded performance observed at 0.05% BAC. The frequency of lane departures and percentage of time focused on the forward roadway at 0.05% BAC did not differ from placebo but differed from the 0.10% BAC level.

Conclusions: Overall, our results show that there is degraded performance in the urban driving environment and that much of that begins at or below the 0.05% BAC level.  相似文献   


Objective: Detailed analyses of car-to-cyclist accidents show that drivers intending to turn right at T-junctions collide more often with cyclists crossing from the right side on the bicycle lane than drivers intending to turn left. This fact has led to numerous studies examining the behavior of drivers turning left and right. However, the most essential question still has not been sufficiently answered: is the behavior of drivers intending to turn right generally more safety critical than the behavior of those intending to turn left? The purpose of this article is to provide a method that allows to determine whether a driver’s behavior toward cyclists can retrospectively be assessed as critical or non-critical.

Methods: Several theoretical considerations enriched by findings of experimental studies were employed to devise a multi-measure method. This method was applied to a dataset containing real-world approaching behavior of 48 drivers turning right and left at four T-junctions with different sight obstructions. For each driver a behavior-specific criticality was defined based on both, their driving and gaze behavior. Moreover, based on the behavior-specific criticality of each driver, the required field of view to see a cyclist from the right was defined and was set into relation with the available field of view of the T-junction.

Results: The results show that only a small portion of the drivers within the dataset would have posed an actual risk to cyclists crossing from the right side. Those situations with a higher safety criticality did not only arise when drivers intended to turn right, but also left.

Conclusion: Therefore, the analysis can only provide an explanation for the higher proportion of accidents between drivers turning right and cyclists crossing from the right side in certain situations. Further research, for example analyses of exposure data regarding the frequency of turning manoeuvers at T-junctions, is needed in order to explain the higher proportion of accidents between drivers turning right and cyclists crossing from the right side.  相似文献   


Objective: Fatal brain injuries result from physiological changes in brain tissues, subsequent to primary damage caused by head impact. Although efforts have been made in past studies to estimate the probability of brain injury, none of them involved prediction of such physiological changes. The goal of this study was to evaluate the fatality prediction capability of a novel approach that predicts an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) due to primary head injury to estimate the fatality rate using clinical data that correlate ICP with fatality rate.

Methods: A total of 12 sets of head acceleration time histories were used to represent no, severe, and fatal brain injury. They were obtained from the literature presenting head kinematics data in noninjurious volunteer sled tests or from accident reconstruction for severe and fatal injury cases. These were first applied to a Global Human Body Models Consortium (GHBMC) head–brain model to predict nodal displacement time histories of the brain, which were then fed into FEBio to predict ICP. A Weibull distribution was applied to the data for the relationship between fatality rate and ICP obtained from a clinical paper to estimate fatality rate from ICP (procedure A). Fatality rate was also estimated by applying the temporal and spatial maximum value of maximum principal strain (MPSmax) obtained from the GHBMC simulation to an injury probability function for MPSmax (procedure B). Estimated fatality rates were compared between the 2 procedures.

Results: Both procedures estimated higher average fatality rate for higher injury severity. The average fatality rate for procedure A without ischemia representation and procedure B was 72.4 and 51.0% for the fatal injury group and 8.2 and 21.7% for the severe injury group, respectively, showing that procedure A provides more distinct classification between fatal and nonfatal brain injury. It was also found that representation of ischemia in procedure A provides results sensitive to injury severity and impact conditions, requiring further validation of the initial estimate for the relationship between brain compression and ischemic cell death.

Conclusions: Prediction of the probability of fatality by means of a combination of simulations of the primary brain deformation and subsequent ICP increase was found to be more distinct compared to the prediction of primary injury alone combined with the injury probability function from a past study in the select 12 head impact cases.  相似文献   

Objective: Real-world driving studies, including those involving speeding alert devices and autonomous vehicles, can gauge an individual vehicle's speeding behavior by comparing measured speed with mapped speed zone data. However, there are complexities with developing and maintaining a database of mapped speed zones over a large geographic area that may lead to inaccuracies within the data set. When this approach is applied to large-scale real-world driving data or speeding alert device data to determine speeding behavior, these inaccuracies may result in invalid identification of speeding. We investigated speeding events based on service provider speed zone data.

Methods: We compared service provider speed zone data (Speed Alert by Smart Car Technologies Pty Ltd., Ultimo, NSW, Australia) against a second set of speed zone data (Google Maps Application Programming Interface [API] mapped speed zones).

Results: We found a systematic error in the zones where speed limits of 50–60 km/h, typical of local roads, were allocated to high-speed motorways, which produced false speed limits in the speed zone database. The result was detection of false-positive high-range speeding. Through comparison of the service provider speed zone data against a second set of speed zone data, we were able to identify and eliminate data most affected by this systematic error, thereby establishing a data set of speeding events with a high level of sensitivity (a true positive rate of 92% or 6,412/6,960).

Conclusions: Mapped speed zones can be a source of error in real-world driving when examining vehicle speed. We explored the types of inaccuracies found within speed zone data and recommend that a second set of speed zone data be utilized when investigating speeding behavior or developing mapped speed zone data to minimize inaccuracy in estimates of speeding.  相似文献   

为评估不同标号乙醇汽油(E10)的燃爆危险特性,补充完善乙醇汽油的技术指标,首次采用AIT551自燃温度测试仪和FRTA爆炸极限测试仪测试了E10的自燃温度和爆炸极限,并分析了温度对乙醇汽油爆炸极限的影响规律。结果表明:90号、93号、97号E10自燃温度分别为373℃、339℃、373℃,对应着火延迟时间为8 s、9 s、8s;90号、93号、97号E10的爆炸范围分别为1.223%~8.292%、1.343%~8.893%、1.294%~8.546%;温度从20℃升高至120℃,93号E10的爆炸范围从1.491%~8.765%变宽至1.318%~9.103%,即E10蒸气爆炸极限范围随温度升高而变宽;推导了测量E10蒸气爆炸极限时待测样品量预估计的公式。  相似文献   

Objective: Driving speed is a major concern for driving safety under reduced visibility conditions. Many factors affect speed selection in low visibility, but few studies have been conducted examining drivers' characteristics, particularly in China. The present study aimed to investigate the correlation between drivers' demographic information, driving ability, and speed choice in low-visibility conditions using a sample of Chinese drivers.

Methods: A self-designed driving ability scale was used to assess driving ability in reduced visibility conditions. The reliability and validity of 306 gathered questionnaires were examined in this article, and a structural equation model (SEM) was built to explore the predictors of drivers' speed selection behavior under reduced visibility conditions and to measure the relationships between various factors.

Results: Age and driving experience have no direct relationship to speed selection behavior in reduced visibility, but the frequency of using expressways and annual mileage are significantly related to the speed on roads that have a speed restriction of 80 or 120 km/h. Under reduced visibility conditions, driving ability has a significant effect on speed selection behavior, and driving skill (DS) is the most influential on speed selection behavior on roads with a speed limit of 120 km/h; otherwise, the effect of risk perception (RP) does not differ by speed choice on 3 roads with different speed limits. Driving speed in good weather also has a positive influence on speed selection behavior in low visibility.

Conclusion: Driving ability is directly associated with speed selection in reduced visibility conditions, and some demographic data indirectly influence speed selection. This study provides useful recommendations for drivers' training programs to reduce casualties from accidents in low-visibility conditions.  相似文献   

Introduction: Railroad grade crossings (RRGCs) have emerged as critical transportation infrastructures from the point of safety and operational aspects because two modes of transportation intermingle at the intersecting zone; the understanding of safety and traffic operation at RRGC is of prime concern while planning and designing this transportation facility. Method: In this context, this work tries to comprehend RRGC performance-related parameters from published literature and figure out critical gaps. An international synthesis on the identified potential parameters influencing the RRGC performance (i.e., safety, driver behavior, and operational impact) was carried out by critically reviewing the articles published worldwide. Furthermore, key findings, used variables, analysis methods, research gaps, and recommendations were studied. Results: The review revealed that many researchers had explored the driver behavior and safety aspect based on past crash data and violations prevailing at RRGC. However, little research has been done to evaluate the effect of highways' operational characteristics on the performance of RRGC. Moreover, limited investigation has been carried out to understand the dilemma of drivers and the proactive safety evaluation of pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles at RRGC. A total of seven critical research gaps concerning parameters are recognized, facilitating a clear agenda for further research pertaining to RRGC performance.  相似文献   

为量化评价已建和拟建高速公路交通安全性,以实测运行车速数据和事故率数据为基础,根据公路空间属性的变化,采用不定长法进行路段划分。考虑不同路段车速协调性和连续性的需求,引入客货差极差比、车速降低系数、路段车速离散度等车速特征指标。通过对运行车速特征指标与事故率的相关性分析,采用多元回归的方法建立了高速公路线形设计一致性综合评价模型,同时结合事故多发点改善效果的显著性,确定我国高速公路安全性服务水平,在此基础上提出线形设计一致性评价标准和评价方法。太旧高速公路的实例应用结果表明,该方法可准确有效地评价线形设计一致性。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: This paper evaluates the stopping propensity of drivers at matured in-service red light camera (RLC) signalized T-intersections after a number of years of camera operation. METHOD: A special-purpose data logger working in conjunction with loop sensors was used to gather traffic parameters, vehicle stopping/crossing movements, and signal phases at camera (treatment) and noncamera (comparison) approaches. Logistic modeling was employed to determine the stopping/crossing decisions of civilian vehicle drivers in response to the onset of yellow (amber) with traffic and the associated situational and behavioral variables, including their interactions. SUMMARY: The propensity to stop at camera approaches was about 17 times more than at noncamera approaches. This finding strongly affirmed the positive effect of RLC in encouraging drivers to stop. The likelihood to stop was about 6.5 times higher for an approach that faces an opposing right-turn conflict immediately after the onset of red. Higher stopping propensity was also more prevalent during weekdays and in periods of low traffic volumes. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The findings provided an objective measure on the effectiveness of RLC that would be useful to evaluate intersections for camera installation as well as on the implementation and operational aspects of RLC program.  相似文献   

为获得不同推进速度下煤岩体的采动力学行为特征,通过轴压和围压分别模拟不同推进速度下垂直应力、水平应力,采用增轴压降围压的方式模拟煤岩体的采动力学行为,同时采用数值模拟和工程实践相结合的方法对不同推进速度下煤岩体的采动力学行为进行研究。结果表明:在围压卸载速率相同的条件下,随着轴压加载速率(推进速度)的增加,煤体的峰值强度、轴向应变和横向应变呈增大趋势,在峰值阶段产生了较大的轴向应变和横向应变,呈现出一定的延性,破坏形式具有塑性特征;在轴向加载和围压卸载的综合作用下,煤体体积一直处于膨胀变形状态,围压的卸载加速了煤体损伤破坏的进程,煤体破坏时的峰值应力和体积扩容受控于围压卸载的程度,控制轴压加载速率和围压卸载程度可控制煤体破坏时的峰值应力和体积变形。生产实践中,应结合煤岩体的采动力学行为特征,确定合理的推进速度并加以控制,以保证回采巷道与采场围岩的稳定性。  相似文献   

安全管理者的威权领导对矿工安全行为的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨威权领导对矿工安全行为的影响关系,以及心理安全感在二者之间的调节作用,对进行矿工安全行为管理有帮助。设计了包含威权领导、安全行为和心理安全感的调查问卷,采用回归分析方法,通过对235名矿工的调查问卷分析,结果显示:威权领导在煤矿企业中普遍存在,并对矿工安全行为有显著影响,其中对安全服从行为有正向影响,对安全参与行为有负向影响;心理安全感在威权领导与安全行为的影响中具有显著调节作用。其中,心理安全感的高低在威权领导对安全服从行为的正向影响中有缓慢提升作用,但在威权领导与安全参与行为的负向影响中有加速降低作用。该结论丰富了矿工安全行为的研究视角,为煤矿企业安全生产管理实践提供参考。  相似文献   

为了诊断企业安全生产标准化体系成长性态,将安全生产标准化内化为企业的安全管理方法,基于过程管理的基本理论,按照行为特性与工作流程,从策划行为域、实施行为域、可信度行为域3个层次界定安全生产标准化的体系结构;其次,从成熟度级别、共同特性和通用活动3个构成要素划分成长性态层次结构;然后,将安全生产标准化的体系结构和成长性态层次标识为企业安全生产标准化水平的二维结构,提出基于模糊区间的安全生产标准化体系成长性态诊断方法.结果表明,调查企业的安全生产标准化体系成长性态诊断结果位于规范级,但存在不平衡问题,在评估与确立安全目标、安全培训、细化安全目标要求、交底与配备资源和可信度论据等方面诊断值较低,需要加以改进.  相似文献   

Objective: Road accidents are an important public health concern, and speeding is a major contributor. Although flow theory (FLT) is a valid model for understanding behavior, currently the nature of the roles and interplay of FLT constructs within the theory of planned behavior (TPB) framework when attempting to explain the determinants of motivations for intention to speed and speeding behavior of car drivers is not yet known. The study aims to synthesize TPB and FLT in explaining drivers of advanced vehicles intentions to speed and speed violation behaviors and evaluate factors that are critical for explaining intention and behavior.

Method: The hypothesized model was validated using a sample collected from 354 fully licensed drivers of advanced vehicles, involving 278 males and 76 females on 2 occasions separated by a 3-month interval. During the first of the 2 occasions, participants completed questionnaire measures of TPB and FLT variables. Three months later, participants' speed violation behaviors were assessed.

Results: The study observed a significant positive relationship between the constructs. The proposed model accounted for 51 and 45% of the variance in intention to speed and speed violation behavior, respectively. The independent predictors of intention were enjoyment, attitude, and subjective norm. The independent predictors of speed violation behavior were enjoyment, concentration, intention, and perceived behavioral control.

Conclusions: The findings suggest that safety interventions for preventing speed violation behaviors should be aimed at underlying beliefs influencing the speeding behaviors of drivers of advanced vehicles. Furthermore, perceived enjoyment is of equal importance to driver's intention, influencing speed violation behavior.  相似文献   

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