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Ageing of abalone by counting rings laid down internally in the shell has presented problems of validation. Three methods of tetracycline marking were tested in Haliotis iris. Juvenile (<70 mm shell length) and adult (>115 mm) abalone were injected intramuscularly with tetracycline hydrochloride, injected with oxytetracycline, or immersed in tetracycline hydrochloride. After treatment, shells were cut sagitally and examined under ultraviolet light using a stereomicroscope. In treatments where juveniles were injected with tetracycline hydrochloride or oxytetracycline hydrochloride at dosages ranging from 20 to 600 mg per kg body weight, no fluorescent marks were visible from treatments80 mg/kg, but 83% of juveniles treated with greater dosages retained a visible mark. In treatments where juveniles were immersed in seawater solutions of tetracycline hydrochloride at five concentrations ranging from 200 to 1000 mg per litre of seawater and sampled at 5 h intervals for periods ranging from 5 to 40 h, all showed clear fluorescent markings. Shells of adult abalone injected with tetracycline hydrochloride at four dosages ranging from 200 to 800 mg/kg all showed clearly visible marks 18 d post-treatment. Abalone injected at dosages of 600 and 800 mg/kg exhibited tissue fluorescence around the injection site 2 wk after treatment. Adults immersed for 48 h at four concentrations ranging from 200 to 800 mg/l produced marks comparable to those of injected adults. Abalone were clearly stressed by some treatments. Only 50% of adults injected at 200 mg/kg were able to right themselves within 10 min, while all those injected at higher concentrations either were incapable of righting themselves after treatment or were extremely sluggish. All immersed adults quickly righted themselves. These results show that both injection and immersion are effective in marking abalone, but that immersion is less stressful to them.  相似文献   

Surfaces from the habitat of adult Haliotis rubra were tested as inducers of larval settlement to determine the cues that larvae may respond to in the field. Settlement was high on the green algal species Ulva australis and Ulva compressa (Chlorophyta), the articulated coralline algae Amphiroa anceps and Corallina officinalis, and encrusting coralline algae (Rhodophyta). Biofilmed abiotic surfaces such as rocks, sand and shells did not induce settlement. Ulvella lens was also included as a control. Treatment of U. australis, A. anceps and C. officinalis with antibiotics to reduce bacterial films on the surface did not reduce the settlement response of H. rubra larvae. Similarly, treatment of these species and encrusting coralline algae with germanium dioxide to reduce diatom growth did not significantly reduce larval settlement. These results suggest that macroalgae, particularly green algal species, may play an important role in the recruitment of H. rubra larvae in the field and can be used to induce larval settlement in hatchery culture.  相似文献   

The tissue and sub-cellular distribution of Fe, Cu, Zn and the naturally occurring radionuclide polonium-210 was determined in the gastropod mollusc Haliotis rubra collected from Western Port Bay, Australia, between March and July 1988. The highest concentrations of the metals, with the exception of Cu, were found in the digestive gland. Copper was more uniformly distributed, with tissues that are more vasculated having higher concentrations. Ultrastructural examination of the digestive gland, gill and kidney showed dense membrane-bound granules within the cytoplasm. Elemental analysis of the granules by electron probe x-ray microanalysis indicated that the granules in the digestive gland and gill contained high concentrations of iron, with small amounts of copper and zinc. In contrast, the metal-containing granules in the kidney were predominantly composed of iron, copper and phosphorus, with variable contributions of sodium potassium, and calcium. Homogenisation and fractionation of the digestive gland by differential centrifugation confirmed that approximately 80, 10, 90 and 50% of the total homogenate Fe, Cu, Zn and 210Po, respectively, sedimented at 1200xg. In the haemolymph, all the elements studied were associated with the soluble high molecular weight component of the serum, not with the amoebocytes. 210Po was present in the mucus-secreting hypobranchial glands at about half the concentration found in gill tissue.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in gonald size and stages of gametogenesis in the black abalone Haliotis cracheroidii were related to changes in environmental parameters. H. cracheroidii showed an annual reproductive cycle terminating in a synchronized spawning in late summer. Gametogenesis was initiated immediately after spawning. Gametes were present in the gonad through the winter months. Gametogenesis was initiated a second time in the spring months. Maximal gonad growth (to a gonad index of 20%) occurred during summer months prior to spawning. Changes in gonad size andperiods of initiation of gametogenesis revealed no apparent correlation with changes in seasonal water temperature. Changes in gonad size showed no apparent relation to change in day length. Total polysaccharide levels in foot tissue changed seasonally, indicating that food availability is probably not a factor in directly regulating gonad growth. Gonad index data for the chiton Katharina tunicata (collected over a 10 year period) showed no apparent correlation to seasonal change in water temperature.  相似文献   

The South African abalone Haliotis midae is a commercially valuable species, but its numbers are seriously depleted due to illegal fishing. Overfishing not only affects the targeted species, but also potentially influences the integrity and functioning of the ecosystem through associated changes in community composition. We assessed the herbivorous effects of H. midae on the benthos through a 6-month field experiment involving exclusion/inclusion plots. This showed that benthic community composition remained largely unchanged whether H. midae was present or absent and specifically revealed no evidence that H. midae diminishes algal biomass, probably because in the region where we worked, it feeds mainly by trapping drift kelp rather than grazing on attached algae. The absence of responses to the removal of abalone was additionally evident in comparison with indices of abundance and diversity, functional groups and individual species. In the absence of abalone, there were subtle increases in the green alga Codium stephensiae and the crustose brown alga Zeacarpa leiomorpha and decreases in the four species of foliose macroalgae, but none of these effects were significant. The presence of H. midae thus had no negative grazing effects on any elements of the epilithic community composition. It does, however, have other influences, including occupation of space and provision of habitat in the form of its shell, which supports a community significantly different from the surrounding rocks.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to develop a sensitive sublethal toxicity test protocol to determine the toxicity of municipal wastewater effluents to larvae of the red abalone Haliotis rufescens. In multiple tests, fertilized abalone embryos were exposed for 48 h to dilutions of a reference toxicant, zinc sulfate, and to dilutions of primary-and secondary-treated effluents. The resulting veliger larvae were examined microscopically for larval shell abnormalities. In a longer flowthrough experiment, abalone were exposed for the entire larval phase, from the two-cell stage through metamorphosis, to compare zinc effects on metamorphosis with zinc effects on short-term larval shell development. Dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity and temperature were measured daily in test solutions, and zinc concentrations were verified by chemical analysis. No observed effect concentrations (NOECs) for zinc were 39±2.1 g l-1 in three 48 h exposures, and 19 g l-1 for the 9 d exposure through metamorphosis. Median effect concentrations (EC50s) were 68±6.9 g l-1 in 48 h tests and 50 g l-1 in the 9 d test. Abalone larvae were affected at lower concentrations of primary than of secondary effluent.  相似文献   

 We investigated the utility of three polymerase chain-reaction (PCR)-based DNA molecular markers in analysing genetic structure of the populations of the blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach) of Victoria, Australia. The DNA markers included 84 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) bands amplified using six random primers, two minisatellites, GHR (putative growth-hormone-gene-repeat) and MIPR (putative mollusca-insulin-like peptide-gene-repeat), and three microsatellites, RUBGT1 [containing (GT)n repeats], RUBCA1 [containing (CA)n repeats] and RUBGACA1 [containing (GACA)n repeats]. All three types of DNA markers revealed significant subdivision in the H. rubra populations along the coastline. This is postulated as being related to the abalone's relatively short pelagic period and limited dispersion. Further analysis revealed that a Point Cook population sampled from within the semi-enclosed Port Phillip Bay was distinct from two other central zone populations (Apollo Bay and Cape Schanck). The genotypes of microsatellites indicated excessive homozygotes across all the populations at all three microsatellite loci, and possible causes such as larval recruitment pattern and asynchronous spawning are discussed. The excessive homozygotes recorded for the three microsatellite loci contrast with those observed in the minisatellite loci GHR and MIPR, the heterozygosities of which were at Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Received: 17 March 1999 / Accepted: 24 November 1999  相似文献   

This paper concerns the effects on biodiversity of depletion of the South African abalone Haliotis midae, which is a long-lived species with a large corrugated shell that provides a habitat for diverse benthic organisms. We compared community structure on H. midae shells with that on adjacent rock at three sites (Cape Point and Danger Point sites A and B) and at two different times of the year at one of these sites. Shells of H. midae consistently supported communities that were distinctly different from those on rock. In particular, three species of non-geniculate (encrusting) corallines, Titanoderma polycephalum, Mesophyllum engelhartii and Spongites discoideus, were all found either exclusively or predominantly on shells, whereas another non-geniculate coralline, Heydrichia woelkerlingii, occurred almost exclusively on adjacent rock. The primary rocky substratum, however, supported a higher number of species than abalone shells. Possible reasons for the differences between the two substrata include the relative age, microtopography and hardness of the substrata; the abundance of grazers on them; and the relative age of different zones of the abalone shell, which support communities at different stages of succession. Diversity on shells was lowest in zones that were either very young or very old, in keeping with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. The distinctiveness of shell epibiota will increase β diversity despite having a lower α diversity than that of adjacent rock. Decimation of H. midae by overfishing therefore has implications for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Larval shell formation was investigated in the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata. Stages of mineralization as well as enzymatic and endocrine biomarkers were monitored throughout larval development, from hatching to post-larval stages. Polarized light microscopy and infrared spectroscopy analyses revealed the presence of crystallized calcium carbonate arranged in aragonite polymorphs from the late trochophore stage. A correlation between the main steps of shell formation and enzymatic activities of alkaline phosphatase and carbonic anhydrase was seen. The variations of these biologic activities were related to the onset of mineralization, the rapid shell growth, and the switch from larval to juvenile shell following metamorphosis. Furthermore, a strong increase in the level of calcitonin gene-related molecules was measured in post-larvae, suggesting that endocrine control takes place after metamorphosis. The changes measured for the three biomineralization markers together with mineralogical analysis allowed us to correlate physiologic mechanisms with early steps of abalone shell formation.  相似文献   

Sedimentation is an important stressor of coastal ecosystems; yet, there is little research into specific mechanisms by which populations are affected by additional sediment loads resulting from anthropogenic-driven processes. This study explored the potential impact of the proposed disposal of over 7 million m3 of dredge spoil on a nearby fishery for the blackfoot abalone Haliotis iris. The range of sediment deposition predicted by models to occur on reefs inhabited by H. iris as a result of the dispersal of sediment from the disposal site was used to design controlled experiments between July and September 2011 to test the likely effects of sedimentation on: (a) behaviour and mortality of juvenile H. iris and (b) photosynthetic vitality of crustose coralline algae (CCA) that form nursery habitats for H. iris obtained from Brinns Point (45, 40.3′S, 170, 39.4′E). We observed no direct effects on the health or mortality of H. iris juveniles or the photosynthetic vitality of habitat forming CCA. H. iris did, however, avoid sediments by moving from predation refugia beneath cobbles to vertical surfaces on cobble edges significantly more often in sediment treatments compared to sediment-free controls. Deposited sediments were also found to inhibit righting response, key behaviour in allowing H. iris to reattach to the substratum following dislodgement. Results of this study suggest that indirect mortality from reductions in available refugia from predation and inability to recover from dislodgement could be significant. These results highlight the importance of understanding indirect impacts of stressors on key ecological processes in order to predict ecological responses.  相似文献   

All California abalone species have been shown to be susceptible to infection with the bacterial agent of abalone withering syndrome (WS), although expression of signs of the disease may vary between species and with environmental conditions. We examined thermal modulation of WS expression in green abalone Haliotis fulgens at temperatures mimicking El Niño (18.0°C) and La Niña (14.2°C) events in southern California. In contrast to results obtained from previous experiments with red abalone, H. rufescens, the higher temperature did not result in higher infection intensities of the causative agent of the disease nor increase in clinical signs of disease. These results demonstrate clear differences in thermal regulation of disease expression between abalone species, and provide further data suggesting that green abalone should be a target species of recovery efforts in southern California, where WS is endemic.  相似文献   

This study aims at describing the diversity and composition of larval and juvenile fish assemblages in coastal areas of New Caledonia, southwest Pacific, and identifying the environmental factors that influence the seasonal and spatial patterns of these assemblages. A total of 97 taxa belonging to 7 orders and 26 familis were captured in three bays near Nouméa by light trapping every month between January 2002 and June 2003. The assemblages were dominated by Clupeiform larvae and juveniles (96.4% of total abundance) and followed by Perciform larvae (3%). The number of taxa per sample varied from less than five in July–August to more than ten in October–November and abundances followed the same seasonal pattern. Analyses of similarity showed significant differences in the assemblages caught in the three bays and analyses of contribution to the dissimilarity revealed that these differences were due to the most abundant families. The constant part of the relationship between environmental variables and the composition of assemblages was assessed by the partial triadic analysis STATICO, a statistical approach that takes into account the strong seasonality of the data. Rainfall, wind direction and thermal stratification of the water column were found to play a major role in the structure of the assemblages, although tidal amplitude and wind speed became important when Clupeidae and Engraulididae were excluded from the analyses. The richness, relative abundances and seasonal variations of the assemblages caught in three bays under study are close to what has been observed elsewhere in the tropics. This study shows the efficiency of the STATICO analysis for identifying the environmental factors that have a permanent effect on assemblages and sorting them out from those which act temporally or on specific locations. The high abundances and diversity of coral-reef fish larvae observed in coastal zones of New Caledonia suggest that further studies are needed to fully explore the role of the coastal zones of New Caledonia as nurseries.  相似文献   

Recently, integration of personality traits into a ‘pace-of-life syndrome’ (POLS) context has been advocated. To be able to understand how an individual’s behavioural, physiological and life history traits may coevolve, we need to jointly quantify these traits in order to study their covariance. Few studies have established links between personality and immunity properties of an individual. We here examined covariation of a measure of skeletal size (tarsus length), three behavioural traits (activity, handling aggression and breath rate) and two immunological traits (IgG level and haematocrit), in 592 wild caught blue tits. Many individuals (201) were tested more than once, allowing quantification of individual consistency of all traits and partition of the covariances between the traits, using a multivariate mixed model, into between individual and residual covariances. We find individual consistency of all behavioural traits, indicating that these capture aspects of blue tit adult personality and also the physiological measures are repeatable. Contrary to the POLS expectation, we find no overall significant individual level correlation structure between these traits and a factor analytical approach confirmed that between individual correlations across traits were not due to a common (POLS) factor or driven by size (tarsus length). Based on a published power study, we conclude that there is no common syndrome of individual level covariance between personality and physiological traits in wild blue tits or that the effect sizes, such a syndrome generates, are too low (r?<?0.3) to detect. Future field-based work should be designed to explore low effect sizes and strive to measure specific traits whose involvement is implicated to have large effect sizes as based on, e.g. laboratory findings.  相似文献   

Although there is increasing interest in the evolution of endocrine systems, relatively little is known about the factors associated with natural endocrine variation in invertebrates. Here, we assess juvenile hormone (JH) titers among nest-founding queens of the wasp Polistes dominulus over 2 years. We allowed unfamiliar wasps to battle for dominance and examined the relationships between dominance rank, JH, ovarian development, and facial patterns. The relationship between JH-titer and dominance varied across years; there was a stronger relationship between JH-titer and dominance in 2006 than in 2008. Across years, wasps that won dominance contests had facial patterns with more broken black spots than wasps that lost dominance contests. There was no relationship between dominance rank and ovarian development. The individual characteristics associated with JH-titer were also tested; JH-titers were correlated with facial pattern brokenness and ovarian development. This study adds to previous work indicating that P. dominulus facial patterns function as a signal of fighting ability. Furthermore, the correlation between JH-titers and facial patterns parallels previous work on testosterone and vertebrate signals and suggests that links between signals of fighting ability and hormones that mediate fighting ability may be common across taxa. Overall, individual JH-titers vary, though they are typically associated with factors related to individual reproductive success, including dominance, fertility, and facial pattern brokenness. Future studies in additional contexts and taxa will be important to test how and why JH-titers vary.  相似文献   

Growth of the abalone, Haliotis midae, was investigated at Port Alfred, on the south coast of South Africa, using both new and established techniques. A new method for aging animals is described, which makes use of shell autofluorescence under UV light to visualise internal growth bands. The deposition of growth bands was validated using measurements from shells of known age and, at one site, comparing growth estimates to those from cohort analysis undertaken at the same site. The new technique is far less time consuming and labour intensive than previously described methods; it is also non-destructive and proved to have potential for the reliable and rapid assessment of growth in large-scale studies. Growth of H. midae was also investigated at nine other sites, incorporating the full distribution range of the species. Systematic geographic variation in growth was observed along the South African coastline. Statistically significant differences existed among sites in growth rates for animals <4 years and between 4 and 6 years and in the mean maximum sizes attained. Generally, H. midae from the south/southeast coast were found to have faster growth rates, smaller mean maximum sizes and were assumed to attain sexual maturity (determined in previous studies) earlier than those along the southwest/west coast. The geographic differences in estimates of growth observed have significant implications for future modelling approaches and indicate that present national management strategies are not appropriate as they fail to take regional variability into account.  相似文献   

The larval shell of the marine gastropod Haliotis tuberculata was investigated by polarised light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Raman microspectroscopy and infra-red spectroscopy. Trochophore and veliger larval sections were used for histological examination of the growing shell and each larval stage was related to the shell development and the appearance of calcified formations. We determined the stage of initial calcification by specific staining combined with polarised light examination. The shell of 30-h-old pre-veliger larvae was found to be mineralized, confirming that calcification occurred before larval torsion. Using both infra-red and Raman spectroscopy, we showed that CaCO3 deposition occurred at the pre-veliger stage and that the mineral phase initially deposited was essentially composed of aragonite.  相似文献   

Migration distance is supposed to represent an important selection pressure shaping physiological and morphological properties. Previous work has focussed on this effect, while the importance of ecological barriers in this context has been rarely considered. We studied two subspecies of a migratory songbird, the northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe and O. o. leucorhoa L.), on an island in the North Sea. The former subspecies reaches their Scandinavian breeding areas after a short sea crossing, whereas leucorhoa northern wheatears cross the North Atlantic towards Iceland, Greenland or Canada. Physiological traits (fuel deposition rate) and wings’ aerodynamic properties (wing pointedness independent of body size), both affecting migration speed, were hypothesized to be more pronounced in leucorhoa than in oenanthe northern wheatears. Within subspecies, the physiological and aerodynamic properties were hypothesized to explain arrival date at the stopover site with “fast migrants” arriving early. Physiological and aerodynamic properties in leucorhoa northern wheatears lead to a faster and less costly migration, favouring a sea crossing, but in trade-off lower flight manoeuvrability than in oenanthe birds. Wings’ aerodynamic properties affected the seasonal occurrence of leucorhoa females, whereas the physiological traits significantly influenced arrival date in oenanthe individuals. The less risky migration route in oenanthe birds with few short sea crossings may have favoured higher flight manoeuvrability for foraging (less pointed wings), in trade-off an energetically more costly flight. Hence, not the migration distance itself, but the presence/absence of a sea barrier presents an important selection pressure in migratory land birds favouring low flight costs.  相似文献   

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