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Spatial concentration distribution of a chemical in an indoor environment is an important factor in the evaluation of chemical nuisances. However, straightforward techniques for the determination of this distribution are not very common and usually limited in their application. Sorptive sampling using polydimethylsiloxane-coated stir bars and the combination of active and diffusive sampling were shown to allow uncomplicated spatial concentration profiling of multiple compounds in an indoor environment. The validity of the approach was demonstrated in the analysis of the spatial concentration distribution of a pyrethroid insecticide in a common bedroom. The relative concentrations of allethrin and piperonyl butoxide were profiled throughout the room upon the application of an insecticide vaporizer.  相似文献   

Sun F  Wong SS  Li GC  Chen SN 《Chemosphere》2006,62(4):674-680
The fisheries products in this study comprise fish, bivalve, crustacean and cephalopod collected from different types of markets in Taiwan between the years 2001 and 2003. A total of 91 pesticide residues belonging to four major pesticide groups were tested and analyzed. The test results show that 65.40% of fish, 93.55% of shellfish, 84.92% of crustacean and 98.33% of cephalopod samples contain no detectable residues. There are only two kinds (organochlorine and organophosphate) of totally six pesticides (DDTs, dieldrin, chlorpyrifos, fenitrotion, fenthion and prothion) that have been detected from the fisheries products in this study. For there were pesticides present in the fish products, consumption of fisheries product there was no zero risk. But the exposure of consumer did not exceed the acceptable daily intakes (ADI). For male, there was the highest risk in exposure to dieldrin, which the percentage of ADI was 93.56%. This study also suggests that a yearly monitoring program for organophosphate pesticide residues in fish is necessity.  相似文献   

We investigated the concentrations and profiles of 15 siloxanes (four cyclic siloxanes, D4-D7; 11 linear siloxanes, L4-L14), four synthetic musks (two polycyclic musks, HHCB and AHTN; two nitro musks, MX and MK), and HHCB-lactone, in 158 personal care products marketed in China. Siloxanes were detected in 88% of the samples analyzed, at concentrations as high as 52.6 mg g−1; Linear siloxanes were the predominant compounds. Among synthetic musks, more than 80% of the samples contained at least one of these compounds, and their total concentrations were as high as 1.02 mg g−1. HHCB was the predominant musk in all of the samples analyzed, on average, accounting for 52% of the total musk concentrations. Based on the median concentrations of siloxanes and musks and the average daily usage amounts of consumer products, dermal exposure rates in adults were calculated to be 3.69 and 3.38 mg d−1 for siloxanes and musks, respectively.  相似文献   

The recognition of potential long-term effects of substances, has led to the development of regulations and legislation which emphasis the need for assessing the risks posed by both new and existing substances for man and the environment. The evaluation of fate and exposure models is put into perspective in relation to the developments over the last five years in the framework of the EU regulations and national legislation within the European Community. The validation of environmental exposure models (multi-media models) is described in the context of quality assurance of models available to a user group, which is different from the quality assurance aspects for a developers group.  相似文献   

采用固相萃取技术提取蔬菜、土壤和水体中毒死蜱,建立了蔬菜、土壤和水体中毒死蜱的固相萃取-气相色谱测定方法,并与传统方法进行了比较。添加浓度为0.1、1、10 mg·L-1,两种方法的水样平均回收率分别在93.7%~102.7%和96.2%~100.2%,变异系数分别在2.2%~7.7%和3.3%~5.1%;土壤平均回收率分别在91.3%~100.7%和92.0%~104.8%,变异系数分别在1.4%~7.0%和0.3%~5.2%;蔬菜平均回收率分别在89.4%~101.4%和92.5%~101.8%,变异系数分别在5.2%~7.1%和3.1%~6.0%。试验结果表明,固相萃取法与传统方法的回收率和变异系数相当,但前者更加省时、省力和省溶剂。  相似文献   

Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) is an important instrument that allows for the undertaking of environmental management for a specific contaminant. 'Control Analysis' is a tool that assesses the effect on a target flow of changes in flows forming part of a control basis set. The purpose of the present study was to perform a modeling of the annual PCDD/F flows in Tarragona Province and to apply the model for human health risk assessment. The validation of the model has been evaluated by comparing estimated fluxes with experimental values. Eleven subsystems, as well as a set of 88 flows of the system in Tarragona Province were considered. The total PCDD/F accumulation in Tarragona Province was between 62.6 and 159.5 g I-TEQ/y. Accumulation in sediments (27.9-74.6 g I-TEQ/y) and soils (35.0-80.8 g I-TEQ/y) are the two principal modes of deposition. Estimated flow in human adipose tissue means a mean intake of PCDD/F (via ingestion and inhalation) of 243 pg I-TEQ/person/day. The food chain pathway accounts for 99% of the total daily intake. As a result of the simulation, a 100% decrease in industrial emissions would cause a 1.7% reduction in the PCDD/F accumulation in humans. In turn, a 100% reduction of PCDD/Fs in the industrial waste waters would cause only an insignificant 0.1% decrease in the accumulation of PCDD/Fs in humans.  相似文献   


Background, aims, and scope

Formaldehyde (FA) is a harmful chemical, which is classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Solutions of FA that are used to preserve cadavers in research and education morphological institutes represent a risk to occupational health of professionals and students. During the dissection of cadavers in the anatomy laboratories, FA vapors are emitted, resulting in the exposure of students and their instructors to elevated levels of FA. The World Health Organization recommends an air quality guideline value of 0.1 mg m?3 for exposure to FA. The limit of occupational exposure adopted by the Brazilian legislation (2.3 mg m?3) is markedly higher than those adopted by institutions of other countries around the world. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of personal exposure and the area concentration of FA in the morphology department of the Federal Fluminense University, Brazil, and investigate and compare the relationship between them.


Four rooms distributed in the three floors of the Morphology Department were evaluated: the embalming laboratory, the anatomy laboratories, the corridor of the teachers?? rooms, and the entrance hall. Thirty-six samples in total were collected in the second semester of 2010 and first semester of 2011. The air sampling and FA analysis were performed according to the EPA TO-11A Protocol, using a diffusive sampling device for carbonyl compounds. Personal samples were collected from monitors using a sampling device pinned on each person??s lapel. The samples were analyzed using rapid resolution liquid chromatography with UV-DAD detection at 360 nm.

Results and discussion

The concentrations of FA ranged from 0.20 and 0.18 mg m?3 in the corridor between the teachers?? rooms, 0.03 to 0.37 mg m?3 in the entrance hall, 0.22 to 2.07 mg m?3 in the anatomy laboratory, 2.21 to 2.52 mg m?3, in the embalming room. The levels found in the corridor between the teachers?? rooms and in the entrance hall were lower than in other compartments because of their large distances to the sources of FA and better ventilation. The other rooms presented higher levels of FA because of the activities carried there (embalming and dissection procedures). Even in the rooms that showed the lowest levels of FA, the values found were higher than those established by all international guideline limits, except the Brazilian legislation limit, although, the concentration level in the embalming room was even greater than the Brazilian guideline. These concentrations are 100?C1,000-fold higher than those reported in an FA outdoor study. The exposure levels of monitors and students ranged from 1.89 to 4.82 mg m?3, indicating that current practices at the Morphology Department at the university would represent a health risk. The simultaneous monitoring of area concentrations and personal exposure showed that the characteristics of classes and of cadavers?? parts, the number of students in the room and even the activities of the monitors influence the FA concentrations.


This study revealed that the concentration of FA was low in the ventilated areas of the Morphology Department, and that the personal exposure when the person was close to the cadavers during the dissection procedure was higher than the mean FA concentration. This should be considered in the risk assessment of FA during these activities without effective protection equipment. It is suggested that the Brazilian legislation of exposure to formaldehyde requires an urgent update considering international legislation.  相似文献   

Nakao T  Aozasa O  Ohta S  Miyata H 《Chemosphere》2002,48(8):885-896
Dioxins including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and co-planar polychlorinated biphenyls (Co-PCBs) are highly toxic. Even at environmental pollution levels, they cause hormonal damage in women, and they have been shown to induce immunosuppression and genital function damage in humans. In this study, a new method using isotope dilution was established to detect PCDDs, PCDFs and Co-PCBs in human hair. This method, comprised of washing and cutting of hair, alkaline decomposition, hexane extraction, multilayer silica gel column chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography with a porous graphite carbon column and analysis by high resolution gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry, enabled us to analyze PCDDs, PCDFs and Co-PCBs at trace levels of less than pg/g with good reproducibility. In addition, there was a correlation between some isomers in human hair and blood collected from identical donors. Human hair analysis is useful to evaluate human risk assessment including that due to environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Dioxins and furans substituted in the 2,3,7, and 8 positions are highly toxic substances. The governments of Canada and Ontario have recently concluded that human exposure should not exceed 10 pg TEQ/kg bw/d. Updated estimates of average lifetime intakes by Canadian adults of dioxins and furans from all sources are under 10 pg TEQ/kg bw/d. The estimation of exposure calculated from current tissue concentrations in Canadian adults supports this finding. Excessive consumption of some highly contaminated fish and wildlife species may lead to intakes of dioxins and furans that approach or exceed the 10 pg TEQ/kg bw/d value and constitutes a danger to health.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Indoor air pollution is an important risk factor for the generation of lung diseases in developing countries. The indigenous population is...  相似文献   

The use of passive sampler systems is reviewed and discussed. These devices are able to determine both spatial and temporal differences in canopy exposure, as is demonstrated by their use in extensive monitoring of air-pollution exposure in forest health plots. Categorising forest health monitoring plots according to air-pollution exposure permits cause-effect analysis of certain forest health responses. In addition, passive sampling may identify areas affected by interaction between different gaseous pollutants. Passive samplers at the stand level can be used to resolve vertical profiles of ozone within the stand, and edge effects, which are important in exposure of understorey and ground flora. Recent case studies using passive samplers to determine forest exposure to gaseous pollutants indicate a potential for the development of spatial models on regional-, landscape-, and stand-level scales and the verification of atmospheric transport models.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the legal and scientific reasons for separating personal exposure to PM into ambient and nonambient components. It then demonstrates by several examples how well-established models and data typically obtained in exposure field studies can be used to estimate both individual and community average exposure to ambient-generated PM (ambient PM outdoors plus ambient PM that has infiltrated indoors), indoor-generated PM, and personal activity PM. Ambient concentrations are not highly correlated with personal exposure to nonambient PM or total PM but are highly correlated with personal exposure to ambient-generated PM. Therefore, ambient concentrations may be used in epidemiology as an appropriate surrogate for personal exposure to ambient-generated PM. Suggestions are offered as to how exposure to ambient-generated PM may be obtained and used in epidemiology and risk assessment.  相似文献   

Hair analysis was used for the assessment of exposure to organochlorine pollutants in specimens from Greece, Romania and Belgium. A simple method (using 3 N HCI as incubation reagent, liquid-liquid extraction with hexane/ dichloromethane (DCM), alumina/acid silica clean-up and GC-ECD/GC-MS analysis) was used for screening of specimens. The highest organochlorine load (up to 148 ng/g hair for the sum of PCB, DDT and hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers) was found in samples from a group of Greek women with past occupational exposure to pesticides. DDTs were the main organochlorine pollutants in Greek samples (up to 70%), while in Belgian hair samples their contribution was reduced to 40%. PCB mean concentration was higher in Belgian specimens (up to 14 ng/g hair). Lindane (y-HCH) was the main HCH isomer found in the samples (up to 82% in the Greek samples). Contribution of p,p'-DDT to the sum of DDTs was higher in Greek samples and indicates recent exposure to technical DDT. Similar PCB 153/sum PCBs ratios were found for each of the three countries suggesting similar sources of pollution with PCBs (mainly dietary). Artificially coloured hair samples were found to have lower, but not statistically significant concentrations of organochlorine pollutants than the non-coloured hair.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Vehicular emission is an important contributor to air pollution in the urban environment and impacts the health of commuters as well as drivers. The...  相似文献   

Ali D  Nagpure NS  Kumar S  Kumar R  Kushwaha B 《Chemosphere》2008,71(10):1823-1831
Chlorpyrifos (O,O-diethyl O-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridylphosphorothioate) is one of the organophosphate pesticides widely used in agricultural practices throughout world and irreversible inhibitor of cholinesterase in all animal species. Limited efforts have been made to study acute genotoxic effects of chlorpyrifos (CPF) in different tissues of fish using genotoxic biomarkers. Therefore, the present investigation was aimed to study the induction of DNA damage by CPF in freshwater teleost fish Channapunctatus using micronucleus assay (MN assay) and alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay). The value of LC(50) - 96 h of CPF was determined as 811.98 microgl(-1) for C. punctatus, in a semi-static system and on the basis of LC(50) value three acute concentrations viz., 203, 406 and 609 microgl(-1) were determined. The fishes were exposed to the different concentrations of CPF for 96 h and samplings were done at regular intervals for assessment of the MN frequencies and DNA damage. In general, significant effects (P<0.01) from both concentrations and time of exposure were observed in exposed fishes. It was found that the micronucleus induction was highest on 96 h at all concentrations in the peripheral blood. Similar trend was observed for the DNA damage measured in terms of the percentage of tail DNA in the lymphocyte and gill cells. This study explored the combined use of micronucleus assay and comet assay for in vivo laboratory studies using fresh water fish for screening the genotoxic potential of xenobiotics.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were: (1) to quantify the errors associated with saturation air quality monitoring in estimating the long-term (i.e., annual and 5 yr) mean at a given site from four 2-week measurements, once per season; and (2) to develop a sampling strategy to guide the deployment of mobile air quality facilities for characterizing intraurban gradients of air pollutants, that is, to determine how often a given location should be visited to obtain relatively accurate estimates of the mean air pollutant concentrations. Computer simulations were conducted by randomly sampling ambient monitoring data collected in six Canadian cities at a variety of settings (e.g., population-based sites, near-roadway sites). The 5-yr (1998-2002) dataset consisted of hourly measurements of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), coarse particulate matter (PM10), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and CO. The strategy of randomly selecting one 2-week measurement per season to determine the annual or long-term average concentration yields estimates within 30% of the true value 95% of the time for NO2, PM10 and NOx. Larger errors, up to 50%, are expected for NO, SO2, PM2.5, and CO. Combining concentrations from 85 random 1-hr visits per season provides annual and 5-yr average estimates within 30% of the true value with good confidence. Overall, the magnitude of error in the estimates was strongly correlated with the variability of the pollutant. A better estimation can be expected for pollutants known to be less temporally variable and/or over geographic areas where concentrations are less variable. By using multiple sites located in different settings, the relationships determined for estimation error versus number of measurement periods used to determine long-term average are expected to realistically portray the true distribution. Thus, the results should be a good indication of the potential errors one could expect in a variety of different cities, particularly in more northern latitudes.  相似文献   

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