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Evaluation was made of the distribution of radon gas and radiation exposure rates in the four main natural gas treatment facilities in Syria. The results showed that radiation exposure rates at contact of all equipment were within the natural levels (0.09-0.1 microSvh(-1)) except for the reflex pumps where a dose rate value of 3 microSvh(-1) was recorded. Radon concentrations in Syrian natural gas varied between 15.4 Bq m(-3) and 1141 Bq m(-3); natural gas associated with oil production was found to contain higher concentrations than the non-associated natural gas. In addition, radon concentrations were higher in the central processing facilities than the wellheads; these high levels are due to pressurizing and concentrating processes that enhance radon gas and its decay products. Moreover, the lowest 222Rn concentration was in the natural gas fraction used for producing sulfur; a value of 80 Bq m(-3) was observed. On the other hand, maximum radon gas and its decay product concentrations in workplace air environments were found to be relatively high in the gas analysis laboratories; a value of 458 Bq m(-3) was observed. However, all reported levels in the workplaces in the four main stations were below the action level set by IAEA for chronic exposure situations involving radon, which is 1000 Bq m(-3).  相似文献   

The (222)Rn concentrations in indoor workplaces were measured in Aomori Prefecture, Japan, and the results are reported here. This survey was part of a program to measure background natural radiation dose rate in the prefecture where the first Japanese nuclear fuel cycling facilities are now under construction.The survey of the (222)Rn concentrations in indoor workplaces was carried out at 107 locations from 1996 to 1998. The (222)Rn concentrations were measured for approximately one year at each site with passive Rn detectors, which used a polycarbonate film for counting alpha-rays and could separate concentrations of (222)Rn from (220)Rn. Weeklong measurements of (222)Rn concentration and working level were carried out with active detectors to get the ratio of (222)Rn concentration during working hours to non-working hours as well as equilibrium factors in selected locations.Diurnal variation of (222)Rn concentration depended on building structure, air-conditioning, time of day and day of the week (week days or weekend). The (222)Rn concentration during working hours was generally lower than that in non-working hours. Although the annual average (222)Rn concentration in indoor occupational environments was higher than that in dwellings, radiation dose for Aomori Prefecture residents from Rn in the former was 14% of the total indoor dose by Rn because of the lower concentration in working hours and lower occupancy factor.  相似文献   

In the Harghita volcanic range (Romania) there are many occurrences of dry CO(2) emanations, called mofettes. The emanating gas with high carbon dioxide content has a proved curative effect. The gas also contains important quantities of radon. Since the mofettes are used in curative purposes in several illnesses, in most of the cases without medical supervising, has been proposed to determine the radon activity concentration in some of the most frequented mofettes from Romania. The seasonal variations have also been monitored and were calculated the effective doses received by the patients during a cure. The radon activity concentrations' levels above the mofettes indoor air range between 548 and 10 717Bq/m(3) while within the gas pools' values between 3210 and 32 781Bq/m(3) have been measured. The effective dose received by the patients during a cure is between 0.0086 and 0.16mSv. No major seasonal variations of the radon activity concentrations levels have been pointed out so far in the studied mofettes.  相似文献   

Indoor and soil gas Radon (222Rn) concentration measurements were accomplished in two stages in Sivas, a central eastern city in Turkey. In the first stage, CR-39 passive nuclear track detectors supplied by the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEA) were placed in the selected houses throughout Sivas centrum in two seasons; summer and winter. Before the setup of detectors, a detailed questionnaire form was distributed to the inhabitants of selected houses to investigate construction parameters and properties of the houses, and living conditions of inhabitants. Detectors were collected back two months later and analysed at TAEA laboratories to obtain indoor 222Rn gas concentration values. In the second stage, soil gas 222Rn measurements were performed using an alphameter near the selected houses for the indoor measurements. Although 222Rn concentrations in Sivas were quite low in relation with the allowable limits, they are higher than the average of Turkey. Indoor and soil gas 222Rn concentration distribution maps were prepared seperately and these maps were applied onto the surface geological map. In this way, both surveys were correlated with the each other and they were interpreted in comparison with the answers of questionnaire and the geological setting of the Sivas centrum and the vicinity.  相似文献   

The impact of territorial oil production complexes on the species composition of soil diatom (Bacillariophyta) communities and the degree of their development has been studied. On the basis of comparisons between dominant diatom assemblages from different natural zones, suggestions are made concerning the strategy of their adaptation to extreme environmental conditions. A scheme of transformation of diatom communities under the impact of oil pollution is proposed.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of natural radioactivity levels in the atmosphere obtained for a 5 years period (1994-1999) at the Bucharest Environmental Radioactivity Surveillance Station (BERSS). The variability of radon and thoron progeny activity concentrations is analysed in relation to the local dynamics of the meteorological parameters (wind speed, air temperature, air pressure, cloud cover, relative humidity). The radon and thoron progeny concentrations display a daily and seasonal variation, with the highest values in the early morning and the lowest values in the afternoon. The outdoor radon progeny concentrations show maximum values in autumn and minimum values in spring-summer. The outdoor thoron progeny concentrations display maximum values in autumn and minimum values in winter. Significant statistical correlations with the meteorological parameters were obtained. The study on the temporal variability of natural atmospheric radioactivity near Bucharest is a starting point for further assessment of the radiological consequences resulting from human activities.  相似文献   

Radon concentrations in air and geothermal water of the spa pools in Croatia were measured and the average values of 40.3 and 4.5 kBq/m3 were obtained, respectively. Great difference between radon concentrations in pool and spring water was considered as a result of mixing normal and geothermal water in the pool as well as the radon decay. Estimation of an effective dose, received by the personnel in the Bizovac spa, gave the value of 0.27 mSv/y. At the location Stubica, the transfer factor of the radon for air and thermal water in the pool was calculated, and the value of 4.9+/-0.7 x 10(-3) was obtained.  相似文献   

The unique properties of radon as a noble gas are used for monitoring cement hydration and microstructural transformations in cementitious system. It is found that the radon concentration curve for hydrating cement paste enclosed in the chamber increases from zero (more accurately - background) concentrations, similar to unhydrated cement. However, radon concentrations developed within 3 days in the test chamber containing cement paste were approximately 20 times higher than those of unhydrated cement. This fact proves the importance of microstructural transformations taking place in the process of cement hydration, in comparison with cement grain, which is a time-stable material. It is concluded that monitoring cement hydration by means of radon exhalation method makes it possible to distinguish between three main stages, which are readily seen in the time dependence of radon concentration: stage I (dormant period), stage II (setting and intensive microstructural transformations) and stage III (densification of the structure and drying). The information presented improves our understanding of the main physical mechanisms resulting in the characteristic behavior of radon exhalation in the course of cement hydration. The maximum value of radon exhalation rate observed, when cement sets, can reach 0.6 mBq kg(-1) s(-1) and sometimes exceeds 1.0 mBq kg(-1) s(-1). These values exceed significantly to those known before for cementitious materials. At the same time, the minimum ventilation rate accepted in the design practice (0.5 h(-1)), guarantees that the concentrations in most of the cases will not exceed the action level and that they are not of any radiological concern for construction workers employed in concreting in closed spaces.  相似文献   

Long-term field experiments have been carried out in the Chernobyl exclusion zone in order to determine the parameters governing radiochlorine ((36)Cl) transfer to plants from four types of soil, namely, Podzoluvisol, Greyzem, Phaeozem and Chernozem. Radiochlorine concentration ratios (CR=concentration of (36)Cl in the fresh plant material divided by its concentration in the dried soil in the upper 20 cm layer) were obtained in green peas (2.6+/-0.4), onions (1.5+/-0.5), potatoes (8+/-1), clover (90+/-26) and ryegrass (158+/-88) hay, oat seeds (36+/-23) and straw (305+/-159), wheat seeds (35+/-10) and straw (222+/-82). These values correlate with the stable chlorine values for the same plants. It was shown that (36)Cl plant/soil CR in radish roots (CR=9.7+/-1.4) does not depend on the stable chlorine content in the soil (up to 150 mgkg(-1)), soil type and thus, that stable chlorine CR values (9.4+/-1.2) can also be used for (36)Cl. Injection of additional quantities of stable chlorine into the soil (100 mgkg(-1) of dry soil) with fertilizer does not change the soil-to-plant transfer of (36)Cl. The results from a batch experiment showed that chlorine is retained in the investigated soils only by live biota and transfers quickly (in just a few hours) into the soil solution from dry vegetation even without decomposition of dead plants and is integrated in the migration processes in soil.  相似文献   

An investigation of radon levels in the caves of Creswell Crags, Derbyshire, an important Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) shows that the Lower Magnesian Limestone (Permian) caves have moderate to raised radon gas levels (27-7800 Bq m(-3)) which generally increase with increasing distance into the caves from the entrance regions. This feature is partly explained in terms of cave ventilation and topography. While these levels are generally below the Action Level in the workplace (400 Bq m(-3) in the UK), they are above the Action Level for domestic properties (200 Bq m(-3)). Creswell Crags has approximately 40,000 visitors per year and therefore a quantification of effective dose is important for both visitors and guides to the Robin Hood show cave. Due to short exposure times the dose received by visitors is low (0.0016 mSv/visit) and regulations concerning exposure are not contravened. Similarly, the dose received by guides is fairly low (0.4 mSv/annum) due in part to current working practice. However, the risk to researchers entering the more inaccessible areas of the cave system is higher (0.06 mSv/visit). This survey also investigated the effect of seasonal variations on recorded radon concentration. From this work summer to winter ratios of between 1.1 and 9.51 were determined for different locations within the largest cave system.  相似文献   

The ventilation mechanism of Rn gas in underground environments is considered. Ventilation plays an important role in influencing the variability (harmonics) of Rn gas in the porous space below the earth's surface. We propose a new physical-environmental model of relating Rn gas concentrations to air temperature variations at the earth's surface. Applicability of this model was tested after searching for Rn gas indicators of geodynamic processes in two underground tunnels in central and southern Israel. The theoretical estimation of Rn gas concentrations shows a good agreement with the observed values. We demonstrate the possibility of Rn gas anomalies being caused by atmospheric temperature variations and the necessity to take these effects into account when investigating geodynamic processes.  相似文献   

An analysis of the spatial distribution of large soil invertebrates at the “study point” level in three forest soils of the European part of the Russian Federation has demonstrated that the number of 76-cm2 soil cores necessary for obtaining representative data varies from 25 to 35. To estimate taxonomic diversity in peaty, soddy podzolic, and brown forest soils, 100–110, 70–80, and 90–100 soil cores, respectively, are required. Differences in the necessary number of cores of different forest soils are accounted for by differences in the distribution pattern of soil animals.  相似文献   

7Be to 210Pb concentration ratios in ground level air on two monitoring stations (MS1 and MS2) in Belgrade area were determined from 1996 to 2001. The average monthly concentrations of 7Be in ground level air were in the range of 0.6-18.3 mBq/m3 and exhibited one or two summer/early fall maxims and one minimum in winter. The maximum concentrations for 210Pb were generally observed in the fall, with the average concentrations in the range of 1.09 x 10(-4) to 30.9 x 10(-4) Bq/m3. The 7Be/210Pb ratios were in the range of 1.7-12.7 (MS1) and 1.8-11.3 (MS2), with summer maxims and late fall/winter minimums. The mean Radionuclides Loading Indices values approach zero except for 1996/1997 (MS1) and 2001 (MS2) due to higher concentrations of 7Be and 210Pb. The mean monthly concentrations of both radionuclides exhibited lognormal distributions. There is significant correlation between the 7Be/210Pb activities ratio and the air stability classes A + B + C for both monitoring stations (correlation coefficients 0.61-0.65), and no correlation with D class and E + F classes. Correlation was found between the activity of 7Be and air stability classes A + B + C (0.46-0.68), and E + F (0.38 for MS1), while for 210Pb, a moderate correlation (0.38-0.40) was found with the E + F air stability classes.  相似文献   

The radioactivity level of soils in a volcanic area in Cameroon was determined and discussed. Thirty soils samples were collected from Buea and Limbé cities located in the south-western Cameroon. These two regions are known for theirs volcanic grounds due to the presence of Mount Cameroon Mountain. The activity concentrations of natural radionuclides as well as that of the fission product were evaluated by gamma-ray spectrometry using a hyper-purity germanium detector (HPGe). The ranges of concentrations in the surveyed soils were 11-17 Bq kg(-1), 22-36 Bq kg(-1) and 43-201 Bq kg(-1) for (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K, respectively. The radioisotope (137)Cs was also found but in a very small amount. The outdoor absorbed dose rate 1m above ground with the corresponding annual effective dose rate, assuming a 20% occupancy factor was estimated. The radium equivalent and the external hazard index were also evaluated and results are compared with available data from other studies and with the world average value [United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), 1988. Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation. Report to the General Assembly on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. United Nations, New York; UNSCEAR, 2000. Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiations. Report to the General Assembly with Scientific Annexes. United Nations, New York]. A solid state nuclear track detector (SSNTD), LR-115 was used for soil radon measurements at a depth of 50 cm. The ranges of soil radon concentrations were 6.7-10.8 kBq m(-3) and 5.5-8.7 kBq m(-3) in Buea and Limbé, respectively. A positive correlation was found between concentrations of radium measured with gamma-spectrometry and the soil radon concentrations measured with the nitrate cellulose detectors. The results of this study provide the radioactivity level in soil of a volcanic area, which has been found to be within the safety limits. The south-western Cameroon can be considered as having normal natural background radiation.  相似文献   

Instruments for the measurements of radon and its decay products in earthquake research are based mostly on the detection of alpha particles. The devices and methods used, depend on whether the techniques measure radon or radon decay products, and the duration of the measurements, of which there are three types: (i) grab or instantaneous; (ii) integrating; and (iii) continuous. Other criteria used in the design of these instruments are field measurements applicability. portability. convenience and reliability. With the recent increased demand for radon and radon decay products measurements, instruments development has focused on the design of appropriate devices for short-term measurements, as well as on more complex and sophisticated instruments for long-term measurements used in radon research for geophysical, geochemical and hydrological studies.  相似文献   

We have evaluated one of the main assumptions in the use of concentration ratios to describe the transfer of elements in the environment. The ratios examined in detail were the ‘concentration ratio’ (CR) of leaf to soil and the ‘partition coefficient’ of (Kd) of solid- to liquid-phase concentrations in soil. The ‘translocation ratio’ of berry to leaf was also computed when possible. Use of these ratios implies a linear relationship between the concentrations. Soil was experimentally contaminated to evaluate this linearity over more than a 1000-fold range in concentration. A secondary objective was to determine CR and Kd values in a long-term (2 y) outdoor study using a peat soil and a slow-growing native plant species, specifically blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium). The elements I, Se, CS, Pb and U wer chosen as environmentally important elements expected to provide a broad range in CR and Kd values. the reuslts indicated that relationships of leaf and leachate concentrations were not consistently linearly related to the total soil concentrations for each of the elements. The modelling difficulties implied by these concentration dependencies can be partially offset by including in the models the strong negative correlation between CR and Kd. The error introduced by using a mean value of the ratios for Se or U resulted in up to a ten-fold increase in variability for CR and a three-fold increase for Kd.  相似文献   

Geological classes are used to model the deterministic (drift or trend) component of the Radon potential (Friedmann's RP) in Austria. It is shown that the RP can be grouped according to geological classes, but also according to individual geological units belonging to the same class. Geological classes can thus serve as predictors for mean RP within the classes. Variability of the RP within classes or units is interpreted as the stochastic part of the regionalized variable RP; however, there does not seem to exist a smallest unit which would naturally divide the RP into a deterministic and a stochastic part. Rather, this depends on the scale of the geological maps used, down to which size of geological units is used for modelling the trend. In practice, there must be a sufficient number of data points (measurements) distributed as uniformly as possible within one unit to allow reasonable determination of the trend component.  相似文献   

The northern mountain region of Vietnam (NMR) is dominated by swidden/fallow farming systems. The fallow land of these systems is populated by small trees and bushes. Since the 1960s the government of Vietnam has tried to limit or stop swiddening and replace it with permanent upland agricultural fields, paddy, fruit trees and animal husbandry. Discussion in the policy debate and literature focuses on the impacts these changes have on local people’s livelihoods. There have been no attempts to evaluate the impact of these changes on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This paper examines the realities of current farming system changes taking place at the hamlet level and other changes that could take place due to government land use policies and extension programs. The paper answers the following questions: How could farming system changes influence net GHGs? Which farming system changes in the NMR, the trajectories of changes that are currently observed or those that would be followed if farmers adhere strictly to government policies and programs, will have a greater affect on the GHG contributions from agriculture in the region? Could ‘clean development mechanism’ (CDM) projects make a difference in the profitability of the pathways mentioned? Results show: (1) if farming systems in the NMR continue along currently observed change trajectories there will be increases in GHG emissions; (2) if the NMR farming systems change according to government policies and programs there will be a net sequestration of carbon in regrowing vegetation during the initial 20 years; (3) over the longer term, in areas where systems change to fit government policies, increased GHG emissions from other changes in the farming systems (e.g. increased paddy and increased pig raising in sties) will overtake the amounts of carbon sequestered in vegetation; (4) CMD projects only make a difference if (a) maximum biomass potential of regrowing fallow can be reached; (b) a favourable baseline is chosen; (c) timing and length of the accounting period is correct; and (d) farmers do not take compensatory action in response to government policies. Given these conditions it does not appear that currently envisioned clean development mechanisms would be beneficial to farmers in the NMR.  相似文献   

In the effort to predict the risks associated with contaminated soils, considerable reliance is placed on plant/soil concentration ratio (CR) values measured at sites other than the contaminated site. This inevitably results in the need to extrapolate among the many soil and plant types. There are few studies that compare CR among plant types that encompass both field and garden crops. Here, CRs for 40 elements were measured for 25 crops from farm and garden sites chosen so the grain crops were in close proximity to the gardens. Special emphasis was placed on iodine (I) because data for this element are sparse. For many elements, there were consistent trends among CRs for the various crop types, with leafy crops > root crops ≥ fruit crops ≈ seed crops. Exceptions included CR values for As, K, Se and Zn which were highest in the seed crops. The correlation of CRs from one plant type to another was evident only when there was a wide range in soil concentrations. In comparing CRs between crop types, it became apparent that the relationships differed for the rare earth elements (REE), which also had very low CR values. The CRs for root and leafy crops of REE converged to a minimum value. This was attributed to soil adhesion, despite the samples being washed, and the average soil adhesion for root crops was 500 mg soil kg−1 dry plant and for leafy crops was 5 g kg−1. Across elements, the log CR was negatively correlated with log Kd (the soil solid/liquid partition coefficient), as expected. Although, this correlation is expected, measures of correlation coefficients suitable for stochastic risk assessment are not frequently reported. The results suggest that r ≈ −0.7 would be appropriate for risk assessment.  相似文献   

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