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青山水库底栖动物群落初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1996年10月-1997年7月对青山水库底栖大型无脊椎动物群落进行了4次采样调查,共发现大型底栖无脊椎动物16种,其中寡毛类5种,水生昆虫7种,软件动物2种,蛭类和线虫各1种。青山水库底栖动物群落密度和生物量的水平变化为库出口>库中心>进口。湖区底栖动物群落占优势的各类为:刺夹长足摇蚊(Tanypus punctipennis)、花翅前突摇蚊(Procladius choreus)和霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)。调查结果表明,目前青山水库底栖动物群落的种类组成指示该水体已属富营养型,但从生物量上分析,目前青山水库应属中营养。  相似文献   

于2013年5月至10月对密云水库上游河流中大型底栖无脊椎动物(以下简称底栖动物)进行了采样调查。结果表明,采集到的底栖动物隶属于4门10纲16目45科,其中以节肢动物种类最多,占总数的80%,且水生昆虫占总数的67%,出现频率最高的是节肢动物门蜉蝣目蜉蝣科的昆虫,出现频率达87%;从分布来看,白河流域采集到的底栖动物种类最多、密度最高,而潮河流域采集到的底栖动物生物量最大;以底栖动物为指示生物的水质评价结果显示,密云水库上游河流中50%采样点的水质为Ⅰ级(清洁),其余50%为Ⅱ级(轻微污染),水质整体较好,与现场生境调查和水质监测的结果相吻合。  相似文献   

2017年对西湖9个点位的底栖动物进行季度调查,共采集到3门7纲25种底栖动物。底栖动物年均密度为280.3个/m~2,主要类别为水生昆虫、寡毛类、软体动物,优势种为羽摇蚊(Chironomus plumosus)和圆田螺(Cipangopaludina)。空间分布上,不同湖区的底栖动物组成存在不同,在主湖区(少年宫、外湖心)底栖动物主要为水生昆虫,摇蚊幼虫为绝对优势种,而湖西区(西里湖、茅家埠、金沙港、乌龟潭、浴鹄湾)底栖动物主要为软体动物。季节变化上,底栖动物密度分布为冬季秋季夏季春季。寡毛类全年采样出现频次较低,作为耐污染种,这表明西湖水环境质量变好。西湖的Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数(H’)年均值为1.27,西湖水质为轻污染,其中茅家埠、金沙港和乌龟潭点位H’较高,与所在湖区生长大量沉水植物,生境更加稳定有关。H’与加权营养状态指数(TLI(∑))在对西湖个别点位水质评价结果上存在差异,鉴于西湖底栖动物生境易受外界影响导致群落波动较大,因此认为TLI(∑)的评价结果更为准确。  相似文献   

用大型底栖动物对武汉南湖水质的生物学评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2003年6月至2004年5月季度性调查武汉南湖大型底栖动物的种类组成,并对水质理化指标进行测定.结果表明,大型底栖动物由寡毛类和水生昆虫组成,密度为4 437个/m2,优势种为霍甫水丝蚓和刺铗长足摇蚊;大型底栖动物的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margelef多样性指数表明南湖水质为中等污染状态;历年夏季水体中主要营养元素含量的变化,进一步描述了近年来南湖富营养化的加剧进程.  相似文献   

西湖引水治理后的底栖动物群落   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1995年1月-1996年12月对西湖底栖大型无脊椎动物群落进行了连续监测与研究,共发现大型底栖无脊椎动物26种,其中寡毛类6种,多毛类1种,水生昆虫9种,蛭类,线虫和无节蠕虫各1种。  相似文献   

热排放对湘江大型底栖无脊椎动物的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湘潭电厂温排水对湘江湘潭电厂江段大型底栖无脊椎动物 (以下简称底栖动物 )种类组成和数量变化的影响表明 ,在强增温区底栖动物不能生存 ;自然水温在 2 6℃以下的季节里 ,中、低增温区底栖动物种类和数量比自然水体要丰富 ,多样性指数值相应增高 ;突然停止温排 ,增温区内喜温动物有可能受冷冲击而死亡。  相似文献   

热排放对湘江大型底栖无脊椎动物的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
湘潭电厂温排水对湘江湘潭电厂江段大型底栖无脊椎动物(以下简称底栖动物)种类组成和数量变化的影响表明,在强增温区底栖动物不能生存;自然水温在26℃以下的季节里,中、低增温区底栖动物各类和数量比自然水体要丰富,多样性指数值相应增高;突然停止温排,增温区内喜温动物有可能受冷冲击而死亡。  相似文献   

利用底栖动物研究京杭运河徐州段的水质变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李勇  潘立勇 《污染防治技术》2005,18(4):12-13,37
通过分析京杭运河徐州段4个断面底栖动物的种类、密度,及生物多样性指数的变化来研究京杭运河徐州段水质的变化趋势。  相似文献   

为探究赤水河 (仁怀段) 底栖动物群落组成特点及其与环境因子的内在关联,开展底栖动物组成和水质参数的综合研究。通过采用密度、生物量调查,多样性指数,Pearson相关性和冗余性分析等方法,对赤水河 (仁怀段) 地区的大型底栖动物群落组成和主要影响环境因子进行分析。结果表明,在赤水河 (仁怀段) 地区共采集到48种大型底栖动物,隶属于4门7纲32科,底栖动物的物种数和密度分布均呈现上游高于中下游的趋势。其中,昆虫类动物丰度最高,共有33类种属,腹足纲次之。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef's物种丰富度指数表现为上游高于中下游,表明底栖动物群落结构空间存在一定差异,而Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson's Diversity指数整体变化不大。冗余分析结果显示,TN、DO和浊度是影响赤水河底栖动物群落结构的主要环境因子。该研究结果可为赤水河底栖动物群落的恢复与生态环境保护提供参考。  相似文献   

通过连续两年对常州市19条"清水工程生态修复"示范河道大型底栖无脊椎动物(以下简称底栖动物)的调查,了解市区河道底栖动物群落现状及发展趋势,同时从底栖动物群落多样性的角度评价各河道生态修复的效果,并利用污染生物效应指数(BPI)评估河道水质及生态变化发展趋势。结果发现,各调查河道底栖动物群落结构和多样性的指标与污染生物效应评价结果相互印证,保持高度一致性。2011年各河道的底栖动物群落结构完整性、种群多样性均较2010年有所提升,BPI则较2010年有所下降。说明在这些河道实施的生态修复工程具有一定成效,有望实现城市河道水体生态循环系统的全面恢复。  相似文献   

Reservoirs are an important source of water supply in many densely populated areas in southeast China. Phytoplankton plays an important role in maintaining the structure and function of these reservoir ecosystems. Understanding of seasonal succession in phytoplankton communities and its driving factors is essential for effective water quality management in drinking-water reservoirs. In this study, water samples were collected monthly at the surface layers of riverine, transitional, and lacustrine zones from May 2010 to April 2011 in Tingxi Reservoir, southeast China. The phytoplankton showed distinct seasonal shifts in community structure at both taxonomic and functional levels. Cyanophyta was the dominant group in summer, especially species of Raphidiopsis in May and Aphanizomenon in June, and cyanobacterial dominance was promoted by both warmer conditions and excessive nutrients loading. Cyanophyta was gradually replaced by Cryptophyta (e.g., Chroomonas caudata) in abundance and by Bacillariophyta (Fragilaria sp. or Synedra sp. and Melosira sp.) in biomass with decreasing temperature. It appeared that seasonal shifts in phytoplankton composition were closely related to climate, nutrient status, and hydrology in this reservoir. Our partial RDA results clearly showed that water temperature and nutrients (TN and TP) were the most critical factors driving phytoplankton community shift in the abundance and biomass data, respectively. Further, with the global warming, cyanobacterial blooms may increase in distribution, duration, and intensity. In our study, the abundance and biomass of cyanobacteria had significant and positive correlations with temperature and phosphorus. Therefore, a stricter limit on nutrient input should be a priority in watershed management to protect drinking water from the effects of cyanobacterial blooms, especially in high-temperature period.  相似文献   



aim, and scope Fujian reservoirs in southeast China are important water resources for economic and social sustainable development, although few have been studied previously. In recent years, growing population and increasing demands for water shifted the focus of many reservoirs from flood control and irrigation water to drinking water. However, most of them showed a rapid increase in the level of eutrophication, which is one of the most serious and challenging environmental problems. In this study, we investigated the algae community characteristics, trophic state, and eutrophication control strategies for typical subtropical reservoirs in southeast Fujian.

Materials and methods

Surface water samples were collected using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic bottles from 11 Fujian reservoirs in summer 2010. Planktonic algae were investigated by optical microscopy. Water properties were determined according to the national standard methods.

Results and discussion

Shallow reservoirs generally have higher values of trophic state index (TSI) and appear to be more susceptible to anthropogenic disturbance than deeper reservoirs. A total of 129 taxa belonging to eight phyla (i.e., Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Chrysophyta, Cryptophyta, Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, Pyrrophyta, Xanthophyta) were observed and the most diverse groups were Chlorophyta (52 taxa), Cyanophyta (20 taxa), Euglenophyta (17 taxa), Chrysophyta (14 taxa). The dominant groups were Chlorophyta (40.58%), Cyanophyta (22.91%), Bacillariophyta (21.61%), Chrysophyta (6.91%). The species richness, abundance, diversity, and evenness of algae varied significantly between reservoirs. TSI results indicated that all 11 reservoirs were eutrophic, three of them were hypereutrophic, six were middle eutrophic, and two were light eutrophic. There was a strong positive correlation between algal diversity and TSI at P?4-N, NO x -N, TP, and chlorophyll a were significant environmental variables affecting the distribution of algae communities. The transparency and chlorophyll a were the strongest environmental factors in explaining the community data. Furthermore, the degradation of water quality associated with excess levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in Fujian reservoirs may be impacted by interactions among agriculture and urban factors. A watershed-based management strategy, especially phosphorus control, should be developed for drinking water source protection and sustainable reservoirs in the future.

Conclusion and recommendations

All investigated reservoirs were eutrophicated based on the comprehensive TSI values; thus, our results provided an early warning of water degradation in Fujian reservoirs. Furthermore, the trophic state plays an important role in shaping community structure and in determining species diversity of algae. Therefore, long-term and regular monitoring of Euglenophyta, Cyanophyta, TN, TP and chlorophyll a in reservoirs is urgently needed to further understand the future trend of eutrophication and to develop a watershed-based strategy to manage the Cyanophyta bloom hazards.  相似文献   

Surveys on pre- and post-impoundment total mercury concentrations in water, seston and fish were conducted during 2007–2008 in the Wujiang River, southwest China. Compared with the pre-impoundment, total mercury in the reservoir and downstream water rapidly increased by 164–303 % during the first half year of flooding, and then decreased by 61.7–62.2 % after 9 months of flooding. However, total mercury in seston from the reservoir and downstream generally declined. There was no significant difference in the total mercury between reservoir fish with different habitat preference and feeding habit. We find that fish tissue mercury concentration significantly increased threefold after flooding, and the increasing rate is lower than those in subarctic and temperate reservoirs. The pre- and post-impoundment fish samples exceeding the Chinese hygienic standard for tolerances of mercury in foods increased from 1.3 to 17.4 %. Long-term monitoring of fish mercury level in Wujiang River should be undertaken to ensure local food security.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms are the main component in many aquatic ecosystems such as streams, creeks and rivers, and they function as important primary producers and chemical modulators for other organisms in the ecosystems. In this study, the composition of benthic diatoms was investigated and further explored the primary physicals and chemicals affecting their temporal variations in the upper Han River, China. There were seasonal variations in physical and chemical variables in waters over the sampling period of 2007–2010. Water temperature (t), chemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), silica and fluoride were much higher in the high flow season (i.e., July or August) than these in the base flow season. Three species Achnanthidium minutissimum (composed of 10.7 % of the total diatom abundance), Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (11.9 %), and Achnanthidium subatomus (12.7 %) accounting for more than 5 % of the total diatom abundance were persistently dominant in all seasons, while the other two prostrate and motile species including Eolimna minima and Nitzschia dissipata also dominant in the base flow season. The species richness always peaked in autumn with significant difference with summer (p?<?0.01), and density of benthic diatom varied and peaked in April. Analyses indicated that the temporal variation in benthic diatom communities was strongly related to t, nitrogen, organic pollutants (indicated by COD and DOC), and hydrological regime. The research will expand the understanding of water chemistry monitoring, and improve watershed- scale management and conservation efforts in the upper Han River, China.  相似文献   

The development of techniques for real-time monitoring of water quality is of great importance for effectively managing inland water resources. In this study, we first analyzed the absorption and fluorescence properties in a large subtropical reservoir and then used a chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) fluorescence monitoring sensor to predict several water quality parameters including the total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and CDOM fluorescence parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) components in the reservoir. The CDOM absorption coefficient at 254 nm (a(254)), the humic-like component (C1), and the tryptophan-like component (C3) decreased significantly along a gradient from the northwest to the lake center, northeast, southwest, and southeast region in the reservoir. However, no significant spatial difference was found for the tyrosine-like component (C2), which contributed only four marked peaks. A highly significant linear correlation was found between the a(254) and CDOM concentration measured using the CDOM fluorescence sensor (r 2?=?0.865, n?=?76, p?相似文献   

Diatoms have been regularly used as bioindicators to assess water quality of surface waters. However, diatom-based indices developed for a specific geographic region may not be appropriate elsewhere. We sampled benthic diatom assemblages in the upper Han River, a subtropical river in China, to evaluate applicability of 14 diatom-based indices used worldwide for water quality assessment. A total of 194 taxa from 31 genera were identified in the dry season and 139 taxa from 23 genera in the wet season. During the dry season, significant relationships were found for all but one of the diatom-based indices (Index Diatom Artois–Picardie) with one or more physical and chemical variables including nutrients and ion concentrations in river waters. The Biological Diatom Index (IBD) and diatom-based eutrophication/pollution index (EPI-D) were strongly related to trophic status and ionic content, while Watanabe’s Index was related to organic pollution and conductivity. Yet, the diatom indices showed weak relationships with physical and chemical variables during the wet season. It suggests that diatom-based indices developed in Europe can be applied with confidence as bioindicators of water quality in subtropical rivers of China, at least during base-flow conditions.  相似文献   

Zeng X  Sheng G  Gui H  Chen D  Shao W  Fu J 《Chemosphere》2007,69(8):1305-1311
The occurrence and distributions of six polycyclic musks were studied in influent, primary and effluent waters from a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Guangdong. Five polycyclic musk compounds, 1,2,3,5,6,7-hexahydro-1,1,2,3,3-pentamethyl-4H-inden-4-one (DPMI), 4-acetyl-1,1-dimethyl-6-tert-butylindan (ADBI), 6-acetyl-1,1,2,3,3,5-hexamethylindan (AHMI), 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopenta(g)-2-benzopyran (HHCB) and 7-acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6-hexamethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene (AHTN) were found in wastewater in the WWTP. DPMI, HHCB and AHTN were measured at 0.38-0.69, 11.5-146, 0.89-3.47 microg/l, respectively, in influents. Meanwhile 0.06-0.10 microg/l DPMI, 0.95-2.05 microg/l HHCB, 0.10-0.14 microg/l AHTN were detected in effluents, ADBI and AHMI were also detected in some primary waters and effluents. The results suggested that wastewater from cosmetic plants cause high loadings of polycyclic musks to this WWTP. Under the currently applied treatment technology, the removal efficiencies achieved were 61-75% for DPMI, 86-97% for HHCB and 87-96% for AHTN by transfer to sludge as the main removal route.  相似文献   

The mercury distribution and speciation in the water column were investigated from November 2003 to September 2004. The distribution and concentrations of total mercury (THg) and particulate mercury (PHg) showed that algae had a large capacity to bind mercury in late spring (e.g. in May). It is shown that dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) concentrations may also be affected by algae activities. The MeHg profile in the water column at a highly eutrophied site in Hongfeng Reservoir demonstrated that most of the MeHg was produced in the hypolimnion, whereas the MeHg profile pattern at another site with less eutrophication indicated that MeHg in water was largely ascribed to release from sediment. In September, the outflow of the reservoir was enriched with MeHg, which was 5.5 times higher than that in the inflows. The discharge of MeHg-concentrated water from the anoxic hypolimnion in the reservoir may pose a risk to downstream fauna.  相似文献   


Although environmental filtering and spatial structuring are commonly regarded as two key factors shaping community dynamics, their relative contribution remains unknown for numerous aquatic ecosystems, particularly highly dynamic floodplain lakes. This issue is here addressed by examining the seasonal metacommunity dynamics of freshwater fishes in Lake Dongting, a large subtropical lake of the middle Chang-Jiang basin in southern China. Physicochemical variables and fish assemblages were recorded at 20 sampling sites during the wet, normal, and dry seasons. Distance-based redundancy analysis and associated variation partitioning were used to examine the relative role of environmental variables and spatial factors in fish community assembly in each season. Analysis results demonstrated that the relative contribution of environmental filtering and spatial structuring varied depending on environmental features and the extent of hydrological connectivity in different seasons. Intensified physicochemical parameters in the dry season convinced the enhanced environmental filtering, whereas high hydrological connectivity in the wet season favored the stronger spatial process. Specifically, the community assembly processes were temporally dynamic; spatial structuring (or mass effects), resulting from excessively high dispersal rates, was dominant during the flooding season, and environmental filtering was stronger than spatial structuring (or dispersal limitation) during the non-flooding season. These findings highlight the importance of conserving local habitats of Lake Dongting during the dry and normal seasons, and maintaining of the flood pulse of the lake and its natural variability during the wet season. Apparently, the construction of a water-level regulation project at the Chenglingji Channel, the outlet watercourse of Lake Dongting, is not supported because it will change the flood pulse of this lake and thus impact habitat heterogeneity or variability.


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