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Social experience influences the development of a central auditory area   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vocal communication develops under social influences that can enhance attention, an important factor in memory formation and perceptual tuning. In songbirds, social conditions can delay sensitive periods of development, overcome learning inhibitions and enable exceptional learning or induce selective learning. However, we do not know how social conditions influence auditory processing in the brain. In the present study, we raised young naive starlings under different social conditions but with the same auditory experience of adult songs, and we compared the effects of these different conditions on the development of the auditory cortex analogue. Several features appeared to be influenced by the social experience, among which the proportion of auditory neuronal sites and the neuronal selectivity. Both physical and social isolation from adult models altered the development of the auditory area in parallel to alterations in vocal development. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence that social deprivation has as much influence on neuronal responsiveness as sensory deprivation.  相似文献   

大别山北缘中生代火山侵入杂岩地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大别山北缘中生代火山侵入杂岩是一套以中性、中酸性岩为主的岩石.富碱(特别是富钾),低Ti,LREE、LIL相对富集,而HREE、HFS则相对亏损是它们的基本特征.以高钾钙碱性系列、橄榄安粗岩系列为主体,及少量碱性系列.这套火山侵入杂岩的发育明显受磨子潭-晓天断裂等深大断裂所控制,是大别造山带发展演化的一个组成部分.从Ⅰ旋回到Ⅱ旋回,岩石化学成分K2O、SiO2、REE、Rb等不断增高,Ba、Sr、CaO、MgO等不断降低,岩浆成分具有向着富碱、富硅的方向演化趋势.  相似文献   

Several authors have found that flowers that are warmer than their surrounding environment have an advantage in attracting pollinators. Bumblebees will forage preferentially on warmer flowers, even if equal nutritional reward is available in cooler flowers. This raises the question of whether warmth and sucrose concentration are processed independently by bees, or whether sweetness detectors respond to higher sugar concentration as well as higher temperature. We find that bumblebees can use lower temperature as a cue to higher sucrose reward, showing that bees appear to process the two parameters strictly independently. Moreover, we demonstrate that sucrose concentration takes precedence over warmth, so that when there is a difference in sucrose concentration, bees will typically choose the sweeter feeder, even if the less sweet feeder is several degrees warmer.  相似文献   

复杂空间的涌现为区域一体化空间研究及国家战略实施提供了重要理论视角。运用文献调研、逻辑推导、归纳总结等方法探究了区域一体化空间演化的涌现逻辑及其研究范式,探讨了长三角一体化的复杂性空间治理。研究表明:(1)区域一体化具有异质性组分、适应性交互、多尺度嵌套、非线性动态、自组织演化等空间复杂性特征及空间涌现本质;(2)基于空间涌现的区域一体化空间研究范式拓展包括强化空间涌现思维,建立水平—垂直—历时的分析框架,以结构—过程耦合路径揭示空间涌现动态,注重多元数据和方法手段的集成;(3)应以复杂性治理及协同性治理、试探性治理为思路,从治理主体、对象、构型、工具、效能等方面探索长三角一体化的复杂性空间治理策略。  相似文献   

魏夕凯  马本 《中国环境科学》2022,42(8):3822-3831
充分考虑农村"熟人社会"特点,首次采用复杂网络演化博弈模型,通过数值仿真分析了声誉损失和奖励政策对农户垃圾分类行为扩散深度的动态影响.结果表明:政府不干预时,垃圾分类将无法在农村自发持续而普遍推广;在一定范围内提高声誉损失或奖励均可显著促进农户分类;仅依靠单一政策,无法实现分类的深度扩散,若依靠声誉损失与奖励相互配合,可实现低政策强度、高扩散深度的合意效果;搭便车收益的提高会抑制垃圾分类扩散深度;注重经验学习和适应能力的EWA学习策略更有助于促进垃圾分类扩散.上述结论广泛适用于分类初始状态、学习能力、人口规模不同的农村,对中国农村垃圾分类具有普遍性的启发意义.最后,提出了充分利用"熟人社会"优势构建与农村社会经济特征相契合的垃圾分类激励政策建议.  相似文献   

陕西三河湿地位于陕西关中平原的东缘,是典型的河流温地.根据三河湿地发育的地貌、水文、植被、土壤、生物等自然背景特征,将湿地类型划分成系、类和种3个层次.在此基础上分析了三河湿地的演化,由于自然与人为因影响相互叠加,使湿地退化过程加速,针对目前湿地现状提出湿地资源保护与可持续利用的建议与对策.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts female-biased sex allocation for simultaneous hermaphrodites with a monogamous mating system. Mating systems theory predicts that monogamy is advantageous in environments where refuges are discrete, scarce, relatively small, and when predation risk is high outside of these refuges. These predictions were tested with the Caribbean shrimp Lysmata pederseni, a simultaneous hermaphrodite which has an early male phase and lives inside tubes of the sponge Callyspongia vaginalis. This host sponge is a scarce resource that, together with the high predation risk typical of tropical environments, should favor monogamy in the shrimp. Field observations demonstrated that shrimps were frequently encountered as pairs within these tube sponges. Pairs were equally likely to comprise two hermaphrodites or one hermaphrodite and one male. Several of these pairs were observed for long periods of time in the field. Experiments demonstrated that hermaphrodites tolerated other hermaphrodites but not males in their host sponge. These results suggest that pairs of hermaphroditic L. pederseni are socially monogamous; they share the same host individual and might reproduce exclusively with their host partners for long periods of time. Nevertheless, males appeared less likely to establish long-term associations with hermaphrodites as indicated by the rate of their disappearance from their hosts (greater than that of hermaphrodites). Sex allocation was female biased in monogamous hermaphrodites. On average, hermaphrodites invested 34 times more to female than to male reproductive structures. Monogamy and female-biased sex allocation seem to be evolutionary consequences of adopting a symbiotic lifestyle in simultaneous hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

毕晓玲 《环境科技》2007,20(6):77-79
听证旨在规范政府决策,促进决策的民主化和规范化,提高其科学性、透明度.目前在我国,听证制度已成为一项不可或缺的基本制度.介绍我国的环境保护听证制度,重点对环境保扩行政许可听证制度进行阐述和分析,并提出存在的问题和完善措施.  相似文献   

Noctuid moths listen for the echolocation calls of hunting bats and respond to these predator cues with evasive flight. The African bollworm moth, Helicoverpa armigera, feeds at flowers near intensely singing cicadas, Platypleura capensis, yet does not avoid them. We determined that the moth can hear the cicada by observing that both of its auditory receptors (A1 and A2 cells) respond to the cicada's song. The firing response of the A1 cell rapidly adapts to the song and develops spike periods in less than a second that are in excess of those reported to elicit avoidance flight to bats in earlier studies. The possibility also exists that for at least part of the day, sensory input in the form of olfaction or vision overrides the moth's auditory responses. While auditory tolerance appears to allow H. armigera to exploit a food resource in close proximity to acoustic interference, it may render their hearing defence ineffective and make them vulnerable to predation by bats during the evening when cicadas continue to sing. Our study describes the first field observation of an eared insect ignoring audible but innocuous sounds.  相似文献   

中国正进入高质量发展阶段,资源型城市的增长与收缩面临着内外部条件的系统性重构,资源型城市在转型发展过程中如何摆脱“矿竭城衰”的历史宿命,实现城市人口的正增长,目前尚缺乏经验证据。本文采用2010—2020年116个资源型城市的截面与面板数据,定量刻画了资源型城市增长与收缩的演变轨迹,并实证考察了产业结构转型对人口增减变化的相关影响机制。研究发现:中国六成以上的资源型城市在研究期内表现为收缩状态,呈现出“一带两片”的空间分布格局;产业结构合理化和高级化在短期内均对资源型城市的人口增长表现为挤出效应,长期来看,产业结构合理化的影响转为正向,产业结构高级化的补偿效应暂未显现;产业结构多样化在短期内可促进资源型城市人口的增长,但长期来看并不显著。基于此,资源型城市的转型发展需要以提高产业结构合理化水平为重要突破口,以产业结构高级化为长期主线,基于地方比较优势实施产业延伸与产业更新并行战略,构建多元化的产业体系,不同类型、不同发展阶段资源型城市的产业结构转型应强调战略差异化。  相似文献   

以8W黑光灯为光源,γ-FeOOH为催化剂,加入草酸构成光化学Fenton体系,研究了这一体系中橙黄I的光化学脱色动力学;考察了橙黄I的初始浓度、初始pH值和草酸初始浓度对橙黄I光化学脱色降解的影响.结果表明,草酸能显著促进橙黄I的脱色与降解,橙黄I光化学脱色一级动力学常数随草酸浓度的增大呈先升后降的趋势,最佳草酸初始浓度为1·8mmol·L-1;溶液pH值的变化也显著影响橙黄I的脱色.光化学反应过程中Fe2+和总Fe的浓度也随草酸浓度与反应时间的变化而变化.  相似文献   

γ-FeOOH-草酸系统中橙黄I的光化学脱色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以8 W黑光灯为光源,γ-FeOOH为催化剂,加入草酸构成光化学Fenton体系,研究了这一体系中橙黄Ⅰ的光化学脱色动力学;考察了橙黄Ⅰ的初始浓度、初始pH值和草酸初始浓度对橙黄Ⅰ光化学脱色降解的影响.结果表明,草酸能显著促进橙黄Ⅰ的脱色与降解,橙黄Ⅰ光化学脱色一级动力学常数随草酸浓度的增大呈先升后降的趋势,最佳草酸初始浓度为1.8 mmol·L-1;溶液pH值的变化也显著影响橙黄Ⅰ的脱色.光化学反应过程中Fe2+和总Fe的浓度也随草酸浓度与反应时间的变化而变化.  相似文献   

西域砾岩是我国西北造山带(如天山、昆仑山、祁连山)山前发育的一套晚新生代冲-洪积相沉积,其记录了晚新生代以来的山体隆升、气候变化等信息,是研究盆山耦合、环境演变的良好载体。西域砾岩自首次命名以来,吸引了众多地学研究人员开展了系统的研究工作,特别是在西域砾岩的岩性特征、沉积过程、地层年代、成因等方面取得了显著进展。本文通过系统梳理前人成果,结合自己研究取得的认识,总结了目前关于西域砾岩的研究现状和进展,并提出了今后的研究展望。为更好地揭示西域砾岩所记录的环境演化信息,需要进一步开展西域砾岩的物源研究,如锆石U-Pb年龄谱分析、重矿物分析等方面的工作。  相似文献   

中国的自然保护地具有生态和文化双重价值,文化景观作为自然与文化的交界面,如何识别其价值对中国自然保护地的管理至关重要。以泰山为例,通过古籍文献和实地勘察等方法,从历时性角度对泰山的文化景观价值演变进行剖析。研究发现,泰山文化景观价值经历了山岳崇拜的自然价值、君权神授的政治价值、佛道信仰的宗教价值、祭祀游居的民俗价值及保护利用的综合价值五个阶段。结论认为:自然保护地文化景观价值的演变具有一定的规律性:名山自然保护地的文化景观价值演变是从自然到文化再到综合、从御到民、从单一到多元、从分离到融合的过程;自然保护地文化景观价值的构成要素包括思想基础、环境条件、行为方式及空间结果四部分,具有鲜明的完整性、系统性和动态性特征。文章还对自然保护地文化景观价值的识别策略进行了讨论,为相应类型的国家公园和其他类型自然保护地建设提供参考。  相似文献   

基于BP人工神经网络模型,对黄河三角洲高效生态经济区土地生态系统脆弱性进行综合评价和时空演化分析,并借助灰色关联度模型探究其影响因素.结果表明:研究区土地生态系统脆弱性从2005年的1.244降低至2016年的1.113,脆弱性逐步改善;脆弱性由西到东、由内陆到沿海逐渐加剧,并表现出脆弱性平稳型和脆弱性渐低型2个演化特征;地均工业废水排放量、盐碱荒地面积比重、土地利用程度、建成区绿化覆盖率、节能环保支出占财政支出的比重是系统脆弱性的主要影响因素.因此,降低土地生态系统脆弱性的政策着力点应该集中在生态修复、优化土地利用结构和节能减排等方面.  相似文献   

We present two cases of OEIS (omphalocele, exstrophy, imperforate anus, spinal defects) complex -MIM 258040 and a review of the literature. Case 1 was a 14-year-old girl who presented at 30 weeks' gestation. An ultrasound examination showed an omphalocele and spina bifida; the bladder was not visualised. She went into spontaneous labour two weeks later and the baby died shortly after birth. A full post-mortem examination was refused, but the mother did agree to an external examination, skin biopsy for fibroblast culture, X rays and MR imaging. The MR imaging showed a pelvic kidney, a large omphalocele containing the other kidney, liver, bowel and a fluid filled structure thought to represent an exstrophy of the bladder (EB). Case 2 was a 30-year-old woman who had an ultrasound examination at 20 weeks' gestation; this showed an omphalocele, but the bladder was not visualised. The pregnancy was subsequently terminated and a post-mortem examination showed a low set umbilical cord associated with a small omphalocele; there was an imperforate anus; a blind ending rectum terminated in the omphalocele. We conclude that these two cases illustrate the variability of the OEIS complex. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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