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根据城市环境的可意象性和可识别性,借助认知地图法、图片再认对衡阳市城市意象框架及元素进行提炼。结合问卷调查,以衡阳市39个典型意象元素为研究对象,解析了人居环境的类型及空间分布特征。研究表明,衡阳市的城市识别度较高,解放大道和湘江沿岸意象要素居多;人口集聚、商业服务场所可意象性较高,人居环境满意度低,而休闲娱乐与文体场所人居环境满意度高,但可意象性低;城市意象元素的人居环境空间分异特征明显,从主城区至边缘区依次形成了四个圈层,每个圈层均具备"同质满意度"、"同质感知"强度两种空间特征。  相似文献   

乡村旅游与乡村人居环境的耦合协调研究,有利于乡村旅游的可持续发展和乡村人居环境的改善,助推乡村振兴。以重庆市37个区县为研究单元,构建了乡村旅游发展水平系统和乡村人居环境系统的评价指标体系,并运用耦合协调度模型对2011—2017年乡村旅游发展水平与乡村人居环境的耦合度、耦合协调度的时空变化进行了分析。结果发现:①重庆市乡村旅游发展水平与乡村人居环境的耦合度呈现出由低水平耦合阶段向磨合阶段发展的趋势,处于磨合阶段的区县空间分布特征呈现出由点状集聚到带状集聚再到面状分散分布的特征。②耦合协调度整体水平较低,在空间分布上呈现出整体分异但局部趋同的趋势,高值区域的分布特征与耦合度相似,但略有滞后。  相似文献   

选取2014—2016年31个省市自治区数据,运用综合指数法、空间分析方法,探析中国乡村人居环境质量时空演化特征。研究结果表明:中国乡村人居环境质量水平不断提高,其空间分异特征的差距在不断缩小,乡村人居环境质量速率热点区由东部地区逐渐向西部地区移动。  相似文献   

乡村人居环境:人居环境科学研究的新领域   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
乡村人居环境是人居环境科学的重要构成部分,随着城市化的快速推进,乡村人居环境日益恶化.人居环境科学研究存在明显缺陷,即人居环境研究的"城市主义"倾向明显,忽视了乡村人居环境研究.分析了开展乡村人居环境研究的重要性和紧迫性,评述了国内外的相关研究成果,提出了乡村人居环境研究的多维视角,即基于农户空间行为的乡村人居环境研究、乡村人居环境的地域文化与发展模式研究、乡村人居环境与空间规划研究、基于"3S"技术的乡村人居环境研究、乡村人居环境的系统理论与发展战略研究.  相似文献   

生态城市发展水平的高低有赖于绿色开放空间系统质量的优劣,生态城市建设应首先着眼于绿色开放空间系统的结构优化和功能提升。选择呼和浩特建成区为研究对象,从分析绿色开放空间系统的结构特征和评价功能效应入手,找出城市人居环境改善的科学依据。以梳理系统要素为基础,应用RS、GIS等技术,从系统格局层面的空间变化和景观格局层面的指数变化等不同方面,剖析绿色开放空间系统的空间特征,建构绿色开放空间系统功能效应评价体系,结合雷达图表模型评价其功能效应。结果表明:近年来,防护绿地对水系空间的保护和附属绿地对呼和浩特市人居环境的提升作用显著,但绿色开放空间系统要素结构的较大变化削减了系统的功能效应。  相似文献   

城市人居环境质量评价指标体系与评价方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对人居环境的相关概念进行了阐述和探讨,并就城市人居环境质量综合评价指标体系与评价方法进行了分析与研究,提出从城市人居环境建设水平和城市人居环境居民满意度两个方面建立主客观相结合的评价模型,对于科学研究和评价城市人居环境质量具有深远的意义.  相似文献   

四川省地级城市人居环境评价研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人居环境是人类生存和发展的基础,其质量的好坏不仅直接关系到人类身心健康,还是人口、社会、环境、资源相互协调的问题,也是衡量人类社会进步与文明发展程度的重要标志.近30年来,人居环境问题已引起世界范围的广泛关注,但缺乏对区域的对比研究.本文通过对城市人居环境研究的简要回顾,提出了具有明显区域性、人地和谐的城市人居环境框架;在物元分析的基础上,应用模糊集理论,建立了区域环境友好型的人居环境模糊物元模型,并将该模型用于四川省地级市的人地和谐的城市人居环境评价的实证研究中.通过贴近度对17个地级市进行了排序和分级,结果表明,该方法在区域人居环境评价中具有一定的理论价值和可操作性.  相似文献   

欠发达城市人居环境评价体系构建及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在参阅国内城市人居环境评价指标体系研究的基础上,选择安徽省六安市为样区,提出了欠发达城市人居环境评价的原则、指标构成以及评价模式和方法。其中,指标体系共分为目标层、准则层、分类层和指标层4个层次,从居住建设、生态环境和社会经济三大系统构建了39个单项指标,依据六安市2005年的调查统计资料,对其人居环境的建设水平和满意度两方面进行了对比评价,验证结果科学可行,可为同类地区人居环境质量评价提供参考。  相似文献   

提高城市人居环境质量是促进城市可持续发展、提升民众生活幸福感的重要基础和手段。本文利用2010—2020年河北省11地市面板数据,从“三生空间”视角构建评价指标体系并采用熵权TOPSIS法对城市人居环境质量进行测算,并综合运用标准差椭圆分析、变异系数和障碍因子诊断模型探讨城市人居环境质量的时空演变特征并诊断其障碍因子。结果发现:(1)研究时段内城市人居环境质量整体呈上升趋势,各地市间差距逐渐缩小,呈现以石家庄、唐山和廊坊3市为主的高质量核心区域,以沧州、邯郸、保定、张家口、承德和秦皇岛6市为主的过渡区域,以邢台,衡水3市为主的低质量边缘区域。(2)在空间上呈“核心集聚,局部连片”的分布格局,整体表现为冀中>冀北>冀南的空间格局。(3)各地市间城市人居环境质量差距不断缩小,其中高水平区域内部差异明显缩小,中等区域内部差异呈现波动上升变化,而低水平区域内部差异则基本保持稳定。(4)影响河北省城市人居环境质量的主要障碍因子为人均GDP、GDP年增长率、城镇居民人均消费支出、PM2.5浓度、污水处理率。  相似文献   

在乡村振兴战略背景下,农村人居环境整治和建设工作是实现乡村振兴、提升农民幸福感的重要举措。以B市作为研究案例,采取文献研究法、问卷调查法、实地访谈法等研究方法,从生活垃圾、农户改厕普及情况、农村生活污水处理、村容村貌等方面,对B市各地农村人居环境整治现状进行分析,指出B市农村人居环境整治中的问题,并提出优化B市农村人居环境整治的对策,以期为农村人居环境持续改善和乡村振兴提供参考。  相似文献   

探索城市群医疗与居住空间协同发展问题,可为城市群公共医疗资源均衡发展提供参考。运用闽三角城市群医疗与居住POI数据,通过ArcGIS软件空间分析方法,从4个角度进行空间协同分析,并基于城市群内部与整体两个层面讨论了协同发展未来方向。结果表明:闽三角城市群内部医疗与居住空间协同发展情况不同,需要把握各自特点,积极整合医疗资源。未来,医疗与居住空间协同发展需要以厦门市为核心,发挥“厦泉”与“厦漳”的区域优势,同时注意整体和局部的均衡。  相似文献   


In this article, we deploy the loosely bounded phenomenon of “urban green communities” – in the shape of urban gardening, beekeeping, food collectives, biodiversity enhancement, tree planting and kindred citizen-based group practices towards urban greening – in order to probe the wide variations in modes of civic engagement with urban sustainability politics. As such, we explore the conceptual gaps opened up in-between everyday lifestyle politics, green social movements and critiques of neoliberal urban political economies, by leveraging a novel and fine-grained conceptualization of civic and place-based material participation built from pragmatic sociology. The work of Laurent Thévenot on regimes of engagement, in particular, allow us to trace translations in-between the familiar attachments and the public critiques undertaken by urban green communities in ways that expand the frame on socio-material politics relative to current research conversations. Empirically, we leverage this re-conceptualization as part of a comprehensive digital mapping exercise set in Denmark, in which we trace core patterns and differences in modes of urban-green politics at the level of everyday citizen practices and group interaction styles across a diversity of urban green communities. Having identified six such civic modes of urban greening and specified their group styles of engagement, we end by discussing the implications of our findings for questions of care, justice and democracy in sustainable city-making.  相似文献   

In the South West of the UK, a growing number of rural and urban communities are exploring various pathways to a more sustainable living. The village of Belstone is among these pioneers of change through its Green Village project. It is a relatively affluent community and it has been a major challenge to engage people that are reticent to change their lifestyle and suspicious of the motives of the initiators. Based on a process of action research, this paper explores the attitudes and perceptions towards sustainability and how they influenced the people's engagement. We demonstrate that the partnership was effective in enabling the villagers engaged in the project to take control over the process. Behaviour changes were reported by the villagers actively engaged with the initiative. The Green Village did not “snowball” to the entire community; however, many of those who chose not to engage associated the word “Green” with traits that they did not identify with.  相似文献   

The growing interests in “local food” in recent years in public discussions, research and practice highlight its significant importance as a part of overall food system. This research compares spatially local food production potential of home gardens in nine residential neighbourhood case studies with varying physical densities at a local scale using geographic information systems and mathematical methods. This paper develops a “local food energy model” for measuring sustainability potential of growing local food mainly vegetables in the home gardens. The outcomes indicate that potential of the home gardens in supplying vegetables demand as a share of total dietary energy would depend on the morphological characteristics of urban forms, total resident population, total food demand and other related factors. Local food production in the home gardens could meaningfully contribute towards building a sustainable food future.  相似文献   

Solomon Islands is vulnerable to negative impacts from climate change, where people’s livelihoods and their well-being are threatened, especially the viability of isolated communities. Realising the increasing risks from climate change on communities, government, in partnership with aid-donor partners, has invested millions of dollars in climate change projects, through mitigation and adaptation strategies. As a form of adaptation, the government invests in programmes aimed at increasing the adaptive capacity of the vulnerable communities through landscape and seascape projects across the rural communities. Focusing on the “transformation concept” as a long-term adaptation strategy and enlargement of climate engineering and ecological resilience concepts, the paper discusses why building resilience from transformation of rural communities, as well as from landscape and seascape projects, would benefit communities and relevant authorities. This paper describes the findings of a study on two rural villages, Keigold and Mondo, from Ranogha Islands, Western Province, in Solomon Islands, where 80% of households decided to relocate from their old village “Mondo” to their new home “Keigold” after an earthquake in 2007, as part of a self-initiative. The reallocation process can be seen as a case of pro-active community transformation that provides valuable lessons to other rural communities that may be forced to move due to impacts from natural catastrophes, including those explained by climate change risks. Lessons from this experience suggest that policy-makers and non-government organisations should consider and empower local transformation initiatives as a way to building long-term adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

杨龙誉  程钟  孙燕 《四川环境》2010,29(3):136-139
根据我国工业城市住宅小区的实际情况,提出了具有4个层次的住宅小区人居环境评价指标体系,其中,一级指标包括住区自然环境、住区生态环境和室内环境,最底层指标有24个。利用统计分析法(Delphi)确定各指标的权值。根据该评价指标体系,采用科学的监测、调查分析方法,对常州市5个目标小区进行了多角度、多层次的监测调查分析。最终得出5个小区的评价结果,为城市规划和改善城市人居环境提供现状基础和技术支持。  相似文献   

在人本主义地理学框架下,对城市社会空间结构的分类研究成为必然。以流动人口空间结构为主题,总结了城市化一空间的二元分析框架。在此基础上重点构建了流动人口空间结构体系,对流动人口区位空间、行为空间和感应空间的涵义、特征、功能等进行解析。认为流动人口空间是在城市空间基底上叠加的具有流动人口特质的空间形态,是一种再造的空间。提出流动人口收入水平及行为活动的多少是影响流动人口空间关系的主要因素。  相似文献   

'Market transformation' of the significant urban development industry towards more sustainable practices is not moving at great pace. Design and assessment systems that may promote uptake of more sustainable urban design and development are reviewed briefly followed by a comparison between building and neighbourhood scales. For the latter there is a dearth of design and assessment tools for the residential built environment and of indicators to monitor progress towards sustainable development. Local authorities increasingly require an integrated approach to data collection and inclusion of infrastructure service providers in design, assessment and monitoring of urban development and associated environmental effects. By examining attempts to increase uptake of more sustainable residential development, the potential for tools and indicators at the neighbourhood scale to reduce environmental impact of the built environment is highlighted. It is recommended that built environment initiatives need to be combined with research into behavioural changes to achieve the desired outcome of a sustainable built environment and to increase the dialogue between communities, developers and local authorities.  相似文献   


‘Market transformation’ of the significant urban development industry towards more sustainable practices is not moving at great pace. Design and assessment systems that may promote uptake of more sustainable urban design and development are reviewed briefly followed by a comparison between building and neighbourhood scales. For the latter there is a dearth of design and assessment tools for the residential built environment and of indicators to monitor progress towards sustainable development. Local authorities increasingly require an integrated approach to data collection and inclusion of infrastructure service providers in design, assessment and monitoring of urban development and associated environmental effects. By examining attempts to increase uptake of more sustainable residential development, the potential for tools and indicators at the neighbourhood scale to reduce environmental impact of the built environment is highlighted. It is recommended that built environment initiatives need to be combined with research into behavioural changes to achieve the desired outcome of a sustainable built environment and to increase the dialogue between communities, developers and local authorities.  相似文献   

Immigrant integration models in rural communities are limited because they do not acknowledge the context of illegality that exists within communities that have a high concentration of unauthorised immigrants. In this in-depth case study of Postville, Iowa (the site of an infamous US immigration raid), I examine current rural immigrant community integration strategies under a shadow context of illegality and unauthorised immigrant labour. I find that underground and informal relationships within the towns' employers, immigrants, civic leaders, and native townspeople sustain a shadow context of exploitation and community instability. My research demonstrates that communities with large unauthorised immigrant populations rely on both formal and informal immigrant integration strategies to create “welcoming” immigrant communities. The formal strategies are multicultural approaches that rely on “diversity champions” to instil a climate of inclusion but do not tackle structural issues that place unauthorised communities at risk. The informal strategies rely on tacit understandings of community behaviour that just perpetuate the structural conditions of exploitation present in rural towns. These two forms of immigrant integration strategies support a shadow context that breeds vulnerability and risk for unauthorised immigrants, even in an immigrant “welcoming” environment.  相似文献   

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