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The figure of the Health and Safety Coordinator (HSC), as a necessary and competent engineer in the construction sector, emerged in Spain on December 25, 1997 as a result of the implementation of European Directive 92/57/EEC. The coming of age of this figure is a sufficient period of time for determining its implementation and impact within the construction sector. The research carried out in this article arose from the analysis of statistical data obtained through Public Authorities and Professional Bodies. The quantitative study of the data extracted is complemented by the creation of specific benchmark indicators which connect four fundamental variables in the construction industry: the number of accidents, volume of workers employed, building units, and health and safety coordination posts. Furthermore, the legislation governing the HSC engineer in each of the 28 Member States of the European Union is studied. The results show a high implementation rate for the figure of the HSC, as well as a positive impact in relation to the reduced accident rate in the construction sector. Likewise, an update to the procedures of the various authorities is considered to be necessary in order to make the data concerning the actual work of the health and safety coordinators public. Finally, a review of the Spanish legislation concerning the HSC Coordinator is considered to be inevitable, in order to bring it up to the levels of professional skill and competence defined by the majority of European Union Member States.  相似文献   

为预防施工作业人员的职业中毒危害,采用行为安全“2-4”模型,分析50起建筑施工中毒事故的原因,得到涉及事故的因素235项,并对其中发生频次最高的因素和具有共性特征的因素进行了详细的原因分析。研究结果表明:发生在一线作业施工人员的职业中毒事故中,不安全动作的未佩戴符合标准的防护用品或无防护措施、不安全物态的作业空间受限、安全知识中不知道作业前需隐患排查、安全意识中未意识到按规章行动的重要性、安全习惯日常检查流于表面是各层次中导致职业中毒最主要的原因。  相似文献   



This study compares construction industry groups in Washington State by injury severity and cost, and ranks industry groups according to potential for prevention.


All Washington State workers' compensation compensable claims with date of injury between 2003 and 2007 were classified into North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) industry groups. Claims were then aggregated by injury type and industry groups were ranked according to a prevention index (PI). The PI is the average of the rank orders of the claim count and the claim incidence rate. A lower PI indicates a higher need for prevention activities. The severity rate was calculated as the number of days of time loss per 10,000 full-time equivalents (FTEs).


For all injury types, construction industry groups occupy 7 of the top 15 PI ranks in Washington State. The severity rate among construction industry groups was twice that for non-construction groups for all injury types. Foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors (NAICS 2381) ranked highest in prevention potential and severity among construction industry groups for most common injury types including falls from elevation, fall on same level, struck by/against, and musculo-skeletal disorders of the neck, back, and upper extremity (WMSDs). Median claim costs by injury type were generally higher among construction industry groups.


The construction industry in Washington State has a high severity rate and potential for prevention. The methods used for characterizing these industry groups can be adapted for comparison within and between other industries and states.

Impact on Industry

These data can be used by industry groups and employers to identify higher cost and higher severity injury types. Knowledge about the relative frequencies and costs associated with different injury types will help employers and construction industry associations make better informed decisions about where prevention efforts are most needed and may have the greatest impact. The results of this study can also be used by industry stakeholders to cooperatively focus on high cost and high severity injuries and explore best practices, interventions, and solutions as demonstrated by efforts to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in masonry (Entzel, Albers, & Welch, 2007). Initiating construction industry groups to focus on high cost and high severity injuries may also help prevent other types of injuries.  相似文献   

1 安全生产统计数据分析 武钢集团本部现有从业人员7.3万余人,涉及矿山开采、钢铁冶炼、危险化学品生产经营、工业建筑、生产检修、运输、能源供应等众多行业.现有5座矿山,锅炉199台,压力容器3 600余台,起重设备3 000多台套,炸药库5处,尾矿库5座,重大危险源59个,A级危险源125个,危险化学品生产经营单位7个,生产现场复杂,危险因素较多.  相似文献   



Occupational accidents suffered by workers in Spain when using ladders were analyzed over a six year period from 2003-2008, during which the total of notified ladder-related accidents amounted to 21,725. Method: Different accident-related factors were identified for the purpose of developing a pattern of those factors that had the greatest influence on the seriousness and the fatality of such accidents. Thus, a series of variables were examined such as age and length of service of the injured worker, firm size, the work sector, the injury suffered, and the part of the body that was injured. Since falls is the most frequent and most serious of ladder related occupational accidents, a special analysis of falls was performed. Results: The findings showed that the seriousness of ladder-related accidents increased with the age of the injured worker. Likewise, accidents at places other than the usual workplace were more serious and registered higher fatalities than those that occurred at the usual place of work. Conclusions: The analysis of falls from ladders established that accidents in smaller-sized firms were of greater seriousness and involved more fatalities than those in larger-sized firms. The investigation also underlined the need for stricter compliance with preliminary safety assessments when working with ladders.  相似文献   

2003年我国事故与灾害状况综述   总被引:4,自引:37,他引:4  
对我国2003年的安全生产事故及自然灾害情况进行了总结和评述.包括火灾(城乡火灾、森林火灾、草原火灾)、沙尘天气、水旱灾害(干旱、暴雨洪涝、夏季高温)、农业自然灾害(干旱、洪涝、风雹、低温冻害)、海洋灾害(风暴潮、赤潮、海浪、海冰、溢油)、地质灾害(地震、泥石流)等.  相似文献   

为预防和减少建筑工程施工事故,应用人工智能领域知识图谱技术,对建筑工程施工事故进行分析。通过定义领域知识图谱概念体系结构,从建筑工程施工事故数据中提取关键知识要素,构建建筑工程施工事故知识图谱,将其储存在Neo4j图数据库中,并提出基于知识图谱的建筑工程施工事故分析流程,针对事故相关信息开展查询、统计分析以及关联路径分析等智能分析。研究结果表明:基于知识图谱技术,将建筑工程施工事故知识以可视化图形或表格等进行展示,将事故信息以知识形式结构化存储及表达,可有效提高事故分析工作效率,为事故预防以及安全管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   

为有效避免地铁施工安全事故的发生,将动态元网络的分析方法应用于地铁施工安全事故致因分析,建立地铁施工安全事故网络节点体系,提出重点控制因素。以杭州地铁一号线施工安全事故为例,在充分考虑人的主观能动性后,建立以人员、行为、事件和组织为节点的节点体系,确定节点的数量及节点之间的相互关系,建立施工安全事故网络模型并进行分析,对打击效果进行对比分析,找到比较理想的打击策略,确立节点的重要度排序,研究结果表明:应重点控制有效的监督相关节点,即可有效地避免或者减少此类事故的发生。得出的结论与事故通报结果基本相符,这为避免地铁施工安全事故提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   

高处坠落是建筑工程事故统计中发生频率最高的一类事故,会造成极大的人员伤害和经济损失。通过分析123例典型高处坠落事故调查报告,采用关键词检索抽取出19种导致该类事故发生的致因要素;针对一般事故和较大事故分别对致因要素发生频率进行了统计,得出一般事故中人的因素更关键,较大事故中物的因素更关键。采用ISM模型进一步分析致因要素间的作用关系,构建了7个层级的高处坠落致因要素解释结构模型;对不同层级要素进行分析,发现其与频率度量有良好的一致性,最后得出行政监管和违法承发包两个致因要素是事故发生的深层原因。  相似文献   

近年来,湖北省一大批重点工程陆续开工建设,但由于安全监管不到位等原因,2007年连续发生了“8·5”宜万铁路野三关隧道透水致10人死亡和“11·20”宜万铁路高阳寨隧道口岩石坍塌致35人死亡的重、特大生产安全事故。但自2008年以来,  相似文献   

Characteristics of worker accidents on NYSDOT construction projects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION: This paper aims at providing cost-effective safety measures to protect construction workers in highway work zones, based on real data. Two types of accidents that occur in work zones were: (a) construction work area accidents, and (b) traffic accidents involving construction worker(s). METHODOLOGY/RESULTS: A detailed analysis of work zone accidents involving 36 fatalities and 3,055 severe injuries to construction workers on New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) construction projects from 1990 to 2001 established that five accident types: (a) Struck/Pinned by Large Equipment, (b) Trip or Fall (elevated), (c) Contact w/Electrical or Gas Utility, (d) Struck-by Moving/Falling Load, and (e) Crane/Lift Device Failure accounted for nearly 96% of the fatal accidents, nearly 63% of the hospital-level injury accidents, and nearly 91% of the total costs. These construction work area accidents had a total cost of $133.8 million. Traffic accidents that involve contractors' employees were also examined. Statistical analyses of the traffic accidents established that five traffic accident types: (a) Work Space Intrusion, (b) Worker Struck-by Vehicle Inside Work Space, (c) Flagger Struck-by Vehicle, (d) Worker Struck-by Vehicle Entering/Exiting Work Space, and (e) Construction Equipment Struck-by Vehicle Inside Work Space accounted for nearly 86% of the fatal, nearly 70% of the hospital-level injury and minor injury traffic accidents, and $45.4 million (79.4%) of the total traffic accident costs. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this paper provide real statistics on construction worker related accidents reported on construction work zones. Potential preventions based on real statistics have also been suggested. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The ranking of accident types, both within the work area as well as in traffic, will guide the heavy highway contractor and owner agencies in identifying the most cost effective safety preventions.  相似文献   

为了解我国城市地铁施工事故规律特征,降低新建地铁线路施工事故发生频率,统计分析2011—2020年全国31个省市自治区(不包括港澳台)地铁施工事故,归纳事故发生时间、事故类型、施工工法的分布特征,基于灰色关联分析法(GRA)对地铁施工事故致因进行分析。研究结果表明:地铁施工事故季节性特征突出,3,8,11月份呈多发态势;科学技术进步和规章制度完善是保证我国轨道交通运营里程高速增长和施工事故率降低的有效手段;事故类型以坍塌为主,且事故造成影响最大;违章作业、设备设施缺陷、地质环境不良和安全监管未贯彻落实分别为“人、物、环、管”4个维度的关键致因因子。  相似文献   

为系统研究导致建筑安全事故的人为因素及对策,首先,在文献分析和专家访谈的基础上结合建筑行业特征提出人为因素分类分析系统(HFACS)框架中应增加社会环境层,在修正框架层次和人为因素的基础上构建建筑安全事故人为因素分类分析系统(C-HFACS)框架;其次,对150起建筑安全事故进行案例分析,探讨C-HFACS框架中对事故影响显著的人为因素及其内在关联性,验证了构建C-HFACS框架的合理性;最后,得出政府监管等九个人为因素对事故和下层人为因素影响显著,并从政府、企业、现场和个体四个维度提出独立第三方“飞行式”巡检等有针对性的对策,以期为建筑安全事故分析和管理提供新的方法和工具。  相似文献   



The rate for work related accidents in the Spanish mining sector is notably higher than in other countries such as the United States. It produces a very negative impact on the mining industry. This paper is the report of a study on serious and fatal accidents in Spanish mining from 1982-2006. It is based on the reports of 212 accidents (serious or fatal) carried out by the General Management of Energy and Mining of Catalonia (Spain). Method: The high work-related accident rate in the Spanish mining sector makes it necessary to carry out an analysis and research that can shed light on the causes of this high rate; this is the only way that a solution can be found. The study is based on Feyer and Williamson's analysis of accident causes, as they apply to 212 accidents. The types and causes of the accidents are coded according to the coding system used by the Spanish National Institute for Safety and Hygiene in the Workplace, which allows us to identify a series of direct causes and contributing factors in different accidents. Results If all the causes and factors that are present in the accidents are known, we are able to look for appropriate solutions to reduce them as much as possible. In short, we are able to come up with a series of conclusions that expose the weak links in the management of accident prevention in companies. This is helpful in the struggle to reduce work injuries in the Spanish mining sector.  相似文献   

为了解我国建筑行业劳动防护用品事故情况,对近九年建筑企业19723起事故数据进行统计分析。结果表明:建筑行业的劳动防护用品事故从整体上看,呈下降趋势,但劳动防护用品缺少或缺陷仍然是建筑企业事故重要影响因素。不同时间段、不同地域、不同类型的建筑企业劳动防护用品工作存在差异,建议相关企业及所在地区的政府监管部门加强劳动防护用品管理和监督检查工作。  相似文献   

IntroductionIt is necessary to clearly understand construction accidents for preventing a rise in Chinese construction accidents and deaths. Better analysis methods are required for Chinese construction sector accidents.MethodsChoosing and analyzing a typical construction accident based on four popular contemporary accident causation models: STAMP, AcciMap, HFACS, and the 2-4 Model. Then we evaluated the models' applicability to construction accidents, including their usability, reliability, and validity.ResultsSTAMP addressed how complexity within the accident system influenced the accident development, and its output makes the responsibilities clearer for the accident. AcciMap described the entire system's failure, the entire accident's trajectory, and the relationship between them. AcciMap showed that the accident was a dynamic developing process, and this method has a high usability. The taxonomic nature of HFACS is an important feature that provides it with a high reliability. In the accident reviewed here, we found that poor management was a critical factor rather than the individual factor in the accident. The 2-4 Model provided detailed causes of the accident and established the relationship among the accident causes, the safety management system, and the safety culture. It also avoided capturing all of the complexity in the large sociotechnical system and revealed a dynamic analysis and developing process. We confirmed that it has a high usability and validity. Therefore, the 2-4Model is recommended for future Chinese construction accident analysis efforts.Practical ApplicationsThe study provides a useful, reliable, and effective analysis method for Chinese construction accidents.  相似文献   

重庆市建筑业高处坠落事故调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以通过重庆市安全生产监督管理局收集的建筑业事故调查表为基础,对其中43起建筑业高空坠落事故发生的部位、工种、伤亡人员情况以及事故原因进行了调查统计分析。通过调查分析发现,建筑业高处坠落事故主要发生在“四口、五临边”和脚手架操作平台;伤亡人员以30~40岁之间的农民工居多,大都从事普工作业;在事故原因方面,安全管理、安全教育等间接原因略高于直接原因。这说明目前建筑业在对农民工的安全管理、安全教育等方面还存在一定的问题。  相似文献   

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