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Wheat is the second-largest food crop in Tibet, China. Along with economic development, the pattern of wheat production in Tibet has changed dramatically, potentially affecting the balance of grain supply and demand, as well as food security. A clear understanding of the spatiotemporal patterns and other factors affecting wheat production can provide a necessary basis for the scientific management and efficient production of wheat. Based on the wheat yield from 1990 to 2020 in 74 county-level units of Tibet, this study analyzed the spatial and temporal change patterns of Tibetan wheat production and its impacting factors using the Gini coefficient, center of gravity move method, advantage index, exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA), and geographically weighted regression model (GWR). Results showed that: (1) the total wheat production in Tibet rose from 1990 to 1999, fluctuated, and then decreased from 1999 to 2020. The production areas are mainly concentrated in the southern Tibetan Valley and counties in the Three Rivers region of eastern Tibet. (2) The spatial distribution and agglomeration pattern of wheat in Tibet is relatively stable, and the production center shows a slight fluctuation trend from west to east during the 1990-2020 time period. (3) Based on the comprehensive advantage index (CAI), Tibet’s wheat production in advantaged areas, slightly advantaged areas, slightly disadvantaged areas, and disadvantaged areas accounted for 13.5%, 8.1%, 9.5%, and 40.5% of the total production, respectively; indicating that the regional distribution of CAI exhibits spatial agglomeration rather than sporadic distribution. The patterns are HH (high-high), LH (low-high), and random; 29 hot spots are mainly distributed in Lhasa, Shannan, and Nyingchi, while the cold spots are mainly distributed in Xigazê and Ngari; and (4) the impacting factors on Tibet’s wheat production mainly include effective irrigation areas and agricultural mechanization level as positive factors, and regional gross agricultural product as the main negative factor. In addition, rainfall, other grain output, livestock inventory at the end of the year, and the number of non-primary industries also have an impact on wheat production. Wheat planting area in Tibet has been declining in recent years, thus exhibiting a significant pattern of spatial agglomeration. The three dominant factors affecting the emerging spatiotemporal pattern of wheat production in Tibet are the irrigation condition, mechanization, and local economic development levels. Based on the above conclusions, the study suggests building a high-yield wheat area consistent with local conditions by strictly protecting arable land, improving irrigation conditions, and increasing machinery investment. Depending on the counties of high-yield areas, Tibetan farmers and herders should cultivate the bases of wheat production and build a wheat base for local wheat consumption. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

捕食性瓢虫是重要的天敌昆虫,有利于害虫的生物防治.为查清西藏林芝地区农田瓢虫资源与种群现状,明确优势种类及种群动态和规律,对林芝不同生态区域的青稞、小麦、油菜3种作物农田开展瓢虫资源调查研究,同时选取固定样地定期进行种群动态分析.结果显示:林芝地区农田瓢虫分为2个亚科4个族10个属,共13种,其中11种为捕食性瓢虫.主要优势瓢虫种类为横斑瓢虫、多异瓢虫、二星瓢虫.其中横斑瓢虫在全部调查样地中均有分布,在农田中总体优势度指数、相对多度为最高.3种优势瓢虫在不同作物中种群动态变化规律存在差异,其中横斑瓢虫虫口密度长期高于其余优势瓢虫,且与蚜虫密度曲线有较为明显的重合现象.横斑瓢虫种群密度峰值主要集中在6月中旬至7月上旬,但在不同作物农田中具体峰值时期存在差异.可见,林芝地区农田不同种类瓢虫之间有较大数量差异,在不同生态区域与作物环境下具有不同的种群特征,但是优势瓢虫种类与种群规律较为明确,可用于农田蚜虫生物防治;结果可为保护当地重要昆虫资源及开展生物防治提供基础数据支撑.(图4表6参23)  相似文献   

An annual quarterly survey of six stations in Yantian Port, Shenzhen, China was conducted from January 2020 to October 2020 to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the surface sediment of Yantian Port. In total, 36 species representing five groups and two uncertain taxa were identified. The dominant species were Scrippsiella trochoidea, Alexandrium spp., Gymnodinium catenatum, Cochlodinium spp., and Lingulodinium polyedrum. The seasonal difference was not obvious in terms of temporal distribution. The number of species ranged from 32 to 36, and the abundance varied from 297 to 996 cysts/g. The annual average values of the diversity index, richness index, and evenness index were 3.65, 1.55, and 0.93, respectively. The annual number and abundance of heterotrophic species were higher than those of autotrophic species. The number and abundance of species at stations near the dock zone were lower than those near the adjacent area. Notably, six toxic dinoflagellate cysts were found in the surface sediment of Yantian Port, indicating a potential outbreak risk for their vegetative cells in the local coastal area. This study provides a picture of the “Seed Bank” of dinoflagellates near Yantian Port, Shenzhen, and provides a reference value for predicting the occurrence of algal blooms. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Using the daily observation data of meteorological stations from 1961 to 2020, the monthly, seasonal, and annual scales of the humidity indices in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau over the past 60 years were calculated, and the spatial distribution characteristics and temporal trends of the humidity indices were analyzed. The results showed that in the past 60 years, the humidity indices of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have shown decreasing trends in most areas, and the most significant decreases were in the summer and autumn. The low-value areas of the humidity indices were mainly distributed in Xinjiang and western Tibet, and the high-value areas were mainly distributed in southeastern Tibet, western Yunnan, and the eastern edge of the western Sichuan Plateau. In terms of temporal trends, the average humidity index in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region has had a significant decreasing trend since the 1980s, and there were abrupt points in autumn and winter in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. The annual, spring, and summer humidity indices had abrupt points in 2005. The decreasing trend rate of humidity index in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was 0.008 a-1 from 1961 to 2020. Significant decreasing trends were mainly distributed in southern and eastern Qinghai, Gansu, northern Sichuan Plateau, southwestern Sichuan, Yunnan, and eastern Tibet. In summary, the humidity index of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau showed a distribution characteristic of high in the southeast and low in the northwest and showed a significant decreasing trend from 1961 to 2020. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

随着经济快速发展、城镇化进程加快以及人口基数不断增加,在城市用地不断向外扩张以及生态退耕措施的影响下,耕地面积呈逐年减小的趋势.这一现象加剧了农业发展与其他要素间的矛盾,对区域粮食安全也产生重要影响,因此,探讨耕地面积时空变化及其驱动机制对保障区域粮食安全具有现实意义.分析青藏高原地区1980年、1990年、2000年、2010年、2018年的耕地面积数据,结合户籍人口、地区生产总值(GDP)、粮食单产等统计年鉴资料解析影响其变化的主要驱动因子.结果表明:(1)青藏高原近40年耕地面积变化总体经历缓慢增加、显著增加和缓慢递减3个阶段,整个变化过程中耕地主要流失方向为林地和草地,分别占总流失面积的50.99%和32.02%,主要原因为退耕还林还草等政策的实施,其次为建设用地和水域增加.(2)耕地转为非耕地的地区主要集中在四川西部、云南西北部、青海东部,而耕地转入地区主要集中在青藏高原中部.以地市州来看,拉萨、海东、海西、阿坝、林芝等地区耕地面积变化特征以缓慢递增为主;西宁、黄南、甘孜、甘南等地区的耕地面积则呈缓慢递减的变化趋势.(3)主成分分析和结构方程模型结果显示影响耕地面积减少的主要驱动因素包括经济社会发展和粮食生产.其中经济和社会因素对耕地面积变化产生的影响为负值,社会因素产生的负影响最大,为-0.224,人口基数增长、建设用地扩张、土地利用转型要求以及二、三产业红利的吸引都会导致耕地面积减小.本研究揭示了青藏高原地区近40年耕地变化情况及流失方向,耕地面积波动主要受到经济社会因素以及政策因素的影响;上述结果可为今后国家粮食安全及当地生态环境可持续发展提供理论参考.(图7表8参45)  相似文献   

Based on observation data of daily sunshine duration from 1961 to 2020 at 175 meteorological observation stations over Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its surrounding areas, spatial transformation analysis, climate trend analysis and M-K mutation test were used to analyze the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of the seasonal and annual sunshine duration in the region in the last 60 years. The results show that (1) annual average sunshine duration was 2 323 h, the maximum was 3 487 h in Gaer, Tibet, and the minimum was 771 h in Ya'an, Sichuan. The high-value areas were mostly located in western Tibet, northern Qinghai, western Gansu, and Xinjiang, and the low-value areas were mostly located in Nyingchi in Tibet, the mountainous area on the western edge of the Sichuan Basin, and northwestern Yunnan. The highest sunshine duration was recorded in winter (631 h), and the lowest was recorded in autumn (555 h) among the four seasons. (2) The average decrease in annual sunshine duration was 10.27 h/10 a. The largest rates of decrease were mainly in Gannan of Gansu and Ganzi of Sichuan, with the largest rate of decrease of 130 h/10 a. The areas with large rates of increase were mainly in Hotan area of Xinjiang, Liangshan of Sichuan and Lhasa of Tibet, with the largest increase of 61 h/10 a. Among the four seasons, spring exhibited an upward trend, and the remainder exhibited a downward trend. (3) Before 2017, the annual sunshine duration increased but declined after 2017. Spring sunshine duration had the largest number of mutation years, and the earliest mutation time was 1963. Winter had the fewest number of mutation years and the latest mutation time occurred in 2015. In summary, the annual and seasonal sunshine duration of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau vary greatly in space, but with the general characteristics of more sunshine in the northwest and less in the southeast, and sunshine hours were mainly decreasing, with 2017 as a mutation point of annual sunshine duration. Most areas of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have great potential for photosynthetic production and are suitable for the development of light-loving plants and high-density planting. Shade-loving or shade-tolerant plants, including tea, are suitable for development in remote mountainous areas with low sunshine values in the western part of the basin, including Ya’an, Sichuan, and other areas, such as Medog, Tibet. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Heart rot is a common soil-borne disease in the pineapple industry, but the situation can be alleviated by the application of bio-fertilizers with beneficial microbiomes. Clarifying the controlling mechanism of bio-organic fertilizer on the high incidence of heart rot is critical in monocultural pineapple cropping patterns. In our study, the soil of continuous cropping pineapple orchards was collected. Three types of carriers (rapeseed cake, peat soil, and coconut bran), biocontrol strains (Bacillus subtilis HL2 and Streptomyces strain HL3), and organic fertilizer (YJ) were composted into different bio-fertilizers (KC, KN, KY, LC, LN, and LY), which were used in pot experiments. The controlling effect of the bio-fertilizer was determined based on the response of pineapple heart rot and bacterial communities to different fertilizing methods. Our results revealed that the incidence of heart rot in bio-fertilizer KC was the lowest, which decreased by 20% and 13.3%, respectively, compared to HF (chemical fertilizer, 16-16-16) and YJ (organic fertilizer). The richness and diversity of soil bacterial communities in all biofertilized treatments (KC, KN, KY, LC, LN, and LY) were significantly higher than those in HF. However, the α-diversity indices of the bio-fertilizers (KC, KN, and KY) were higher than those of LC, LN, and LY, and the bacterial community composition was significantly different. The bacteria GP4, GP6, Bacillus, and Azohydromonas were enriched in KC, KN, and KY, while the relative abundance of Streptomyces increased significantly in LC, LN, and LY. Furthermore, Spearman correlation analysis showed that the relative abundance of these bacterial groups was significantly negatively correlated with the incidence of pineapple heart rot. In summary, the application of bio-organic fertilizers can decrease the incidence of pineapple heart rot by altering the soil bacterial community structure and stimulating beneficial soil microorganisms, which is important for reconstructing the ecological balance in continuous pineapple orchards. © 2022 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Traffic activities in roadways are the major source of heavy metal contamination on the northwestern Sichuan Plateau, China. To characterize the spatial pattern of heavy metal distribution, we collected soil samples and measured the concentrations of five heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) from nine sites in Hongyuan County, Sichuan Province, including three transects that reflected typical gradients of traffic density. Each transect consisted of three levels of traffic density sites. We calculated single pollution index, Nemerow multi-factor index, and potential ecological risk index, to assess the ecological risk of the heavy metal contamination. Results showed that the soils were contaminated by Cd and Zn, with higher concentrations than that of the natural soil background values in all sampling sites. Moreover, Cd and Zn concentrations increased with increasing traffic density, suggesting that traffic activities were potentially responsible for the metal contaminations. The single pollution index indicated that the study sites were heavily contaminated by Cd and slightly polluted by Ni, Pb, and Zn, and the Nemerow multi-factor and potential ecological risk indexes indicated moderate potential ecological risks at the study sites. Specifically, the sites with high traffic density were moderately contaminated and the sites with low traffic density were mildly contaminated. In general, Cd and Zn were highly accumulated in soils of the study region; therefore focus should be on the high ecological hazard associated with soil heavy metal contamination, even in undeveloped regions. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

In this study, three different hull-less barley varieties were used to prepare steamed cakes, and their nutritional value, sensory qualities, textural properties, and in vitro starch hydrolysis were evaluated. The results showed that the contents of total dietary fiber (4.50%-5.12%), β-glucan (2.96%-3.96%), total flavonoids (12.56-38.73 mg/100 g), and γ-aminobutyric acid (5.08-9.53 mg/100 g) in the steamed hull-less barley cakes were significantly higher than that in the steamed wheat cake, which were 0.65%, 0.23%, 3.93 mg/(100 g), and 2.63 mg/(100 g), respectively. The sensory properties of steamed ordinary hull-less barley and wheat cakes were not significantly different, but the steamed 08-1127 (waxy hull-less barley) cake was softer and out of shape. The springiness, resilience, cohesiveness, gumminess, and adhesiveness of steamed ordinary hull-less barley cakes were similar to those of steamed wheat cake, while those of steamed 08-1127 cakes were significantly lower than those of steamed ordinary hull-less barley cakes. Steamed hull-less barley cake also showed a maximum starch hydrolysis rate (38.76%-42.74%) that was lower than that of steamed wheat cake (49.92%), and the contents of rapidly (11.58%-13.16%) and slowly digested starch (5.34%-7.56%) were lower than that of steamed wheat cake (17.21% and 15.97%, respectively). In addition, the glycemic (59.37-61.67) and hydrolysis indexes (35.82-40.00) were lower than those of steamed wheat cake (76.66 and 67.30, respectively), and the contents of resistant starch (2.74%-3.55%) were higher than those of wheat steamed cake (1.68%). Therefore, the steamed cakes of ordinary hull-less barley had a higher content of nutritional components than the steamed cake of wheat, and the in vitro starch hydrolysis parameters were better than those of steamed wheat cake. When it is necessary to consider both nutritional and sensory qualities, ordinary hull-less barley can be selected as the raw material for steamed cakes, but waxy hull-less barley is not suitable for making steamed cakes. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

为缓解新疆棉花连作障碍,充分挖掘棉花根系生物学潜力,以新疆棉花根系为研究对象,采用模块根分级的方法探究不同根序根系的形态和生理特征以及它们对添加生物炭(BC)的响应.结果表明:根序对两个时期的生理指标、形态指标和根系生物量有显著影响.随着根序级的增加,吐絮期根系的可溶性蛋白含量、可溶性糖含量、全非结构性碳水化合物含量、第二和第三模块根的平均直径和根系生物量不断增加,两个时期比根长、比表面积和吐絮期组织密度不断减小.与对照相比,添加BC增加蕾期第一、第二模块根的可溶性蛋白含量分别为30.7%和21.8%,增加第一模块根的全非结构性碳水化合物含量79.8%、可溶性糖含量151%、比根长182%和比表面积193%,增加第二模块根的组织密度124%、吐絮期第一模块根的比根长6.3%和第一、第二模块根的组织密度分别为51.2%和23.8%.综上所述,棉花不同根序根系在生理和形态上存在异质性;第一模块根对BC添加最敏感,且BC使其在形态上更细更长,生理上活性更强,这有利于棉花对养分的吸收.(图4表3参57)  相似文献   

There has been increased focus on the impacts of climate change on vegetation growth, and human activities that interfere with the vegetation. Discussing the effects of climate change and thinning activity on forest growth is essential to expand plantation areas. In this study, the dendroecological method was used to analyze the radial growth of Pinus tabulaeformis to reveal the impacts of climate change and human activities on forest stand growth. These samples were derived from three different density areas of P. tabulaeformis forest at the Linfen City of Shanxi Province (the east of Loess Plateau). The correlation analysis between tree ring width index and climatic factors indicated that the growth of P. tabulaeformis was negatively related to precipitation in January and the monthly maximum temperature in December of the previous year, whereas positively correlated with precipitation in July and the monthly maximum temperature in October in that year. The phenomena of growth release and inhibition could be attributed to the impacts of climate change and thinning during 1978-2003. However, growth inhibition was closely related to unsuitable climatic conditions. Plot 1 showed a moderate growth inhibition period when the growth variation was less than -50%, and growth release was caused by thinning. The growth variation was greater than 47% in the period of growth release. Moreover, a slight growth release occurred due to tending in plot 2, and the rate of growth change exceeded 39%. A slight growth suppression induced by uncomfortable climatic condition caused growth variation less than -32% and a moderate growth release by the interaction of cutting and comfortable counterpart made variation rate larger than 75% in plot 3. The release effects of thinning can last for about 5 years. In summary, inappropriate climatic conditions can inhibit the growth of trees, and thinning can promote tree growth by about 5 years. The results can provide a reference for local forest management. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

2020年12月在深圳市城市区域典型生境特征溪流——城市山区源头溪流金龟河、国家地质公园保护区入海溪流杨梅坑河与黑臭水体治理后溪流石溪河,开展底栖动物多样性与生境质量状况取样,通过多元统计分析探明各溪流底栖动物群落结构差异及其主要环境影响因子.结果表明:(1)金龟河底质异质性(SI)最高;杨梅坑河水质最好且流态异质性(Fr)最优,石溪河水质最差且底质异质性(Fr)最低.(2)共采集鉴定大型底栖动物118个分类单元,隶属于3门6纲14目87科.水生昆虫均占绝对优势,其中金龟河67属(81.7%),杨梅坑河62属(95.4%),石溪河12属(52.2%).金龟河中底栖动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、改进的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度均高于杨梅坑河与石溪河.(3)金龟河的主要功能摄食类群是滤食者(45.5%),杨梅坑河(38.3%)与石溪河(58.7%)的主要功能摄食类群均为收集者.(4)冗余分析(RDA)结果显示,氨氮、海拔、湿宽、水温、溶氧、底质异质性(SI)、电导率和流态异质性(Fr)为影响深圳市溪流的大型底栖动物群落结构的主要环境因子.研究表明:(1)深圳市的山区溪流可作为深圳市生物多样性保护的重点区域.(2)在城市溪流生态系统中,水环境化学因子并非为主要影响因子,生境多样性发挥了重要作用.(图6表3参43)  相似文献   

To protect the ecosystem of barren mountains, massive Cupressus funebris plantations were allowed in hilly areas of the central Sichuan Basin in the late 1980s. In recent years, Cupressus funebris plantations have faced problems such as biodiversity decline and soil erosion. To study the effects of different forest densities on understory species diversity and soil anti-scourability of Cupressus funebris plantations in Yunding Mountain, a typical sampling method was used to investigate the five different forest densities (1 100, 950, 800, 650, and 500 trees/hm2) and to analyze the correlation between the species diversity index, soil anti-scourability, and root index. In total, 176 species from 128 genera and 69 families were recorded in this area. The number of species in the herb layer was higher than that in the shrub layer. The species diversity index of the shrub layer first increased and then decreased with the decrease in stand density; and the species richness index D and Shannon–Wiener diversity index H showed peak values at a density of 650 trees/hm2. The species richness index D, Shannon–Wiener diversity index H, and Simpson dominance index H’ in the herb layer showed a bimodal trend of increasing, then decreasing, increasing again, and finally decreasing with the decrease in stand density; and the peak values were found at the densities of 650 and 950 trees/hm2. When soil anti-scourability decreased with stand density, it showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing, reaching a peak at a density of 650 trees/hm2. The positive correlation between the species richness index and soil anti-scourability was evident. Thus, 650 trees/hm2 is relatively more conducive to the stability of species diversity and soil anti-scourability in cypress plantations. © 2022 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

土壤是甲烷(CH4)重要的源和汇.氮沉降和降水格局变化正在急剧改变土壤碳循环,进而可能对土壤CH4通量造成深刻影响.高寒生态系统是巨大的碳库,对氮沉降和降水变化十分敏感.然而,目前多数研究集中在短期实验上,缺乏对长期氮沉降和降水变化背景下CH4通量的响应及其调控因素的认识.以青藏高原高寒草原为研究对象,在2013年搭建模拟氮沉降和降水格局改变实验平台.基于静态箱–气相色谱法测定2020年生长季(5-10月)土壤CH4通量.结果显示,高寒草原土壤呈CH4的汇.氮添加没有显著改变生长季和植物生长高峰CH4通量.然而,降水变化显著改变了生长季和植物生长高峰CH4通量,其中降水增加(+50%降水)降低了CH4的吸收(分别为–16%和–45%),降水减少(–50%降水)增强了CH4的吸收(分别为+73%和+33%).进一步研究发现,与植物属性和功能基因丰度相比,土壤环境因子主导了CH4通量变化(解释率>90%).其中CH4通量与土壤含水量和温度显著正相关,与土壤pH显著负相关.综上所述,在未来全球变化情景下,降水格局改变更能调节青藏高原高寒草原CH4通量的变化.(图6表1参37)  相似文献   

固氮细菌在土壤氮素转换过程中发挥重要作用.为深入认识攀枝花地区农田土壤固氮细菌群落特征及其与土壤理化性质的关联性,以攀枝花米易县不同海拔高度(1 600 m、1 800 m、2 000 m)植烟土壤为研究对象,采用高通量测序技术(high-throughput sequencing)对nifH基因进行测序,分析固氮细菌群落结构特征和多样性.结果显示,固氮酶活性随海拔升高而逐渐降低,并与土壤有机碳及全氮呈极显著正相关(P <0.01);固氮细菌群落多样性指数在海拔1 800 m处达到最大值.3个海拔土壤共获得高质量序列1 159 980条,所检测到的固氮细菌分属于4个门、11个纲、19个目、29个科、40个属.基于门分类水平分析结果,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)在所有海拔土壤中均为优势固氮菌群,相对丰度达64.69%-78.36%;而蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)仅在海拔高度2 000 m时为优势类群.在属水平上,伯克霍尔德菌属(Burkholderia)、克雷伯氏菌属(Klebsiella)相对丰度分别为海拔高度1 800 m与2 000 m土壤优势菌属,而类伯克霍尔德氏菌属(Paraburkholderia)是所有海拔土壤中的主要菌属.采用随机森林分析评估和筛选标志物种,确认Azohydromonas对固氮细菌群落结构差异存在重要影响.结合Pearson相关性分析与冗余分析结果,土壤含水量、硝态氮、碱解氮与有效磷是造成不同海拔土壤固氮细菌群落特征差异的主要环境因子.本研究表明海拔梯度及响应其变化的土壤理化因子,对调控固氮细菌群落结构与多样性有较大影响.(图8表3参41)  相似文献   

Water consumption in agricultural activities is the main water use in inland oases in Northwest China. Research on water conservation in agriculture is of great significance to alleviate the conflict between the use of agricultural and ecological water and is of great importance to local farmers’ livelihoods. This study, based on traditional irrigation practices (flood irrigation and fixed irrigation frequency) of Minqin County in Shiyang River Basion, was designed to reveal the impacts of five irrigation quotas (1 800, 1 440, 1 080, 720, and 360 m3/hm2) on crop yield, biomass, irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE), and economic water productivity (EWP) to determine the optimal irrigation for five crops and guide local irrigation practices. The results showed that: (1) Under the five irrigation quotas, IWUE of corn, with the highest of 12.27 kg/m3, was higher than the other four crops; (2) The average EWP of cotton with a 2-year-average of 8.0 yuan/m3 was higher than the other four crops. Thus, the economic output of cotton is the best under the same irrigation quota; (3) Considering the yield, IWUE, EWP, and biomass, corn was better than the other four typical crops; and (4) 1 080 m3/hm2 was the optimal irrigation quota for sunflower in local planting practices. In addition, 720 m3/hm2 was suitable for corn, pepper, wheat, and cotton as their irrigation quota. This study shows that reducing the amount of irrigation quota in the Shiyang River Basin can effectively improve local IWUE and EWP. © 2022 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

糖外排转运蛋白(sugars will eventually be exported transporters,SWEET)介导植物光合同化产物蔗糖的跨膜运输.以橄榄(Canarium album(Lour.)Raeusch.)果实为材料,通过气相色谱串联质谱(GC-MS)检测橄榄果实中糖组分及含量变化,利用RT-PCR技术克隆得到CaSWEET7和CaSWEET15基因开放阅读框(ORF)序列.结果表明:CaSWEET7和CaSWEET15基因ORF全长分别为774 bp和951 bp,分别编码长度为257个和316个氨基酸残基,具有2个MtN3_slv结构域;进化树分析表明,CaSWEET7属于CladeⅡ,CaSWEET15属于CladeⅢ.实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)技术检测其在不同发育时期的果实中相对表达量变化,结果表明,随着果实发育,CaSWEET7和CaSWEET15表达量逐渐递增,且与果实发育蔗糖含量变化呈显著正相关(相关性系数分别为0.931和0.904,P<0.05);利用酵母功能互补证明CaSWEET7和CaSWEET15基因编码的蛋白具有转运蔗糖能力.本研究表明CaSWEET7和CaSWEET15基因可能在橄榄果实蔗糖积累中发挥作用.(图9表2参44)  相似文献   

This study evaluated the temporal and spatial variations of water quality data sets for the Xin'anjiang River through the use of multivariate statistical techniques, including cluster analysis (CA), discriminant analysis (DA), correlation analysis, and principal component analysis (PCA). The water samples, measured by ten parameters, were collected every month for three years (2008-2010) from eight sampling stations located along the river. The hierarchical CA classified the 12 months into three periods (First, Second and Third Period) and the eight sampling sites into three groups (Groups 1, 2 and 3) based on seasonal differences and various pollution levels caused by physicochemical properties and anthropogenic activ- ities. DA identified three significant parameters (tempera- ture, pH and E.coli) to distinguish temporal groups with close to 76% correct assignment. The DA also discovered five parameters (temperature, electricity conductivity, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand and total phosphorus) for spatial variation analysis, with 80.56% correct assignment. The non-parametric correlation coefficient (Spear- man R) explained the relationship between the water quality parameters and the basin characteristics, and the GIS made the results visual and direct. The PCA identified four PCs for Groups 1 and 2, and three PCs for Group 3. These PCs captured 68.94%, 67.48% and 70.35% of the total variance of Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Although natural pollution affects the Xin'anjiang River, the main sources of pollution included agricultural activities, industrial waste, and domestic wastewater.  相似文献   

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