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Recruitment of capelin in the Barents Sea fail when juvenile herring and cod are abundant and the potential for feeding competition of wild sympatric capelin and herring larvae and small cod juveniles were investigated. The frequency of gut evacuation after capture of capelin larvae were also studied in mesocosms. Small capelin larvae (<35 mm length) fed on small prey including phytoplankton, invertebrate eggs and nauplii, bivalves, other invertebrate larvae and small copepods. Calanus copepodites were only observed in large capelin larvae (>26 mm length). Calanus copepodites were the major food sources for contemporary herring larvae (25–35 mm length) and Calanus and euphausiids were the major prey for small juvenile herring (37–60 mm length) and cod (18–40 mm length). Capelin larvae reared in mesocosms evacuated the guts shortly after capture. Capelin larvae had a smaller mouth and fed on smaller prey than herring and cod of the same length. This implies that the small capelin larvae, in contrast to sympatric small herring and cod, are not tightly linked to the food chain involving Calanus and euphausiids. Thus, exploitative competition between capelin larvae and planktivorous fish that rely on Calanus and euphausiids in the Barents Sea may be relaxed.  相似文献   

While qualitative observations of jellyfish intraguild predation abound in the literature, there are only few rate measurements of these interactions. We quantified predation rates among two common jellyfish in northern boreal waters, Cyanea capillata and its prey Aurelia aurita, both of which also feed on crustacean zooplankton and fish larvae. A series of incubation experiments using a wide range of prey concentrations (0.38–3.8 m−3) in large containers (2.6 m3) was carried out. By replenishing the prey continuously as they were captured we maintained a nearly constant prey concentrations. Ingestion rates increased linearly up to prey concentrations of 1.92 m−3, yielding maximum clearance rates of ∼2.37 ± 0.39 m3 predator−1 h−1 for C. capillata predators 16 ± 2.3 cm in diameter. Mean ingestion rate at saturated prey concentrations (1.92–3.85 m−3) was 4.01 ± 0.78 prey predator−1 h−1. Behavioral observations suggested that predators did not alter their swimming behavior during meals, and thus that feeding rates were generally handling limited rather than encounter limited. Predators captured more prey than needed, and semi-digested prey was often discarded when fresh prey was encountered.  相似文献   

Most marine fishes undergo a pelagic larval phase, the early life history stage that is often associated with a high rate of mortality due to starvation and predation. We present the first study that examines the effects of prey swimming behavior on prey-capture kinematics in marine fish larvae. Using a digital high-speed video camera, we recorded the swimming velocity of zooplankton prey (Artemia franciscana, Brachionus rotundiformis, a ciliate species, and two species of copepods) and the feeding behavior of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae. From the video recordings we measured: (1) zooplankton swimming velocity in the absence of a red drum larva; (2) zooplankton swimming velocity in the presence of a red drum larva; and (3) the excursion and timing of key kinematic events during prey capture in red drum larvae. Two-way ANOVA revealed that: (1) swimming velocity varied among zooplankton prey; and (2) all zooplankton prey, except rotifers and ciliates, increased their swimming velocity in the presence of a red drum larva. The kinematics of prey capture differed between two developmental stages in S. ocellatus larvae. Hyoid-stage larvae (3–14 days old) fed on slow swimming B. rotundiformis (rotifers) while hyoid-opercular stage larvae (15 days and older) ate fast moving A. franciscana. Hyoid-opercular stage red drum larvae had a larger gape, hyoid depression and lower jaw angle, and a longer gape cycle duration relative to their hyoid-stage conspecifics. Interestingly, the feeding repertoire within either stage of red drum development was not affected by prey type. Knowledge of the direct relationship between fish larvae and their prey aids in our understanding of optimal foraging strategies and of the sources of mortality in marine fish larvae.  相似文献   

The venomous striped eel catfish Plotosus lineatus was first recorded in the Mediterranean in 2002. Within 1–3 years, it has spread throughout the entire Israeli coast. We have studied its spatiotemporal distribution patterns via trawl surveys in order to determine the scale and extent of this invasion. Findings indicate that a population explosion has occurred, and the catfish now inhabits all sandy and muddy substrates up to ca 80 m. P. lineatus was found to recruit in autumn in the Mediterranean and displays similar or improved growth patterns and condition factor compared to those found in its native habitat. We discuss the possible ecological mechanisms responsible for its success: Benthic invaders are among its main prey items, suggesting an invasional meltdown process. We also point to the decline of indigenous species using its trophic and behavioral–ecological niche and hypothesize that they might be outcompeted and displaced by the catfish.  相似文献   

The maternal–embryo relationship was determined for the piked spurdog (Squalus megalops). In addition, the increase in offspring size with maternal size was studied and the embryonic development was described. Wet weight of in utero eggs and offspring size was correlated with maternal size; larger females produced larger embryos which would have higher survival rate and reproductive value. All embryos present in a female were at a similar stage of development. The external yolk sac is reabsorbed late in gestation, suggesting that embryos are mostly nourished by yolk sac reserves. Embryo size-at-birth varied considerably (180–244 mm total length) as a result of the significant variability in ova size at ovulation. The amounts of water, organic and inorganic matter of embryos at different stages of development were measured to determine possible maternal contributions during embryonic development. Total wet weight from smallest and largest in utero eggs to smallest and largest term embryos changed by +46 and +58%, respectively. This pattern was due to a change in water content by +137 and +154%, and inorganic matter by +100 and +156%. Organic matter of smallest and largest in utero eggs changed by −23 and −17%, respectively. The uterus of pregnant females became specialised for water and mineral transport, not nutrient provision. These results indicate that S. megalops is a strict yolk-sac viviparous species with no maternal contribution of organic matter during development.  相似文献   

Fine-scale movement patterns in penaeid prawns are rarely observed in situ, but are essential in understanding habitat use, foraging, and anti-predator behaviour. Acoustic telemetry was applied to examine the activity, space utilization, and habitat use of the eastern king prawn Penaeus (Melicertus) plebejus, at small temporal and spatial scales. Tracking of sub-adult P. plebejus (n = 9) in Wallagoot Lake (36.789°S, 149.959°E; 23 April–12 May 2009) and calculation of a minimum activity index (MAI) revealed high variation in activity rates across diel periods and in different habitats. Elevated activity rates and movement indicated foraging in unvegetated habitats during the night. Areas within the 95 and 50% space utilization contours averaged 2,654.1 ± 502.0 and 379.9 ± 103.9 m2, respectively, and there was a significant negative relationship between these areas and prawn activity rates in unvegetated habitats. This study provides the first estimates of prawn activity rates and space utilization in the field. Application of acoustic telemetry can increase knowledge of prawn movements and their interactions with other marine species in different habitats.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses have demonstrated that nonfeeding larvae have evolved from feeding larvae many times among marine invertebrates. In light of this observation, it is surprising that an intermediate strategy, a larva that can feed but is provisioned with enough energy to metamorphose without acquiring exogenous food (i.e., facultative planktotrophy), is rare. A hypothesis for the lack of facultative planktotrophic species among marine invertebrates is that the transition from feeding to nonfeeding is rapid due to this intermediate stage being evolutionarily unstable. Evidence that would support this hypothesis is if species with facultative planktotrophy have reduced food assimilation when compared with obligate planktotrophs. We studied a species with facultative planktotrophic larvae, Clypeaster rosaceus, that is very near the boundary between facultative and obligatory planktotrophy, to answer two questions: (1) does feeding during the larval stage result in energy gains in larval or juvenile stages and (2) if not, are larvae capable of assimilating exogenous food at all. Our measurements of energetics in larval and juvenile stages show that C. rosaceus larvae accumulate very little if any energy when fed, but stable isotope data indicate that larvae are able to assimilate some food. Our results are consistent with similar studies on facultative planktotrophic larvae suggesting poor food assimilation and rapid loss of larval feeding after a population evolves the ability to reach metamorphosis without feeding (lecithotrophy).  相似文献   

Bivalves are important in shallow marine habitats, not at least being the major food resource for seaducks such as the common scoter (Melanitta nigra), thousands of which are wintering on the Western Coastal Banks, near the Belgian-French border (North Sea). Next to this ecological importance, fishable stocks of one of these bivalves, Spisula subtruncata, occur in the area. This study aimed at investigating S. subtruncata’s spatial distribution, population dynamics and productivity and its implications for a sustainable Spisula fishery in seaduck wintering areas. The spatial distribution of S. subtruncata was studied in 1994 and 1997 in two areas of the Belgian Western Coastal Banks. The population dynamics and production were investigated by monthly sampling of two stations between April 1995 and April 1996 and a seasonal sampling between April 1996 and April 1998. Spisula subtruncata had a patchy distribution in the deeper (6 m), fine sandy (200 ± 20 μm) sediments of the Abra alba community, mainly found in the western most part of the Western Coastal Banks. In August 1995, an overwhelming and successful recruitment was observed in this area: local densities were as high as 150,000 ind m−2. Minor, non-successful recruitments were detected in August 1996 and 1997. Due to space limitation, high densities of S. subtruncata are hypothesized to be responsible for the occurrence of aberrant shapes as observed from August 1996 onwards. Growth was described by a seasonally oscillating version of the von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF): a growth stop was observed from late autumn till early spring. The VBGF parameters K (growth constant) and L (asymptotic length) were estimated at 0.7–0.9 and 31–33 mm. A combination of length and individual biomass increment showed: (1) a faster length increment of smaller individuals during the second growing period (catching-up phenomenon), (2) a constant length combined with a decreasing individual biomass during the suboptimal winter periods (except for the first winter, when the individual biomass slightly increased), (3) a positive relationship between the individual biomass decrease and the seawater temperature during the winter periods, and (4) a strong increase of the individual biomass in early spring (April 1997 and 1998) because of gametogenesis, followed by a decrease because of spawning (August 1997). The extremely high total production of the 1995 year class in the tidal gully (Potje) during the study period was estimated at approximately 1,500 g ash-free dry weight (ADW) m−2 or 600 g ADW m−2 on average per year. Shellfisheries for S. subtruncata within seaduck wintering areas, such as the Western Coastal Banks, should be carefully deliberated since (1) an important food resource for the seaducks will decrease, (2) the ecologically most diverse and rich macrobenthic A. alba community will be heavily affected, and (3) the recovery of Spisula populations after depletion is expected to be erratic.  相似文献   

The euphausiids Thysanoessa inermis (Kroyer 1846), Thysanoessa spinifera (Holmes 1900), and Euphausia pacifica (Hansen 1911) are key pelagic grazers and also important prey for many commercial fish species in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). To understand the role of the euphausiids in material flows in this ecosystem their growth rates were examined using the instantaneous growth rate (IGR) technique on the northern GOA shelf from March through October in 2001–2004. The highest mean molting increments (over 5% of uropod length increase per molt) were observed during the phytoplankton bloom on the inner shelf in late spring for coastal T. inermis, and on the outer shelf in summer for T. spinifera and more oceanic E. pacifica, suggesting tight coupling with food availability. The molting rates were higher in summer and lower in spring, for all species and were strongly influenced by temperature. Mean inter-molt periods calculated from the molting rates, ranged from 11 days at 5°C to 6 days at 8°C, and were in agreement with those measured directly during long-term laboratory incubations. Growth rate estimates depended on euphausiid size, and were close to 0 in early spring, reaching maximum values in May (0.123 mm day−1 or 0.023 day−1 for T. inermis) and July (0.091 mm day−1 or 0.031 day−1 for T. spinifera). The growth rates for E. pacifica remained below 0.07 mm day−1 (0.016 day−1) throughout the season. The relationship between T. inermis weight specific growth rate (adjusted to 5°C) and ambient chlorophyll-a concentration fit a Michaelis–Menten curve (r 2 = 0.48) with food saturated growth rate of 0.032 day−1 with half saturation occurring at 1.65 mg chl-a m−3, but such relationships were not significant for T. spinifera or E. pacifica.  相似文献   

Most animals will reduce foraging activity in the presence of a predatory threat. However, little is known about the onset of this decision-making ability during the early life stages of fishes, and how the trade-off between foraging and predator-avoidance may be affected by changes in metabolic demand during ontogeny. To examine these issues, the foraging behaviour of larval shorthorn sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius was monitored during visual exposure to a predatory threat (juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua) throughout development at 3°C (March–April, 2004). Larvae did not respond to predatory exposure during the first week post-hatch, but thereafter showed drastic reductions in foraging activity when exposed to predators. During early development, the mass-specific routine metabolism of shorthorn sculpin larvae displayed a triphasic ontogeny and peaked during metamorphosis. This high mass-specific metabolic demand could make reduced foraging under predation threat very costly during this stage of development. To further investigate this possibility, additional experiments were performed (March–April, 2005) where larvae were reared with visual exposure to predators for 6 h day−1 during the feeding period. At 7-week post-hatch, larvae exposed to predators were smaller (wet mass and SL), showed decreased levels of whole-body lipids and certain fatty acids, and experienced higher rates of mortality as compared to control larvae. In environments where abundant predators cause larval fish to reduce their foraging rate, growth and survival of larvae may be negatively affected. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Using a turtle-borne camera system, changing flipper beat frequency and amplitude were measured in five diving green turtles (Chelonia mydas Linnaeus 1758) in the Bahía de los Angeles, Mexico (28°58′N, 113°33′W). These observations were made between June and August 2002. Turtles worked hardest (i.e., had the highest flipper beat frequency and amplitude) at the start of descents when positive buoyancy is predicted to oppose their forward motion. During the later part of descents, turtles worked less hard in line with opposing buoyancy forces being reduced. For example, flipper beat frequency declined from about 60–80 beats min−1 at the start of descent to around 25–40 beats min−1 after 30 s of the descent. At the start of ascents the flipper beat frequency was around 30 beats min−1, lower than on descent, and declined as the ascent progressed with often passive gliding for the final few meters to the surface. This pattern of effort during diving appears to apply across a range of marine reptiles, birds and mammals suggesting that graded effort during descent and ascent is an optimum solution to minimising the cost of transport during diving.  相似文献   

The great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) is a widespread, ecologically and socioeconomically important coastal fish, yet very little is known about its larvae. We examined spawning and larval ecology of Western Atlantic sphyraenids using monthly ichthyoplankton samples collected over 2 years along a transect spanning the east–west axis of the Straits of Florida (SOF). Samples were dominated by the great barracuda (92.8%) and sennets (Sphyraena borealis and Sphyraena picudilla; 6.6%). While larval sennets and S. barracuda displayed similar vertical distributions (majority in upper 25 m), horizontal and temporal patterns of abundance suggested a spatial and temporal species replacement between larval S. barracuda and sennets that tracks adult ecology. The diet of both taxa consisted largely of copepods, with inclusion of fish larvae at 8 mm SL, and in S. barracuda alone, a switch in the wet season to exclusive piscivory by 12 mm SL (18 days post-hatch). A lack of piscivory in S. barracuda larvae captured in the dry season corresponded to slower larval growth than in the wet season. Larval growth was also related to size-at-hatch and larval age such that larvae that were larger at hatch or larger (older) at capture grew faster at earlier ages, suggesting faster larval growth, and indirectly larger hatch size, conveys a survival advantage. Unlike larval growth, instantaneous mortality rate did not differ with season, and no lunar cyclic patterns in spawning output were identified. Our results provide insight into the pelagic phase of sphyraenids and highlight the importance of both diet and hatch size to the growth and survival of fish larvae in low latitude oceanic environments.  相似文献   

Remotely operated vehicle (ROV)-based field studies on the distribution and behaviour of Periphylla periphylla Péron and Lesueur (Ann Mus Hist Nat Marseille 14:316–366, 1809), from three Norwegian fjords have been combined with on-board experiments and morphological and histological studies in order to understand the trophic ecology of this species. Field studies from one of the fjords showed that the zooplankton biomass was negatively related with P. periphylla abundance, indicating a predatory effect. The majority of zooplankton biomass tended to be distributed above the aggregation of P. periphylla, which in turn showed highest abundance at 100–200 m depth. Observation on the orientation of medusae passing the ROV when descending down in the water column at dawn and dusk, showed no consistency with the theory of diel vertical migration. Estimated metabolic demand of P. periphylla indicated a daily predation impact on the prey assemblage of 13% as an average for the fjord. In situ behavioural observations showed that the dominant tentacle posture of large medusae was straight upward, with tentacles extended to the oral–aboral body axis. The hunting mode alternates between ambush and ramming, whereby tentacle posture minimises the water turbulence that may otherwise alarm the prey. The musculature of the tentacles is well developed, with an especially strong longitudinal muscle on the oral side, facilitating fast movement of the tentacle towards the mouth. In addition, ring-, radial-, and diagonal musculatures are also present. The diagonal is probably most important for the corkscrew retraction of the tentacle, used at the moment of prey capture. Results from laboratory experiments show that different body-parts of P. periphylla vary in sensitivity for chemical and mechanical stimuli, including hydrodynamic disturbance and vibration in the surrounding water. Feeding success is facilitated by combining the vibration-sense on the tentacle tips and the marginal lappets, the touch-sense on the tentacle bases and marginal lappets, and a taste control of the captured prey at the mouthlips.  相似文献   

E. Buskey 《Marine Biology》2003,142(2):225-232
The cubozoan medusa Tripedalia cystophora preys on dense swarms of the copepod Dioithona oculata in the mangrove prop-root habitat of Puerto Rico. The copepod swarms form in shafts of sunlight that penetrate the mangrove canopy during the day. T. cystophora are found primarily within the same illuminated areas, feeding heavily on the dense swarms of copepods. Laboratory studies were conducted to examine the behavioral adaptations of T. cystophora that allow them to remain within these dense copepod swarms. In the presence of vertical light shafts, T. cystophora showed both a significant change in swimming speed and a significant increase in turning rate. T. cystophora turn abruptly when they leave a vertical shaft of light and quickly re-enter. The presence or absence of copepod prey, either in swarms or dispersed, had no significant effect on T. cystophora swimming speed or turning behavior. Feeding rates of T. cystophora on the copepod D. oculata increase rapidly with copepod density, and maximum rates are not achieved until the high densities associated with swarms are reached. It seems doubtful that these small medusae could survive without their ability to encounter and exploit these dense swarms of copepods.  相似文献   

Holothuroidea represent the dominant benthic megafauna in hadal trenches (~6,000–11,000 m), but little is known about their behaviour and functional role at such depths. Using a time-lapse camera at 8,074 m in the Peru–Chile Trench (SE Pacific Ocean), we provide the first in situ observations of locomotory activity for the elasipodid holothurian Elpidia atakama Belyaev in Shirshov Inst Oceanol 92:326–367, (1971). Time-lapse sequences reveal ‘run and mill’ behaviour whereby bouts of feeding activity are interspersed by periods of locomotion. Over the total observation period (20 h 25 min), we observed a mean (±SD) locomotion speed of 7.0 ± 5.7 BL h−1, but this increased to 10.9 ± 7.2 BL h−1 during active relocation and reduced to 4.8 ± 2.9 BL h−1 during feeding. These observations show E. atakama translocates and processes sediment at rates comparable to shallower species despite extreme hydrostatic pressure and remoteness from surface-derived food.  相似文献   

Skeletochronological analysis of Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtle humeri and scleral ossicles was conducted to (1) describe the characteristics of scleral ossicles in these species, (2) determine whether the scleral ossicles contain annually deposited skeletal growth marks and (3) evaluate the potential for skeletochronological analysis of ossicles to obtain age data for size classes and species of sea turtles whose humeri exhibit prohibitive amounts of growth mark resorption. Humeri, entire eyes, and/or individual scleral ossicles were collected from stranded, dead sea turtles that were found along the coasts of Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and Texas, USA. Samples were taken from a total of 77 neritic, juvenile Kemp’s ridleys ranging from 21.1 to 56.8 cm straightline carapace length (SCL), as well as two Kemp’s ridley hatchlings. For loggerheads, samples were obtained from 65 neritic juvenile and adult turtles ranging from 44.7 to 103.6 cm SCL and ten hatchlings. Examination of the ossicles revealed the presence of marks similar in appearance to those found in humeri. The number of marks in the ossicles and humeri of individual juvenile Kemp’s ridleys for which both structures were collected (n = 55) was equivalent, strongly indicating that the marks are annual. However, in large juvenile and adult loggerhead turtles (n = 65), some significant resorption of early growth marks was observed, suggesting that although ossicles might be useful for skeletochronological analysis of small juveniles, they may not provide a reasonable alternative to humeri for obtaining age estimates for older loggerhead sea turtles.  相似文献   

Increasing concerns about the ecological impacts of ongoing and possibly worsening blooms of the toxic, carcinogenic cyanobacteria Lyngbya majuscula in Moreton Bay, Australia, led us to assess differences in meiofaunal prey assemblages between bloom and non-bloom substrates and the potential dietary impacts of dense L. majuscula blooms on the omnivorous benthivore, the Eastern Long-finned Goby, Favonigobius lentiginosus and the obligate meiobenthivorous juveniles of Trumpeter Whiting, Sillago maculata. Marked differences in invertebrate communities were found between sandy and L. majuscula bloom foraging substrates, with copepods significantly more abundant (18.49% vs. 70.44% numerical abundance) and nematodes significantly less abundant (55.91% vs. 1.21% numerical abundance) within bloom material. Gut analyses showed that bentho-planktivorous fishes exposed to L. majuscula in captivity had consumed a significantly greater quantity of prey by both total number (P < 0.0019) and volume (P < 0.0006) than fish exposed to sand treatments. Thus, it is likely for such fishes that L. majuscula blooms increase rates of prey encounter and consumption, with consequent changes in trophic relationships through shifts in predator–prey interactions between small benthivorous fishes and their meiofaunal prey.  相似文献   

Great scallop, Pecten maximus, and blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, clearance rate (CR) responses to low natural seston concentrations were investigated in the laboratory to study (1) short-term CR variations in individual bivalves exposed to a single low seston diet, and (2) seasonal variations in average CR responses of bivalve cohorts to natural environmental variations. On a short temporal scale, mean CR response of both species to 0.06 μg L−1 chlorophyll a (Chl a) and 0.23 mg L−1 suspended particulate matter (SPM) remained constant despite large intra-individual fluctuations in CR. In the seasonal study, cohorts of each species were exposed to four seston treatments consisting of ambient and diluted natural seston that ranged in mean concentration from 0.15 to 0.43 mg L−1 SPM, 0.01 to 0.88 μg L−1 Chl a, 36 to 131 μg L−1 particulate organic carbon and 0.019 to 0.330 mm3 L−1 particle volume. Although food abundance in all treatments was low, the nutritional quality of the seston was relatively high (e.g., mean particulate organic content ranged from 68 to 75%). Under these low seston conditions, a high percentage of P. maximus (81–98%) and M. edulis (67–97%) actively cleared particles at mean rates between 9 and 12 and between 4 and 6 L g−1 h−1, respectively. For both species, minimum mean CR values were obtained for animals exposed to the lowest seston concentrations. Within treatments, P. maximus showed a greater degree of seasonality in CR than M. edulis, which fed at a relatively constant rate despite seasonal changes in food and temperature. P. maximus showed a non-linear CR response to increasing Chl a levels, with rates increasing to a maximum at approximately 0.4 μg L−1 Chl a and then decreasing as food quantity continued to increase. Mean CR of M. edulis also peaked at a similar concentration, but remained high and stable as the food supply continued to increase and as temperatures varied between 4.6 and 19.6°C. The results show that P. maximus and M. edulis from a low seston environment, do not stop suspension-feeding at very low seston quantities; a result that contradicts previous conclusions on the suspension-feeding behavior of bivalve mollusks and which is pertinent to interpreting the biogeographic distribution of bivalve mollusks and site suitability for aquaculture.  相似文献   

Spurilla neapolitana from the Eastern Mediterranean was cultured in a self-sustained, temperature-controlled laboratory culture system, and its life cycle is described. Adults were collected from three field sites situated 120 km apart, along the Israeli Mediterranean coastline, between March 2006 and August 2007. Cultures of the life-cycle stages were raised at 24°C. S. neapolitana deposited white, coiled, spiral egg masses containing zygotes. Veliger larvae hatched 3.0 ± 0.4 days post oviposition. The veliger larvae are obligatory planktotrophs, with a minimal larval phase of 22 days. In the lab, larvae settled and metamorphosed following exposure to metabolites derived from distinct prey sea anemone species. Reproductive maturity was reached 42 ± 5 days post metamorphosis, resulting in a laboratory generation time of 67 days (egg to egg). The average life span of reproductive specimens in this study was 157 ± 13 days post-oviposition and they reached a length of 7–10 cm. During this period, an average adult deposited ca. 40 × 106 zygotes. This species has several characteristics that suggest it will be a useful model for laboratory-oriented research. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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