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How conservation messages are framed will impact the success of our efforts to engage people in conservation action. This is highly relevant in the private land conservation (PLC) sector given the low participation rates of landholders. Using a case study of PLC schemes targeted at Australian landholders, we present the first systematic analysis of communication strategies used by organisations and government departments delivering those schemes to engage the public. We develop a novel approach for analysing the framing of conservation messages that codes the stated benefits of schemes according to value orientation. We categorised the benefits as flowing to either the landholder, to society, or to the environment, corresponding to the egoistic, altruistic and biospheric value orientations that have been shown to influence human behaviour. We find that messages are biased towards environmental benefits. Surprisingly, this is the case even for market-based schemes that have the explicit objective of appealing to production-focussed landholders and those who are not already involved in conservation. The risk is that PLC schemes framed in this way will fail to engage more egoistically oriented landholders and are only likely to appeal to those likely to already be conservation-minded. By understanding the frame in which PLC benefits are communicated, we can begin to understand the types of people who may be engaged by these messages, and who may not be. Results suggest that the framing of the communications for many schemes could be broadened to appeal to a more diverse group (and thus ultimately to a larger group) of landholders.  相似文献   

As natural woodlands decline in both extent and quality worldwide, there is an increasing recognition of the biodiversity conservation value of production landscapes. In low-input, low-productivity grazing systems in Australia, the modification of natural woodlands through overstorey tree and woody regrowth removal are vegetation management options used by landholders to increase native grass production for livestock grazing; however, there is little empirical evidence to indicate at what tree densities biodiversity attributes are compromised. We examined the effects of overstorey tree density and understorey regowth on the floristic composition, stand structure and species richness of eucalypt woodlands in a grazing landscape in the Traprock region of southern Queensland, Australia. We sampled 47 sites stratified according to vegetation type (Eucalyptus crebra/Eucalyptus dealbata woodland; Eucalyptus melliodora/Eucalyptus microcarpa grassy woodland), density of mature trees (<6 trees/ha; 6–20 trees/ha; >20 trees/ha), and presence/absence of regrowth. Distinct patterns in composition were detected using indicator species analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling, with low density areas compositionally indistinguishable, although distinct from other land management units. Within vegetation type, medium tree density woodlands were compositionally similar to high density and reference woodlands. Species richness ranged from 18 to 67 species per 500 m2 across all sites. No differences in total or native species richness were detected across management units; however, some differences in exotic species richness were detected. Differences in grass cover existed between low and high density management units, yet no difference in grass cover was evident between low and medium density management units. Our results suggest that medium tree densities may provide biodiversity benefits concordant with more natural areas, yet not adversely impact on pasture production. Retaining trees in grazing landscapes provides significant landscape heterogeneity and important refuges for species that may be largely excluded from open grassland habitats. Maintaining a medium density of overstorey trees in grazed paddocks can provide both production and biodiversity benefits.  相似文献   

Carbon farming policies aim to contribute to climate change mitigation, but their success strongly depends on whether landholders actually adopt desired practices or participate in offered programs. The Australian Government’s Carbon Farming Initiative and Emissions Reduction Fund policies were designed to incentivise the adoption of carbon farming practices. Although these policies have been active since December 2011, farmer engagement has been limited, and net emissions reductions low as a result. We surveyed broad-acre farmers in the Western Australian wheatbelt to explore their drivers and barriers to adopting carbon farming practices and participating in carbon farming policy programs. Drivers of adoption included knowledge and perception of co-benefits (for yield, productivity, and the environment), knowing another adopter, and believing that changes to farm management are an appropriate method to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Barriers to adoption included lack of information, uncertainty and costs. The key barrier to participation was policy and political uncertainty. The determinants of adoption and participation that we identify in our study offer important insights into how to best ensure the success of Australia’s land sector-based climate change policies. We conclude that, to increase landholder engagement, the co-benefits and climate change benefits of carbon farming practices must be actively promoted, and additional information is needed about the costs associated with adoption. Information diffusion is best achieved if it actively leverages landholder social networks. Finally, our results indicate that landholder buy-in to carbon farming could be greatly enhanced by achieving more continuity in Australian climate change policies and politics.  相似文献   

Future sustainability of the conservation management of socio-ecological landscapes is typically reliant on on-going agricultural management. Such management may be threatened by changes in the drivers of management and the fragility of the stakeholder networks that deliver management. This study examined evidence for the risk of abandonment in a series of case study high nature value (HNV) grassland sites. The work found that the motivation of farmers to participate in the conservation management was typically limited and often marginal. Landowners and conservation stakeholders who relied on partner farmers to manage such sites often struggled to recruit and retain their participation, leading to increased turnover among managing farmers and to some sites being under-managed. Primary reasons for difficulty of recruitment and farmer turnover included a lack of candidate farmers in the local landscape, and the marginal and fluctuating economics of grassland management. A trend towards greater financial incentivisation of farmers was evident, which policy-makers responsible for agri-environment schemes should note, and elsewhere some conservation organisations were seen to be bringing grassland management in-house. Farmers’ motivations to participate in conservation management of such systems may continue to weaken and abandonment may therefore become a significant risk to the successful conservation of such systems. Conservation stakeholders need to foster good relations with their farmer-manager partners and not further depress their limited motivations to participate, as well as consider carefully whether farmer stakeholders are being adequately compensated for their efforts.  相似文献   

青藏高原作为一个独特的生态—地理单元,其多种生态系统服务向周边各个区域供给,这种区域差异有可能引起青藏周边地域居民对其生态系统服务的感知不同,进一步影响生态管理对策的制定。选取27个城市,基于13254份网络问卷,通过支付意愿法探究城市居民对青藏高原生态系统服务感知的区域差异及其原因。结果表明:(1)不同区域支付金额存在显著差异,WTP从高到底为东北—华北地区、东南沿海地区、西北地区、中部地区和西南地区,年平均支付金额分别为1185.7元、1021.1元、1012.3元、957.1元和894.7元。(2)总金额中六项生态系统服务的分配比例依次为水源涵养>碳固定>土壤保持>生物多样性保育>污染物净化>美学景观,其中水源涵养和美学景观的比例区域差异小;土壤保持的比例西南和西北地区较大,距平值为1.68%和1.87%;污染物净化沿海地区、西南和中部地区金额分配比例较大,距平值分别为2.04%、2.20%、2.20%;碳固定和生物多样性保育不具备显著的区域差异性。(3)在支付金额的影响程度上,管理意愿>主观认知>客观情况;其中对国家政策响应的积极性与支付金额关联性最大。(4)生态系统服务类型和城市发展水平对支付金额区域差异起主导因素,水源涵养和美学景观各个区域的影响因素相似,一线城市受个人客观情况影响较小;空间距离仅能影响生物基因保育服务与人均月收入的相互关联。研究结果可以为基于利益相关者生态系统服务需求的青藏高原生态资产价值化与管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

We conducted a diagnosis of the environmental management system of the Brazilian auto parts industry, using the LIFE certification methodology (lasting initiative for earth) as a diagnostic tool. This certification recognizes enterprises that develop conservation actions for biodiversity for the purpose of minimizing and/or mitigating their own negative impact on the environment. Through this method, it was possible to quantify and qualify the environmental impact and investigate the existence of conservation actions, as well as evaluate them quantitatively and qualitatively. Therefore, we used this methodology to demonstrate its potential as an economic instrument of environmental management through its application within an EMS certified to the ISO 14001 series. It was shown that there are many benefits of using sustainable environmental resources (possibility to return to ISE-Corporate Sustainability Index-Bovespa) and for the final disposal of waste from production. The main results indicated that the LIFE methodology allows companies to incorporate actions to biodiversity conservation transversally into their EMSs, which can increase the efficiency of enterprise management. We believe that the use of this management model by other companies will enable the intensification of conservation actions in protected areas in their regions.  相似文献   

在对我国生物多样性保护的政策和体制进行详细阐述的基础上分析其中存在的主要问题,提出改进建议.首先分析了生物多样性保护的实质,认为所谓生物多样性保护就是通过有意识地限制和调节人类活动对生物的干扰破坏,使地球上的生物多样性得以保持和恢复.因此,在本质上,生物多样性保护就是要协调人与自然之间业已失衡的关系,其目标在于实现人与自然之间的和谐和可持续发展.其后,讨论了我国生物多样性保护面临的主要挑战,指出巨大的人口压力和剧烈的人类活动是造成生物多样性破坏的主要原因.特别针对保护体制中的多部门管理和协调机制、中央和地方政府的责任和义务、保护区设立和管理以及国际合作等方面进行了分析,指出了在多头管理的体制下,各部门职责、权利和资源分配不明确、不匹配,保护区管理中重减轻管、事企合一等问题.最后,提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 recognizes the increasing importance of scientific knowledge to support conservation policies and decision making. In this study, we assessed the tendency of such knowledge in the first decade of the 21st century. We carried out a systematic review of publications in biodiversity conservation, considering the following aspects: type of research, main topic of study, object of study (i.e. biodiversity organizational level, taxonomic groups and ecosystems), pressures and drivers of change, as well as geographical distribution. In total, 966 publications were analyzed within the three journals with higher academic reach in the field under study: Biodiversity & Conservation, Biological Conservation, and Conservation Biology. Our results show that there are several biases in scientific knowledge associated with the object of study, and analyzed drivers of changes, as well as geographical distribution. However, research trends are not uniform along the first decade of 21st century, as there are some differences between 2000 and 2011 regarding the main topic of the study, the spatial scale and geographical region, and the analyzed ecosystems. We finally discuss the implications of current knowledge trends in biodiversity conservation for achieving the targets delineated by the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020.  相似文献   

生产力与生物多样性关系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵峰侠  徐明 《自然资源学报》2018,33(11):2046-2056
生产力和生物多样性是生态系统两个基本属性。然而,几十年来,人们一直在争论它们之间的相互关系及其潜在机制。论文综述过去有关两者关系的控制实验、meta分析、多点观测研究和潜在机制,发现两者关系主要表现为单峰关系、正相关关系、负相关关系、无关系、“U”型关系,并且关于它们关系的潜在机制也没有普遍共识。同时,两者关系及其潜在机制均对尺度具有很强依赖性。分析其原因,可能生产力与生物多样性的关系不是简单或直接因果关系,而是由相互关联的、多变量过程共同控制。因此,应放弃固定化二元模式,开展多元化驱动因素的生物多样性研究,加强人类对复杂生态系统过程的理解,提供更具意义的生物多样性保护和管理指导。  相似文献   

There is potential for synergy between the global environmental conventions on climate change, biodiversity and desertification: changes in land management and land use undertaken to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions can simultaneously deliver positive outcomes for conservation of biodiversity, and mitigation of desertification and land degradation. However, while there can be complementarities between the three environmental goals, there are often tradeoffs. Thus, the challenge lies in developing land use policies that promote optimal environmental outcomes, and in implementing these locally to promote sustainable development. The paper considers synergies and tradeoffs in implementing land use measures to address the objectives of the three global environmental conventions, both from an environmental and economic perspective. The intention is to provide environmental scientists and policy makers with a broad overview of these considerations, and the benefits of addressing the conventions simultaneously.  相似文献   

城市发展与生物多样性保护   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生物多样性是指各种生命形式的资源,它是人类存在的基础。城市发展极大程度地改变了人们生存的环境,也导致生物多样性的急剧变化。而一个自然和谐的生态城市是与生物多样性的保护和利用密不可分的。该文从城市生物多样性的价值、保护现状、受威胁原因及保护恢复措施等几方面,探讨了城市中生物多样性的保护与利用。保护城市生物多样性是当前城市建设与管理面临的新问题,同时也为城市环境的改善提供了一个崭新契机。  相似文献   

宁夏灵武市庙梁子沟流域把沙漠化治理与经济产业开发相结合起来,形成了具有特色的"外围草方格固沙,四周乔木林防风,核心发展经济产业"的水土保持综合治理模式、"五位一体"的经济产业发展模式和"水保搭台、政府导演、各部门协助、全社会参与同唱一台戏"的运行管理模式,在宁夏风沙区及周边同类型地区水土流失治理和开发中值得推广。  相似文献   

We critically highlight some evidence for the importance of soil biodiversity to sustaining (agro-)ecosystem functioning and explore directions for future research. We first deal with resistance and resilience against abiotic disturbance and stress. There is evidence that soil biodiversity does confer stability to stress and disturbance, but the mechanism is not yet fully understood. It appears to depend on the kind of stress and disturbance and on the combination of stress and disturbance effects. Alternatively, community structure may play a role. Both possible explanations will guide further research. We then discuss biotic stress. There is evidence that soil microbial diversity confers protection against soil-borne disease, but crop and soil type and management also play a role. Their relative importance as well as the role of biodiversity in multitrophic interactions warrant further study. Henceforth, we focus on the effects of plant and soil biodiversity on nutrient and water use efficiencies as important ecological functions in agroecosystems. The available evidence suggests that mycorrhizal diversity positively contributes to nutrient and, possibly, water use efficiency. Soil fauna effects on nutrient and water use efficiencies are also apparent, but diversity effects may be indirect, through effects on soil structure. We present a conceptual diagram relating plant and soil biodiversity with soil structure and water and nutrient use efficiencies as a framework for future studies. We then consider how cropping systems design and management are interrelated and how management options might be interfaced with farmers’ knowledge in taking management decisions. Finally, we attempt to express some economic benefits of soil biodiversity to society as part of a wider strategy of conserving and using agrobiodiversity.  相似文献   

The expectations on protected areas to deliver not only biodiversity conservation but also to provide an array of different ecosystem services rise. Sequestration and storage of carbon are promising services that protected areas may provide. This study integrates spatially explicit data on terrestrial Natura 2000 sites, soil organic carbon, and agricultural land values to estimate the potential for climate-smart conservation planning in the European Union. The objectives of this study are to analyse spatial relations between protected areas soil carbon content, and land values on the European Union's land area as well as to locate and quantify the proportion of land with high carbon and low economic value within and outside protected areas. We apply a unique interdisciplinary framework with methods ranging from analyses based on geographical information systems, agricultural economics to statistics. Findings indicate that there is a significant overlap between Natura 2000 sites and regions with high carbon content across Europe. Statistical analyses show that carbon-rich regions have significantly lower land values than other areas. Our results suggest that biodiversity protection and mitigation of climate change through conservation of soil carbon could be simultaneously achieved in Europe's protected areas and beyond. We conclude that there is a notable potential for climate-smart conservation in Europe that needs further investigation.  相似文献   

The Mexican government has an innovative policy model for biodiversity conservation and rural development that includes permissible use of wildlife within a System of Land Management Units (SUMA, by its Spanish acronym). This co-management approach has been successful in terms of landowner participation, since the SUMA currently covers 38.2 million hectares (nearly 20% of Mexican territory). However, after 18 years of implementation, there has been no comprehensive evaluation by which to assess its effectiveness at national level. This article introduces the SUMA policy, its implementation and outcomes, and proposes a framework for conducting institutional monitoring and evaluation within an adaptive co-management approach. Our methodology comprised analysis of the achievements and challenges reported through interviews with stakeholders, journals and grey literature, and a review of the SUMA Information System (SIS) and its decision-making information needs. As result we have developed a set of 40 environmental, social and economic indicators grouped into five distinct but complementary dimensions within a sustainability framework: (I) Biodiversity conservation,(II) Wildlife management, (III) Economics, (IV) Social welfare and (V) Administration. These indicators can be incorporated into the SIS in order to support program evaluation and strengthen decision-making. Our article provides specific pathways for developing policy-oriented evaluation systems for worldwide biodiversity and conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess spider diversity among habitats that are typically used for afforestation in Ireland, and to identify habitat parameters which could potentially be used as indicators of their biodiversity value. Ground-dwelling spiders were surveyed in 24 sites across Ireland, with eight sites of each of the following habitat types: improved grassland, wet grassland and peatland. The spiders were sampled using pitfall traps which were located within the major vegetation types present in each site as well as within supplementary habitat features which may add to biodiversity value of the whole site such as hedgerows, flushes and the edges of ditches and streams.Each habitat supported distinct spider assemblages that reflect major differences in both environmental conditions and management regime. The improved grasslands had low spider species richness and low variation in assemblage structure which is probably related to the intensive management of this habitat. In this case hedgerows maybe an important aspect of the spider diversity within agricultural landscapes. The peatlands, and to a lesser extent wet grasslands, supported a diverse and specialist spider fauna, including a number of rare species; this may be due to differences in soil moisture and plant architecture. Indicators of biodiversity value identified included wet flushes in the peatlands and low grazing pressure in the wet grasslands. This study suggests that in terms of biodiversity value improved grassland is the preferable habitat for afforestation, because of the poor baseline spider diversity. However, it may be unrealistic to expect land owners to afforest their most productive agricultural land, so the management and habitat indicators identified in this study may be of use for assessing habitat quality among the wet grassland and peatlands to allow sites with lower biodiversity value to be identified.  相似文献   

盐城海岸湿地资源环境压力与生态调控响应   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
江苏盐城海岸湿地拥有以保护丹顶鹤和麋鹿为特色的两个国家级自然保护区。然而强烈的人类活动贯穿于海岸湿地发育的每一个阶段,包括湿地围垦、资源酷取滥采以及环境污染等,使得该区资源环境面临的压力不断增大。通过对其资源环境特征、人口经济发展压力、湿地不合理开发利用压力以及水资源污染压力的分析,进而利用生态调控设计相应的政策措施响应方案,包括生态规划与设计---科学的生态功能区划,调整若干原缓冲区中生物多样性热点区为核心区;生态工程---生境更新与调整,建立人工湿地生态工程、芦苇生态工程、生态旅游等生态示范区;生态系统管理与能力建设---社区共管,与周围社区居民建立有效的伙伴关系。  相似文献   

长江流域重要保护物种分布格局与优先区评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
开展大尺度重要物种的保护优先区研究对于提高生物多样性保护效率十分重要. 选取1 020个物种(包括植物568种、哺乳动物142种、鸟类168种、两栖动物57种、爬行动物85种)为长江流域重要保护物种. 在分析重要保护物种类群分布格局的基础上,利用系统保护规划与专家参与的方法,提出了长江流域物种保护的27个保护优先区.保护优先区总面积占流域面积的41.8%,涵盖了重要保护物种973种,占全部重要保护物种数目的95.4%.建议以保护优先区为基本单元,开展有关生物多样性保护研究及保护区群的建设.   相似文献   

根据纳板河保护区的生物多样性和保护管理现状,提出了加强保护区生物多样性保护和促进保护区发展的对策。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the development of approaches to the conservation of woodland on private lands in England since 1949. In England, the majority of woodland sites important for nature conservation are small, isolated amongst open habitats, with a long history of management. Conservation of wildlife has since 1949 had a strong focus on private lands. Two approaches to protection have been adopted. Firstly about 80,000 ha of English woods are within statutorily protected sites; the degree of protection for these has increased through successive legislation in 1949, 1981 and 2001. Secondly, since 1985 wildlife protection has been achieved on private lands outside the protected sites through general statutory forestry policies. There has also been an increasing trend for active promotion of voluntary nature conservation through forestry incentives and grants, and the setting of targets as part of the government’s biodiversity action plan. The variety of ways in which woodland may be protected (to differing degrees) in England has enabled effective protection to be achieved over a greater area of woodland than would have been possible through nature reserves alone. These approaches may be relevant in other countries where woodland occurs as part of a cultural landscape.  相似文献   

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