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The spatio-temporal variations in the megafauna (fishes, crustaceans, and other invertebrates) in three different habitats on the slope in the Western Mediterranean (Catalan coast off Barcelona) have been investigated. Samples were collected at two fixed stations during 1991 and 1992, one inside and one outside a submarine canyon (at depths between 450 and 600 m) and additional samples were collected at another station on the lower slope (at a depth of 1200 m) in each season of the year. Three replicates of each sample were taken at each station. Differences observed between habitats, seasons, and zoological groupings were verified statistically by factorial ANOVA. The habitat appeared to be the main factor responsible for the differences observed in biomass and abundance values for the zoological groupings considered. Decapod crustacean biomass was higher in the submarine canyon than in neighbouring zones, and smaller species and juveniles were more abundant inside the canyon in the case of both fishes and crustaceans. Fish biomass was most abundant in the lower slope. Seasonality was also a factor, although to a lesser extent. Seasonal variations in biomass, especially fish biomass, were recorded in the deepest zone (1200 m). Crustaceans displayed lower sensitivity to seasonal factors, whereas other invertebrates did not, on the whole, exhibit seasonal variations.  相似文献   

We explored the relationships between classical estimators of autotrophic biomass and primary production, such as chlorophyll a concentration and 14C-fixation rates, and biochemical indices based on DNA and RNA determinations, which have been proposed as indicators of physiological state in natural plankton populations. The measurements were made during two cruises across the Catalan Front, carried out in May 1989 and February 1990, corresponding respectively, to periods of stratification and moderate mixing. DNA and RNA concentrations (measured by a double-staining fluorimetric technique) were significantly correlated with chlorophyll a in February 1990, but not in May 1989, when a marked deep chlorophyll maximum was present. Significant positive correlations between RNA concentration and primary production and between RNA: DNA and primary production were found during both surveys, probably reflecting both higher RNA concentrations per cell and enhanced bacterial and microheterotrophic growth in high primary production situations. The results support the potential usefulness, in biological oceanography, of biochemical indicators based on DNA and RNA concentrations.  相似文献   

The frostfish Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788) is a mesopelagic species; it occurs along the shelf and slope down to 450 m in the Catalan Sea. Its' fishery, population structure, growth, diet and reproduction was studied on the basis of commercial statistics from 1984 to 1990 and on samplings made in 1988 and 1989. L. caudatus is fished by two types of commercial method, trawl and long-line; catches by the latter method display a marked seasonality. The minimum size of fish caught is 26 cm total length by trawling and 71 cm by long-line. Maximum sizes are similar for both gears: 196 and 188 cm, respectively. L. caudatus exhibits fast growth and attains an age of 8 yr. It feeds on small mesopelagic prey. It is a partial spawner reproductive activity occurring from April to November. Males attain sexual maturity at 97 cm and females at 111 cm total length.  相似文献   

T. Madurell  J.E. Cartes 《Marine Biology》2006,148(6):1325-1338
Daily and seasonal changes in dietary habits, resource partitioning and daily food consumption of Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus, Hymenocephalus italicus and Nezumia sclerorhynchus, the three dominant macrourids coexisting at mid-slope depths (between 473 and 603 m) in the eastern Ionian Sea, were analysed. The three species showed very diverse diets, based mainly on suprabenthic prey and infauna. Day–night changes in the diet and feeding intensity were more apparent in H. italicus and N. sclerorhynchus, preying mainly on mobile prey (suprabenthos), than for C. coelorhynchus that preyed largely on infauna. Dietary overlap was very low among species. The highest daily ration (DR) obtained for N. sclerorhynchus (in April) coincided with maximum concentration of its preferred prey (i.e. Boreomysis arctica). H. italicus, displaying a more pelagic diet than N. sclerorhynchus, showed higher DR (between 1.47–1.51%wetW and 0.47–0.71%wetW, respectively) probably due to higher metabolic activity because it may swim up in the water column to eat. C. coelorhynchus, having the most benthic diet, showed the highest DR (between 2.92 and 2.53%wetW). This rather unexpected high DR would be attributable to a continuous feeding on more uniformly distributed prey (benthos) and to a high rooting activity on the sediment in search of infauna. The influence of the type of resources exploited in the overall trends obtained in the diet of macrourids is discussed and compared with those of other deep-sea species. As a general conclusion, results suggest that food consumption of bathyal fish are probably influenced by or coupled with the type of resources exploited.  相似文献   

Coastal dunes are an essential part of beach-dune systems. Dunes systems have their own intrinsic values and provide a range of goods and services, including the protection of tangible goods located on the shoreline affected by waves, storms, and sea erosion. Dunes also act as repositories of biodiversity that have their exclusive habitat in dune communities, and the aesthetic value of dune landscapes derived from unique plant communities and landforms is also of great importance. Nevertheless, dune systems on developed coasts suffered a drastic decline in geomorphological and ecological quality throughout the last century. Catalonia (Spain, NW Mediterranean Sea) is no exception, and the coastal dune systems which were present in the early 20th century have now disappeared due to urbanization. The regeneration of dune systems is of crucial importance in this context. The aim of this study is to assess the current status of dune systems in Catalonia in order to determine their future prospects based on beach characteristics, those beaches likely to host dunes being determined according to their width and sediment type. The results of our study show that nowadays most dune systems in Catalonia are not developed due to human pressure on the beaches. Only those beaches located in the natural protected areas in Roses Bay, Baix Ter Bay, the Llobregat Delta, and especially the Ebro Delta, have the right characteristics to host well-developed dune systems. That said, 30% of sandy beaches in Catalonia have a width of over 35 metres; wide enough to host well-developed dune systems if appropriate integrated beach management is applied. The methodology used in this research also provide a tool to assess which are the beaches that can host dunes on other developed shores in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

Distribution and abundance as a function of depth, and population parameters such as sex and size structure of the population and aspects of reproductive biology have been studied in the deep-sea polychelid lobsters Polycheles typhlops and Stereomastis sculpta. Samples were taken by otter trawl in the Balearic Sea, a deepsea basin in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea from 1985 to 1989. In both species the largest size classes were dominated by females. In S. sculpta, male and female sizes were very similar. In P. typhlops, ovigerous females and those with external spermatophores were 23 and 25 mm in carapace length (CL), respectively; males with external spermatophores were 17 mm in CL. In S. sculpta, ovigerous females and those with external spermatophores were 24 and 19 mm CL, respectively, and males with external spermatophores 19 mm CL. Highest densities of P. typhlops occurred along the middle slope at depths between 500 and 1000 m. Only small-sized individuals were found at the deepest depths sampled; some recruitment must therefore occur in waters much deeper than those usually inhabited by the adult population. The sex-ratio was 1:1 in most samples, but in some of the shallowest samples females predominated. The depth distribution range of S. sculpta was 981 to 2253 m: densities clearly increased with increasing depth. There were no apparent variations in size distribution as a function of depth. Since very few adult males and females were captured, the population in the survey area would seem to be comprised mainly of juveniles. As a function of depth, females were numerically dominant only in some of the shallowest samples taken in the distribution range of this species. There is strict habitat partitioning between the two species. In both species, the variation in the sex-ratio as a function of depth suggests differential migration between the sexes, probably related to egg incubation and hatching.  相似文献   

Excretion of ammonia by mesozooplankton (>200 m zooplankton) and its potential contribution to the nitrogen requirement for phytoplankton growth has been estimated for different hydrographical situations along a transect across the Catalan Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean). The nitrogen excreted as ammonia was estimated from mesozooplankton biomass and specific excretion rates. Nitrogen requirements of phytoplankton were estimated by means of carbon fixation rates and C:N ratios of <200 m particulate organic matter. Minimum C:N ratios and maximum primary production, zooplankton biomass, phytoplankton nitrogen requirements, and nitrogen excretion of zooplankton occurred near the Catalan density front. On average, the nitrogen regenerated by the mesozooplankton accounted for 43% of the nitrogen requirements of the phytoplankton. The specific excretion rates of ammonia and the percentage of phytoplanktonnitrogen requirements supplied by excreted nitrogen were higher at coastal stations. In some coastal and frontal stations, the ammonia excreted exceeded the phytoplanktonnitrogen demand. Bacteria competing for nutrient supply and the possible uncoupling between rate processes and standing stocks of phyto- and zooplankton could explain the apparent excess of regenerated ammonia.  相似文献   

Geographical variations in the numbers, biomass and production of euphausiids and the contribution of common species to the total are described from samples taken during 1966 and 1967 in the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea by the Continuous Plankton Recorder at 10 m depth. Euphausiids were most abundant in the central and western North Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea. Thysanoessa longicaudata (Krøyer) was numerically dominant. Biomass was greatest in the Norwegian Sea and the north-eastern North Sea where Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) accounted for 81 and 59%, respectively, of the total biomass. Production was highest off Nova Scotia and in Iberian coastal waters; the dominant species were T. raschi (M. Sars) in the former area and Nyctiphanes couchi (Bell) in the latter. The mean P:B ratios were correlated with temperature.  相似文献   

The carbon transfer through the microbial community in two areas of the Northern Adriatic Sea was estimated by proteolytic and respiratory activities during four oceanographic surveys carried out in June, 1996, 1997 and February, 1997, 1998. In front of the Po Delta (area A), the mean rates of proteolytic activity range from 4.9 to 9.9 r µg r C r h r l; near Ancona (area B), they range from 3.1 to 7.6 r µg r C r h r l. Respiratory rates vary between 0.19 and 2.29 and between 0.24 and 1.40 r µg r C r h r l in areas A and B, respectively. In general, high rates occur in the surface layers, within the first 10 r m of depth. In area A, proteolytic and respiratory rates undergo seasonal course, with high activity in warm periods. In area B, respiration and bacterioplankton abundance increase from the first to the second year, whilst proteolytic activity decreases. The sequence of metabolic steps in the carbon transfer within the bacteria, from the biotic vs . the abiotic compartment, was drawn in order to define the actual role of bacterial biomass in the biogeochemical fluxes in an ecosystem which often suffers distrophic crises. Respiratory turnover rates, in the upper 10 r m depth, reach low values in cold periods and high values in June, 1997. The carbon transfer versus mineralization flows better in the summer period, in particular in June, 1997. However, the bacterial growth efficiency ranges from 17 to 38% in area A and from 13 to 44% in area B with highest values in February, 1997, when bacteria contribute in a relevant way to the overall respiration.  相似文献   

J. E. Cartes 《Marine Biology》1994,120(4):639-648
The composition of the diet of the deep-sea aristeid shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) was determined based on the analysis of 1578 stomach contents. Samples were collected using bottom trawls during 1984 to 1989 along the deep continental slope (380 to 2266 m) in the Catalan Sea (Western Mediterranea). A. antennatus displayed a high feeding activity on a large variety of endobenthic and epibenthic invertebrates, whereas benthopelagic prey were supplementary to its diet. The shrimp's diet varied mainly as a function of depth. Various preferred prey items on the middle slope (Calocaris macandreae, Cirolana borealis, Abra longicallus) disappeared from its diet below 1300 m, coinciding with the transtion boundary between different taxocenoses in the Catalan Sea. Less mobile prey and inert remains (mainly pteropods) contributed a progressively larger share of the diet of Aristeus antennatus with increasing depth. The importance of seasonality in the changes in diet decreased with increasing depth, and was relatively high only in the upper middle slope (down to 1000 m depth), where two seasonal dietary groups were detected. The most distinct seasonal changes in diet were among benthopelagic prey. The diet of A. antennatus in the submarine canyons mainly consisted of endobenthic prey (large polychaetes, ophiuroids). The higher stomach-fullness values and less diversified diet in this area were probably related to high productivity in the submarine canyons.  相似文献   

We sampled the communities of decapod crustaceans inhabiting the depth zone between 3 and 871 m off the Catalan coast (North-West Mediterranean) from June 1981 to June 1983. The 185 samples comprised 90 species differing widely in their depth distributions. Multivariate analysis revealed four distinct faunistic assemblages, (1) littoral communities over sandy bottoms, (2) shelf communities over terrigenous muds, (3) upper-slope communitics, and (4) lower-slope or bathyal communities. The brachyuran crab Liocarcinus depurator is the most abundant species of the shelf assemblage, although L. vernalis dominates over the shallow sandy bottoms of the shelf. The dominant species of the upper-slope assemblage are nektobenthic species (Solenocera membranacea, Plesionika heterocarpus, Processa canaliculata), pelagic species (Pasiphaea sivado, Sergestes arcticus), and benthic species (Macropipus tuberculatus, Munida intermedia, Nephrops norvegicus). Aristeus antennatus comprise most of the biomass of the lower-slope community, which supports a greater diversity than the other assemblages. The main assemblages appear to be related to different hydrological characteristics, the extent of seasonal fluctuations, and to the changes in sediment structure associated with changes in the steepness of the bottom.  相似文献   

Loggerhead turtles nesting in the Mediterranean Sea exhibit remarkable genetic structuring. This paper tests the hypothesis that young loggerhead turtles from different rookeries do not distribute homogeneously among the major Mediterranean foraging grounds, due to a complex pattern of surface currents. We extracted long fragments of mitochondrial DNA from 275 stranded or bycaught juvenile turtles from six foraging grounds (Catalano-Balearic Sea, Algerian basin, Tyrrhenian Sea, Adriatic Sea, northern Ionian Sea and southern Levantine Sea). We used a Bayesian mixed-stock analysis to estimate the contributions from rookeries in the Mediterranean, the North-west Atlantic and Cape Verde to the studied foraging grounds. Differences were found in the relative contribution of juvenile turtles of Atlantic and Mediterranean origin to each foraging ground. A decreasing proportion of Atlantic juveniles was detected along the main surface current entering the Mediterranean, with a high prevalence of turtles from eastern Florida in the Algerian basin and lower numbers elsewhere. In regard to the turtles of Mediterranean origin, juveniles from Libya prevailed in central and western Mediterranean foraging grounds other than the Algerian basin. Conversely, the Adriatic Sea was characterised by a large presence of individuals from western Greece, while the southern Levantine Sea was inhabited by a heterogeneous mix of turtles from the eastern Mediterranean rookeries (Turkey, Lebanon and Israel). Overall, the distribution of juveniles may be related to surface circulation patterns in the Mediterranean and suggests that fisheries might have differential effects on each population depending on the overlap degree between foraging and fishing grounds.  相似文献   

Astract Northern anchovy larvae, Engraulis mordax, were collected on five cruises covering the Southern California Bight, one cruise in April 1984, four cruises in January, February and May 1986. The amounts of triacylglycerol, cholesterol and polar lipid were measured in individual anchovy larvae as indicators of their nutritional condition. There was a significant difference in each of the size-specific lipid components between the stations for four of the five cruises. This indicates that all the ocean habitats within a cruise were not equal in promoting growth (and presumably survival) in the anchovy larvae. There were also differences between cruises, where the percentage of the larvae judged to be in poor condition varied from 8 to 27%. Canonical correlation analyses revealed a significant relationship in most cases between the larval fish parameters and the physical and biological data collected from each occupied station. Cholesterol and triacylglycerol were the most important larval components, and the short-term energy storage component in the copepod Calanus pacificus was the most important station component. The data, however, are not sufficient to identify and characterize stations in the field which produce anchovy larvae in good condition.  相似文献   

Data on the diet, feeding habits and daily rations of Hoplostethus mediterraneus Cuvier, 1829 in the bathyal eastern Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) are presented. A total of 430 specimens collected by bottom trawls at depths ranging from 473 to 603 m during four 24-h day–night sampling cycles covering the four annual seasons was examined. H. mediterraneus diet consisted of pelagic and vagile epibenthic prey, mainly crustaceans, and was dominated by benthopelagic natantian decapods (83.35% IRI, index of relative importance). Seasonal changes in diet were apparent and related to seasonal fluctuations in suprabenthic and zooplanktonic prey in the environment. Diel patterns in stomach fullness and trends in diel feeding cycles are discussed in relation to the vertical migratory movements of available prey (i.e. suprabenthos and zooplankton). Daily-ration estimates were determined by evacuation-rate models and ranged from 0.143% to 0.397% WW/WW. Overall, daily-ration estimates were within the range of the daily consumption of other deep-sea fish. Deduced from diet contents, we found a constant gross energy intake (305–316 kcal g–1) during all seasons. As a possible response to the reproductive peak of mature females observed in summer, H. mediterraneus increases its food consumption, which, in turn, is coupled with an increase in food availability.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

The ABC-method proposed by Warwick (1986) for detecting pollution effects on marine zoobenthic communities, was tested on distribution patterns of numbers and biomass among species in macrozoobenthos samples taken annually for 13 yr in a uniform way at 15 tidal-flat stations in the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea. Along the margins of the tidal-flat area studied, where exposition to either drainage or water movements is extreme, the k-dominance plots for numbers were generally situated above those for biomass. In these areas values for biomass and species richness were relatively low and a few small-sized species such asCorophium volutator andHydrobia ulvae were very numerous. In the central part of the area, where environmental conditions are less severe, values for biomass and species richness were higher. Biomass was dominated by large adults ofMya arenaria, Mytilus edulis and/orArenicola marina. However, in only a restricted part of this area were plots for numbers consistently below biomass plots. In most of the central area high numbers ofH. ulvae occasionally occurred, causing plots for numbers to be situated above those for biomass during such periods. There appears to be no reason to interprete a high abundance ofH. ulvae as a sign of pollution or any other kind of disturbance or stress. It is concluded that the ABC method cannot be applied to tidal flat communities without reference to long-term and spatial series of control samples. In areas where such smallsized and sometimes numerous species asH. ulvae occur in strongly fluctuating numbers, the method appears useless for assessing the pollution status of a benthic community.  相似文献   

Deep-sea sediments collected in two areas of the Mediterranean Sea having different sedimentological characteristics have been analyzed to determine present concentrations and inventories of 239,240Pu and to study the main mechanisms controlling them. Plutonium distribution in the deepest part of a submarine canyon (Taranto Valley, Ionian Sea) is compared to that obtained in an abyssal plain (north Algerian Plain). in the latter case, sedimentation is mainly due to the sinking of biogenic particles, while in the former lateral transport of terrigenous material along the slope of the canyon can significantly contribute to sediment accumulation on the bottom.

239,240Pu surface concentration in the canyon ranged from 0.2 to 1 Bq kg-1 (dry weight) and this was lower in the abyssal plain. in this area, plutonium was detectable only in the first 4 cm, while in the canyon it was present down to 11-15 cm. 239,240Pu inventories are 3 Bq m-2 in the plain and 45-60 Bq m-2 in the canyon, indicating considerable input of terrigenous material towards the final part of the Taranto Valley.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of fish species composition and abundance in gillnet catches (14-90 mm knot-to-knot) from the Greek part of the transboundary Lake Doirani was studied during the period 2006-2007. A total of 8,419 specimens weighing 182.3 kg and belonging to 9 species were caught. Catch composition differed with season. Thus, Rhodeus meridionalis dominated in terms of NPUE the spring, Perca fluviatilis the summer and Albumus macedonicus the autumn and winter catches. Cyprinids were generally the most abundant, with the cyprinids:percids biomass ratio ranging from 1.7 in summer to 14.8 in winter, supporting the eutrophic character of the lake. Richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity and evenness indices differed seasonally (ANOVA; p < 0.05). The abundance-biomass comparative (ABC) curves showed that fish communities were dominated by one or a few opportunistic species (e.g. Rhodeus meridionalis, Albumus macedonicus), which while dominated in number did not dominate in biomass, being small bodied.  相似文献   

Ten adult male loggerhead sea turtles, captured by trawlers or dip nets, were satellite-tracked from a neritic foraging ground in the Mediterranean in order to investigate adult spatio-temporal distribution and breeding migration. Five individuals migrated to potential breeding sites in Libya and one to Greece. The results complement previous studies and show that: (1) the Tunisian shelf may be more important for turtles from Libyan rookeries than previously thought; (2) male tracks corroborate a conservation hotspot previously identified for juveniles; (3) the north African coast represents a preferred migratory corridor, unless open sea routes are more direct; (4) adult males may exhibit high fidelity to relatively small areas, without evident seasonal differences; (5) adults home ranges were smaller and more neritic than juveniles frequenting the same area; (6) males may frequent multiple courtship areas; (7) the average remigration interval of males frequenting this region is longer than 1 year.  相似文献   

George Skoufas 《Marine Biology》2006,149(6):1365-1370
The two forms of Eunicella singularis sclerites, spindles and clubs, were examined in two sites in East Mediterranean Sea, Greece. The comparison of the sclerites size was based on the hydrodynamic profile of the sites (the site of Arethoussa was exposed and the Phidonissi site was sheltered), on the sites bathymetry (AR 5–8 m, AR 9–13 m, PH 5–10 m, PH 11–13 m) and on the position occupied by the sclerites on the gorgonian colonies (top, middle and base). With the usage of image system analysis the following microfeatures were measured or calculated: projection, length, width, elongation factor, compactness factor, length × width and length/width. The present study confirms the hypothesis that spindles are involved in the recovering of the gorgonian colonies and clubs contribute to the flexion capacity of the colonies. The spindles of the shallow E. singularis colonies (AR 5–8 m) were significantly bigger (length, width) compared with the others, in order to assure the best recovery of the colonies after their flexion, induced by higher water current velocity in shallow water. The clubs occupy the intern part of the mesoglea and their size (length, width) increased in colonies from the shallow exposed site in order to facilitate the gorgonian flexion. The present study demonstrates the gorgonian adaptation (in a microscopic scale) to the environmental pressure of hydrodynamic conditions.  相似文献   

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