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针对某电厂 2×330 MW 机组脱硫废水处理设备腐蚀、废水超标排放的问题,对系统设备及废水水质进行了技术分析,提出了将脱硫废水引入锅炉渣水系统的优化改造措施。结果表明:改造方案在解决了脱硫废水超标排放的同时减少了锅炉除渣系统补水,降低了脱硫废水对设备和管道的腐蚀,产生了较好的环境和经济效益。  相似文献   

关于实心钢管混凝土的耐火性能已有大量的实验研究,而空心钢管混凝土的耐火实验目前还非常少见。针对这一不足,对空心钢管混凝土进行了耐火实验研究,其中考虑了不同的空心率,并对中空注水对构件耐火性能的影响也进行了实验研究。实验结果表明:在相同的荷栽比下,构件的耐火时间随空心率先增大后减小。当空心率较小时,中空注水对构件耐火时间的提高作用不明显;当空心率较大时,注水对耐火时间的提高才体现出来。  相似文献   

晶闸管击穿故障为换流阀常见故障之一,现有±800 kV特高压换流站A5000型换流阀晶闸管击穿故障处理方案存在耗时不稳定、处理环节复杂等问题,进而造成换流阀停电时间延长,影响直流输电系统功率输送能力,针对A5000型换流阀晶闸管击穿故障处理方案进行优化,提高了该型号换流阀晶闸管击穿故障的处理效率,缩短了换流阀停电时间,可进一步保障直流输电系统功率输送能力。  相似文献   

凹凸棒石复合滤料吸附工艺应急处理苯酚污染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苯酚污染应急处理对于水厂保障城市水水质安全具有十分重要的意义.研究中用长江水模拟突发苯酚水污染,利用凹凸棒石复合滤料(ACFM)进行吸附性能试验.结果表明,ACFM对于温度、pH值和反应时间等控制因素要求较低,对苯酚的吸附性能曲线符合弗兰德里希(Freundlich)吸附模式,在苯酚的平衡质量浓度为0.002 mg/L时,ACFM对其吸附容量为1.08 mg/kg.对突发性的水源水苯酚污染,使用ACFM吸附过滤工艺完全能够达到要求的处理效果,该滤料具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

水库泥沙淤积量测算方法研究综述及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国江河大多泥沙量大,所建水库淤积严重,由此带来了一系列的问题。因此,及时、准确地确定其淤积量及淤积位置对工程措施的实施非常重要。首先,介绍了水库淤积量的测量方法,包括经纬仪测记法、SAR法、GPS+测深仪法;然后,针对淤积量的计算方法进行了详尽的述评,如:等深线、规则网格镶嵌法、断面或地形法、基于GIS的DTM法、泰森多边形法及基于库容曲线的泥沙淤积量计算法、输沙量平衡法和水力模型法等;最后,对水深测量误差的控制及淤积体体积计算的改进进行了探讨和展望,指出了需要进一步研究和解决的问题。  相似文献   

分析了西北电力通信网在宁夏地区的发展现状,分别从环网带宽资源受限、跨省链路减少、跨省链路带宽不足这三个方面提出解决方案。通过平滑升级部分环网链路的传输速率,解决网络资源受限及传输带宽存在瓶颈的问题,使得业务传输通道的冗余度得到有效丰富。通过利用特高压光缆线路组织跨省联络电路,实现跨省链路的新增。实际应用结果表明:西北电力通信网宁夏地区网络优化方案能够提高通信系统安全性及传输网的承载能力,在提高站点接入能力,增加环网带宽,增强网络安全稳定性方面具有明显成效。  相似文献   

China’s counterpart assistance policy is of vital importance in providing guidance for emergency management and post-disaster reconstruction. However, the amount of assistance that partner provinces should provide as well as the criteria that partners should abide by in offering counterpart assistance remain a main challenge. The goal of this research is to fill this gap by proposing a new framework consisting of an interregional input–output (IRIO) model and a resilience index. Subsequently, the indirect economic loss is obtained by utilizing the index system of provincial economic resilience assessments, with measures of indirect economic loss developed from the IRIO. Furthermore, to examine the internal validity and systematic error, the reliability of the adopted models, the calculation methods, and the index systems are investigated. To assess the external validity of the proposed measures and resilience index of the framework, data from the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake are applied for estimating parameter values of the framework, and a follow-up investigation was conducted for examining the fairness and enhanced effectiveness of the new counterpart assistance criteria. In summary, this paper attempts to present some new ideas about the analysis of economic motivations of mutual aid and the improvement of the counterpart assistance policy.  相似文献   

太湖蓝藻事件的爆发促使了太湖流域污水处理厂大范围的升级改造,升级改造的主要措施有强化生物处理、深度处理等,具体工程措施需要结合水质处理要求、现有处理工艺、经济发展水平等进行比选。升级改造的出水水质需要结合纳污水体的污染现状和环境容量进行合理确定。升级改造过程中需要重视进水水质水量的设计与监控,加强工程投资和运行费用的控制。  相似文献   

岩爆过程释放的能量分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
能量积累与耗散是岩爆机理研究的重要内容之一。以往的研究一般将岩爆过程释放的能量归结为隧道围岩的弹性应变能。分析表明,开挖状态下,围岩可以积蓄的宏观弹性应变能小于岩爆过程释放的总能量。根据理论物理学、结晶学及矿物学相关理论与岩爆特征,岩爆能量应属于破裂面两侧断裂晶体的应变能,并非围岩整体的应变能。岩爆破裂面断裂晶体的应变能是在裂纹到达的瞬间因晶体被拉伸到极限状态而达到最大值并高速释放的,因此,岩爆能量的积累过程是短暂的、瞬时的。岩爆过程释放的能量转化为表面能、动能及热能等形式,而动能是裂纹持续快速扩展的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

In recent times Pakistan's biggest city, Karachi, has witnessed numerous terrorist attacks. The city does not have an emergency response system and only one of the three public sector hospitals has a trauma centre. We describe the pattern of injuries and management of two terror-related mass casualty incidents involving suicide bombers in a developing nation with limited resources. The first incident occurred in May 2002 with 36 casualties, of whom 13 (36%) died immediately and 11 (30.5%) died at the primary receiving hospitals. The second incident was targeted against the local population in May 2004. The blast resulted in 104 casualties, of which 14 (13.46%) died at the site. All patients had their initial assessment and treatment based on Advanced Trauma and Life Support principles and documented on a trauma form.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(4):335-360

The main purpose of the article is to develop an optimisation pattern for the process of a preventive evacuation of people from flood-risk areas (at the first sign of a flood), aimed at mitigating the negative effects of the flood performed through the application of modern computer tools. It has been assumed that the use of both GIS tools and apps for vehicle traffic modelling (the research includes the use of a method developed by the authors) in emergency procedures implemented in response to a flood may increase the efficiency of the anti-flood campaign (here: the evacuation of residents from flooded areas), and thus, it may also minimise the negative effects of the flooding itself. The article distinguishes 14 stages of research, which were chiefly completed by means of the following methods: distance-based accessibility, cumulative accessibility, the Enhanced Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method (E2SFCA) and the Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method (2SFCA), the vehicle routing method, algorithms by Dinitz, Edmonds-Karp, and Ford-Fulkerson, and a comparative method applied to draw a comparison between the actual state of affairs and the optimum condition determined by the aforementioned methods.  相似文献   

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