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Biofiltration is a relatively recent air pollution control (APC) technology in which off-gases containing biodegradable volatile organic compounds (VOC) or inorganic air toxics are vented through a biologically active material. This technology has been successfully applied in Germany and The Netherlands in many full-scale applications to control odors, VOC and air toxic emissions from a wide range of industrial and public sector sources. Control efficiencies of more than 90 percent have been achieved for many common air pollutants. Due to lower operating costs, biofiltration can provide significant economic advantages over other APC technologies if applied to off-gases that contain readily biodegradable pollutants in low concentrations. Environmental benefits include low energy requirements and the avoidance of cross media transfer of pollutants. This paper reviews the history and current status of biofiltration, outlines its underlying scientific and engineering principles, and discusses the applicability of biofilters for a wide range of specific emission sources.  相似文献   

Biofiltration of periodically fluctuating concentrations of an alpha-pinene-laden waste gas was investigated to treat both high-frequency and low-frequency fluctuations. The effects of periodic concentration fluctuations on biofilter performance were measured. Controlled variables of periodic operation included cycle period and amplitude. The cycle period ranged from 10 min to 6 days, with the inlet alpha-pinene concentration fluctuating between 0 and 100 parts per million volume. At high-frequency concentration cycling (i.e., on the order of minutes), both cyclic and constant concentration biofilters maintained similar long-term performance with an average removal efficiency of 77% at an averaged loading rate of 29 g alpha-pinene/m3 bed/hr. A first approximation suggests kinetics that are time-independent, indicating that steady-state data can be used to predict transient behavior at this time scale. Cyclic biofilter operation with a cycle period of 24 hr (with equal on/off time) was achievable for biofilters without a significant loss in performance. At longer time scales, cyclic biofilter performance decreased at the restart of the ON cycle. The recovery time to previous levels of performance increased with increasing cycle period; the recovery time was less than 1 hr for a cycle period of 24 hr and between 6 and 8 hr for a cycle period of 6 days.  相似文献   

The mutagenicity of indoor air paniculate matter has been measured in a pilot field study of homes in Columbus, Ohio during the 1984 winter. The study was conducted in eight all natural-gas homes and two all electric homes. Paniculate matter and semi-volatile organic compounds were collected indoors using a medium volume sampler. A micro-forward mutation bioassay employing Salmonella typhimurium strain TM 677 was used to quantify the mutagenicity in solvent extracts of microgram quantities of indoor air particles. The mutagenicity was quantified in terms of both mutation frequency per mg of organic matter extracted and per cubic meter of air sampled. The combustion source variables explored in this study included woodburning in fireplaces and cigarette smoking. Homes in which cigarette smoking occurred had the highest concentrations of mutagenicity per cubic meter of air. The average indoor air mutagenicity per cubic meter was highly correlated with the number of cigarettes smoked. When the separate sampling periods in each room were compared, the mutagenicity in the kitchen samples was the most highly correlated with the number of cigarettes smoked.  相似文献   

Scale-up of a hollow-fiber-membrane (HFM) bioreactor treating trichloroethylene- (TCE-) contaminated water via co-metabolism with the methanotroph Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b PP358 was investigated through cost comparisons, bioreactor experiments, and mathematical modeling. Cost comparisons, based on a hypothetical treatment scenario of 568-L/min (150-gpm) flowrate with an influent TCE concentration of 100 microg/L, resulted in a configuration of treatment trains with two HFM modules in series and an overall annual cost of US dollar 0.36/m3 treated. Biological experiments were conducted with short lumen and shell residence times, 0.16 and 0.40 min, respectively, as a result of the cost comparisons. A new variable, specific transformation, was defined for characterizing the cometabolic transformation in continuous-flow systems, and values as large as 38.5 microg TCE/mg total suspended solids were sustainable for TCE treatment. Using mathematical modeling, HFM bioreactor system design was investigated, resulting in a five-step system design strategy to facilitate sizing of the unit processes.  相似文献   


Air biofiltration is now under active consideration for the removal of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from polluted airstreams. To optimize this emerging environmental technology and to understand compound removal mechanisms, a biofilter packed with peat was developed to treat a complex mixture of VOCs: oxygenated, aromatic, and chlorinated compounds. The removal efficiency of this process was high. The maximum elimination capacity (ECmax) obtained was ~120 g VOCs/m3 peat/hr. Referring to each of the mixture's components, the ECmax showed the limits in terms of biodegradability of VOCs, especially for the halogenated compounds and xylene.

A stratification of biodegradation was observed in the reactor. The oxygenated compounds were metabolized before the aromatic and halogenated ones. Two assumptions are suggested. There was a competition between bacterial communities. Different communities colonized the peat-based biofilter, one specialized for the elimination of oxygenated compounds, the others more specialized for elimination of aromatic and halogenated compounds. There was also substrate competition. Bacterial communities were the same over the height of the column, but the more easily biodegradable compounds were used first for the microorganism metabolism when they were present in the gaseous effluent.  相似文献   

Biofiltration of a mixture of volatile organic emissions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Air biofiltration is now under active consideration for the removal of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from polluted airstreams. To optimize this emerging environmental technology and to understand compound removal mechanisms, a biofilter packed with peat was developed to treat a complex mixture of VOCs: oxygenated, aromatic, and chlorinated compounds. The removal efficiency of this process was high. The maximum elimination capacity (ECmax) obtained was approximately 120 g VOCs/m3 peat/hr. Referring to each of the mixture's components, the ECmax showed the limits in terms of biodegradability of VOCs, especially for the halogenated compounds and xylene. A stratification of biodegradation was observed in the reactor. The oxygenated compounds were metabolized before the aromatic and halogenated ones. Two assumptions are suggested. There was a competition between bacterial communities. Different communities colonized the peat-based biofilter, one specialized for the elimination of oxygenated compounds, the others more specialized for elimination of aromatic and halogenated compounds. There was also substrate competition. Bacterial communities were the same over the height of the column, but the more easily biodegradable compounds were used first for the microorganism metabolism when they were present in the gaseous effluent.  相似文献   

Huber S  Haug LS  Schlabach M 《Chemosphere》2011,84(11):1686-1693
Polyfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are an extremely versatile class of compounds and are used in a variety of consumer applications and products. Recent studies have suggested that PFCs in indoor air and dust could act as sources of human exposure and outdoor air contamination. This study presents method development and analysis of a wide range of PFCs in dust and air using active sampling techniques with commercially available sampling equipment (forensic nozzles with filter housings for dust collection and polyurethane foam (PUF)-XAD2-PUF sandwich-tubes for air sampling) using both liquid and gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The developed method was validated and tested for applicability to analyze dust and air samples at both low and high concentrations (0.5 ng and 25 ng per analyte per air sample, respectively). Samples from private households and an office building were analyzed to explore differences in distribution patterns and concentrations. Perfluorooctane sulfonate, perfluorodecane sulfonate, perfluoroheptanoate, perfluorooctanoate and perfluorononanoate were observed in all samples of dust from private households, in the range from 1 to 80.1 ng g−1. Fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs) were the predominant PFCs in indoor air samples with ∑FTOHs ranging between 4.7 and 17.9 ng m−3. The concentrations found in the present study are generally lower than those previously reported. This variation may be due to differences associated with geographical locations and lifestyles. However, use of different sampling techniques and strategies among studies can introduce large variations in PFC concentration found, making direct comparisons challenging.  相似文献   


This project demonstrated the biofiltration of a trichloroethylene (TCE)-contaminated airstream generated by air stripping groundwater obtained from several wells located at the Anniston Army Depot, Anniston, AL. The effects of several critical process variables were investigated to evaluate technical and economic feasibility, define operating limits and preferred operating conditions, and develop design information for a full-scale biofilter system. Long-term operation of the demonstration biofilter system was conducted to evaluate the performance and reliability of the system under variable weather conditions. Propane was used as the primary substrate necessary to induce the production of a nonspecific oxygenase. Results indicated that the process scheme used to introduce propane into the biofiltration system had a significant impact on the observed TCE removal efficiency. TCE degradation rates were dependent on the inlet contaminant concentration as well as on the loading rate. No microbial inhibition was observed at inlet TCE concentrations as high as 87 parts per million on a volume basis.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  In this work, the potential for using olive-mill solid waste as an organic amendment for biochemical and biological restoration of a trichloroethylene-contaminated soil, which has previously been stabilized through vermicomposting processes, has been explored. Materials and methods  Trichloroethylene-contaminated water was pumped into soil columns with a layer of vermicompost at 10-cm depth (biobarrier system). The impacts of the trichloroethylene on the microbial community were evaluated by determining: (1) the overall microbial activity (estimated as dehydrogenase activity) and enzyme activities related to the main nutrient cycles (β-glucosidase, o-diphenoloxidase, phosphatase, urease, and arylsulphatase activities). In addition, isoelectric focusing of the soil extracellular humic-β-glucosidase complexes was performed to study the enzymatically active humic matter related to the soil carbon cycle. (2) The soil bacterial diversity and the molecular mechanisms for the bacterial resistance to organic solvents were also determined. For this, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was used to detect changes in bacterial community structure and PCR-single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) was developed and optimised for detection and discrimination of the resistance-nodulation-division (RND) genes amplified from the contaminated soils. Results  Vermicompost reduced, with respect to the unamended soil, about 30% of the trichloroethylene leaching during the first month of the experiment. Trichloroethylene had a marked negative effect on soil dehydrogenase, β-glucosidase, urease, phosphatase, and arylsulphatase activities. Nevertheless, the vermicompost tended to avoid this toxic effect. Vermicompost also displays stable humic-β-glucosidase complexes that increased the extracellular activity related to C-cycle in the contaminated soils. The isoelectric focusing technique showed a more biochemically active humic matter in the soil sampled under the vermicompost. The behaviour of the three main phyla of bacteria isolated from the DGGE bands was quite different. Bands corresponding to Actinobacteria disappeared, whereas those affiliated with Proteobacteria remained after the trichloroethylene contamination. The disappeared Actinobacteria became visible in the soil amended with the vermicompost. Bands corresponding to Bacteriodetes appeared only in columns of contaminated soils. In this study, six types of RND proteins were detected by PCR-SSCP in the natural soil, three in the trichloroethylene-contaminated soil and 7/5 in trichloroethylene-contaminated soil above/below the vermicompost in the biobarrier columns. Trichloroethylene tended to reduce or eliminate all the clones detected in the uncontaminated soil, whereas new efflux pumps appeared in the biobarrier columns. Discussion  Although enzymes incorporated into the humic substances of vermicomposted olive wastes are quite stable, trichloroethylene also inhibited the background levels of the soil extracellular β-glucosidase activity in the amended soils. The decrease was less severe in the biobarrier system, but in any case, no relation was found between the levels of trichloroethylene in soil and extracellular β-glucosidase activity, or between the latter and the quantity of humic carbon in soils. The isoelectric focusing technique was carried out in the humic fraction to determine whether the loss of activity occurred in overall extracellular β-glucosidase or in that linked to stable humic substances (humic–enzyme complexes). The contaminated soils showed the lower enzyme activities, whereas contaminated and amended soils presented greater quantity of focalised (and therefore stable) humic carbon and spectra heterogeneity: very different bands with higher enzyme activities. No clear relationship between trichloroethylene concentration in soil and diversity of the bacterial population was noted. Similar patterns could be found when the community structures of bacteria and microbial activity were considered. Since the use of the dehydrogenase assay has been recognised as a useful indicator of the overall measure of the intensity of microbial metabolism, these results could be attributed to PCR-DGGE methodology, since the method reveals the presence of dominant populations regardless of their metabolic state. Trichloroethylene maintained or even increased the number of clones with the DNA encoding for RND proteins, except for the contaminated soil located above the vermicompost. However, the main effect of trichloroethylene was to modify the structure of the community in contaminated soils, considering the type of efflux pumps encoded by the DNA extracted from soil bacteria. Conclusions  Trichloroethylene inhibited specific functions in soil and had a clear influence on the structure of the autochthonous bacterial community. The organic matter released by the vermicomposted olive waste tended to avoid the toxic effect of the contaminant. Trichloroethylene also inhibited the background levels of the soil extracellular β-glucosidase activity, even when vermicompost was present. In this case, the effect of the vermicompost was to provide and/or to stimulate the humic-β-glucosidase complexes located in the soil humic fraction >104, increasing the resistance of the enzyme to the inhibition. The bacterial community from the soil presented significantly different mechanisms to resistance to solvents (RND proteins) under trichloroethylene conditions. The effect of the vermicompost was to induce these mechanisms in the autochthonous bacterial community and/or incorporated new bacterial species, able to grow in a trichloroethylene-contaminated ambient. Coupled biochemical and molecular methodologies are therefore helpful approaches in assessing the effect of an organic amendment on the biochemical and biological restoration of a trichloroethylene-contaminated soil. Recommendations and perspectives  Since the main biochemical and biological effects of the organic amendment on the contaminated soil seem to be the incorporation of biochemically active humic matter, as well as new bacterial species able to grow in a trichloroethylene-contaminated ambient, isoelectric focusing and PCR-SSCP methodologies should be considered as parts of an integrated approach to determine the success of a restoration scheme.  相似文献   

The operational performance of a submerged hollow fibre Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) for treatment of municipal wastewater on pilot scale was investigated. The experimental results indicated that the removal efficiency for SS, COD, NH4-N, turbidity, bacterium, iron (Fe2+) and Manganese (Mn2+) was 100%, 94.5%, 98.3%, 99.7%, lg6, 99%, 92.3%, respectively. The water quality of the effluent was quite good. The reclaimed water could be reused either directly or indirectly for municipal or industrial purposes. The MBR had a strong ability to resist loading shock and DO was a crucial factor to membrane fouling.  相似文献   

Although aldehydes contribute to ozone and particulate matter formation, there has been little research on the biofiltration of these volatile organic compounds (VOCs), especially as mixtures. Biofiltration degradation kinetics of an aldehyde mixture containing hexanal, 2-methylbutanal (2-MB), and 3-methylbutanal (3-MB) was investigated using a bench-scale, synthetic, media-based biofilter. The adsorption capacity of the synthetic media for a model VOC, 3-methylbutanal, was 10 times that of compost. Periodic residence time distribution analysis (over the course of 1 yr) via a tracer study (84-99% recovery), indicated plug flow without channeling in the synthetic media and lack of compaction in the reactor. Simple first-order and zero-order kinetic models both equally fit the experimental data, yet analysis of the measured rate constants versus fractional conversion suggested an overall first-order model was more appropriate. Kinetic analysis indicated that hexanal had a significantly higher reaction rate (k = 0.09 +/- 0.005 1/sec; 23 +/- 1.3 ppmv) compared with the branched aldehydes (k = 0.04 +/- 0.0036 1/sec; 31 +/- 1.6 ppmv for 2-MB and 0.03 +/- 0.0051 1/sec; 22 +/- 1.3 ppmv for 3-MB). After 3 months of operation, all three compounds reached 100% removal (50 sec residence time, 18-46 ppmv inlet). Media samples withdrawn from the biofilter and observed under scanning electron microscopy analysis indicated microbial growth, suggesting removal of the aldehydes could be attributed to biodegradation.  相似文献   


Although aldehydes contribute to ozone and particulate matter formation, there has been little research on the biofiltration of these volatile organic compounds (VOCs), especially as mixtures. Biofiltration degradation kinetics of an aldehyde mixture containing hexanal, 2-methylbutanal (2-MB), and 3-methylbutanal (3-MB) was investigated using a bench-scale, synthetic, media-based biofilter. The adsorption capacity of the synthetic media for a model VOC, 3-methylbutanal, was 10 times that of compost. Periodic residence time distribution analysis (over the course of 1 yr) via a tracer study (84–99% recovery), indicated plug flow without channeling in the synthetic media and lack of compaction in the reactor. Simple first-order and zero-order kinetic models both equally fit the experimental data, yet analysis of the measured rate constants versus fractional conversion suggested an overall first-order model was more appropriate. Kinetic analysis indicated that hexanal had a significantly higher reaction rate (k = 0.09 ± 0.005 1/sec; 23 ± 1.3 ppmv) compared with the branched aldehydes (k = 0.04 ± 0.0036 1/sec; 31 ± 1.6 ppmv for 2-MB and 0.03 ± 0.0051 1/sec; 22 ± 1.3 ppmv for 3-MB). After 3 months of operation, all three compounds reached 100% removal (50 sec residence time, 18–46 ppmv inlet). Media samples withdrawn from the biofilter and observed under scanning electron microscopy analysis indicated microbial growth, suggesting removal of the aldehydes could be attributed to biodegradation.  相似文献   

Effect of air pollution on peri-urban agriculture: a case study   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Peri-urban agriculture is vital for the urban populations of many developing countries. Increases in both industrialization and urbanization, and associated air pollution threaten urban food production and its quality. Six hour mean concentrations were monitored for SO(2), NO(2) and O(3) and plant responses were measured in terms of physiological characteristics, pigment, biomass and yield. Parameter reductions in mung bean (Vigna radiata), palak (Beta vulgaris), wheat (Triticum aestivum) and mustard (Brassica compestris) grown within the urban fringes of Varanasi, India correlated directly with the gaseous pollutants levels. The magnitude of response involved all three gaseous pollutants at peri-urban sites; O(3) had more influence at a rural site. The study concluded that air pollution in Varanasi could negatively influence crop yield.  相似文献   

Polyurethane foam (PUF) disks were deployed at global background sites, to test logistical issues associated with a global monitoring network for persistent organic pollutants (POPs). alpha-HCH, exhibited relatively high and uniform concentrations (17-150 pg/m3) at temperate and arctic sites with elevated concentrations associated with trans-Pacific inflow. Concentrations were much lower (<5 pg/m3) in Bermuda, Chile and Cape Grim. Concentrations for gamma-HCH, the main component of lindane, were spatially similar to the alpha-HCH pattern but lower in magnitude (typically, <10 pg/m3). Chlordane concentrations (sum of cis-chlordane, trans-chlordane and trans-nonachlor) were also low (<10 pg/m3). Dieldrin concentrations were in the range 2-25 pg/m3 at most sites but elevated in Bermuda. Back trajectories suggest that advection from Africa and the US may contribute. Endosulfan, a popular current-use pesticide, exhibited highest concentrations ranging from tens to hundreds of pg/m3. There was good agreement between duplicate samplers at each site and PUF disk-derived air concentrations agreed with high volume data. Few logistical/analytical problems were encountered in this pilot study.  相似文献   

Rapid and extensive development of shale gas resources in the Barnett Shale region of Texas in recent years has created concerns about potential environmental impacts on water and air quality. The purpose of this study was to provide a better understanding of the potential contributions of emissions from gas production operations to population exposure to air toxics in the Barnett Shale region. This goal was approached using a combination of chemical characterization of the volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from active wells, saturation monitoring for gaseous and particulate pollutants in a residential community located near active gas/oil extraction and processing facilities, source apportionment of VOCs measured in the community using the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor model, and direct measurements of the pollutant gradient downwind of a gas well with high VOC emissions. Overall, the study results indicate that air quality impacts due to individual gas wells and compressor stations are not likely to be discernible beyond a distance of approximately 100 m in the downwind direction. However, source apportionment results indicate a significant contribution to regional VOCs from gas production sources, particularly for lower-molecular-weight alkanes (<C6). Although measured ambient VOC concentrations were well below health-based safe exposure levels, the existence of urban-level mean concentrations of benzene and other mobile source air toxics combined with soot to total carbon ratios that were high for an area with little residential or commercial development may be indicative of the impact of increased heavy-duty vehicle traffic related to gas production
ImplicationsRapid and extensive development of shale gas resources in recent years has created concerns about potential environmental impacts on water and air quality. This study focused on directly measuring the ambient air pollutant levels occurring at residential properties located near natural gas extraction and processing facilities, and estimating the relative contributions from gas production and motor vehicle emissions to ambient VOC concentrations. Although only a small-scale case study, the results may be useful for guidance in planning future ambient air quality studies and human exposure estimates in areas of intensive shale gas production.  相似文献   

Biofiltration of gasoline vapor by compost media   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gasoline vapor was treated using a compost biofilter operated in upflow mode over 4 months. The gas velocity was 6 m/h, yielding an empty bed retention time (EBRT) of 10 min. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) removal efficiencies remained fairly stable approximately 15 days after biofilter start-up. The average removal efficiencies of TPH and BTEX were 80 and 85%, respectively, during 4 months of stable operation. Biodegradation portions of the treated TPH and BTEX were 60 and 64%, respectively. When the influent concentration of TPH was less than 7800 mg TPH/m3, approximately 50% of TPH in the gas stream was removed in the lower half of the biofilter. When the influent concentration of BTEX was less than 720 mg BTEX/m3, over 75% of BTEX in the gas stream was removed in the lower half of the biofilter. Benzene removal efficiency was the lowest among BTEX. A pressure drop could not be detected over a 1-m bed height at a gas velocity of 6 m/h after approximately 4 months of operation. Results demonstrated that BTEX in gasoline vapor could be treated effectively using a compost biofilter.  相似文献   

Biofiltration is a relatively recent air pollution control (APC) technology in which off-gases containing biodegradable volatile organic compounds (VOC) or inorganic air toxics are vented through a biologically active material. This technology has been successfully applied in Germany and The Netherlands in many full-scale applications to control odors, VOC and air toxic emissions from a wide range of industrial and public sector sources. Control efficiencies of more than 90 percent have been achieved for many common air pollutants. Due to lower operating costs, biofiltration can provide significant economic advantages over other APC technologies if applied to off-gases that contain readily biodegradable pollutants in low concentrations. Environmental benefits include low energy requirements and the avoidance of cross media transfer of pollutants. This paper reviews the history and current status of biofiltration, outlines its underlying scientific and engineering principles, and discusses the applicability of biofilters for a wide range of specific emission sources.  相似文献   


Mitochondria play a central role in maintaining cellular and metabolic homeostasis during vital development cycles of foetal growth. Optimal mitochondrial functions are important not only to sustain adequate energy production but also for regulated epigenetic programming. However, these organelles are subtle targets of environmental exposures, and any perturbance in the defined mitochondrial machinery during the developmental stage can lead to the re-programming of the foetal epigenetic landscape. As these modifications can be transferred to subsequent generations, we herein performed a cross-sectional study to have an in-depth understanding of this intricate phenomenon. The study was conducted with two arms: whereas the first group consisted of in utero pro-oxidant exposed individuals and the second group included controls. Our results showed higher levels of oxidative mtDNA damage and associated integrated stress response among the exposed individuals. These disturbances were found to be closely related to the observed discrepancies in mitochondrial biogenesis. The exposed group showed mtDNA hypermethylation and changes in allied mitochondrial functioning. Altered expression of mitomiRs and their respective target genes in the exposed group indicated the possibilities of a disturbed mitochondrial-nuclear cross talk. This was further confirmed by the modified activity of the mitochondrial stress regulators and pro-inflammatory mediators among the exposed group. Importantly, the disturbed DNMT functioning, hypermethylation of nuclear DNA, and higher degree of post-translational histone modifications established the existence of aberrant epigenetic modifications in the exposed individuals. Overall, our results demonstrate the first molecular insights of in utero pro-oxidant exposure associated changes in the mitochondrial-epigenetic axis. Although, our study might not cement an exposure-response relationship for any particular environmental pro-oxidant, but suffice to establish a dogma of mito-epigenetic reprogramming at intrauterine milieu with chronic illness, a hitherto unreported interaction.

Graphical abstract

Ambient concentrations of ozone (O(3)) were measured and O(3) phytotoxicity to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) was demonstrated in several forest locations in Poland during a pilot study from July-October, 1991. At southern and central locations in Poland, the 24-hour average O(3) concentrations measured with a UV absorption photometer were in the range of 32-55 ppb, and the corresponding 1-hour maxima in the range of 39-83 ppb. At these locations longer period (four to fifteen days) average concentrations were determined using O(3) passive samplers (DGA, Inc.) and were reaching 60 ppb, while at Bialowieza in eastern Poland O(3) concentrations averaged less than 40 ppb. In Szarow, near the Niepolomice Forest in southern Poland, 1-hour O(3) maxima estimated from the data obtained using passive samplers were about 105 ppb in early September. At several locations in southern and central Poland, extensive O(3) injury was determined on O(3)-sensitive Bel W-3 tobacco plants; such injury did not occur in the Bialowieza Forest of eastern Poland. The results of this pilot study indicate that O(3) is present at phytotoxic levels in southern and central Poland.  相似文献   

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