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Brownfields are often not economically competitive for regeneration compared with greenfield sites without public intervention. The economic, environmental and social barriers present at the site frequently hinder returning brownfields to beneficial use. The European Union and its member states provide different public incentives to make brownfield regeneration more attractive but rarely consider their sustainability. Deciding how to regenerate brownfields should involve more than redeveloping the site to meet regulations or to meet a predetermined site use. Member states, policy makers, land owners and developers need to understand all aspects of brownfield regeneration and how sustainability issues need to be paramount in choosing alternative site uses. This paper presents the existing incentives on a European Union level, in Germany, the UK, and France; it discusses the effects and gaps; and makes suggestions for more effective instruments for the promotion of sustainable brownfield regeneration.  相似文献   

危险物质泄漏是导致场地土壤和地下水污染的常见原因,泄漏场地的应急响应与清理制度是污染场地风险管理制度的重要组成部分,及时开展危险物质泄漏场地的土壤和地下水污染应急响应与清理工作,可降低污染导致的健康与环境危害以及后期土壤和地下水修复成本.目前,许多国家已构建了应急响应、紧急清理和非紧急清理等基于场地污染事件严重性和紧迫性的差异化应对机制,对泄漏场地土壤和地下水污染控制发挥了重要作用,但我国尚未建立泄漏场地土壤和地下水污染应急响应与清理技术体系.该文通过梳理国外场地土壤和地下水污染应急响应与清理体系框架及关键技术,分析总结了国外泄漏场地污染应急响应与清理体系中以现场协调员为核心的多层级多部门协同机制、工作程序、调查评估方法、应急响应与清理模式、措施选择与行动备忘录制定原则等,从技术层面探讨了泄漏场地中污染的移除清理、阻控、封闭隔离与应急修复等关键技术.结合国内外典型案例分析,提出以下建议:①建立涵盖多层级、多部门的泄漏场地污染应急响应与清理协同机制;②制定和完善污染场地应急响应与清理的决策机制和技术标准体系;③建立高素质专业化的应急响应与清理协调指挥队伍;④鼓励开展快速高效应急响应与清理关键技术研发.   相似文献   

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires that an Environmental Impact Statement (FIS) be prepared whenever a federal action is considered that could result in a significant impact on the environment. Such actions include the issuance of construction or operating licenses for nuclear facilities and power plants, hydroelectric dams, or the diversion of water from rivers and lakes. An EIS is usually required if federal funds are involved. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Council for Environmental Quality have developed guidelines and regulations for the preparation of an EIS.An EIS is not a scientific report. It is a legal document whose primary function is its use by decision-making agencies in approving or not approving the proposed federal action. The EIS is also used to inform the public and other government agencies of the environmental impacts of the proposed facility. The NEPA process allows public input into the decision-making process. An EIS should be short and concise, analytical, conclusory, be written for a non-technical audience, discuss the pros and cons of the proposed facility, and examine the impacts of all alternatives to the proposed action. The EIS should identify all adverse environmental impacts that cannot be avoided. The conclusions reached in the EIS should be clearly stated and supported by discussions and data in the text and by references to show that the agency has made the necessary analyses.The paper discusses the purpose and contents of these documents and the environmental procedures used in the U.S.A., especially as they relate to nuclear power plants.  相似文献   

The status of biological criteria in state and federal water quality programs suggest that the majority of North American resource types have at least a single multimetric index developed. Large rivers, wetlands, and lakes are in the process of being studied and reference conditions are being developed but have primarily been developed for the Midwest and Northeastern United States. Biological criteria can include a variety of biological indicators ranging from multimetric indices, univariate indices, standard zoological and botanical indicators, and predictive models. The use of biological models to predict local conditions can result in a variety of spatial scales that biological criteria can address. Biological criteria will be applied as a measure of water resource condition, as biological restoration goals, for enforcement and compliance, for establishing baseline for Natural Resource Damage Assessments (NRDA), for formulating predictive models, and by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for meeting the Government Performance and Results Act Goal 2b.  相似文献   

化学工业园区重大环境风险源监控技术研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于监控系统综合集成的思想,以重大环境污染事件风险源监控技术规范、重大危险源控制规章、污染源在线监测为基础,从监控指标体系、监控布点范围及监控技术筛选三方面建立化学工业园区中重大环境风险源监控技术体系. 结果表明:重大环境风险源监控指标体系主要从企业内部及企业周边敏感受体两方面进行构建;监控范围从重大环境风险源本体、缓冲区及环境敏感受体三方面确定;监控技术筛选时考虑了环境风险源的状态、监控技术方法的实用性和环境风险源/受体属性. 以上海闵行区化学工业园区为例,经调研统计,该化学工业园区共有重大风险源87个,其中罐区60个、排放口12个,其余分散在库房、生产场所等处. 根据化学工业园区企业内部风险设施及周围敏感受体的监控指标、监控范围及常用监控技术,制定了以罐区、排放口的特征风险物质为指标,以储罐的温度、压力、图像视频、液位及排放口特征风险物质浓度的传感器监控技术为主的监控方案.   相似文献   

Soil and groundwater contamination resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks has placed an enormous burden on regulatory agencies entrusted with cleanup of these sites. Considerable effort and resources have already been invested in developing effective methodologies to assess risks and identify suitable remedial options that facilitate site closure in an expedient manner. Risk-based corrective action approaches have been developed to streamline regulatory decision making process that could lead to cost-effective cleanup solutions. However, the implementation of corrective action programs has often been problematic, primarily due to lack of suitable tools that enable understanding of long-term contaminant behavior at the site. Effective management of these sites requires a comprehension of how risks vary in time at the receptor point and how different remedial technologies aid in reducing these risks. This understanding will result in the development of effective management options that are efficient and transparent at all levels. A systems-based management paradigm has been developed by integrating risk assessment and remedial evaluation into a unified framework. The application of the model to risk management at a gasoline-contaminated site is illustrated in this paper. The model results provide valuable insights and add transparency to the decision making process.  相似文献   

Like many conservation organizations and federal and state agencies, The Nature Conservancy is in the process of large-scale planning and prioritization efforts. To improve the efficiency of these planning efforts, the Conservancy has developed a methodology for these efforts. The results of these planning efforts will be a conservation blueprint which identifies the conservation areas necessary for conserving biodiversity and a subset of those areas where the Conservancy will focus its immediate efforts over the next 10 years. The subset of all the conservation areas identified in the planning process help The Nature Conservancy determine where it will work. This subset of areas (referred to as action sites) is selected using a tool which ranks key criteria for each conservation area. These criteria include the current conservation status of each area, complementarity to other areas selected, the diversity and viability of targets at the area, the urgency and degree of threats to the targets, the feasibility or opportunity to abate the threats at the area and the leverage potential of working at a conservation area. Taken together, these criteria help planners to select the areas where they will focus their conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Hedonic research indicates that residential property values are reduced by increased proximity to hazardous waste sites, a measure of diminished environmental quality. Standard hedonic procedures measure proximity by the linear distance between a property and a waste site of interest. A sample of properties is then used to estimate a distance-to-site coefficient that measures the effect of the hazardous waste site on surrounding property values. These estimates can help policy makers assess the external effects of hazardous waste sites and may also be useful in both prioritizing and assessing the benefits of cleanup. In an urban situation, hazardous waste sites are often located near other industrial disamenities such as railroads, storage tanks, industrial noises, and air pollution. This spatial grouping of hazards may be due to economic forces or due to policy instruments such as zoning. As a result, distance to hazardous waste site may be correlated with distances to other industrial disamenities. Standard hedonic procedures that use a distance-to-site variable may suffer from omitted variable bias when the bundled industrial disamenities are present but ignored. Our empirical analysis examines this bias by assessing hedonic regressions with and without a measure that accounts for industrial activity.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of large-scale disasters, the public's dependency on federal and state agencies for information about public safety and environmental risk is acute. While formal rules and procedures are in place to guide policy decisions in environmental risk assessment of spatially concentrated hazards such as regulated waste sites or vacant city lots, standard procedures for risk assessment seem potentially less well-suited for urban-scale disaster zones where environmental hazards may be widely dispersed and widely varying. In this paper we offer a new approach for the social assessment of regulatory science in response to large-scale disaster, illustrating our methodology through a socio-spatial analysis of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) hazard assessment in New Orleans, Louisiana, following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. We find that the agency's commitment of epistemic resources or “knowledge investments” varied considerably across the flood-impacted portion of the city, concentrating in poorer and disproportionately African American neighborhoods previously known to be heavily contaminated. We address some of the study's social and policy implications, noting the multidimensionality and interactive nature of knowledge investments and the prospects for deepening and extending this approach through comparative research.  相似文献   

本文参考其他生态系统常用的基线判定方法,研究探讨了海洋溢油环境损害参照点位基线判定方法,分析并提出了海域溢油环境损害参照点位筛选指标体系,并以山东省青岛市“11?22”中石化东黄输油管道泄漏爆炸事故为案例进行了应用。经对比验证,筛选出的参照点位得出的损害基线与案例实际历史监测数据接近,参照点位的状态能够代表评估区域溢油发生前的环境状态,这表明通过该指标体系筛选的参照点位可以用于损害基线的判定,建立的溢油环境损害参照点位筛选指标体系比较科学、有效;筛选体系所用指标常见且易于获得,指标体系在实践中具有较强的可操作性。  相似文献   

The Critical Ecosystems Team of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 5, has developed an approach to prioritize and target ecologically high-quality areas for enhanced environmental protection in the Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Using this approach, we intend to employ a pro-active strategy to protect the environment by protecting and restoring natural ecosystems rather than the traditional EPA approach of remediating and attempting to restore already degraded habitats. The approach consists of two components: (1) partnership and (2) criteria. For the partnership component, we collected, mapped, and summarized information on ecosystems considered critical to federal and state agencies, tribes and non-profit organizations. Multi-county areas with high numbers of ecosystems identified by a variety of partners were designated as ‘Ecologically Rich Regions’. These Ecologically Rich Regions highlight broad geographic areas where there are high levels of partner interest and, correspondingly, areas with high potential for forming collaborative partnerships for enhanced environmental protection. The second component, which relies on criteria, is still under development and defines critical ecosystems as having three important properties: (1) high ecological diversity, (2) potential for long-term sustainability and (3) presence of relict native ecosystems or communities. The information compiled under both components of this ecosystem targeting approach will inform ecological risk managers and assessors about important ecosystems that should be considered in risk management and assessment processes.  相似文献   

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) education has been a reality for years in many graduate and undergraduate programs worldwide. As EIA has grown as a widely accepted environmental policy tool, several professions have tried to incorporate these skills into their academic training. The main aim of this research was to assess the Portuguese profile of EIA education, measuring the degree of EIA integration in graduate and undergraduate programs. This paper intends to contribute to an understanding of the key factors related to EIA education. A national survey was conducted to obtain data on EIA education programs. More recently, many other programs, both graduate and undergraduate, have established EIA courses. New knowledge, practices, legislation and public policies are fundamental drivers of the application of EIA, which will probably continue to expand to more undergraduate and graduate programs. The association of EIA with other environmental management tools, such as environmental management systems or environmental performance evaluation, and sustainable development initiatives will be a priority challenge for all who are engaged in this domain.  相似文献   

国际环境保护公约中技术转让障碍问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着世界各国对全球资源与环境问题认识的逐步提高 ,发展中国家必将签署越来越多的国际环境公约 ,参与到国际环境保护合作中。尽管许多国际环境公约都明确规定了发达国家在资金和技术上支持发展中国家保护环境履行国际公约的义务 ,但是实际履约过程中技术转让的问题并未得到良好的解决。论文将讨论国际环境公约履约中的技术转让障碍问题 ,并以中国履行《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》 ,实施臭氧层保护行动过程中所存在的实际问题为例 ,对国际环境公约履行中技术转让障碍的原因及其后果进行分析 ,最后对发展中国家所应采取的立场和对策提出建议。  相似文献   

Data are presented from 2 complete years of monitoring ozone concentrations at two sites in rural northern England, one a hill top site and the other a valley site in the same vicinity. Comparison between the two sites indicates that whilst daily maximum ozone concentrations, midday concentrations and peak values are similar, the ozone dosage is significantly greater at the higher elevation site. This is clearly seen by comparison of the mean 50th and 98th percentiles, which are 28 ppbv and 61 ppbv, respectively, for the hill top site, and 22 ppbv and 45 ppbv, respectively, for the valley site. Several case studies of the influence of meteorological conditions on ozone concentrations at the two sites are described.  相似文献   

This paper addresses increasing concern about the pollution threat of used oil being illegally dumped and the impact of oil on air pollution and freshwater ecosystems in Asian countries. Used oil is a very serious waste management problem. These results call for management action such as maximising the collection and recovery of used oil. The Thai government recognizes the need to recycle used oil and has been active in encouraging programs to accomplish this goal. Thus unless new approaches and incentives are developed, used oil generation may become an increasing serious problem to our environment. The purpose of this study is to examine the technical and economic feasibility, of recycling used oils. In addition, this paper briefly discusses the problems to be overcome and outlines potential mechanisms for providing the necessary disposal controls in order to maximize the protection to public health and environmental quality from potential hazards posed by used lube oil disposal.  相似文献   

环境敏感指数图是一种为环境资源管理与事故应急响应服务的重要工具。美国国家海洋和大气局与其他联邦机构合作制定了该项目的标准规范,并成功应用于世界各地相关研究。目前中国尚无类似设计标准,针对此,按环境保护的工作需求,分析了发达国家在该项目领域的数据统计、地理信息系统设计、质量保证工作,为中国相关标准规范的建立,提供基础技术路线切入点。  相似文献   

State and federal governments in Australia have implemented a range of assistance programs for manufacturing industries to become more resource efficient and reduce waste. While many of these programs focus on Cleaner Production at single sites, an increasing number of assistance programs are offered across supply chains. Sustainability Victoria, a Victorian government authority, supports projects that focus on resource efficiencies across supply chains in key industry sectors.In this study, tools were adapted and utilised to identify efficiency potentials and losses across supply chains in the timber furniture manufacturing and the food industry sector. In this respect, waste generation and value loss due to inefficient use of critical materials within the processes were estimated from purchase and waste handling data. Primary companies were chosen to undertake efficiency trials that could demonstrate value gain across the supply chain.This study describes the realisation of greater efficiencies in material usage when engaging proactively with supply chain partners immediately adjacent to the primary company. Demonstration trials confirmed that through a more integrated approach among supply chain partners the potential in using materials more efficiently and design processes can lead to enhanced productivity without compromising environmental burden. Hence, the study describes targeted resource efficiency, recycling and process optimisation opportunities as identified in the supply chain trials on timber furniture manufacturing and food industries.  相似文献   

我国污染场地的环境管理框架尚不健全,修复技术研发及筛选过程中对修复产生的“二次污染”认识往往不足.基于绿色可持续原则,从污染物排放、环境敏感程度、环境风险、土壤及生态环境、法律法规及标准、社会可接受程度等方面探讨环境指标的构建,并以北京某废弃焦化厂土壤修复方案筛选为例,进行了2项方案的环境比选.结果 表明:原位热脱附温...  相似文献   

The Osnabruck model, and another under development by the South Carolina Sustainable Universities Initiative, are the only two EMS models that have been proposed specifically for colleges and universities, although several guides are now available. The Environmental Management System Implementation Model for U.S. Colleges and Universities detailed in this paper, an adaptation of the ISO 14001 standard and USEPA recommendations, has been tailored to U.S. colleges and universities for use in streamlining the implementation process. In using this three-phased implementation model created for the U.S. research and academic setting, it is hoped that these highly specialized institutions will be provided with a clearer and more cost-effective path towards the implementation of an EMS and greater compliance with local, state and federal environmental legislation.  相似文献   

裴照堂  姚刚 《环境工程》2011,29(1):95-97
随着越来越多标准化生活垃圾填埋场的建成和投入运行,原有简易生活垃圾填埋场的环境综合治理被各级环境管理部门日益重视,成为改善环境急需解决的问题。以西北某市简易生活垃圾填埋场综合整治工程为例,通过分析简易垃圾填埋场存在的主要环境隐患,有针对性地提出了解决垃圾渗沥液、填埋气、边坡安全等环境和安全问题的具体工程措施,尽量将简易垃圾填埋场对周围环境的影响降到最低程度。  相似文献   

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