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ABSTRACT: A weighted average method was used to analyze transition zone vegetation in the Great Dismal Swamp to determine if a more uniform determination of wetland boundaries can be made nationwide. The method was applied to vegetation data collected on four transects and three vertical layers across the wetland-to-upland transition zone of the swamp. Ecological index values based on water tolerance were either taken from the literature or derived from local species tolerances. Wetland index values were calculated for 25-m increments using species cover and rankings based on the ecological indices. Wetland index values were used to designate increments as either wetland, transitional, or upland, and to examine the usefulness of a provisional wetland-upland break-point. Most increments were designated wetland or transitional when all species were used. Removal of three or five ubiquitous species either gave a wider range of wetland index values with a more variable designation of increments or caused designation of increments to be similar for all layers. The use of locally-derived rankings showed the sensitivity of the weighted averages method to ecological indices of species with large importance values. The weighted average method did not provide for an objective placement of an absolute wetland boundary, but did serve to focus attention on the transitional boundary zone where supplementary information is necessary to select a wetland-upland breakpoint.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The determination of optimum reservoir operating rules for reservoirs with multiple conflicting objectives is still a difficult task - despite many publications in this field. In this paper a three-step Multi Objective Decision Making (MODM) method is presented, the emphasis of which is placed on the necessity to make the work easy for the decision maker, which many MODM techniques fail to achieve. The method is applied to the development of a compromise optimum operating rule for a multi-purpose reservoir. In the first step of the method stochastic DP is chosen which is combined with the “weighting method” allowing combination of various objectives into one objective function. By systematically varying the weights for the objectives a large number of pareto optimum reservoir operating rules is generated. In the second step of the method the performance of all these operating rules is tested with the aid of a model simulating reservoir operation. The results are statistically analyzed and the reliabilities for attaining the various objectives are computed. The third step of the model applies another MODM technique which allows the decision maker - in a computer dialog - to select his optimum reservoir operating rule from the large number of pareto optimum solutions generated in step 1. Here he can specify his preferences for the various objectives. For this purpose two alternative MODM techniques are offered: Compromise Programming and the SEMOPS method. Their performance is shown along with the generation and selection of operating rules for the multi-objective Wupper reservoir system in Germany.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The goal of this research was to develop a methodology for modeling a bioinfiltration best management practice (BMP) built in a dormitory area on the campus of Villanova University in Pennsylvania. The objectives were to quantify the behavior of the BMP through the different seasons and rainfall events; better understand the physical processes governing the system's behavior; and develop design criteria. The BMP was constructed in 2001 by excavating within an existing traffic island, backfilling with a sand/soil mixture, and planting with salt tolerant grasses and shrubs native to the Atlantic shore. It receives runoff from the asphalt (0.26 hectare) and turf (0.27 hectare) surfaces of the watershed. Monitoring supported by the hydrologic model shows that the facility infiltrates a significant fraction of the annual precipitation, substantially reducing the delivery of nonpoint source pollution and erosive surges downstream. A hydrologic model was developed using HEC‐HMS to represent the site and the BMP using Green‐Ampt and kinematic wave methods. Instruments allow comparison of the modeled and measured water budget parameters. The model, incorporating seasonally variable parameters, predicts the volumes infiltrated and bypassed by the BMP, confirming the applicability of the selected methods for the analysis of bioinfiltration BMPs.  相似文献   

A technique is described for analyzing a water resource system whose inflow is highly variable. The use of this technique requires not only that a mathematical model be developed of the physical, hydrological, and economic characteristics of the water resource system under study, but also that the economic benefits of the system, including full and partial water deliveries for irrigation development, be evaluated. Although developed independently of and simultaneously with the recently in this article includes some significant departures, such as the development of a complex revenue-loss function and water-shortage statistical characteristics for various reservoir sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper, a procedure for analyzing a water resource system with special emphasis on evaluation of acceptable economic risk due to occasional failures to deliver water is proposed. The basic methodology includes the development of a simple mathematical model which describes the physical hydrologic and economic characteristics of a single reservoir irrigation and city water supply system and an evaluation of economic benefits of the system with full and partial deliveries of water. The system is simulated for various combinations of decision variables (system magnitudes) and an optimum design is obtained by response surface technology. Emphasis is placed on the basic model and methodology although, in order to introduce some realism, the procedure is applied to data based on the existing reservoir system on the South Concho River in West Central Texas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Growing interest in agricultural irrigation in the Great Lakes basin presents an increasing competition to other uses of Great Lakes water. This paper, through a case study of the Mud Creek Irrigation District in the Saginaw Bay basin, Michigan, evaluates the potential hydrologic effects of withdrawing water for agricultural irrigation to the Great Lakes. Crop growth simulation models for corn, soybeans, dry beans, and the FAO Penman method were used to estimate the difference in evapotranspiration rates between irrigated and nonirrigated identical crops, based on climate, soil, and management data. The simulated results indicate that an additional 70–120 mm of water would be evapotranspirated during the growing season from irrigated crop fields as compared to nonirrigated identical plantings. Dependent upon the magnitude of irrigation expansion, an equivalent of about 1 to 5 mm of water from Lakes Huron-Michigan could be lost to the atmosphere. If agricultural irrigation further expands in the entire Great Lakes basin, the aggregated potential of water loss to the atmosphere through ET from all five Great Lakes would be even greater.  相似文献   

Neither Canada nor the United States attach much importance to the International Joint Commission (IJC) judging by the size of staffs and annual budgets. The Commission has been restricted to a relatively minor number of functions in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence. It has investigated: the degree and causes of water and air quality deterioration; the effects of hydroelectric and navigation projects on water levels; the impacts of water-level fluctuations; and the feasibility of a deep waterway from the St. Lawrence to the Hudson River. Projects approved by the Commission have produced less than might be expected through no fault of the Commission. The Great Lakes Fishery Commission has promoted little international management. Budgetary limitations restrict its lamprey control program; institutional limitations restrict its ability to deal effectively with fishery problems. Commission responsibilities are limited to coordination and advisory functions. Since Canada and the United States have not chosen to refer most aspects of river basin management to international bodies, an institutional void exists in the Great Lakes Basin to consider these questions on a continuous basis. There is a need for expanded international cooperation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Many difficulties exist in the matching of models with data. This paper identifies elements of this problem and discusses considerations involved in model evaluation. The well known multivariate linear regression model is used to illustrate the distinctions between accuracy and precision and between estimation and prediction (because the model is commonly misused.) No amount of additional data will improve the accuracy of a poor model. A high R2, while indicative of a good matching between the observed data and model estimates, is a poor criterion for judging adequacy of the model to make good predictions of future events. Model evaluation also includes the problem of introducing secondary data and proxy variables into a model. Secondary data frequently enter, for example, the mass, energy and water budget equations because of difficulties in measuring the primary variables. Proxy variables arise because of a desire to collapse a vector of incomparable values, say, of water quality into a single number. Review of the above issues indicates that model evaluation is a multi-criterion problem, often imbedded in a larger framework where models are intended to meet multiple objectives. The mismatch of models and data has increasing legal and social consequences.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This analysis identifies two basic structural features of Colorado's water management system which inhibit constructive reform and perpetuate inefficiencies in water use and distribution patterns. These features are: (1) the fragmentation of authority and influence over water, and (2) the estrangement of interest in reform from formal control over water policy. These interrelated features have continued to produce: sporadic, high conflict battles over proposed changes in the status quo; decision making which tends to exaggerate the importance of narrow, special interests while virtually ignoring legitimate interests of major sectors of the public; an inertia which discourages innovation; and an agglomeration of rules and water rights that are predicated on obsolete social and economic needs. Two radical proposals for reforming the state's water resource management system in order to overcome these problems and to enhance the probability that wise water policy will result are offered. These proposals are: (1) the abolition of the present system of water rights founded on the doctrine of prior appropriation, and (2) the consolidation of authority over water allocation in a single board of governors.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The use of watersheds to conduct research on land/water relationships has expanded recently to include both extrapolation and reporting of water resource information and ecosystem management. More often than not, hydrologic units (HUs) are used for these purposes, with the implication that hydrologic units are synonymous with watersheds. Whereas true topographic watersheds are areas within which apparent surface water drains to a particular point, generally only 45 percent of all hydrologic units, regardless of their hierarchical level, meet this definition. Because the area contributing to the downstream point in many hydrologic units extends far beyond the unit boundaries, use of the hydrologic unit framework to show regional and national patterns of water quality and other environmental resources can result in incorrect and misleading illustrations. In this paper, the implications of this misuse are demonstrated using four adjacent HUs in central Texas. A more effective way of showing regional patterns in environmental resources is by using data from true watersheds representative of different ecological regions containing particular mosaics of geographical characteristics affecting differences in ecosystems and water quality.  相似文献   

The solution with the aid of the hybrid computer of the partial and total differential equations for an integrated surface water groundwater system is described. A versatile computing technique has been developed to make a rapid and accurate study of the groundwater response due to varying inputs (deep percolation) or outputs (evapotranspiration) from the groundwater system. Spatial variations in basic vegetation phenomena, such as pattern, and hydrological parameters, are represented by means of a grid network which also allows the input of variable boundary conditions. The model is applied to an area in Columbia, South America which is subject to high water-table conditions. Various reclamation schemes and management practices under conditions of irrigated agriculture are assessed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Proper economic evaluation of alternative plans will maximize the utility achieved from the resources available for water resource management. A knowledge of the frequency of occurrence of the events under study is necessary to fully utilize the advantages of economic evaluation in planning. Frequency information is widely used in flood control and water supply, but relatively unknown in water quality planning. A continuous, dynamic hydrologic and water quality model is presented to develop frequency curves for various water quality criteria. Results from the Denver Regional Water Quality Management Study are discussed as an example of the use of frequency analysis for economic evaluation of water quality management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The sensitivity of the Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index to departures from average temperature and precipitation conditions is examined. A time series of zero index values was calculated and then one monthly temperature or precipitation value was perturbed. The resulting time series shows the effects on the index of one anomalous value. Independent series were calculated for temperature anomalies of plus and minus 1, 3, 5, and 10F and for precipitation anomalies of 25, 50, 75, 125, 150, and 200 percent of normal for each calendar month for Colorado, Indiana, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin. Analysis of the time series showed that the period of time required for the index to reflect actual rather than artificial initial conditions could be more than four years. It was also found that the effects of temperature anomalies are insignificant compared to the effects of precipitation anomalies. In some cases, one anomalous precipitation value could result in established wet or dry spells that last for up to two years. Although not examined in detail, the time series suggest that distributions of index values may be asymmetrical and possibly bimodal.  相似文献   

Hydrologic response, defined as the ratio annual direct runoff divided by the annual precipitation, was calculated from 178 years of record on 55 watersheds less than 200 mi2 in the State of Georgia. Direct runoff was determined from Geological Survey records by a universal method of hydrograph separation. Regression analysis showed that the effect of area and the deviation of actual from normal annual precipitation can be removed from the response ratio, revealing the average capacity of watershed source areas for releasing or detaining potential flood waters. A map of Georgia reveals a four-fold range in the response ratio between major provinces, and another map of a small mountain watershed shows an eight-fold range over a distance of three miles. The response ratio is proposed as a new mapping unit and its use in watershed planning and education is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of changes in the landscape and climate over geological time are plain to see in the present hydrological regime. More recent anthropogenic changes may also have effects on our way of life. A prerequisite to predicting such effects is that we understand the interactions between climate, landscape and the hydrological regime. A semi-distributed hydrological model (SLURP) has been developed which can be used to investigate, in a simple way, the links between landscape, climate and hydrology for watersheds of various sizes. As well as using data from the observed climate network, the model has been used with data from atmospheric models to investigate possible changes in hydrology. A critical input to such a model is knowledge of the links between landscape and climate. While direct anthropogenic effects such as changes in forested area may presently be included, the indirect effects of climate on landscape and vice versa are not yet modeled well enough to be explicitly included. The development of models describing climate-landscape relationships such as regeneration, development and breakup, water and carbon fluxes at species, ecosystem and biome level is a necessary step in understanding and predicting the effects of changes in climate on landscape and on water resources. Forest is the predominant land cover in Canada covering 453 Mha and productivity/succession models for major forest types should be included in an integrated climate-landscape-water simulation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The vulnerability of wetlands to changes in climate depends on their position within hydrologic landscapes. Hydrologic landscapes are defined by the flow characteristics of ground water and surface water and by the interaction of atmospheric water, surface water, and ground water for any given locality or region. Six general hydrologic landscapes are defined; mountainous, plateau and high plain, broad basins of interior drainage, riverine, flat coastal, and hummocky glacial and dune. Assessment of these landscapes indicate that the vulnerability of all wetlands to climate change fall between two extremes: those dependent primarily on precipitation for their water supply are highly vulnerable, and those dependent primarily on discharge from regional ground water flow systems are the least vulnerable, because of the great buffering capacity of large ground water flow systems to climate change.  相似文献   

The objective of any water resource system is to transform the natural waters of a river basin into a form such that optimal use of these waters will result. Thus the water may be transformed into electrical energy, transferred in space for water supply and irrigation, transferred in time for flood control and maintenance of adequate streamflows, or simply retained for use as a means for achieving water-based recreation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) is perhaps the most widely used regional drought index. However, there is considerable ambiguity about its value as a measure of hydrologic drought. In this paper the PDSI for climatic divisions in New Jersey is compared to the occurrence within each climatic division of streamflows in their lower quartile for the month (streamflow index), and ground-water levels in their lower quartile for the month (ground-water index). These indices are found to have distinct properties. It is not uncommon for PDSI values to indicate “severe” or “extreme” drought at times when the streamflow or groundwater index is above its lower quartile at many stations within the climatic division. The PDSI values and groundwater index indicate more persistent subnormal conditions than the streamflow index for truncation levels yielding the same total duration of drought over a period. The ground-water index tends to indicate a later beginning to droughts and of the three indices is the most conservative indicator of a drought's end. Drought timing and duration properties for the ground-water index are found to be highly influenced by the average depth to water in the well. Overall, the three indices of drought can provide three very different characterizations of drought. In particular, the results indicate that considerable caution should be exercised in drawing conclusions about hydrologic drought from the PDSI.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Scientists usually regard all water as merely passing through, but in different phases of, the endless hydrologic cycle. The law divides water in the cycle into several different classes. Each is treated separately and generally without consideration of interconnections existing within the cycle. Different rules of law have arisen concerning the ownership and use of each legal class. Under Texas law several classes of surface and ground water are recognized, and weather modification efforts bring yet another class, atmospheric moisture, under consideration. It is instructive to follow water moving through the hydrologic cycle in the Nueces River basin, Texas, as a framework for discussing the substantial interconnections between the various legal classes of water and the difficulties that arise from attempts to apply different rules of law to each class. Strictures imposed by Texas water law can seriously interfer with coordinated, efficient use and management of water resources, as evidenced by the Nueces River basin. Well-recognized, existing water rights in the several phases of the hydrologic cycle make change of these institutional constraints difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ridge regression analysis is used to investigate the stability of regression estimates over twenty-three years of data in a target-control model. Two target stations in the Wind River Range in Wyoming are studied using two sets of control variables. The predictive ability of ridge regression analysis is compared to that of ordinary regression analysis. The results of this study indicate improved stability of the estimates of ridge regression over ordinary regression. The predictive ability of the ridge regression estimates is as good or better than regression estimates.  相似文献   

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