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环境污染成为制约我国经济发展的瓶颈之一,如何在发展经济的同时保护好生态环境是我国面临的重大任务。环境化学学科不仅面临巨大的挑战,也迎来重要的发展机遇。近年来,随着国家对科技投入的加大,我国环境化学研究发展迅速  相似文献   

<正>(2015年11月5—8日,广州)环境污染成为制约我闰经济发展的瓶颈之一,如何在发展经济的同时保护好生态环境是我国面临的重大任务,环境化学学科不仅面临巨大的挑战,也迎来重要的发展机遇.近年来,随着国家对科技  相似文献   

进入21世纪,联邦快递深圳口岸具有良好的优势和发展机遇,但也面临着严峻的挑战和威胁.本文应用SWOT方法对深圳口岸进行综合分析,并对其发展规划提出了建议.表1,参3.  相似文献   

赵其国著科学出版社出版(2011年1月)ISBN 978-7-03-029978-9$108.00大16开本平装内容简介本书明确了至2050年全球和我国农业发展面临的挑战与机遇,预测我国未来对农业科技的重大需求,提出  相似文献   

<正>(2015年11月5—8日,广州)环境污染成为制约我国经济发展的瓶颈之一,如何在发展经济的同时保护好生态环境是我国面临的重大任务.环境化学学科不仅面临巨大的挑战,也迎来重要的发展机遇.近年来,随着国家对科技投入的加大,我国环境化学研究发展迅速,在化学污染物的检测、环境行为、演变趋势、生态效应、毒理与健康风险和控制技术等方面都取得了新的进展,为保护生态环境、人类健康以及社会经济永续  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO和对外开放水平的提高,人民币汇率变动对我国甚至世界贸易都会产生重大影响,因而越来越多地受到各方面的关注.笔者结合当前人民币汇率制度改革的发展历程,分析测定人民币汇率变动对我国贸易的影响并提出了政策建议.表2,参10.  相似文献   

1992年中国首次引进提出清洁生产概念,并在最近颁布的《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》中对清洁生产概念作了新的定义.尽管在中国已建立一系列的有利于环境管理机制包括清洁生产审计、ISO14000认证、生态标志等,中国清洁生产的进一步发展过程仍将面临以下几个方面挑战:◆注重清洁生产项目的实施,包括工程设计和对清洁生产项目投资与融资等方面;◆使清洁生产成为提高企业经营效率的重要工具或手段;◆认识到商业部门负责人在实施清洁生产以及加大采纳清洁生产方面作用.中国正在经历从计划经济体制到市场经济体制的转变.中国的开放及其社会发展对全球从贸易到环境都可能造成影响,因此清洁生产和环境管理是中国可持续发展的重要一步.本文概括了中国清洁生产和环境管理所面临的挑战和机遇,评价分析了中国和欧盟的合作项目《中欧环境管理合作计划》在强化中国清洁生产和环境管理方面的作用.  相似文献   

近年来,国内外环境化学研究发展非常迅速,我国在有毒化学污染物的检测、环境行为、演变趋势、生态效应、健康风险和控制技术等若干方面已取得了一系列创新性成果.这些成果提高了我国环境化学研究在国内外学术界的影响力,也为我国的环境保护做出了突出贡献.随着国家对环境保护的重视,我国环境化学的发展仍面临重大的机遇和挑战.  相似文献   

后金融危机时代,不管是金融市场,还是全球经济格局都发生了巨大变化。我国环保投融资存在着投资总量不足、投融资主体环保执行力不足,环保效果不佳等问题;为应对国际金融危机带来的深刻影响,有效化解后危机时代的发展困境,需要针对国家金融调控、信贷政策带来的变化,加倍关注资本市场体系发展的变化、融资渠道和融资工具的创新运用,通过制定更加具有灵活性和针对性的政府建设项目投融资规划和发展战略规划,以实现环保投融资平台的健康、可持续发展。在剖析存在问题原因的基础上提出了我国环保投融资策略,包括拓宽投融资渠道,构建多元投资主体,壮大环保投融资规模;加强管理,强化各投融资主体的环保执行力,提高环保投融资效益;创新环保投融资机制,建立多层次的环保投融资风险责任分担机制。  相似文献   

网络技术的不断发展为电子档案利用提供了新的机遇和挑战.一方面,档案工作者要转变思想观念,面向网络,优化馆藏,借鉴电子商务的运行模式,提供快捷方便和高效安全的电子档案服务;另一方面,档案工作者也要积极应对电子档案利用带来的安全、标准化、电子签名和电子支付等问题,使档案工作更好的为经济建设服务.  相似文献   

边镜贸易作为我国作为开放的重要组成部分,进展显著。本文在概述我国边境贸易发展所产生的环境问题的基础上,以我国最大的陆边口岸--满州里市为例,运用灰色预测,动态规划等方法探讨边境贸易与环境保护协调发展的途径。  相似文献   

关于贸易与环境关系的几点认识及其对我国的启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
环境与贸易是环境与发展的热点问题之一。环境与贸易的主要关系问题包括贸易活动本身与环境的关系问题 ,以及贸易规则与环境的关系问题。环境成本外部化是这些问题的根源。我国在新形势下针对这些问题应当采取相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

Understanding why people make the decisions they do remains a fundamental challenge facing conservation science. Ecosystem service (ES) (a benefit people derive from an ecosystem) approaches to conservation reflect efforts to anticipate people's preferences and influence their environmental behavior. Yet, the design of ES approaches seldom includes psychological theories of human behavior. We sought to alleviate this omission by applying a psychological theory of human values to a cross‐cultural ES assessment. We used interviews and focus groups with fish workers from 28 coral reef fishing communities in 4 countries to qualitatively identify the motivations (i.e., human values) underlying preferences for ES; quantitatively evaluate resource user ES priorities; and identify common patterns among ES motivations and ES priorities (i.e., trade‐offs and synergies). Three key findings are evident that align with human values theory. First, motivations underlying preferences for individual ESs reflected multiple human values within the same value domain (e.g., self‐enhancement). Second, when averaged at community or country scales, the order of ES priorities was consistent. However, the order belied significant variation that existed among individuals. Third, in line with human values theory, ESs related to one another in a consistent pattern; certain service pairs reflected trade‐off relationships (e.g., supporting and provisioning), whereas other service pairs reflected synergistic relationships (e.g., supporting and regulating). Together, these findings help improve understanding of when and why convergence and trade‐offs in people's preferences for ESs occur, and this knowledge can inform the development of suitable conservation actions.  相似文献   

With the increase in international trade, more attention has been given to quantifying the impacts of international trade on energy use and carbon emissions. Input-output analysis is a suitable tool for assessing resources or pollutants embodied in trade and it has become a critical tool for performing such analysis. This study estimated the national and sectoral carbon emissions embodied in Chinese international trade using the latest available China input-output table of 2007. The results showed that a significant exporting behavior of embodied carbon emissions existed in China??s trade. Over 1/3 of the emissions in Chinese domestic production processes were generated for exports in 2007. The net balance of emissions embodied in exports and imports accounted for nearly 30% of China??s domestic emissions, which means that any policy made to increase the exports would result in a significant growth of China??s domestic emissions. Since over half of China??s export trade is processing trade, the re-exported emissions could not be overlooked; otherwise, it would hard to capture the actual emissions generated abroad to obtain China??s domestic consumption. The enlargement of export scale is a primary driven factor to the rapid growth of China??s exported emissions. It is necessary for China to adjust its economic and industrial structure to reduce the dependence of economic growth on the export trade. However, when adjusting industry structures or making policies on carbon emission reduction, it will be more reasonable to consider the relationship between production and consumption, rather than just focus on the emission values of sectors?? direct production, as a large part of carbon emissions emitted by the principal direct polluters were generated to obtain the products which were required by other sectors.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国成了全球最大的反倾销受害国.频遭反倾销指控,对我国的出口贸易和国民经济造成了极大的损失.对此,我国一方面要尽力扭转国际上对我国的一系列歧视性做法,一方面深化国内外贸管理体制改革,提高出口企业的产品质量和应诉能力等,以更快适应WTO的贸易规则,在国际反倾销战中赢得主动.  相似文献   

Recently, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea (Korea) are conducting a government-commissioned feasibility study on the Free Trade Agreement among the three countries (CJKFTA) to form a regional free trade zone in East Asia. Considering that freer trade can cause unexpected impact on domestic environment, there is a need to evaluate the environmental impact of such a trade policy. This move should be made to help negotiators understand and pay more attention to environmental issues during CJKFTA negotiations, and to help lobby with the government to carry out appropriate policy instruments for adaptation or mitigation. Following the Chain Reaction Assessment Method that integrates and links the elements of trade, production, and environment, the present research aims to quantitatively assess CJKFTA’s possible impact on China’s environment. This is done by estimating the variations of China’s major conventional pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission in two policy scenarios to represent CJKFTA’s scale and composition effects on China’s environment. Estimating the variations is based on a static Computable General Equilibrium model, working with Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) 7 database and China’s energy-environment statistics. Based on these assessments, CJKFTA is predicted to lead to notable environmental impact, including increased emissions of agricultural total nitrogen, agricultural total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand, and GHGs. On the other hand, decreased emissions of industrial SO2 and dust are also expected to happen. Suitable policies need to be made to combat negative effects and amplify positive ones, while aiming at a more sustainable regional freer trade system.  相似文献   

International Trade Status and Crisis for Snake Species in China   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Abstract:  In recent years, the purchase of snakes for leather, food, and traditional medicine has increased in China, which has greatly reduced certain snake populations. Trade records show that since the 1990s, with respect to some species of snakes, China is changing from a net export country to a net import country. We analyzed data on international trade in snake species, concentrating, in particular, on trade dynamics and species composition. The overall number of snakes exported appears to have decreased in the last 10 years. However, the number of snakes imported during this period has increased steadily. Many species of snakes that are traded in significant numbers are endangered or threatened species. To conserve snakes in China, we recommended that the Chinese government and the international conservation community take the following actions: enhance legislation and list several species in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) appendices; register all snake farms in China; carry out population and market surveys; monitor the dynamics of trade; encourage biological research; encourage change in food habits; and enhance cooperation between Hong Kong and mainland China.  相似文献   

构建促进循环经济型服务业发展的保障体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
循环经济是促进可持续发展的重要手段,服务业近年来在我国发展迅速,由此造成的环境问题也日见突出,用循环经济的理念对服务业进行引导显得很有意义。发展循环型经济、建立循环型社会是实施可持续发展战略的重要途径和实现形式。剖析了我国在发展循环经济型服务业方面诸多应改进和进行创新的内容,利用循环经济的理论从行政、法律、经济、社会等方面探讨了循环经济型服务业建设实施的保障体系为服务业按循环经济的规律运行作了益的探索。  相似文献   


International food trade plays an important role in food security, but little research has been devoted to studying crop dynamics in importing countries caused by trade. We studied the spatiotemporal patterns of soybean planting area in China (the largest soybean importing country) in response to soybean imports. The results show how the soybean planting area from 1980 to 2012 in China is dominated by two temporal patterns, both of which first increased, then decreased, with an 8-year time lag. The first increasing-decreasing pattern is affected by increasing soybean imports, and the second increasing-decreasing pattern is driven by decreasing domestic soybean profits. The results also show spatially distinct spatial patterns: soybean planting area decreased in southeastern China while it increased in northwestern China. Our analysis of soybean planting area helps China and other food-importing countries understand spatiotemporal responses of domestic agricultural cultivations caused by international food trade and agricultural pollution management.  相似文献   

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