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油气站场一般设置有紧急停车系统(ESD)等存在操作员介入的非常规安全仪表功能(SIF),为解决已有的安全完整性等级(SIL)评估方法不能针对此类SIF进行功能安全评价的情况。对存在操作员介入的非常规SIF进行研究,将其中的人为因素细分为观察、决策和执行3个阶段;根据各类人因可靠性分析方法优缺点,筛选CREAM和HCR方法分别分析紧急情景环境和应急响应时间对非常规SIF人因失效概率的影响,建立考虑人因可靠性的SIL验证模型;基于此模型选取某输油站典型SIF开展SIL评估,分析人因失效对SIF整体可靠性的影响水平,并提出改善措施。结果表明:将操作员应急响应过程中的人因失效概率引入传统的SIL验证模型中,可实现对非常规SIF的功能安全评价;人因失效对非常规SIF具有显著影响,筛选的人因可靠性模型可准确计算人因失效概率。  相似文献   

安全仪表系统等级划分与HAZOP分析的结合应用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
介绍了安全仪表等级的划分和HAZOP分析,并用此方法分析了苯酐装置。大多数现役或在建苯酐装置的氧化反应器存在较大的火灾、爆炸危险性,一旦在操作、控制和管理上稍有疏忽,就可能发生火灾、爆炸事故。HAZOP方法针对指定系统进行结构化和系统化的审查,辨识系统中潜在的危害和潜在操作问题,基于HAZOP给出安全仪表等级是今后安全设计的一条新路。  相似文献   

安全仪表系统的性能维护及指标值计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
安全仪表系统(SIS)作为保障工业生产安全的重要措施,需要在危险发生时正确地执行其安全功能,采取有效措施维持安全仪表系统在运行阶段的性能是保障系统功能安全的关键。详细阐明了SIS在运行阶段应遵循风险评估分析、安全功能分配文件、安全要求规范、安全分析报告、安全完整性等级符合性等重要文档中的要求,给出了维持SIS安全完整性的主要活动,并在加强旁路、禁止和超驰控制管理,对SIS失效的响应、记录和分析,进行定期检查、维护和功能测试以及安全仪表系统的变更管理等方面提出了要求。提出了SIS的安全性能指标及目标值的简易计算方法,给出失效率更新流程、计算方法和功能安全测试间隔调整技术。所提的技术方法为如何保证安全仪表系统运行阶段的安全性能提供了有力指导,其可操作性强,便于在实际工程中进行应用。  相似文献   

This paper presents a common cause failure (CCF) defense approach for safety instrumented systems (SIS) in the oil and gas industry. The SIS normally operates in the low demand mode, which means that regular testing and inspection are required to reveal SIS failures. The CCF defense approach comprises checklists and analytical tools which may be integrated with current approaches for function testing, inspection and follow-up. The paper focuses on how defense measures may be implemented to increase awareness of CCFs, to improve the ability to detect CCFs, and to avoid introducing new CCFs. The CCF defense approach may also be applicable for other industry sectors.  相似文献   

随着国际标准化组织制定的社会责任指南(ISO26000)颁布日期的临近,企业社会责任再次被提上日程,企业的各项管理工作也需要在履行社会责任的前提下开展。本文针对煤炭企业安全事故频发的现状,将煤矿安全置于社会责任框架下进行研究。论文在对ISO26000进行概述的基础上,讨论煤炭企业履行社会责任对煤矿安全的影响,提出社会责任框架下,煤矿安全管理的建议。  相似文献   

Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) constitute an indispensable element in the process of risk reduction for almost all of nowadays' industrial facilities. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a set of generalized and simplified analytical expressions for two commonly employed metrics to assess the performance of SIS in terms of safety integrity, namely: the Average Probability of Failure on Demand (PFDavg) and the Probability of Dangerous Failure per Hour (PFH). In addition to the capability to treat any K-out-of-N architecture, the proposed formulas can smoothly take into account the contributions of Partial Stroke Testing (PST) and Common Cause Failures (CCF). The validity of the suggested analytical expressions is ensured through various comparisons that are carried out at different stages of their construction.  相似文献   

The international standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511, which provide a general framework for the design and implementation of safety instrumented systems, require quantification of the achieved risk reduction, expressed as a safety integrity level (SIL). Human and organisational factors affect the performance of safety instrumented systems during operation and may threaten the achieved SIL, but this is usually not explicitly accounted for. This article presents a new approach to address human and organisational factors in the operational phase of safety instrumented systems. This approach gives a prediction of the operational SIL and can also be used to improve safety. It shows which human and organisational factors are most in need of improvement and it provides guidance for preventive or corrective action. Finally, the approach can be used as part of a SIL monitoring strategy in order to maintain the achieved SIL at the required level during the operational phase.  相似文献   

为分析LNG加气站安全仪表系统的功能完备性与可靠性,以3座典型的三级LNG加气站为研究对象,全面开展安全仪表功能辨识、安全完整性等级(SIL)定级与验证,进而提出针对性的改进建议.结果表明:3座LNG加气站的安全仪表系统均存在功能不完备、设备组件缺少失效数据的问题;为满足风险控制要求,三级LNG加气站需设置15个安全仪...  相似文献   

Employee involvement is an organizational phenomenon that has received increasing empirical attention. Although much research has examined the outcomes of involvement at the organization level, arguments can be made for exploring involvement at the work‐unit level and for investigating the processes by which a unit‐level climate of involvement may be created or emerge. Building on largely untested suggestions that such processes are likely to be motivational and initiated by employees' immediate supervisors, this paper incorporates two concepts of managerial perceptions and leadership into a work‐unit level model of involvement climate. In particular, this study examines the indirect association of managerial perceptions about subordinates' ability to perform and about the utility of organizational practices for facilitating performance, as well as the direct association of transformational leadership, with a climate of involvement. The association of involvement climate with citizenship, absenteeism, and voluntary turnover is also considered. Using structural equation modeling in a sample of 167 work units, results indicate that leadership fully mediates the relationship between managers' perceptions about their subordinates and climate. Further, climate partially mediates and fully mediates the relationship between leadership and citizenship, and absenteeism, respectively. Implications for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Are we doing the right thing? Are we setting the right priorities for the future in occupational safety and health research? How does BG (Institution for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention) research compare nationally and internationally? As a mosaic of answers to these questions, this article explores international research on priorities in occupational research and analyses these against the backdrop of the nearly 1,000 research projects conducted by 9 institutions from 8 countries in the year 2003.  相似文献   

IntroductionExpectations from external stakeholders for eco-safe products and production processes and internal stakeholders for transparent, stable, and robust environment, safety, and health operations have driven high technology organizations to adopt multipart management systems. Organizations can protect workers and the environment and simultaneously contribute to lean management principles by implementing integrated management systems. This research adds to the existing discourse and theory pertaining to the integration of environment, safety, and health management systems. Methods: The research was exploratory and inductive in nature and used mixed methods. Specifically, qualitative methods included use of an iterated Delphi method to elicit information from a panel of experts and detailed case studies conducted at four high technology performance manufacturing firms, while quantitative analysis of variance of correlated data investigated the within-firm and between-firm variability in motivating factors for adopting integrated systems and methods used for implementing integrated systems. Results: The results offer an integrated-lean management system framework and the strategies available and used by a sample of high technology performance organizations to simultaneously protect workers, the environment, and support lean enterprise outcomes. Practical applications: Organizations can protect workers, the environment, and simultaneously contribute to lean management principles by implementing integrated management systems requiring joint management that allow for the shared design, evaluation, and continuous improvement of environmental, safety, and health practices that are compatible with the lean enterprise movement in today’s high-performance driven organizations.  相似文献   

根据大修安全管理的特点,提出了搞好大修安全管理应遵循的基本原则,并用科学观点进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

Objective: Motorcycles and mopeds, often referred to as powered 2-wheelers (PTWs), play an important role in personal mobility worldwide. Despite their advantages, including low cost, space occupancy, and fuel efficiency, the risk of sustaining serious or fatal injuries is higher than that for occupants of passenger cars. The development of safety systems specific for PTWs represents a potential way to reduce casualties among riders. With the proliferation of new active and passive safety technologies, the question as to which might offer the most value is important. In this context, a prioritization process was applied to a set of PTW active safety systems to evaluate their applicability to crash scenarios alone and in combination. The systems included in the study were antilock braking (ABS), autonomous emergency braking (AEB), collision warning, curve warning, and curve assist.

Methods: With the functional performance of the 5 safety systems established, the relevance of each system to specific crash configurations and vehicle movements defined by a standardized accident classification system used in Victoria, Australia, was rated by 2 independent reviewers, with a third reviewer acting as a moderator where disagreements occurred. Ratings ranged from 1 (definitely not applicable) to 4 (definitely applicable). Using population-based crash data, the number and percentage of crashes that each safety system could potentially influence, or be relevant for, was defined. Applying accepted injury costs permitted the derivation of the societal economic cost of PTW crashes and the potential reductions associated with each safety system given a theoretical crash avoidance effectiveness of 100%.

Results: In the 12-year period 2000–2011, 23,955 PTW riders and 1292 pillion passengers were reported to have been involved in a road crash, with over 500 killed and more than 10,000 seriously injured; only 3.5% of riders/pillion passengers were uninjured. The total economic cost associated with these injured riders and pillion passengers was estimated to be AU$11.1 billion (US$7.70 billion; €6.67 billion). The 5 safety systems, as single solutions or in combination, were relevant to 57% of all crashes and to 74% of riders killed. Antilock braking was found to be relevant to the highest number of crashes, with incremental increases in coverage when combined with other safety systems.

Conclusions: The findings demonstrate that ABS, alone and in combination with other safety systems, has the potential to mitigate or possibly prevent a high percentage of PTW crashes in the considered setting. Other safety systems can influence different crash scenarios and are also recommended. Given the high cost of motorcycle crashes and the increasing number of PTW safety technologies, the proposed approach can be used to inform the process of selection of the most suitable interventions to improve PTW safety.  相似文献   

采用自制的煤大样量吸附实验装置测定了常温常压条件下煤对每种烟道气体成分 的饱和吸附量,并根据电厂烟气流量与工作面配风量的计算对井下注入烟气的安全性进 行了分析。实验数据结果显示,煤是一种多孔性物质,将电厂烟气注入井下采空区,每 吨煤可封存烟气中CO2约1.2 m3, N2约0.26 m3,其中烟气中SO2和NO2可全部被煤样封 存,揭示了利用烟气替代传统N2及CO2预防煤炭自燃的可行性;根据对电厂烟气流量及 回采工作面配风量的计算发现,在假定注入采空区的烟气与煤、岩没有任何吸附的情况 下,按照规定流量注入烟气未造成工作面回风巷中CO2、SO2气体浓度超标,NO2则超出 规定允许最高浓度,因此应对注入井下的烟气进行进一步脱硝处理。  相似文献   

Petrochemical plants are continuously turning into large-size corporations, the installations of facilities show a developing trend from ground to underground because of the difference in land using rate. In this regard, the safety distance of petrochemical equipment buried in both ground and underground cases were investigated based on risk assessment. As a case study, gasoline tank and LPG tank set on the ground and underground are singled out to compare the risks involved. The research showed that the setting case of installation had a great influence on safety distance. Two cases have 80% reduction of equivalent safety distance compared with the rest of the cases. It was found that when the gasoline storage tank was placed underground alone, the PLL value decreased by 36.7%. Only LPG tank was placed underground, and the PLL decreased by 6.33%, and the gasoline and LPG storage tanks were placed underground simultaneously, the PLL value declined by 42.3%. Thus, the layout of plants could be further optimized, which can greatly improve the performances of land use efficiency and safety. In addition, this paper, the selection of embedding methods and the sensitivity of underground case to overpressure was resumed from two aspects: soil properties and burial depth. For the soil properties, it was found that the water saturated sandy soil with high air content and the low density unsaturated sandy soil had better effects on weakening overpressure. Such properties are particularly beneficial to reducing the occurrence rate of accidents. In terms of burial depth, it can be observed that as the burial depth was changed from 0.5m to 1.1m, the value of overpressure has dropped dramatically. When the burial depth was 2m, the damage to personnel and buildings has been greatly reduced beyond 2m from the explosion center.  相似文献   

重大危险源安全监控系统运行模式分析与探讨   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
依据《安全生产法》和《国务院关于进一步加强安全生产工作的决定》对重大危险源监控工作要求,结合监控的概念,分析了重大危险源安全监控的内涵。通过分析生产经营单位与安全生产监管部门在重大危险源监控系统中的地位和职责,提出了重大危险源安全监控系统的架构,分析了企业端和政府端重大危险源安全监控系统的功能。  相似文献   

IntroductionPersonal competency is an important factor influencing individual performance. The objective of this study was to develop a competency model of safety professionals and investigate the factors contributing to their competency to achieve greater safety performance.MethodIn this study, 299 participants (153 safety professionals and 146 safety educators) completed self-administered questionnaires. The response rate was 75%.ResultsThe results of exploratory factor analysis and cluster analysis revealed that the competency scale for safety professionals comprised five factors. Additionally, the factor “safety and health training and management” explained most of the variance in the competency. The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) results showed that the respondents’ perception of professional competency was significantly influenced by the following factors: occupation, age, job tenure, level of education, and work status. Additionally, the Pearson product–moment correlation coefficient analysis indicated that a safety professional's perceived competencies and safety functions were positively correlated.Impact on industryThis study discusses possible reasons for the influence of the factors previously mentioned and explains how the results can contribute to the development of safety competencies and curricula.  相似文献   

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