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While species-assortative behaviour is often observed in sympatrically occurring species, there are few examples where we understand the extent to which development of assortative behaviour is genetically or environmentally determined, for instance, through learning. However, the majority of mate choice theory assumes genetic recognition mechanisms. Knowledge about the development of species recognition is important for our understanding of how closely related species can coexist and how this coexistence may have arisen. The ontogeny of female mate choice, for instance, may critically influence the degree of assortative mating under many circumstances. Also, male assortative aggression behaviour may affect fitness and the possibility for coexistence of two closely related species. Here, we test whether male aggression biases and female mate preferences of two Lake Victoria rock cichlid species, Mbipia mbipi and Mbipia lutea, are affected by experience. With an interspecific cross-fostering experiment, we test for the effect of experience with the phenotype of the mother and that of the siblings on species-assortative mate preferences and aggression biases. We demonstrate that female mate preferences are strongly influenced by learning about their mothers’ phenotype but not by experience with their siblings, despite ample opportunity for interactions. Male aggression biases, in contrast, are affected by experience with siblings but not by learning about their mothers’ phenotype. We suggest that the development of assortative behaviour of females, but not of males, creates favourable conditions for sympatric speciation in Lake Victoria cichlids.  相似文献   

Although assortative mating is widespread among long-lived monogamous birds, the underlying mechanisms still remain unclear in many species. In this study, we analysed assortative mating by age and body mass in the common tern Sterna hirundo with special regard to mate choice decisions of newly paired birds. To assess whether assortative mating by age is an active decision involving either homotypic or directional preferences or rather a passive process due to restricted availability of potential mates, we analysed the influence of age-dependent arrival date and cohort size. Furthermore, we looked for direct benefits in terms of reproductive success. Common terns mated assortatively by age and arrival date but not by body mass at arrival. Assortative mating by age was age dependent and was detected mainly in younger birds, whereas birds older than 8 years rather re-paired with younger ones. The availability of same-aged mates was restricted by cohort size and arrival date. We found no general evidence for better reproductive performance of same-aged pairs. Instead, relative reproductive success was related to own age and the relative age of mate: It should be advantageous for any bird to acquire an old mate; hence, assortative mating by age seems to be beneficial only for old terns but not for young ones. Age-assortative mating in common terns occurred by both passive and active processes, which are not mutually exclusive. Our results do not indicate a homotypic but a directional preference and support the theory that high-quality (older/experienced) individuals tend to mate assortatively if same-aged mates are available, which leaves low-quality (young/inexperienced) individuals to mate among themselves.  相似文献   

The relative influence of genetic and phenotypic quality on pairing status and mating patterns in socially monogamous species remains poorly documented. We studied social status and pairing patterns in relation to genetic similarity and multilocus heterozygosity (MLH) estimates from 11 microsatellite markers, and both tarsus length and wing chord (as a measure of competitive ability in territorial defence) in a socially monogamous tropical bird species where individuals defend territories year-round, alone or in pairs, the Zenaida dove, Zenaida aurita. Tarsus length and wing chord did not differ between unpaired territorial birds and paired ones in either sex, whereas paired females, but not paired males, tended to be more heterozygous than unpaired ones. Among 84 pairs, we found no evidence for assortative mating for tarsus length, wing chord, MLH or genetic similarity. However, within pairs, male wing chord was positively related to female MLH and female tarsus length was positively related to male MLH, with no evidence for local effects, suggesting assortative mating by individual quality. Although the observed pattern of mating in Zenaida doves may be the product of mutual mate choice, further assessment of this hypothesis requires direct investigation of both mating preference in each sex and lifetime reproductive success in relation to body size and MLH.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of male coloration on interspecific female mate choice in two closely related species of haplochromine cichlids from Lake Victoria. The species differ primarily in male coloration. Males of one species are red, those of the other are blue. We recorded the behavioral responses of females to males of both species in paired male trials under white light and under monochromatic light, under which the interspecific differences in coloration were masked. Females of both species exhibited species-assortative mate choice when colour differences were visible, but chose non-assortatively when colour differences were masked by light conditions. Neither male behaviour nor overall female response frequencies differed between light treatments. That female preferences could be altered by manipulating the perceived colour pattern implies that the colour itself is used in interspecific mate choice, rather than other characters. Hence, male coloration in haplochromine cichlids does underlie sexual selection by direct mate choice, involving the capacity for individual assessment of potential mates by the female. Females of both species responded more frequently to blue males under monochromatic light. Blue males were larger and displayed more than red males. This implies a hierarchy of choice criteria. Females may use male display rates, size, or both when colour is unavailable. Where available, colour has gained dominance over other criteria. This may explain rapid speciation by sexual selection on male coloration, as proposed in a recent mathematical model. Received: 11 April 1997 / Accepted after revision: 27 July 1997  相似文献   

Field studies demonstrate that natural populations of a group of water striders (Heteroptera: Gerridae) that share a common mating system are characterized by weak assortative mating by size and by large sizes of mating males and females relative to single individuals. This study presents an experimental assessment of the components of mating that may contribute to these mating patterns. The effects of male and female body size on each of three components of mating were studied in three water strider species in the laboratory. Large females of all three species mated more frequently, copulated for longer and were guarded longer than small females. Large males mated more frequently than small males in all three species, and also guarded females for longer in the two species where the average of mate guarding was long. However, we found an antagonistic effect of male size on copulation duration: small males copulated for longer than large males in all three species. We show that the combined effects of these size biases mimic the mating patterns found in the wild, e.g. weak and variable assortative mating, and stronger and less variable size ratios of mating versus non-mating females relative to males. We suggest that the antagonistic effects of male size on copulation and guarding duration may be a key source of interpopulational variation in assortative mating and sexual selection on male size. Further, neither spatial or temporal covariation in size, nor mechanical constraints, caused the assortative mating observed here in this group of water striders. Some combination of male and female choice (either active or passive forms) of large mates and male-male exploitation competition for mates play potentially important roles in producing population level assortative mating in water striders. Received: 17 March 1995/Accepted after revision: 28 October 1995  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) are polymorphic in colour, both sexes showing three main ventral morphs (white, yellow and red) within the same population and that the three morphs correlate with many life-history traits, including a positive assortative mating according to colour. Chemical communication plays a key role in intra-specific recognition and in social organization of lizards; thus chemical cues might be involved in morph recognition and mate choice. We used gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) to investigate possible differences in the lipophilic fraction of femoral gland secretions between size/age classes and to explore whether chemical secretions match male colour morphs. As expected, most males shared the same compounds, but smaller males showed significantly higher proportions of aldehydes, alcohols and ketones and significantly lower proportions of tocopherols than larger males. Interestingly, inter-morph differences in the proportion of some compounds (especially tocopherols and furanones) matched ventral colour polymorphism. Pairwise comparisons showed that white lizards had significantly different chemical profiles than both the yellow and red ones, whereas differences between yellow and red males were only marginal. A further canonical analysis of principal coordinates correctly classified 67.2 % on average of the chemical profiles according to colour morph (white 85.0 %, red 60.9 %, yellow 57.1 %). We hypothesized that chemical differences associated with colour polymorphism may play a central role in intra-specific communication and even in sexual selection, allowing individuals to choose their partners according to their age, and more interestingly according to their colour morph, in a non-random mating population system.  相似文献   

The distribution of breeding resources, such as nest sites, can have a pronounced impact on a population by affecting the proportion of individuals that succeed to breed and hence, the variation in reproductive success. Aggregation of important resources can lead to resource monopolisation by a limited number of individuals and thus affect the intensity of sexual selection. In this study, we tested, by contrasting two experimental treatments (dispersed vs. aggregated), how nest distribution affects: (1) mating behaviour, (2) male nest occupation and mating success, and (3) reproductive success and the opportunity for selection. We used the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens), a small marine fish with a resource-based mating system, as our model species. When nests were aggregated, a larger proportion of the males behaved aggressively, fewer males succeeded in occupying a nest, fewer males became mated, and those males that mated received fewer eggs from spawning females. These effects resulted in a higher variance in reproductive success and hence, a higher opportunity for selection (I rs ), in the aggregated treatment. We suggest that the results are a direct consequence of males defending a territory around their nest, preventing competitively inferior males from breeding. However, we found no significant selection differentials for body length or condition of males in either treatment. Our results support the hypothesis that aggregation of essential resources like nests promotes resource monopolisation. In species facing highly clumped nesting resources in the wild, monopolisation may negatively impact population productivity but could lead to strong selection on traits that promote male competitive ability.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of male ornaments in sexual selection have used experimental manipulation of tail length in three widowbird species, but only for one of these have correlates of male reproductive success been reported. I examined correlates of male attractiveness to nesting females over two breeding seasons for the polygynous yellow-shouldered widowbird, Euplectes macrourus, in order to discover which cues females may be using to select mates. The black, long-tailed ( 10 cm) males defend large territories and build nest frames, or cock's nests, which females then line and use for nesting. I examined various aspects of male morphology, five behavioral displays, territory characteristics, and the number of cock's nests that males built. Few correlates of mating success were found. The best predictor was the number of cock's nests that a male builds, though one courtship display also correlated with male mating success in 1 year, as did average grass height. Tail length did not correlate with male mating success. A partial correlation analysis confirmed that cock's nests and, in 1 year, grass height, were the primary contributers to male success. Females may choose where to nest primarily on the availability of suitable nesting sites. Long tails may be used by females seeking extra-pair copulations or in male-male competition for territories.  相似文献   

Breeding synchrony and extra-pair mating in red-winged blackbirds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Using data from a 6-year paternity study of red-winged blackbirds, I tested the hypotheses that increased nesting synchrony should either promote extra-pair mating by increasing the advantage of extra-pair mating to females, or decrease extra-pair mating by constraining males from seeking extra-pair copulations. Contrary to these hypotheses, the occurrence of extra-pair paternity did not vary with nesting synchrony over the breeding season, or vary with the number of synchronous nests within territories or within marshes, or with nesting order on territories. However, for nearly all nests with extra-pair young, there were fewer females synchronous with that nest on the cuckolder's territory than on the territory of the cuckolded male. This “advantage” of a synchrony difference was less pronounced for older males that cuckolded younger males, particularly when the two males were not neighbors. Collectively, these results suggest that breeding synchrony affects extra-pair mating by affecting mate guarding, but that breeding synchrony alone can not be used to predict which females are more likely to engage in extra-pair mating, nor with which extra-pair males they will mate. Understanding why extra-pair mating by older males is less affected by breeding synchrony may explain much about both the proximate and ultimate causes of extra-pair mating in red-winged blackbirds. Received: 7 June 1996 / Accepted after revision: 25 November 1996  相似文献   

Summary Examples of positive assortative mating by body size are abundant but its causes remain controversial. I show that size-assortative mating occurs in the chrysomelid beetle Trirhabda canadensis and I test a series of alternative hypotheses to explain how this mating pattern comes about. Results suggest that assortative mating in this beetle is due to the greater ease with which size-matched pairs can achieve intromission, and not due to size-biased skews in the availability of mates or mate choice favoring large individuals. There was no correlation between male and female elytron length (a measure of body size) at the initiation of courtship, but pairs assorted positively by size at the onset of intromission. Moreover, in the laboratory, there was a negative correlation between male and female size for pairs engaged in courtship that terminated without mating. Assortative mating was not associated with a large-male mating advantage and there was no evidence of female choice of large males. Nor was there unequivocal evidence for male choice of large females; although mating females were slightly larger and considerably heavier than solitary females, males did not differ in the frequency with which they rejected large and small females. Assortative mating in T. canadensis appeared to be caused by the lower ability of mismatched pairs to achieve intromission after an encounter, both when males were larger and when they were smaller than the female.  相似文献   

Conspicuous male colouration is expected to have evolved primarily through selection by female choice. In what way conspicuous colours could be advantageous to males scrambling for mates remains largely unknown. The moor frog (Rana arvalis) belongs to the so-called explosive breeders in which spawning period is short; intrasexual competition is strong, and males actively search and scramble for females. During breeding, male body colouration changes from a dull brown (similar to females) to a conspicuous blue, and we wanted to test if male blueness influences mating success or facilitates male mate recognition. To do so, we first measured the colour of mated and non-mated males using a spectrophotometer. In an experiment, we then analysed interactions of actual male moor frogs in natural spawning aggregations with a brown (resembling a female or a non-breeding male) and a blue model frog. Mated and non-mated males did not differ in colouration, suggesting that female choice based on colour traits was unlikely. In our behavioural experiment, male moor frogs spent significantly more time in contact and in amplexus with the brown model than with the blue model. Our results suggest that the nuptial colouration in moor frogs can act as a new type of visual signal in anurans evolved to promote instantaneous mate recognition allowing males to quickly move between rivals while scrambling for females.  相似文献   

Chemical signals are important for mate and species recognition. If variation in chemical signals occurs between populations of the same species, these differences could later preclude mating between populations and lead to speciation. In the Iberian wall lizard, Podarcis hispanica, the lipophilic fraction of femoral secretions of males is mainly a mix of steroids and fatty acids. Among steroids, the most abundant compounds are cholesterol and cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol, which are implicated in intraspecific communication and sexual selection. Interpopulational differences in chemical signals of males, and in response to these chemicals, could contribute to reproductive isolation between populations, which would explain the known genetic differences between these populations. Chemical analyses indicated that five distinct populations of this lizard from Madrid (Central Spain) differed in the proportions of two steroids (cholesterol and cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol) in femoral secretions. Moreover, lizards discriminated and had high chemosensory responses (i.e., high tongue-flick rates) to these steroids, but showed interpopulational differences. Lizards from populations with cold temperatures and high relative humidity (i.e., northern Madrid) elicited higher responses to these steroids, whereas the converse occurred for lizards from populations occupying dry and hot habitats (i.e., southern Madrid). Interestingly, the magnitude of the chemosensory responses to cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol in each population mirrored the abundance of this compound in secretions of males of that population. These results suggest that the importance of cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol in males’ secretions might be lower for lizards from the southern populations. These differences in the relative importance of chemical signals could explain reproductive isolation and cryptic speciation between populations of this lizard.  相似文献   

Elaborate ornamental plumage has been associated with various measures of individual quality in many species of birds. Male plumage characteristics, which have been relatively well studied, have been shown to reflect past reproductive investment, as well as the potential for reproductive investment in the current breeding attempt. In contrast, the signalling functions of female traits remain largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated the relationship between plumage attributes of breeding adult tree swallows and past reproductive investment, current reproductive investment and social mate pairing strategy. Both males and older females possess metallic green to metallic blue iridescent plumage on their dorsal surface, making this a suitable species for this type of investigation. We did not find any effects of past reproductive investment and success on the plumage attributes of returning breeders. In contrast, female plumage hue covaried with fledging success, and female plumage brightness was positively associated with mean clutch egg mass. In addition, we found that social pairs mated assortatively with respect to plumage brightness. We argue that since plumage characteristics vary with age in both male and female tree swallows, plumage attributes in this species are indicative of breeding experience and may be honest signals of quality. Positive assortative pairing could be the result of mutual mate choice or intra-sexual competition for nest sites by both males and females.  相似文献   

Male seahorses (genus Hippocampus) provide all post-fertilization parental care, yet despite high levels of paternal investment, these species have long been thought to have conventional sex roles, with female mate choice and male–male competition. Recent studies of the pot-bellied seahorse (Hippocampus abdominalis) have shown that sex-role reversal occurs in high-density female-biased populations, indicating that male mating preferences may lead to sexual selection on females in this species. Egg size, egg number, and offspring size all correlate positively with female body size in Hippocampus, and by choosing large mating partners, male seahorses may increase their reproductive success. While male brood size is also positively correlated with body size, small H. abdominalis males can carry exceptionally large broods, suggesting that the fecundity benefits of female preference for large partners may be limited. We investigated the importance of body size in reproductive decisions of H. abdominalis, presenting focal individuals of both sexes with potential mating partners of different sizes. Mating preferences were quantified in terms of time spent courting each potential partner. Male seahorses were highly active throughout the mate-choice trials and showed a clear behavioral preference for large partners, while females showed significantly lower levels of activity and equivocal mating preferences. The strong male preferences for large females demonstrated here suggest that sexual selection may act strongly on female body size in wild populations of H. abdominalis, consistent with predictions on the importance of female body size for reproductive output in this species. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The study of reproductive isolation as a prerequisite to sympatric speciation has been limited by the focus on species that have already experienced such isolation. However, a complete understanding of how such processes evolve depends on observing taxa before they complete the speciation process. We studied the potential for sexual isolation in the polyphenic mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum, using a series of laboratory and field experiments. This species consists of aquatic paedomorphic adults and terrestrial metamorphic adults which are exhibited by both sexes and which mate in the same aquatic habitat. Previous field studies on this species suggested that intermorph breeding would be less common during the winter months, because paedomorphic adults begin breeding in early autumn and thus may have less energy available for reproduction in the winter. Laboratory experiments conducted during the winter showed that the mating behavior of paedomorphic males occurred at a much lower frequency than that of metamorphic males. In contrast, field experiments that best mimicked natural conditions revealed symmetric intermorph breeding and included multiple paternity shared among males of each morph. This and other studies suggest that there is little evidence of sexual isolation among morphs based on behavioral interactions alone. However, the potential for partial isolation still occurs because of temporal and spatial differences in the frequencies of each morph in nature. Our results suggest that further studies on this system, and other similar polyphenisms, may provide valuable insight into the mechanisms that underlie the evolution of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Size advantage in male–male competition over mates, combined with male preference over large females, is a common feature that can drive to size assortative mating and, eventually, sexual selection. In crabs, appendage autotomy can affect assortative mating and opportunity for sexual selection by affecting size advantage in mating contests. In this work, we evaluate the effect of size and appendage autotomy in generating assortative mating in the mud crab Cyrtograpsus angulatus. Field observations of guarding pairs in two different populations show a positive correlation between carapace width of males and females in both the populations. In one of the populations, incidence of appendage autotomy was low and the variability in the size of reproductive males was lower than the variability in the size of randomly collected males (i.e. only larger males were successful in getting a female), whereas there was no differences in the other population (i.e. most male sizes were successful) where the incidence of appendage autotomy was very high, indicating that the importance of size is higher when the incidence of autotomy is low. In this context, experiments (in both populations) show that, in contests for a female, larger males outcompete smaller ones only when they had intact appendages. When males had missing chelipeds, winning or loosing against smaller males was random. This may lead to a decrease in the importance of male size in populations with high incidence of cheliped autotomy, affecting assortative mating and opportunity for selection and, thus, affecting selective pressures.  相似文献   

The results of a year-long study in which epibenthic invertebrates were collected monthly from seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) meadows along the Caribbean coast of Panamá and the Panamá Canal Zone are described in this paper. Differences in species composition and abundance among sites were primarily due to the proximity of surrounding habitats, especially coral reefs, which contain a number of species that utilize the seagrass meadows. In contrast to many previous characterizations of tropical marine habitats, important seasonal fluctuations in both species number and abundance took place at each of the sites. Data on breeding activity among several species of decapod crustaceans indicate year-round reproduction, although considerable seasonal differences occur in the percentage of ovigerous females. These interspecific differences in observed reproductive output may be explained by differences in life-cycle length, a factor not often considered in discussions of seasonal breeding patterns in tropical marine invertebrates. Overall species composition was qualitatively similar to that reported in comparable studies of tropical and subtropical seagrass meadows elsewhere, although caridean shrimp and xanthid orab species were reduced in number and total abundance were much lower than in previous studies.  相似文献   

Animals may assess the quality of other individuals by using information that different ornaments may provide. The European Roller (Coracias garrulus) is a socially monogamous species in which males and females display highly conspicuous plumage colouration. According to the mutual selection hypothesis, we predicted that, in this species, plumage coloration could signal individual quality in both sexes because both female and male rollers invest a considerable amount of time caring for their offspring. We used spectrophotometric measurements to investigate the information content of multiple plumage colour traits. We found that the roller is actually a sexually dimorphic and dichromatic species. Different plumage colours from different origins were correlated within individual. Head and back brightness correlated with body condition in both sexes, and in males, head brightness correlated with the number of fledglings in successful nests, while head green-yellow saturation correlated with parental provisioning. Meanwhile, in females, back brightness was related to the number of fledglings in successful nests and to parental provisioning rate. In addition, there was a positive assortative mating in relation to weight, body condition, head green-yellow saturation and back brightness. Finally, we found a positive correlation between parent and offspring coloration. Altogether, these results suggest that multiple colour traits may act as quality indicators in the roller and that they may be used by the two sexes to assess potential mate quality.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that female mate choice is often based on the assessment of multiple male traits, involving both morphology and behavior. We investigated female mate choice for multiple male traits in the palmate newt, Lissotriton helveticus, including male tail filament length, hind foot web size, crest development, body size, ventral coloration, and courtship display activity. Observations of courtship display in the field revealed that females spent more time in front of males with longer tail filaments. Laboratory experiments revealed a more detailed relationship between filament length and courtship display. We found that females took more sperm masses from males with both longer filaments and greater display activity. Experimental shortening of the tail filament length substantially decreased the number of male sperm masses transferred. However, when we experimentally reversed relative filament length between two males in mating trials, male mating success was explained by courtship activity and not by filament length. Our results show that female palmate newts value multiple traits during mate choice, including both morphological ornaments and reproductive behaviors in males. Our results further suggest that, when filament length is below a certain threshold, females may value the information content of courtship activity over that of filament length.  相似文献   

Sex-specific interests over the maximization of reproductive success lead to an inter-sexual conflict over the optimal mating system in a species. Traditionally, the outcome of this inter-sexual conflict has been studied from the male perspective but it also depends on female mating strategies, such as manipulating the temporal distribution of sexual activity, advertisement, and mate choice. We used a small nocturnal primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) to determine the relative importance of female mating strategies on the outcome of this conflict in a species where females are solitary during their activity period. We studied their mating behavior over three consecutive annual mating seasons and determined the genetic relationships among more than 300 study animals to quantify individual reproductive success. We found that most females were receptive asynchronously. Females did not exhibit any obvious direct mate choice, probably due to a highly male-biased operational sex ratio and the corresponding costs of choosiness. However, females exercised indirect choice for multiple matings. They mated with 1–7 males up to 11 times during their single night of receptivity. As a result, mixed paternity was common but heavier males sired more offspring, meaning that indirect female choice for superior males cannot be excluded. Females exhibited a mixed mating strategy, avoiding costly direct mate choice but still counteracting male efforts to monopolize mating, successfully increasing genetic variability among offspring. Thus, females had a major influence on the outcome of the inter-sexual conflict despite male monopolization attempts.Communicated by J. Setchell  相似文献   

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