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The concentrations of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in superficial sediment samples collected from three representative sites (Yuqiao Reservoir, Haihe River, and Haihe River Estuary) in Tianjin, North China, were analyzed using various single extraction and sequential extraction procedures to determine their remobilization, extractability, and distribution patterns. Sediments from the Haihe River had higher metal concentrations and geo-accumulation indices, especially for Cd and Zn, than sediments from the other two sites, suggesting that the Haihe River has been heavily influenced by anthropogenic activities. In addition, over 31% and 28.2% of the total Cd in the Haihe River and the Yuqiao Reservoir, respectively, and 18.2% of the total Zn in the Haihe River were found to be associated with the exchangeable form, indicating the significant remobilization of Cd and Zn when compared with Cr and Ni. However, over 98% of the Ni and 78% of the Cr were most closely associated with the residue and oxidizable fractions, which resulted in their becoming environmentally immobile. Based on the Environmental Protection Agency method 3050B, Cd and Zn had the greatest extraction efficiency when a single extraction procedure using 0.5-mol L???1 HCl, 0.43-mol L???1 HAcO, and 0.05-mol L???1 ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid was conducted, with extraction yields of up to 72%, 68%, and 56% for Cd and 50%, 49%, and 29% for Zn, respectively, being obtained for the Haihe River sediments. This was followed by the yields of Cu and Pb and, finally, those of unpolluted metals such as Cr and Ni. HCl and acetic acid extraction provided equivalent information for predicting Cd and Zn mobility in the sediments studied and produced suitable results for quick screening.  相似文献   

The vertical profiles, contamination levels, and potential ecological risks of mercury and arsenic were studied from the sediment cores of seven typical intertidal zones, including the Liaohe River Estuary, the Jianhe River Estuary, the Dagu River Estuary, Yancheng Shoal, the Dongtan Yangtze River Estuary, Hangzhou Bay, and the Pearl River Estuary. Marine sediment quality standards, the threshold effect level (TEL), and the probable effect level (PEL) were used as guidelines to evaluate sediment quality. In addition, the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) and potential ecological risk index (\( {E}_r^i \)) were used to assess contamination and potential ecological risks from mercury and arsenic. The results showed that the Pearl River Estuary was moderately polluted by mercury and represented a high potential ecological risk, while other areas were uncontaminated or mildly contaminated with low or moderate potential ecological risks. The Pearl River Estuary was mildly polluted by arsenic and represented a mild potential ecological risk, while other areas were unpolluted and also posed a mild potential ecological risk.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven typical surface soils and 108 deeper soils were collected from five former industrial sites in Beijing and concentrations of total Hg (SigmaHg) as well as pH, total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulfur, and dissolved organic carbon concentrations determined. The mean concentration of SigmaHg in surface soils was significantly greater than background concentrations in the vicinity of Beijing. Forty-eight percent of the samples exceeded the "critical" concentration of 1.0 mg Hg/kg, dry weight in soils, which has been established by the Chinese government. At depths of 0-80 cm in the soil, profile concentrations of SigmaHg also exceeded the background value. There were significant correlations between concentrations of SigmaHg, TC, and TN in the industrial soils. The greater concentration of SigmaHg in most soils could have been due in part to combustion of coal and leakage from industrial processes.  相似文献   

Samples of surface sediments from the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf were examined to determine the levels and sources of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Samples were collected from 30 sampling sites and analyzed for PAHs by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Total concentrations of PAHs ranged from 93 to 4,077 ng g?1 dry weight. The PAH composition from 30 sampling sites was dominated by four-ring PAH compounds. Molecular indices based on the ratios of PAH concentrations were used to differentiate PAHs from pyrolitic to petrogenic and mixed origins. The results suggested that the main sources of PAHs in sediments from the studied region were mixed pyrolitic and petrogenic. Furthermore, benthic organisms in most of the investigated areas were not at ecotoxicological risk, according to the results from the effects range low (ERL)/effects range median (ERM) techniques suggested by the US Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs).  相似文献   

The distribution of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in Baiyangdian Lake, China, was determined in this study. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was the dominant PFC in lake water (1.70-73.5 ng L(-1), median 9.72 ng L(-1)), while perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was the dominant PFC in sediments (0.06-0.64 ng g(-1) dry wt, median 0.19 ng g(-1) dry wt) and in aquatic animals (0.57-13.7 ng g(-1) wet wt, median 2.56 ng g(-1) wet wt). Significant differences in PFC levels were observed among various aquatic animals. We also determined, for the first time, the PFC levels in floating plants, including Ceratophyllum demersum L., Hydrocharis dubia (Bl.) Backer and Salvinia natans (L.), and we found that PFOA and PFNA were the dominant PFCs in these plants. Furthermore, floating plants were observed to have different composition profiles compared to aquatic animals. Geographical differences in PFC levels were also observed, with higher PFC levels in samples from the north part of Baiyangdian Lake than those in the south. The differences in human and industrial activities in different parts of the lake and the discharged wastewater from the Fuhe River may be the major contributors for these geographical differences.  相似文献   

The Low Carbon Development Strategy proposed in June 2009 by the government of Guyana in response to the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries program has triggered evaluation of forest-related activities, thereby acting as a catalyst for improvements in Guyana's small- to medium-scale gold mining industry. This has also shed light on areas committed to conservation, something that has also been handled by Non Governmental Organizations. This paper compares water quality and mercury concentrations in sediment from four main areas in Guyana, two that are heavily mined for gold using mercury amalgamation methods (Arakaka and Mahdia) and two that are considered conservation areas (Iwokrama and Konashen). Fifty-three sediment and soil mercury loadings ranged from 29 to 1,200 ng/g and averaged 215 ± 187 ng/g for all sites with similar averages in conservation and mining areas. Sediment loadings are within the range seen in French Guiana and Suriname, but conservation area samples had higher loadings than the corresponding uncontaminated baselines. Type of ore and location in the mining process seemed to influence mercury loadings. Mercury sediment loadings were slightly positively correlated with pH (correlation coefficient = 0.2; p value < 0.001) whereas no significant correlations were found with dissolved oxygen or turbidity.  相似文献   

The Second Songhua River was subjected to a large amount of raw or primary effluent from chemical industries in Jilin city in 1960s to 1970s, resulting in serious mercury pollution. However, an understanding of other trace metal pollution has remained unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate trace metal contamination in the sediment of the river. Bottom sediment samples were taken in the river between Jilin city and Haerbin city in 2005. An uncontaminated sediment profile was taken in the Nen River at the same time. Total concentrations of Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, K, Na, Ti, Mn, V, Sc, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in the sediment samples were measured by ICP-MS or ICP-OES, following digestion with various acids. Concentrations of Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in the surface sediments were 5.1–14.7, 18.5–78.9, 2.4–75.4, 7.2–29.0, 13.5–124.4, and 21.8–403.1 mg/kg, respectively, generally decreasing along the course of the river from Jilin city to Haerbin city. Background concentrations of trace metals were reconstructed by geochemical normalization to a conservative element scandium. Results showed that concentrations of Co, Cr, and Ni in the sediment were generally only slightly higher than or equal to their background values, while concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn in the some sediment samples were significantly higher than their background values. In detail, the sediment at Jilin city was moderately contaminated by Cu, and the sediment of the Second Songhua River was moderately contaminated by Pb and Zn. The top layer (0–10 cm depth) and bottom layers (30–46 cm depth) of one sediment profile at Wukeshu town were generally moderately polluted by Pb and Zn. Synthetically, the surface sediment in the studied river section was classified as natural sediment without ecological risk by the sediment pollution index (SPI) of Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn. Only the 30–45 cm depth of the sediment profile at Wukeshu town was classified as low polluted sediment by the SPI of these metals, recording a historical contamination of the river in the 1960s to 1970s. This buried contamination of trace metals might pose a potential risk to water column under disturbance of sediment. Foundation item: The National Basic Research Priorities Program of China (2004CB418502)  相似文献   

The concentrations and chemical partitioning of heavy metals (Co, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu, and Pb) in the marine near-shore sediment cores were investigated. Typically, the mean concentrations from Core B sediment samples were 98.6, 21.1, 47.0, 46.4, 107.6, and 31.9 mg kg???1 for Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb, respectively. The heavy metal concentrations were normalized to commonly used reference elements Al, Li, Sc, and total organic carbon. Based on Pearson coefficients, Li was found to be a good normalizer for Co (r?= 0.974), Cr (r?= 0.967), Ni (r?= 0.898), and Zn (r?= 0.929) in 80 sediment samples from three sampling sites. However, the correlation coefficients between Li and Cu, and Li and Pb were relatively low. Multivariate statistic approaches (Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis) were adopted for data treatment, allowing the identification of two main factors controlling the heavy metal variability in the sediments. Heavy metals in the enrichment sections were evaluated by a sequential extraction method for possible chemical forms in sediments. The results showed that the residual, Fe/Mn oxides and Organic/sulfide fractions were dominant geochemical phases in the enriched sections, indicating low bioavailability of heavy metals in sediments.  相似文献   

To examine the state of pollution of Bizerte Lagoon which is exposed to intense anthropogenic pressure, two sediment cores were taken at two sites, one undergoes the dual effects of both marine waters arriving from the Mediterranean Sea through the Channel, and also of freshwater from the Tinja River; the other core is located at the center of the lagoon where water depth is maximal (12 m). Heavy metal concentrations in the two cores were assessed, with calculated enrichment factors and geo-accumulation indexes. Core sediments were also studied for chemical speciation and their monosulfide contents were measured. Results from enrichment factors and geo-accumulation indexes show an accumulation of Cd, Zn, Cr, and Pb, while chemical speciation revealed a risk only from Cd and Mn. Comparison of sequential extraction values with those of acid volatile sulfides revealed that non-toxic effects may be caused by any of the studied metals in the sediment.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs) in surface sediment samples from Taihu Lake--an important water supply of the Yangtze River Delta, China--were investigated in the present study. Concentrations of PCDD/Fs ranged from 0.91 to 4.8 pg TEQ g(-1) dw (mean: 2.9 pg TEQ g(-1) dw, TEQ: Toxic Equivalent), which were all higher than the threshold effect level established by interim sediment quality guidelines in Canada (0.85 pg TEQ g(-1) dw). The levels of PBDD/Fs ranged from 0.16 to 1.6 pg TEQ g(-1) dw (mean: 0.52 pg TEQ g(-1) dw) and accounted for 5-33% (mean: 14%) of the total PCDD/Fs and PBDD/Fs TEQ. Comparatively, the abundance of sedimentary PCDD/Fs in the three regions (Meiliang Bay, Gonghu Bay, and Xukou Bay) showed a decreasing trend from the inflow region to the outflow region, while no significant difference was observed among their 2,3,7,8-PBDD/Fs levels, which suggested that the sources of PCDD/Fs and PBDD/Fs differed in this area. Principal component analysis suggested that the historical production/usage of pentachlorophenol and sodium pentachlorophenate was the dominant source of PCDD/Fs in the sediment of these regions. Although the specific sources of PBDD/Fs in the sediment of Taihu Lake were unclear, it was suspected to be due to atmospheric deposition; however, an additional study is needed to confirm this.  相似文献   

The East Shetland Basin is one of the areas that the Fisheries Research Services (FRS) has concentrated on to assess the possible impacts of oil exploration and production on the marine environment. A stratified random survey of the sediment was carried out in 2002. TOCs were low across the basin and were positively correlated with grain size. The total PAH concentrations (2- to 6-ring parent and alkylated PAHs, including the 16 US EPA PAHs) were less than 150 microg kg(-1) dry weight and their composition indicated a predominantly pyrolytic input to the basin in 2002. Minor unresolved complex mixtures in the n-alkane profiles indicated a slight petrogenic input but further examination of the biomarkers (hopanes and steranes) showed a mixed North Sea and Middle Eastern source. The Middle Eastern source is likely due to inputs from shipping activity, as it is widely used as bunker fuel. Grid surveys were carried out in 1986, 1988-89 and 1994 and areas were selected for which there was data for all the historic grid surveys and the 2002 stratified random survey. Although referring to only a small part of the East Shetland Basin, comparison with these historic surveys shows clearly that the concentrations of Forties crude oil equivalents and total PAH concentrations were highest in 1988-89 and by 2002 had returned to concentrations the same as or less than observed in the original survey in 1986.  相似文献   

Mercury contamination in the water bodies of developing countries is a serious concern due to its toxicity, persistence, and bioaccumulation. Vembanad, a tropical backwater lake situated at the southwest coast of India, is the largest Ramsar site in southern India. The lake supports thousands of people directly and indirectly through its resources and ecosystem services. It is highly polluted with toxic pollutants such as heavy metals, as it receives effluent discharges from Kerala’s major industrial zone. In the present study, water, pore water, sediment, and fish samples collected from Vembanad Lake were analysed for total mercury (THg) and methyl mercury (MHg) contents. The maximum concentrations of THg and MHg in surface water samples were31.8 and 0.21 ng/L, respectively, and those in bottom water samples were 206 and 1.22 ng/L, respectively. Maximum concentration of THg in surface sediment was observed during monsoon season (2850 ng/g) followed by that in the pre-monsoon season (2730 ng/g) and the post-monsoon season (2140 ng/g). The highest sediment concentration of MHg (202.02 ng/g) was obtained during monsoon season. The spatial variation in the mercury contamination clearly indicates that the industrial discharge into the Periyar River is a major reason for pollution in the lake. The mercury pollution was found to be much higher in Vembanad Lake than in other wetlands in India. The bioaccumulation was high in carnivorous fishes, followed by benthic carnivores. The THg limit in fish for human consumption (0.5 mg/kg dry wt.) was exceeded for all fish species, except for Glossogobius guiris and Synaptura orientalis. The concentration of THg was five times higher in Megalops cyprinoides and four times higher in Gazza minuta. Significant variation was observed among species with different habits and habitats. Overall, risk assessment factors showed that the mercury levels in the edible fishes of Vembanad Lake can pose serious health impacts to the human population.  相似文献   

Surface water, suspended particulate matter, pore water, and sediment samples were collected and analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Yongding New River, South Drainage Canal and North Drainage Canal, which receive most of wastewater from industrial city of Tianjin. PAH concentrations in effluent samples of wastewater treatment plants (WTP) discharging into the South Drainage Canal and North Drainage Canal were quantified for the first time. The results showed that the discharge of the WTPs recently only contributed to the PAH contamination in the canals near the outlets of the WTPs. PAH levels in sediments of the streams were greatly higher than those in soils by riverbank probably due to receiving large amounts of untreated wastewater. Unusually high benz[a] anthracene concentration strongly influenced the seasonal and spatial variation of total PAH concentrations in South Drainage Canal. Paired samples t test of ??Nap, Fl, Phe, Fluo and ??Nap, Phe, Fluo, Chry concentrations, which were dominant components in the air samples from non-heating and heating season, respectively, in the suspended particulate matters from the streams showed that PAH source from air deposition was more important for Yongding New River than that for South Drainage Canal and North Drainage Canal. Source apportionment based on PAH profiles indicated that coal combustion was the major PAH contamination source, and coke oven sources and wood combustion also contributed to the PAH contamination of the streams. This was further indicated by organic petrography analysis.  相似文献   

Total mercury (Hg) concentrations were determined in seven tissues (skeletal muscle, liver, blood, gonad, brain, gill, and heart) of 59 striped bass and four tissues (muscle, liver, blood, and gonad) of 69 largemouth bass, 76 channel catfish, 12 bluegill, and 22 blue tilapia collected from Lake Mead, USA. Mercury levels generally increased according to trophic level and fish length. For striped bass, mean Hg levels (ng g(-1), wet mass) were highest in the liver (531), followed by muscle (309), heart (186), gonad (136), brain (77), gill (52), and blood (36). Similarly, Hg levels in the catfish and tilapia were liver > muscle > gonad > blood. In contrast, largemouth bass and bluegill had the highest levels in muscle, followed by liver, gonad, and blood. Generally, Hg levels were strongly correlated among the tissues, especially for blood/muscle and blood/liver. As the body burden of Hg increased, the concentration in blood and organs increased relative to the concentration in muscle. The trend was most pronounced for the liver. These relationships could form the basis of a predictive model and suggest that blood and muscle (plugs) could be useful for a non-lethal measure of Hg concentration and exposure in fish. For the striped bass, elevated Hg levels in the tissues were also correlated with degree of emaciation. Liver-to-muscle ratios were similar to literature values, except for tilapia with an average ratio of approximately 1.7, which is higher than generally reported for non-piscivores. Finally, this study demonstrates the usefulness of a solid sampling approach in trace element monitoring, especially as pertaining to in vivo analysis, analysis of a large number of samples and reduction of contamination risk.  相似文献   

Young-of-the-year and yearling northern pike (Esox lucius), yearling yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and adult crayfish (Orconectes virilis) were collected in the mercury-contaminated Wabigoon/English/Winnipeg River System, Ontario, and analyzed for total mercury. Analysis of mercury concentrations in these organisms produced consistent geographical trends; i.e. mercury concentrations in biota downstream of Dryden > English River system > Winnipeg River system > control sites. In the Wabigoon River system the bioavailability of mercury increases with distance downstream of the historical point source. Mercury concentrations in the biota studied were highly correlated with mercury concentrations in fish species which are of sport and commercial interest. The locations where young fish obtain their bodyburdens are known typically within 100 m. The biota studied compare favourably with the criteria proposed by Phillips (1980) as prerequisites for biological indicators. The wide distribution of young pike, perch and crayfish in North America, Europe and Asia may enhance their appeal as biomonitors.The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. No endorsement should be inferred.  相似文献   

In this work, the atmospheric concentrations of selected heavy metals including lead (Pb), iron (Fe), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) were measured for two different sampling sites (urban and rural) in the northern part of Jordan (Irbid city). Samples were collected according to a certain schedule for 1 year. High volume air samplers and glass fiber filters were used to collect the samples. Collected samples were digested using a mixture of analytical grade nitric acid and analytical grade hydrochloric acid, and analyzed to evaluate the levels of heavy metals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Six heavy metals (Pb, Fe, Cu, Ni, Mn, and Zn) were measured in all samples; the concentrations of Cd and Co were not detected in Irbid atmosphere by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results were used to determine the levels of heavy metal pollutants in air, possible sources, and to compare the levels of selected heavy metals in the two studied sites. Aerosols from the rural site have lower concentrations for all the metals compared to those from the urban site. The daily and monthly variations of the elements were investigated. All heavy metals in urban and rural sites reached maximum concentrations in June, July, and August. This is consistent with the increased activities leading to particulate matter emission during the summer period. The enrichment factors with respect to earth crust and correlation coefficients of heavy metals were investigated to predict the possible sources of heavy metals in air.  相似文献   

The degree and distribution of mercury (Hg) accumulation in sediment and fish from a tributary affected by alluvial small-scale gold mining in the Madeira River/Amazon is studied, in relation to a reference site. The results obtained so far agree well with previous studies and confirm that a tremendous contamination of main food web compartments occurs in these highly exposed, but vulnerable tropical waters. An essential part of the released metallic Hg may still exist as macroscopic liquid Hg drops in the sediment. Both global (0.4 mg/kg of Hg) and local (0.1 mg/kg of Hg) background sediment values as well as safety levels for fish (0.5 mg/kg of Hg) are considerably exceeded by a factor of up to 25, 100, and 4, respectively, and give rise to serious concern, not least with regard to the formation of the very toxic monomethyl-Hg. It is further discussed that atmospheric transport and deposition of Hg in water reservoirs built for hydroelectric power generation may act as critical pathways for longterm Hg accumulation, even in unexposed riverine systems.  相似文献   

Three atomic spectrometry techniques, namely sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (ICP-SMS, GF-AAS and HG-AFS, respectively), housed at separate independent laboratories, were used to analyse water and sediment samples collected from the Huon River Estuary, SE Tasmania (Australia) in the Austral spring 1998. A dithiocarbamate-chelation/back-extraction technique was used to separate and preconcentrate Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb from eight collected water samples prior to analysis by ICP-SMS and GF-AAS. A number of other elements in the waters were analysed directly (Mn, Fe and Zn by GF-AAS; As by HG-AFS), or following sample dilution (1 + 19: V, Mn, Fe, As, Mo, Ba and U by ICP-SMS). Where possible, previously corroborated GF-AAS and HG-AFS techniques were used to verify obtained ICP-SMS results. From the analysis of four reference waters (SLEW-1 and -2, SLRS-3 and NASS-5), good agreement, to within +/- 10-20%, was typically found between certified (or information only values) and measured results (irrespective of analytical technique). Exceptions included Zn (and sometimes Fe) that could not be quantified by ICP-SMS due to elevated blank signals, and As which was found to lie below ICP-SMS detection limits. For Huon Estuary water samples, inter-method agreement was within +/- 10-20% (for those elements amenable to analysis by more than one technique). Nitric acid extracts of two certified reference materials (Buffalo River Sediment and BCSS-1) and six Huon Estuary sediments were analysed by ICP-SMS (for Al, Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Pb) and HG-AFS (for As). Results from the certified reference materials indicated extraction efficiencies of 60 70% (for most elements). A close correlation between ICP-SMS and HG-AFS was obtained for leachable As in the sediments. In terms of potential inorganic contaminants, the Huon Estuary was found to be a relatively 'clean' water system. The elemental concentrations measured in water and sediment samples from this region were found to lie within current Australian guidelines for estuaries. In general, no one analytical technique was able to accurately determine all elements in all samples from this relatively pristine estuarine environment. A combination of all three analytical techniques was necessary for the successful analysis of the elements considered in this study.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric mercury (Hg) in Chongqing, China, gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) was measured from August 2006 to September 2007, using Lumex multifunctional mercury analyzer RA-915(+) (Lumex Ltd., Russia). The mean GEM concentration was 6.74 +/- 0.37 ng m(-3) in Chongqing, much higher than the accepted global background values (1.5-2 ng m(-3)). The GEM concentrations were different in different function areas. GEM in transport, industrial and commercial areas were 7.07 +/- 1.04, 7.05 +/- 0.96 and 6.71 +/- 1.10 ng m(-3), respectively, while GEM was 6.14 +/- 1.30 and 4.32 +/- 1.04 in the educational/recreational and nature conservation areas, suggesting that Hg emissions from mobile vehicles and industrial sources (specially coal combustion) were the most important contributors to atmospheric Hg in Chongqing. Mean Hg concentrations also had monthly variations with highest in November (8.24 +/- 0.50 ng m(-3)) and lowest values in August (5.36 +/- 0.70 ng m(-3)). Additionally, the diurnal variation of GEM concentrations was dependent on the local/regional atmospheric conditions. At Jinyun Mountain site (natural conservation area), hourly GEM concentrations had much higher values in daytime than at night. At Power Plant site, however, the hourly GEM concentrations were lower in daytime than at night. GEM concentrations in the air were correlated significantly with meteorological parameters except for barometric pressure.  相似文献   

This study focuses on mercury (Hg) bioaccumulation in Indian cat fish, Wallagoo attu and Mystus aor, from different rivers. Methyl mercury (MeHg) concentrations were determined in muscle tissue of two different parts, ventral and dorsal part, of each species and the levels of organic mercury were co-related with lipid content of each part. The MeHg concentrations increased in a linear fashion with both weight and age for these river species. The average concentration of MeHg was found to be 0.93?±?0.60 and 1.26?±?0.62 μg Hg g?1 (expressed in wet weight basis) for ventral and dorsal parts, respectively in W. attu and this was above the 0.25 μg Hg g?1 of wet weight, the limit set by the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act for the maximum level for consumption of fish exposed to mercury pollution. In M. Aor the concentration of MeHg was not above the standard limit but threatening, it was 0.22?±?0.07 and 0.23?±?0.08 μg Hg g?1 (expressed in wet weight basis) in dorsal and ventral parts, respectively.  相似文献   

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