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Passive samplers were used to monitor ammonia concentrations at rural inner alpine and pre-alpine, as well as urban, sites in Austria and Bavaria. Elevated concentrations were measured both at farms (up to 36 microg NH3 m(-3)) and at urban locations (up to 28 microg NH3 m(-3)). At urban locations a linear relationship between the traffic density and the NH3 concentration was found, but there was no marked seasonal trend. The highest ammonia concentrations were measured in a traffic tunnel (up to 78 microg NH3 m(-3)). The presence of livestock breeding or small scale alpine pastures resulted in elevated concentrations at the rural sites (8.1-12 and 2.5-4.6 microg NH3 m(-3), respectively), compared to the surrounding areas (3.1 and 0.9 microg NH3 m(-3)). Agriculture related sources are usually limited either spatially or seasonally. As the emissions were moderate in our case, a rapid removal and dilution of ammonia was possible and therefore the NH3 burden was only local. Sources related to traffic are more evenly distributed both geographically and seasonally. The WHO guideline, annual average concentration of 8 microg m(-3) for the protection of vegetation, was only exceeded at farms, at the urban station with the heaviest traffic and in the Tauerntunnel.  相似文献   

Permethrin drift from two aerial applications at each of two sites in a potato growing area in Ontario were measured to a maximum distance of 61 m outside the treatment area. Droplet drift did not enter the adjacent surface water streams at either study site, since there was little or no wind on the four occasions. The concentration of the insecticide in soil as a result of drifting off site was significantly lower than the amount deposited on the treatment area. The spray drifting off-target was generally made up of droplets <100 m. Permethrin residues were detected in the water and sediment samples collected after treatment along the Bailey Creek and Beeton Creek; however, these levels did not cause lethal or sublethal effects to aquatic invertebrates and fish species. Based on the conditions and results of this study, it is concluded that a buffer zone of 65 m around sensitive and productive bodies of water would be effective and practical.  相似文献   

The composition and variability of airborne fungal spores were studied using two complementary sampling methods in an outdoor environment in Kolkata suburb for 2 years, from November 2002 to October 2004. For monitoring the total fungal spore burden in the air, Burkard 7-day volumetric sampler was used, whereas Andersen two-sage viable sampler was used for isolating the cultivable airborne fungi. Among the 37 fungal spore types identified in the air samples, the predominant ones were Cladosporium, unidentified ascospores, unidentified basidiospores, Aspergilli/Penicilli, Nigrospora, Periconia, Chaetomium, Drechslera, Alternaria, Coprinus, Ganoderma, Pithomyces, and rust spores. Only six fungal spore types (Alternaria, Aspergilli/Penicilli, Cladosporium, Curvularia, Drechslera, and Nigrospora) were recovered in common by the two samplers. For Aspergilli/Penicilli, Drechslera, and Nigrospora, the spore concentration was underestimated in the non-viable sampling method (Burkard sampler). In general, higher spore count was recorded in winter. The highest fungal species variability was observed in early monsoon (June). Relative humidity could significantly predict the seasonal periodicity of the maximum number of airborne spores. The total airborne fungi concentration recorded in the study (15-16?×?10(3) spores m(-3) of air) was lower than the proposed threshold limit value for clinical significance, suggesting apparently no or less airborne-fungi-exposure-related health risk in the sampling area. Cladosporium cladosporioides was recorded beyond the proposed threshold limit value in January 2003 and March 2004; Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus nidulans in winter that might have posed considerable health risk to sensitized individuals.  相似文献   

An air sampling method for the determination of isocyanates, aminoisocyanates and amines formed during the thermal degradation of polyurethane (PUR) is presented. The method is based on the collection of air samples using impinger flasks containing di-n-butylamine (DBA) in toluene with a glass fibre filter in series. Isocyanates are derivatized with DBA to urea derivatives, and amines are derivatized in a subsequent work-up procedure with ethyl chloroformate (ET) to carbamate esters. Amine, aminoisocyanate and isocyanate derivatives were characterized using liquid chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOFMS) and liquid chromatography-chemiluminescent nitrogen detection (LC-CLND). Quantification was performed by LC-MS, monitoring molecular ions [MH]+ in the electrospray mode. The instrumental detection limits for amines, aminoisocyanates and isocyanates were in the ranges 30-40, 2-3 and 3-70 fmol, respectively. Thermal degradation products of PUR were observed in high concentrations during welding in district heating pipes and PUR-coated metal sheets. Eleven isocyanates, three amines and five aminoisocyanates were identified. The concentrations of isocyanates, aminoisocyanates and amines in samples collected in the smoke close to the welding spot were in the ranges 150-650, 4-290 and 1-70 ppb, respectively. In samples collected in the breathing zone, isocyanates and aminoisocyanates were observed in the ranges 9-120 and 4-19 ppb, respectively. The compounds were present in both gas and particle phases. Volatile compounds dominated in the gas phase, whereas less volatile compounds dominated in the particle phase. The method presented makes it possible to sample and determine amines and aminoisocyanates, in addition to isocyanates. The need to monitor these compounds is clearly illustrated by the high concentrations found during the thermal degradation of PUR.  相似文献   

The high variabilility in coastal water parameters allows no effective large scale monitoring exercise within acceptable logistic and economic means; however, in the ideal case monitoring of marine pollution should comprise biotic and abiotic compartments. Different regions, e.g. turbulent, polluted, turbid coastal areas, relative clear clean open sea and relatively undisturbed sediments require their specific approach, for which strategies are presented.Based on surveys from the Dutch Wadden Sea and North Sea, the dissolved and particulate water fractions and sediment are discussed in terms of possible objects for monitoring.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess land suitability andto monitor the spatial and temporal changes in land use types (LUTs)by using GIS. The study was conducted in an irrigated area of 920ha, located in the East Mediterranean region of Turkey. Archiveddata of LUTs were utilized. Data analysis was conducted by usingArcInfo and ArcView GIS softwares. The land characteristics werecompared with land requirements of present LUTs by taking intoaccount the land evaluation results. Three major soil series andtwelve different LUTs were identified. Corn and citrus were themost planted LUTs in the assessment period. Generated mapsdemonstrated how LUTs changed spatially and temporally. Most LUTswere clustered in certain areas indicating that farmer'sselection of LUTs was affected by their habits and neighbor'sbehavior. Land suitability assessment results indicated thatCanakci and Mursel soil series were found to be highly suitable forall LUTs while Arikli soil series was determined to be moderately suitablecitrus, vegetables and watermelon. Citrus plantationmaps overlaid on soil series maps demonstrated that the citrushas not been planted completely on suitable areas. Landsuitability assessment showed that citrus plantation in Arikliseries would result in 40% yield loss and 58% of land is notused at its potential.  相似文献   

Episodes of large-scale transport of airborne dust and anthropogenic pollutant particles from different sources in the East Asian continent in 2008 were identified by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite RGB (red, green, and blue)-composite images and the mass concentrations of ground level particulate matter. These particles were divided into dust, sea salt, smoke plume, and sulfate by an aerosol classification algorithm. To analyze the aerosol size distribution during large-scale transport of atmospheric aerosols, aerosol optical depth (AOD) and fine aerosol weighting (FW) of moderate imaging spectroradiometer aerosol products were used over the East Asian region. Six episodes of massive airborne dust particles, originating from sandstorms in northern China, Mongolia, and the Loess Plateau of China, were observed at Cheongwon. Classified dust aerosol types were distributed on a large-scale over the Yellow Sea region. The average PM10 and PM2.5 ratio to the total mass concentration TSP were 70% and 15%, respectively. However, the mass concentration of PM2.5 among TSP increased to as high as 23% in an episode where dust traveled in by way of an industrial area in eastern China. In the other five episodes of anthropogenic pollutant particles that flowed into the Korean Peninsula from eastern China, the anthropogenic pollutant particles were largely detected in the form of smoke over the Yellow Sea region. The average PM10 and PM2.5 ratios to TSP were 82% and 65%, respectively. The ratio of PM2.5 mass concentrations among TSP varied significantly depending on the origin and pathway of the airborne dust particles. The average AOD for the large-scale transport of anthropogenic pollutant particles in the East Asian region was measured to be 0.42 ± 0.17, which is higher in terms of the rate against atmospheric aerosols as compared with the AOD (0.36 ± 0.13) for airborne dust particles with sandstorms. In particular, the region ranging from eastern China, the Yellow Sea, and the Korean Peninsula to the Korea East Sea was characterized by high AOD distributions. In the episode of anthropogenic polluted aerosols, FW averaged 0.63 ± 0.16, a value higher than that in the episode of airborne dust particles (0.52 ± 0.13) with sandstorms, showing that fine anthropogenic pollutant particles contribute greatly to atmospheric aerosols in East Asia.  相似文献   

空气流动监测系统改装及其在监测服务中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市化发展进程日益加快,各城市城区面积不断扩大,功能区也随之不断变化,环境空气自动监测以固定站点为主的监测模式不能完全满足区域环境空气评价,因此建设空气流动监测系统是全面提升整个城市空气自动监测网络体系监测能力的需要.设计满足各种监测服务需求的流动监测系统,并实时观测区域气象要素,可为区域环境和重大工程项目的环境质量评估、预报、预警、执法等工作提供决策服务.根据空气流动监测系统的改装和实际使用情况,兼顾现阶段国内外环境空气流动监测技术的发展状况,谈谈如何自主改装流动监测系统,以及其在监测服务中的应用.  相似文献   

《宁波环境科学》是经浙江省新闻出版局批准(浙内准字第B046号),由宁波市环境保护局主管,宁波市环境保护科学学会主办,是宁波市环保专业中、高级职称(不含教授级)评审的论文确认期刊。刊物立足宁波,面向全国,开辟的主要栏目有:局长(管理)论坛、学术研究、学科动态、交流争鸣等,内容涵盖节能减排、环境管理、环境规划、环境监测、环境科研、污染治理、环境执法、环境评价、环境健康、环境教育、生态文明、循环经济、清洁生产、综合信息等。规格为A4,页码为64,季刊。2008年6月创刊。为办好刊物,面向社会征稿。征稿简则如下  相似文献   

南京及周边区域亚青期间大气监控预警走航观测研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2013年8月,为了解亚青会期间南京及周边地区大气污染物的来源、时空分布和输送规律,江苏省环境监测中心联合中科院大气物理所等15家单位,开展了为期一个月的夏季联合观测,监测区域覆盖江苏沿江8市以及安徽部分地区。该次联合观测,江苏首次利用空气质量数值预报模式指导开展走航观测,实现了动静、水平与垂直相结合的立体式巡航观测,并初步揭示了现阶段江苏省大气污染主要特征,观测结果直接服务于亚青空气质量会商,为保障南京市空气质量提供技术支撑,同时为2014青奥会空气质量保障积累经验。  相似文献   

The main objective of the present investigation is to study the temporal and spatial variations of the quality of ambient air in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis (KW) test showed significant spatial variations and interactions of spatial-temporal among five mobile monitoring stations for 11 air pollutants. The Mann Whitney (MW) test demonstrated the seasonality of spring over winter for the PM(10), PM(2.5), NO(2), CO and p-xylene, the seasonality of winter over spring for O(3), and no significant seasonal variation for NH(3), benzene, SO(2), toluene and H(2)S. It is concluded that emissions from automobile exhaust, industrial and developmental projects are responsible for the spatial air pollution, and that air temperature is the controlling factor for the seasonal variations.  相似文献   

在日本“3.11”大地震核泄漏期间,对南京地区空气中气溶胶开展了超大流量快速采样,利用高纯锗γ谱仪对采集到的气溶胶样品进行放射性核素识别和浓度分析.监测结果表明,气溶胶取样中存在极微量的人工放射性核素131 I,137Cs和134Cs,初步确认其来自日本福岛核事故.经分析,气溶胶中的人工放射性核素不会对环境和公众健康造...  相似文献   

Using mussels as monitoring tools we measured water quality in Sydney Harbour during a large scale, multi-year remediation project of the Sydney Tar Ponds (STPs); one of Canada's most contaminated sites. Chemical contaminants were measured in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in Sydney Harbour, which were used as monitoring tools to assess the spatio-temporal distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); metals (As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn) and lipid content during baseline and 3 years of remediation. The overall spatio-temporal distribution of chemicals in mussels was also compared to contaminants in other marine indicators (e.g., sediment, water and crab tissue). Measured metal concentrations in mussels showed some minor temporal variability (4 years), but these did not appear to be directly related to remediation activities, with the highest concentrations of As, Hg and Zn measured at reference stations. Most measured contaminants showed stable or potentially decreasing concentrations during the study, except Pb and Zn. Individual PAH compounds were mostly undetected during baseline and remediation, except for fluoranthene and pyrene. Concentrations of fluoranthene in mussels and deep water samples were moderately related. Generally, PCBs were undetected (<0.05 μg g?1), except during year 2 remediation at some near-field stations. Contaminants measured during this study were at much lower concentrations than previously reported in other studies of mussels in Sydney Harbour and eastern Canada. This is likely due to the ongoing natural recovery of Sydney Harbour and to a lesser extent because of the environmental mitigation protection measures implemented during remediation activities at the STPs. The lack of detection of most individual PAHs and PCBs, plus relatively low bio-accumulation of metals observed during baseline and remediation attest to the effectiveness of using mussels as monitoring tools for environmental quality.  相似文献   

An innovative approach of mean emission by vehicle type was used in this paper to assess the impact of new vehicle emission standards in Beijing, China during the period of 2000–2005. It was found that CO and NOx emissions decreased by 48% and 23%, respectively, from Type O (before 2000) to Type I (year 2000) vehicles. The reductions from Type O to Type II (year 2002) vehicles were 85% and 73% for CO and NOx, respectively. When all three types of vehicles (Types O, I and II) are combined, the annual per vehicle CO emissions decreased from 586 kg per vehicle per year in 2000 to 324 kg per vehicle per year in 2005, while that of NOx decreased from 66.9 to 43.4 kg per vehicle per year, which was mainly resulted from the impact of stringent new vehicle emission standards implemented in years 2000 and 2002. However, the vehicle population increased by 70% during the same time period, which offset the impact of cleaner vehicles. Thus, the total vehicle emission decreased little for CO (885,000 tons in 2000, 837,000 tons in 2005) and even increased slightly for NOx (101,000 and 112,000 tons in 2000 and 2005, respectively). The ambient concentrations of CO decreased significantly throughout 2000–2005, the same trend was not observed for NO2. Correlation analysis (grey correlation and Pearson correlation) between the annual vehicle emissions and annual concentrations of CO, the annual NOx emission and annual NO2 concentration indicated that the implementation of new vehicle emission standards was associated with the abatement of ambient CO and NO2 concentrations in Beijing.  相似文献   

Passive air sampling for nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) and select volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was conducted at 24 fire stations and a compliance monitoring site in Dallas, Texas, USA during summer 2006 and winter 2008. This ambient air monitoring network was established to assess intra-urban gradients of air pollutants to evaluate the impact of traffic and urban emissions on air quality. Ambient air monitoring and GIS data from spatially representative fire station sites were collected to assess spatial variability. Pairwise comparisons were conducted on the ambient data from the selected sites based on city section. These weeklong samples yielded NO(2) and benzene levels that were generally higher during the winter than the summer. With respect to the location within the city, the central section of Dallas was generally higher for NO(2) and benzene than north and south. Land use regression (LUR) results revealed spatial gradients in NO(2) and selected VOCs in the central and some northern areas. The process used to select spatially representative sites for air sampling and the results of analyses of coarse- and fine-scale spatial variability of air pollutants on a seasonal basis provide insights to guide future ambient air exposure studies in assessing intra-urban gradients and traffic impacts.  相似文献   

An intensive two month measurement campaign has been performed during a two year study of major component composition of urban PM10 and PM2.5 in Ireland (J. Yin, A. G. Allen, R. M. Harrison, S. G. Jennings, E. Wright, M. Fitzpatrick, T. Healy, E. Barry, D. Ceburnis and D. McCusker, Atmos. Res., 2005, 78(3-4), 149-165). Measurements included size-segregated mass, soluble ions, elemental carbon (EC) distributions, fine and coarse fraction organic carbon (OC) and major gases along with standard meteorological measurements. The study revealed that urban emissions in Ireland had mainly a local character and therefore were confined within a limited area of 20-30 km radius, without significantly affecting regional air quality. Gaseous measurements have shown that urban emissions in Ireland had clear, but fairly limited influence on the regional air quality due to favorable mixing conditions at higher wind speeds, in particular from the western sector. Size-segregated mass and chemical measurements revealed a clear demarcation size between accumulation and coarse modes at about 0.8 microm which was constant at all sites. Carbonaceous compounds at the urban site accounted for up to 90% of the particle mass in a size range of 0.066-0.61 microm. Nss SO4(2-) concentrations in PM2.5 were only slightly higher at the urban site compared to the rural or coastal sites, while NO3- and NH4+ concentrations were similar at the urban and coastal sites, but were a factor of 2 to 3 higher than at the rural site. OC was highly variable between the sites and revealed clear seasonal differences. Natural or biogenic OC component accounted for <10% in winter and up to 30% in summer of the PM2.5 OC at urban sites. A contribution of biogenic OC component to PM2.5 OC mass at rural site was dominant.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present observations, results from monitoring measurements, and preliminary conclusions about the development of patterns and structures during the first 5 years of development of an artificial catchment starting from point zero. We discuss the high relevance of initial system traits and external events for the system development and draw conclusions for further research. These investigations as part of a Collaborative Research Center, aim to disentangle and understand the feedback mechanisms and interrelationships of processes and their co-development with spatial and temporal structures and patterns by studying an initial, probably less complex ecosystem. Therefore, intensive measurements were carried out in the catchment with regard to the development of surface structures, hydrological patterns, vegetation dynamics, water chemistry, and element budgets. During the first 5 years, considerable changes within the catchment were observed. Both internal and external factors could be identified as driving forces for the formation of structures and patterns in the artificial catchment. Initial structures formed by the construction process and initial substrate characteristics were decisive for the distribution and flow of water. External factors like episodic events triggered erosion and dissection during this initial phase, promoted by the low vegetation cover, and the unconsolidated sandy substrate. The transformation of the initial geosystem into areas with evolving terrestrial or aquatic characteristics and from a very episodic to a more permanent stream network and discharge, together with the observed vegetation dynamics increased site diversity and heterogeneity with respect to water and nutrient availability and transformation processes compared with the more homogenous conditions at point zero. The processes and feedback mechanisms in the initial development of a new landscape may deviate in rates, intensity, and dominance from those known from mature ecosystems. It is therefore crucial to understand these early phases of ecosystem development and to disentangle the increasingly complex interactions between the evolving terrestrial and aquatic, biotic, and abiotic compartments of the system. Long-term monitoring of initial ecosystems may provide important data and parameters on processes and the crucial role of spatial and temporal structures and patterns to solve these problems. Artificially created catchments could be a suitable tool to study these initial developments at the landscape scale under known, designed, and defined boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Delhi were evaluated to study particulate PAHs profiles during the different seasons of 2003. Samples of urban suspended particulate matter were collected during January 2003 to December 2003 at three locations (Okhla, Dhaulakuan and Daryaganj), using a high volume sampler provided with glass fiber filters. Samples were analyzed using the gas chromatography technique. The annual average concentrations of total PAHs were found as 1,049.3 ng/m(3) at Okhla, 1,344.37 ng/m(3) at Daryaganj, and 1,117.14 ng/m(3) at Dhaulakuan. The seasonal average concentrations were found to be maximum in winter and minimum during the monsoon season. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the data was also carried out and the results indicate that diesel and gasoline driven vehicles are the principal sources of PAHs at all the three sites under investigation. Other sources might come from stationary combustion sources such as cooking fuel combustion and industrial emission.  相似文献   

室内装修后苯、甲苯、二甲苯和甲醛污染调查   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对青岛市装修后房屋空气进行调查,按照装修时间分装修时间1周~6个月、7个月~1年、1年以上三个组,对三组室内空气中苯、甲苯、二甲苯和甲醛进行监测,发现室内装修时间短时苯、甲苯、二甲苯的浓度较高,甲醛浓度较低;随装修时间增长,苯、甲苯、二甲苯的浓度很快降低,但甲醛的浓度呈升高趋势。  相似文献   

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