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Acid rain precipitation has become a major environmental concern. Many long-range projects in the United States and Europe are devoted to the problems associated with acid rain pollution. In Puerto Rico, there has been no formal study on acid rain. The rainfall pH values and the air-mass trajectory of the northeastern part of the island of Puerto Rico on the surface were analyzed from January 1998 to December 2000. The air-mass trajectory was classified in five different sectors, according to where it originates. The mean pH value measured during that period showed a tendency toward acidity. The 80% of the air-mass trajectory that arrived at the station occurred in Sector I, with a pH value of 4.30. The lowest pH value measured was 4.16, and it occurred in Sector V, where the air mass originates in the northwest part of the island.  相似文献   

Acid rain precipitation has become a major environmental concern. Many long-range projects in the United States and Europe are devoted to the problems associated with acid rain pollution. In Puerto Rico, there has been no formal study on acid rain. The rainfall pH values and the air-mass trajectory of the northeastern part of the island of Puerto Rico on the surface were analyzed from January 1998 to December 2000. The air-mass trajectory was classified in five different sectors, according to where it originates. The mean pH value measured during that period showed a tendency toward acidity. The 80% of the air-mass trajectory that arrived at the station occurred in Sector I, with a pH value of 4.30. The lowest pH value measured was 4.16, and it occurred in Sector V, where the air mass originates in the northwest part of the island.  相似文献   

Trace metals in sediments of two estuarine lagoons from Puerto Rico   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb and Zn were evaluated in surface sediments of two estuaries from Puerto Rico, known as San José Lagoon (SJL) and Joyuda Lagoon. Significantly higher concentrations in microg/g dw of Cd (1.8 vs. 0.1), Cu (105 vs. 22), Hg (1.9 vs. 0.17), Pb (219 vs. 8), and Zn (531 vs. 52) were found in sediment samples from SJL when compared to Joyuda Lagoon. Average concentrations of Hg, Pb, and Zn in some sediment samples from SJL were above the effect range median (ERM) that predict toxic effects to aquatic organisms. Enrichments factors using Fe as a normalizer, and correlation matrices showed that metal pollution in SJL was the product of anthropogenic sources, while the metal content in Joyuda Lagoon was of natural origins. Sediment metal concentrations found in SJL were comparable to aquatic systems classified as contaminated from other regions of the world.  相似文献   

Average annual net change in soil carbon stocks under past and current management is needed as part of national reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and to evaluate the potential for soils as sinks to mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2. We estimated net soil C stock changes for US agricultural soils during the period from 1982 to 1997 using the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) method for greenhouse gas inventories. Land use data from the NRI (National Resources Inventory; USDA-NRCS) were used as input along with ancillary data sets on climate, soils, and agricultural management. Our results show that, overall, changes in land use and agricultural management have resulted in a net gain of 21.2 MMT C year(-1) in US agricultural soils during this period. Cropped lands account for 15.1 MMT C year(-1), while grazing land soil C increased 6.1 MMT C year(-1). The land use and management changes that have contributed the most to increasing soil C during this period are (1) adoption of conservation tillage practices on cropland, (2) enrollment of cropland in the Conservation Reserve Program, and (3) cropping intensification that has resulted in reduced use of bare fallow.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Salinity is one of the major causes of abiotic stress that leads to a reduction in crop yield. One strategy to alleviate and improve crop yield is to...  相似文献   

Static chamber method was adopted to measure the surface exchanges of NO and NO2 between three kinds of agricultural lands and the atmosphere during spring–summer period in the Yangtze Delta, China. The average NO fluxes were 20.9, 27.4 and 21.4 ng N m−2 s−1, respectively, for cabbage (CA, cultivation of celery occurred along with cabbage), potato (PO) and soybean (SY) fields. The average NO2 fluxes were −1.12, 0.93 and −0.68 ng N m−2 s−1, respectively, for the cabbage, potato and soybean fields. Apparently, negative linear correlation was found between the NO2 fluxes from the CK plot (tilled conventionally but did not cultivate any seeds) and its ambient concentrations, and the compensation point was calculated to be 0.92 ppbv. The total NO emission from the vegetable lands and SY land in this region during spring–summer period was roughly estimated to be 15.9 Gg N, which accounted for about 11.2% of the estimated value of total NO emissions in the July of 1999 from Chinese agricultural fields.  相似文献   

Chemical characterization to determine the organic and nitrogen fractions was performed on cloud water samples collected in a mountaintop site in Puerto Rico. Cloud water samples showed average concentrations of 1.09 mg L?1 of total organic carbon (TOC), of 0.85 mg L?1 for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and of and 1.25 mg L?1 for total nitrogen (TN). Concentrations of organic nitrogen (ON) changed with the origin of the air mass. Changes in their concentrations were observed during periods under the influence of African dust (AD). The ON/TN ratios were 0.26 for the clean and 0.35 for the AD periods. Average concentrations of all these species were similar to those found in remote environments with no anthropogenic contribution. In the AD period, for cloud water the concentrations of TOC were 4 times higher and TN were 3 times higher than during periods of clean air masses associated with the trade winds. These results suggest that a significant fraction of TOC and TN in cloud and rainwater is associated to airborne particulate matter present in dust. Functional groups were identified using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. This characterization led to the conclusion that water-soluble organic compounds in these samples are mainly aliphatic oxygenated compounds, with a small amount of aromatics. The ion chromatography results showed that the ionic species were predominantly of marine origin, for air masses with and without African dust influence, with cloud water concentrations of NO3? and NH4+ much lower than from polluted areas in the US. An increase of such species as SO42?, Cl?, Mg2+, K+ and Ca2+ was seen when air masses originated from northwest Africa. The changes in the chemical composition and physical properties of clouds associated with these different types of aerosol particles could affect on cloud formation and processes.  相似文献   

Berm-isolated (0.5 ha) plots have been used since 1995 to quantify changes in soil and water quality with conversion from agricultural to bioenergy crops. Soil quality improvements, including increases in soil carbon storage, have occurred on sites planted to woody or herbaceous species, and no-till corn compared with tilled corn or cotton. Initial increases in soil carbon occurred within the upper 10 cm of the soil profile. Soil carbon on plantings of switchgrass, no-till corn, and sweetgum with a cover crop between the rows increased over the first 3 years. Soil carbon decreased by 6% on the sweetgum plantings without a cover crop and remained lower through the fifth growing season. Overall, the greatest increases in below ground carbon storage have occurred primarily within the upper 40 cm. Former land use, growth characteristics, management practices, and soil characteristics appear to be the primary factors determining the timing, depth. and extent of changes in soil carbon storage for bioenergy and no-till crops.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Nitrate (NO3?) loss and enrichment in water bodies caused by fertilization are a major environmental problem in agricultural areas. However, the...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Land use changes have led to the degradation of multiple ecosystem services and affected the quality of aquatic ecosystems. The aims of this study...  相似文献   

Ng WS  Mendelsohn R 《Ambio》2006,35(6):289-296
Sea-level rise, as a result of climate change, will likely inflict considerable economic consequences on coastal regions, particularly low-lying island states like Singapore. Although the literature has addressed the vulnerability of developed coastal lands, this is the first economic study to address nonmarket lands, such as beaches, marshes and mangrove estuaries. This travel cost and contingent valuation study reveals that consumers in Singapore attach considerable value to beaches. The contingent valuation study also attached high values to marshes and mangroves but this result was not supported by the travel cost study. Although protecting nonmarket land uses from sea-level rise is expensive, the study shows that at least highly valued resources, such as Singapore's popular beaches, should be protected.  相似文献   

Land productivity can decline when top soil is lost. In Kentucky, limited resource farmers often produce vegetable crops on erodible lands. The objectives of this study were 1) to quantify the impact of three soil management practices (SMPs) on quantity of potato produced on erodible land, 2) to evaluate the impact of pyrethrin and azadirachtin insecticides on potato tuber quality, and 3) to assess the impact of yard waste compost on the chemical composition (ascorbic acid, free sugars, phenol contents) of potato tubers. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Kennebec) were grown in a silty loam soil of 10% slope. Plots (n= 18) were 3.7 m wide and 22 m long (10% slope), with metal borders of 20 cm above ground level. Two botanical insecticides, Multi-Purpose Insecticide (containing pyrethrin 0.2%) and Neemix 4EC (containing 0.25% azadirachtin) were sprayed twice on potato foliage during each of two growing seasons (1997 and 1999) at the recommended rates of 6 lbs and 2 gallons.acre(-1), respectively. The SMPs were tall fescue strips (FS) intercropped between each two potato rows, soil mixed with yard waste compost (COM) and no-mulch (NM) treatment (roto-tilled bare soil). The experimental designwas a 2 x 3 x 3 factorial with main factors of two insecticides and three SMPs replicated three times. Average potato yield was lowest in NM and FS and highest in COM treatments. Yield obtained from the bottom of the plots was greater than that obtained from the top of plots. Tuber defects (rot, scab, sun green, hollow heart, necrosis, and vascular discoloration) were significantly different between the two growing seasons. The two insecticidal treatments did not have much influence on potato yield or tuber defects. Tubers obtained from tall fescue treatments had low levels of ascorbic acid and reducing sugars compared to compost treatments.  相似文献   

Human society has experienced, and will continue to experience, extensive loss and damage from worsening anthropogenic climate change. Despite our natural tendencies to categorise and organise, it can be unhelpful to delineate clean boundaries and linear understandings for complex and messy concepts such as loss and damage. Drawing on the perspectives of 42 local and regional Pacific Islander stakeholders, an underexplored resource for understanding loss and damage, we explore the complexity and interconnectedness of non-economic loss and damage (NELD). According to participants, Pacific Islander worldviews, knowledge systems and cosmologies often make it difficult to separate and evaluate NELD independently, challenging the nomenclature of NELD categories developed through international mechanisms. Instead, NELD understandings are often centred on the interdependencies between losses, including the cascading flow-on effects that can occur and the nature of some losses as risk multipliers (i.e. one loss creating the risk for further losses). Most notably, losses to biodiversity, ecosystem services and land are critically linked to, and have cascading effects on, livelihoods, knowledge, ways of life, wellbeing, and culture and heritage. We argue that loss and damage is not always absolute, and that there are NELD that are arguably reparable. Concerning, however, is that biodiversity loss, as a risk multiplier, was considered the least reparable by participants. We put forward that NELD understandings must consider interconnectivity, and that biodiversity and ecosystem conservation and restoration must be the focus for interventions to prevent irreparable and cascading losses from climate change in the Pacific Islands.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification, greatly accelerated as a result of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), has led to drastic reductions in the populations of many wild plant and animal species that used to be characteristic of farmland. In 1992, the EU provided the member states with its Agri-environment Regulation 2078/92 to help member states reverse these developments by means of agri-environment schemes. The question is: will the implementation of these schemes be sufficient to restore the biological diversity on farmland? Most studies that have examined the effectiveness of agri-environment schemes have focussed on farmland birds in Great Britain and The Netherlands. So far, the positive effects appear to be limited. Continuous evaluation and adaptation of these schemes is needed to enable the biodiversity on farmland to recover from the EU's former policy.  相似文献   

A Monte-Carlo numerical simulation procedure for making regional assessments of pesticide leaching has been developed. This procedure uses probability density functions for organic matter, field capacity, and wilting point developed from information on approximately 3000 soils. Variations in climatic conditions were incorporated by random selection of yearly rainfall data. The procedure was demonstrated for aldicarb applied to corn grown in Ohio. A total of 2000 parameter sets were evaluated using the unsaturated zone model PRZM. The simulation results indicated that convergence of the 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles for movement past 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, and 1.5 m was obtained after 500 simulations. The relative uncertainty associated with these percentiles was approximately 50% after 1500 simulations. The downward movement of aldicarb residues was most sensitive to changes in field capacity. These simulations, coupled with additional soil-specific simulations, indicated no significant movement of aldicarb residues beyond 1.8 m for applications to Ohio corn.  相似文献   

Agricultural drainage ditches in the Mississippi Alluvial Delta landscape vary from edge-of-field waterways to sizeable drainages. Ditch attributes vary with size, location and maintenance and may aid in mitigation of contaminants from agricultural fields. The goal of this study was to better understand how vegetative characteristics affect water quality in conveyance structures in the context of ditch class and surrounding land use. Characterization of 36 agricultural ditches included presence of riparian buffer strips, water depth, surrounding land use, vegetative cover, and associated aqueous physicochemical parameters. Vegetation was assessed quantitatively, obtaining stem counts in a sub-sample of ditch sites, using random quadrat method. Physical features varied with ditch size and vegetative diversity was higher in larger structures. Polygonum sp. was the dominant bed vegetation and was ubiquitous among site sizes. Macrophytes varied from aquatic to upland species, and included Leersia sp. and upland grasses (Poaceae family) in all drainage size classes. Percent cover of bed and bank varied from 0 to 100% and 70 to 100%, respectively, and highest nutrient values were measured in sites with no buffer strips. These conveyance structures and surrounding buffer zones are being ranked for their ability to reduce excess nutrients, suspended solids, and pesticides associated with runoff.  相似文献   

The fate of glyphosate and its degradation product aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) was studied in soil. Labeled glyphosate was used to be able to distinguish the measured quantities of glyphosate and AMPA from the background values since the soil was sampled in a field where glyphosate had been used formerly. After addition of labeled glyphosate, the disappearance of glyphosate and the formation and disappearance of AMPA were monitored. The resulting curves were fitted according to a new EU guideline. The best fit of the glyphosate degradation data was obtained using a first-order multi compartment (FOMC) model. DT50 values of 9 days (glyphosate) and 32 days (AMPA) indicated relatively rapid degradation. After an aging period of 6 months, the leaching risk of each residue was determined by treating the soil with pure water or a phosphate solution (pH 6), to simulate rain over a non-fertilized or fertilized field, respectively. Significantly larger (p < 0.05) amounts of aged glyphosate and AMPA were extracted from the soil when phosphate solution was used as an extraction agent, compared with pure water. This indicates that the risk of leaching of aged glyphosate and AMPA residues from soil is greater in fertilized soil. The blank soil, to which 252 g glyphosate/ha was applied 21 months before this study, contained 0.81 ng glyphosate/g dry soil and 10.46 ng AMPA/g dry soil at the start of the study. Blank soil samples were used as controls without glyphosate addition. After incubation of the blank soil samples for 6 months, a significantly larger amount of AMPA was extracted from the soil treated with phosphate solution than from that treated with pure water. To determine the degree of uptake of aged glyphosate residues by crops growing in the soil, 14C-labeled glyphosate was applied to soil 6.5 months prior to sowing rape and barley seeds. After 41 days, 0.006 ± 0.002% and 0.005 ± 0.001% of the applied radioactivity was measured in rape and barley, respectively.  相似文献   

The fate of glyphosate and its degradation product aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) was studied in soil. Labeled glyphosate was used to be able to distinguish the measured quantities of glyphosate and AMPA from the background values since the soil was sampled in a field where glyphosate had been used formerly. After addition of labeled glyphosate, the disappearance of glyphosate and the formation and disappearance of AMPA were monitored. The resulting curves were fitted according to a new EU guideline. The best fit of the glyphosate degradation data was obtained using a first-order multi compartment (FOMC) model. DT(50) values of 9 days (glyphosate) and 32 days (AMPA) indicated relatively rapid degradation. After an aging period of 6 months, the leaching risk of each residue was determined by treating the soil with pure water or a phosphate solution (pH 6), to simulate rain over a non-fertilized or fertilized field, respectively. Significantly larger (p < 0.05) amounts of aged glyphosate and AMPA were extracted from the soil when phosphate solution was used as an extraction agent, compared with pure water. This indicates that the risk of leaching of aged glyphosate and AMPA residues from soil is greater in fertilized soil. The blank soil, to which 252 g glyphosate/ha was applied 21 months before this study, contained 0.81 ng glyphosate/g dry soil and 10.46 ng AMPA/g dry soil at the start of the study. Blank soil samples were used as controls without glyphosate addition. After incubation of the blank soil samples for 6 months, a significantly larger amount of AMPA was extracted from the soil treated with phosphate solution than from that treated with pure water. To determine the degree of uptake of aged glyphosate residues by crops growing in the soil, (14)C-labeled glyphosate was applied to soil 6.5 months prior to sowing rape and barley seeds. After 41 days, 0.006 +/- 0.002% and 0.005 +/- 0.001% of the applied radioactivity was measured in rape and barley, respectively.  相似文献   

Air pollution and groundwater pollution in conjunction with agricultural activity were investigated in Antayla province on the Turkish Mediterranean coast. The air pollution was investigated in terms of gas-phase nitric acid (HNO3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ammonia (NH3), and particulate matter for a 6-month period in the atmosphere using a "filter pack" system, which was developed and optimized in our laboratory. Ozone was measured by using an automated analyzer. Among all of the gas-phase pollutants, HNO3 had the lowest concentration (0.42 microg x m(-3)) followed by NH3. Agricultural activities seem to be the major source of observed NH3 in the air. The current state of water pollution was investigated in terms of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides around the greenhouses, in which mainly tomato, pepper, and eggplant are cultivated. Water samples were collected from 40 points, 28 of which were wells and 12 of which were surface water. The pesticide concentrations in water samples were determined by means of solid-phase extraction (SPE) followed by a gas chromatography (GC)-electron capture detector (ECD)/nitrogen phosphorus detector (NPD) system. In general, surface water samples were more polluted by the pesticides than groundwater samples. The most frequently observed pesticides were chlorpyriphos (57%) and aldrin (79%) in groundwater, and chlorpyriphos (75%), aldrin, and endosulfan sulfate (83%) in surface water samples. The highest concentrations were observed for fenamiphos (394.8 ng/L) and aldrin (68.51 ng/L) in groundwater, and dichlorvos (322.2 ng/L) and endosulfan sulfate (89.5 ng/L) in surface water samples. At least one pesticide had a concentration above the health limit in 38% of all the water samples analyzed.  相似文献   

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