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The 5-day forward and backward trajectories of air mass transport to three Russian Arctic points for each day in April and July over a 10-year period from 1986 to 1995 have been analyzed. The important features and seasonal differences in air exchange processes in various areas of the Arctic have been investigated. Taking into account seasonal variations in aerosol scavenging mechanisms and velocities, the average contributions of large highly industrialized regions of the Russian Arctic air pollution were estimated for April and July. Reasonable correspondence between the calculated mean concentrations for six anthropogenic chemical elements (As, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Cd) and experimentally determined values have been obtained. The atmospheric pollution transport from the Arctic was studied as yet another way of cleaning the Arctic atmosphere, in addition to the traditionally considered wet and dry depositions onto the surface. The average apportionment of conservative contaminants after passing the observation points was estimated for spring and summer. The air masses passing through the observation points in spring may take about 20–40% of pollutants out of the Arctic. In summer, however, more than 90% of pollutants transported into the Russian Arctic deposit within 5 days onto the surface inside the Arctic region. The monthly average fluxes of six anthropogenic elements onto the surface in the Russian Arctic were estimated for April and July.  相似文献   

Chloroform in the environment: occurrence,sources, sinks and effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
McCulloch A 《Chemosphere》2003,50(10):1291-1308
The chloroform flux through the environment is apparently constant at some 660±220 Gg yr−1 (±1σ) and about 90% of the emissions are natural in origin: the largest single source being in offshore sea water (contributing 360±90 Gg yr−1), with soil processes the next most important (220±100 Gg yr−1). Other natural sources, mainly volcanic and geological, account for less than 20 Gg yr−1. The non-natural sources total 66±23 Gg yr−1 and are much better characterised than the natural sources. They are predominantly the result of using strong oxidising agent on organic material in the presence of chloride ion, a direct parallel with the natural processes occurring in soils.

Chloroform partitions preferentially into the atmosphere; the equilibrium distribution is greater than 99% and the average global atmospheric concentration has been calculated to be 18.5 pmol mol−1. Atmospheric oxidation, the principal removal process, is approximately in balance with the identified source fluxes. Chloroform is widely dispersed in the aquatic environment (even naturally present in some mineral waters). Consequently, it is also widely dispersed in the tissue of living creatures and in foodstuffs but there is little evidence of bioaccumulation and the quantities in foodstuffs and drinking water are not problematical for human ingestion at the highest concentrations found. Definitive studies have shown that current environmental concentrations of chloroform do not present an ecotoxicological risk, even to fish at the embryonic and larval stages when they are most susceptible.

By virtue of the very small amounts that actually become transported to the stratosphere, chloroform does not deplete ozone materially, nor is it a photochemically active volatile organic compound (VOC). It has a global warming potential that is less than that of the photochemically active VOCs and is not classed as a greenhouse gas.  相似文献   

Carboxylic acids are ubiquitous and important components of the troposphere; they are currently measured in different environments. They are thought to have several sources comprising primary biogenic and anthropogenic emissions, hydrocarbons gas-phase oxidations, and some carbonyl compounds aqueous-phase oxidations. In the present review we make a synthesis of the concentrations of low molecular weight carboxylic acids in tropospheric aqueous and gaseous phases and in aerosol particles for different environments. We also successively examine the major sources of carboxylic acids and discuss their relative contribution to tropospheric concentrations for various environments as well as the principal sinks of these compounds.  相似文献   

Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have multiple atmospheric implications and play many roles in plant physiology and ecology. Among these VOCs, growing interest is being devoted to a group of short-chain oxygenated VOCs (oxVOCs). Technology improvements such as proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry are facilitating the study of these hydrocarbons and new data regarding these compounds is continuously appearing. Here we review current knowledge of the emissions of these oxVOCs by plants and the factors that control them, and also provide an overview of sources, sinks, and concentrations found in the atmosphere.The oxVOCs reviewed here are formic and acetic acids, acetone, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, methanol, and ethanol. In general, because of their water solubility (low gas–liquid partitioning coefficient), the plant-atmosphere exchange is stomatal-dependent, although it can also take place via the cuticle. This exchange is also determined by atmospheric mixing ratios. These compounds have relatively long atmospheric half-lives and reach considerable concentrations in the atmosphere in the range of ppbv. Likewise, under non-stressed conditions plants can emit all of these oxVOCs together at fluxes ranging from 0.2 up to 4.8 μg(C)g−1(leaf dry weight)h−1 and at rates that increase several-fold when under stress.Gaps in our knowledge regarding the processes involved in the synthesis, emission, uptake, and atmospheric reactivity of oxVOCs precludes the clarification of exactly what is conditioning plant-atmosphere exchange—and also when, how, and why this occurs—and these lacunae therefore warrant further research in this field.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the present UK environmental loading of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Of the estimated approximately 40,000 t SigmaPCB sold in the UK since 1954, only an estimated 1% (400 t) are now present in the UK environment. Comparisons of estimated production and current environmental loadings of congeners 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180 suggest that PCB persistence broadly increases with increasing chlorination. Those PCBs that are not now present in the UK environment are considered to have been destroyed--by natural or anthropogenic mechanisms, to be still in use, to reside in landfills or to have undergone atmospheric and/or pelagic transport from the UK. The dramatic fall in PCB levels in archived UK soils and vegetation between the mid-1960s and the present is evidence that the latter mechanism is the most important and that a significant proportion of PCBs released into the UK environment in the 1960s have subsequently undergone environmental transport away from the UK. The bulk (93.1%) of the estimated contemporary UK environmental burden of SigmaPCBs is associated with soils, with the rest found in seawater (3.5%) and marine sediments (2.1%). Freshwater sediments, vegetation, humans and sewage sludge combined account for 1.4% of the present burden, whilst PCB loadings in air and freshwater are insignificant. Although consideration of individual congeners does not reveal any major deviations from the relative partitioning of Sigma PCBs, the importance of sinks other than soils is enhanced for individual congeners, particularly 138 and 180. In particular, around 2% of the total UK burden of congener 180 is present in humans, implying that biodata as a whole may constitute an important sink for the higher chlorinated congeners. The contemporary flux of SigmaPCBs to the UK surface is estimated at 19 t yr(-1), compared with an estimated annual flux to the atmosphere of 44-46 t. This implies that the major sources of PCBs to the UK atmosphere have been identified and that there is currently a net loss of these compounds from the UK. These sources are: volatilisation from soils (88.1%), leaks from large capacitors (8.5%), the production of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) (2.2%), leaks from transformers (0.6%), the recovery of contaminated scrap metal (0.5%) and volatilisation from sewage sludge-amended land (0.2%). Interestingly, whilst large excesses of estimated annual fluxes to the atmosphere over deposition fluxes for individual congeners exist for congeners 28, 52 and 101, estimates of fluxes in both directions across the soil-atmosphere interface agree closely for congeners 138, 153 and 180. This suggests that lower chlorinated congeners are more susceptible to both long-range environmental transport beyond the UK and to atmospheric degradation. Retrospective analysis of dated sediment cores, vegetation and soils indicates that environmental transport from North America and continental Europe introduced PCBs into the British environment well before the onset of their commercial production in the UK in 1954. Since that time, the input of PCBs to the UK environment has essentially reflected temporal trends in UK use. After peaking in the 1960s they declined rapidly through the 1970s following restrictions on PCB use. Recent evidence, however, is that the rate of decrease has diminished and that further significant reductions in fresh environmental input will take some time to occur. Such reductions will be especially slow for humans and other biota with long life-spans. This stems partly from cross-generational transfer from parents to offspring and also because the persistence of PCBs in biota means that present body burdens will reflect past as well as current exposure.  相似文献   

Characterising sources and sinks of rural VOC in eastern France   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fifty non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) and seventeen carbonyl compounds were measured at a French rural site from 1997 to 2001, as part of the EMEP programme. Data handling was based on an original source-receptor approach. First, the examination of the levels and trends was completed by the comparison of the seasonal distribution of rural and urban VOC/acetylene ambient ratios. This analysis has shown that most of the compounds derived from mixing and photochemical transformation of mid-range transported urban pollutants from the downwind urban area. Then, identified sources and sinks were temporally apportioned. Urban air masses mixing explains, at least, 80% of the wintertime levels of anthropogenic NMHC and isoprene. In summer, photochemistry dominates the day-to-day distribution of anthropogenic NMHC whilst summertime isoprene is also controlled by in-situ biogenic emissions. Then, the results of C(1)-C(3) carbonyls were discussed with respect to their direct biogenic and anthropogenic emissions and photochemical production through the [carbonyl/auto-exhaust tracers] emission ratio. Diluted vehicle exhaust emissions mainly contribute to the total content of lower aldehydes in winter while other processes control lower ketones. Secondary production is predominant in summer with at least a 50% high intensity. Its dependence upon temperature and radiation is also demonstrated. Finally, the importance of the primary and secondary biogenic production of acetone and formaldehyde is assessed. In particular, biogenic contribution would explain 37 +/- 25% of acetone levels in summer.  相似文献   

Trace concentrations of the platinum group elements (PGE; here: Pt, Pd and Rh) play an important role in environmental analysis and assessment. Their importance is based on 1. their increasing use as active compartments in automobile exhaust catalysts, 2. their use as cancer anti-tumor agents in medicine. Due to their allergenic and cytotoxic potential, it is necessary to improve selectivity and sensitivity during analytical investigation of matrices like soil, grass, urine or blood. This paper summarizes the present knowledge of PGE in the fields of analytical chemistry, automobile emission rates, bioavailibility, toxicology and medicine.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic and natural CO2 emission sources in an arid urban environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent research has shown the Phoenix, AZ metropolitan region to be characterized by a CO2 dome that peaks near the urban center. The CO2 levels, 50% greater than the surrounding non-urban areas, have been attributed to anthropogenic sources and the physical geography of the area. We quantified sources of CO2 emissions across the metropolitan region. Anthropogenic CO2 emission data were obtained from a variety of government and NGO sources. Soil CO2 efflux from the dominant land-use types was measured over the year. Humans and automobile activity produced more than 80% input of CO2 into the urban environment. Soil CO2 efflux from the natural desert ecosystems showed minimal emissions during hot and dry periods, but responded rapidly to moisture. Conversely, human maintained vegetation types (e.g. golf courses, lawns, irrigated agriculture) have greater efflux and are both temperature and soil moisture dependent. Landfills exhibited the most consistent rates, but were temperature and moisture independent. We estimate the annual CO2 released from the predominant land-use types in the Phoenix region and present a graphical portrayal of soil CO2 emissions and the total natural and anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the metropolitan region using a GIS-based approach. The results presented here do not mimic the spatial pattern shown in previous studies. Only, with sophisticated mixing models will we be able to address the total effect of urbanization on CO2 levels and the contribution to regional patterns.  相似文献   

Surface sediments from remote lakes and coastal areas from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). Relatively high levels of PAHs were encountered from several lakes from Ny-Ålesund, which were within the range of levels reported for European high mountain lakes and some urban/industrialized areas in the world, pointing to the role of remote Arctic lakes as potential reservoir of semi-volatile organic compounds. Specific patterns of PBDEs were observed, showing higher concentrations of lower brominated compounds such as BDE-7, 17 and 28. Estimated surface sediment fluxes of PAHs in Ny-Ålesund remote lakes were similar to those observed for some European high mountain lakes. The current PAH levels in sediments from three lakes exceeded Canadian sediment quality guidelines, suggesting the presence of possible risks for aquatic organisms and the need for further studies.  相似文献   

Ilyina T  Lammel G  Pohlmann T 《Chemosphere》2008,72(8):1132-1137
Mass budgets of hexachlorocyclohexanes (alpha-HCH and gamma-HCH) and a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB 153) for 1995--2001 were calculated based on model simulations and observations for the North Sea as a whole and the German Bight, a coastal shallow subregion. For the North Sea the air-sea fluxes of the three pollutants were net depositional and dominated by local sources (gamma-HCH and PCB 153) or atmospheric deposition (alpha-HCH). The air-sea fluxes were net volatilizational in the German Bight. Unlike HCH, PCB 153 does not show a downward trend in the North Sea marine environment during the study period. Due to its physicochemical properties it is expected to readily enter the food chains. Model results suggest that during studied period, the North Sea was a sink for PCB 153 and a source of HCHs for the outer world.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to investigate the emission characteristics of fine particles with special emphasis on nickel and vanadium metal elements emitted from the heavy oil combustion in industrial boilers and power plant, which are typical anthropogenic sources in Korea. A series of combustion experiments were performed to investigate the emission characteristics of particles in the size range of submicron by means of drop-tube furnace with three major domestic heavy oils. Cascade impactors were utilized to determine the size distribution of particulates as well as to analyze the partitioning enrichment of vanadium and nickel in various size ranges. Experimental results were compared with field data of particle size distribution and metal partitioning at commercial utility boilers with heavy oil combustion. Such data were interpreted by chemical equilibrium and particle growth mechanism by means of computational models. In general, fine particles were the major portion of PM10 emitted from the heavy oil combustion, with significant fraction of ultra-fine particles. The formation of ultra-fine particles through nucleation/condensation/coagulation from heavy oil combustion was confirmed by field and experimental data. Vanadium and nickel were more enriched in fine particles, particularly in ultra-fine particles. The conventional air pollution devices showed inefficient capability to remove ultra-fine particles enriched with hazardous transition metal elements such as vanadium and nickel.  相似文献   

With the intention of identifying and monitoring space and time patterns of carbon dioxide sources and sinks, the seasonal fields of atmospheric CO2 concentration over an area covering Europe, the Boreal Atlantic, and North Africa have been computed by using CO2 observations measured at one or two remote sites in conjunction with the backward air trajectories crossing the same observation sites.The air trajectories have been calculated by means of the wind speed fields provided by the ECMWF (European Centre of Medium-range Weather Forecast, of Reading, UK) analyses (T213/L31 model) on a regular grid, while the atmospheric CO2 concentrations have been measured at two alpine European stations, located in the free atmosphere, far from the influence of local industrial pollution.A modified version of the statistical receptor-to-source-oriented-model (hereafter, source-oriented model) of Stohl (Atmos. Environ. 30 (1998) 947), using the above-mentioned air trajectories, has then been applied to reconstruct the spatial distribution fields of atmospheric CO2.This source-oriented methodology belongs to a family of models which are simpler and easier to use than the more powerful and widespread inverse models and can allow a reliable deduction of the location of sources and sinks of gas tracers.We have applied this kind of model in order to identify source and sink macro-regions of CO2 over the above-mentioned area in the period 1993–1998. The CO2 observing stations of Plateau Rosà (3480 m a.s.l., in the western Alps) and Zugspitze (2937 m, in the eastern Alps) have been considered particularly fit for this purpose, because of their location in high orography areas, allowing to monitor values of atmospheric CO2 concentrations representative of fairly well-mixed air, not affected by some local influences (industries, urban emissions, etc.). In this way, it can be assumed that possible maxima or minima observed in the trend of measured gas concentration can be due to contaminations of the air mass during its whole travel, at some specific locations identified by the source-oriented model.The most interesting result obtained in this study is the seasonal cycle of the atmospheric CO2 concentration found over the mid- and sub-tropical latitudes of the Boreal Atlantic Ocean and evident in all simulations. This cycle appears to be clearly related to the seasonal trend of the SST, particularly in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic regions, and is particularly evident during the warmest months (during Spring, Autumn and particularly in Summer).  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive requires the integrated management of point and diffuse pollution to achieve 'good' water quality in 'protected areas'. These include bathing waters, which are regulated using faecal indicator organisms as compliance parameters. Thus, for the first time, European regulators are faced with the control of faecal indicator fluxes from agricultural sources where these impact on bathing water compliance locations. Concurrently, reforms to the European Union (EU) Common Agricultural Policy offer scope for supporting on-farm measures producing environmental benefits through the new 'single farm payments' and the concept of 'cross-compliance'. This paper reports the first UK study involving remedial measures, principally stream bank fencing, designed to reduce faecal indicator fluxes at the catchment scale. Considerable reduction in faecal indicator flux was observed, but this was insufficient to ensure bathing water compliance with either Directive 76/160/EEC standards or new health-evidence-based criteria proposed by WHO and the European Commission.  相似文献   

At many "real world" field sites, the number of available monitoring wells is limited due to economic or geological reasons. Under such restricted conditions, it is difficult to perform a reliable field investigation and to quantify primary lines of evidence for natural attenuation (NA), like the documentation of a decrease of contaminant mass flux in flow direction. This study reports the results of a groundwater investigation at a former manufactured gas plant situated in a Quaternary river valley in southwest Germany. The location, infrastructure and aquifer setting are typical of many industrial sites in Germany. Due to difficult drilling conditions (coarse glaciofluvial gravel deposits and an anthropogenic fill above the aquifer), only 12 monitoring wells were available for the investigation and localisation of the contaminant plume. These wells were situated along three control planes (CP) downgradient from the contaminant source, with four wells along each plane. Based on the sparse set of monitoring wells, field scale mass fluxes and first-order natural attenuation rate constants of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene and p-xylene (BTEX) and low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were estimated utilizing different point scale and also a new integral investigation method. The results show that even at a heterogeneous site with a sparse monitoring network point scale investigation methods can provide reliable information on field scale natural attenuation rates, if a dependable flow model or tracer test data is available. If this information is not available, only the new integral investigation method presented can yield adequate results for the quantification of contaminant mass fluxes under sparse monitoring conditions.  相似文献   

Shelton N 《Ambio》2003,32(4):302-306
The author describes present environmental conditions in Azerbaijan in relation to the Soviet legacy and measures taken since independence. Environmental projects have been financed largely by international organizations and foreign companies. The most serious problems are contaminants in the Caspian Sea; air, water, and soil pollution in Sumgait; illegal fishing; poor quality of drinking water; cutting of forests for fuel and pasture; overgrazing; and soil erosion and salinization. Progress in developing an environmental conscience, necessary for sustained protection of the environment, will depend most importantly on environmental education, growth of democratic institutions and attitudes that encourage both governmental and citizen responsibility for the environment, and economic development that produces a substantial middle class. Positive advances include a Constitution and laws that require protection of the environment, and individuals who speak out for environmental care. Negative factors include poverty and the present government's low priority for environmental protection.  相似文献   

This study presents the first detailed data on aerosol concentrations of trace metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Mn, Fe and Al) at the SE Mediterranean coast of Israel, and assesses their sources and fluxes. Aerosol samples were collected at two sampling stations (Tel-Shikmona and Maagan Michael) along the coast between 1994 and 1997. Two broad categories of aerosol trace metal sources were defined; anthropogenic (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) and naturally derived elements (Al, Fe, Mn and Cr). The extent of the anthropogenic contribution was estimated by the degree of enrichment of these elements compared to the average crustal composition (EFcrust). High values (median >100) were calculated for Cd, Pb and Zn, minor values for Cu and relatively low values (<10) for Fe, Mn and Cr. The crustal-derived elements exhibited a statistically significant seasonal pattern of higher concentrations during spring and autumn (e.g. Al concentrations in some cases during these periods were observed to be in excess of 1500 ng m−3). In the eastern Mediterranean basin crustal-dominated elements are enriched by 2–3 times while others (Cd and Pb) are comparable to the northwestern Mediterranean. The Pb : Cd ratios of ∼150 are higher than in coastal European sites (60–116) or emission materials (∼50). It is speculated that these differences are attributed mainly to the mixing of crustal material with local and European emissions. At present, it is impossible to quantify the latter two fractions. Back trajectory analysis and the subsequent categorization of two main aerosol populations, ‘European’ and ‘North Africa–Arabian’, exhibited a significantly different geochemical imprint on the aerosol chemical composition. ‘European’-derived air masses indicated significantly higher EFcrust values for Cd and Pb due to the greater anthropogenic character of the aerosol population, with a dilution by crustal material of this population leading to comparatively lower EFcrust values associated with the North African–Arabian air masses.  相似文献   

We present estimated emission source strengths of seven polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners for Banja Luka, a city that was affected by the civil war in Bosnia and Hercegovina (former Yugoslavia) in the 1990s. These emission estimates are compared to PCB emission rates estimated for the cities of Zurich, Switzerland, and Chicago, USA using an approach that combines multimedia mass balance modeling and measurement data. Our modeled per-capita emission estimates for Banja Luka are lower by a factor of ten than those for Zurich and Chicago, which are similar. This indicates that the sources of PCB emissions in Banja Luka are likely to be weaker than in the Western European and North American cities which show relatively high PCB emissions. Our emission rates from the three cities agree within a factor of ten with emission estimates from a global PCB emission inventory derived from production and usage estimates and emission factors.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The present study seeks to investigate the sector-level energy consumption of oil and natural gas and to explore the linkage between economic growth,...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Spatial and temporal variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) deposition fluxes and sources may significantly facilitate risk evaluation...  相似文献   

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