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The adsorption, desorption, and mobility of permethrin in six tropical soils was determined under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The six soils were selected from vegetable growing areas in Malaysia. Soil organic matter (OM) was positively correlated (r2 = 0.97) with the adsorption of permethrin. The two soils, namely, Teringkap 1 and Lating series with the highest OM (3.2 and 2.9%) released 32.5 and 30.8% of the adsorbed permethrin after four consecutive repetitions of the desorption process, respectively, compared to approximately 75.4% of the Gunung Berinchang soil with the lowest OM (1.0%) under the same conditions. The mobility of permethrin down the soil column was inversely correlated to the organic matter content of the soil. Permethrin residue penetrated only to the 10-15 cm zone in the Teringkap 1 soil with 3.2% OM but penetrated to a depth of more than 20 cm in the other soils. The Berinchang series soil with the lowest OM (1.0%) yielded leachate with 14.8% permethrin, the highest level in leachates from all the soils tested. Therefore, the possibility for permethrin to contaminate underground water may be greater in the presence of low organic matter content, which subsequently allows a higher percentage of permethrin to move downwards through the soil column.  相似文献   

Soil/water interactions with the insecticide fensulfothion and its sulfide and sulfone metabolites and described. Adsorption to, and desorption from four soils were studied. There was a general inverse relationship between water solubilities of the three chemicals and their adsorption K values. Order of adsorption was f. sulfide greater than f. sulfone greater than fensulfothion. Adsorption K values correlated significantly with soil organic content. Desorption of fensulfothion and the sulfone were similar whereas the less soluble sulfide desorbed to a lesser extent. To facilitate comparison of desorption tendencies of the three compounds of desorption index was developed. Mobilities through the soils were directly related to the water solubilities of the three chemicals. Mobilities in decreasing order were - fensulfothion greater than f. sulfone greater than f. sulfide. Persistence of fensulfothion was similar in both sterile and non-sterile natural water - about 50% remaining at the end of the 16 wk experiment. Under reducing conditions fensulfothion disappeared from water in 8-12 wk with almost complete conversion to the sulfide.  相似文献   

The effect of coexisting pesticide on adsorption/desorption and mobility of another one was investigated with carbendazim (CBD), imidacloprid (IDP), and atrazine (ATR). The data indicated that adsorption of CBD, ATR, and IDP on the tested soil was fitted well by Freundlich equation and increased with an order of IDP < ATR ? CBD. Adsorption of a pesticide was decreased by the coexistence of another one through their competitive adsorption. The presence of coexisting solute of the more adsorbability played a more important role than that of the lesser adsorbability. The adsorption of IDP and ATR was easier to be affected by 28.9–52.0 % and 31.1–60.7 % with the addition of CBD, while that of CBD was much less influenced by 3.4–18.1 % and 6.9–31.8 % with the presence of ATR and IDP, respectively. An adsorbability-related enhancement in desorption of the three pesticides by the co-adsorbed solute was also observed. As a result of competitive adsorption/desorption, the mobility of the pesticides estimated from soil thin-layer chromatography was altered. The results clearly illustrated that adsorbability and concentration-related alteration in adsorption/desorption and mobility will be caused by the coexistence of pesticides.  相似文献   


The adsorption, desorption, and mobility of permethrin in six tropical soils was determined under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The six soils were selected from vegetable growing areas in Malaysia. Soil organic matter (OM) was positively correlated (r 2 = 0.97) with the adsorption of permethrin. The two soils, namely, Teringkap 1 and Lating series with the highest OM (3.2 and 2.9%) released 32.5 and 30.8% of the adsorbed permethrin after four consecutive repetitions of the desorption process, respectively, compared to approximately 75.4% of the Gunung Berinchang soil with the lowest OM (1.0%) under the same conditions. The mobility of permethrin down the soil column was inversely correlated to the organic matter content of the soil. Permethrin residue penetrated only to the 10–15 cm zone in the Teringkap 1 soil with 3.2% OM but penetrated to a depth of more than 20 cm in the other soils. The Berinchang series soil with the lowest OM (1.0%) yielded leachate with 14.8% permethrin, the highest level in leachates from all the soils tested. Therefore, the possibility for permethrin to contaminate underground water may be greater in the presence of low organic matter content, which subsequently allows a higher percentage of permethrin to move downwards through the soil column.  相似文献   

以赋石水库和其上游河道沉积物以及流域内代表性水稻土为对象,通过分析其理化性质,改变上覆水磷浓度和pH的方法探讨沉积物和土壤对磷吸附/解吸的影响。结果表明:(1)沉积物内较高的磷含量,导致吸附/解吸平衡浓度较高,因此在水库和水体中起着磷"源"的作用;(2)土壤最大磷吸附量为566.45mg/kg,远大于沉积物的吸附量,同时吸附/解吸平衡浓度较低,因此在治理湖泊富营养化时,要加大水土保持的力度,尽量减少作为最主要污染源的农田土壤磷素流入水体;(3)无论上覆水中磷浓度升高还是降低,在未达到吸附/解吸平衡浓度前,土壤和沉积物会持续释放磷,故应把水体治理的重点放在降低土壤和沉积物的磷含量上;(4)上覆水的pH对样品的磷吸附和释放都有显著的影响。在酸性(pH3)或碱性(pH9)环境下,样品的磷吸附量均急剧下降,而水体酸化更易导致平衡后上覆水磷浓度的降低。  相似文献   

Yard waste compost provides an organic amendment useful for improving soil structure and nutrient status. The activities of the enzymes hydrolyzing urea (urease) and sucrose (invertase) in the rhizosphere of potato plants were determined under field conditions. Soil urease and invertase activities were monitored in compost amended soil, grass buffer strips, and in adjacent bare soils during 35 d following soil treatment. Soil urease activity was increased by application of yard waste compost compared to untreated soil which provide evidence of increased soil microbial population following application of compost. Some transitional effects on urease activities were observed following Pyrethrins and Neemix-4E application, these effects were neither drastic nor prolonged enough to be considered deleterious to the soil microorganisms and their activities important to soil fertility. No relationship was found between invertase activity and the three management practices or soil organic matter content. It is suggested that application of botanical insecticides like pyrethrins and Neemix-4E may be useful in delaying urea fertilizer mineralization to maintain N in a form less leachable, so that the duration of N availability to plants is prolonged. The present study may also provide information on urease activity as a sensitive bioindicator of soil quality that reflects the effects of land management on soil quality and may assist land managers in monitoring long-term productivity and sustainability of agricultural lands.  相似文献   

The retention and behavior of two herbicides, metribuzin [4-amino-6-tert-butyl-4, 5-dihydro-3-methylthio-1, 2, 4-triazin-5-one] and DCPA [1, 4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 2, 3, 5, 6-tetrachloro-, dimethyl] ester, in runoff and seepage water from agricultural fields were investigated. The objectives of this investigation were to: (i) determine the dissipation and half-life (T 1/2) of metribuzin and DCPA herbicides in soil under three management practices: chicken manure (CM), sewage sludge (SS), and no-mulch native soil (NM); (ii) monitor herbicides residues in runoff and infiltration water following addition of soil amendments; and (iii) determine the impact of soil amendments on the transport of NO3, NH4, and PO4 from soil into surface and subsurface water. Half-life (T 1/2) values of metribuzin were 24, 18, and 12 d in CM, SS, and NM treatments, respectively. Similarly, T 1/2 values of DCPA were greater in CM and SS incorporated soil (45.8 and 52.2 d, respectively) compared to NM native soil (26.2 d). Addition of CM and SS to native agricultural soil increased water infiltration, lowering runoff water volume and herbicide residues in runoff following natural rainfall events. We concluded that soil amendments could be used to intercept pesticide-contaminated runoff from agricultural fields. This practice might provide a potential solution to pesticide contamination of surface and seepage water from farmlands.  相似文献   

The method of single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) was modified in our laboratories for the characterization of baculoviruses, insect viruses with great potential for use as bioinsecticides in biological protection programs. A series of primers were synthesized after the comparison of the polyhedrin gene sequences of over 20 baculoviruses. Polyhedrin is a highly conserved protein which is responsible for the persistence of the virus in the environment. Universal primers were designed which could be used in polymerase chain reactions (PCR) containing genomic DNA from an array of nucleopolyhedrosis viruses (NPVs) including these which are used as biopesticides against important pests of forests and crops, such as Anticarsia gemmatalis, Spodoptera frugiperda, Lymantria dispar, Lymantria monacha and many others. PCR products were denatured and subjected to single-strand DNA electrophoresis at variable temperatures (MSSCP) where, after silver staining, they gave ssDNA band patterns characteristic for each baculovirus species. This technique can be potentially applied to detect baculoviruses in insects collected in the field, as well as to plant tissues and the excrements or bodies of predators without need for sequencing the PCR products. Sometimes MSSCP can be used not only for species determination but also as an indication of genomic variability which can be related to infectivity.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the adsorption and desorption of added copper (from 100 to 600 microg g(-1)) to whole soils with contrasting properties: a Podzol (Godech A and Godech B) and a Chernozem (Gramada). Adsorption resulted in high Cu concentrations for the Podzol. The adsorbed copper, especially that in the B-horizon, is also potentially mobile, as judged by its ease of desorption on treatment with 0.01 m CaCl(2). A higher proportion of the added adsorbed copper is retained in Godech A soil (4% clay), than in Godech B soil (41% clay). Clay minerals are the principal adsorbent in the Podzol (Godech B), because of the high desorption observed at a low site coverage (7% CEC). The Godech B clay fraction (<0.001 mm) simulates the behaviour of the whole soil. The clay fraction from the Chernozem (Gramada) shows contrasting behaviour, as compared to the whole soil. Copper in the Chernozem is specifically (non-exchangeably) adsorbed, even at pH 2.7. A Langmuir model is appropriate for describing Cu-adsorption for the systems investigated at the acid pH values.  相似文献   

A comparison of dissipation of chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, and profenofos in a Malaysian agricultural soil between the field experiment and simulation by the PERSIST model was studied. A plot of sweet pea (Pisum sativum) from a farm in the Cameron Highlands was selected for the field experiment. The plot was treated with chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, and profenofos. Core soil collection was conducted according to the sampling schedule. Residues of the three pesticides were analyzed in the laboratory. Simulations of the three pesticides' persistency were also conducted using a computer-run software PERSIST. Generally, predicted data obtained using PERSIST were found to be high for the three pesticides except for one field measurement of chlorpyrifos. The predicted data for profenofos, which is the most mobile of the three pesticides tested, was not well matched with the observed data compared to chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of the sorption, desorption and mineralisation of glyphosate and MCPA was examined in samples from two contrasting soil and subsurface profiles, obtained from a sandy agricultural site and a non-agricultural clay rich site. The highest mineralisation of [14C-methylen]glyphosate, with 9.3-14.7% degraded to 14CO2 within 3 months was found in the deepest sample from the clay site. In the deeper parts of the sandy profile high sorption and low desorption of glyphosate coincided with no or minor mineralisation indicating a limited glyphosate bioavailability. MCPA was readily mineralised except in the deepest samples from both sites. The highest MCPA mineralisation was detected just below the surface layers with 72% or 44% degraded to 14CO2 at the sandy or the clay sites, respectively. MCPA sorped to a minor extent in all samples and no indications of sorption-controlled mineralisation was revealed. None of the herbicides were mineralised under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Organic amendments are sometimes applied to agricultural soils to improve the physical, chemical, and microbiological properties of the soils. The organic fractions in these soil amendments also influence metal reaction, particularly the adsorption and desorption of metals, which, in turn, determine the bioavailability of the metals and hence their phytotoxicities. In this study, a Quincy fine sandy (mixed, mesic, Xeric Torripsamments) soil was treated with 0 to 160 g kg(-1) rates of either manure, sewage sludge (SS), or incinerated sewage sludge (ISS) and equilibrated in a greenhouse at near field capacity moisture content for 100 days. Following the incubation period, the soil was dried and adsorption of copper (Cu) was evaluated in a batch equilibration study at either 0, 100, 200, or 400 mg L(-1) Cu concentrations in a 0.01M CaCl2 solution. The desorption of adsorbed Cu was evaluated by three successive elutions in 0.01M CaCl2. Copper adsorption increased with an increase in manure rates. At the highest rate of manure addition (160 g kg(-1) soil), Cu adsorption was two-fold greater than that by the unamended soil at all rates of Cu additions. With increasing rates of Cu additions, the adsorption of Cu decreased from 99.4 to 77.6% of Cu applied to the 160 g kg(-1) manure amended soil. The desorption of Cu decreased with an increase in rate of manure amendment. Effects of sewage sludge amendments on Cu adsorption were somewhat similar to those as described for manure additions. Likewise, the desorption of Cu was the least at the high rate of SS addition (160 g kg(-1)), although at the lower rates there was not a clear indication of the rate effects. In contrast to the above two amendments, the ISS amendment had the least effect on Cu adsorption. At the highest rate of ISS amendment, the Cu adsorption was roughly 50% of that at the similar rate of either manure or SS amendments, across all Cu rates.  相似文献   

Studies on the adsorption and desorption of MCPA (4-chloro-2-methylophenoxyacetic acid) were performed in soil horizons of three representative Polish agricultural soils. The Hyperdystric Arenosol, the Haplic Luvisol and the Hypereutric Cambisol were investigated in laboratory batch experiments. Initially, both the adsorption and desorption proceeded rapidly, and either the equilibrium was reached after approximately 30 min or the process slowed down and continued at a slow rate. In the latter case, the equilibrium was reached after 8 hours. Data on the adsorption/desorption kinetics fitted well to the two-site kinetic model. The measured sorption and desorption isotherms were of L-type. The sorption distribution coefficients (K(ads) (d)) were in the range of 0.75--0.97 for Ap soil horizons and significantly lower in deeper soil layers. The corresponding desorption coefficients (K(des) (d)) were higher and ranged from 1.02 to 2.01. Both the adsorption and desorption of MCPA in all soil horizons was strongly and negatively related to soil pH. It appears that hydrophobic sorption plays a dominant role in the MCPA retention in topsoils whereas hydrophilic sorption of MCPA anions is the dominant adsorption mechanism in subsoils.  相似文献   

为了研究土霉素在人工湿地基质床中的行为机制,本实验采用批量平衡方法研究了壤土、煤灰渣、粗砂和细砂等4种人工湿地基质材料对土霉素的吸附、解吸特性。结果表明,土霉素在人工湿地基质材料上的吸附可分为前4小时的快速吸附阶段和之后的慢速吸附阶段,14 h后达到吸附平衡,这一吸附平衡时间明显低于一般人工湿地系统的水力停留时间。可以认为,土霉素在人工湿地中有足够的时间吸附于基质层上,其吸附量的大小主要取决于基质材料的性质。土霉素在4种基质材料上的等温吸附实验表明,吸附等温线均呈非线性,用Freundlich方程能较好地对吸附数据进行非线性拟合。在4种人工湿地基质材料中,煤灰渣对土霉素的吸附作用最强,通过Freundlich方程拟合的吸附容量参数(KF)为280.2;其次为壤土,KF值为129.3;粗砂和细砂的吸附作用较弱,KF值分别为53.2和64.5。人工湿地基质材料对土霉素的吸附能力主要与基质有机质含量、粘粒含量、Fe2O3含量、阳离子交换量和Al2O3含量呈正相关。土霉素在4种人工湿地基质材料上的解吸均存在滞后现象,相对于壤土和煤灰渣,吸附于粗砂和细砂上的土霉素更容易被解吸下来。  相似文献   

采用批量平衡实验,研究阳离子表面活性剂十六烷基三甲基铵离子(HDTMA)改性的zeo-HDTMA(有机沸石)、mont-HDTMA(有机蒙脱土)和atta-HDTMA(有机凹凸棒土)及其原粘土对典型有机氯农药DDT代谢产物p,p'-DDE的吸附解吸特性.结果表明,随原粘土阳离子交换容量(CEC)的增大,有机粘土吸附量增大,且有机粘土的吸附量比原粘土大大提高;有机粘土和原粘土对p,p'-DDE的吸附能力顺序为:zeo-HDTMA>mont-HDTMA>atta-HDTMA≥mont(蒙脱土)>atta(凹凸棒土)>zeo(沸石),这一顺序与它们的有机碳质量分数大小顺序一致.原粘土对p,p'-DDE的吸附等温线符合Langmuir吸附等温方程,吸附呈单分子层形式,且存在竞争吸附;有机粘土对p,p'-DDE的吸附等温线符合Linear吸附等温方程,吸附是p,p'-DDE在有机粘土中有机相的分配所致.当CaCl2质量浓度从0增加到50 g/L时,mont-HDTMA对p,p'-DDE吸附量提高了10.3%.有机粘土和原粘土对p,p'-DDE的解吸率大小顺序为:zeo>atta>mont>atta-HDTMA>mont-HDTMA>zeo-HDTMA,这一顺序与它们的有机碳质量分数大小顺序相反.  相似文献   

Rabølle M  Spliid NH 《Chemosphere》2000,40(7):715-722
Laboratory studies were conducted to characterise four different antibiotic compounds with regard to sorption and mobility in various soil types. Distribution coefficients (Kd values) determined by a batch equilibrium method varied between 0.5 and 0.7 for metronidazole, 0.7 and 1.7 for olaquindox and 8 and 128 for tylosin. Tylosin sorption seems to correlate positively with the soil clay content. No other significant interactions between soil characteristics and sorption were observed. Oxytetracycline was particularly strongly sorbed in all soils investigated, with Kd values between 417 in sand soil and 1026 in sandy loam, and no significant desorption was observed. Soil column leaching experiments indicated large differences in the mobility of the four antibiotic substances, corresponding to their respective sorption capabilities. For the weakly adsorbed substances metronidazole and olaquindox the total amounts added were recovered in the leachate of both sandy loam and sand soils. For the strongly adsorbed oxytetracyline and tylosin nothing was detected in the leachate of any of the soil types, indicating a much lower mobility. Results from defractionation and extraction of the columns (30 cm length) showed that 60-80% of the tylosin added had been leached to a depth of 5 cm in the sandy loam soil and 25 cm in the sand soil.  相似文献   


Adsorption, desorption, potential and selective distribution of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni were investigated in three typical soils of Japan under flooded condition.

The results indicate that the sorption of all heavy metals was linear upto the maximum concentration (500 μg/g soil) employed in the present studies in all the soils. The magnitude of sorption in general was in the order of Pb > Cu > Zn > Cd > Ni. The adsorption coefficients showed wide variations among different soils as well as metal ions. The hysteresis of sorption and desorption by KNO3 was well pronounced for both the metal ions and the soils. The desorption rate was greater than the fixation rate indicating the predominance of the chemosorption over physical processes. The major portion of sorbed metals were retained in the unextractable form, which over all accounted for more than 50% of the sorbed metals.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to clarify the adsorption and desorption characteristics of several herbicides in sediment. Five herbicides, esprocarb, thiobencarb, dimethametryn, pretilachlor, and simetryn were examined in this study. The adsorption ratio on the sediment increased in the following order: pretilachlor < dimethametryn < simetryn < thiobencarb < esprocarb. On the other hand, the adsorption ratio on the sediment without organic matter increased in the following order: thiobencarb < esprocarb < pretilachlor < dimethametryn < simetryn. Furthermore, the amounts of simetryn, dimethametryn, and pretilachlor adsorbed on the sediment without organic matter increased, while those of esprocarb and thiobencarb decreased in comparison to the original sediment. These results strongly suggested that the mineral surface in the sediment was very important as the adsorption site for the herbicide, especially in the case of simetryn, dimethametryn, and pretilachlor. All the adsorption and desorption data fitted well with the Freundlich equation. The hysteresis in the adsorption-desorption phenomena in the sediment was observed for all the herbicides, and it was affected by the organic matter in sediment, especially in the case of dimethametryn and pretilachlor.  相似文献   

CPB改性沸石对磷酸盐的吸附-解吸性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用溴化十六烷基吡啶(CPB)对天然沸石进行改性,并考察了CPB改性沸石对磷酸盐的吸附-解吸性能。结果表明,CPB改性沸石对磷酸盐具备一定的吸附能力,且吸附行为满足Langmuir等温吸附模型;粒径、改性剂投加量、反应温度、pH值及共存阴离子等因素均会影响CPB改性沸石对磷酸盐的吸附能力;减小粒径和降低反应温度均有利于CPB改性沸石对磷酸盐的吸附去除;粒径≤0.18 mm CPB改性沸石吸附磷酸盐较优的改性剂投加量为250 mmol/kg;当溶液的初始pH值位于4~10之间时CPB改性沸石对磷酸盐的吸附能力随pH值的增加而增强;SO42-的存在会明显降低CPB改性沸石对磷酸盐的吸附效率,而提高溶液的pH值有助于消除SO42-存在对CPB改性沸石吸附磷酸盐的负面影响;HCO3-的存在会一定程度上抑制CPB改性沸石对磷酸盐的吸附去除,而提高溶液的pH值无法消除HCO3-存在对CPB改性沸石吸附磷酸盐的负面影响;CPB改性沸石吸附磷酸盐后一定条件下可以重新解吸出来,且随着解吸液SO42-浓度的增加解吸率明显增大。  相似文献   

为了研究氨氮的吸附及脱附机理,使用了SDS(十二烷基硫酸钠)和AlCl3·6H2O(六水合三氯化铝)复合改性制备的改性膨润土对氨氮废水进行吸附及脱附性能研究。首先通过改性膨润土对含氨氮废水的吸附动力学实验和等温吸附实验研究膨润土的吸附过程,再利用KCl作为脱附剂,对吸附饱和的膨润土进行脱附再生,使用再生的脱附膨润土复合材料进行吸附实验。实验表明,动力学实验中,准二级动力学方程能够更好的模拟氨氮废水的吸附过程,Langmuir模型和Freundlich模型均能拟合氨氮的吸附过程,但综合评价,选用Freundlich等温方程式。脱附剂KCl溶液pH为3、浓度为550 mg·L-1时,搅拌速度为250 r·min-1,室温下搅拌20 min,吸附饱和膨润土能够很好地脱附,脱附率达到75.21%。再生的复合膨润土材料对氨氮的去除率为62.83%。  相似文献   

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