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目前应用于大气环境影响评价计算中的大气扩散模式有许多,然而对于我们实际从事大气环境评价的工作者来说,一种比较适合而应用又比较广泛的还是Gauss烟羽模式以及它的变型派生模式。但是Gauss烟羽模式的应用也有其局限性。  相似文献   

白乃贵  黄晖  林长苓 《环境技术》2021,39(2):125-128
当前地面电子设备研制过程中电子元器件立足国产产品开展设计选型的意识已经有了显著提升,但是受单位经营管理、生产制造工艺、元器件采购渠道、设计师选型等因素影响,仍然有部分面临停产、禁运或存在安全隐患的进口元器件应用于地面电子设备,严重制约了设备的自主保障能力.为此开展了地面电子设备元器件选用风险分析,深刻剖析现状问题,并从...  相似文献   

@陈主编我的姥爷是地地道道的农民。从小在姥爷家长大的我,小时候总是骑在姥爷的肩膀上跟他一块去地里,常常是姥爷给我一撮小野花,我就能玩上半天。那时的田野里,有成片成片的庄稼,有泥巴,但是也有一股子挥不去的刺鼻味道。后来,我才知道那是农药的味道。差不多每隔一个月,姥爷身上就会有这样的味道。作为农民的姥爷,打药的时候经常不知道自己使用的是什么农药,都是卖农药的老板告诉他什  相似文献   

小文 《环境教育》2005,(6):50-51
许多人只是模模糊糊地知道,曾有过奇怪落物的报道,并怀疑这些报道只不过是些奇谈怪论,不可能是真实的事件,但是在今天仍然还有这样的事情发生,而且同样什么杂物都有,同样丰富无比。  相似文献   

便携式COD快速测定仪专用氧化剂是影响测定COD准确度的关键,其中重铬酸钾含量对实验过程中的氧化效率有较大影响,含量太低时,氧化过程不充分导致测定结果偏低;含量过高,造成样品颜色被氧化剂自身色度掩盖,使得反应后吸光度值变化不明显,测定COD浓度较低的水样时吸光度值误差较大。通过正交实验对COD专用氧化剂进行配方改进,优化筛选出的COD专用氧化剂应用于现场实时监测,测定的COD准确度达到实验室要求。  相似文献   

正水是生命之源,生命之本,人类的健康离不开水。人可以几天不进食,但不可以几天不喝水。而现在,全球有20亿人口正处于严重缺水状况!水的危机,已经向人类敲响了警钟!中国的水资源虽然比较丰富,但是分布不均,东多西少,南多北少,缺水的地方很多。小时候我想,自来水龙头里的水不是会一直流  相似文献   

麦芽糖醇是重要的糖醇制品之一,作为甜味剂、保湿剂、调味剂和加工助剂广泛应用于食品中。本文阐述了其热稳定性、溶解性、甜度、吸湿性、难发酵性、不升高血糖值、不刺激胰岛素的分泌等特性,最后对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

一、用新思想指导机构改革工作改革政府工作机构是政治体制改革的重要组成部分。建国以来,国务院机构有几次比较大的调整,虽然具有一定的积极作用,但是没有从根本上解决机构臃肿、职责不清、效率不高、关系不顺等弊病。每次调整都精简机构,压缩编制,但调整过后,机构和编制又迅速膨胀起来,机构和人员的配置缺乏  相似文献   

一个县的面积常常是数千平方公里,人口也有几十甚至几百万。但是,环保机构人员少,素质不高,还得完成繁重的工作任务。湖南省江永县环保部门就是在这种情况下,依靠群众,管理环境,取得了较好的效果。这几年,广大农民和基层干部兴办乡镇  相似文献   

正(一)这阵子有一部小制作的网剧红了一把,虽然还没有到全民刷屏的程度,但是声势也不算小了。为了避免做广告的嫌疑,我不说这部剧的名字,反正知道的都知道,不知道的也不必知道。红的原因,据说是这部剧的剧组很穷,为了省钱做出种种雷人之举。虽然是一部古装电视剧,但是演员们却都穿着现代的凉鞋;剧组甚至连长裤都买不起,演员们只能穿短裤,所以镜头前时不时就露出白花花或者毛茸茸的小腿;剧中皇上出行时的轿子连顶  相似文献   

The UK Government in October 1996 introduced a Landfill Tax to ensure that landfill waste disposal is properly priced so as to reflect its environmental cost and to help promote a more sustainable approach to waste management in which less waste is produced, reused or recycled. The UK Customs and Excise have recently reviewed the tax and the report indicates that there has been a modest reduction in waste going to landfill by industry but not households. It is submitted that for there to be a significant move towards a more sustainable approach to waste management to meet the targets set in the National Strategy the tax should be higher and the money raised by the tax should be invested to make alternatives to landfill cheaper and more readily available. It is also submitted that the Tax Credit Scheme, introduced as a means of enabling some of the tax to be invested to promote better waste management, is inadequately funded and the money is inappropriately focused. Following an examination of the projects and contributions made under the Scheme it is found that most of the contributions are not made towards projects which will fulfil the UK Government's perceived purposes. It is further submitted that there needs to be a more rational approach to waste management and legislation in Philadelphia forms a good case study of such an approach  相似文献   

Development projects are rapidly changing the landscape in Brazilian Amazonia. Environmental impact assessments have been required since 1986, and the regulatory system is evolving as precedents are set by each new development project. The Jatapu Dam in Roraima provides an illustration of underlying impediments to assessment of environmental costs and to due consideration being given to these assessments when decisions are made. The high priority placed on the dam by the Roraima state government is unexplainable in terms of economic returns. The place of the dam in a long-term political strategy provides the best of several possible explanations, any one of which is incompatible with a rational weighing of economic and environmental costs and benefits. A number of lessons can be drawn from the experience of Jatapu, but some of the problems have no solution. The barriers to rational decision making illustrated by Jatapu apply to development projects in many parts of the world.  相似文献   

通过土壤对石化工业废水的吸附试验分析,可以预测工程废水对地下水的影响情况,对保护当地地下水水质,指导工程环境建设具有十分积极的作用  相似文献   

The productivity of tropical agricultural commodities is affected by the health of the ecosystem. Shade tolerant crops such as coffee and cocoa benefit from environmental services provided by forested landscapes, enabling landscape design that meets biodiversity conservation and economic needs. What can motivate farmers to apply and maintain such landscape approaches? Rather than rely on a proliferation of externally funded projects new opportunities are emerging through the international market that buys these commodities. As part of their growing commitment to sustainable supply chains, major companies are supporting agroforestry approaches and requiring producers and traders to demonstrate that the source of their commodities complies with a set of principles that conserves forested landscapes and improves local livelihoods. The paper presents examples of international companies that are moving in this direction, analyzes why and how they are doing it and discusses the impact that has been measured in coffee and cocoa communities in Latin America and Africa. It particularly considers the role of standards and certification systems as a driver of this commitment to promote profitable operations, environmental conservation and social responsibility throughout the coffee and cocoa value chains. Such approaches are already being taken to scale and are no longer operating only in small niches of the market but the paper also considers the limitations to growth in this market-based approach.  相似文献   

Businesses offering to make you or your company carbon neutral are proliferating on the Internet. The term carbon neutral is being defined by common usage. There are no standard ways of measuring your carbon emissions and so no standards for becoming carbon neutral. This paper examines eleven websites offering carbon neutrality. It compares online calculators, their results and the costs of offsetting calculated on the strength of those results. It traces two offset projects: one in Kenya, offering voluntary offsets and run by a not-for-profit organisation; one in India striving for UN Clean Development Mechanism status. The projects are traced from the online carbon offset retailer to the actual project on the ground in order to compare the online rhetoric with the time consuming and difficult work of developing community based projects in Third World countries. The paper offers a definition of carbon neutral based on the ways in which the term is being used. It also uncovers a range of issues for further discussion.  相似文献   

The Town Scheme approach to urban conservation is being used increasingly as a major method of repairing historic buildings in conservation areas. A Town Scheme involves a long‐term financial and administrative partnership between the various levels of government. An annual budget made up of equal contributions from central government and the participating local authority is used to finance a multi‐year programme of repairs. Owners can apply for grants which are usually for 40 per cent of approved costs, and repair work must relate to the original structure and architectural details of an approved list of historic buildings. Town Schemes by themselves cannot totally transform the environmental quality of conservation areas, and the most successful schemes are part of wide‐ranging renewal and enhancement projects.  相似文献   

Although the small-scale mining sector in Bolivia has absorbed economic aid, little or no improvement has resulted. It appears that much closer technical and financial co-operation with those operating small mines is called for, including rigid credit supervision. Problems in small-scale mines arise from difficult mining conditions, the tax structure and capital market situation as well as the employment patterns of the mine operators. It is suggested that mechanized projects may not always be the best way to overcome poor conditions, but where they are, lack of collateral is frequently an obstacle. In such cases, a three stage approach to project implementation is proposed.  相似文献   

There has been increased interest in the role of community-based action in promoting sustainable lifestyles in recent years, but relatively limited evidence on the effects of such activity on participants' behaviours. In this paper, I present an evaluation of the effects of community-based action for sustainability on participants' lifestyles. I draw on extensive qualitative research to assess how much change participants of community sustainability projects report, what kinds of participants these projects attract and how the circumstances of these projects affect the changes that participants make. The main findings are that these initiatives have different effects on different people. Those who are new to sustainability and who are actively involved in cohesive groups, which are specifically targeting their lifestyles, are more likely to report substantial changes. I present a model to explain what change occurs, for which types of participants, in what circumstances as a result of community-based action.  相似文献   

This paper traces the origins and progress of a small grass-roots local environmental initiative. From the simple desire of a few people to clean up some waste land behind their homes grew the Plumstead Common Environment Group. Working closely with the local Borough Council, the group has obtained funding from English Nature, Shell Better Britain Campaign, the Co-operative Society, local businesses and residents. It has expanded its remit from less than 1 ha to over 50 ha of public open space within an older, high-density housing area in Greater London. The important feature of this project is the balance it manages to achieve between a number of potentially competing needs. These include the needs of local people to have a degree of control over, and be practically involved in, the improvement of their immediate environment; to have feedback in terms of aesthetic improvements; and to conserve/enhance the ecological value of the area. Failure to maintain this balance can undermine the viability of such projects. The ways in which the project has addressed ethical, aesthetic and ecological considerations are outlined, serving as an exemplar of sound community-based environmental practice for urban ecological projects elsewhere.  相似文献   

标准剪裁在工程环境适应性设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王斌  岳涛  赵晓林 《环境技术》2008,26(4):15-18
GJB150是当前装备环境适应性设计与考核所依据的重要标准,而随着设计手段与试验技术的发展,这种“引用性”标准已不适应装备研制工程的需要。美军标810从D版开始首先提出了“剪裁”的概念,到810F已特别强调标准剪裁在工程应用中的重要性,在国内GJB150A尚未发布的情况下,我们在工程设计与试验中引入了“标准剪裁”的理念,并经过工程实践验证成为标准剪裁应用的成功实例。  相似文献   

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