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This study performed on randomly selected seven sample plots in leguminous black locust (Robinia pceudoacacia L.) plantations and five sample plots in umbrella pine (Pinus pinea L.) plantations on coal mine soil/spoils. Soil samples were taken from eight different soil depths (0–1, 1–3, 3–5, 5–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, and 40–50 cm) into the soil profile. On soil samples, bulk density, fine soil fraction (Ø < 2 mm), sand, silt and clay rates, soil acidity (pH), organic carbon (Corg), and total nitrogen (Nt) contents were investigated. Also, some forest floor properties (unit mass, organic matter, and total nitrogen) were determined, and results were compared statistically between umbrella pine and black locust. As a result, 17 years after plantations, total forest floor accumulation determined as 6,107 kg ha???1 under black locust compared to 13,700 kg ha???1 under umbrella pine. The more rapid transformation of leguminous black locust forest floor creates organic carbon that migrates further into the mineral profile, and rapid accumulation of C and N in the soil profile was registered. Slower transformation processes of forest floor under umbrella pine result in lower soil N ratio and greater quantity of forest floor. Higher soil pH under leguminous black locust was determined significantly than umbrella pine. In conclusion, the composition of symbiotic nitrogen fixation of black locust appears to be a possible factor favoring carbon and nitrogen accumulation and, consequently, soil development. Clearly, both tree species have favorable impacts on initial soil formation. The umbrella pine generates the more forest floor layer; in contrast, black locust forest floor incorporates into the soil more rapidly and significantly increases soil nitrogen in upper soil layers.  相似文献   

The extraction of coal and coal seam gas (CSG) will generate produced water that, if not adequately treated, will pollute surface and groundwater systems. In Australia, the discharge of produced water from coal mining and related activities is regulated by the state environment agency through a pollution licence. This licence sets the discharge limits for a range of analytes to protect the environment into which the produced water is discharged. This study reports on the impact of produced water from coal mine activities located within or discharging into high conservation environments, such as National Parks, in the outer region of Sydney, Australia. The water samples upstream and downstream from the discharge points from six mines were taken, and 110 parameters were tested. The results were assessed against a water quality index (WQI) which accounts for pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, total dissolved solids, total phosphorus, nitrate nitrogen and E .coli. The water quality assessment based on the trace metal contents against various national maximum admissible concentration (MAC) and their corresponding environmental impacts was also included in the study which also established a base value of water quality for further study. The study revealed that impacted water downstream of the mine discharge points contained higher metal content than the upstream reference locations. In many cases, the downstream water was above the Australia and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council and international water quality guidelines for freshwater stream. The major outliers to the guidelines were aluminium (Al), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn). The WQI of surface water at and downstream of the discharge point was lower when compared to upstream or reference conditions in the majority of cases. Toxicology indices of metals present in industrial discharges were used as an additional tool to assess water quality, and the newly proposed environmental water quality index (EWQI) lead to better trend in the impact of coal and coal seam gas mining activities on surface water quality when compared to the upstream reference water samples. Metal content limits were based on the impact points assigned by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, USA. For environmental and health impact assessment, the approach used in this study can be applied as a model to provide a basis to assess the anthropogenic contribution from the industrial and mining activities on the environment.  相似文献   

Thein vivo effects of deltamethrin (DM) on the blood sugar level, the acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC activities of the blood serum and various organs (heart, liver and intestine), the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, EC, glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT, EC, and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT, EC activities of the blood serum, the adenosine triphosphatases (EC; Na+/K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase) activities of the erythrocyte plasma membrane and the catalase (EC activity of the liver were examined throughout 96 h in adult carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) Two sublethal concentrations, 1.0 and 1.5 µg/l of deltamethrin, were used. All fish survived the experiment except one, in an aquarium containing 1.5 ppb of DM, which died after 72 h.The AChE specific activity was significantly inhibited in the heart and intestine after 96 h at both concentrations compared to that in the control animals (P<0.05, Student'st-test), while there was no detectable difference between the two treatment. At the same time there was no detectable change in the liver. In the serum, the AChE activity almost remained unchanged; the only significant decrease could be measured after 96 h at 1.5 µg/l deltamethrin concentration. The blood glucose content exhibited interesting changes: after 24 h fish exposed at 1 µg/l DM seemed to be stressed, although this increase was not significant. When these fish became used to the new conditions (in practice this meant the presence of DM), the glucose level decreased, especially after 72 h. At the same time the control animals kept in similar circumstances showed a small insignificant decrease. Meanwhile fish in aquaria containing 1.5 µg/l DM reacted to the treatment with an increased blood glucose level after 48 h, and this did not change until the end of the treatment. The Na+/K+-ATPase activity decreased in a dose-dependant manner, while Mg2+-ATPase was less affected. A small increase in LDH level was observed, indicating damage of different muscle tissues. However, this phenomenon appeared only with the small dosage after 24 h (P<0.05). It has to be mentioned that the individual values varied to a large extent among of the eight fish.The GOT activities of the serum increased during the treatment. However, significant changes were only expressed after 72 and 96 h at 1 µg/l DM concentrations (P<0.01 andP<0.05), and after a similar long treatment at the high dosage (P<0.05, 72 and 96 h). The GPT did not change significantly in aquaria containing 1 µg/l DM. The only larger increase was measured after 96 h at 1.5 µg/l DM concentration (P<0.05). The catalase activity in the liver of treated carp remained practically at the same level compared to that in control fish.All these changes (concerning the primary effects of this compound) demonstrate the effect of DM on different fish enzymes, at low concentrations under laboratory conditions, which might be useful in practice for biomonitoring using fish.  相似文献   

We present data on the distributional changes within an order of macroinvertebrates used in biological water quality monitoring. The British Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) have been shown to be expanding their range northwards and this could potentially affect the use of water quality metrics. The results show that the families of Odonata that are used in monitoring are shifting their ranges poleward and that species richness is increasing through time at most UK latitudes. These past distributional shifts have had negligible effects on water quality indicators. However, variation in Odonata species richness (particularly in species-poor regions) has a significant effect on water quality metrics. We conclude with a brief review of current and predicted responses of aquatic macroinvertebrates to environmental warming and maintain that caution is warranted in the use of such dynamic biological indicators.  相似文献   

Ferti-irrigation response of 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 % concentrations of the sugar mill effluent (SME) on French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Annapurna) in the rainy and summer seasons was investigated. The fertigant concentrations produced significant (P?+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), phosphate (PO4 3?), sulfate (SO4 2?), ferrous (Fe2+), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn), in both seasons. The contents of Cr, Cu, Mn, and Zn except Cd were found to be below the maximum levels permitted for soils in India. The agronomic performance of P. vulgaris was gradually increased at lower concentrations, i.e., from 5 to 25 %, and decreased at higher concentrations, i.e., from 50 to 100 %, of the SME in both seasons when compared to controls. The accumulations of heavy metals were increased in the soil and P. vulgaris from 5 to 100 % concentrations of the SME in both seasons. The contents of Cu, Mn, and Zn except Cd and Cr were noted under the permissible limit of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) standards. Most contents of biochemical components like crude proteins, crude fiber, and total carbohydrates were found with 25 % concentration of the SME in both seasons. The contamination factor (Cf) of various metals was in the order of Cd > Cr > Zn > Mn > Cu for soil and Mn > Zn > Cu > Cr > Cd for P. vulgaris in both seasons after fertigation with SME. Therefore, the SME can be used to improve the soil fertility and yield of P. vulgaris after appropriate dilution.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effects of conversion of natural stands into plantations, soil invertebrate micro- and macroarthropod communities were evaluated for their abundance and richness in a sessile oak (SO; Quercus petraea L.) stand and adjacent Austrian pine (AP; Pinus nigra Arnold) plantation. Sites were sampled four times a year in 3-month intervals from May 2009 to February 2010. Humus characteristics such as total mass; carbon, lignin, and cellulose contents; and C/N ratio were significantly different between SO and AP. Statistically significant differences were detected on soil pH, carbon and nitrogen contents, and electrical conductivity between the two sites. The number of microarthropods was higher in AP than in the SO site. The annual mean abundance values of microarthropods in a square meter were 67,763 in AP and 50,542 in SO, and the annual mean abundance values of macroarthropods were 921 m?2 in AP and 427 m?2 in SO. Among the soil microarthropods, Acari and Collembola were the dominant groups. Shannon’s diversity index was more affected by evenness than species number despite the species diversity (H′) of soil arthropods being generally higher in the SO stand. The abundance of microarthropods showed clear seasonal trends depending upon the humidity of the soil.  相似文献   

In the peri-urban areas of central India, sewage water is a valuable resource for agricultural production. In this study, impact of domestic sewage water irrigation for 5 years on Vertisol with no previous history of sewage irrigation was investigated in an ongoing field experiment at Bhopal (India) under subtropical monsoon type climate. The wheat (Triticum aestivum) crop was grown during post-rainy winter season with 30 cm of irrigation (groundwater or sewage water) and four nutrient treatments (T1, 0; T2, 100%; T3, 50%; and T4, 50% of general recommended doses of NPK + FYM at 10 Mg/ha). Results showed that sewage irrigation of about 150 cm over a period of 5 years resulted significant increases in salinity as well as available fractions of N, P, K, and micronutrients, viz., Zn, Fe, and Mn in soils. Carbon and phosphorus applied through sewage water were accumulated more in subsoil layer compared to topmost plough layer. Soil microbiological activity, as indicated by soil respiration, microbial biomass C, as well as dehydrogenase enzyme activity was higher in sewage water-irrigated soils. There was also significant increase in fungal and actinomycetes as well as total coliform population in such soils. Nutrients supplied through sewage water were not able to raise the productivity of wheat to the level that obtained through fertilizers at the recommended level which indicated that additional nutrients through fertilizers are required to obtain higher productivity of wheat under sewage farming. Protein and Zn content in wheat grains were more when the crop was grown with sewage irrigation. Overall results show that except for increase in coliform population, short duration (5 years) of municipal sewage water irrigation did not have any appreciable harmful effect on soil quality as well as crop productivity; rather, it proved beneficial in improving soil fertility, wheat productivity, and produce quality.  相似文献   

Increase in concentrations of tropospheric ozone (O(3)) is one of the main factors affecting world agriculture production. Tropical countries including India are at greater risk due to their meteorological conditions (high solar radiation and temperature) being conducive to the formation of O(3). The most effective anti-ozonant chemical is N-[2-(2-oxo-1-imidazolidinyl) ethyl]-N-phenylurea or ethylene diurea (EDU). Due to its specific characteristics, EDU has been used in the field as a phytomonitoring agent to assess crop losses due to O(3). Field experiments were conducted on five local cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv HUW234, HUW468, HUW510, PBW343, and Sonalika) grown under natural field conditions in a suburban area of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India during December 2006 to March 2007 to determine the impact of O(3) on their growth and yield characteristics. Mean monthly O(3) concentrations varied between 35.3 ppb and 54.2 ppb at the experimental site. EDU treatment positively affected various growth and yield parameters with difference between cultivars. EDU-treated plants showed increase in shoot and root length, leaf area, absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, and net primary productivity, indicating O(3) induced suppression in growth. EDU treatment was highly significant in different cultivars for total biomass and test weight but not for harvest index. Yield per plant was higher by 25.6%, 24%, 20.4%, 8.6%, and 1.9% in EDU-treated cultivars HUW468, Sonalika, HUW510, HUW234, and PBW343, respectively, than non-EDU-treated ones. These results clearly indicate the sensitivity of all the wheat cultivars to ambient levels of O(3) with cv HUW468 appearing to be most sensitive. The present study also supports the view that EDU has great potential in alleviating the unfavorable effects of O(3) and can be effectively used as a monitoring tool to assess growth and yield losses in areas experiencing elevated concentrations of O(3).  相似文献   

The concentrations of the natural radioactivity in water, soil and sediment samples collected from Bendimahi River which originates near the Tendürek Mountain (Van, Turkey), its tributaries and Van Lake (Turkey) were measured. The gross-alpha and gross-beta radioactivity concentrations were investigated in May and August in 2005. Determination of the gross-alpha and gross-beta radioactivity of river water, soil and sediment samples was obtained by using gas-flow proportional counter, PIC-MPC 9604-alpha/beta counter. In water samples, the obtained results show that in May; gross-alpha and gross-beta activity concentrations varied between 0.063-0.782 and 0.021-0.816 Bq l(-1) and in August the values were 0.009-0.037 and 0.081-3.116 Bq l(-1), respectively. The gross-alpha and gross-beta activity concentrations in soil samples ranged from 0.800 to 4.277 Bq g(-1) and 0.951 to 11.773 Bq g(-1) in May and 0.686 to 4.713 Bq g(-1) and 0.073 to 9.524 Bq g(-1) in August, respectively. Concentrations ranging from 0.782 to 4.596 Bq g(-1) and from 0.482 to 10.372 Bq g(-1) in May and from 0.580 to 5.824 Bq g(-1) and from 0.303 to 9.702 Bq g(-1) in August for gross-alpha and gross-beta radioactivity were observed in sediments, respectively.  相似文献   

The Songhua River is the third largest river in China and the primary source of drinking and irrigation water for northeastern China. The distribution of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water [dissolved water (DW) and suspended particulate matter (SPM)], sediment, and soil in the river basin was investigated, and the associated risk of cancer from these PAHs was also assessed. The total concentration of PAHs ranged from 13.9 to 161 ng L?1 in DW, 9.21 to 83.1 ng L?1 in SPM, 20.5 to 632 ng g?1 dw (dry weight) in sediment, and from 30.1 to 870 ng g?1 dw in soil. The compositional pattern of PAHs indicated that three-ring PAHs were predominant in DW and SPM samples, while four-ring PAHs dominated in sediment and soil samples. The spatial distribution of PAHs revealed some site-specific sources along the river, with principal component analysis indicating that these were from pyrogenic sources (such as coal and biomass combustion, and vehicle emissions) and coke oven emission distinguished as the main source of PAHs in the Songhua River Basin. Based on the ingestion of PAH-contaminated drinking water from the Songhua River, cancer risk was quantitatively estimated by combining the Incremental Lifetime Cancer Risk assessment model and BaP-equivalent concentration for five age groups of people (adults, teenagers, children, toddlers, and infants). Overall, the results suggest that the estimated integrated lifetime cancer risk for all groups was in acceptable levels. This study is the first attempt to provide information on the cancer risk of PAHs in drinking water from the Songhua River.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical investigations of the groundwater and the seasonal effect on the chemical budget of ions along the course of the polluted river Adyar were carried out. From the geochemical results, it has been found that the seasonal effect does not change the order of abundance of both cations and anions, but it does change the concentration of various ions present in the groundwater. Among the chemical budget of ions, sodium and chloride were found to be the most predominant ions. The nitrate concentration in the groundwater ranges from 4.21 to 45.93 mg/l in pre-monsoon and in post-monsoon it ranges from 1.02 to 75.91 mg/l. The nitrate concentrations in the post-monsoon are high in some places especially in the upper stretch of the river. The intense agricultural activities near the upper stretch of the river may be an important factor for the higher concentration of nitrates in these aquifers. In order to determine the geochemical nature of water, the data was interpreted using the piper diagram wherein the results show the predominance of NaCl and CaMgCl types. Equiline diagrams, 1:1, were applied to evaluate the affinity ion relationship between various ions present in these waters. The quality of the groundwater was assessed with regard to its suitability to drinking and irrigation. A comparison of the groundwater quality in relation to drinking water quality standards shows that most of the water samples are not suitable for drinking, especially in post-monsoon period. US Salinity Laboratory's, Wilcox's diagrams, Kellys ratio and magnesium ratio were used for evaluating the water quality for irrigation which suggest that the majority of the groundwater samples are not good for irrigation in post-monsoon compared to that in pre-monsoon. Moreover the source of the ions in the water was examined and classified accordingly using Gibb's diagram. The analytical results reveals that the TDS values of the pre-monsoon samples were found to be lower than the post-monsoon reflecting that leaching predominates over that of the dilution factor.  相似文献   

When quantifying imposex in Nucella lapillus, two indices are used: the Vas Deferens Sequence Index (VDSI) and the Relative Penis Size Index (RPSI). Freezing and thawing increase the length of the penis in both male and female Nucella lapillus. In the population studied, this had no significant effect on the RPSI, but was potentially an important source of additional variance in the estimation of the mean penis length.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in open top chamber during rabi seasons of 2009–10 and 2010–11 at the research farm of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effect of tropospheric ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) interaction on yield and nutritional quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.). Mustard plants were grown from emergence to maturity under different treatments: charcoal-filtered air (CF, 80–85 % less O3 than ambient O3 and ambient CO2), nonfiltered air (NF, 5–10 % less O3 than ambient O3 and ambient CO2 ), nonfiltered air with elevated carbon dioxide (NF?+?CO2, NF air and 550?±?50 ppm CO2), elevated ozone (EO, NF air and 25–35 ppb elevated O3), elevated ozone along with elevated carbon dioxide (EO?+?CO2, NF air, 25–35 ppb O3 and 550?±?50 ppm CO2), and ambient chamber less control (AC, ambient O3 and CO2). Elevated O3 exposure led to reduced photosynthesis and leaf area index resulting in decreased seed yield of mustard. Elevated ozone significantly decreased the oil and micronutrient content in mustard. Thirteen to 17 ppm hour O3 exposure (accumulated over threshold of 40 ppm, AOT 40) reduced the oil content by 18–20 %. Elevated CO2 (500?±?50 ppm) along with EO was able to counter the decline in oil content in the seed, and it increased by 11 to 13 % over EO alone. Elevated CO2, however, decreased protein, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and sulfur content in seed as compared to the nonfiltered control, whereas removal of O3 from air in the charcoal-filtered treatment resulted in a significant increase in the same.  相似文献   

A supervised open field trial was conducted to evaluate the dissipation pattern and risk assessment of flubendiamide in gherkin fruits following foliar application of Fame 480 SC at 60 and 120 g a.i.?ha?1. Samples of gherkin fruits were drawn at different time intervals and quantified by HPLC-DAD. The maximum initial deposits of flubendiamide on gherkin were found to be 0.79 and 1.52 mg kg?1, respectively, at recommended and double the recommended doses. The dissipation pattern of flubendiamide followed a first-order kinetics with half-lives of 1.87 to 2.16 days at 60 and 120 g a.i.?ha?1, respectively. The limit of quantification of flubendiamide and desiodo flubendiamide was observed to be 0.01 mg kg?1 for gherkin fruit and soil substrates. Theoretical maximum residue contribution (TMRC) for flubendiamide was calculated and found to be well below the maximum permissible intake (MPI) on gherkin fruits. Thus, the application of flubendiamide at the recommended dose on gherkin fruits presents no human health risks and safe to consumers.  相似文献   

Green mussel (Perna viridis) and water samples were collected from Ennore creek, Chennai by seasonal sampling and analyzed for organochlorine pesticide residues (OCPs) like dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites, isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and endosulfan. These residues were analyzed by using gas chromatograph (GC) with μECD. In the present study, mussel samples showed very low concentrations of OCPs in the statistical order of DDT (5.83 ng g???1 wet tissue) > endosulfan (2.84 ng g???1 wet tissue) > HCH (2.34 ng g???1 wet tissue). Concentrations of OCPs in water samples were in the statistical order of endosulfan (29.21 ng L???1)?> HCH (17.14 ng L???1)?> DDT (14.63 ng L???1). To our knowledge, this is the first report on the seasonal variation of OCPs and especially the quantification of endosulfan in Ennore Creek. The present study recommends that continuous monitoring in Ennore creek is necessary to assess possible impact on human health.  相似文献   

During the second half of the 20th century, the Ganga River ecosystem has been continuously altered by several ongoing anthropogenic processes, accommodating multi-dimensional pressure due to increase of nearly four-fold human population. For solution of any environmental issues of the river, the Earth System Science approach is required to have maximum socio-economic benefits to millions of people living in Indian and Bangladesh. A bibliography containing more than 250 references on environmental studies of the Ganga River was prepared to preserve its ecosystem by providing the baseline support in this regard.  相似文献   

The concentrations of toxic heavy metals—Cd and Pb and micronutrients—Cu, Mn, and Zn were assessed in the surface soil and water of three different stages of paddy (Oryza sativa L.) fields, the stage I—the first stage in the field soon after transplantation of the paddy seedlings, holding adequate amount of water on soil surface, stage II—the middle stage with paddy plants of stem of about 40 cm length, with sufficient amount of water on the soil surface, and stage III—the final stage with fully grown rice plants and very little amount of water in the field at Bahour, a predominantly paddy cultivating area in Puducherry located on the southeast Coast of India. Comparison of the heavy metal and micronutrient concentrations of the soil and water across the three stages of paddy field showed their concentrations were significantly higher in soil compared with that of water (p?<?0.05) of the fields probably because of accumulation and adsorption in soil. The elemental concentrations in paddy soil as well as water was in the ranking order of Cd?>?Mn?>?Zn?>?Cu?>?Pb indicating concentration of Cd was maximum and Pb was minimum. The elemental concentrations in both soil and water across the three stages showed a ranking order of stage II?>?stage III?>?stage I. The runoff from the paddy fields has affected the elemental concentrations of the water and sediment of an adjacent receiving rivulet.  相似文献   

黄河流域环境安全评价包括对水环境质量、水环境健康、水环境风险的综合评估和对环境治理有效性的评价,是监测河流环境安全和支撑环境管理决策的重要技术手段。当前,我国尚未形成全面、有效的黄河流域环境安全评价体系。为此,基于压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型,构建了一套具有法治特色的黄河流域环境安全评价指标体系,并以黄河流域河南段2019年和2020年环境治理工作为例,对模型进行了验证。同时,提出探索赋予河流合法权利,完善以《黄河保护法》为核心的黄河流域环境风险防控法律体系,将适应性治理融入联合执法,建立和完善“河长-警长-检察长”联动机制,建立黄河流域环境风险治理体系和突发环境事件监控预警体系等法治化建议。  相似文献   

The present study showed that irrigation of soil with different effluent concentrations (10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 %) of distillery effluent (DE) for 60 days resulted in significant (P?<?0.001) changes in moisture content; electrical conductivity (EC), pH, chlorides (Cl?), total organic carbon (TOC), exchangeable sodium (Na+), available potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), iron (Fe2+), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), available phosphorus (P), and sulfate (SO4 2?) of soil. The non-significant (P?>?0.05) changes were observed for water-holding capacity and bulk density of the soil. Among various concentrations of DE irrigation, irrigation with 100 % effluent concentration increased moisture content, (24.85 %), EC (77.88 %), Cl? (285.95 %), TOC (3,171.42 %), exchangeable Na+ (241.04 %), available K+ (52.49 %), Ca2+ (990.37 %), Mg2+ (1,751.72 %), TKN (1,417.00 %), available P (305.00 %), and SO4 2? (75.32 %) in the soil and decreased pH (?20.22 %). The more stimulation in agronomical parameters such as shoot length, root length, number of leaves, flowers, pods, dry weight, fresh weight, chlorophyll content, leaf area index, and crop yield of A. esculentus were observed to be inversely proportional to the concentration of effluent water, with the best results being obtained at a dilution of 25 % of DE concentration.  相似文献   

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