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Globally, cultural values of natural resources are increasingly recognised as important for local natural resource management and conservation in and beyond parks. The tendency has been to focus on the direct-use rather than the cultural values and importance of natural resources. The cultural values underlying natural resources (directly or indirectly used) and various natural resource-based activities, and the implications for conservation, remain little explored. Drawing from household surveys, in-depth qualitative interviews, observations and secondary data, we explore the cultural significance of natural resources and different land-use practices among the San people bordering Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa. Our findings illustrate that though cultural values are inextricably linked to resource use, they are not recognised by all community members. Further, cultural values arise from a diverse and sometimes conflicting array of values that punctuate individuals' lifestyles. A better understanding of context-specific cultural settings and the linkages between the cultural and material dimensions of resource use can lead to the development of interventions that can ensure effective conservation of both natural resources and culture.  相似文献   

Water and sustainability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This inquiry summarizes global water resources and patterns of use, applies indicators of water sustainability in order to identify areas of water stress, and examines prospects for water sustainability in the list century. A long-range conventional development scenario is introduced based on a vision of the future in which the values, consumption patterns and dynamics of the Western industrial society will be progressively played out on a global scale. The scenario is driven by commonly cited projections of population and economic growth, assumes no major changes in water policy and, following historic trends, incorporates progressive improvements in the efficiency of water use. The scenario helps clarify the constraints of a conventional picture of water development, and provides a useful point of departure for examining alternative long-range scenarios and their implications for water and development policy. In the conventional development scenario, there is growing pressure on water resources, particularly in developing regions. Strategies for beginning a transition to a sustainable water development path are summarized .  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A number of recent investigations have attempted to determine whether or not a relationship exists between water resource investment and economic growth. Reasons for the disparity in the conclusions of these investigations are examined. The degree of balance in an investment strategy may be a primary cause of the disparity in the conclusions and in determining the extent to which investment in water resources induces economic growth. Providing definitions of balanced and unbalanced investment strategies that involve water development is complicated by the polarity associated with the terms and the wide spectrum of possible components in an investment strategy. Interpretations of the polar concepts of balance and imbalance are provided and form a basis for examining the potential role of water resource development in an investment strategy and the ability of water investment to induce economic growth.  相似文献   

为量化2000-2016年长江经济带水资源消耗量对经济增长的约束程度,本文在科布道格拉斯生产函数中加入水资源要素,构建改进的Romer增长阻尼模型进行实证分析。结果显示:①研究期内长江经济带水资源增长阻尼系数总体稳定,水资源对经济增长的约束作用程度经历了明显的强弱变化;②研究期内水资源增长阻尼显著降低并趋向平稳,说明水资源对长江经济带经济增长的约束作用减弱并逐渐稳定;③浙江、上海、江西等7个省份存在明显的水资源增长阻尼,区域差异显著。由此,本文建议:长江经济带各省市应提升水资源利用效率,同时加大资本投入、优化劳动力结构,在区域协调发展方面可构建水权交易机制,以期使长江经济带在水资源"大保护"约束下实现经济的持续发展。  相似文献   

China's water scarcity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China has been facing increasingly severe water scarcity, especially in the northern part of the country. China's water scarcity is characterized by insufficient local water resources as well as reduced water quality due to increasing pollution, both of which have caused serious impacts on society and the environment. Three factors contribute to China's water scarcity: uneven spatial distribution of water resources; rapid economic development and urbanization with a large and growing population; and poor water resource management. While it is nearly impossible to adjust the first two factors, improving water resource management represents a cost-effective option that can alleviate China's vulnerability to the issue. Improving water resource management is a long-term task requiring a holistic approach with constant effort. Water right institutions, market-based approaches, and capacity building should be the government's top priority to address the water scarcity issue.  相似文献   

The water resources of most small island developing states (SIDS) are often very limited and require special consideration to ensure that they are developed and managed in a sustainable manner. Many small islands, typically located in the humid tropics, have no surface water resources and rely on limited groundwater resources in the form of thin freshwater lenses. The exposed location of small islands makes them particularly vulnerable to natural disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts. Pollution from population centres and from agricultural and other activities is an increasing problem. This article provides an overview of the water resources of small islands, and the main problems and issues related to water resources. Some suggested solutions, based on practical experiences, are offered for water resource assessment and monitoring programmes, and water resource development. Water resource policy, planning and management issues are also addressed, and suggested approaches for resolving some of the major water resource problems presented.  相似文献   

分别选取全国和甘肃省为参照区域,分析了甘肃省及其各地区2003-2007年相对水资源人口承载力、相对水资源经济承载力及其变化过程,得出甘肃省水资源相对较匮乏、人口密度较小、经济发展严重不足的结果.相对全国而言,在水资源总量上甘肃省水资源承载的人口严重超载,GDP相对满载;但在水资源利用量上,人口与GDP承载力双重富余;各地区水资源利用量承载的人口和GDP均相当富余的城市为酒泉、张掖和武威,而处于相当超载的城市分别为天水和兰州.  相似文献   

Summary In order to consider appropriate sustainable development, it is first necessary to understand the problems of developments that are inappropriate for specific population groups. Variables, such as, the culture of the group, its historical experiences, demographic and economic resources, population density, and remoteness or urban proximity should be scrutinized. This is a case study of one population group with a history of resource dependency.Inchelium is a small Native American community on the Colville Indian Reservation in Washington, USA. The construction of a large dam ended fishing in Inchelium. Changes due to the dam have led to exploitation and degradation of the community's lifestyle. Several attempts at viable alternative economic development have led to disagreements about cultural and environmental issues. Lack of sustainable development has fostered a non-viable economy. In this economy half of the employable persons are unemployed, and 80 percent are dependent upon some form of government financial and service aid.These problems are related to the effects of colonization found on all North American Indian reservations. A dependency relationship with the federal government has resulted in qualitative changes in the use of natural resources, from subsistence to extraction.Dr Pamela Elkind is Department Chairperson and Professor of Environmental Sociology at Eastern Washington University. David Lundgren is based in the Department of Sociology at Stevenson College. This paper was first delivered at the Global Forum '94 Conference in Manchester, UK.  相似文献   

Options for National Parks and Reserves for Adapting to Climate Change   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Past and present climate has shaped the valued ecosystems currently protected in parks and reserves, but future climate change will redefine these conditions. Continued conservation as climate changes will require thinking differently about resource management than we have in the past; we present some logical steps and tools for doing so. Three critical tenets underpin future management plans and activities: (1) climate patterns of the past will not be the climate patterns of the future; (2) climate defines the environment and influences future trajectories of the distributions of species and their habitats; (3) specific management actions may help increase the resilience of some natural resources, but fundamental changes in species and their environment may be inevitable. Science-based management will be necessary because past experience may not serve as a guide for novel future conditions. Identifying resources and processes at risk, defining thresholds and reference conditions, and establishing monitoring and assessment programs are among the types of scientific practices needed to support a broadened portfolio of management activities. In addition to the control and hedging management strategies commonly in use today, we recommend adaptive management wherever possible. Adaptive management increases our ability to address the multiple scales at which species and processes function, and increases the speed of knowledge transfer among scientists and managers. Scenario planning provides a broad forward-thinking framework from which the most appropriate management tools can be chosen. The scope of climate change effects will require a shared vision among regional partners. Preparing for and adapting to climate change is as much a cultural and intellectual challenge as an ecological challenge.  相似文献   

The resources sector in Australia makes a major contribution to the national economy, and underpins employment and population in the mining and mineral processing towns. For those towns, rapid growth in employment can generate particular pressures in local housing markets because of the relatively large size of the industry and the small housing stocks involved. Through a case study of Gladstone, the study provides a dynamic five-step population and housing model, to estimate short to medium term mining impacts of major resource developments. The model includes both the direct and indirect labour force generated by new resource sector developments and their flow-on effects on population increases. Sensitivity testing has allowed for different levels of resource development, employment multipliers and labour inflows. Three different approaches have then been applied to predict the housing price impacts of the expected population growth.  相似文献   

Myanmar's water‐related sectors are subject to intensive changes, as the country's abundant land and water resources provide substantial scope for development. Recent steps towards economic reform in Myanmar have led to a surge of foreign investment directed towards intensified natural resource extraction. Both the agricultural and the energy sector are increasingly affected by foreign investments that will impact the status of water, energy and food security in the country. With these on‐going developments, Myanmar's future is largely dependent on how its natural resources are managed and how the benefits from the resource extraction are shared. With various institutional changes and new actors welcomed to the sectors, existing livelihoods and ecosystems dependent on the land and water resources are to face increasing competition for the shared resources, while lacking secured access to them. There are increasing concerns that this sectoral development is occurring at the expense of environmental and social sustainability. As one way to tackle these challenges, the water‐energy‐food nexus approach could help in finding synergies and co‐benefits across sectors by addressing the imbalances along the nexus and externalities derived from the on‐going intensification.  相似文献   

产品贸易及水权交易使得水资源问题"跨流域化",不再单纯是流域内部管理问题。本文从流域比较视角出发,在区分蓝、绿、灰三种水足迹的基础上,应用水足迹模型,测算了两流域典型地区的水足迹,进行流域水资源问题对比分析,并分析了经济发展模式对流域水资源可持续性的影响。结果发现,杭州市经济用水中灰色水足迹占总量的90%,而张掖市经济用水中绿色水足迹占总量的60.8%,说明钱塘江流域水资源问题在于质,而黑河流域水资源问题在于量;经济发展模式中的产业结构、水资源开发效率、工业化路径等影响流域水资源可持续利用,同时基于GDP导向的流域间的水资源逆向配置,更加剧了流域水资源矛盾。最后根据流域对比结果提出治理措施,从而形成流域间协作的良性循环。  相似文献   

The current use and management of freshwater is not sustainable in many countries and regions of the world. If current trends are maintained, about two-thirds of the world's population will face moderate to severe water stress by 2025 compared to one-third at present. This water stress will hamper economic and social development unless action is taken to deal with the emerging problems. The Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World, prepared by the United Nations and the Stockholm Environment Institute, calls for immediate action to prevent further deterioration of freshwater resources. Although most problems related to water quantity and quality require national and regional solutions, only a global commitment can achieve the necessary agreement on principles, as well as financial means to attain sustainability. Due to the central and integrated role played by water in human activities, any measures taken need to incorporate a wide range of social, ecological and economic factors and needs. The Assessment thus addresses the many issues related to freshwater use, such as integrated land and water management at the watershed level, global food security, water supply and sanitation, ecosystem requirements, pollution, strengthening of major groups, and national water resource assessment capabilities and monitoring networks. Governments are urged to work towards a consensus regarding global principles and guidelines for integrated water management, and towards their implementation in local and regional water management situations. The alternative development options available to countries facing water stress, or the risk thereof, needs to be considered in all aspects of development planning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Proper economic evaluation of alternative plans will maximize the utility achieved from the resources available for water resource management. A knowledge of the frequency of occurrence of the events under study is necessary to fully utilize the advantages of economic evaluation in planning. Frequency information is widely used in flood control and water supply, but relatively unknown in water quality planning. A continuous, dynamic hydrologic and water quality model is presented to develop frequency curves for various water quality criteria. Results from the Denver Regional Water Quality Management Study are discussed as an example of the use of frequency analysis for economic evaluation of water quality management.  相似文献   

Conditions of environmental pollution and degradation in Asia are among the worst in the world. Rapid economic growth and industrialization over the past half century have accelerated the pollution of air, water, and land resources in a region with the world's largest concentration of population. As the economics of Asia recover from financial crisis in the late 1990s, they will face a more serious environmental crisis in the early years of the 21st century. Remediation of soil and water contamination will become a stronger concern in the region, as the human health impacts become more visible and widespread. Although environmental remediation is only beginning to emerge in Asia as a solution to problems of natural resource degradation, the authors show how U.S. firms with experience in quality environmental management and biological remediation technologies will find new opportunities for exports and technology transfer. Environmental technology and services firms interested in Asia must understand both the opportunities for and barriers to operating in Asia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Public investments in water resource development projects are continually under scrutiny in terms of economic, environmental, and social impacts. Results of an analysis of a water development project that supplies irrigation water in Idaho are discussed in terms of the impact on income distribution and income growth 44 to 64 years after the project was initiated. Gini ratios for the rural farm population of these counties were consistently lower than they were for the United States as a whole and for the state of Idaho. In addition, income distributions tended to become more equitable over time in the water project counties. Rural farm population income growth rates were found to be similar to those for the nation as a whole. Some of the reasons for these results may be related to the tendency for income distribution to become more equitable as income increases, and the fact that average farm size is relatively small.  相似文献   

The contradiction between China's economic development, its need for resources and the protection of the environment is ctitical. Scarce water resources have resulted in a considerable bottleneck restricting the economic development of water-deficient areas. An objective evaluation of the decoupling state of water consumption and economic development has become an important indicator of regional economic sustainable development. Based on panel data from 2000 to 2017 for six provinces in the arid and semiarid regions of Northwest China, the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index method is employed to decompose the factors of the decoupling index and establish a decoupling relationship model between water consumption and economic development. The reasons that affect the decoupling state of water resource utilization and economic development are herein discussed, and the stability of the decoupling trend is analysed. Based on the overall regional trend, the decoupling state of the arid and semiarid regions in Northwest China improved from weak to strong, but the high decoupling stability index varied among the provinces. The intensity and structure were promotional factors for decoupling water consumption and economic development, and the contribution rate of the intensity factor was higher than that of the structure factor. Income and population were inhibiting factors for decoupling water consumption and economic development, and the contribution rate of the income factor was higher than that of the population factor. Based on these results, corresponding policy recommendations are provided.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent growth in irrigated agriculture and metropolitan areas of the Western United States suggests that if growth continues, there will be a potential shortage in future water resources. Compound the expansion of agriculture and municipal demands with possible enaction of instream flow requirements, a method to allocate water among alternative economic sectors in the West is needed. In this study, an interindustry-linear programming model based on the 1972 national model format is used to allocate scarce water supplies among competing regional economic sectors. The shadow price of water and the sectorial value of water at different availabilities for each competing sector is derived. Also, economic sectors are ranked by value of water at different water availabilities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The arid Southwest of the United States is confronted with increasing water demands and a limited resource. Past efforts to meet water demand have been directed toward development of scarce water resources. While development programs have been successful in stretching available supply, few feasible development options remain. Furthermore, heavy water utilization has affected water quality within drainage basins. It seems likely that water management will play a much more significant role in water resource allocation in the future. This paper will examine water development activity in the Southwest to date. Attention will be given to several of the problems that have arisen. The paper will then examine water management options. Particular attention will be given to water management options being implemented in the State of Arizona.  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产数字化保护是推进非物质文化遗产保护和传承可持续性发展的重要举措,对非物质文化遗产富集的少数民族地区尤为重要.分析数字化保护手段的优势和关键技术,以湘西为例,提出建立科学合理的分类体系和数字化资源库,构建数字化博物馆等非物质文化遗产数字化保护策略,从非物质文化遗产的真实再现、知识产权保护、技术和资源共享等方面提出在非物质文化遗产数字化保护中应注意的问题.  相似文献   

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