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ABSTRACT: Conflicts caused through development of urban areas in proximity to irrigated agriculture in water-scarce regions can be minimized through the direct urbanization of irrigated lands. This shifts the water supply from one use to another on the same site rather than creating an additional use in an adjoining area. This condition has prevailed in the Phoenix region. In the Tucson region, the municipality is buying and retiring farmland in an adjacent agricultural area, for the purpose of acquiring the water right in order to transfer water to municipal use. This land purchase is necessitated by existing Arizona water law, which ties the water to the land. This method of transfer creates problems concerning how much water can be transferred per acre retired; what to do with the abandoned farmland; inequities to agribusiness and taxing entities; and loss of food crop production which have not been resolved. An alternative to the retirement of farms, applicable in the Tucson region, is to exchange treated municipal wastewater for irrigation water. While this method appears to be the least disruptive, it requires the resolution of certain institutional problems concerned with land and water management method.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In southern Alberta, as elsewhere, pressures on limited water supplies are increasing. Not surprisingly, a great deal of attention has been focused on irrigated agriculture, which accounts for the largest share of water consumed in the region. In order to meet broadly accepted water conservation goals, some commentators have suggested that irrigation water use should be metered and that irrigators should be charged based on the amount of water used. An alternative proposal would have water management authorities rely upon the perceived adaptability of irrigators. This paper offers a perspective on the willingness of irrigators to conserve water. Based on a survey of 183 irrigation farmers conducted over the summer and early fall of 1998, we found that irrigators are generally aware of the need to conserve water and soil moisture, and that a variety of water conserving strategies were being employed. Water saving technologies specific to irrigation agriculture were less widely adopted. The findings suggest that there is considerable potential to reduce the amount of water consumed by the irrigation sector through increased efficiency, but that change will be limited if current economic circumstances and institutional arrangements persist.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recently, Congress designated irrigated agriculture under the “nonpoint source” category, covered by Section 208 of P.L. 92-500 and involves the use of “best management practices.” Generally, the most appropriate solutions for pollution abatement from irrigated agriculture involve the delivery and use of water rather than the treatment of irrigation return flows. 1. Technological alternatives should be utilized that are sensitive to local conditions and acceptable to the farmers. 2. Informational and educational programs to assist farm operators individually and collectively must be instituted prior to the start of the project; imaginatively conceived, and continuously modified and upgraded if motivation for change is to be encouraged. 3. Technical assistance personnel should be given short courses in skills needed for working effectively with irrigators. 4. Communication techniques used for working with farmers as individuals and groups should be designed into the implementation program and evaluated. 5. Credibility and trustworthiness of Federal and state agencies in the eyes of the irrigators provide the important final ingredient in effectively implementing change and reducing nonpoint source pollution from irrigated agriculture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Rapid population growth in the metropolitan area of Denver, Colorado, is causing conflicts over water use. Two cities, Thomton and Westminster, have begun condemnation proceedings against three irrigation companies to secure agricultural water rights for municipal use. This is the first condemnation proceeding against irrigation water rights for municipal use. Should the suit succeed, over 30,000 acres of presently irrigated land will lose its water supply. There are about four hundred landowners in the area; two hundred of these are commercial farmers, including truck, dairy and specialty farms. Total agricultural production amounts to about $8 million per year. About 561 jobs related to agriculture will disappear along with about $4 million in not income. Only 6.4 percent of the farmland along the Front Range is irrigated. Continued urban growth will put pressure on the water supply of much of this land. The interested parties of the region should cooperate to lessen the impact of urban growth on agricultural lands and water by forming a metropolitan water district. Such a district could share costs of development of additional municipal water and develop systems where municipalities would recycle waste water back to the irrigated lands.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Casa del Agua (Casa) in suburban Tucson, Arizona, was designed as a residential water conservation facility for applied research, demonstration of operational results, and transfer of technology to the general public. Starting in 1983, an existing residence was located, modified and retrofitted to acquire operational data on residential water use. Modifications included retrofitting existing landscapes and enlarging the rooftop to collect and harvest rainwater; separating blackwater and graywater lines; installing meters, low‐water‐use appliances and fixtures, and underground storage tanks for rainwater and graywater; and creating a public information center. Over the 13‐plus years of actual operation, both the interior and exterior water use research results indicate large reductions in water use can be effected using water‐saving devices andlor harvesting and reusing rainwater and graywater. Casa achieved over a 24 percent reduction in total water use and a 47 percent reduction in municipal water used compared to the typical Tucson residence. Overall water used was comprised of harvested rainwater (10 percent), recycled graywater (20 percent), and municipal water (70 percent). Casa's Information Center was visited by approximately 13,000 people from September 1985 through April 1999 and the research has been featured in local, national, and international media.  相似文献   

Th anti-seizure medication carbamazepine is often found in treated sewage effluent and environmental samples. Carbamazepine has been shown to be very persistent in sewage treatment, as well as ground water. Due to environmental persistence, irrigation with sewage effluent could result in carbamazepine contamination of surface and ground water. To determine the potential for leaching of carbamazepine, a series of adsorption and desorption batch equilibrium experiments were conducted on irrigated soils. It was found that carbamazepine adsorption to biosolid-amended (T) soils had a KD of 19.8 vs. 12.6 for unamended soil. Based on adsorption, carbamazepine leaching potential would be categorized as low. During desorption significant hysteresis was observed and KD increased for both soils. Desorption isotherms also indicate a potential for irreversibly bound carbamazepine in the T soil. Results indicate that initial removal of carbamazepine via adsorption from irrigation water is significant and that desorption characteristics would further limit the mobility of carbamazepine through the soil profile indicating that carbamazepine found in sewage effluent used for irrigation has a low leaching potential.  相似文献   

Pulp and paper mills are one of the major effluent generating industries in the world. In most cases, mill effluent (treated or raw) is discharged back into a river, creek, stream or other water body; resulting in negative environmental impacts, as well as social concerns, among the downstream users. Pulp and paper mill effluent management, which could result in zero discharge into downstream water bodies, would present the best management option to address socio-environmental concerns. This paper presents such an effort aimed at closing the water cycle by using treated effluent from the mill to irrigate forage and fodder crops for producing animals feed. The treated effluent is delivered from the mill through gravity into a winter storage dam of 490ML capacity. For irrigation applications on 110ha of farmland, which is 42% of the total farmland, the water is pumped from the winter storage dam to five individual paddocks with Centre Pivot (CP) irrigators and one rectangular paddock with a Soft Hose Travelling (SHT) irrigator. From October 2001 to June 2006, a total of 2651mm of wastewater was applied at the farm. The impact assessment results, obtained from field monitoring, investigations and analysis, indicated that the closed water cycle effluent management strategy described had resulted in a lessening of the impact on water resources usually associated with paper mills. However, social attitudes to the use of crops that have been irrigated with recycled waters and the resulting impact on market value of the produce may still be a major consideration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Cortaro Area is currently the depository for much of the liquid waste from the City of Tucson. In the past, more than one-half of the sewage effluent was used for crop irrigation. However, since 1970 virtually all of the sewage effluent has been percolated in the normally dry Santa Cruz River channel. Nitrate and chloride contents were monitored monthly in water samples from about 20 large-capacity irrigation wells. Contents and seasonal trends for these constituents were closely related to the disposal of sewage effluent. Water quality problems other than nitrate include total dissolved solids, boron, coliform, and lead. High lead contents in the area appear to be a natural phenomenon and the coliform contents are likely related to poor well construction. The other quality problems are primarily due to sewage effluent.  相似文献   

中水回用是提高生活用水重复利用率的主要形式。提高水的重复利用率,是实现城市污水资源化是解决水资源短缺的根本途径。人工湿地既具有景观价值,又有污水处理功能。可以为市政绿化、农田灌溉景观提供水资源。经人工湿地处理的中水水质,出水水质符合我国的城市杂用水水质标准(GB/T18920-2002)、景观环境用水水质标准(GB/T18920-2002)和农田灌溉水质标准(GB5084-2005)。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In Virginia, as in many states, priority to streamflow is held by riparian landowners who are predominantly agricultural users. The streamfiow may also have a high potential value to non-agricultural users who do not have riparian rights. The potential benefits of transferring streamfiow priority rights from agricultural to non-agricultural use were evaluated using simulation for an eastern Virginia watershed. Lowering irrigators' priority to streamflow reduced crop yields and irrigated returns in some years because of inadequate water supplies. However, the transfer of priorities increased the likelihood that the urban reservoir would be able to withdraw water from the stream without interruption. As a result, priority trades reduced the size of reservoir needed to meet a given water requirement by municipal users. The resulting savings in reservoir construction and maintenance costs more than offset the losses to irrigators. Net savings could be achieved even if the reservoir were required to release water periodically to maintain a minimum level of instream flow. The conclusion is that the state should encourage trading of access to streamflow in order to increase the use efficiency of streamfiows. Alternative means by which the state can facilitate water exchanges are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Current policies for correcting the problem of irrigation return flow pollution tend to attack the symptoms of the problem, rather than its cause. The present institutional arrangement for allocating irrigation water is seen as the source of the problem. This paper examines the water quality benefits of altering the institutional arrangement to allow for irrigation water transfers through a rental market. It is conceptualized that by creating a water rental market an opportunity cost would be associated with the use of irrigation water such that profit maximizing farmers would be induced to use his water supply more efficiently and rent the surplus to other irrigators, thus reducing return flow pollution. It is shown that a water rental market could increase water quality in the Yakima River in southcentral Washington by 31 percent as well as increase farm incomes and crop production.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Use-oriented benefits and treatment costs analysis has been incorporated into a water quality index to show an economically optimized concentration for the treatment of the pollutants and the resulting water quality. This combined water quality index can be used in decisionmaking at the federal and local government levels. Five major pollutants, i.e., coliforms, nitrogen, phosphorus, suspended solids, and detergent, have been considered for the municipal waste water. With each higher level of improvement the treatment costs increase accordingly and the benefits associated with the reuse of this treated waste water will increase too but not for the nutrient removal in agricultural use. The optimal concentration is determined when the marginal costs equal the marginal benefits. The combined water quality index is the combination of the maximum net benefits and the water quality index of the optimized residual concentrations. This water quality index is zero dollars for the Tucson region in this study. The possible reclaimed use of municipal waste water is for agricultural irrigation and recreational lakes for the Tucson region.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Decision parameters affecting combined use of effluent discharges and surface flows and ground water available at Gillespie Dam on the Gila River in Arizona are identified and analyzed. Hydrologic, economic, legal, and institutional parameters are considered separately and in combination. The interrelationships of irrigation subsystems, water use functions, institutional involvement, economic and legal constraints are illustrated. Recent hydrologic studies indicate that the natural flow of the Gila River will increase with the discharge of Phoenix sewage effluent and then there will be a drastic decline when the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station commences in 1985. Competition for any increases in effluent discharges and surface flows could be ameliorated through the combined efforts of existing or reorganized entities resulting in sharing of costs and benefits. The analysis leads to recommendations concerning joint use of facilities, proration of fixed and variable costs, and creation of a mutual water company.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water irrigation pumpage of the High Plains Aquifer is controlled at the state level in Texas and Oklahoma but at the regional level in Kansas and Nebraska. Critical declines in the aquifer that threatened the reliability of local public water supply wells prompted Nebraska's Upper Republican Natural Resources District (URNRD) to mandate water restrictions in 1978. Under current regulations, irrigators may not extract more than 1,842 millimeters of water per certified hectare (ha) in any five‐year period. Meter monitoring ensures that irrigators comply with restrictions. Farmers now incorporate irrigation scheduling into their cropping practices in order to meet URNRD controls. This study examines whether irrigators are using ground water efficiently while complying with pumpage limits. Crop irrigation requirements (CIR) from 1986 to 1999 were derived from a water balance approach incorporating Penman‐Monteith evapotranspira‐tion (ET) calculations from weather data supplied by the High Plains Climate Center automated weather station network. A ratio of average water pumped per well to the CIR was developed to verify irrigation efficiency. Results indicate that irrigation applications were less than CIR during most irrigation seasons. Irrigation efficiency increases can be attributed to crop rotations, favorable growing season precipitation, use of ET estimates to schedule irrigation, and water allocations limited to less than all certified hectares.  相似文献   

Para grass, irrigated with secondary domestic sewage effluent, showed excellent response for disposal of large amounts of water, effective nitrogen removal, and high production of excellent fodder. This grass is found throughout the tropics and parts of the subtropics. It endures flooding and forms dense, easily maintained stands. This is the first time its use has been reported for effluent irrigation. Water, nitrogen, and biomass budgets over a 17-month period were measured in eight percolate style lysimeters. Under irrigation rates as great as 98 mm/day, five days/week, evapo-transpiration averaged 4.6 mm/day. With nitrogen applications of 130 to 2,600 kg/ha/yr, ≥ 79 percent of applied nitrogen was harvested in the grass; 3 percent percolated; and ≤ 28 percent was denitrified. With the highest effluent irrigation rates, nitrate-nitrogen levels remained below the 10 mg/L maximum recommended for potable water. Crop productivity for full effluent treatments averaged 110 t/ha/yr, dry weight. Maximum calculated crude protein content was 13 percent. No nitrate-nitrogen level in the forage exceeded 0.1 percent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A bromide tracer was used to evaluate percolate water and ion movement in the upper 1.2 m of soil at a proposed sewage effluent irrigation site located in the Missouri Ozarks. Two plots representing Doniphan silt loam and Crider silt loam soils were sprinkler irrigated with local ground water at a rate of 7.62 cm/week from June through August 1976. Soil water potential, percent soil moisture by volume, and background levels of bromide in soil water, ground water, and precipitation were measured at the study plots. Bromide exchange properties and saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soils were determined in the laboratory. During two selected time periods, irrigation water, was spiked with NaBr (5.0 mg/l Br). Bromide movement through the upper profile was quantified by soil water samples and post-sampling neutron activation analysis. Soil moisture was near saturatin in both soils when the Br tracer was applied. Bromide concentrations above background levels (0.023 mg/l Br, Doniphan silt loam and 0.016 mg/l Br, Crider silt loam) were detected within 2.60 hours at 0.9 m in the Doniphan soil and within 3.75 hours at that depth in the Crider soil. The rate of Br movement in the profile was greater in both soils than the measured saturated hydraulic conductivity, Bromide concentrations above background levels were present in soil water from the study plots for a minimum of 21 days after irrigation with the Br tracer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In arid regions where populations are expanding and water is scarce, people are searching for ways to conserve and reuse water. One way homeowners can conserve water is by recycling graywater‐wastewater from household sinks, showers, bathtubs, and washing machines. Graywater is used mostly for landscape irrigation. Since graywater is wastewater, reusing it raises concerns about disease transmission, either by contact with the water or the irrigated soil. The purpose of this study was to assess how factors such as number and age of household occupants, types of graywater storage, and sources of graywater used affect the microbial quality of graywater and soil irrigated with graywater. Samples were collected over twelve months from eleven Tucson, Arizona households recycling graywater. Samples of graywater, soil irrigated by graywater, and soil irrigated by potable water were collected. We found that graywater irrigation causes a statistically significant increase in levels of fecal coliforms in soil when compared to soil irrigated with potable water. Graywater from the kitchen sink significantly increases levels of these bacteria in water and soil. Children also cause a statistically significant increase in fecal coliform levels in graywater and soil, possibly introducing a small amount of additional risk in graywater reuse.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Kansas-Nebraska Big Blue River compact requires that the state of Nebraska insure a minimum flow of the Big Blue River across the state line. There are two options that the state of Nebraska may use to ensure minimum flows. The obvious option is to limit surface-water irrigators along the river. However, under the terms of the compact, a second option may be to regulate irrigation wells that are within one mile of the river and were installed after November 1, 1968. The objective of this study is to quantify the effects of 17 irrigation wells that may be regulated on baseflow of the Big Blue River. A finite-element model is used to study the hydrogeologic system between DeWitt and Beatrice, Nebraska. The 17 wells that may be regulated are located between these towns and are developed in sediments deposited in a cross-cutting paleovalley anchor alluvium associated with the Big Blue River. While there wore considerable existing data, additional data were gathered by drilling an additional nine test holes, conducting several aquifer tests, stream-stage measurements, and baseflow calculation through extensive stream-discharge measurements, establishment of a ground water-level monitoring network, determining the amount of water pumped for irrigation and municipal use in the area, and a short-term precipitation network. The model was calibrated using observed baseflow and ground water level data. The model clearly shows that regulating the 17 wells to maintain baseflow would have a minimal effect on the overall water budget. This is reasonable, especially considering that there are over 250 irrigation wells in the project area. The 17 wells considered pumped only 6 percent of the total pumpage within the modeled area during the irrigation season of 1984. The computer model provides the documentation needed to demonstrate this fact. Although much of the resources spent and a significant amount of hydrogeologic data are being collected over a period of three years on a relatively small area, the simulation model could be improved through further field testing of the aquifer and stream-bed sediment characteristics and quantification of ground water recharge, discharge, and evapotranspiration rates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: From 1940 to 1978, irrigated acreage in the Western United States increased by over 150 percent, irrigated acres per farm increased by 204 percent, and the number of irrigation organizations grew by 31 percent. Understanding the factors affecting these trends (in the structure of irrigated agriculture) is the key to formulating policies for efficient allocation and transfer of water in the west. Four variables that impact the composition of irrigation organizations are farm size changes, organizational efficiency, intersectoral competition for water, and governmental policies. The conclusions show that from 1940 to 1978, the total number of irrigated farms and organizations declined, and the average farm size increased, and larger management oriented organizations such as districts and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation have become more prevalent. With respect to total quantities of water delivered, districts have increased over 50 percent since the 1959 Census and over 100 percent since the 1950 Census, while unincorporated mutuals have declined by approximately 20 percent. Future organizational structure tends to be moving in the direction of more management control as opposed to user control. Changes in water use, delivery, investment, transfers, and laws will continue to change the structure of irrigation organizations and institutions in the west.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the sale of the Government. owned irrigation projects in New Zealand, including the development of irrigation projects in New Zealand, the rationale behind the transfer of ownership to existing irrigators, the sale process, and the outcomes. The transfer of ownership to private entities was undertaken primarily to remove the Government from irrigation activities. However, the sales were also thought to have the poten. tial to improve the efficiency of the projects' operation. The sale process was a negotiated process so that maximizing revenues was not the primary objective of the government. In many cases the government paid irrigators to assume ownership of the schemes. Preliminary data suggest that schemes are being more efficiently operated under private ownership. However, additional data need to be collected on a systematic basis to determine the magnitude of any efficiency gains.  相似文献   

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