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基于Web-GIS的饮用水水质监控系统利用Intemet/Intranet技术、GIS技术、数据库技术和环境保护技术,建立了完善的水污染监测与管理网络体系,实现了水源地污染空间信息、属性信息的综合管理.首先介绍了此系统的需求目标,在此基础上阐述了系统的体系结构、数据库设计和主要功能.  相似文献   

简单介绍了WEB数据库的ASP开发技术,设计了网络数据库公文查询系统的查询方案,已建立的公文数据库采取HTTP传输协议,应用WWW信息发布方式,实现了甘肃省环保局避域网内公文的共享,从而为网络技术在未来环境信息网络数据库数据的发布提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

基于WebGIS的流动污染源监控系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了利用Internet/Intranet技术、GIS技术、数据库技术和环境保护技术,以及基于WebGIS的流动污染源监控系统,该系统具备完善的流动污染源监测与管理网络体系,实现了流动污染源空间信息、属性信息的综合管理目标。  相似文献   

随着环境保护工作的日益深化,环境管理与决策对环境信息提出了新的要求,为此简要地介绍了中国环境监测总站正在进行的环境数据库标准化建设、环境数据库的组织与管理,并对基于WWW技术的数据库发布系统和分析系统开发的内容进行了扼要的阐述  相似文献   

介绍了将便携式智能移动终端引入现场环境监测管理系统的研究过程,依托部署在PDA上的嵌入式软件与通讯协议,将PDA与现场监测仪器直接连接并读取监测数据及结果,通过PDA上安装的无线CDMA模块,将实时的监测数据远程无线传输至指定的数据库内。实现了现场环境监测数据的无线实时传输与无纸化办公。  相似文献   

简要介绍了建立环境监测信息数据库的必要性,目前国内外数据库发展的现状,WWW技术与数据库技术相结合的发展趋势以及WWW技术在甘肃省环境监测中心站的实际应用。  相似文献   

以练江流域(普宁段)为例,分析了水污染物通量在线监测系统的需求与建设目标,介绍了系统总体架构、数据库、系统功能、监测布点和感知设备配置等设计要点,确定了系统中水污染物通量的计算方法。通过水污染物通量的在线监测与智能分析,实现对河流水质的自动研判和预警,使系统在流域综合治理工作中发挥作用。  相似文献   

系统基于VF语言,应用数据库技术,依据《生态环境状况评价技术规范》,实现对区域生态环境状况评价的规范操作和快捷运算,科学地反映特定区域内各部分横向之间生态环境状况的优劣等级以及同一部分纵向年度之间生态环境状况的动态变化;系统直观的操作方式很大程度地提高了生态环境状况评价的效率,特别是系统对3S软件导出数据的统计功能,有效的促进了3S数据在生态状况评价中的应用。本文概要介绍了系统的组成、结构、数据库以及系统的功能及其实现。  相似文献   

基于MapX的污染源普查GIS软件开发实例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
污染源普查数据面广量大,且含有准确的地理信息,但国家统一开发的普查数据应用软件中没有集成GIS分析功能。东台市环保局在对污染源普查数据的应用中,以Delphi为编程工具,调用污染源普查数据库,基于MapX实现了一款简易的污染源普查GIS应用软件,介绍了MapX特点及其应用、数据接口方法及系统的实现等。  相似文献   

汪剑 《干旱环境监测》2009,23(2):122-124
污染源普查数据是重要的基础环境数据。基于普查数据建立污染源数据分析系统,有利于进一步加强污染源监管。通过对污染源普查数据进行全面、深入、系统的开发应用,可最大限度发挥普查数据的使用价值和社会效益。本文介绍了污染源普查数据分析系统的ETL架构,以此实现与污染源普查数据采集阶段数据库的衔接,利用污染源普查原始数据库按业务需要开展灵活的数据分析。  相似文献   

Environment Canada and the Québec Department of the Environment, partners in the St Lawrence Vision 2000 Action Plan, set out to prepare a compendium of knowledge of the flora and fauna of the St Lawrence and to identify potential conservation sites. The resulting Portrait is an Internet site that presents the current knowledge base of the river's ecological and biological diversity (http://lavoieverte.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/biodiv/index.html). The Portrait provides information on over 5,000 species of flora and fauna. On the website, you will find a detailed ecological analysis of the richness, rarity and vulnerability of several broad groups of plant and animal species. Furthermore, you will find a list of species for each of the 700 survey units and a distribution map for 2,500 species recorded along the St Lawrence., in atlas form, along with a detailed conservation plan. The plan encompasses the most unique and heterogeneous landscapes of the St Lawrence, some of which have no protection at present. The Portrait provides an overview of the sites that are currently protected by public agencies and private-sector organisations and identifies new sites of interest for conserving biodiversity and protecting species at risk. This paper exposes the content of this extensive compendium on the biodiversity of the St. Lawrence. For conciseness, it presents some of the analyses conducted on birds to illustrate a few of the analytical approaches that were used. Then, the information on species richness and concentration areas for priority species of vascular plants, breeding birds and herpetofauna will serve to identify the terrestrial sites of significance for biodiversity. Finally, a similar approach having been applied to the aquatic environnement, we will conclude with a conservation plan that identifies the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and the geographic sites where the most important elements of St. Lawrence biodiversity are concentrated. Our analysis of the biodiversity of the most thoroughly studied taxa of the St. Lawrence clearly shows the importance of wetlands, particularly those located at the mouths of rivers or within archipelagos or delta complexes, such as the groups of islands and channels found at both ends of the Montréal Archipelago. These aquatic landscapes are sites of intense biological production, combining in a small geographical area spawning, nursery and feeding grounds for a large number of fish species and breeding, rearing and foraging areas for aquatic birds. Variable flooding conditions, associated with seasonal flooding or daily tidal fluctuations, create a complex mosaic of wetland and aquatic habitats. Although wetlands occupy only a small area in comparison with terrestrial habitats, they support a large number of rare plant and animal species in relation to their size. At present, 10% of the vascular flora and 27% of the herpetofauna of the St. Lawrence are at risk. In the case of reptiles and amphibians, the situation is especially worrisome because nearly all of the most threatened species live in a narrow band along the river corridor. Not only is this the sector that is under the greatest pressure from human development, very little public land remains here, making it difficult to create protected areas. Increased participation by non-governmental organisations and individuals, through private stewardship arrangements, is an essential precondition for completing the network of conservation areas in this part of the St. Lawrence. Along the estuary and the Gulf, habitat integrity has not been affected as much by the expansion of Québec's human population. This is a vast territory, and sites have been identified with a view to making up for the deficiencies in the present network of protected sites in terms of representing biodiversity.  相似文献   

Metals and radionuclide levels in marine birds of the Aleutians are of interest because they are part of subsistence diets of the Aleut people, and can also serve as indicators of marine pollution. We examined geographic and species-specific variations in concentrations of radionuclides in birds and their eggs from Amchitka, the site of underground nuclear tests from 1965 to 1971, and Kiska Islands (a reference site) in the Aleutians, and the levels of lead, mercury and cadmium in eggs. In 2004 we collected common eiders (Somateria mollissima), tufted puffins (Fratercula cirrhata), pigeon guillemot (Cepphus columba) and glaucous-winged gulls (Larus glaucescens) from Amchitka and Kiska, and eggs from eiders and gulls from the two island. We also collected one runt bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) chick from both Amchitka and Kiska Islands. For most species, the levels of radionuclide isotopes were below the minimum detectable activity levels (MDA). Out of 74 cesium-137 analyses, only one composite (gulls) was above the MDA, and out of 14 composites tested for plutonium (Pu-239, 240), only one exceeded the MDA (a guillemots). Three composites out of 14 tested had detectable uranium-238. In all cases, the levels were low and close to the MDAs, and were below those reported for other seabirds. There were significant interspecific differences in metal levels in eggs: gulls had significantly higher levels of cadmium and mercury than the eiders, and eiders had higher levels of lead than gulls. There were few significant differences as a function of island, but eiders had significantly higher levels of cadmium in eggs from Kiska, and gulls had significantly higher levels of mercury on Kiska. The levels of cadmium and mercury in eggs of eiders and gulls from this study were above the median for cadmium and mercury from studies in the literature. The levels of mercury in eggs are within the range known to affect avian predators, but seabirds seem less vulnerable to mercury than other birds. However, the levels of mercury are within the action levels for humans, suggesting some cause for concern if subsistence Aleuts eat a large quantity of eggs.  相似文献   

2020年4月29日,第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议表决通过了新修订的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》(以下简称《固废法》)。此次修订,进一步巩固并完善了固体废物污染环境防治的基本原则。笔者从法律原则自身的变化和指导法律制度设计2个层面,对几项原则进行深入分析:在减量化、资源化和无害化原则方面,强化固体废物污染防治减量化和资源化的约束性规定同时,突出无害化底线要求;在污染担责原则方面,进一步明确"污染者"内涵和其应承担的责任;在生产者责任延伸原则方面,明确了电器电子、铅蓄电池、车用动力电池等产品实施生产者责任延伸制度的法律地位;在全过程管理原则方面,强化了对工业固废、建筑垃圾等固体废物的全过程监管及信息化监控的要求。还介绍了固体废物污染环境防治原则在发达国家和地区的立法情况,以及在中国的实践情况。  相似文献   

为实现水体黑度和臭度的独立评价,以四川省11个市17条黑臭或曾黑臭的河道为研究对象,利用相关性分析法、主成分分析法,提取出影响河道水体黑度和臭度的特征因子,采用改进模糊综合评价法和基于K-均值聚类的主颜色提取法搭建出黑臭程度独立评价模型。结果表明:影响河道水体发黑的特征因子是总铁、COD和DO;影响河道水体发臭的特征因子是COD、NH3-N、TP和DO;改进模糊综合评价和主颜色提取模型对河道黑度和臭度的独立评价与实测值误差基本在一个等级以内的准确率为85.7%。河道的黑臭程度独立评价模型的确定能够实现对城市河道水质更为客观与快速的评价,为黑臭水体针对性治理与水质提升提供理论依据。  相似文献   

北京市主要水污染物排放特征及水质改善对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
污染排放信息是环境决策的重要依据。分析了北京市水环境质量的现状,基于最新源排放清单,解析北京市当前主控污染物COD、氨氮排放的结构特征和空间特征,以期为北京市开展基于流域综合治理的水污染控制和水环境管理提供依据。按照工业源、农业源、生活源和集中处理设施的环境统计口径,2013年,COD、氨氮的排放构成分别为2.7%、37.1%、35.0%、25.3%和1.5%、20.1%、54.8%、23.6%。其中,农业源中畜禽养殖排放是主要来源,COD、氨氮总排放分别占农业源总排放量的94.7%和87.0%。在北京市五大水系中,北运河流域排放量最大,COD、氨氮排放量分别占全市总排放量的53.3%和57.4%。为改善北京市水环境质量,建议从加快污水处理厂提标改造、推动面源污染治理、加强水利联通、合理规划城市规模布局等4个方面入手。  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages from 83 epilithic samples taken from the Mesta River, Bulgaria, were regressed against three sets of predictor variables, i.e. environmental, spatial, and temporal. Redundancy analysis (RDA) of species and environmental data explained 36% of the diatom variance and extracted several important gradients of species distribution, associated with a downstream increase in nutrient levels, pH, temperature, and organic pollution. The inclusion of spatial and temporal variables in the RDA model captured additional 24% of the diatom variance and revealed three more gradients, a spatial gradient represented by higher order polynomial terms of latitude and longitude, and two temporal gradients of annual and seasonal variation. Partial RDAs demonstrated that the unique contribution of each predictor set to the explained diatom variance was the highest in the spatial dataset (16%), followed by the environmental (9%), and the temporal (7%) datasets. The remaining 28% of the variance was explained by the covariance of the predictor sets. This suggests that in biomonitoring of single stream basins, the cheap and simple account of space and time would explain most of the variance in assemblage composition obviating the necessity of expensive and time-consuming environmental assessments. The nature of the underlying environmental mechanisms can be easily inferred from the diatom composition itself.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the development and application of appropriate software tools for recording, assessing and reporting data related to the operation of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants (UWTPs) in Cyprus. An appropriate Internet-Based Management System was designed, developed and installed at the premises of the UWTPs and of the Cypriot Competent Authority (Water Development Department — WDD) in order to coordinate and disseminate tasks and related information for monitoring the operation of UWTPs. In addition, a client Geographical Information System database was compiled to be used for obtaining and analyzing spatial information. The software tools are based on common procedures and state-of-the-art technology for the recording and transmission of data and information and they provide an integrated view related to the operation and the efficiency of wastewater treatment systems. Moreover, continuous control and systematic monitoring of the UWTPs by the operators as well as continuous and direct supervision of the UWTPs environmental performance is achieved by the personnel of the Competent Authority. Furthermore, direct and unobstructed provision of data to the Competent Authority of Cyprus is accomplished by the operators of the UWTPs, while the Competent Authority is supported to compose full and representative reports to the European Commission and other International Organizations. The developed tools enable the direct recording of data obtained through measurements and analyses, permit the comparison of data with existing legislation and provide an integrated picture of the operation of the wastewater treatment plants as well as the option to focus and assess each individual treatment stage.  相似文献   

We describe the development and parameterization of a grid-based model of African savanna vegetation processes. The model was developed with the objective of exploring elephant effects on the diversity of savanna species and structure, and in this formulation concentrates on the relative cover of grass and woody plants, the vertical structure of the woody plant community, and the distribution of these over space. Grid cells are linked by seed dispersal and fire, and environmental variability is included in the form of stochastic rainfall and fire events. The model was parameterized from an extensive review of the African savanna literature; when available, parameter values varied widely. The most plausible set of parameters produced long-term coexistence between woody plants and grass, with the tree–grass balance being more sensitive to changes in parameters influencing demographic processes and drought incidence and response, while less sensitive to fire regime. There was considerable diversity in the woody structure of savanna systems within the range of uncertainty in tree growth rate parameters. Thus, given the paucity of height growth data regarding woody plant species in southern African savannas, managers of natural areas should be cognizant of different tree species growth and damage response attributes when considering whether to act on perceived elephant threats to vegetation.  相似文献   

Natural capital in ecology and economics: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Brundtland Commission report, Our Common Future, defined sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of futuregenerations to meet their own needs. Although the idea of sustainable development has been widely accepted, it has proveddifficult to identify and implement policies and practices thatpromote sustainable economic growth. Some economists, environmental scientists and policy analysts believe that they can transform the consensus about sustainability into manageablepractices. They propose to accomplish this feat with a set of new ideas about the relationships between the economy and theenvironment offered under the banner of 'natural capital'. An ideal account of natural capital would be one or more standard measures or models that would allow the direct comparison of environmental goods, like forests, fresh water and clean air, with economic goods, like money, capital and productivity. By bringing economic science and environmental science to an objective common ground, a natural capital model has the potentialto provide a concrete means of comparing the economic and ecological costs and benefits of particular policies and programmes. This paper offers a survey and analysis of several new contributions to the formation of the natural capital concept from economists, ecologists, policy analysts, biometricians, foresters and a philosopher. The paper concludes that existingmicroeconomic theory may be 'ungreenable', if it is not reformulated. While macroeconomic approaches to natural capitalhave been more successful, they share the limitation that ecosystems and species are valued solely in monetary terms. These problems are taken to suggest that the development of a successful natural capital model may require economic theory tobe recast to include non-monetary social preferences and values.  相似文献   

通过龙门山区域的德阳市6个县市农用地土壤中镉的采样监测,分析了该区域镉的分布特征及区域分异原因,并对其环境生态风险进行了评价。结果表明,德阳市农用地土壤中镉含量总体水平为0.11~4.68 mg/kg,呈现西北到东南逐渐降低的分布特征;西北部绵竹和什邡市农用地土壤中镉出现超标的范围较广,2个城市约62.5%的监测点土壤中镉出现超标,且绵竹市农用地土壤中镉超标程度和生态风险程度最重,绵竹地区约25%的监测点土壤中镉出现了轻中度超标;监测区域土壤中镉出现较重生态风险点共有4个,均出现在绵竹;但较高含量的镉在该区域并非大范围连片存在;区域农用地土壤中镉异常的来源主要为龙门山中段的地质背景和部分以矿石为原料企业的综合影响。  相似文献   

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