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郑军 《中国环境管理》2020,12(4):68-72,67
生态环境国际合作是构建人类命运共同体建设的重要内容。"十三五"时期,我国在推动生态文明建设取得显著成效的同时,生态环境保护国际合作取得积极进展。本文在分析生态环境保护国际合作现状、不足以及面临新形势的基础上,提出坚持底线思维,突出重点,精准对接,以我为主、以外促内等合作原则,建议"十四五"时期加强战略规划和引领,提升生态环境国际合作的地位和作用,以建设性姿态参与全球环境治理,努力实现国内环境治理、全球环境治理以及全球治理良性互动,提升生态环境国际合作在服务国家总体发展战略中的地位和水平。并为此提出五大重点举措:即打造绿色"一带一路"成为区域环境合作的平台高地;更具建设性加强我与周边国家双边及多边环境合作;坚决维护多边主义的立场,主动参与全球环境治理体系变革;助力擦亮绿色底色,全力支撑服务打赢污染防治攻坚战;加快能力建设形成生态环境国际合作与交流的大格局。  相似文献   

京津冀协同发展的生态环境保护战略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
随着中共中央在2014年将京津冀协同发展上升为国家战略,京津冀区域再次成为我国北方重要的经济增长极。然而,京津冀地区当前环境形势仍十分严峻,是全国水资源最短缺,大气污染、水污染最严重的区域,生态环境是京津冀协同发展需要尽快补齐的突出短板。本文深刻分析了京津冀区域当前大气、水、生态三个领域存在的突出问题以及内在的体制机制不协调。在此基础上,明确了解决京津冀生态环保总体思路,并分别从环境功能区划、生态保护红线、大气联防联控、跨界水环境治理、环境监管联动以及体制政策创新等方面提出针对性解决措施,为国家开展京津冀生态环境协同治理提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

党的十七大、十八大和十九大报告均对生态文明建设作了阐述。本文系统梳理了党的十七大以来我国生态文明推进工作的历程和成就,数据显示我国在水环境保护、大气环境保护、生态环境保护方面取得了成绩。我国通过健全立法、调整结构、联防联控、专项督查等手段应对突出的大气污染、水体污染、土壤污染和生态保护等问题,其中健全党内法规和环保立法、实行党政同责与一岗双责、开展中央环境保护督察与专项环保督查以及统筹优化区域资源是关键的手段。党的十九大对生态文明建设作出了新的判断,提出两步走的战略,并作出行动部署,为美好中国的目标提供了体制和制度保障。  相似文献   

The current use and management of freshwater is not sustainable in many countries and regions of the world. If current trends are maintained, about two-thirds of the world's population will face moderate to severe water stress by 2025 compared to one-third at present. This water stress will hamper economic and social development unless action is taken to deal with the emerging problems. The Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World, prepared by the United Nations and the Stockholm Environment Institute, calls for immediate action to prevent further deterioration of freshwater resources. Although most problems related to water quantity and quality require national and regional solutions, only a global commitment can achieve the necessary agreement on principles, as well as financial means to attain sustainability. Due to the central and integrated role played by water in human activities, any measures taken need to incorporate a wide range of social, ecological and economic factors and needs. The Assessment thus addresses the many issues related to freshwater use, such as integrated land and water management at the watershed level, global food security, water supply and sanitation, ecosystem requirements, pollution, strengthening of major groups, and national water resource assessment capabilities and monitoring networks. Governments are urged to work towards a consensus regarding global principles and guidelines for integrated water management, and towards their implementation in local and regional water management situations. The alternative development options available to countries facing water stress, or the risk thereof, needs to be considered in all aspects of development planning.  相似文献   

伴随着生态文明建设被确立为国家战略,环境规划成为一项保障城市与区域可持续发展的重要公共政策工具。为从主观判断转向客观计量分析评价我国环境规划研究领域的知识生产特征和趋势取向,以更好地促进高质量发展,本研究引入CiteSpace软件对中国知网数据库中与环境规划相关的1170篇论文文献进行分析,全面梳理了我国1992-2017年环境规划文献脉络演进轨迹,归纳其中演进特征与趋势取向。研究发现:①从环境规划的概念提出开始,我国在该领域的研究一直处于不断完善与扩展的状态,高被引论文关注方向较为广泛,反映出研究热点议题的多元;②研究学者合作网络初步浮现,但研究的学科多元交叉性仍有待提高,"高产"机构研究持续性较好,合作较为多元,但地域分布的不均衡性对我国多样环境问题解决所需的近域知识有效供给带来制约;③环境规划领域的研究以与生态环境或环境规划相关的具体问题为对象,多结合当期的经济社会与国家政策环境来进行开展,呈现出持续性与时效性相结合的特点,并逐渐由方法技术视角转向政策工具视角,即由仅解决环境问题为取向的研究转向将环境规划作为解决公共政策问题的研究;近期研究热点指向多规合一与空间规划,以及绿色发展理念的探讨,更加强调其与城市与区域规划之间的密切联系。  相似文献   

建立横向跨区域大气治理的联防联控协调机制是解决区域性大气污染的重要手段。我国自20世纪90年代开始探索通过区域协作解决区域性大气污染问题,经过30多年的发展,区域大气协作取得阶段性成效,但是区域协作的内在动力和持续性不足,难以满足未来区域大气环境管理需求。本文从理念形成、实践探索、机制完善等层面系统回顾了我国区域大气污染防治协作发展历程,结合“大气十条”以来重点区域联防联控工作重点和机制创新,总结了空气质量改善、统一标准体系建设、重污染天气应急体系建设、环境监管模式创新、科技支撑等方面取得的主要成效。基于未来我国区域大气环境管理需求,从综合管理体系、立法保障、规划统筹、信息共享等方面提出进一步完善的对策建议。  相似文献   

区域大气污染协作治理本质上是以地方政府为主体的横向协作行为,地方政府的协作意愿与行动策略是决定区域协作进程的重要因素。本研究通过构建区域大气污染协作治理的驱动模型,分析影响区域协作进程的关键因素。在此基础上,以长三角区域为例,通过分析大气点源治理、移动源管控、重污染天气应急管理和重大活动空气质量保障等四类协作议题的协作进程及其驱动机制,识别差异化协作进程的形成原因。最后,本文从强化地方政府区域协作考核力度、建立区域大气环境生态补偿机制、加强区域协作机构的组织能力建设和完善区域协作治理的基础性技术支撑等四方面为构建区域大气污染防治长效协作机制提出政策建议。  相似文献   

Since Confederation in 1867, official Canadian settler government policy on the environment has sought to simultaneously preserve “wilderness” and exploit natural resources for market gain. In the 1960s, the nascent North American modern environmental movement pushed for stronger regulation on pollution and toxics – and a more institutionalised state-led response to environmental problems emerged. Throughout the last five decades, three principal “eras” of federal government reaction have emerged in response to mounting scientific evidence and public pressure to act on environmental issues. The first, from the late-1960s to mid-1980s, saw the development and implementation of early environmental policy and programmes. The second era, from the mid-1980s to mid-2000s co-occurred alongside the rise of the sustainable development paradigm, and is marked by the Canadian government’s attempt at leadership on the global stage. The third era, from the mid-2000s to 2015, demonstrates a shift from environmental regime-building and multilateral collaboration toward rollbacks and obstructionism. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the government of Canada reversed decades of progress and cooperation on the environment and sustainable development through its muzzling of government scientists, superficial co-optation of climate policy, rollbacks of environmental legislation and disparagement of environmental activists. In total, by shifting the federal government from a position of ineffective benevolence on environmental issues to one of contention and antagonism, the Harper government’s approach represents a departure from Canadian environmental governance norms and sought to remake the identity of Canada as an energy superpower inextricably tied to its oil and gas industry.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》1987,13(3):228-246
This paper reviews the significance of water/soils management problems as they are perceived, identified or acted upon by a range of institutions in Australian society. Reference is made to state/Commonwealth perspectives or land degradation, the fragmented responsibility in institutional arrangements and the political aspects of current land use planning issues. There is a lack of broad consensus on environmental problems and how to solve them. Emergent issues in water planning include the increasing importance of environmental river flows, urban water demand management, and the sunderstanding of the changing mechanisms of water allocation. The importance of scientific knowledge in natural resource agency decision making is found contentious in view of the varying roles of technical experts in organizations and the base line of political expediency. Requirements of effective policy making and monitoring of implementation highlight some of the ‘intractable’ problems in water and land management.  相似文献   

Drawing up environmental policy options is a complex activity which involves defining and weighing the merits and risks of various alternative courses of action governments could pursue. In its modern version, this task typically involves formal policy analysis or ‘policy appraisal’, that is, policy work specifically undertaken to generate and evaluate policy options in order to address problems or issues on a policy agenda. Indicators play a powerful but under-investigated role in this process. To shed light on this issue, the paper conducts a case study of the design and evolution of policy indicators in water security policy formulation, examining both their utilization and impact. The paper documents the origins of water security policy indicators; assesses their relevance and influence in policy formulation and identifies the reasons for the emergence of certain preferred indices, despite their having several well-known limitations. In particular, the discussion flags the significance of the political advantages surrounding their ease of use and interpretation, rather than their technical merits, as a key factor affecting the continued utilization and influence of specific indicators in environmental policy and planning.  相似文献   

Evolutionary simulation-optimization (ESO) techniques can be adapted to model a wide variety of problem types in which system components are stochastic. Grey programming (GP) methods have been previously applied to numerous environmental planning problems containing uncertain information. In this paper, ESO is combined with GP for policy planning to create a hybrid solution approach named GESO. It can be shown that multiple policy alternatives meeting required system criteria, or modelling-to-generate-alternatives (MGA), can be quickly and efficiently created by applying GESO to this case data. The efficacy of GESO is illustrated using a municipal solid waste management case taken from the regional municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth in the Province of Ontario, Canada. The MGA capability of GESO is especially meaningful for large-scale real-world planning problems and the practicality of this procedure can easily be extended from MSW systems to many other planning applications containing significant sources of uncertainty.  相似文献   

In response to the big policy problem of increasing failures of traditional, largely technical, policy approaches to constructively address transformational or radical socio-environmental problems from major facility siting, landscape modification, and/or new environmental management at the local level, this paper introduces “place-change planning”. This concept is applied to recent calls by Australian water scientists and policy-makers “to liberate the knowledge, skills and individual leadership and collaboration of all stakeholders to reflect a more decentralised, disaggregated and localised water world”. Local community stakeholders appear the most neglected stakeholder currently in such water management, despite increasing international recognition of their importance for constructive change in transitional sustainability contexts. As such, place-change policy design focuses on the importance of collaborative participatory approaches for better understanding of the underlying rationalities, and, by association, of better liberating the social knowledges, of place-based local communities for better policy input to realise new visions of sustainable water management, and beyond.  相似文献   

臭氧层损耗是重要的全球环境问题之一。最早认识到臭氧层危害的美国率先在国内立法控制相关物质,然而另一大经济体——欧共体,在这一方面却行动迟缓。在保护臭氧层的国际谈判中,美欧之间相互妥协,最终达成了对氟氯烃化合物(CFCs)进行限控的《蒙特利尔议定书》。美欧之间的分歧来自国内化工业巨头的影响,国际经济变动影响外交决策。国际环境问题背后隐藏的经济关系与大国的领导作用是影响国际环境合作的主要因素。  相似文献   

Sustainable development is now widely accepted as a policy framework in planning and development both internationally and in South Africa. Within this framework, technocentric scientific approaches to environmental management, which are reflective of weak ecological modernization, have dominated environmental practice both in the developed and developing world. South Africa is a country in transition and as a result environmental law and policy have undergone significant reform. However, implementation and practice remains embedded within a weak ecological modernization approach. Through the lens of two case studies reflecting changing approaches and practices within state institutions, this paper explores the shifts taking place in the construction, adaptation and application of policy frameworks and tools used in the drive towards sustainability in South Africa. The research uses critical approaches to ecological modernization (Hajer, 1995; Christoff, 1996) and deliberative policy analysis (Hajer and Wagenaar, 2003; Hajer, 2003, 2003; Hajer, 2004) to explore these shifts. It suggests that the shift towards strong ecological modernization has taken place as a result of the adaptation of international practice to the South Africa context, the global acceptance of more integrated approaches, the opportunities for change that 'institutional ambiguity' and 'multi-signification' create, and pockets of innovation that have developed when intellectual actors shift the boundaries of environmental practice.  相似文献   

“十四五”时期是我国应对气候变化的重要机遇期,生态环境部要求将应对气候变化目标任务全面融入生态环境保护规划,而国家和地方相关政策设计尚处于起步阶段。在理论方法方面,已有研究多关注国家层面应对气候变化整体进展及在不同领域的布局情况。各地区针对具体领域的规划目标、行动部署等各有侧重,但区域视角下研究仍比较缺乏。地方生态环境规划是地方生态环境部门履责的重要依据,本文构建了地方应对气候变化规划内容的分析框架,对28个省级行政区(未包含山西、贵州、西藏以及香港、澳门和台湾)“十四五”生态环境规划中应对气候变化政策进行分析,系统梳理各地区减缓和适应气候变化的重点举措,总结完善制度体系、开展试点示范等方面的主要做法;在分析各地区面临问题和挑战的基础上,提出了“十四五”时期加强应对气候变化工作的对策建议。本研究有助于弥补应对气候变化区域研究的不足,可为构建央地协调整合的应对气候变化政策体系、完善地方应对气候变化制度措施提供科学参考。  相似文献   

区域环境司法协作是区域环境资源审判一体化发展的重要面向。而区域环境司法协作的运行机理在于对生态环境整体主义的遵循、对司法理性所蕴含的价值目标的践行以及对协同理论的运用。目前,长三角地区在区域环境司法协作方面已经进行了积极探索,但仍面临着法治实践异化、制度生态化不足、保障机制缺乏等问题。本文建议区域环境司法协作应在把握司法权属性基础上恰当处理政策与法律的互动关系,加强协作制度体系对生态环境利益的考量和保护,并通过信息、人员与考核等保障机制充分激发协作主体的内生动力和活力。  相似文献   

北京市开展区域水环境合作探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析北京市地表水资源、水环境质量现状及存在的问题,得出生态环境用水严重短缺是制约北京市水环境质量全面改善的根本原因,并对此提出全面加强区域水环境合作、改善北京市水环境的基本思路,及与周边地区开展水环境合作的途径及建议。  相似文献   

The Brundtland report and Agenda 21 focus on the global environment and development problems. Though Norway is usually considered a pioneer with respect to sustainable development, analyses have shown that this has not been the case with respect to Local Agenda 21. Still, Norwegian municipalities have strengthened their institutional capacity on environmental policy, and have thereby strengthened their ability to follow up the recommendations in Agenda 21. Through the high-profile government-financed reform programme, Environment in the Municipalities, which ran from 1988 to 1996, a great majority of the municipalities have employed their own environmental officers, and environmental considerations have gradually obtained a footing in municipal planning. So far, however, it is the local environmental problems that have received most attention rather than global environmental and development problems. By the start of the 21st century a crucial question is, therefore, whether the growing number of Local Agenda 21 initiatives in Norway will in fact adopt the global perspectives outlined by the Brundtland report and Agenda 21, or just keep on with a 'business as usual' environmental policy approach. So far national environmental policy in Norway seems to be reluctant to face the global problems, leaving the municipalities with the great challenge of being the 'engine' in steaming up Norwegian environmental politics.  相似文献   

“一带一路”绿色发展的战略实施框架   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究认为推进实施绿色化"一带一路"战略是我国与沿线各国深化经济合作,展示负责任大国形象,规避环境风险,促进顺利实现"五通"的根本要求。同时,我国实施绿色化"一带一路"战略还面临着对外投资的环境管控制度不健全,"一带一路"沿线不少国家和地区生态环境脆弱,环境管理基础弱,以及沿线各国和地区发展阶段及环保诉求不同,区域合作平台与机制不完善等内外因素带来的挑战。本文结合我国实施"一带一路"战略的国际、国内形势研判,提出了推进"一带一路"绿色发展的战略框架,建议加快推进四项重点工作,包括强化绿色发展规划顶层设计,健全风险规制机制,构建对外投资行为调控机制,形成有效的"共通"保障机制。  相似文献   

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