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Recognising the importance of establishing appropriate separation distances between hazardous installations and vulnerable residential areas for mitigating the effects of industrial accidents, the European legislation for the control of major accident hazards - the so-called Seveso II Directive - calls for procedures ensuring that technical advice is taken systematically into account for land-use planning (LUP) purposes. Due to historical, administrative, cultural and other reasons, these European Union’s Member States which have consolidated procedures for addressing this issue, have employed different approaches, methods and criteria, with a potential for great divergence in the resulting land-use planning decisions. In order to address this situation and to increase consistency and ‘defendability’ of land-use planning decisions in the EU, a European Working Group has been established and is operating under the coordination of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). This Group, consisting of experts from the EU Member States, the industry and the academia, is trying to understand the different approaches and their implications to LUP decision-making, to develop guidelines in support to these decisions and to examine data sources and tools for consistent application of risk assessment in support to LUP. This paper presents the activities of the Group, reviews the situation with respect to LUP in Europe and discusses whether a direction towards more consistent LUP decisions is being followed in Europe.  相似文献   

If produced and arranged in the right way with carbon dioxide as a possible but permanently removed by-product, hydrogen as a new, large scale, applicable energy carrier promises significant reductions of carbon dioxide emissions. It is light, non-toxic, and clean burning. In different parts of the world, viz. United States, Japan, and Europe, programs have started some years ago to investigate hazardous properties of hydrogen in more detail and to develop special safety measures where necessary. Recently, in September 2009, the third International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (3rd ICHS) was held at Corsica, France. CFD tools have been adapted to describe hydrogen dispersion and explosion. Field tests have been carried out, an incident databank has been founded, knowledge gaps were defined, and risk analysis methods reviewed. The latter are required for drafting installation guidelines and measures for safe distances in land-use planning and licensing of hydrogen storage locations, pipelines, and re-fuelling stations. Yet some challenges remain. The paper will summarize present results and will address hydrogen related issues where more knowledge is needed to reduce uncertainty and improve the quality of risk control.  相似文献   

Since the late 80s the application of quantitative risk assessment to the issue of land-use planning with respect to major accident hazards emerged as a topic to be addressed within the safety assessment of chemical and process plants. However, in the case of industrial clusters or complex industrial areas specific methodologies are needed to deal with high-impact low-probability (HILP) events. In the present study, innovative methodologies developed for the quantitative assessment of risk due to domino and NaTech scenarios are presented. In recent years a set of models for the calculation of equipment damage probability were developed. A specific effort was dedicated to the improvement of models for the calculation of equipment damage probability in these accident scenarios. In the present study, the application of these models to case-studies was analyzed. The results of the improved models obtained for NaTech quantitative assessment were compared to previous results in the literature. A specific innovative approach was developed to multi-level quantitative assessment of domino scenarios, and its potential was analyzed. The results were examined also evidencing the role and the progress with respect to the pioneering work started on these topics by Franco Foraboschi.  相似文献   

The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) requires failure rate data for the assessment of COMAH safety reports and in the implementation of its statutory functions relating to land use planning in the vicinity of major hazard sites. Many of the existing failure rates used by HSE were derived over 20 years ago, but have been subject to periodic review to ensure that they remain appropriate for modern planning enquiries or quantified risk assessments. HSE needs to be assured that its sources of data and their application continue to be fit to support its statutory duties.HSE has implemented a programme of work to be carried out by the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL). This includes the development and maintenance of a single source of quality assured failure rate data, ideally accessible from the Internet, bringing together and updating existing failure rate data sources and reviewing new sources not previously available to HSE.A review of HSE’s current failure rate values is being carried out and this will be used to generate a single source of publically available failure rate data for use by both HSE and the public. This would help industry and HSE move toward a common position or understanding on failure rates. It would also help ensure that HSE professional advice is defensible and transparent.This paper will detail the progress made to date on the programme of work. It will also discuss the issues that arise as a consequence of changing failure rates and how HSE deals with these issues.  相似文献   

As industrial operations expand, major incidents continue to affect people, damage facilities, and impact the environment. In the last 20 years, about 50% of these incidents occurred in facilities that had implemented some form of Process Safety Management (PSM) and 50% came about in smaller facilities that did not include such planning (Demichela et al., 2004). The objective of this article is to use PSM principles to create practical recommendations at the regional level, to complement those previously developed for singular facilities. This article compares Strathcona County Emergency Service (SCES) in Alberta with Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA) in Ontario, with respect to safety, facility licensing, permit requirements, risk assessment procedures and land use planning aspects to determine PSM enhancements for SCES. Furthermore, for a better overview, two supplemental provincial organisations in Alberta, namely Alberta Boiler Safety Association (ABSA) and Safety Codes Council (SCC), were also considered. We proposed that SCES could develop more detailed facility-specific licensing procedures, auditing, and inspection. SCES could also provide details of accredited organisations that carry out inspections and audits on their behalf. When reviewing the quantitative risk assessment processes for SCES and TSSA, we recommend that SCES should update their probability data sources used in their cumulative risk assessment study. Based on the authors’ experience and gathered data, the use of additional facility practices such as safety management system, internal audits, and checklists can enhance incident prevention.  相似文献   

化工园区安全规划方法与程序研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
针对我国化工园区急剧发展,且无统一的安全规划方法指导的现状,分析了化工园区安全规划的目的、指导思想与一般原则;对国外常用的"基于安全距离"、"基于后果"和"基于风险"等3种安全规划技术方法进行比较研究,给出基于区域性定量风险评价方法的化工园区安全规划技术思路;进而提出了化工园区安全规划应至少包括化工园区工厂选址与土地使用安全规划、化工园区安全管理模式研究和化工园区应急体系建设及应急预案编制等3项内容,并给出了化工园区安全规划的基本程序。笔者建议,将化工园区安全规划的内容纳入化工园区的总体规划,在化工园区规划、开发和建设过程中编制化工园区安全规划。  相似文献   

由于工业设施的存在,其周边区域常常受到潜在工业事故的威胁,为了减小这种风险,必须对这些区域进行合理的土地利用规划。借鉴欧洲研究者的研究方法,利用基于后果的风险评价方法确定不同破坏分区的边界,并将不同土地利用类型的脆弱等级引入土地利用规划,结合二者的结果,依据决策矩阵得到规划决策意见。通过将上述方法应用在某拟建的LPG中转站周边区域,以丙烷泄漏引起的沸腾液体蒸气爆炸为例,将风险分析和决策结果显示在地理信息系统上。案例分析表明该设施对周边区域影响较大,需要对其进行重新选址。  相似文献   

Introduction: Driver retirement and determination of fitness-to-drive are important aspects of reducing the risk of motor-vehicle collision for an older driver. A lack of information about the review process may lead to poor evaluation of drivers or an increased testing burden to referred drivers. Methods: This paper evaluates the license review process for the state of Iowa. We evaluated data from January 2014 to January 2018 and described the source of referral, testing process, and ultimate license disposition. Cox proportional hazards for competing risk were used to determine the risk of having a change in restrictions on the license and the risk of license denial. Results: 20,742 individuals were followed through the medical referral process. The most common source of referrals was licensing officials (39.7%). Drivers referred by licensing officials were less likely to be denied their license when compared to drivers from other sources (HR = 0.92 95%CI: 0.87–0.98); however, licensing official referrals were more likely to result in license restrictions compared to other sources (HR = 1.91, 95%CI: 1.82–2.00). Drivers referred by either law enforcement or a physician were more likely to ultimately have their license denied. Conclusions: Physician and law enforcement referred the drivers most likely to have their license denied. A smaller proportion of drivers were referred by physicians and law enforcement compared to licensing officials. Practical Applications: Licensing agencies should work with physicians and law enforcement to identify drivers who may need a review of their license. Comprehensive tracking of all medical referrals for a driver’s license review is important for individual states to understand the burden of their driver referral process and for identifying referral sources with a high proportion of referrals with no licensing change for targeted outreach and education.  相似文献   

Land use planning (LUP) around industrial sites at risk of major accidents requires the application of sound approaches in the selection of credible accident scenarios. In fact, the ‘technical’ phase of LUP is based on the identification and assessment of relevant accident scenarios. An improper choice of scenarios may critically affect both the ‘technical’ phase of risk assessment and the following ‘policy’ phase concerning decision making on land-use restrictions and/or licensing. The present study introduces a procedure aimed at the systematic identification of reference accident scenarios to be used in the gathering of technical data on potential major accidents, which is a necessary step for LUP around Seveso sites. Possible accident scenarios are generated by an improved version of the MIMAH methodology (Methodology for the Identification of Major Accident Hazards). The accident scenarios are then assessed for LUP relevance considering severity, frequency and time scale criteria. The influence of prevention and mitigation barriers is also taken into account. Two applications are used to demonstrate the proposed procedure. In both case-studies, the proposed methodology proved successful in producing consistent sets of reference scenarios.  相似文献   

Introduction: Drivers with medical conditions and functional impairments are at increased collision risk. A challenge lies in identifying the point at which such risk becomes unacceptable to society and requires mitigating measures. This study models the road safety impact of medical fitness-to-drive policy in Ontario. Method: Using data from 2005 to 2014, we estimated the losses to road safety incurred during the time medically-at-risk drivers were under review, as well as the savings to road safety accrued as a result of licensing decisions made after the review process. Results: While under review, drivers with medical conditions had an age- and sex-standardized collision rate no different from the general driver population, suggesting no road safety losses occurred (RR = 1.02; 95% CI: 0.93–1.12). Licensing decisions were estimated to have subsequently prevented 1,211 (95% CI: 780–1,730) collisions, indicating net road safety savings resulting from medical fitness to drive policies. However, more collisions occurred than were prevented for drivers with musculoskeletal disorders, sleep apnea, and diabetes. We theorize on these findings and discuss its multiple implications. Conclusions: Minimizing the impact of medical conditions on collision occurrence requires robust policies that balance fairness and safety. It is dependent on efforts by academic researchers (who study fitness to drive); policymakers (who set driver medical standards); licensing authorities (who make licensing decisions under such standards); and clinicians (who counsel patients on their driving risk and liaise with licensing authorities). Practical Applications: Further efforts are needed to improve understanding of the effects of medical conditions on collision risk, especially for the identified conditions and combinations of conditions. Results reinforce the value of optimizing the processes by which information is solicited from physicians in order to better assess the functional impact of drivers’ medical conditions on driving and to take suitable licensing action.  相似文献   

Terje Aven 《Safety Science》2012,50(4):1043-1048
Ulrich Beck’s stand on risk and risk analysis has been challenged by many researchers. In this paper we look closer into some of the arguments used, with a main focus on the fundamental analysis carried out by Campbell and Currie. These two authors argue that Beck’s criticisms of the theory and practice of risk analysis are groundless: Beck’s understanding of what risk is, is badly flawed, and he misunderstands and distorts the use of probability in risk analysis. However, the analysis of Campbell and Currie is based on a set of premises, for example that risk is a function of probability and harm, and that risk really exists and one can be wrong about risk. Although such ideas are common, they can be challenged, and in the literature a number of alternative perspectives have been suggested. The purpose of the present paper is to study Beck’s stand on risk analysis and the related critique of Campbell and Currie and others, in view of some of these alternative perspectives on risk. To what extent is the critique then justified? The paper concludes that the case raised against Beck’s view is still strong and relevant, but has to be nuanced with respect to some important issues, for example concerning the distinction between belief and truth when it comes to risk. Allowing for spacious interpretations of some of Beck’s theses, the paper provides strengthened support for Beck’s view on these points.  相似文献   

This paper traces the history of graduated licensing, starting about the point in time when Pat Waller's paper on the genesis of the concept ends, and examines the extent to which graduated licensing has produced reductions in collisions. It concludes with some general observations about future research needs, anticipating several of the papers that follow.The evolution of graduated licensing is chronicled, beginning with the early and largely unsuccessful efforts to introduce it in the United States in the late 1970s, through the pioneering efforts in New Zealand, which resulted in the first truly graduated system in 1987, to Canada where the program was introduced 7 years later, to the United States where it has flourished in more recent years. This 25-year history lesson hopefully creates an appreciation for the somewhat torturous journey that graduated licensing has experienced in achieving acceptance among the public and policy-makers-a journey that is not yet over, as subsequent papers in the symposium will show. The proliferation of graduated licensing in recent years is a mixed blessing-the wider adoption of graduated licensing has been a very positive development, but the programs that have evolved are anything but homogeneous in structure or content. Although this is often necessary for various reasons, it is worrisome that some programs are graduated licensing in name only. This suggests that future efforts to promote graduated licensing must emphasize adherence to the fundamental risk reduction and multistage principles on which the concept is based. The paper also considers the extent to which graduated licensing achieves its objective of reducing collisions among those covered by the program. Understandably, most jurisdictions would not introduce graduated licensing until it was shown to be effective and this, to some extent, slowed the process of implementation. The obvious irony is that it could not be shown to be effective until it was introduced. Fortunately, as history demonstrates, some jurisdictions were prepared to try the system based on its very sound empirical rationale. And, their confidence has been rewarded. A growing body of research, which shows that graduated licensing has been associated with significant and substantial reductions in collisions, is briefly described. The paper concludes with some general observations designed to anticipate the papers that follow. First, it outlines questions that still remain unanswered about graduated licensing-why or how it works, with whom it works, and what features are most effective. Precise and unambiguous answers to these questions are essential for the design of a system that maximizes the potential for reducing collisions, injuries, and deaths. Second, it signals a note of caution on the limits of graduated licensing-it is important to recognize just how effective and beneficial this program is; it is equally important to recognize that it is not the sole panacea for the problem of collisions involving new drivers.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: There is limited information about how parents view teen driving risks and intend to handle these risks during the licensing process, and how they will respond to graduated licensing provisions. METHODS: Parents in Connecticut were interviewed when their teens got their learner's permit. The survey was undertaken when the state did not have a midnight restriction or a passenger restriction. RESULTS: Generally, parents were well aware of teen driving risks, thought parents should be thoroughly involved in the licensing process, and plan to be active participants themselves. DISCUSSION: Parents were concerned about the risk of driving after midnight and already restrict that behavior. However, parents do not seem to see or understand the risks of having even one teen passenger in the vehicle. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The views and existing practices of parents need to be taken into account in deciding on the provisions of graduated licensing legislation and how to best ensure acceptance and compliance.  相似文献   

Assessment of the risk of exposure to a “dangerous dose” (DD) is the basis of the UK Health and Safety Executive's HSE's current risk assessments for land-use planning (LUP). Some years ago, a hybrid approach using both DD and “significant likelihood of death” (SLOD) was proposed as an improvement, but was not adopted.Here, an alternative, weighted multiple threshold approach, provisionally titled “total risk of death” (TROD), is described. TROD improves the comparability of assessed risks from diverse hazards. This is achieved by first performing assessments for more than one threshold of consequence (such as DD assessment and SLOD assessment). The predicted risk for each threshold is then combined into a single risk value (at a specified location) by weighting the contributions to risk according to the predicted consequences for each threshold.This paper makes the case, in principle, for using TROD and illustrates how TROD values are constructed.TROD overcomes some of the objections that have barred progress to more widespread use of risk assessment, it is more comparable between different installations and hazards than DD, it is more sensitive than SLOD and more adaptable than probits (which can introduce a false sense of precision). It could support more direct comparison with other risks (e.g. everyday risks and transport risks) in the future.The appropriate “weightings” for addition of risks predicted for different consequence thresholds (contributing to TROD) are discussed here. A three-threshold scheme for evaluation of TROD is described. The thresholds are DD (assumed to approximate to a dose leading to ~1% fatal consequences or LD1), LD10, and SLOD (~LD50).TROD has been used in HSE sponsored research and in HSE's exploration of societal risks.  相似文献   

The source data for QRA’s is important to assure meaningful risk assessment results, particularly when the result is to be compared against quantitative risk acceptance criteria. The author’s company is one of the largest global QRA providers and we have concluded that the UK HSE Hydrocarbon Release Database (HCRD) provides the basis for the best leak frequency data as it offers complete leak data collection in a systematic manner, against a known population of equipment and facilities in the UK sector of the North Sea for which there is an accurate parts count estimate. The LEAK program is described. It screens HCRD to remove leak events not associated with full operations inventories and flows (e.g. when isolated for maintenance) and further uses a distribution function that permits frequencies for any arbitrary hole size range to be determined (e.g. 25 mm leaks, 50 mm leaks, full-bore ruptures). An important factor is that leak frequency data is not stationary, offshore operators have improved their control of leak events and the HCRD shows a declining leak rate over time.DNV often uses frequency modification techniques, termed MOR - Modification of Risk. This paper reviews 4 methods developed by the company internationally. These are the Manager Method, the API 581 method, a barrier based method, and a proprietary management system based method. These all permit localization of UK North Sea data to apply to other facilities (onshore or offshore) and with different management systems and mechanical integrity programs.Overall, localized data using MOR is considered more accurate than direct use of UK North Sea data, however validation is an issue. There are no direct comparisons that compare leak statistics over a sufficiently long period with static management systems and integrity programs. Thus MOR techniques remain judgment based approaches, but transparent in methodology and assumptions. The barrier based modification technique is the most directly verifiable of the four MOR methods presented.  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper used a quantitative analysis of relevant risks through the development of fault tree analysis and risk analysis methods to aid real time risk prediction and safety evaluation of leak in a storage tank. Criticality of risk elements and their attributes can be used with real time data to predict potential failures likely to occur. As an example, a risk matrix was used to rank risk of events that could lead to a leak in a storage tank and to make decisions on risks to be allowed based on past statistical data. An intelligent system that recognizes increasing level(s) and draws awareness to the possibility of additional increase before unsafe levels are attained was used to analyse and make critical decisions. After a visual depiction of relationships between hazards and controls had been actualized, dynamic risk modelling was used to quantify the effect controls can potentially have on hazards by applying historical and real-time data into a probabilistic model. The output of a dynamic risk model is near real-time quantitative predictions of risk likelihood. Results from the risk matrix analysis method mixed with RTD and FTA were analyzed, evaluated, and compared.  相似文献   

Experts,Bayesian Belief Networks,rare events and aviation risk estimates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peter Brooker 《Safety Science》2011,49(8-9):1142-1155
Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN) are conceptually sensible models for aviation risk assessment. The aim here is to examine the ability of BBN-based techniques to make accurate aviation risk predictions. BBNs consist of a framework of causal factors linked by conditional probabilities. BBN conditional probabilities are elicited from aviation experts. The issue is that experts are not being asked about their expertise but about others’ failure rates. A simple model of expertise, which incorporates the main features proposed by researchers, implies that a best-expert’s estimates of failure rates are based on accessible quantitative data on accidents, incidents, etc. Best-expert estimates will use the best available and accessible data. Depending on the frequency of occurrence, this will be data on similar events, on similar types of event, or general mental rules about event frequencies. These considerations, plus the need to be cautious about statistical fluctuations, limit the accuracy of conditional probability estimates. The BBN framework assumes what is known as the Causal Markov Condition. In the present context, this assumes that there are no hidden common causes for sequences of failure events. Examples are given from safety regulation comparisons and serious accident investigations to indicate that common causes may be frequent occurrences in aviation. This is because some States/airlines have safety cultures that do not meet ‘best practice’. BBN accuracy might be improved by using data from controlled experiments. Aviation risk assessment is now very difficult, so further work on resilience engineering could be a better way of achieving safety improvements.  相似文献   

Natech accidents at industrial plants are an emerging risk with possibly serious consequences. For the mitigation of natech risk, authorities need to identify natech prone areas in a systematic manner. In order to facilitate probabilistic natech risk mapping, a unified methodology was developed that is based on the estimation of on-site natural hazard parameters, determination of damage probabilities of plant units, and assessment of probability and severity of possibly triggered natech events. The methodology was implemented as an on-line, extensible risk assessment and mapping software framework called RAPID-N, which allows rapid local and regional natech risk assessment and mapping with minimal data input. RAPID-N features an innovative data estimation framework to complete missing input data, such as on-site natural hazard parameters and plant unit characteristics. The framework is also used for damage assessment and natech consequence analysis, and allows easy modification of input parameters, dynamic generation of consequence models according to data availability, and extension of models by adding new equations or substituting existing ones with alternatives. Results are presented as summary reports and interactive risk maps, which can be used for land-use and emergency planning purposes by using scenario hazards, or for rapid natech consequence assessment following actual disasters. As proof of concept, the framework provides a custom implementation of the U.S. EPA's RMP Guidance for Offsite Consequence Analysis methodology to perform natech consequence analysis and includes comprehensive data for earthquakes. It is readily extendible to other natural hazards and more comprehensive risk assessment methods.  相似文献   

Major accidents involving hazardous materials are a crucial issue for the chemical and process industries. Many accidental events taken place in the past showed that dangerous substances may pose a severe threat for people and property. Aiming at loss prevention, a series of actions have been instituted through international regulations concerning hazardous installations safety preparedness. These actions involve efficient land-use planning, safety studies execution, as well as emergency response planning drawing up. A key factor for the substantial consideration of the above is the effective prediction of possible accident forms and their consequences, for the estimation of which, a number of empirical models have been developed so far. However, (semi-)empirical models present certain deficiencies and obey to certain assumptions, thus leading to results of reduced accuracy. Another approach that could be used for this purpose and it is discussed in this work, is the utilization of advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques in certain accident forms modeling. In particular, composite CFD-based models were developed for the simulation of several characteristic accident forms involving isothermal and non-isothermal heavy gas dispersion, confined and unconfined explosion in environment of complex geometry, as well as flammable cloud fire. The simulation cases were referred to real-scale trials allowing us to conclude about the validity of the quantitative results. Comparisons of the computational predictions with the experimental observations showed that obtained results were in good agreement with the experimental ones, whereas the evaluation of statistical performance measures proved the simulations to be statistically valid.  相似文献   

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